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Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Durst.
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Descriptive Summary Title: Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 Date (inclusive): 1904-1984 Number: 900189 Creator/Collector: Hofman, Vlastislav, 1884-1964 Physical Description: 4.0 linear feet(12 boxes, 2 oversize boxes, 1 flatfile folder, 1 tube) Repository: The Getty Research Institute Special Collections 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, California, 90049-1688 (310) 440-7390 Abstract: Vlastislav Hofman (1884-1964), architect, painter, and set and costume designer, was a leading member of the Czech modernist movement, and is perhaps best known for his work in the theater. In a career which spanned approximately forty years he designed sets for nearly 300 productions and worked with many leading Czech dramaturges. The Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings contains material from several stages in Hofman's career, and include an extensive collection of letters and postcards from prominent figures in the Czech avant-garde movement; business correspondence regarding exhibitions and conferences; several volumes of photographs of set designs, costume designs, and production designs; architectural sketches; and several original drawings of projects in the decorative arts representative of an early period in his career. Request Materials: Request access to the physical materials described in this inventory through the catalog record for this collection. Click here for the access policy . Language: Collection material is in Czech. Biographical / Historical Note Vlastislav Hofman (1884-1964), was born in Jičín, a small town in northern Bohemia. Hofman's father was a shoemaker and an avid socialist. He was responsible for organizing a social-democratic organization in Jičín and in the surrounding area. Vlastislav Hofman's early exposure to political activity was to later inspire his work in the theater, such as in the designs for the "Husité" and "Svítání." From 1902 to 1907 Hofman attended the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he studied architecture under the direction of Jan Emil Koula and J. Schulz and met fellow artists Pavel Janák and Josef Chochol. After becoming an architect, Hofman participated in numerous design competitions for public buildings in Prague and other cities. Hofman worked closely with Chochol, Janák, and Josef Gočár in developing a Cubo-Expressionist movement in architecture. Few of Hofman's projects were ever realized, but a handful of innovative designs such as the Prague Dáblice cemetery (1912-1913) gained Hofman notable acclaim for his architectural work. Together with Chochol, Janák, and Josef Gočár and others, the group extended their Cubo-Expressionist ideas to furniture and ceramic design. In other countries, Cubist principles were rarely applied to the decorative arts, in contrast to the highly original and innovative Czech movement. The Prague group is considered one of the most important Cubist centers after Paris, and the Expressionist element of its work has been observed to keenly reflect the agitation and upheaval of the times. At various points in his career, Hofman was affiliated with several Prague artists' groups and other fundamental institutions in the development of Czech modernism. He was briefly a member of Artěl and early in his career joined Spolek výtvarných umělců Mánes (the Mánes Association of Plastic Artists). In 1911, he was a founding member of the avant-garde group Skupina výtvarných umělců. The group was responsible for several large exhibitions in Prague and published a journal entitled Umělcký měsíčník, edited by Josef Čapek. In 1912, Hofman left the group, along with many of his artistic allies, and returned to Mánes. Among Hofman's closest collaborators of the Czech avant-garde were Josef Čapek, Václav Špála, Emil Filla, Antonín Procházka, Vincenc Beneš, Otto Guttfreund, Chochol, Janák, and Gočár. Hofman designed illustrations for a number of books, among a collection of short stories by Karel Čapek in 1916. The artistic activities of Hofman and his peers were interrupted by World War II, for which many, including Hofman, were called to serve. Upon return from the war, Hofman joined the group Tvrdošíjiným, an early product of newly-independent Czechoslovakia, and exhibited work at their first show in 1918. In 1921, he published a collection of woodcuts entitled Fysiognomie. The publications were numbered and each woodcut is hand-painted in watercolor. (The Getty Research Institute holds copy number 10B). In the early 1910s, Hofman corresponded frequently with his close friend, the playwright Jan Bartoš, during which time they discussed psychological portraits of characters in the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Both artists claim to have been inspired by Dostoevsky's characters. These drawings brought Hofman's artwork to the attention of the director Karel Hugo Hilar. In
