Levenslang leren: Europese studiebezoeken met subsidie Bent u geïnteresseerd in hoe andere Europese landen omgaan met specifieke aspecten van levenslang leren? De StAZ attendeert u graag op de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan een gesubsidieerd studiebezoek in Europa. De studiebezoeken richten zich vooral op training, ontwikkeling van vaardigheden en levenslang leren. Deze studiebezoeken zijn gerelateerd aan het levenslang leren-programma 2007-2013 van de Europese Commissie. Het Europees agentschap Cedefop coördineert het programma namens de Europese Commissie. Programma De studiebezoeken duren drie tot vijf dagen en zijn bestemd voor kleine groepen specialisten (tien tot vijftien personen). De deelnemers komen bij elkaar om een specifiek aspect van leven lang leren te bestuderen in een andere lidstaat. De catalogus 2011/2012 richt zich op vijf thema’s in het bijzonder: 1. Samenwerking bevorderen tussen het onderwijs, opleiding en werk. 2. Ondersteunen van de initiële opleiding en continue professionele ontwikkeling van leraren, lerarenopleiders, en leidinggevenden. 3. Promoten van het verwerven van de belangrijkste competenties gedurende onderwijs en opleiding. 4. Sociale inclusie en gendergelijkheid promoten in het onderwijs, alsook de integratie van migranten in het onderwijs. 5. Strategieën ontwikkelen voor levenslang leren en mobiliteit. Het programma van een studiebezoek omvat meestal presentaties en bezoeken aan bijvoorbeeld sociale partners, ministeries, onderwijs- en opleidingsinstituten, afhankelijk van het onderwerp. Het bezoek biedt gelegenheid tot discussie, uitwisseling en leren. Aan de orde komen thema’s van gemeenschappelijke interesse en Europese en nationale prioriteiten. De uitgebreide ‘Study visits catalogue 2011/12’ is te bezichtigen op de website van Cedefop. Om het u wat makkelijker te maken, hebben wij van deze 340 pagina’s tellende catalogus met meer dan 200 beschikbare studiebezoeken, een voorselectie gemaakt met relevante studiebezoeken. [link naar bijlage 1 hieronder] Europese subsidie Bij deelname kunt u ervan uitgaan dat de reis- en verblijfskosten volledig worden vergoed. Gemiddeld genomen is de beschikbare subsidie rond 1.400 euro per studiebezoek. Dit blijkt in de praktijk voldoende om alle kosten te dekken. U moet alle gemaakte kosten aantonen met nota’s, facturen, e.d. Niet-gebruikte subsidie moet na afloop worden teruggestort naar het Europees Platform (het nationale agentschap). Wie kan subsidie aanvragen? Voor subsidie kunnen in aanmerking komen: • directeuren van onderwijs- en opleidingsinstellingen, -centra of -aanbieders; • bestuurders van begeleidingscentra; • bestuurders van validatie- of accreditatiecentra; • onderwijs- en beroepsopleidingsinspecteurs; • leraren, lerarenopleiders; • schoolbesturen; • human resource managers;
• • • • • • • • •
eigenaren/beheerders in het midden- en kleinbedrijf; pedagogisch begeleiders of adviseurs; vertegenwoordigers van de kamers van koophandel / industrie / ambachten; vertegenwoordigers van onderwijs- en opleidingsnetwerken en -verenigingen; vertegenwoordigers van educatieve diensten, arbeidsbureaus en begeleidingscentra; vertegenwoordigers van werkgeversorganisaties; vertegenwoordigers van lokale, regionale en nationale overheden; vertegenwoordigers van vakbonden; onderzoekers.
