LIST OF PAPERS FTI-ITB 2009 – 2011 (as of March 2011)
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 1. Patar Ebenezer Sitorus, Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Edi Leksono, Agus Budiyono, Design and
Implementarion of Paired Pectoral fins Locomotion of Labriform Fish Aplied to A Fish Robot, Journal of Bionic Engineering 2009, vol. 6, Num 1, 37-45 2. Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Puji Astuti, Development of Intelligent Controller with Virtual Sensing, ITB Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 41, No. 1, May 2009, ISSN : 19783051 3. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Adhitya G. Saputro, Nugraha, Susan Menez Aspera, Melanie David, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, "Glycine Adsorption on Polypyrrole: A Firstprinciples Study", submitted to The European Physics Journal D, July 17, 2009, reference no D09341. 4. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Adhitya G. Saputro, Rachid Belkada, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, Melanie David, Eben S. Dy, "Adsorption of O2 on Co-(n)Pyrrole Molecules from First-principles Calculations", Journal of Phyiscal Society of Japan, vol. 78, no. 9, September, 2009, 094710. 5. Yosi A. Hidayat, Katsuhiko Takahashi, Lucia Diawati and Andi Cakravastia, "Supply
Chain Strategy for high Technology-Content Product and its Consequences to Technology Transfer Mechanism", International Journal Intelligent System Technologies and Applications, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2009, pp. 296-308 6. Yosi A. Hidayat, Katsuhiko Takahashi, Lucia Diawati and Andi Cakravastia, "Supply
Chain Strategy for high Technology-Content Product and its Consequences to Technology Transfer Mechanism", International Journal Intelligent System Technologies and Applications, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2009, pp. 296-308 7. Yassierli, Nussbaum MA., "Effects of age, gender, and task parameters on fatigue development during intermittent isokinetic torso extensions", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (IJIE), 39 (2009), 185-191 8. Bayu Alamsari, Shuichi Torii, Azis Trianto, and Yazid bindar, "Modeling of Iron Ore
Reactor Cooling Zone on The Basis of Iron Carbide Formation and Water Gas Shift Reaction", Internasional Journal of Numerical Methods and Application Vol. 1 Number 1, 2009 9. Yazid Bindar, "Geometry Effect Investigation on a Conical Chamber withPorous Media Boundary Condition Using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Technique", Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 41, No. 2, 2009 10. Yazid Bindar, N.A Sutrisniningrum, D. Santiani, "Pressure Drop Correlation Covering Dilute to Dense Regimes of Solid Particle-Gas Flow in a Vertical Conveying Pipe", Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 41, No.1, May 2009 11. F.D.E. Latief, U. Fauzi, S. Bijaksana, Y. Bindar, "Pore Structure Characterization of 3D Random Pigeon Hole Rock Models", Internasional Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences (Article in press, accepted 27 December 2009) 12. Brian Yuliarto, Yoko Kumai, Shinji Inagaki, Haoshen Zhou, "Enhanced Benzene
Selectivity of Mesoporous Silica SPV Sensor by Incorporating Phenylene Groups in The Silica Framework", Jurnal Sensor and Actuator B 138 (2009), ELSEVIER, 2009, pp 417-421
13. H. Abdullah, N.P. Ariyanto, S. Shaari, B. Yulianto, S. Junaidi, "Study Porous Nano for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell aplication", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2 (1): 236-240, 2009. ISSN 1941-7020 14. Nugroho P. Ariyanto, Huda abdullah, Sahbuddin Shaari, Syarif Junaidi and Brian Yuliarto, "Preparation and Characterisation of Porous Nanosheets Zinc Oxide Films: Based on Chemical Bath Deposition", World Applied Sciences Journal 6 (6): 764-768, 2009, ISSN 1818-4952 15. Amin, R., Trisnobudi, A., Kurniadi, D. and Samsi, A., Development of an Ultrasonic Method for Measuring the Moisture Content of Wood, OIML Bullletin, vol 4, pp 5-7, 2009 16. Maximilian J.B. Hall, Dadang Muljawan, Suprayogi and Lolita Moorena, "Using The Artificial Neural Network to Assess Bank Credit Risk: a Case Study of Indonesia", Applied Financial Economics Volume 19 Issue 22, 2009, 1825-1846 17. D. Desiana and T. Setiadi, ‘Effect of Ozonation and Sonication on Biochemical Methane Potential of Biosludge from Textile Mill Effluent’, Journal Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, Publisher Springer Netherlands, December, 2009, Volume 9, Numbers 5-6, pp. 461-467. 18. Handoko Setyo Kuncoro, Mamoru Sakaue, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hiedeaki Kasai, and Hermawan K. Dipojono, “ A Theoritical Study on the Formation Binding Energy, and Monomer Dipole Moment of Small Water Cluster Systems”, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, vol 7 (2009) 871-877. 19. D. Kurniadi, "Reconstruction of Multislice Image in Electrical Impedance Tomography", International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Fall 2010, Vol. 15 No. F10, ISSN : 0972-9976, ISSN 0973-7294 (Online) 20. Leanddas Nurdiwijayanto, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, "Optical Properties of
(100) Prefered Oriented Titanium-Doped Zine Oxide Thin Films and Their Electron Trapping Phenomena", Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (JMSE 2010), USA, ISSN : 1934-8959 21. Rifki Septawendar, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Suhanda, Leanddas Nurdiwijayanto and Frank Edwin, "Nanocrystalline ZrO2 Powder Preparation with Oryza Sativa Pulp as Template by Precursor Calcining Process", Journal of The American Society (JACERS 2010) 22. Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, Allan Abraham B. Padama, Nabuki Ozawa, Hiroshi Nakanishi, and Hideaki Kasai, "A First Principles Study on Dissociation and Adsorption Proceeees of H2 on Pd3Ag(111) Surface", Japanesse Journal of Applied Physics, 49 (2010) 115702. 23. Rahmat Gunawan, Melanie David, and Hideaki Kasai, Muhammad A. Martoprawiro, Cynthia L. Radiman and Hermawan K. Dipojono, "A Study of Hydrogen Molecule Adsorption on Alkali-Gtaphite Intercalates by DFT Calculations", International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IJPAP), ISSN 0973-1776 (Accepted for publication) 24. Sunu Herwi Pranolo, Yazid Bindar, Dwiwahju Sasongko, Herri Susanto, "Modeling and simulation of a separate line calciner fueled with mixtur of coal and rice husk", Asean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 10 No. 1 (2010) 25. H. Saputra, R. Boopathy and T. Setiadi. ‘Effect of Salinity in nitrification and denitrification with high ammonia concentration’. Southeast Asian Water Environment 4. IWA Publishing, London, 2010. pp. 85-92 26. R.M Rachma, V. Reinaldo, A. Muhyinsyah and T. Setiadi. ‘ Electricity generation from Tapioca wastewater using a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)’. Southeast Asian Water Environment 4. IWA Publishing, London, 2010. pp. 115-120
27. R. Rochmadi, I. Ciptaraharja, T. Setiadi, ‘Evaluation of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants in Four Provinces in Indonesia’, Water Practice and Technology, Vol 5, No. 4, doi:10.2166/wpt.2010.091 28. Bayu Alamsari, Shuichi Torii, Azis Trianto and Yazid Bindar, "Study of The Effect of
