nrachl. nclj .. IOIOI{ tlw AOO1<, in •· xl<'nt 2'72 moro:• r . VoerehitJ, new pattern• lsck Grape, 4 Marble Top CIRCULAR TABLES, suppli611 with two stron~ Str~nm s of \\'at e r, a nd planted " ll" Silk Vesuog. 2 Marble CHIMNEY PIECES. numf'rous Oran~ and other Trees. W~ite & yellow China NaoTHOMSON, WATSO~, & Co. Fortber.-30 lf'~oer5 'Winl' of thf' la~t \' in tag,. , 72 drau l(ht lleens Merino and Thlbet Shawls, Os l' n, 34 bead of bre~d 111g Cattlt' . 27 0 Sbt>Pp , 120 lea,(uer. HE Undersigned will bold a Public Sale on ·MONDAY \Virchiefs, Fost~, 2 Brandy Stills. 2 Ox-wa gons. a th ree .I, AJrof'r clrtto. MORNING next Rt their Stares in the Heeregrscbt, of TWilled Shf'l!ting Silk at~d Chnl e Sb&w1s. 2 Horse-wap:ons . I (;art. 8 Wa gon-hor'Sf'!l. 2 Sarldle-hoi'I!Ps "~ t- neral ASliortment of GOODS, consisting of Gambroons; Blae" Velvl'teens Worsted and TsrLan Shaw ls Cf'llar aAd Agricultural lmplt~m ent.•, a Sm ith Forg .. , Hoa <e: ld ac k and blue Lastin gs ; black and white Prints; dark Fine guld rnd Sbirting Printed twiiJ,.,d Sh~ wlb, ' hold Furniture, a Hou .... . clock . a quar. tity uf Oak and Poplar t·nlourerl and fllncy Prints ; !!'old-end Shirtiog; unbleached Striped Floreolin~ . -. ~ Wood. a Mill. and 30 mu ids of S ai i.-Last ly, the 1ndentur•a StoQt furniture Checks ~h irting; fancy Waistcoa tings; Summer Cloths; ready-m11de ~os rf'ry of all • . of 18 ma le nod female Apllrt•ntices. Thrt>ad and Tapes,' t "lothes; Moleskins; Cantoon, and other Good~ ; al.•o, 3 Sl0t1t cotton Bl!d-tick Th08e purchasing for upwar ds of 25 P()unds St~rling mar ' .,.8 ks of Glassware : comprisin~~: quart and pint 0t'Cllnten ; Cbambmys, Nankinets Fintl Irish Linen, ' r:•ta1n th" Money at lntHest for Three Y ..ars, at Four l"' r L iMn Drill~. ~ pint 'fumblen, and Goblet, Wine, Claret, Champagne, and Brown & white Punjums ~ ~e nr, . provldf'd a Notsr1al Bond . w•th Sureti,.s, he pa et! . Brown & wbitB Baftas D 1aper and TowiPs.\ Li4neur Glaasea, &c. &c. &c. llu• I mmo~eabl es nre 1n the m•·an wlodt• rur Pri•ate Sale. Striped Cottons THOMSON, WATSON, & Co. Particulars may be learnt from tlon U odersi gn l.'d at tbf' 1r Fancy trouaera Staff Ra•l'n DackR, Ofli <'e. FAUHE & KORST~N . rL1o FAR.'\fER~, BAKERS, & OTHERS.-f'or Sale at White & printed Jeans 4~-in ch Hr-rosf'ns an1 Baggi ng, Vend uf' Ofli .' "• Stell,n boscb, Dt:c. 12, 1837. the Storrs of the Undersigned, chaff and muid Sacks, Printed Cantoona \~ nnl and Grain Har;s W Libt• n•l Stryk;teiJ will be gi1·eo.- Eatablea a r.d • 1 rhlfl'rent 10rt1 of eanvass, Field Tent~ , Horse Cribbs, Cantooo Cord : white" drab Fi ••e bleached Duck j ' Drmkable& will be proviJed. Mol, black, blue.& drab ' . l "lt' Tll'ioe, Junk, &c. &c., on reltllonable Term~ . Brown Holland. ; • • • Exporters of Graiu supplied with grain and flour Do. fin ,·, printed, & white \30- in~h Canns . UBLIC SALE.-Oo MO~ OA Y, the 15th \V hi le & printetl aaUeen Jean ' Bags on tile low~t Tt•nus. -I instant, the Unden;igned will cause to be publici~ 10ld, While & printed Quiltings HUTCHONS & ROS S, Sail-makers . Broad hrimmed list~. 11t tbe house of .\ofr. Pit'll!r Ctupf'r dt Vi/lier1, in tbi \'iii&E?"•·. Colored Lining~ Rogre Ray. Bo<•rs ' Hals, ' ~ome fustage , consisting of Tubs, Stuckvau, Left8'U~n . Harr -corrl & furniture Dimitiet Plsnten' 8bO<'s, 1 Buckets, Cellar Implements, and what further will .be ex · OMMISS.