Health Science Journal of Indonesia
Volume 7, number 2 December 2016, pages 69-139, ISSN 2087-7021 TABLE OF CONTENT Vivi Setiawaty R. Herman H. D. Ikawati A. A. Nugraha Agustiningsih M. M. Sembiring N. I. Hariastuti E. Pratiwi V. Setiawaty
Editorial Note Genotypes of dengue virus circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance in Indonesia Genotypes of dengue virus circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance sites remain stable.
Isolation rate of influenza specimens from influenza surveillance at several public health centers and hospitals in Indonesia in 2013 The isolation rate for ILI is 7.3% and SARI is 10% which consist of influenza B, H1N1pdm09 and H3N2. Predominant clinical symptom of influenza A in pre-school children (3-6 years old) The predominant symptoms of influenza A in pre-school children (3-6 years old) were fever and muscle aches
Clinical trial of osteoarthritis jamu formula compare to piroxicam Formula of osteoarthitis jamu compare with piroxicam using randomized clinical trial (RCT) methode.
The effects of benzil amino purin (BAP) and gibberellin with in vitro seedling growth of pulesari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl) Vegetative propagation of plants Alyxia reinwardtii Bl.difficult done, because it was carried out a preliminary study on in vitro propagation using seeds. N. Kusumawardani Behavior risk factors and lipid profiles of diabetes mellitus with hypertension among Suhardi adult population in Indonesia J. Pradono Health risk monitoring on body mass index, lipid profile, fruits and vegetables consumption, Delima and smoking, is important to prevent co-morbidity of DM and hypertension. N. K. Aryastami A. Khrisnan M. A. L. Suratri Smoking as a risk factor of periodontal disease Smoking is a risk factor for the periodontal disease, where smoking were four times more I. T. Notohartojo likely to have periodontal disesases as compared to not-smoking.
H. D. Ikawati Roselinda R. P. Yekti V. Setiawaty D. Ardiyanto A. Triyono P. R. W. Astana T. A. Mana H. Sudrajad D. Suharto H. Widodo
Suparmi B. Chiera J. Pradono A. D. Sari B. Basuki I. Mariska S. Budiningsih L. Aziza B. Basuki R. Wibawanti D. K. Dewi
Low birth weights and risk of neonatal mortality in Indonesia Low birth weight increase risk of neonatal mortality in Indonesia.
Correlation of physical activity and other factors to fruit and vegetable intake among civillian pilots in Indonesia Pilot’s physical activity was not proven being an affecting factor of fruit and vegetable intake. The knowledge about fruits and vegetables intake according to WHO recommendations was proven increased the frequency of fruits and vegetables intake. Type of flight and other factors related to plain water consumption habit among civilian pilots in Indonesia Pilots who operate in medium haul flight, good knowledge about hydration, active physical activity and BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m2 had more adequate plain water consumption habit.
Vika M. Siagian G. Wangge R. Nasution Herqutanto Yuliana
Validity and reliability of Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8 Bahasa version to measure statin adherence among military pilots Validity test using criterion-related validity found negative weak correlation and no significant association between MMAS 8 total score and total blood cholesterol. Eating sweet foods habit and other factors that related to obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia Eating sweet foods habit and marital status affecting obese II among obese civil pilot in Indonesia.
Acknowledgment of Reviewers Volume 7, 2016 Anita Juni Kemang Medical Mothers and Children Hospital, Jakarta
Herman Kosasih Indonesia Research Partnership on Infectious Disease, Jakarta
Christine Thayer Health for Development, France
Pradana Soewondo Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia
Elisabeth Emerson Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota, USA Hans Joachim Freisleben German-Indonesian Medical Association, Germany
Savitri Sayogo Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Ungke Anton Jaya Indonesia Research Partnership on Infectious Disease, Jakarta
Health Science Journal of Indonesia Editorial Board: Editor-in-chief: Vivi Setiawaty; Deputy Editor-in-chief: Ni Ketut Aryastami. Editors: Nunik Kusumawardani, Laurentia Konadi, Betty Rossiehermiati, Ully Adhie Mulyani, Agus Suwandono, Trihono, Grace Wangge. International Editorial Advisory Board: Bastaman Basuki (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia), Christine Thayer (Health for Development, France), Elisabeth Emerson (Minnesota Department of Health, USA), Hans-Joachim Freisleben (German-Indonesian Medical Association, Germany). Executive Editors: Pattah, Leny Wulandari, Kurniatun Karomah, Tetrian Widiyanto, Zulfah Nur’aini, Rini Sekarsih, Sugiyarti. Printed by Badan Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Subscription: The journal is published bi-annually and should be subscribed for a full year Advertisement: Only advertisements of health science or related products will be allowed space in this journal. For inquiry please contact Health Science Journal of Indonesia Editorial Office at Badan Litbangkes, Jln. Percetakan Negara No. 29 Jakarta Pusat 10560, Indonesia; Tel (62-21) 4261088. Fax (62-21) 4244228. E-mail:
[email protected]. Published by: Lembaga Penerbit Balitbangkes, National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Ministry of Health Indonesia. Accrediting number: 562/Akred/P2MI-LIPI/09/2013
Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2016
Editorial note
Editorial Note Infectious disease still a major health problem in Indonesia. Dengue and influenza are viruses can causing severe diseases in all age. These two viruses circulated all year around in Indonesia. Dengue viruses have four serotypes and each of these serotypes is able to cause dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) but most of dengue fever appear as nonspecific febrile symptoms.1 Dengue virus is endemic in tropical country including Indonesia and can caused public health problem in all provinces in Indonesia, therefore Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia establish sentinel surveillance system for dengue to identify the serotype of dengue circulating in Indonesia and also to characterize the genotypes of dengue virus for further analyses. Influenza can cause mild to severe illness. Serious outcomes of flu infection can result in hospitalization or death. Most patients visiting public health centres with Influenza-like Illness (ILI) were children, therefore it is very important to identify influenza cases among children. The active sentinel surveillance for Influenza with combination of virology and epidemiology establish in Indonesia since 1999.2 Influenza surveillance in the public health centers (PHC) and hospitals is conducted to monitor influenza activity and severity in the community. The data reported to the WHO, to generate recommendations for the next vaccine seed. Alyxia reinwardtii is a slender climbing or scandent. Vegetative propagation of plants Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. difficult to be done, because it was carried out a preliminary study on in vitro propagation using seeds. Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. in natural habitat becomes rare and reaches vulnerable status. Formula of osteoarthitis herbal drug compare with piroxicam using randomized clinical trial (RCT) methode. Indonesian herbs have several formulas which have been used traditionally to reduce pain of osteoarthritis (OA) consist of Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome, Centella asiatica herbs, Curcuma domestica rhizome, Foeniculum vulgare seeds, Orthosiphon stamineus leaves, Phyllantus niruri herbs, Equisetum debile herbs. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with several risk factors have emerged as a major public health challenge.3 Health risk monitoring on body mass index, lipid profile, fruits and vegetables consumption, and smoking, is important to prevent co-morbidity of DM and hypertension. Diabetes mellitus (DM) with hypertension increases risk of disability and premature death. Data on DM with hypertension is limited to hospital based data, while population-based data is important to provide problem magnitude in the population setting. Smoking is a risk factor for the periodontal disease, where smoking were four times more likely to have periodontal disesases as compared to not-smoking. Smoking is a cause of disease in humans is indeed a disease which can be prevented. Nicotine in cigarettes can damage the immune response system and causes constriction of blood vessels, including the blood vessels in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Narrowing of blood vessels, can form a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Neonatal mortality rates in Indonesia remain steady in the past decades (20 in 2002 to 19 per 1000 live births in 2012). In order to accelerate the decline in neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia, specific interventions would have to target key factors causing mortality. Obesity in pilot can cause sudden incapacity in flight. This study is purposed to determine factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia. The habits of eating sweet foods and marital status are affecting obese II among obese civil pilot in Indonesia. Hypercholesterolemia is the cause of cardiovascular disease which lead to inflight incapacitation. One of the way to control hypercholesterolemia is using statin medication, however there has not been an instrument to measure statin adherence in military pilots in Indonesia. Validity test using criterion-related validity found negative weak correlation and no significant association between MMAS 8 total score and total blood cholesterol. Pilots who operate in medium haul flight, good knowledge about hydration, active physical activity and BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m2 had more adequate plain water consumption habit.