Reduced Iron Temperature Rising on Total Carbon Formation in Iron Reactor Isobaric and Cooling Zone", Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Menhanical Engineering Vol. 2010, Article ID 192430, 7 Pages doi: 1155/2010/192430 29. Triati Dewi K. Wungu, Susan Menes Aspera, Melanie Yadao David, Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, Hiroshi Nakanishi and Hideaki Kasai, "Absorption on Lithium in Montmorrilonite: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 11, 1-9, 2011, American Scientific Punlishers 30. T.D.K. Wungu, S.M. Aspera, M David, H.K. Dipojono, H. Nakanishi and H Kasai, "Electronic Structure of Lithium Adsorbed on Montmorrilonite: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 49, 1-9, 2011, American Scientific Punlishers 31. Handoko Setyo Kuncoro, Mamoru Sakaue, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai and Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, "First-Principles Investigation on Ionization Strenght,
Volume Expansion, and Water Rotational Rigidity of Small Water Cluster Systems Formed Around Sodium (I), Calcium (II), and Iron(II) Ions", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 024601 32. H.K. Dipojono, A.G.Saputro, S.M. Aspera, and H. Kasai, “ DFT-based Study on the Interaction of O2 Molecule with Cobalt-(6)Pyrole Clusters”, to be appeares in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Accepted for publication). 33. Rahmat Gunawan, Melanie David, Hideaki Kasai, Muhammad A. Martoprawiro, Cynthia L. Radiman, and Hermawan K. Dipojono, “A Study of Hydrogen Molecule Adsorption on Alkali-graphite Intercalates by DFT Calculations”, to be appeared on International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (Accepted for publication)
NATIONAL JOURNAL 1. Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Ahmad Meiriansyah, Pengontrol PI swatala berbasis neuro-fuzzy (neuro-fuzzy based self-tuning PI controller), Majalah Publikasi Ilmiah HimII Instrumentasi, Vol. 33, No. 1, Januari-Juni 2009 2. Suprijanto, Farida I. Muchtadi, Irwan Setiawan, Pengembangan Segmentasi Citra Secara Semi Otomatis untuk Visualisasi Volumetrik Citra CT Scan Pelvis, diterima pada Jurnal Makara Teknologi Universitas Indonesia 2009 3. Amelia Santosa, Senator Nur Bahagia, Suprayogi, Dwiwahju Sasongko, “Integrasi
Kebijakan Persediaan-Transportasi (Pengiriman Langsung dan Berbagi) di Sistem Rantai Pasok 4-Eselon”, Jurnal Teknik Industri, Universitas Kristen PetraSurabaya, Volume 11 No. 1, Juni 2009, ISSN : 1411-2485, Akreditasi Dikti No. 48/Dikti/Kep/2006, berlaku Juni 2006 s.d. Juni 2009. 4. Lisye Fitria, Susy Susanty, Suprayogi, “Penentuan Rute Truk Pengumpulan dan Pengangkutan Sampah di Bandung", Jurnal Teknik Industri, Universitas Kristen Petra-Surabaya, Volume 11, No. 1, Juni 2009, ISSN : 1411-2485, Akreditasi Dikti No. 48/Dikti/Kep/2006, berlaku Juni 2006 s.d. Juni 2009. 5. Irianto, D., "Standarisasi: Pijakan Awal untuk Peningkatan Kualitas di Industri, dalam Standarisasi dan Regulasi Teknis di Bidang Industri", Eddy Herjanto (penyunting), Pustan BPPI Departemen Perindustrian 2009, hal.48-58. ISBN:978-979-17119-1-3
6. Bambang Sunendar, Weko Abhinimpuno, "Preparation of Calcium Phospahate Bioceramic Powders Synthesized in Simulated Body Fluid Media", Bionatura, Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati dan Fisik, Volume 11, No. 1, Maret 2009, ISSN 1411-0903 7. Dradjat Irianto & Ani Juliani, "A Two Control Limits Double Sampling Control Chart by Optimizing Producer and Customer Risks", ITB Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 42B No. 2, 2010
INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDING 1. Kadarsah Suryadi, Heri Setyanta, "Equipment Criticality Classification Model Based on AHP", Proceedings The International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP2009), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, July 28-August 1, 2009 2. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Triati, Nugraha, Rachid Belkada, Melanie David, Hideaki Kasai, "Adsorption of Li on Montmorillonite : A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study", Lokakarya Bilateral Exchange Program JSPS-DGHE-2009 3. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Adhitya G. Saputro, Rachid Belkada, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, Melanie David, Eben S. Dy, "Adsorption of Oxygen on Co(n)Polypyrrole Molecules from First-Principles Calculations", 5th International Workshop on Reactions Involving Oxygen and Hydrogen, Global Center of Excellence, the Osaka University, Suita Campus, Osaka Japan, June 17 2009 4. Hermawan K. Dipojono, "Adsorption of Glycine on Polypyrrole: A DFT Study", An International Workshop on Synthesis and Design of Catalyst Material For Joint Collaborative Initiative, Osaka University, Suita Campus, Osaka Japan, July 2, 2009 5. Hermawan K. Dipojono, "Introduction to DFT and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", 2 nd Asia Computational Material Design Workshop, Bandung 3 – 6 August 2009 6. Hermawan K. Dipojono, "Introduction to DFT and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", 2 nd Asia Computational Material Design Workshop, Bandung 3 – 6 August 2009 7. Adhitya G. Saputro, Hermawan K. Dipojono, Melanie David, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, "Adsoprtion of Glycine on Ladder-Polypyrrole: A Density Functional Theory Study", Asian Physics Symposium 2009 8. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Adhitya G. Saputro, Melanie David, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, "Adsorption of Glycine on Polypyrrole: A Density Functional Theory Study", Asian Physics Symposium 2009 9. Adhitya G. Saputro, Hermawan K. Dipojono, Melanie David, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Hideaki Kasai, "Adsoprtion of Glycine on Ladder-Polypyrrole: A Density Functional Theory Study", Asian Physics Symposium 2009", Asian Physics Symposium 2009 10. Ekawati, E., Mostavan, A., Budi, E.M., Leksono, E., "The Renewable Energy-Based Course Re-Design with Mobile Computing Technology Supports", International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2009 11. Ari Kurniawan, Bambang Sunendar and Arief Cahyanto, "Synthesis and
Characterization Nanocomposite Hydroxypatite-Zirconia-Alumina-Silica with Pulp Acacica Mangium as Template Via Precurrsor Process Method", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7 12. Nuraini Tjitra Widya, Arie Wibowo and Bambang Sunendar, "Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Silica (MCM-41) Using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7
13. Indra Mulyana, Bambang Sunendar and Arie Wibowo, "Characteristics Optical
Properties of Nickel Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Film as Function of Dopan Concentration Prepared by Self Assembled Monolayer Method", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7 14. Muhammad Hamzah, Arie Wibowo and Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, "Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Film Prepared by Self Assembled Monolayer (SAMs) Method", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-97919983-0-7 15. Ekavianty Prajatelistia, Arie Wibowo and Bambang Sunendar, "Fabrication of Microcapsule Silica for Control Release with Span-60 as Surfactant", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7 16. Rudi, Arie Wibowo, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, "Synthesis and