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
1919, Hofman began his career in the theater with a production of Antonín Dvořák's play "Husité," directed by Hilar. This was the first of a number of historical productions that would occupy Hofman throughout his career. Several of Hofman's other production designs, such as those for William Shakespeare's "Bouře" (The Tempest") in 1920 are distinguished by a characteristic intensity of lighting effects. The Cubist strain of Hofman's work is evident in many of his set designs, among others "Královna Kristýna" (1922). On two separate occasions (1929 and 1939) Hofman created sets for the science fiction play "R.U.R.," written by the foremost Czech writer of the period, Karel Čapek. Altogether, he designed sets and costumes for close to 300 productions and throughout his career worked with several leading Czech dramaturgists, among them Hilar, Vojta Novák, Jan Bor and Karel Dostal. Hofman was recognized repeatedly for his work in the theater, and received awards for his designs at home and abroad. In 1936 he was invited to Rome with Hilar to take part in a large international theater conference. Many of the most prominent twentieth century playwrights, writers and artists were in attendance, including Luigi Pirandello, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Walter Gropius, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Filippo Tommaso Marínetti, and Maurice Maeterlinck. Hofman remained active in the theater until the 1950s. In 1951, he designed a long series of costume designs for the film "Anna proletářka," produced in 1953. Several exhibitions of Hofman's work were organized during the latter part of his career. A large monograph on his theatrical career was published in 1951. Since Hofman's death in 1964 at the age of 80, his work has been featured in several international exhibitions in Germany, Italy, the United States, and in the Czech Republic. Access Open for use by qualified researchers. Publication Rights Contact Library Reproductions and Permissions . Preferred Citation Vlastislav Hofman Papers and Drawings, 1904-1984, The Getty Research Institution, Los Angeles, Accession number 900189. Acquisition Information A collection of architectural and decorative drawings by Hofman was acquired in 1985 (Accession numbers 850909*, 850909**). In 1990, a large collection of papers, printed matter and photographs was purchased from Hofman's esate (Accession number 900189). The oversized drawings were integrated into the collection of papers soon thereafter. Processing History The archive was preliminarily processed after acquisition. Elizabeth Durst reorganized the oversized collection and completed the processing and cataloging of the collection in the Fall of 1996. Of the many resources consulted for this task, the following are notable: Vlastislav Hofman, Architektur des böhmischen Kubìsmus by François Burkhardt for verifying the dates and titles of the original works; Vlastislav Hofman: 30 let výtvarnické práce na Českých Jevistíchand La scène moderne Tchèque by Miroslav Rutte and František Michálek Bartoš for identifying individual production designs and researching Hofman's work in the theater; Czech Cubism: Architecture, Furniture, Decorative Artsand Czech Modernism, 1900-1945 for background material on the period; and several exhibition catalogs and curricula vitea for documenting Hofman's professional career. Related Archival Materials A small collection of orginal set and costume designs by Hofman for productions of Faust (1938) and Hippodamie (1953-55) is located in a seperate archive (Accession number 950097*, 950097**). A large collection of orginal theater designs by Hofman is held in the Theatersammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Vienna. The National Technical Museum in Prague (Národní technické muzeum v Praze) has several architectural drawings by Hofman. The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague (Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum v Praze) has a significant collection of Hofman's ceramic works and furniture designs. Separation list: exhibition catalogs and books cataloged seperately Burkhardt, François. Vlastislav Hofman, Architektur des böhmischen Kubismus. (1982). Hofman, Vlastislav. Fysiognomie. (1921). Hofman, Vlastislav. Herec Roservaného Století: výtvarná monographie Václava Vydry. (1946). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman: 30 let výtvarnické práce na Českých Jevistich. (1951). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman, opere 1905-1951: 30 maggio-25 giugno 1964. (1964).