Health Science Journal of Indonesia
Pilots could risk mild dehydration that would affect cognitive performance and flight safety, so they should have adequate plain water consumption. Pilot’s physical activity was not proven being an affecting factor of fruit and vegetable intake. The knowledge about fruits and vegetables intake according to WHO recommendations was proven increased the frequency of fruits and vegetables intake. International civil aviation organization stated the importance of maintaining pilot healthy and avoids incapacitation. One of the efforts for this is consuming healthy diet with fruits and vegetables. References 1. Rodriguez EL, Tomashek KM, Gregory CJ, et al. Co-infection with Dengue Virus and Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2010;16(5):882-884. doi:10.3201/eid1605.091920. 2. Backet CG, Kosasih H, Ma’roef C, et al. Influenza Surveillance in Indonesia: 1999–2003. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;39(4):443449. doi: 10.1086/422314. 3. World Health Organization. Non Communicable Disease. Accessed on 20 December 2016, http://www.who.int/ mediacentre/factsheets/fs355/en/
ISSN 2087-7021 E-ISSN 2338-3437
Health Science Journal of Indonesia Volume 7, number 2, December 2016, pages 69-139
Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak/di-copy tanpa izin WC 528
WC 515
Reni Herman, Hartanti Dian Ikawati, Arie Ardiansyah Nugraha, Agustiningsih, Masri Maha Sembiring
Nur Ika Hariastuti, Eka Pratiwi, Vivi Setiawaty
Genotypes of dengue virus circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance in Indonesia
Isolation rate of influenza specimens from influenza surveillance at several public health centers and hospitals in Indonesia in 2013
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;69-74
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;75-9
Latar Belakang: Demam berdarah dengue disebab kan oleh infeksi virus dengue (DENV) yang terdiri atas serotipe 1 sampai dengan serotipe 4. Masingmasing serotipe dibedakan lagi menjadi beberapa genotipe. Pada studi ini dilakukan deteksi genotipe dari sampel terkonfirmasi infeksi DENV.
Latar Belakang: Surveilans influenza di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit diperlukan untuk memantau aktivitas virus influenza dan tingkat keparahan di masyarakat. Data surveilans kemudian dilaporkan ke WHO, untuk merumuskan rekomendasi dalam menentukan bibit vaksin berikutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi virus influenza yang menyebar di kepulauan Indonesia, baik dari kasus ringan maupun berat.
Metode: Untuk menentukan genotipe virus yang beredar di lokasi surveilans sentinel dengue dilakukan analisis genetik menggunakan perangkat bioinformatik. Urutan nukleotida yang lengkap dari gen selubung virus DENV diperoleh melalui amplifikasi genetik menggunakan primer overlapping untuk masingmasing serotipe. Pohon filogenetik dibuat menggu nakan perangkat lunak MEGA 6.0, metode Neighbor Joining dengan 1000 replikasi dan parameter Kimura-2. Sekuen nukleotida dari GenBank yang telah diketahui genotype DENV digunakan sebagai referen. Hasil: Jumlah sampel dengan gen selubung DENV yang dapat diamplifikasi adalah 64 dari 204 kasus yang terkonfirmasi. Empat belas sekuen dari DENV1, 22 sekuen DENV-2, dan 28 sekuens DENV-3. Dari studi ini belum didapatkan sekuen untuk DENV-4. DENV-1 dan DENV-2 masing-masing masuk dalam kelompok genotipe I dan Cosmopolitan, sementara DENV-3 masuk dalam kelompok genotipe I. Kesimpulan: Genotipe virus DENV yang ditemukan di lokasi surveilans sentinel dengue masih sama dengan genotype DENV yang sebelumnya dilaporkan bersirkulasi di Indonesia. Kata kunci: surveilans sentinel dengue, virus dengue, genotype
Metode: Studi ini merupakan bagian dari surveilans Influenza Like Illness (ILI) dan Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) yang rutin dilakukan oleh Badan Litbangkes. Dalam sistem ILI ada 26 sentinel Puskesmas tersebar di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia. Sementara surveilans SARI dilakukan di 6 rumah sakit pada 6 pulau besar di Indonesia. Isolasi spesimen influenza dilakukan dengan menggunakan sel Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) menurut pedoman WHO. Hasil: Rata-rata jumlah spesimen Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positif dari masing-masing daerah adalah 24,12 untuk ILI dan 8,33 untuk SARI. Sedangkan rata-rata jumlah spesimen yang dapat diisolasi dari masing-masing daerah untuk ILI adalah 1,77 dan 0,83 untuk spesimen SARI. Spesimen tersebut terdiri dari influenza B (Brisbane, Florida, dan Wisconsin), H1N1pdm09, dan H3N2. Tingkat isolasi yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini (7,3% untuk ILI dan 10% untuk SARI) sebanding dengan lamanya waktu perjalanan yang juga mempengaruhi suhu spesimen. Kesimpulan: Persentase spesimen influenza yang dapat diisolasi adalah 7,3% untuk ILI dan 10% untuk SARI. Mayoritas virus influenza yang beredar di Indonesia yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan rekomendasi WHO untuk komposisi vaksin. Kata kunci: Isolasi influenza, ILI, SARI
QW 160
QV 766
Hartanti Dian Ikawati, Roselinda, Rabea Pangerti Yekti, Vivi Setiawaty
Danang Ardiyanto, Agus Triyono, Peristiwan Ridha Widhi Astana, Tofan Aries Mana
Predominant Clinical Symptom of Influenza A in Pre-School Children (3-6 years old)
Clinical trial of osteoarthritis jamu formula compare to piroxicam