Chracterization of Bioactive PMMA Bone Cement by Modifications with Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) and Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH2)", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7 17. Muamar Ganesya Firdaus, Arie Wibowo and Bambang Sunendar, "Systhesis and Characterization of Silica Microcapsules (SDS) as a Surfactant", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-979-19983-0-7 18. Leanddas Nurdiwijayanto, Bambang Sunendar and Arie Wibowo, ”The Influence of
Dopant Concentration to the Electron Trapping Effect in Titanium-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films", Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallutgical Technology 2009 (ICOMMET 2009), Graha ITS, June 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-97919983-0-7 19. Brian Yuliarto, Ph.D., ST., "Preparation of High Performance Room Temperature VOC Gas Sensors", Undangan dari 7 s.d 9 November 2009 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society dalam rangka ”2nd WSES International Conference on Materials Science (MATERIALS’09)”, Morgan State University Baltimore, USA 20. Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi, S.T, M.T., Ph.D., "Purely Predictive Application of
Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for Enhanced Oli Recovery by Miscible Gas Flooding” , 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 1-2 Desember 2009, Manila Hotel, Roxas Blvd, Manila Philipines. 21. Dr.Ir. Joko Siswanto, MPA., "Integrated Competency Model in Call Center Industry”,
"10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS)", pada tanggal 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009 , Kitakyushu-Jepang 22. Dr.Ir. Sukoyo, "Batch scheduling for a single machine processing parts of a single item with dependent setup time to minimize total actual flow time” ,10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS), 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009 , Kitakyushu – Jepang 23. Dr.Ir. Dradjad Irianto, M.Eng , "A Model for Process Selection Optimization for MTO Manufacturer with Appraisal Cost", 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS), 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009 , Kitakyushu – Jepang
24. Dr. Hasrini Sari, S.T., M.T., "Green Product Design : Identifying Determinant Characteristics Influence Costumers’ Decision to Buy", 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS), 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009, Kitakyushu – Jepang 25. Dr.Ir. Joko Siswanto, MPA., "Integrated Competency Model in Call Center Industry", 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS), 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009 , Kitakyushu – Jepang 26. Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi, S.T, M.T., Ph.D., "Purely Predictive Application of
Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for Enhanced Oli Recovery by Miscible Gas Flooding”, 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 30 November s.d 2 Desember 2009 , Manila Hotel, Roxas Blvd, Manila Philipines. 27. Dr.Ir. Farida I. Muchtadi , "Time-frequency analysis of EEG Signals Response Due to Simple Acupuncture Stimulation”, WCSET (World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology) International Conference on medical Systems Engineering, 25-27 Februari 2009 , Penang - Malaysia 28. Dr.Ir. Suprijanto, "Development Systems For Emotion Detection Based on Brain Signals and Facial Images", WCSET (World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology) International Conference on medical Systems Engineering, 25-27 Februari 2009 , Penang - Malaysia 29. Dr.Ir. IGN Merthayasa, "Analysis of Javanese Gamelan Music Laras Pelog Pathet Nem” , “The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 16), 5 s.d 9 Juli 2009 , Krakow, Poland 30. Prof.Dr.Ir. Bermawi P. Iskandar, "A New Servicing Strategy for Items Sold with Two Dimensional Warranties", dalam rangka menjalin kerjasama Internasional dengan The University of Melbourne dan Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 21 s.d 27 Maret 2009, Australia 31. Dr.Ir. Ahmad Nuruddin, "Microwave-induced Dehydration of Autocombustion Barium Ferrite Nanoparticle", CMAT 2009 & IUMRS-ICA 2009” akan mempresentasikan makalah yang berjudul “Microwave-induced Dehydration of Autocombustion Barium Ferrite Nanoparticles, 28 Juni s.d 3 Juli 2009, Singapore 32. Prof.Dr.Ir. Tjandra Setiadi, M.Eng., "Biochemical Methane Potential Test to the Biosludge Pretreated by Ozonation and Sonication” , Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE-2009) , 14 s.d 17 Juli 2009, Townsville, Queensland, Australia 33. Ir. Endra Joelianto, Ph.D, "Multivariabel H∞ PID Control via LMI Solution of Small Scale Helicopter” di Jeju Island, Korea", The International Symposium on Intelligent Unmanted Systems (ISIUS) 2009, 17 s.d 19 Juni 2009 , Jeju Island, Korea 34. Ir. Hardianto Iridiastadi, MSIE., Ph.D., "Oxigen Consumption Prediction model for Indonesian Male Works", The 17th Congress of the Internal Ergonomics Associations, Beijing China 35. Dr.Ir. Deddy Kurniady, "Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeter Using Dual Path Transducer for Steam, Flow Measurement", The 2nd CUTSE International Conference 2009, 24 s.d 25 November 2009 , Curtin Campus, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia 36. Dr.Ir. Azis Trianto, M.Sc., "Palladium-based Membrane Reactor to Improve Productivity of Hydrogen Production from Isopropyl Alcohol", The Technical Committee of the 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering” (RSCE 2009), 1 s.d 2 Desember 2009 , Manila Philipina 37. Prof.Dr.Ir. Bermawi P. Iskandar, M.Sc, " New Servicing Strategy for Items Sold with Two Dimensional Warranties”, 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS), 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009, Kitakyushu Jepang
38. Dr.Ir. Ronny Purwadi, M.T., "Cabbage Extract as A Precursor in Xanthan Gum Production Using xanthomonas compestris", 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 1-2 Desember 2009 , Philpina 39. Irianto, D., and Jerusalem, M.A., "Optimizing Process Selection for MTO Manufacturer by Considering Design Cost", Proceedings of 2nd Asia Pacific Conference of Manufacturing Systems, 2009, II39-43, ISSN: 0854-431X. 40. Irianto, D., and Thabrani, G., "A Model for Technical Requirements Determination to Optimize Customer Satisfaction", Proceedings of 2nd Asia Pacific Conference of Manufacturing Systems, 2009, V25-29, ISSN: 0854-431X. 41. Mustofa, Cakravastia, A., Irianto, D., and Iskandar, B.P., "An Integrated Approach Involving Reliability Improvement and Servicing Strategy for Warranted Products", Proceedings of 2nd Asia Pacific Conference of Manufacturing Systems, 2009, VIII1924, ISSN: 0854-431X. 42. Rahmana, A., Buchara, U.B., Irianto, D., and Sunaryo, I., "A Framework for Quality Culture Implementation", Proceedings of 2nd Asia Pacific Conference of Manufacturing Systems, 2009, I42-48, ISSN: 0854-431X. 43. Irianto, D., Mustajib, M.I., and Jerusalem, M.A., "Determining the Quality Level of a Crimper", Proceedings 2nd AUN-SEED Net Regional Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, 2009, ISBN: 978-979-18563-2-4. 44. Irianto, D., "A Model for Process Selection Optimization for MTO Manufacturer with Imperfect Repair", Proceedings the 10th APIEMS Conference, 2009. p. 257-262. ISBN:978-979-18925-0-6 45. Firmanzah and Hasrini Sari, "The Impact of Consumer Education on Benefit, Economic Accessibility, Environmental Concern on Intention to Buy Green Products", International Converence on Knowledge-Based Economy and Global Management, Tainan, TAIWAN, 22, 23 October 2009 46. Hasrini Sari, Firmanzah, "Green Product Design: Identifying Determinant Factors That Influence Customer' Decision to Buy", Proceedings Asia Pasific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Desember 14-15, 2009, Kitakyushu, Japan 47. Mahachandra M, Yassierli, "Usability Evaluation of Car Driving Simulator", Proceeding the 10th Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009 48. Manik Mahachandra, Yassierli, Iftikar Z. Sutalaksana, Agus Salim Ridwan, "Changes