Hoe neemt u deel? Per Europees studiebezoek wordt een evenredige verdeling gemaakt naar nationaliteit en organisatie. Deelnemers die nog niet eerder subsidie ontvingen voor deelname aan een studiebezoek, krijgen prioriteit. Voor de eerste ronde studiebezoeken, tussen september 2011 en februari 2012, kunt u een aanvraag indienen tot uiterlijk 31 maart 2011. Maximaal kunt u vier preferenties opgeven. U moet de aanvraag twee maal indienen: 1. online via de website van Cedefop en [link naar: http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu/index.asp?cid=2&artid=8113&scid=74&artlang =EN ] 2. door een geprint, ondertekend en van bedrijfstempel voorzien exemplaar van uw aanvraag te sturen naar: Europees Platform t.a.v. Secretariaat Study Visits Kennemerplein 16 2011 MJ Haarlem Subsidieverstrekker In ieder land coördineert een nationaal agentschap de Europese studiebezoeken. In Nederland is dat het Europees Platform: Nationaal Agentschap Leven Lang Leren Europees Platform Kennemerplein 16 2011 MJ Haarlem T: 023-5531150 F: 023-5427174 E:
[email protected] www.europeesplatform.nl Meer informatie Wilt u meer weten? Neem dan contact op met: Isabel Gaisbauer, beleidsmedewerker StAZ, T: 070 376 58 79 E:
[email protected].
Bijlage 1: Voorselectie Europese studiebezoeken ‘Leven Lang Leren’ 2011/2012 Studiebezoeken:
1. The role of the social partners in vocational education and training
In ongoing development of VET, the social partners play an important role. The key is to meet the future needs of a skilled workforce. Cooperation between VET institutions and working life is crucial. Different sectors choose various ways of strengthening VET and the focus of the study visit will be on these concrete examples and initiatives. In Stockholm, there is a big variety of enterprises, national agencies and social partners’ organisations. The unit for vocational education and training at the International Programme Office will coordinate the study visit due to its good connections with the relevant actors.
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus 17.10.11 – 47 21.10.11
Participants will learn about: • regional cooperation between VET institutions and the social partners; • VET initiatives of the social partners, for example, an independent school of plumbers that was founded on the National Plumbers’ Association’s initiative or the Edströmska school that is run by several industries (automotive, construction and transport); • presentations from central social partners’ organisations.
2. The role of social partners in developing national qualifications networks This visit is organised by the host institution in cooperation with the European Commission addressing specifically policy- and decision-makers in education and training to transfer and share experience.
26.09.11 – 30.09.11
Developing quality vocational education and training is central to achieving the Europe 2020 goals and to making Europe a knowledge society. Implementing a national qualifications framework has become a priority for the education and training sector in Germany as well as in other Member States. This process requires the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in VET, including the social partners. Participants will learn about: • approaches to developing a national qualificationS framework, which includes VET, general education and higher education; • key elements of a national qualifications framework with emphasis on learning outcomes and definition of competences from the learners perspective; • developing national regulations; • establishing quality assurance requirements for VET by competent national bodies; • the role of trade unions and employers’ organisations at different levels.
3. Right skills for the right jobs
Czech Republic
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus 12.10.11 – 31 21.10.11
United Kingdom
07.11.11 – 11.11.11
United Kindom
07.11.11 – 11.11.11
The tourism industry is key for the Czech Republic. Up to now every year more than 150 graduates easily found work. Unfortunately, the economical crisis affects the key industries of many economies. What are potential chances for emplacement of future graduates? Do they have the skills demanded by employers? Do vocational schools react in time to new demands of the labour market? Is the education provided relevant to new trends in businesses? These are the questions we would like to answer with the visiting team. We also want to present good examples of practices achieved with local municipalities, social partners, enterprises and employers. The hosting institution consists of two schools of different levels and target education. Many students from the hotel school continue their studies at college. They have a very close relationship with both schools and the community. The school has already hosted four study visits (in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010). The management find the study visits fruitful for both the school and the local community. Participants will learn about: • organising theoretical teaching and practical training in real working places; • supervising practical training and evaluation tools; • new ways and technologies supporting sustainable quality in education; • other vocational schools in the region.
4. Building relationships with and supporting employers to upskill staff Employers face various pressures in the current economic climate such as business survival, competitiveness and sustainability. Loughborough College has developed a strong and robust model for engaging with employers and supporting them to identify skills and training needs linked to business objectives. Loughborough College will share its model for employer engagement during this five-day study programme aimed at those interested in sharing and developing stronger employer relations. Participants will learn about: • ways of building relationships with employers; • effective practice using training needs analyses and training plans; • identifying individual employee skill needs; • the portfolio approach to selling a range of training solutions to meet employers’ needs.