\RIAT.-BREAD FOil TilE r:sF. OP 1/ER 1-lair.cord Muslina Rel{a tta ami gtnfllld $ hirts. posed on tlte dRy of Sale. J. MINNAAR, Sr. hiAJESTr S TROOPS.-l'otice i!l her~h,· !ti,·en, that Camhric & Jacconel }luslio Caml<~t and Tartan Gloaks. PILIU'l, 2 January, 18:38. Tenden 'Will be rrceived at this Offici', until ll o'Clock oo lmi1ation Cambric ~ATURDA Y, the 20th inst., from snch Persons as mav be nishOJl Lawn -~ :...!~ --~ DE Vt LLtn.s , Veodu Adm. Loa f Sugar, - - -willing to contract to supply Brtad, mnde from l~e brst Cape Striped&< fancy Gin~hamt Mauritiu~ Sugar. , UBLIC SALE IN THI~ DISTRICT OF \\' eaten Meal, from which 1-7th prtrt of th e original weight. Coloreu hair-cord Muslin Caper anti Congo Tei, . ST_ELLENBOSCH.-On MONDAY, the 1~tb i~ 1 r. luiS been e:~tracted ~ bran or pollard , lo be delivered daily Dulle, drab and bloP, Tamarinds, Will be d1sposed of by Public Auction , tbe whole Estate of the Cofl'<'fl, to tbe Troopa in Capt To1011, RondtbOJ THLI~ t., . . I~. requtstcd to forward th e ume with prop••r Vonchl'l'l', llAK, No. 43,_Long-street, Cape Town,-during the 5;ul);)ruer at Stell en boscb. · J. P. RO U~ •. Ftn;l. R11•er, } Auumerl ~rat~ m three. months from this dnte, l() th e Undersigned ; months, prec1sely at~ o'clock io l~e Morning. W. M. nu TOIT, Owner E. A. BU\ SK E.S, (;ape Town, Exec uto~. wbde those ·~r.e_bted to the E~ta tl', are also t?quested to puy Pattrl, DPc. 2G, 1837. · · J A nn ~ ry 4, 1838. t het r Ocuta 'lrlthm the above perind. N.H.-AII pouible are will be tak.en to con,·ry the : Pas · r.Jr . J. J . G. Pl E T~IoUIEN, Auctioneer. J . J . STEYTLER. Jr.l Executors A . P. I·IERH OLDT, f,. Dati.-r. sengers with llpeed, conrenienee, and ~~afety. · . - . ·"· -=-~-.......:_....:...._ _ _ __:__ _ _ _ · l:!li , LONG - S'fR"ET r~ . -'l'h e nvcr 1gned h'Prt C~ Town, 11 Janurtry, 1838. URLJC St\f.E or LANDED PROPERTY .- Till' U~tl r r- I' notifi es to his ~u nt_ry Friend s, tha t having 'flUrch>Ute;l .. - -···&il(lr(-cl, :lothori,ud thfl r,.to by Mr. E . H&NN ICJ, .. ill ~o•t• t he Hou~e and Prem1~ !\o. 86, Lo og - ~ treet, next door to I )UBLIC SALE.· - On Monday, the 2~th in ~ta nt, at 10 .f n'clnck in th e Morning, tb ~ Unl rl in . C., pe Town, c .. rnt'.r of l.unjliUIIrket - lln~I! and plt'tlsant G~trticH , No. 9. ltOflland ·st r l' t, • •l rong an•l lnbslantillllv built H11 use ftncl Erf, 1i 1uate u ~. I bt1 abov u LandP.d Property ia ill the mean tirne fo r Pr i~a to raw 01l, 1 u~nttoe, allaortl of PiMi t.. Mol~k~na, Voerdutr-, Sale, and liMy . be inapected daily . from Nine o 'Clock A. M. lledt.lck, wh1te and hrQw-n Punjuma, Baftua, Pnoted Cottons ·•'""'"'• in Rl nck ll., part ~( No. 1, now markc•d No. 2. lill 't'ltree o' CioClk in the Afternoon -A ply to th 11 'Ow l.' r~ 10 g rrat v~nety, Ga~na, Check., Hoaie ry, atriped S , ~~-· . l ikl'w iKe Furniture, riz. Cb11irs, Tit hles, \V .. nlrnbes, Sil- · or to J. '1'. J URGEN:S. q. ~~u8 1to s, Shawta1 and 1-tandken:biefa, Kere ye, Dum., Ba. ,, ' " ' IIIHI r.... rtlren,..aN•, KllCht n !Jten si l~. ·&c. ; likc•v.ise tL e Cape Town, Dec. 2 ,1, 1837. Clo&;hs 11nd Ca&slmeru, Duck, Canvu, &c . &r. &c . · l c utu ct~ of 4 clever Appreul i<"es. - --· _ _. _ JAMF. S H UT'r<1 . J . .1. STE \ "I'LER . .Jr . } Kxecutor' Lar~ee, "'"" mad,., aix year~ old dark brown Stallion; Q( N .B. WANTED to purcbue, 1000 muida of OA . 