in Drowsiness Rate while Driving on Highway: Results of a Naturalistic Study in Indonesia", Proceeding the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009 49. Yassierli, Hardianto Iridiastasi, Adipradana Satriawan, "Fatigue evaluation on 12-hour shift work of Coal Mining Acvtivities", Proceeding the 17th World Congress of International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Conference, Beijing China, August 9-14 50. Manik Mahachandra, Yassierli, Iftikar Z. Sutalaksana, Agus Salim Ridwan, "Changes
in Drowsiness Rate while Driving on Highway: Results of a Naturalistic Study in Indonesia", Proceeding the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009 51. Mahachandra M, Yassierli, "Usability Evaluation of Car Driving Simulator", Proceeding the 10th Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009 52. Manik Mahachandra, Yassierli, Iftikar Z. Sutalaksana, Agus Salim Ridwan, "Changes
in Drowsiness Rate while Driving on Highway: Results of a Naturalistic Study in Indonesia", Proceeding the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009
53. Mahachandra M, Yassierli, "Usability Evaluation of Car Driving Simulator", Proceeding the 10th Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009 54. D. Kurniadi, A. Trisnobudi & A. K. Harnoto, "Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeter using Dual Path Transducer for Steam Flow Measurement", Proceedings 2nd CUTSE International Conference 2009, 24-25 November 2009, ISBN : 978-983-44176-2-8 55. D. Kurniadi, "Adaptive Regularized Newton Algorithm for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography", Proceeding of International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology 2009, DIESEMAS ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung 17-18 June 2009, ISBN : 978-979-15509-4-9 56. Bayu Alamsari, Shuichi Torii, Azis Trianto, Yazid Bindar, "Numerical Simulation of Iron
Ore Reactor Isobaric and Cooling zone to investigate Total Carbon Formation in Sponge Iron", WCSET 2009 Program Conference Proceedings ISSN: 2070-3724, Kumamoto University, Japan, May 27-29, 2009 Tokyo, Japan 57. Sunu Herwi Pranolo, Yazid Bindar, Dwiwahju Sasongko, Herri Susanto, "Modeling and simulation of a separate line calciner fueled with mixtur of coal and rice husk", Regional Sysmposium on Chemical Engineering 2009, University of Santo Thomas, Manila, The Philippines 58. Yulkifli, Mitra Djamal, Rahmondia N.S., Khairurrijal, Deddy Kurniadi and P. Ripka,
"The Influence of the Tape-core Layer Number of Fluxgate Sensor to the Demagnetization Factor", Proceedings International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME) 2009, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung Indonesia, November 23-25, 2009, ISBN : 978-979-1344-67-8 59. Dr.Ir. Iwan Inrawan Wiratmadja, "The Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer From Higher Education to Small Industries", 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS) , 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009 , KitakyushuJepang 60. Amelia Santoso, Senator Nur Bahagia, Suprayogi, Dwiwahju Sasongko, "Model of
Integrated Inventory-Direct Transportation with Considering Probabilistic TimeDependent Demand", The 2oth National Conperence of Australian Socety for Operations Research incorporating The 5th International Intelligent Logistics System Conference, Australia, 27-30 September 2009, ISBN 978-0-646-52115-2 61. Suprayogi, Susy Susanty, "Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips,
Multiple Depots and Heterogeneous Fleeet of Vehicles Based on Set Partitioning Problem Formulation", The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Manufacturing System, November 4th-5th, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 62. Dr.Ir. I.G.B.N. Makertihartha, "Synthesis and Activity Test of Cu/ZnO/AI2O3 for the Methanol Steam Reforming", The Technical Committee of the 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2009)", 1 s.d 2 Desember 2009 , Manila Philipina 63. Dr. Andi Cakravastia Arisaputra Raja, S.T., M.T, "A Conceptual Supplier Selection Model that Consider Technology Transfer Risk” , 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS) , 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009, Kitakyushu-Jepang 64. Suprayogi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., "Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips, Time Windows, and Simultaneous delivery and Pickup services”, 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference (APIEMS) , 14 s.d 16 Desember 2009, Kitakyushu-Jepang
65. Andi, Ronny Purwadi, M.T.A.P. Kresnowati, and Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Conversion of Waste from Biodiesel Industry into Valuable Products: an Initial Step to Biorefinery’, International Conference of Biotechnology, Bandung, June 15-16, 2009, pp. 77-82. 66. Desiana and T. Setiadi, ‘Biochemical Methane Potential Test to the Biosludge Pretreated by Ozonation and Sonication’, Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE-2009), Jupiters Hotel, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 14-17 July 2009. 67. Hendro Risdianto, Kevin Jonathan C., Yoke Christine, V.M., Tjandra Setiadi, “Evaluation of Crude Laccase Enzyme Performance at Pulp Bleaching Pre-Treatment Process’’, Proceeding International seminar on Sustainable Biomassa Production and Utilization Challenges and Opportunities (ISOMASS), Lampung, August 3-4, 2009, I187 – I-196. 68. H.C. Hambali, E. Suwito, S.H. Suhardi, T. Setiadi, ‘Textile Wastewater Decolorization Performance using Marasmius sp in Immersion and Trickling Systems’, Proceeding The 3rd IWA ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Taiwan, October 18-22, 2009, pp. 151. 69. Rachma R.M., Reinaldo V, Muhyinsyah A, Setiadi T, ‘Electricity Generation from Tapioca Wastewater Using a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)’, Proceedings The 7th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Thailand, October 28-30, 2009, pp. 363-369. 70. Hendro Risdianto, Elis Sofianti, Suraya, Sri Harjati Suhardi, Tjandra Setiadi, ‘The
