BOOKS ANIMAL clinical chemistry : A Practical guide for toxicologists and biomedical researchers/Edited by G.O. Evans.-- Second edition.- Boca Raton: CRC,2009 xix, 345 p.: ill.; 23 cm. 31/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4200-8011-7 615.9/ANI2 TOXICOLOGY; TOXICITY TESTS. BALAI BESAR VETERINER DENPASAR Peta penyakit hewan di Wilayah Provinsi Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur tahun 2011.-- Denpasar: Balai Besar Veteriner Denpasar, 2012 vi, 171 p.: ill.; 21 cm. 32/BPV/2012 Had. I. R.636.09(084.3)/BAL VI.11/p ANIMALS; ANIMAL DISEASES; CARTOGRAPHY; BALI; NUSA TENGGARA BARAT; NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR. FRAENKEL, Dan G. Yeast intermediary metabolism/Dan G. Fraenkel.-- New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,1989 ix, 434 p.: ill.; 25 cm 33/BPV/2012 ISBN: 978-087969797-6 582.28/FRA/y YEASTS; METABOLISM; SACHAROMYCES; FUNGAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. HARKNESS and Wagner's Biology and medicine of rabbits and rodents/by John E. Harkness [].-- Fifth edition.-- Ames: Wiley-Blackwell,2010 xiii, 455 p.: ill.; 25 cm. 34/BPV/2012 Beli TA. 2012 ISBN: 978-0-8138-1531-2 R.636.028.09/HAR RABBIT DISEASES; RODENT DISEASES; RABBITS; RODENTS. INTERNATIONAL Symposium on Worldwide Infectious Diseases of Farm Animal in Production Medicine, Prospective and Perspective (2012: Feb 3-4: Hokkaido) Papers presented at International symposium held on Feb 3-4, 2012 Sapporo Convention Center Hokkaido.../Edited by Yasuhiro Kon.- Hokkaido: Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine,2012 81 p.: ill.; 28 cm.- (The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 60 (supp) 2012) 35/BPV/2012 636.2.09/INT/p MYCOBACTERIUM PARATUBERCULOSIS; BOVINE VIRAL DIARRHOEA VIRUS; LEPTOSPIROSIS. MENTERI PERTANIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Pedoman pengembangan kawasan sentra pertanian.-- Jakarta: Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pertanian,[Sa.] x, 70 p.: ill.; 30 cm. 36/BPV/2012 Had. Dr. Bambang N.U. R.631/MEN/p AGRICULTURAL POLICY; INDONESIA; MANUALS. ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet May 2012
NICHOLAS, F.W. Introduction to veterinary genetics/F.W. Nicholas.-- Second edition.-- Ames: Blacwell, 2003 xiv, 282 p.: ill.; 24 cm. 37/BPV/2012 Beli TA 2012 ISBN: 0-4051-0633-6 631.147/NIC/i VETERINARY GENETICS. NICHOLAS, Robin Mycoplasma diseases of ruminants/Robin Nicholas, Roger Ayling and Laura McAuliffe.-- Wallingford: CAB International,2008 x, 239 p.: ill.; 25 cm 30/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-0-85199-012-5 616.9/NIC/n MYCOPLASMA; ISOLATION; RUMINANTS; DETECTION; PCR. PATHOGENESIS of bacterial infections in animals/Edited by Carlton L. Gyles [].-- Fourth edition.— Ames : Blackwell,2010 xviii, 643 p.:ill.; 25 cm. 38/BPV/2012 Beli TA 2012 ISBN: 978-0-8138-1237-3 R.616.9/PAT BACTERIAL DISEASES; PATHOGENICITY. TRADITIONAL medicine TRADITIONAL medicine/Edited by Steven B. Kayne.-- First edition.-- London: Pharmaceutical ,2010 xiii, 331 p.: ill.; 23 cm. 40/BPV/2012 Beli TA 2012 ISBN: 978-0-85369 833 3 633.887.9/TRA TRADITIONAL MEDICINES. ZACHARY, James F Pathologic basis of veterinary diseases/James F. Zachary and M. Donald McGavin.-- Fifth edition.-- St. Louis: Elsevier,2012 xiv, 1322 p.: ill.; 28 cm. 41/BPV/2012 Beli TA 2012 ISBN: 978-0-323-07533-6 R.616.09/ZAC/p PATHOLOGY; ANIMAL DISEASES.