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;80-3 Latar Belakang: Sebagian besar pasien InfluenzaLike Illness (ILI) surveilan ILI tahun 2011 adalah anak-anak yang terinfeksi oleh Influenza A. Identifikasi terhadap gejala khas Influenza pada anak dapat menghindarkan anak dari terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu. Gejala klinis ILI pada anak-anak telah dipelajari secara luas, namun gejala khas ILI pada anak usia 3-6 tahun belum diidentifikasi. Tujuan: Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menentukan gejala klinis dominan Influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI. Metode: Pasien usia 3-6 tahun yang sesuai definisi kasus ILI dilibatkan dalam studi ini. Data yang digunakan meliputi data demografi (jenis kelamin), gejala klinis (demam, batuk, pilek, sakit tenggorokan dan nyeri otot) dan hasil PCR yang diperoleh dari surveilans ILI. Untuk analisis statistik digunakan aplikasi STATA 9. OR ditentukan menggunakan metode maximum likelihood. Gejala klinis dianggap dominan ketika uji bivariat p-value <0,25 dan faktor dominan ini akan dipilih sebagai calon pemodelan multivariat bersama dengan faktor dominan lainnya. Hasil: Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan influenza A pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun lakilaki memiliki risiko yang lebih besar. Lebih dari 90% anak-anak dengan influenza A mengalami batuk dan pilek namun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Prediktor multivariat terbaik dari influenza A infeksi pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) adalah demam dan nyeri otot dengan p = 0,001 dan p = 0,034. Kesimpulan: Gejala dominan influenza A pada anak prasekolah (3-6 tahun) dengan ILI adalah demam dan nyeri otot. Studi lanjut tentang gejala klinis influenza A pada anak diperlukan untuk mempertajam diagnosis klinis influenza pada anak sehingga terapi antibiotik yang tidak perlu dapat dihindari Kata kunci: gejala klinis, Influenza A, anak-anak
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;84-92 Latar belakang: Indonesia memiliki beberapa ramuan tradisional yang telah digunakan untuk mengurangi nyeri pada osteoarthritis (OA). Namun belum ada bukti yang kuat mengenai khasiat dan keamanan dari ramuan tradisional. Penelitian ini memberikan bukti mengenai khasiat dan keamanan dari satu ramuan tradisional yang terdiri dari rimpang Curcuma xanthorrhiza (temulawak), herba Centella asiatica (pegagan), rimpang Curcuma domestica (kunyit), biji Foeniculum vulgare (adas), daun Orthosiphon stamineus (kumis kucing), herba Phyllantus niruri (meniran), dan herba Equisetum debile (rumput bolong). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode randomized clinical trial (RCT) dengan 123 subyek (pasien) selama 28 hari intervensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret – Desember 2014 oleh 30 dokter Saintifikasi Jamu di 20 provinsi. Formula jamu terdiri dari 15g rimpang Curcuma xanthorrhiza, 3g herba Centella asiatica, 15g rimpang Curcuma domestica, 3g biji Foeniculum vulgare, 5g daun Orthosiphon stamineus, 7g herba Phyllantus niruri, dan 5g herba Equisetum debile. Formula jamu dibandingkan dengan piroksikam sebagai kontrol positif. Kelompok jamu diberikan segelas jamu 3 kali sehari, sedangkan kelompok piroksikam diberikan satu tablet sehari sekali. Parameter yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi khasiat formula jamu dan piroxicam adalah VAS, PGAP functional status assessment (FSA), dan Short Form (SF)-36. Untuk mengevaluasi keamanan digunakan nilai SGOT, SGPT, BUN, dan kreatinin. Hasil: Sebanyak 123 pasien yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 63 subyek pada kelompok formula jamu dan 60 subyek pada kelompok piroksikam. Pemberian jamu dapat menurunkan VAS secara bermakna (p<0,05) jika dibandingkan dengan hari ke0. Nilai FSA kelompok jamu turun secara bermakna (p=0,000) jika dibandingkan dengan nilai di awal intervensi. Formula jamu dapat memperbaiki nilai SF36 bila dibandingkan dengan hari ke-0. Nilai ketiga parameter antara jamu formula dan piroksikam, jika dibandingkan tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05). Kelompok formula jamu menujukkan nilai SGOT, SGPT, BUN, dan kreatinin dalam ambang normal. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ramuan secara klinis, khasiatnya sebanding dengan piroxicam dan aman setelah intervensi selama 28 hari. Kata kunci: khasiat, keamanan, RCT, ramuan
QV 766 Heru Sudrajad, Didik Suharto, Harto Widodo The effects of benzil amino purin (BAP) and gibberellin with in vitro seedling growth of pulesari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl) Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;93-6 Latar belakang: Status kelangkaan pulesari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl.) termasuk rawan (vulnerable) karena tingginya permintaan dan mahalnya harga menyebabkan eksploitasi pulesari di hutan meningkat sedangkan upaya konservasi dan budidayanya belum ada. Selama ini perbanyakan pulesari hanya mengandalkan biji di alam. Benih pulesari persentase perkecambahannya tergolong sangat rendah, memerlukan waktu yang lama dan tanaman ini sulit diperbanyak secara vegetatif. Selain itu perilaku berbunga tidak menentu dan pertumbuhannya lambat mengakibatkan tumbuhan ini semakin jarang ditemukan. Memperhatikan sulitnya mendapatkan bibit pulesari secara konvensional maka perlu dilakukan dengan cara kultur jaringan. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium kultur jaringan Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional Tawangmangu selama tiga bulan. Dipilih bibit yang matang A. rein wardtii Bl. yang memiliki kulit coklat tua dikumpulkan dari Pringgondani Forest, Tawangmangu-Biji kupas dan dikeringkan selama lima hari, dicuci menggunakan steril aquadest steril, direndam pada 0,5% Agrept 0,5% selama5 menit kemudian pada 2,125% natrium hipochorida selama 5 menit dan dibilas tiga kali menggunakan aquades steril dan ditempatkan pada Laminar Air Flow (LAF) sebelum tanam. Murashige dan Skoog (MS) Media disiapkan sesuai dengan komposisi. Media MS yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan masing-masing kombinasi benzil amino purin (BAP) dengan konsentrasi 3, 4, dan 5 mg/l dan giberelin dengan konsentrasi 1, 2, dan 3 mg/l dengan 3 kali ulangan. Penelitian ini rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh BAP pada konsentrasi 3, 4 dan 5 mg/l dan faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi giberelin dari 1, 2 dan 3 mg/l. Media MS yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan BAP dengan konsentrasi 3, 4, dan 5 mg/l dan giberelin dengan konsentrasi 1, 2, dan 3 mg/l sehingga dalam satu kali percobaan diperloleh 9 kombinasi perlakuan. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan zat pengatur tumbuh BAP mg/l dan giberelin 2 mg/l pada media MS terbentuk tunas dan akar. Tunas yang terbentuk pada 30 hari setelah tanam dengan tinggi 2 cm sedangkan akar muncul pada 45 hari setelah tanam dalam satu kali percobaan.