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman, Scene e costumi. Mostra a cura di Giorgio Capezzani e Walter Zettl. 30 settembre-14 ottobre 1972, Sala Petrarca, Gorizia. (1972). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman 1884-1964, scenografia e pittura: 1 dicembre 1973-5 gennaio 1974. Catalog a cure di Giorgio Capezzani; introduzione di Vladimir Jindra. (1973). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman, zakladatel české moderni scénografie: 1884-1964. (1984). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman, 1888-1964: Galerie výtvarného umení Roudnice nad Labem: brezen-duben 1984. (1984). Hofman, Vlastislav. Vlastislav Hofman, Szenographie 1919-1957. (1985). Separation list: books with illustrations or set designs by Hofman catalogued seperately Bartoš, Jan. Krkavci: komedie o trech dejstvích. (1920). Bartoš, Jan. Námluvy: cili skola diplomacie, komedie o trech dejstvích. (1923). Bartoš, Jan. Rusko o Evropa: duchovni základy velké revoluce. (1919). Čapkové, Bratři. Zárivé hlubiny: a jiné prosy. (1916). Claudel, Paul. Den sedmý odpocinkem. (1920). Dvorák, Arnost. Bílá hora: tragédie národa o deseti scénách. (1924). Dvorák, Arnost. Husité: tragedie národa o pěti dejstvích. (1919). Edschmidt, Kasimir. Sestero ústí: povídky. (1920). Frank, Leonhard. Človek jest dobrý. (1921?). Fischer, Otokar. Orloj sveta: hra a trech dejstvích. (1921). Hippmann, Silvestr. Rybárská ukolébavka: zpv a klavír. (1941). Hippman, Silvestr. Tři písne z puskina: zpev a klavír, op. 9. (1942). Křička,Jaroslav. Severní noci: zpev a klavír. (1942). Lederer, Max. Za zrezavelými dráty: pribehy pravdivé a skoro pravdíve. (1924). Lom, Stanislav. Kající venuse: drama lásky-tři dejství. (1927). Lom, Stanislav. Karel IV: královská ve trech dílech (9 scén). (1940). Mann, Jindrich. Madame Legros: drama o 3 dejstvích. (1924). Novročenka 1918. (1918). Novročenka 1941: svým priznivcům a prátelům venuje: kruh solistů městských divadel prazských. (1941). Rutte, Miroslav. La scéne moderne Tchéque. (1938). Rutte, Miroslav. Pout' do Rečka. (1938). Scheinpflugová, Olga. Guayana: drama o trech dejstvich s predehrou. (1945). Strindberg, August. Do Damasku: cást prvá. (1923). Strindberg, August. Královna Kristýna: historická hra o čtyrech dejstvich. (1922). Taraba, Bohuslav. Genius. (1920). Tetauer, Frank. Zpovedník: drama v osmi obrazech. (1941). Vomácka, Boleslav. Dve balsy a Psen: pro nizsí hlas s orchestrem: klavírní úprava. (1943). Wedekind, Frank. Procitnutí jara: detská tragedie. (1923). Zápotocký, Antonín. V stanou noví bojovníci. (1949). Zavrel, František. Predehra. (1923). Scope and Content of Collection The Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings consists of published articles, letters and postcards, awards, curricula vitae, and material relating to conferences and exhibitions. The photo archive contains biographical photographs and photographs of set designs for the theater, costume designs for film and theater, realized sets and performances, decorative arts designs and paintings. The collection also includes original architectural drawings and decorative arts designs. Series I. The publications in the collection are offprints from several leading Czech journals, and are concentrated primarily in the 1910s and 1920s when Hofman took an active part in several artistic organizations such as Skupina, Tvrdošíjným, and Umělecká beseda. In the articles, Hofman discusses issues relating to current trends in the visual arts and in the theater.
