Geography – Steve Knows – Overview In this clip the professor gives Steve two days to find out some information about the Czech Republic. However Steve is lazy and decides to continue playing video games instead. He then just copies and pastes information about the Czech Republic from the internet and presents his report to the Prof. In the report Steve talks about the population and size of the Czech Republic and puts them in perspective. He also states which countries border the Czech Republic and talks about the geography of the country (main rivers and mountain ranges in both Bohemia and Moravia etc…). There is also information on the Czech port in Germany, the three seas that Czech rivers flow into, and the main national parks and general climate of the Czech Republic. In terms of English language content this clip can be used to practice the present simple and in the past simple, example of which are given as Steve describes the Czech Republic. This clip also provides many cross-curricular and inter-curricular links. It links with the environment cross-curricular subject by familiarizing the students with the climate and landscape of their country. It also links with the ‘multicultural’ and ‘thinking European and Global’ subjects by locating the Czech Republic in relation to its neighbours and the international stage. It finally links with the ‘Personal Development’ cross-curricular subject by discussing the consequences of cheating or relying too much on the internet for information. As such it also makes inter-curricular links with ICT and PSE. Suggested Pauses 01:21 : Did Steve do any research about the Czech Republic? No Do you think he is going to do a good report on the country? No / probably not 01:36 : Do you think Steve really took those photos No, he copied them from the internet. 02:10 : Optional suggested pause: You might want to point out here that because Steve just copied the information, and the fact that China is growing rapidly, he hasn’t noticed that the information about Shanghai is out of date and that the city now has double the population of the Czech Republic.
03:11 : Give the students the blank map handout and hold a short quiz here to see how much the students had heard and remembered so far. • What countries border the Czech Republic? Germany, Poland, Austria, and Slovakia. • How big is the Czech Republic and how many people live there? 78,886Km², 10,300,000 people. (according the Steve’s report) • What are the main rivers and mountain ranges in Bohemia? Labe, Vltava, Ohre, Jizera rivers and the Krkonose, Sumava, Krusne hory, Jizerske hory mountain ranges. • What is the highest mountain in the Czech Republic? Snezka, 1602m) Instruct the students to continue filling in their blank map for the rest of Steve’s presentation. 03:28 : Pause to check the students’ maps and that they have marked the Morava river and the Odra River 04:05 : Pause to check the students’ maps and that they have marked the main river and in which direction they flow on their maps. The Morava flows into the Black Sea, The Vltava and the Labe (Elbe) both flow into the North Sea, and the Odra flows into the Baltic Sea 04:24 : What are the four main national parks of the Czech Republic? Šumava National Park, Krkonoše National Park, Podyjí, and České Švýcarsko). Encourage the students to mark them on their maps. 04:46: What type of climate does the Czech Republic have? (A continental climate What are the summers and winters like in the Czech Republic? Hot and sunny summer, but cold, cloudy and snowy in the winter Do you think this is this different to other places near the sea? Why? Yes, because the Czech Republic is a landlocked country. 05:09 : Do you think the Prof knows that Steve has just copied his report from the internet? Answer with a show of hands the watch until 05.23 to find out that the Prof catches him cheating.
End At the end of the clip you could start a discussion about using the internet to get information, whether it is reliable, what the dangers are of copying and pasting (not learning or knowing what you are writing, and problems of plagiarism). You could also ask the students about which website they think Steve got the information from (Wikipedia) and the pit falls of using un-cited and so potentially unreliable information from the internet.
Zeměpis – Steve Knows Steve má dva dny na to, aby zjistil nějaké informace o České republice. Steve je ovšem líný a místo toho, aby vyhledával informace, hraje počítačové hry. Potom pouze zkopíruje nějaké údaje z internetu a prezentuje je profesorovi. Steve mluví o obyvatelstvu a rozloze České republiky, dále o zemích, které s ní sousedí, o řekách, pohořích atd. Z jazykového hlediska zde můžeme s žáky procvičit používání přítomného a minulého času prostého. Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu: 01:21 a) b) -
Did Steve do any research about the Czech Republic? No Do you think he is going to do a good report on the country? No / probably not
01:36 Do you think Steve really took those photos? - No, he copied them from the internet. 02:10 V tomto momentě můžeme upozornit na fakt, že Steve pouze zkopíroval údaje z internetu, aniž by si ověřil jejich pravdivost ještě v jiném zdroji. V Šanghaji dnes žije dvojnásobek obyvatel než v celé České republice.
03:11 Dáme žákům list se slepou mapkou a uděláme s nimi kvíz. Ověříme si tak, zda si něco zapamatovali. • What countries border the Czech Republic? Germany, Poland, Austria, and Slovakia. • How big is the Czech Republic and how many people live there? 78,886km², 10,300,000 people (podle Stevova referátu) • What are the main rivers and mountain ranges in Bohemia? Labe, Vltava, Ohre, Jizera rivers and the Krkonose, Sumava, Krusne hory, Jizerske hory mountain ranges. • What is the highest mountain in the Czech Republic? Snezka, 1602m Žáci doplní zbytek údajů do mapky. 03:28 Zkontrolujeme žákům mapky, a zda správně vyznačili řeky Moravu a Odru. 04:05 Opět kontrolujeme mapky, a zda správně zakreslili směr řek. The Morava flows into the Black Sea, The Vltava and the Labe (Elbe) both flow into the North Sea, and the Odra flows into the Baltic Sea. 04:24 What are the four main national parks of the Czech Republic? - Šumava National Park, Krkonoše National Park, Podyjí, and České Švýcarsko Požádáme žáky, aby je zakreslili do své mapky. 04:46 a) What type of climate does the Czech Republic have? - A continental climate b) What are the summers and winters like in the Czech Republic? - Hot and sunny summer, but cold, cloudy and snowy in the winter c) Do you think this is this different to other places near the sea? Why? - Yes, because the Czech Republic is a landlocked country. 05:09 Zeptáme se, zda si žáci myslí, že profesor ví, že Steve vše zkopíroval z internetu: Do you think the Prof knows that Steve has just copied his report from the internet? Odpověď se dovíme v 05.23 (profesor načapá, jak podvádí)
Závěr: Můžeme rozvinout diskusi na téma získávání informací z internetu. Zeptáme se žáků, zda vědí, z jakých stránek Steve informace (Wikipedia).