Influence of Carbon Sources on Laccase Production by White Rot Fungus Marasmius sp. in Solid State Fermentation’, Proceedings ASEAN-Korea Symposium and Workshop on Biorefinery Technology for Sustainable Production of Biofuel and Industrial Biochemicals, February 18-20, 2010. 71. R. Rochmadi, I. Ciptaraharja, T. Setiadi, ‘Evaluation of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants in Four Provinces in Indonesia’, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Solutions in Developing Countries Conference and Exhibition, Surabaya – Indonesia, 23-26 March 2010, Technical Options, IWA 2801. 72. Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Indonesia Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change on Water Sector’, 10th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference, Manila – Republic of the Philippines, 14-17 June 2010. 73. Rinaldi. M. Rachma, Vincentius Reinaldo, Ahyat Muhyinsyah, Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Electricity Generation from Tapioca Wastewater using a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)’, 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 7 & 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, Prague – Czech Republic, 28 August – 1 September 2010. 74. Hendro Risdianto, Sri Harjati Suhardi, Tjandra Setiadi, Takao Kokugan, ‘The
Influence of Temperature on Laccase Production in Solid State Fermentation by Using White Rot Fungus Marasmius sp’. Proceeding of The 1st International Sminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering. Bali 3 – 4 November 2010. 75. Hendro Risdianto, Elis Sofianti, Sri Harjati Suhardi, Tjandra Setiadi. ‘The optimisation
of laccase production using white rot fungi and agriculture waste in solid state fermentation’. Proceeding of 17th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE) 2010. Bangkok 22-23 November 2010 76. Rety Setyawaty, Tjandra Setiadi, Keiko Katayama-Hirayama, ‘Production of
Biodegradable Plastics (Polyhydroxyalkanoates) Using Tapioca Industrial Wastewater: An Indonesian Case’, International Academic Hub for River Basin Research, Poster Session, Nov. 29th, 2010, University Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan.
77. Tomy Agustinus Ferdian, Aldrian Reza and Tjandra Setiadi. ‘Membrane Bioreactor
Performance in Textile Wastewater Treatment: Evaluation of Laboratory and Plant Scale’. Proceeding of The 8th International Conference on Membrane Science and Technology (MST 2010). Bandung, 30 November – 1 Desember 2010. 78. Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Khalifa Aldila Putra and Leanddas Nurdiwijayanto, "The Use of Red Mud as Waste Product of Aluminum Prodution form Bauxite for
Ceramic Coating on Steel as Surface Modification to Improve Mechanical and Chemical Properties", Proceedings 3rd Regional Conference Interdisciplinary on Natural Resources and Materials Engineering, 25th September 2010 79. Angela Evelyna, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Nina Djustiana, Zulia Hasratiningsih, "Self Sysnthesis Al-Si-Zr Nanoparticle Filler and It's Microstructure Characterization for resin Dental Restorative dental Material", Proceedings Balikpapan International Dental Exhibition 2010 80. Tjandra Setiadi, "Electricity generation from tapioca wastewater using a microbial fuel cell (MFCs)”, Proceedings 7th European Congres of Chemical Engineering and 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, 28 Agustus s.d 1 September 2010 di Prague, Czeh Republic 81. Brian Yuliarto, Fahiem Fanani, M. Kasyful Fuadi, and Nugraha, "Preparation of Nanoporous TiO2 for Cye-Sensitized Solar Cell Using Various Dyes", The 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Bandung 2010 (NNSB2010), An International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, June 16, 2010 82. Brian Yuliarto, Muhammad Iqbal, Sri Julia, and Nugraha, "Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructure Zinc Oxide for LP Gas Sensor", The 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Bandung 2010 (NNSB2010), An International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, June 16, 2010 83. Sri Julia, Brian Yuliarto and Nugraha, "Synthesis of Various Nano Pattern of ZnO Using Sol Gel Method", The 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Bandung 2010 (NNSB2010), An International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, June 16, 2010 84. Evan Kamaratul Insani, Van H. Nguyen, Go Kawamura, Jun-ichi Hamagami, Mototsugu Sakai, Atsunori Matsuda, Brian Yuliarto, "Proton Conductivity of CsH2PO4 - WPA Composites at Intermediate Temperature", The 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium, Bandung 2010 (NNSB2010), An International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, June 16, 2010 85. Nugroho Pratomo Ariyanto, Huda abdullah, Brian Yuliarto, Syarif Junaidi, Yap Chi Chin, Muhammad Yahya, Sahbudin Shaari, "Fabrication and Characterization of Flower-like Zinc Oxide for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Phoanode", Proceedings of 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Nanotechnology, February 20-22, 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom 86. Nugroho Pratomo Ariyanto, Huda abdullah, Syarif Junaidi, Brian Yuliarto, Sahbudin Shaari, "Fabrication of Zinc Oxide-based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by Chmemical Bath Deposition", Proceedings of International Conference on Functional Materials Devices 2010, 13-17 June 2010, Trengganu Malaysia 87. Bermawi P. Iskandar, "Two New Servicing Strategies for Products Sold with OneDimensional Warranties", The 4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2010), 2-4 Desember 2010, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
88. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Adhitya G. Saputro, Triati D. K. Wungu, Handoko S. Kuncoro, Rahmar Gunawan, Cynthia L. Radiman, Muhammad A. Martoprawiro, Melanie david, Hideaki Kasai, "DFT-Based Calculations for Progressive Search of New Functional Materials Through Computational Materials Design", International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (ICMST 2010), 19-23 October 2010, Puspiptek Serpong Tangerang, Indonesia 89. Putri,N.T., Yusof, S.M., and Irianto, D., "Factors affecting Effectiveness of Quality
Engineering Implementation in Malaysia and Indonesian Automotive Industries – Delphic Hoerarchy Process Methodology", Proceedings World Engineering Congress 2010, Kuching Malaysia. 90. Hardianto Iridiastadi, "Aerobic Capacity and Oxygen Consumption Prediction Equations for Indonesia Young Adults", First Southeast Asia Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES 2010), Cebu, Philipina 14-17 December 2010. 91. A. Zainal Abidin, I. Noezar and Rhidhawati, ”Synthesis and Characterization of
Superabsorbent Polymer Composites Based on Acrylic Acid, Acrylamide and Bentonite”, International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (ICMST 2010), 19-23 October 2010, Puspiptek Serpong Tangerang, Indonesia 92. Abraham H Prasetya, Angga Prasetya and A.Zainal Abidin "Solar Powered Water Pump : Stirling Engine Design and Feformance Evaluation of Solar Cooker", ICCHT2010 - 5th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Bandung, Indonesia 9- 11 December 2010 93. J. Sarwono, FX. N Soelami, and D. Arinanda, “Integrated Lighting LuminairesAcoustics Diffusor for Classroom”, proceedings of 20th ICA, Sydney, Australia, 23-27 August 2010. 94. J. Sarwono, Suprijanto, and M.I. Mandasari, “Forensic Speaker Identification: an experience in Indonesian court”, proceedings of 20th ICA, Sydney, Australia, 23-27 August 2010 95. Hakim, F.A., Mandasari, M.I., Sarwono, J. "Acoustic speech analysis of wayang golek puppeteer", (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1325, pp. 316-318. 96. Irianto, D., "In-Process Correction Systems in a Small Repetitive Manufacturing Enterprise", Prosiding ICIEBM conference, Oct. 2010. 97. Irianto, D., "Constructing Context: A Three Dimensions of Change in Quality Management Implementation", Prosiding APIEMS conference, Dec 2010.