Kesimpulan: Pulesari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl.) dapat diperbanyak melalui kultur jaringan dengan menggunakan biji sebagai eksplan Kaca kunci: pulesari, Alyxia reinwardtii Bl, BAP dan giberelin WK 810 Nunik Kusumawardani, Suhardi, Julianty Pradono, Delima, Ni Ketut Aryastami, Anand Krishnan Behavior risk factors and lipid profiles of Diabetes Mellitus with Hypertension among Adult Population in Indonesia Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;97-106 Latar belakang: Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus (DM) yang disertai dengan Hipertensi dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya disabilitas dan kematian premature. Data besaran masalah DM yang disertai Hipertensi masih terbatas pada data dari fasilitas kesehatan sementara data berbasis populasi merupakan informasi penting untuk memberikan gambaran besaran masalah secara nasional di masyarakat. studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran besaran masalah DM dengan disertai Hipertensi serta hubungannya dengan faktor risiko PTM lainnya berdasarkan data RISKESDAS 2013 yang mencakup 34 Provinsi di Indonesia. Metode: Studi Ini merupakan analisis data sekunder dari RISKESDAS 2013. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan pengukuran tekanan darah dan pemeriksaan darah. Jumlah sampel yang dianalisis adalah 35, 931 individu usia 18 tahun ke atas. Pemilihan sampel dengan cara “four stages stratified sampling method”. Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi DM dengan disertai Hipertensi adalah sebesar 3,0%, dengan prevalensi tertinggi sebesar 14% pada lakilaki dan 8% pada perempuan. DM dan hipertensi mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan indeks merokok (OR:2,94) pada laki-laki, dengan obesitas (OR: 2,35 pada laki-laki dan 2,19 pada perempuan), dan dengan kolesterol darah (OR: 1,86 pada laki-laki dan 3,45 pada perempuan). Kesimpulan: Beberapa faktor risiko seperti indeks masa tubuh, profil lemak, konsumsi buah da sayuran dan merokok, dapat dijadikan indikator untuk pencegahan penyakit komplikasi DM dan hipertensi, dan risiko disabilitas dan kematian prematur. Kata Kunci: diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, faktor risiko perilaku
HK 5725
WS 420
Made Ayu Lely Suratri, and Indirawati Tjahja
Suparmi, Belinda Chiera, Julianty Pradono
Smoking as a Risk Factor of Periodontal Disease
Low birth weights and risk of neonatal mortality in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;107-12 Latar Belakang: Merokok merupakan penyebab dari penyakit pada manusia dimana sesungguh penyakit ini dapat dicegah. Nikotin dalam rokok dapat merusak sistem respon imun dan menyebabkan penyempitan pembuluh darah, termasuk pembuluh darah di dalam jaringan sekitar gigi. Adanya penyempitan pembuluh darah, dapat membentuk suatu lingkungan yang menguntungkan bagi pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab penyakit periodontal. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara merokok dengan penyakit periodontal. Metode: Disain penelitian adalah potong lintang (Cross Sectional), data diambil dari data sekunder Riskesdas tahun 2013. Sampel adalah anggota rumah tangga yang berusia ≥ 15 tahun dengan jumlah 722.329 orang. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara merokok dengan penyakit pada jaringan periodontal, dengan nilai p= 0,000 (p<0,05), ini berarti ada hubungan yang bermakna dimana OR= 4,4343 (95%, CI: 4.1559-4.7312), artinya responden yang merokok kemungkinan 4,4 kali memiliki jaringan periodontal tidak sehat dibandingkan yang tidak merokok. Kesimpulan: Dalam studi ini dilaporkan bahwa merokok merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit periodontal, dimana dengan merokok kemungkinan empat kali lebih akan memdapatkan penyakit periodontal dibandingkan dengan tidak merokok. Kata kunci: Merokok, penyakit periodontal, dan faktor risiko
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;113-7 Latar Belakang: Angka kematian neonatal di Indonesia mengalami stagnansi sejak sepuluh tahun terakhir. Dalam rangka mengakselerasi penurunan angka kematian neonatal di Indonesia, intervensi spesifik diperlukan pada faktor utama penyebab kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi berat badan lahir rendah terhadap kematian neonatal di Indonesia. Metode: Data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 digunakan untuk analisis. Sejumlah 18021 kelahiran hidup dalam periode lima tahun terakhir telah dilaporkan oleh responden. Diantaranya terdapat 14837 anak memiliki informasi lengkap untuk analisis. Adjusted relative risk dengan analisis survival digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan antara variable dengan kematian neonatal. Hasil: Anak yang lahir dengan berat badan rendah memiliki risiko 9.89 kali lebih tinggi untuk kematian neonatal bila dibandingkan dengan anak yang lahir dengan berat badan normal [adjusted relative risk (aRR) = 9.89; 95% confidence interval (CI): 7.41 – 13.19); P = < 0.0001]. Anak yang lahir dari ibu berumur muda (15 - 19 tahun) memiliki risiko 94% lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan anak yang lahir dari ibu dengan umur antara 20-35 years. Anak dari ibu yang bekerja memiliki risiko 81% memiliki risiko kematian neonatal lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan anak yang lahir dari ibu tidak bekerja. Kesimpulan: Anak yang lahir dengan berat badan rendah dan lahir dari ibu muda memiliki risiko kematian neonatal lebih tinggi. Bayi yang lahir dengan berat rendah membutuhkan perawatan yang tepat untuk memperpanjang ketahanan hidup anak. Kata Kunci: Berat badan lahir rendah, kematian neonatal, Indonesia
CB 23
CB 23
Ane Dwi Sari, Bastaman Basuki, Intan Mariska, Setyawati Budiningsih
Listiana Aziza, Bastaman Basuki, Retno Wibawanti, Dian Kusuma Dewi
Correlation of physical activity and other factors to fruit and vegetable intake among civillian pilots in Indonesia
Type of flight and other factors related to plain water consumption habit among civilian pilots in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;118-22
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;123-8
Latar belakang: ICAO (International civil aviation organization) menyatakan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan penerbang sehingga tidak terjadi inkapasitasi. Salah satu upayanya adalah pola diet sehat dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Tujuan studi adalah mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik dan faktor lain terhadap pola konsumsi buah dan sayur.