©PerpustakaanBBalitvet May 2012
BALAI Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian (BBPASCAPANEN). Laporan Tahunan 2010
BALAI Besar Penelitian Veteriner (BBalitvet). Laporan Bulanan April, 2012
BULETIN Informasi Kesehatan Vol. 13(83); 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 3.a. Penyidikan Penyakit Surra pada Ternak Sapi di Kabupaten Dharmasraya. p. 1-4 3.b. Kaskado (Stephanofilariasis) pada Ternak Sapi di KotaSolok Propinsi Sumatera Barat. p. 5-13 3.c. Situasi Penyakit Distomatosis di Wilayah Kerja BPPV Regional II Bukittinggi Tahun 2008 s/d 2011. p.14-23 3.d. Gambaran Penyebaran Toxoplasmosis pada Kambing di Beberapa Wilayah Regional II Berdasarkan Uji ELISA Toxoplasma. p.30-34 VIROLOGY 3.e. Hasil Pengujian Virus Influensa Babi (Swine Flu) Dengan Metode Real Time PCR di BPPV Regional II Bukittinggi Tahun 2011. p.24-29
BULETIN Teknologi Pascapanen Pertanian Vol. 7(1); 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 4.a. Kontaminan Enterobacter sakazakii pada susu formula bayi dan pengendaliannya. p. 1-8
BULLETIN of Nipon Veterinary and Life Science University Vol. 60; 2011
CANADIAN Veterinary Journal Vol. 50, 2009, Contain : ANIMAL WELFARE 6.a. The welfare of animals used in science: How the “Three Rs” ethic guides improvements. p. 523-530
CERMIN Dunia Kedokteran Vol. 9(3); 2012
DILAVET Vol. 21(4); 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.a. Hasil Surveilans Avian Influenza di Kalimantan Tahun 2011. p.1-11 AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE 8.b. Kasus Systemic Auto Immune Disease pada Sapi Limousine. p. 12-15
FOOD Additives and Contaminants DOI:10.1080/19440049.2010.489579, 2010, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 9.a. Rapid multi-class multi-residue method for the confirmation of chloramphenicol and eleven nitroimidazoles in milk and honey by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. p.1-12
INFO ASOHI Maret; 2012
INFO Litbangtan Februari; 2012
©PerpustakaanBBalitvet May 2012
INTERNATIONAL Dairy Topics Vol. 9 (1, 4, 5, 6); 2010
Vol. 10 (1, 2); 2011
INTERNATIONAL Pig Topics Vol. 25 (6, 7); 2010
Vol. 26(1, 3); 2011
Vol. 27 (2); 2012
INTERNATIONAL Poultry Production Vol. 18(2, 4, 6, 7); 2010
Vol. 19(1, 3); 2011
Vol. 20(1, 2); 2012
IPTEK Hortikultura November; 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 15.a. Mengenal Edible Vaccine, Pemanfaatan Produk Hortikultura untuk Media Vaksin. p.24-27
IPTEK Tanaman Pangan Vol. 1(2), 2006; Vol. 6(2), 2011
JAPANESE Journal of Veterinary Research Vol. 60(1); 2012
JOURNAL of Advanced Veterinary Research Vol. 2, 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 18.a. Monoclonal Antibody Based Latex Agglutination Test for the Diagnosis of Trypanosomosis in Cattle. p.1-4
JOURNAL of Veterinary Medical Science Vol. 72(3), 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 19.a. Isolation and Characterization of a Pathogenic Newcastle Disease Virus from a Natural Case in Indonesia. p. 313-319
JOURNAL of Virology Vol. 86(10), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 20.a. Complete Genome Sequences of Newcastle Disease Virus Strains Circulating in Chicken Populations of Indonesia. p. 5969–5970 20.b. The Genome Sequence of Bluetongue Virus Type 2 from India: Evidence for Reassortment between Eastern and Western Topotype Field Strains. p. 5967-5968 20.c. The Genome Sequence of Bluetongue Virus Type 10 from India: Evidence for Circulation of a Western Topotype Vaccine Strain. p. 5971-5972
JURNAL Hortikultura Vol. 21(1,2,3,4), 2011
JURNAL Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi Vol. 7(1), 2011
JURNAL Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner Vol. 16(1, 2, 3, 4); 2011
Vol. 17(1); 2012
JURNAL Mikrobiologi Indonesia Vol. 5(2); 2000