NATIONAL PROCEEDING 1. Dani Saputra, Boris Victor, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Azis Trianto, "Reaktor Membran
Berunggun Tetap untuk Produksi Hidrogen dari Gas Produser Melalui water Gas Shift Reaction", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 2. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Aang Nuryaman, Agus Yodi Gunawan, "Pendekatan Rotary Kiln pada Produksi Besi Spons", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 3. Manik Mahachandra, Putri R. Anggreini, Yassierli, "Analisis pola kedipan mata sebagai indikator kantuk pengemudi mobil penumpang di Indonesia", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ergonomi IX, Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI), Semarang 17-18 November 2009, ISBN: 978-979-704-802-0
4. Yassierli, Muhammad Nur, Manik Mahachandra, "Perancangan Aplikasi Evaluasi Cepat Ergonomi Berbasiskan Telepon Genggam", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ergonomi IX, Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI), Semarang 17-18 November 2009, ISBN: 978-979-704-802-0 5. Yassierli, Yuli Adam Prasetyo, Yudithia Dzaryati, "Perancangan Games Simulasi Industri untuk Pengajaran Ergonomi", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ergonomi IX, Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI), Semarang 17-18 November 2009, ISBN: 978-979-704-802-0 6. Irianto, D., "Peningkatan Kualitas di Industri, Seminar Nasional ISTMI", Bandung, 2009. (Invited) 7. M. Effendy, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Yazid Bindar, "Optimasi Reverse Flow reactor
dalam Mengolah Emisi gas Metana dari Stasiun Kompresor Sietm Perpindahan gas Alam", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 8. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, "Technology Report on Reverse flow Reactor Operation in European Roadmap for Process Intensification", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-97998300-1-2 9. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Muh. Habibi, "Kelakuan Dinamik Konveter Katalitik pada Kondisi Hot-Run untuk Oksidasi CO", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-983001-2 10. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Sri Baardianti A.M., Wiwin Lukman Febrianto, "Level Laju
Reaksi Elemen Transien untuk Menelaah Kelakuan Dinamik Konventer Katalik dalam Oksidasi CO", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 11. Hari Rionaldo, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, "Pemodelan dan Simulasi Reaktor Membran Berbasis Pd/Ag untuk Water Gas Shift Reaction", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-97998300-1-2 12. M. Effendy, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Yazid Bindar, Subagjo, “Penentuan Metode Operasi
Reverse Flow Reactor dengan Umpan Fluktuatif dalam Pengolahan Emisi Gas Metana di Stasiun Kompresor", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia 2009 (SNTKI 2009), Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 13. Yul Y. Nazaruddin, Abdullah Nur Aziz, Parsaulian Siregar, Yazid Bindar, Potensi
penghematan biaya energi dari operasional boiler di Industri Minyak dengan penggunaan pengontrol pembakaran berbasis Neural -Predictive, Dies Emas ITB : Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Kebijakan, Managemen, dan Teknologi di Bidang Energi, Kampus ITB, 4-5 Maret 2009 14. Yazid Bindar, Helen Adelina, "Thermodynamic Modeling On Grate Combustion of Mixed Palm Shell and Empty Bunch Fuel In A Steam Boiler", Seminar Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009 Bandung 19-20 Oktober 2009 ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 15. Profiyanti Hermien Suharti, Yogi Wibisono Budi, Yazid Bindar, "Pemodelan dan
Simulasi Proses Start-up Reaksi Oksidasi Katalitik Uap Bensin pada Reverse Flow Reactor", Seminar Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009 Bandung 19-20 Oktober 2009 ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 16. Yazid Bindar, Anton Irawan, Teguh Kurniawan, "Pemodelan Rotary Kiln pada Produksi Besi Spons", Seminar Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009 Bandung 19-20 Oktober 2009 ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2
17. M. Effendy, Yogi W. Budhi, Yazid Bindar, Subagjo, "Optimisasi Reverse Flow Reactor
dalam Mengolah Emisi gas Metana dari Stasiun Kompresor Sistem Perpindahan Gas Alam", Seminar Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009 Bandung 19-20 Oktober 2009 ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2 18. Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Vicki Agustino dan Hernawan, "Sistesis Membran
Keramik Silikon Karbida dari Kayu Waru (Hibscus Tiliaceus) sebagai Tamplate yang di imppregnasi Silika dengan Metoda Biomimetik", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keramik VIII, Hotel Savoy Homan - Bandung, 27 Mei 2009 19. Yulkifli, Mitra Djamal, Rahmondia N.S., Khairurrijal, Deddy Kurniadi and P. Ripka,
"Demagnetization Factor of a Fluxgate Sensor Using Double Pick-up Coils Configuration", Proceedings pf The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium (APS 2009), July 22-23, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-98010-5-0 20. Maya Rhamdhanika, Bambang Sunendar, Hernawan dan Yulia Setiawati, "Sisntesis
Keramik Titanium Karbida (TiC) dengan Menggunkan Pulp Merang sebagai Sumber Karbon", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keramik VIII, Hotel Savoy Homan - Bandung, 27 Mei 2009 21. Tomi Bastomi, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Rifki Septawendar, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Serbuk α-Al2O3 Skala Submikron dengan Metoda Proses Prekursor", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keramik VIII, Hotel Savoy Homan - Bandung, 27 Mei 2009 22. Pandu Tresnalaga, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, "Sistesis dan Karakterisasi
Serbuk Hidroksiapatit dengan Bahan Dasar Kulit Keong Achatina Fulica Melaui Metode Refluks", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keramik VIII, Hotel Savoy Homan Bandung, 27 Mei 2009 23. Abdulloh Rifai dan Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, "Karakteristik Optik dan