Latar belakang: Pilot dapat mengalami dehidrasi ringan yang akan mempengaruhi performa kognitif dan keselamatan penerbangan, sehingga pilot perlu mengonsumsi air putih yang cukup. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan konsumsi air putih pada pilot sipil.
Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan sampel total dari data sekunder penerbang yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Jakarta bulan April 2016. Data berupa data demografi, pekerjaan, konsumsi buah dan sayur, aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan konsumsi buah dan sayur, dan dukungan sosial. Analisis dengan regresi Logistik. Hasil: Penerbang yang mengikuti penelitian ini berjumlah 530 orang. Aktivitas fisik tidak berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Tidak adanya pengetahuan konsumsi buah dan sayur berisiko jarang konsumsi buah dan sayur sebanyak 3,9 kali [ORa= 3,93; 95% CI=1,74-8,87; p=0,001], ini sesuai dengan teori social cognitive yang menyatakan pengetahuan konsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan faktor personal. Kesimpulan: Adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan konsumsi buah dan sayur terhadap kebiasaan konsumsi buah dan sayur yang sehat (≥ 5 kali/hari) di antara penerbang di Indonesia. Kata kunci : buah dan sayur, penerbang sipil, Indonesia.
Metode: Studi potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder Survei Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat Pada Pilot Sipil di Indonesia Tahun 2016. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik demografi, pekerjaan, penge tahuan, kebiasaan konsumsi sayur dan buah, aktivitas fisik dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Kebiasaan konsumsi air putih dikategorikan cukup (≥ 8 gelas/ hari) dan kurang (< 8 gelas/hari). Jenis penerbangan dikategorikan jarak dekat (< 2 jam), menengah (2-6 jam), jauh (> 6 jam). Analisis menggunakan regresi Cox dengan waktu yang konstan. Hasil: Dari data 644 pilot, terdapat 528 data yang memenuhi kriteria. Jenis penerbangan, pengetahuan tentang hidrasi, aktivitas fisik dan IMT merupakan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan konsumsi air putih. Pilot sipil dengan jenis penerbangan jarak menengah memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi air putih cukup 16% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis penerbangan jarak dekat [RRa= 1,16; IK95% 1,001,35;p= 0,045]. Pilot yang memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang hidrasi memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi air putih cukup 20% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pilot pengetahuan kurang [RRa= 1,20; IK95% 1,05-1,38; p= 0,006]. Pilot dengan aktifitas fisik aktif memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi air putih cukup 34% lebih tinggi dibandingkan kurang aktif [RRa= 1,34; IK95% 1,161,54; p= 0,000]. Dibandingkan pilot dengan IMT <18,5kg/m2, pilot dengan IMT 18,5-23 kg/m2 memiliki 4,14 kali lipat [RRa= 4,15; IK95% 1,15-14,88 ; p= 0,029] dan IMT > 23 kg/m2 [RRa= 4,33; IK95% 1,2015,59; p= 0,025] memiliki 4,33 kali lipat lebih terbiasa mengonsumsi air putih yang cukup. Kesimpulan: Pilot dengan penerbangan jarak menengah, pengetahuan baik tentang hidrasi, aktivitas fisik aktif dan indeks massa tubuh ≥ 18,5 kg/m2 lebih memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi air putih yang cukup. Kata kunci: Kebiasaan konsumsi air putih, jenis penerbangan, pilot sipil, Indonesia
WD 200.5H8
WD 210
Vika, Minarma Siagian, Grace Wangge
Risnandar Nasution, Herqutanto, Yuliana
Validity and reliability of Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8 Bahasa version to measure statin adherence among military pilots
The habits of eating sweet foods and other factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;129-33 Latar belakang: Hiperkolesterolemia merupakan penyebab penyakit kardiovaskular yang dapat menyebabkan inkapasitasi dalam penerbangan. Salah satu cara untuk mengontrol hiperkolesterolemia adalah dengan minum obat antikolesterol golongan statin, namun belum ada instrumen yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kepatuhan minum obat statin di kalangan penerbang militer di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8 (MMAS-8) versi bahasa Indonesia untuk mengukur kepatuhan konsumsi statin pada penerbang militer di Indonesia. Metode: MMAS 8 diterjemahkan secara sistematik ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas MMAS 8 pada 40 penerbang militer di Skadron Udara Halim Perdanakusuma dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 April-15 Mei 2016. Validitas diuji dengan validitas kriteria. Reliabilitas diuji dengan konsistensi internal dan uji ulang (test-retest). Hasil: Sebagian besar penerbang (52,5%) memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi (>200 mg/dL) dan tingkat kepatuhan minum statin yang rendah (74,4%). Didapatkan korelasi negatif lemah dan tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara antara kadar kolesterol dan tingkat kepatuhan minum statin (koefisien Spearman -0,199; p=0,218). Konsistensi internal moderat (Cronbach’s α=0,759) dengan reliabilitas tes ulang yang baik (koefisien Spearman=0,860). Kesimpulan: Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas MMAS 8 versi bahasa Indonesia pada penerbang militer belum dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kepatuhan minum statin pada penerbang militer di Indonesia. Kata kunci: statin; kepatuhan; validitas; reliabilitas; penerbang; militer; Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7;134-9 Latar belakang: Obesitas pada penerbang dapat menyebabkan inkapasitas mendadak dalam pener bangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan faktor lainnya yang berpengaruh terhadap penerbang sipil obes di Indonesia. Metode: Desain potong lintang dengan sampel total dari data sekunder penerbang sipil yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala pada periode April 2016. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu karakteristik demografi, pekerjaan, kebiasaan makan makanan manis, kebiasaan olahraga dan riwayat obesitas dalam keluarga. Penerbang dikategorikan sebagai obes I (IMT:25,0-29,9 kg/m2) dan Obes II (IMT: > 30,0 kg/m2). Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dikategorikan menjadi empat kategori yaitu hampir tidak pernah, 1-3 kali/minggu, 4-5 kali/minggu, dan hampir setiap hari. Analisis menggunakan regresi Cox dengan waktu yang konstan. Hasil: Dari 644 data penerbang sipil yang dikumpulkan, sebanyak 256 data yang memenuhi kriteria untuk dianalisis. Sebanyak 55 penerbang (21,48%) mengalami obes II. Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan status pernikahan merupakan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan risiko obes II. Jika dibandingkan dengan subjek yang hampir tidak pernah makan makanan manis, subjek yang memiliki kebiasaan makan makanan manis1-3x/minggu memiliki risiko 50% lebih rendah mengalami obes II (RRa=0,50; 95% CI= 0,30-0,85; p=0,011), subjek yang memiliki kebiasaan makan makanan manis 4-5x/minggu memiliki risiko 68% lebih rendah mengalami obes II (RRa= 0,32; 95% CI= 0,12-0,83; p=0,020). Selanjutnya jika dibandingkan dengan subjek yang tidak menikah, subjek yang menikah memiliki risiko 38% lebih rendah mengalami obes II.(RRa=0,62; 95% CI=0,38-0,99; p=0,046). Kesimpulan: Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan status pernikahan berpengaruh terhadap risiko obes II diantara penerbang sipil obes di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Obes, Kebiasaan makan makanan manis, pilot sipil, Indonesia
ISSN 2087-7021 E-ISSN 2338-3437
Health Science Journal of Indonesia Volume 7, number 2, December 2016, pages 69-139
The abstract sheet may reproduced/copied without permission WC 528
WC 515
Reni Herman, Hartanti Dian Ikawati, Arie Ardiansyah Nugraha, Agustiningsih, Masri Maha Sembiring