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JURNAL Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol. 14(1), 2011 Vol. 14(2), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 25.a. Uji Efektivitas Preparat Anthelmintik pada Sapi Bali di Lombok Tengah. p.77-83 Vol. 14(3), 2011
JURNAL Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol. 7(2); 2010
KKU Veterinary Journal Vol. 21(2), 2011, Contain : ZOONOSIS 27.a. Climate Change and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. p. 172-182
MAKARA Seri Kesehatan Vol. 15(2), 2011
MOLECULAR Microbiology Vol. 83(2), 2012, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 29.a. The conjugation protein TcpC from Clostridium perfringens is structurally related to the type IV secretion system protein VirB8 from Gram-negative bacteria. p. 275-288
PLOS ONE Vol. 6(9), 2011, Contain : ANIMAL WELFARE 30.a. Pain in Laboratory Animals: The Ethical and Regulatory Imperatives. p.1-6
POULTRY Indonesia April; 2012
SINAR Tani No. 3448, 3449, 3450, 3451, 3452, 3454, 3456, 3457; 2012
SMALL Ruminant Research doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2012.03.006, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 33.a. Schmallenberg virus infection in small ruminants – First review of the situation and prospects in Northern Europe. p. 1-6
SMARTS Agustus; 2011
SWADAYA : Media Agribisnis, Ternak & Pangan Vol. 2(7,8); 2012
VETERINARIA Italiana Vol. 46 (2), 2010, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 36.a. Emerging diseases and implications for Millennium Development Goals in Africa by 2015 – an overview. p. 137‐145
©PerpustakaanBBalitvet May 2012
VETERINARY World Vol.3(5), 2010, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 37.a. Rapid Methods for detection of Veterinary Drug residues in Meat. p. 241-246 Vol. 3(7), 2010, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 37.b. A Survey of occurrence of toxogenic fungi and mycotoxins in pig feed samples-Use in evaluation of risk assessment. p. 305-311 Vol. 5(4), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.c. Economic impact of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in Khartoum State, Sudan. p. 219-222 PARASITOLOGY 37.d. Seasonal incidence of Haemoprotozoal diseases in crossbred cattle and buffalo in Kaira and Anand districts of Gujarat, India. p. 223-225 Vol. 5(5), 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 37.e. Assessment of the Economic Impact and Prevalence of Ovine Fasciolosis in Menz Lalo Midir District, Northeast Ethiopia. p. 261-264 BACTERIOLOGY 37.f. Incidence and risk factors of Mycoplasma synoviae infection in broiler breeder farms of Iran. p. 265-268 PARASITOLOGY 37.g. A comparative analysis on serum antibody levels of sheep immunized with crude and thiol-purified excretory/secretory antigen of Haemonchus contortus. p. 279-284 MISCELLANEOUS 37.h. Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Farm Animal – From Artificial Insemination to Nanobiotechnology. p. 301-310 Vol. 5(6), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.i. Filter paper sampling of blood for the detection of antibodies to Infectious Bursal Disease virus using a commercial ELISA kit. p. 341-345 MISCELLANEOUS 37.j. Disposal and utilization of broiler slaughter waste by composting. p. 359-361 BACTERIOLOGY 37.k. Alpha toxin specific PCR for detection of toxigenic strains of Clostridium perfringens in Poultry. p. 365368 Vol.5(7), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.l. High seroprevalence of bluetongue virus antibodies in Sheep, Goats, Cattle and Camel in different districts of Saudi Arabia. p. 389-393 37.m. A study report on phylogenetic analysis of Classical swine fever virus isolated in different parts of the World. p. 437-442 TOXICOLOGY 37.n. Risk analysis and exposure assessment of Ochratoxin A in Serbia. p. 412-416
WARTAZOA Vol. 21(3,4); 2011
©PerpustakaanBBalitvet May 2012
Vol. 22(1); 2012