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Series II. contains letters and postcards received by Hofman from prominent figures in the Czech art and theater communities, including the artists Vacláv Špála, Pavel Janák, and Bohumil Kubišta; the dramaturge Josef Kodiček; prominent art critic Václav Štech; and writer Jan Bartoš. Other notable figures represented in this series include Otakar Kubín, Josef Čapek, Stanislav Neumann, and Miroslav Ponc. Miscellaneous business correspondence in the collection provides accounts of the sale of works, honoraria for articles, and membership in Skupina vytvarných Umělců. The printed matter in Series III. contains extensive biographical information on Hofman. A typescript of a lecture by Adolf Benš, given in Hofman's hometown Jičín two years after Hofman's death, provides details of Hofman's family background and career. The curricula vitae, written by Hofman and others, together with the many small exhibition catalogs provide a comprehensive account of Hofman's artistic activities. A few of the exhibition catalogs have been cataloged separately but are housed in the present collection. The collection holds extensive material dating from Hofman's participation in the 4th Volta Conference, an international theater conference held in Rome in 1936. Critical reviews of Hofman's work in theater which are housed in the collection were taken from numerous journals and cover various stages of his career. There are also many reviews of exhibitions of Hofman's work, held both in Czechoslovakia and in Italy, and articles commemorating Hofman's 50th, 60th, 70th, and 80th birthdays. Series IV. Photographs cover much of Hofman's career in the theater. There is also an entire volume of costume designs which Hofman created from the film Anna proletářka in 1951. A small collection of photographs of decorative arts are arranged according to the type of project. The collection contains photographs of both sketches and realized projects representative of Hofman's early career as part of the Cubo-Expressionist movement. A number of the works in Series V are also representative of Hofman's Cubo-expressionism. The oversized and double-oversized works in Series V. comprise original designs in the decorative arts and architecture. Biographical photographs of Hofman date from various period in his life and are generally arranged chronologically (several are undated). There are a few early photographs circa 1910 which depict Hofman among his avant-garde friends. Several photographs document Hofman's wife Zdenka, their two daughters, and two grandchildren. There are a number of photographs of Hofman taken in the last years of his life and shortly before his death in 1964. Arrangement Arranged in five Series: ; ; ; ; .Series I: Published articles and typescriptsSeries II: CorrespondenceSeries III: Printed matter and curricula vitae materialsSeries IV: PhotographsSeries V: Oversized original works, exhibition posters and diplomas Subjects - Topics Art, Czech--20th century. Book design--Czechoslovakia--History--20th century. Costume design--Czechoslovakia. Decorative arts--Czechoslovakia. Photographic Prints. Theater--Congresses. Theater--Czechoslovakia. Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery--History. Genres and Forms of Material Clippings (information artifacts). Exhibition Catalogs. Photographs, Original Postcards. Scores. Transparencies. Contributors Bartoš Jan, 1893-1946. Janák Pavel, 1882-1956. Kubišta, Bohumil, 1884-1918. Kubín Otakar, 1883-1969. Neumann, S. K. (Stanislav Kostka), 1875-1947. Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936. Ponc, Miroslav, 1902-1976.
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Simonson, Lee, 1888-1967. Čapek, Joseph, 1887-1945. Čapek, Karel, 1890-1938.
Series I. Published articles and transcripts 1911-1944 Physical Description: 0.42 linear feet(1 box) Scope and Content Note Series I. The publications in the collection are taken from several leading Czech journals, and are concentrated primarily in the 1910s and 1920s when Hofman took active part in several artistic organizations such as Skupina, Tvrdošíjným, and Umělecká beseda. In the articles, Hofman discusses issues relating to current trends in the visual arts and in the theater. Typescript copies and photocopies are noted in parentheses at the end of the each serial citation and are not included in the item count unless they represent the only extant copy of a given article. A few articles have neither serial title nor date listed. Arrangement note The articles are organized alphabetically according to series title, with the dates of publications and number of items listed per folder.
Box 1, Folder 1
Box 1, Folder 2
Červen, 1918, Physical Description: 1.0 item Divadlo, 1924-1943, Physical Description: 8.0 items Scope and Content Note
Box 1, Folder 3
Box 1, Folder 4
Drobné Umění, 1920-1921, Physical Description: 2.0 items Jeviště, 1920-1921, Physical Description: 19.0 items Scope and Content Note Plus annotated photocopies and typescript copy.