Nur Ika Hariastuti, Eka Pratiwi, Vivi Setiawaty
Genotypes of dengue virus circulate in dengue sentinel surveillance in Indonesia
Isolation rate of influenza specimens from influenza surveillance at several public health centers and hospitals in Indonesia in 2013
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);69-74 Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever was caused by dengue virus (DENV). This virus has four serotypes, DENV-1 to DENV-4, in which each serotype consists of various genotypes. In Indonesia, DENV infection had caused public problems in all provinces. Serum samples of dengue cases from dengue sentinel surveillance system were sent to National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) for DENV confirmation and identification. Methods: We performed molecular analyses using bioinformatics tools to identify genotype of DENV. Sequencing targeting envelope gene was carried out on DENV-positive samples. Full-length sequence of envelope gene was obtained using overlapping primers for DENV 1, 2, 3 and 4. Phylogenetic tree was generated by Neighbor Joining using MEGA 6.0 with 1000 bootstrap replications and Kimura 2-parameter model. Known genotype of DENV sequences from Indonesia and other countries obtained from GenBank were included in the analyses as references. Results: A total of 64 complete coding sequences of envelope gene from DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV3 were successfully sequenced from 204 confirmed DENV cases. There are fourteen sequences of DENV-1, 22 sequences of DENV-2 and 28 sequences of DENV-3. Unfortunately, there was no complete coding sequence of envelope gene obtained for DENV-4. DENV-1 and DENV-2 were grouped into genotype I and cosmopolitan genotype, respectively. The DENV-3 was grouped into genotype I. This study has confirmed the circulation of various serotypes DENV in six sentinels in Indonesia. These viruses were belongs to various genotypes that have been circulating previously in Indonesia.
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);75-9 Background: Influenza surveillance in the public health centers (PHC) and hospitals is conducted to monitor influenza activity and severity in the community. The data reported to the WHO, to generate recommendations for the next vaccine seed. This study aimed to isolate the influenza virus that spread in the Indonesia archipelago, from mild and severe cases. Methods: The study is part of ILI and SARI surveillance which routinely conducted by the NIHRD. In ILI system there were 26 PHC sentinels spread in various provinces in Indonesia. While SARI surveillance conducted in 6 hospitals representing 6 major islands in Indonesia. We isolated the influenza specimens in the Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells according to WHO guideline. Results: The average number of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positive specimens from each area was 24.12 for ILI and 8.33 for SARI. While the average number of specimens that can be isolated from each region for ILI was 1.77 and 0.83 for SARI specimens. It consists of flu B (Brisbane, Florida, and Wisconsin), H1N1pdm09, and H3N2. The isolation rate in this study (7.3% for ILI and 10% for SARI) is correspond to the transportation length that also affecting the specimens temperature.
Conclusion: This finding suggest that the distribution of DENV genotype in sentinel sites remained stable.
Conclusion: The percentage of influenza specimens that can be isolated for ILI was 7.3% and 10% for SARI. The majority of influenza viruses circulating in Indonesia that found in this study are in accordance with WHO recommendation for vaccine composition.
Key words: dengue sentinel surveilans, dengue virus, genotype
Keywords: Influenza isolation, ILI, SARI
QW 160
QV 766
Hartanti Dian Ikawati, Roselinda, Rabea Pangerti Yekti, Vivi Setiawaty
Danang Ardiyanto, Agus Triyono, Peristiwan Ridha Widhi Astana, Tofan Aries Mana
Predominant Clinical Symptom of Influenza A in Pre-School Children (3-6 years old) Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);80-3 Background: Most patients visiting public health centres with Influenza-like Illness (ILI) in 2011 were children infected by Influenza A. Defined clinical symptom in Influenza infection can avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. Clinical features of ILI associated with influenza infection in children have been studied widely, no typical symptom for preschool children has been identified. The study aim to determine the predominant clinical symptom of Influenza A virus infection among preschool age (3-6 years old) with ILI. Method: Patients age 3-6 years old met the ILI case definition were included. For the analyses, demographic data (sex), clinical symptom (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and muscle aches) and PCR result obtained from ILI surveillance. Statistical analyses performed using STATA 9 software. OR value is determined using the maximum likelihood method. Clinical symptoms considered dominant when the bivariate test p-value <0.25 and the next dominant factor will be selected as candidates for multivariate modeling along with other dominant factor. Result: There was no significant difference between male and female patient with influenza A. However, male had greater risk. Most children with influenza A reported cough (p=0.346) and runny nose (p=0.798). The best multivariate predictor of influenza A infection in preschool children (3-6 years old) were fever and muscle aches with p=0,001 and p=0,034 respectively. Conclusion: The predominant symptoms of influenza A infection among preschool children (3 - 6 years) with ILI were fever and muscle aches. Accurate identification of influenza in children is becoming very important to avoid unnecessary antibiotic therapy in children. Additional data about the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of influenza in children were needed to help the physician make a sharp clinical judgment for influenza in children Key words: Clinical symptom, Influenza A, children
Clinical trial of osteoarthritis jamu formula compare to piroxicam Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);84-92 Background: Indonesian herbs have several formulas which have been used traditionally to reduce pain of osteoarthritis (OA). However, there is a lack of evidence of its efficacy and safety. The objectives of study were to investigate the efficacy and safety of traditional herbal formula for OA that consist of Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome, Centella asiatica herbs, Curcuma domestica rhi zome, Foeniculum vulgare seeds, Orthosiphon stamineus leaves, Phyllantus niruri herbs, Equisetum debile herbs. Methods: The study designed was a randomized clinical trial (RCT) involved 123 patients (subjects) for 28 days intervention. This study was conducted between March - December 2014 with 30 physicians were participated at 20 regencies in Indonesia. The physicians were from, Indonesia. The subjects (patients) were divided into two groups who administered with jamu formula dan piroxicam (positive control). Jamu formula was consisted of 15g Curcuma xanthorrhiza dried rhizome, 3g Centella asiatica dried herbs, 15g Curcuma domestica dried rhizome, 3g Foeniculum vulgare seeds, 5g Orthosiphon stamineus dried leaves, 7g Phyllantus niruri dried herbs, and 5g Equisetum debile dried herbs. 63 subjects of jamu formula group receives three times of a glass jamu daily and 60 subjects of piroxicam group is presribed once daily 1 capsule. The variables measured were VAS score, PGAP functional status assessment (FSA), and Short Form (SF-36) to assess jamu efficacy in comparison to piroxicam. To evaluate the safety of jamu formula using values of SGOT, SGPT, BUN, and creatinine. Result: The jamu formula administration effects can reduce VAS significantly (p<0.05) if it was compared to baseline. FSA score of jamu formula group was decreased significantly (p=0.000) when compared to the start of intervention. Short Form (SF)-36 of jamu formula group were significantly improved when compared with baseline value. The result of the three parameters between jamu group and piroxcam group should not significantly different. There was no difference in those parameters between both groups (p>0.05). In biological parameters, SGPT, SGOT, BUN, and creatinine level, showed normal range in both groups. Conclusion: This study showed that the efficacy and safety of jamu formula was clinically comparable to piroxicam after 28 days of treatment. Keywords: efficacy, safety, RCT, jamu formula