5. Trade unions creating a learning culture in the workplace Acquisition of transferable skills is core to meeting the challenges of new demands on workers by new industries that will replace declining manufacturing workplaces in Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government offers financial support for learning
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus
19.09.11 – 23.09.11
Czech Republic
03.10.11 – 07.10.11
via the Wales union learning fund so trade unions in Wales can develop learning initiatives for their members. Workplace union learning representatives help to create new opportunities for workers faced with redundancy and help individuals to develop new skills for career advancement or personal interest. Wales Trades Union Congress (TUC) supports and advises unions undertaking learning projects and disseminates key educational policy to them to make national strategies effective, for example, promotion of literacy and numeracy improvement schemes. Wales TUC would like to showcase this work to employers and trade unions’ representatives from Europe. Participants will learn about: • trade unions’ initiatives to engage adults in lifelong learning; • the role of union learning representatives; • establishing learning networks and effective links with key stakeholders; • improving employability through lifelong learning; • accreditation of prior learning; • developing key competences and transferable skills of the workforce.
6. Methods, tools and strategies for using ICT in education and training Vimercate is a town near Milan (north of Italy) where universities, schools and organisations are involved in using of ICT in education and training. As Vimercate is the site of an old IBM establishment, it is a high-tech ICT district. ICT is also used by schools for adults, students with special needs and students at the hospital. There are many examples of good practices in different types of education (formal, informal, non-formal) that can be shared. Liceo Banfi, a secondary school, works on learning objects, wiki, blogs, platform e-learning, interactive whiteboard and cooperative learning and has four laboratories for using new technologies. Participants will learn about: • initiatives to improve use of ICT in education and training; • cooperative learning; • new approaches to develop collaborative networks; • methods, tools and strategies used in ICT education and training; • improving digital, social and language skills.
7. Soft skills in everyday life or how to develop key competences Today economies require a flexible, employable workforce, able to cope with rapid changes in the labour market. Employers’ demands show that besides knowledge and professionals skills, soft skills (or key competences) are essential for work
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus
10.10.11 – 14.10.11
17.10.11 – 21.10.11
performance. Skills such as effective communication, flexibility, independence, decisiveness and cooperation are indispensable for the workforce, but not taught in the ‘traditional’ education system. Under the leadership of RPIC-VIP, a research group of training experts and education methodologists developed and verified a set of 14 innovative training programmes. Their aim is to improve the level of key competences of people from child to senior age. The method is based on experiential learning (learning by doing/playing) supported by an original methodology. We are glad to invite you to the Moravian-Silesian, the place where the tools were successfully developed and piloted. Currently they are used in school and adult education, teachers’ training, work placements, upskilling and reskilling programmes both in the Czech Republic and internationally. Participants will learn about: • key competences development tools and methods for increasing performance at work and achieving success in personal life; • innovative tools in education for further development of employees, work placements, enterprise, teachers’ training.
8. Equal opportunities in lifelong learning for all In the Ruhr area, 24 % of the population has a migrant background. Some have special needs in education but also special competences which should be noticed or developed. Women in Germany still earn 23 % less than men but often have a better education. Of the population 28 % retire because of health problems and before retirement 22 % are unemployed or in early retirement. Severely challenged persons in companies are part of representative bodies for disabled employees and need special training. Adult learning has a key role in responding to social exclusion. All students should have an equal chance to succeed; independent of circumstances such as the financial position of the family, parental education, parental occupational status, geographic location, ethnic and racial identity, gender or disability. In North Rhine-Westphalia there are many activities to promote equal opportunities through adult learning. Participants will learn about: • developing and implementing measures to improve access to education and training for disadvantaged groups; • designing and carrying out activities to achieve equity; • the special role of social partners.
9. Better working skills through lifelong adult education In the modern world things change rapidly and a training or academic degree does not guarantee a permanent working career. Everybody needs to learn more and adopt new skills. Adult education in Finland is well organised. It is normal to learn as an adult, to get new skills for work or just study for fun. Many adult learners even take degrees and start new careers. The
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus
03.10.11 – 07.10.11
03.10.11 – 07.10.11
host institution, Palmenia institute for continuing education, is part of the University of Helsinki. Palmenia is the biggest university institute for continuing education in Europe, working since 1986. Palmenia offers a large selection of training for several branches in the academic field and cooperates with other training organisations. Participants will learn about: • national strategy of education; • different types of adult education: vocational, academic, formal, non-formal; • different ways of financing adult education; • setting goals for adult education: exams, formal qualifications, working skills; • making adult education attractive; • learners view of lifelong learning; • national experiences and good practices of adult education.