Struktur dari Zinc Oxide Thin Film yang di Buat dengan Metode Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keramik VIII, Hotel Savoy Homan Bandung, 27 Mei 2009 24. Samsi, A. dan S. L. Budiarti, Prediksi Komposisi Pewarna Tekstil Fiber Reactive Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Propagasi Balik, Prosiding DISC2009, Bandung, Oktober 2009, ISBN : 978-979-1194-11-2. 25. Samsi, A. dan K. Alamsyah, Metode Baru Prediksi Warna Pencampuran Pewarna Makanan Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Propagasi Balik, Prosiding DISC2009, Bandung, Oktober 2009, ISBN : 978-979-1194-11-2 26. A. Zainal Abidin, Cinantya Devi dan Adeline, ”Mie Basah Berbahan Dasar Tepung Singkong: Pengembangan Formulasi danKarakterisasi Produk”, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia, 19 - 20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2, Bandung 27. A. Zainal Abidin, A.A. Syamsuriputra, E.Riyanto, S. Andi, ”Peningkatan Kadar Protein Ampas Tapioka Dengan Teknik Fermentasi Media Padat”, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia, 19 - 20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2, Bandung 28. Bambang Sunendar, Maria Puspita, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Lapis Tipis Barium Titanat (BaTiO3) melaui Metodae Self-Assembly", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 29. Bambang Sunendar, Eristi Tyas Ayu, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Serbuk
Nanokomposit (Zirkonia-Alumina-Silika-Hidroksiapatit) Sebagai Filler Bahan Restorasi untuk Aplikasi Direk pada Gigi", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
30. Andi, Ronny Purwadi, Tjandra Setiadi, dan M.T.A.P. Kresnowati, ‘Pengolahan Limbah Industri Biodiesel menjadi Produk Bernilai: Langkah Awal menuju Biorefinery’, Proceeding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia 2009, Bandung, 23 April 2009, ISBN 978979-98465-5-6, hal. 78-84. 31. Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Tantangan Penerapan Bahan Bakar Nabati di Indonesia: Tinjauan Perspektif Lingkungan’, Prosiding Seminar Teknik Kimia, Bandung, 13 Agustus 2009. 32. Hendro Risdianto, Elis Sofianti, Sri Harjati Suhardi, Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Produksi Lakase
Menggunakan Fermentasi Padat (Solid State Fermentation) dari Limbah Hasil Pertanian’, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia – SNTKI 2009, Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2, hal. TBB 06-1 - TBB 06-5. 33. Martha Aznury, Adi Pancoro, Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Pengaruh Sumber Karbon terhadap Produksi Bioplastik Polihidroksialkanoat (PHA) dengan Ralstonia Eutropha’, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia – SNTKI 2009, Bandung, 19-20 Oktober 2009, ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2, hal. TBB -7-1-TBB 07-5. 34. Martha Aznury, Azis Trianto, Adi Pancoro, Tjandra Setiadi, ‘Produksi PHA oleh Mikroorganisme Menggunakan Air Limbah Industri Pertanian’, Seminar Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010, Bandung 25 – 26 Oktober 2010. 35. Hendro Risdianto, Cornelius Damar Hanung, Ronald Osmond, Tjandra Setiadi, Sri Harjati Suhardi, ‘Optimasi Produksi Lakase pada Fermentasi Kultur Padat
Menggunakan Jamur Pelapuk Putih Marasmius sp. : Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel, Kelembaban dan konsentrasi Cu.’, Seminar Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010, Bandung 25 – 26 Oktober 2010. 36. Ronny Arian Hidayat, Bambang Sunendar, Ahmad Nuruddin, "Sistesis dan
Karakterisasi Membran Silika dengan Metode Sol-Gel untuk Aplikasi Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF)", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 37. Heru Hermawan, Bambang Sunendar, "Sistesis dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) sebagai Dental Bridge Materials", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 38. Bambang Sunendar, Usamah, Leanddas Nurwijayanto, Ahmad Nuruddin, "Sintesis
dan Karakterisasi Serbuk Nikel - Chitosan Nano-mikropartikel Magnetik untuk Aplikasi Terapi Kanker", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 39. Bambang Sunendar, Benedict Taftazan, Suyatman, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Magnetik Fe3O4-Chitosan untuk Aplikasi Terapi Kanker", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 40. Riyan Achmad Budiman, Leanddas Nurwijayanto, Bambang Sunendar, "Sintesis dan
Karakterisasi Lanthanum Ferrite sebagai Material Katoda Solid Oxide Fuel Cell dengan kayu Waru sebagai Template Porous Material", Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin Unjani, Cimahi 2010, ISBN: 978-979-98582-2-1 41. Bambang Sunendar, Silmy Mawaliya Muslim, Agus Wahyudi, "Pemanfaatan Red Mud sebagai Pelapis Keramik pada Baja untuk Modifikasi Kekerasan Permukaan", Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin Unjani, Cimahi 2010, ISBN: 978-979-98582-2-1 42. Andi Ramadhan Zaini, Bambang Sunendar, Ahmad Nuruddin, Fahri Abdjan, Riyan Achmad Budiman, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi MCM-41 Supported Nickel Catalyst Dengan Menggunakan Metoda Sol-Gel", Prosiding Seminar nasional Metalurgi dan Material Ke-4 (SENAMM IV) 2010, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
43. Bambang Sunendar, "Inspirasi Proses Biomineralisasi Dalam Sintesis Nano Struktur Lapisan Tipis Keramik Dengan Metode Selft Assembly Monolayer (SAMs)", Keynote Speaker pada Seminar Nasional Keramik IX, 24 Juli 2010 44. Riyan Achmad Budiman, Leanddas Nurwijayanto, Bambang Sunendar, dan Ahmad Nuruddin, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Lanthanum Chromite sebagai Material Elektroda Solid Oxide Fuel Cell dengan kayu Waru sebagai Membrane Support", Seminar Nasional Keramik IX, Hotel Savoy Homann - Bandung 14 Juli 2010 45. Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Muhammad Syaifun Nizar, dan Hernawan, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Amorphous Silicon Carbide dari Bahan Karbon Aktif Kayu