QV 766 Heru Sudrajad, Didik Suharto, Harto Widodo The effects of benzil amino purin (BAP) and gibberellin with in vitro seedling growth of pulesari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl) Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);93-6 Background: Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. in natural habitat becomes rare and reaches vulnerable status. The high price in accordance with its high market demand made the over harvested beyond regeneration capacity of the plant while the conservation efforts are terribly limited. Till recently of time, propagation of Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. relies on seed obtained from nature, unfortunately the presentage of seed germination is not only very low but also time consuming. Besides uncertain flowering behavior and heir low growth rate area also worsen their existing. Vegetative propagation of this plant is troublesome as well, therefore we conducting preliminary study on in vitro propagation using seed to overcome these difficulties delete providing seeding of Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. Methods: The research was conducted in laboratory tissue culture of Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Center Tawangmangu for three months. Selected ripe seeds of A. reinwardtii Bl. which had dark brown husk were collected from Pringgondani Forest, Tawangmangu-Central Java. Seeds were peeled and air-dryed for five days, washed using steril aquadest (s.a), soaked on 0.5% Agrept (w/v) (5 minutes) then on 2.125% sodium hypochloride (v/v) (5 minutes) and rinsed three times using s.a. and placed on Laminar Air Flow (LAF) prior to planting. Murashige and Skoog (MS) media were prepared according to directed composition. This research uses a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with two factors. The first factor is the concentration of growth regulators BAP at a concentration of 3, 4 and 5 mg.L-1 and the second factor is giberelin concentration of 1, 2 and 3 mg.L-1. MS media was modified with addition of BAP with the concentration of 3, 4, and 5 mg.L-1 and gibberellin with the concentration of 1, 2, and 3 mg.L-1 with 3 repetitions. Results: The results showed that the combination treatment of growth regulators BAP (4 mg.L-1) and giberelin (2 mg.L-1) MS medium formed shoots and roots. The shoots were formed at 30 days after planting with a height of 2 cm while the roots appear at 45 days after planting.
Conclusion: Pulasari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl.) can be propagated through tissue culture by using seeds as explants Keywords: pulesari, Alyxia reinwardtii Bl, BAP and giberelin WK 810 Nunik Kusumawardani, Suhardi, Julianty Pradono, Delima, Ni Ketut Aryastami, Anand Krishnan Behavior risk factors and lipid profiles of Diabetes Mellitus with Hypertension among Adult Population in Indonesia Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);97-106 Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) with hypertension increases risk of disability and premature death. Data on DM with hypertension is limited to hospital based data, while populationbased data is important to provide problem magnitude in the population setting. This study aimed to describe issues magnitude of diabetes mellitus with hypertension and relationship with other NCD risk factors in Indonesia based on national population based survey. Method: This is a data analysis from a cross sectional national health survey (RISKESDAS) in 2013 that covered 34 provinces in Indonesia. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and measurement. Sample was 35,931 people aged 18+ years. Sampling method used four stages stratified sampling method. Results: This study showed prevalence of diabetes mellitus with hypertension was 3.0%, the highest prevalence was 14% for male and 8% in female. Diabetes mellitus with hypertension had significant relationship to smoking index in male (OR:2.94), obesity in male (OR: 2.35) and female (OR: 2.19) and blood cholesterol (OR: 3.45 in female and OR:1.86 in male). In conclusion, health risk monitoring on body mass index, lipid profile, fruits and vegetables consumption, and smoking, will be crucial as a secondary prevention among DM and Hypertension case towards further complication, and risk of disability and premature death. Keywords : diabetes mellitus, hypertension, behaviour risk factors
HK 5725
WS 420
Made Ayu Lely Suratri, and Indirawati Tjahja
Suparmi, Belinda Chiera, Julianty Pradono
Smoking as a Risk Factor of Periodontal Disease
Low birth weights and risk of neonatal mortality in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);107-12 Background. Smoking is a cause of disease in humans is indeed a disease which can be prevented. Nicotine in cigarettes can damage the immune response system and causes constriction of blood vessels, including the blood vessels in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Narrowing of blood vessels, can form a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease. The aim of research to determine whether there is a relationship between smoking and periodontal disease. Methods: the study design is a cross sectional, data retrieved from the secondary data Riskesdas 2013. Samples are household members aged ≥ 15 years with the number of 722 329 people. Results: There was a significant association between smoking and periodontal disease, with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), this means that there is a significant relationship where OR = 4.434 (95%, CI: 4.1564.731), the meaning that respondents who were 4.43 times to have periodontal disesases (unhealthy periodontal tissues) as compared to not-smoking. Conclusion: In this studi reported the smoking is a risk factor for the periodontal disease, where smoking were four times more likely to have periodontal disesases as compared to not-smoking. Keywords: Smoking, periodontal disease, and risk factors
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);113-7 Backgrounds: Neonatal mortality rates in Indonesia remain steady in the past decades (20 in 2002 to 19 per 1000 live births in 2012). In order to accelerate the decline in neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia, specific interventions would have to target key factors causing mortality. This study aims to examine contribution of low birth weight on neonatal mortality in Indonesia. Methods: Data from the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) conducted in 2012 were used in the analysis. A total of 18021 live births in the last five years preceding the survey were reported from the mothers. Out of them, 14837 children complete information for the analysis. The adjusted relative risk with cox proportional hazard regression analysis were used to assess the strength of association to neonatal mortality. Results: Children born in low birth weight range had a 9.89-fold higher risk of neonatal mortality compared to children born in normal weight range [adjusted relative risk (aRR) = 9.89; 95% confidence interval (CI): 7.41 – 13.19); P = < 0.0001]. Children delivered from younger mothers (aged 15 - 19 years) had 94% higher risk of neonatal mortality compared to children delivered from mothers aged 20-35 years. Working mothers had 81% higher risk of neonatal mortality compared to unemployed mothers. Conclusions: Children born in a low birth weight and born from younger mothers had higher neonatal mortality. Appropriate care and treatment for children born in low birth weight range needed to prolonged survival rates of the children. Keywords: Low birth weight, neonatal mortality, Indonesia