10. Labour market engagement in competence-based VET The changes and demands of working life have created an increasing need for professionals in the education sector to update their professional skills continuously and cooperate with the labour market more closely. The demand for new skills has also resulted in implementation of new methods in VET. This study visit offers participants a chance to learn more about flexible and innovative pathways for VET students as well as to exchange ideas and experiences with other VET professionals and labour market representatives. Jyväskylä Educational Consortium has a long tradition and a lot of experience in cooperation with local and regional industries. The organisation is one of the leading regional developers of innovative training, learning and assessment methods in central Finland. Participants will learn about: • implementation of competence-based education (CBE); • practical ways of planning and organising vocational education based on labour market needs; • changing roles and pedagogical development of trainers and guidance personnel versus changing demands of working life; • the role of guidance for learners and in-service training for trainers and managers; • entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial attitude as an individual learning path.
11. Innovative use of ICT in general and vocational education Introduction of ICT into general and vocational education is currently one of the most important elements in Polish educational policy. In our region, many educational institutions have successfully introduced innovative ICT solutions and we would like to share the examples of good practice. The visit will focus on use of ICT in secondary vocational schools and in
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus
31.01.12 – 03.02.12
03.10.11 – 07.10.11
teaching foreign languages in secondary and tertiary schools. The host institution, Opole teachers’ training centre, is a public centre providing continuous professional development for teachers and educators. The centre provides qualification courses, workshops, conferences and offers individual consultations for teachers from all types of schools. We also publish teaching materials and an educational journal. Participants will learn about: • use of ICT in secondary vocational training; • use of Web 2.0 in teaching foreign languages from the perspectives of students, teachers and trainees of different types of schools; • methods introducing innovative digital technologies into the educational process.
12. Improving entrepreneurial competences of teachers and training To promote entrepreneurship in schools, you need qualified teachers and trainers with an entrepreneurial mindset and the right competences. For many years, DBO, an agency of the Department of Education and Training, offers teachers and trainers the possibility to develop their entrepreneurial competences by organising workshops, training sessions, information markets, study visits and even practical training in cooperation with enterprises, financial institutions and employers’ organisations. We aim to share our experiences and good practices during this visit. Participants will learn about: • the education system in Flanders; • practical examples and good practices of teacher training; • the results of the Proleron project (teachers professionalisation on entrepreneurship); • cooperating with VLEW (teachers organisation), enterprises, employers’ organisations, financial institutes; • e-support for teachers; • bridge projects school/enterprise; • ready to use tools, methods and games; • examples of school competitions.
13. Innovative approaches to teachers’ training In the process of change in the world, educational institutions are experiencing a change of paradigm too. Constructivist and authentic/alternative assessment approaches have gained importance in teacher training programmes. Innovative approaches are used in education processes at the host institution. Instructors who work at this institution have also been conducting scientific studies and projects on these approaches. There is a need for collaboration on these approaches in the
Datum Pagina in studiebezoek catalogus
Czech Republic
10.10.11 – 13.10.11
teacher training field. This study visit will also contribute to preparation of multipartner projects. Participants will learn about: • constructivist approach; • authentic and alternative assessment; • conflict of teachers and students; • development of alternative measurement tools; • teacher education practices in Turkey; • teacher qualifications.
14. Schools in enterprises, enterprises in schools – How to bring them closer There is low interest among young people to study at vocational training centres over the last years in all of the EU. Young people are more attracted to study humanities. Some technical and mechanical fields of study had to be closed. To save the existence of schools, directors are compelled to downgrade the standards for accepted pupils. Poor quality of VET leads to high unemployment of school-leavers, because their knowledge is not matched with the qualification needs of employers. Teachers at VET schools are not well-informed on new trends because VET is often organised independently by employers. Zlín Region applies several successful measures to combat decreasing interest in VET among pupils and to bring business into education. The study visit will be organised in cooperation with a training college and a practical school in Klečůvka and other VET partners.
Participants will learn about: • political strategies in VET; • measures used to increase the attractiveness of VET; • career guidance in primary education; • the nature of business involvement and the role of social partners in VET; • new approaches to in-service training of teachers and trainers based on identified employers’ qualification needs.