1 , t ~r A. f' . IIEkHOLDT. Dati•·e. Bllfl" f;nglieb br,.,,t.f, bred lll tbit Colony, ~t c1 rni r.lbl)· wrhic h Cash will be paid on delivery . 1: 1pe T o"·"· 11 J .. n wtr y, 18.18 · a.Japted for co•ering. i• . on account ol a alijlht dtfuc t at lln r. ?\. !'. I. ibrl rti .S trykgc ld will br ~i .-e n. of hill fore legs . olf'c red for .ale. at a •ery mod.,r•• ~ prJce APf'IY to __!:.:~ · BECK ~~oo_dl'ooach . On Tuesday, the 16th Januarv J ••n. to P~:u, I. OM IIHllD, in!Rodin:r t() dispn!!e of CAN be had on lntere~t :~-t I nex t, the Underligned will CIIIIJ<e IO be pn bhcl y auld nt 11. •· • ' 11 !1 tn r P"• •p,.rr.y , will c. us,. 11 pu hlio Sale to be held in a:: C d 1 l'11 r m of Mr. J AN B.:vuu!, 1-tikl .. nd, ~he tiliove nutnl><"r , t t - m o nth .,f r. !~>rrll uext , the day and dmte to be furth er ~ili U per ent,, UpOD 8 equate ' ellt:t'i leot fa~ ' htep ; l uey wifl c~rU;i nly be pl't' eul, A 11 a'o
For Freight or Charter, HE fine brig J!qtilda, 160 tons,
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S«urity heinr ri•en.-AppJy to ·, "" ' ~ ind·inerl to purchue hia f'arm by private contract, St. GeorKe'a-alr'eet. ROBT. C. LOOlE• ,. ·• n:q u r· stcth of February ROPOS.AL~O PARENTS AND G IJ ARDIAN S . -'l)le ne lt , at 10 o'clock in the Porenooo, when, should the Panu not ht• di spoM~d of, it will he put up publicly oq that dJy . . Ad r em~c r mtenrl • , IlK 11000 111 a . auflicwnt num bn p f l' •c ~l er•la Krutet-1, 20 DP.CcmlH•r, 1837 . Cht.ldn- n lrt• o ffc rrcl, to open an ~ tablaahrrw nt for th e ri'C :Jl· lion of Children of Persons ret~idlng in~" Coun t~y D itLric\• . O LET.-Tbe flau se Nu. 62, Strand- street, corner of and others. u .Hon.rde rH, at modera~ pncea.-Stnct attent1~n Bu rg~~ treet. will he p:tid ta the ruoral1 and manoera, acd care be taken /'he UndenJignrd intendinr to remon, of'era to le& hia large tb.rtt the leuons received in School will be properly learned. ' ' ... : commodiout Dwellintr HoUJe In Strand-street. p,___ For p11rt1 nul are apply to J. S ., at the Oflicr of tbis Paper ; • · " ill be jfiven on the Jut of tbia month . if l·y Letter, Po t paid. 'K . T br. Unders irned ber f'urtber to inform his Frieodt 1 tL t· Publi c, tha t be continua to INill all aortl of Wine~ on A RJUEV. by Special Liceocr, in the St . Andrew 18 •· •detKt' Ter rr .s, at bls Storea iD Straod-street, corne; 11f Ch n•c h, by the Rer. Dr. AnAM SON , oo the 29th DP c .-m ~ •. , .,., : Mr. Edward Ptrlwia., to Mis C•twi11a Bliz•ff ~t ·: ::-t. J . A. 8MUTS, 62, Stnnd~trcN . t . L•' "r~n. rl thJao . 18:18. b,ti /- . . •; ... '
wo rthv the atten llin n of Hutch "' · Pi~<~l, 28 D ec . HI~] .
M EL L J::T.
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__ T H E foi WELLEND AM RA C ES wiU place o n \\ El> · 1 , I' ES DAY & THL' R , ll AY the llith & l llrlo cof l··r~\ nrlt. ' ALEX . k ·I:JII, :O. t·,' 1 Swellco d m, J • n. '/., 1 ~le\.
L ET, t he House No . :1, R t~ltenkt~ut.--'pply tn .J. M. Ho\i'\Cl\E, 4 4, C'on•tll ott u-h1:.
CAP E TOWI\. Ed ited h:v P. A. B&.uc n , llur,:-s tret't , !l;o. '! ...:.. l'f' !lilt-d "''' P• bli~brd by tbe Prop n !v r, 1'. A. HaA~ D, ~o ~~ ~ • .,... >m· • lreet.
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