CB 23
CB 23
Ane Dwi Sari, Bastaman Basuki, Intan Mariska, Setyawati Budiningsih
Listiana Aziza, Bastaman Basuki, Retno Wibawanti, Dian Kusuma Dewi
Correlation of physical activity and other factors to fruit and vegetable intake among civillian pilots in Indonesia
Type of flight and other factors related to plain water consumption habit among civilian pilots in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);118-22 Background: International civil aviation organization stated the importance of maintaining penerbang healthy and avoid incapacitation. One efforts for this is consuming healthy diet with fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation of physical activity and other factors related to fruits and vegetables intake. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted with a total sampling, using secondary data of the pilot that conducted periodic medical examinations on April 2016 in the Civil Aviation Medical Center, Jakarta. Data collected were demographic and job characteristics, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, knowledge about fruit and vegetable intake, and social support. Results: The pilots participate in this study were 530 peoples. No correlation between physical activity and fruits and vegetables intake. The dominant factor associated with fruits and vegetables intake is the knowledge about fruits and vegetables intake. Pilots with poor knowledge decrease consumption 3,9 times lower [ORa = 3.93; 95% CI = 1.74 to 8.87; p = 0.001]. In this study, knowledge about fruit and vegetable intake as a personal factors according to social cognitive theory. Conclusion: The knowledge about fruits and vegetables intake according to WHO recommendations increased the frequency of fruits and vegetables intake. Keywords: fruits and vegetables, a civilian pilot, Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);123-8 Background: Pilots could risk mild dehydration that would affect cognitive performance and flight safety, so they should have adequate plain water consumption. The purpose of this study was to determine the dominant factor associated with plain water consumption habit among civilian pilots. Methods: A cross-sectional study using secondary data of Healthy Habits Survey on civilian pilot in Indonesia 2016. The data collected were demographic, job characteristics, knowledge, fruit and vegetable consumption habit, physical activity and body mass index (BMI). Plain water consumption habit was categorized adequate if water consumption ≥ 8 glasses / day (@ glass = 250 ml) and inadequate when <8 glasses / day. Type of flight was categorized short haul (<2 hours), medium haul (2-6 hours), long haul (> 6 hours). Data was analyzed using Cox regression with constant time. Results: Out of 644 data, 528 met inclusion criteria. Type of flights, knowledge about hydration, physical activity and body mass index were dominant factors associated with plain water consumption habit. Compared to short haul flight, pilots with medium haul flight were 16 % more consume adequate plain water, [RRa = 1.16; p = 0.045]. Compared to poor knowledge, pilots with good knowledge were 20% higher to consume adequate plain water [RRa = 1.2; p = 0.006]. Compared to sedentary, active pilots were 34% higher to consume adequate plain water [RRa= 1,34; IK95% 1,16-1,54; p= 0,000]. Compared to pilots whose BMI <18,5kg/m2, pilots with BMI 18,5-23 kg/m2 and BMI > 23 kg/m2 were respectively 4,14 times [RRa= 4,15; IK95% 1,15-14,88 ; p= 0,029] and 4,33 times [RRa= 4,33; IK95% 1,2015,59; p= 0,025] higher to have adequate plain water consumption habit. Conclusion: Civilian pilots who operate in medium haul flight, had good knowledge about hydration, active physical activity and BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m2 had more adequate plain water consumption habit. Keywords: plain water consumption habit, type flight, civilian pilots, Indonesia
WD 200.5H8
WD 210
Vika, Minarma Siagian, Grace Wangge
Risnandar Nasution, Herqutanto, Yuliana
Validity and reliability of Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 8 Bahasa version to measure statin adherence among military pilots
The habits of eating sweet foods and other factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);129-33 Background: Hypercholesterolemia is the cause of cardiovascular disease which lead to inflight incapacitation. One of the way to control hypercholesterolemia is using statin medication, however there has not been an instrument to measure statin adherence in military pilots in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of MMAS 8 Bahasa version to measure statin adherence among military pilot in Indonesia. Methods: MMAS 8 sistematically translated into Bahasa. Validity and reliability test among 40 military pilots in Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base was held on April 06th-May 15th 2016. Validity was confirmed using crirerion-related validity. Reliability was tested for internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results: Most of the pilots (52.5%) had high cholesterol level and 74.4% had low statin adherence. Negative weak correlation and no significant association between cholesterol and statin adherence level (Spearman coefficient -.199, p=0.218) was found. Moderate internal consistency and excellent test-retest reliability were found (Cronbach’s α=0.759; Spearman correlation=0.860). Conclusions: Validity and reliability of MMAS 8 Bahasa version has not been able to be used to measure statin adherence among military pilots in Indonesia. Keywords: statin; adherence; validity; reliability; pilots; military; Indonesia
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2);134-9 Background: Obesity in pilot can cause sudden incapacity in flight. This study is purposed to determine factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia. Methods: Cross-sectional design amongst male civil pilots who conducted periodic medical examinations in April 2016 at Aviation Medical Center. Data was collected for this study included demographic characteristics, occupation, habit of eating sweet foods, exercise and family history of obesity. Pilot was categorized as obese I when BMI: 25.0- 29.9 kg/m2 and obese II when BMI: > 30.0 kg/m2. The habit of eating sweet foods was categorized into four categories: almost never, 1-3 times/week, 4-5 times/ week, and almost every day. Data was analyzed by Cox regression with constant timing. Results: From 644 pilot’s data that had been collected, 256 data were qualified for the criteria of analysis. 55 pilots (21.48%) were obese II. Habit of eating sweet foods and marital status were the dominant factors that associated with risk of obese II. As compared to subject who never consumed sweet foods, subject who consumed sweet foods 1-3 times/week had a lower risk of 50% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.30 to 0.85; p = 0.011]; subject who consumed sweet foods 4-5 times/week had a lower risk of 68% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.12 to 0.83; p = 0.020]. In comparison with subject who was not married, married subject had a lower risk of 38% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.62; 95% CI = 0.38 to 0.99; p = 0.046]. Conclusion: The habit of eating sweet foods & marital status are affecting the risk of obese II among obese civil pilot in Indonesia. Keywords: Obese, habit of eating sweet foods, Indonesian civil pilots.