Waru Sebagai Template Yang Diimpregnasi Waterglass Dengan Proses Biomimetik Untuk Aplikasi Heating Element", Seminar Nasional Keramik IX, Hotel Savoy Homann - Bandung 14 Juli 2010 46. Bambang Sunendar, Leanddas Nurwijayanto, Didi Fauzan dan Muchtar Aziz, "Pemanfaatan RED MUD sebagai Limbah Ekstraksi Bauksit Pada Industri Alumina Untuk Pembuatan tawas", Seminar Nasional Keramik IX, Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung 14 Juli 2010 47. Rifki Septawendar, Leanddas Nurwijayanto, Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita, Suhanda, and Frank Edwin, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Alumina-Zirkonia Dengan Pulp Oryza Sativa Sebagai Template Melaui Metode Precursor Calcining Process", Seminar Nasional Keramik IX, Hotel Savoy Homann - Bandung 14 Juli 2010 48. Ukan Sukandar, Achmad Ali Syamsuriputra, Rendra Bayu & Indra Ginanjar, "Pengaruh Konsentrasi Substrat, Ph, Dan Ion Ca2 Dalam Produksi A-Amilase Dan Glukoamilase Oleh Ragi Endomycopsis Fibuligera Itb Cc R64", Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010 (STKSR 2010), 25-26 Oktober 2010 49. Ukan Sukandar, "Pengaruh Konsentrasi Substrat, Sumber Nitrogen, Dan Kondisi Pertumbuhan Pada Produksi Zat Warna Monascus Dalam Medium Cair", Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010 (STKSR 2010), 25-26 Oktober 2010 50. Anang Satria Chandranegara, I Gede Wenten, "Peningkatan Performa Pemisahan Droplet Likuid Dari Aliran Gas Dengan Kombinasi Vane-Siklon", Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010 (STKSR 2010), 25-26 Oktober 2010 51. Mala hayati nasution dan i gede wenten, "Review proses produksi biodiesel dengan menggunakan membran reaktor", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 52. Hendro risdianto, cornelius damar hanung, ronald osmond, sri harjati suhardi, tjandra setiadi, "Optimasi produksi enzim lakase dengan fermentasi kultur padat
menggunakan jamur pelapuk putih marasmius sp. : pengaruh ukuran partikel, kelembaban, dan konsentrasi cu",seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 53. Azis trianto, cengristitama, arief hariyanto dan solihin, "Sintesis dan uji aktivitas katalis cu berpenyangga karbon aktif (cu/c) pada reaksi isopropil alkohol", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 54. Dr. I g wenten, anang satria chandranegara, "Bioreaktor membran nonmodular dengan sistem airscouring", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 55. Febi mardianto, abdul rachman winata, isdiriayani nurdin, "Korosivitas larutan asam sitrat", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 56. A. Sedewo, subagjo, s. Tirto prodjo, e. Hari prasetyo, "Adsorben sulfur pimitb:
sebuah pengembangan produk dari hasil kerjasama antara industri dan perguruan tinggi", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010
57. F. Romuli, y. Andre situmorang dan a. Zainal abidin, "Sintesis non scaling agent untuk produksi pvc", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 58. Idg. Arsa putrawan, "Recovery of btx aromatics by a multistage liquid membrane permeator", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 59. G. Handi argasetya dan herri susanto, "Kajian kelayakan implementasi gasifikasi biomassa", 60. Subagjo, rachmad sutontro, r. Evita e.p, maria ulfah, dan zarrah duniani, "Produksi bio solar dan bio kerosin melalui hidrodeoksigenasi minyak nabati", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 61. Syamsudin, mukyi, dan herri susanto, "Gasifikasi sludge cake untuk produksi syngas", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 62. Tjokorde walmiki samadhi, "Formulasi aspal alam granular lapis sebagai bahan konstruksi ramah lingkungan", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 63. Martha aznury, azis trianto, adi pancoro &tjandra setiadi, "Produksi pha oleh mikroorganisme menggunakan air limbah industri pertanian", 64. Dwilya amadea, nuny nurhafny & akhmad zainal abidin, "Pengembangan roti berbahan baku tepung singkong", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 65. Guntur susanto, trully sastra, akhmad zainal abidin, "Sintesis dan karakteristisasi superabsorban polimer dari akrilanida", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 66. Ronny purwadi and hanny lim, "Cassava extract as a substrate in xanthan gum production using xanthomonas campestris", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 67. Tjokorde walmiki samadhi, "Rekayasa katalis hydroprocessing dengan bahan baku mineral kaolin indonesia", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 68. Abraham praasetyo, akhmad zainal abidin, "Pompa air bertenaga matahari : desain mesin stirling dan uji unjuk kerja kompor matahari", seminar teknik kimia soehadi reksowardojo 2010 (stksr 2010), 25-26 oktober 2010 69. Dwilya Amadea, Nuny Nurhafny dan, A. Zainal Abidin, ”Pengembangan Roti Berbahan Baku Tepung Singkong”, Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Raksowardojo, Bandung, 2010. 70. A. Zainal Abidin, Ni Made Truly Pinanti Sastra dan Guntur Susanto, ”Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Polimer Superabsorban dari Akrilamida”, Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Raksowardojo, Bandung, 2010 71. F. Romuli, Andre Situmorang dan A. Zainal Abidin, Sintesis Non Scaling Agent untuk Produksi. Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Raksowardojo, Bandung, 2010 72. M. Efendy, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Yazid Bindar & Subagjo, "Kehomogenan Model
Kontinum Reaktor Unggun Tetap Sistem Tunak dan tak Tunak Untuk Reaksi Oksidasi CH4", Prosiding STKSR 2010, ITS, Surabaya 25-26 73. Suprayogi, Rd. Adryani Oktora, Herdhi Hermawan, "Penentuan Rute Pengangkutan Sampah Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis, Proceedings", Seminar Nasional IV Manajemen dan Rekayasa Kualitas, Bandung, 15 April 2010, 194-204, ISSN 19070470.
74. Ibnu Maulana, Suprayogi, Adiyta Satrya, "Perancangan Prototipe Sistem Pemantauan
Posisi Kas dan Pengambilan Keputusan Pengiriman Uang Bank Indonesia Berbasis Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan", Prodising Konferensi Informatika 2010 - Sistem Komputer Berintelegensi, Bandung, 11 Oktober 2010, 146-151, ISSN: 2087-3328 75. Teguh Kurniawan, Yogi Wibisono Budhi, Yazid Bindar, "Pemodelan dan Simulasi
Reverse Flow Reactor untuk Oksidasi Katalitik Metana: Pengembangan Prosedur Operasi Start-up", Prosiding STKSR 2010, ITS, Surabaya 25-26 76. Ronny Purwadi & Hanny Lim, ”Ekstrak Singkong Sebagai Substrat Pada Produksi Xanthan Gum Mengunakan Xanthomonas Campestris”, Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo 2010 (STKSR 2010), 25-26 Oktober 2010