Box 1, Folder 5
Kmen, 1917-1918, Physical Description: 14.0 items Scope and Content Note Plus annotated photocopies.
Box 1, Folder 6
Box 1, Folder 7
Das Kunstblatt, 1920, Physical Description: 1.0 item Lípa (1918-1919), and Sobota (1920), 1918-1920, Physical Description: 9.0 items Scope and Content Note Plus annotated photocopies.
Box 1, Folder 8
Musaion, 1920-1921, Physical Description: 2.0 items Scope and Content Note Plus one typescript copy.
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Series I.Published articles and transcripts 1911-1944
Box 1, Folder 9
Národní listy, 1929-1939, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Box 1, Folder 10
Box 1, Folder 11
Box 1, Folder 12
Box 1, Folder 13
Box 1, Folder 14
Box 1, Folder 15
Box 1, Folder 16
Práva Lidu, 1919-1923, Physical Description: 8.0 items Prěhled, 1911-1913, Physical Description: 7.0 items Scéna, 1913, Physical Description: 1.0 item Sobota, 1919, Physical Description: 3.0 items Stavba, 1922, Physical Description: 2.0 items Venkov, 1923, Physical Description: 1.0 item Život, 1928-1944, Physical Description: 3.0 items Scope and Content Note Plus annotated photocopies.
Box 1, Folder 17
Unidentified articles and typescripts, undated, Physical Description: 10.0 items
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Series II.Correspondence, 1916-1963
Series II. Correspondence, 1916-1963 Physical Description: 0.83 linear feet(2 boxes) Scope and Content Note This series contains letters and postcards received by Hofman from prominent Czech artists, writers, dramaturgists and critics. Some of these letters are of a more personal nature, but many provide interesting discussions on contemporary trends in art. The letters from Karel and Josef Čapek are undated, but most likely were sent in 1911 and 1912 when the brothers were living in Paris. One recent monograph on Czech Cubism mentions that both Hofman and Josef Čapek studied for a brief period in 1912 at the Academie Colarossi in Paris, though this information has not been corroborated in any other biographical sketch of Hofman ( Czech Cubism: Architecture, Furniture, and Decorative Arts, 1910-1925. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1992). The collection holds a number of letters from one of Hofman's clostest friends, the artist Vacláv Špála. Špála also traveled to Paris in 1911 and, like the Čapeks, contributed to the development of Cubism in Prague upon his return. None of the letters from Špála in the present collection date from 1911, but many were sent in 1913 when Špála was on a study fellowship in Italy. In one of his letters to Hofman, Špála provides an elaborate description of his theories of painting. Included in the archive are a number of postcards from Hofman's close friend and fellow artist Pavel Janák. The postcards document Janák's travels to Florence, Rome, Munich, Vienna, and other cities in Europe. A few of the cards date as early as 1904, the earliest piece of correspondence in the collection, where Hofman and Janák were still at the Technical University in Prague. Of note are the letters and cards sent by a few of Hofman's friends and acquaintances, for example the dramaturge Josef Kodiček and the artist Bohumil Kubišta, while they were stationed at the front in WWI. Kubišta, one of the better known Czech painters of the Cubist movement, died soon after returning from the front in 1918. Also present are postcards sent to Hofman in 1910 by the prominent art critic Václav Štech while he was abroad in Italy and Berlin. Both Štech and his wife Marie Štechová were close friends of Hofman. Štech and Hofman were among the founding members of the Skupina organization. The collection contains sixty-five letters to Hofman from the writer Jan Bartoš dated between 1916 and 1918. During this period Hofman appears to have corresponded frequently and extensively with Bartoš who was then living in Turov. Bartoš played an integral role in Hofman's introduction into the world of theater in 1919, and Hofman later designed sets for productions of several of Bartoš' plays. The letters include copious notes by Bartoš on Fyodor Dostroevsky's novels. In a few letters he lists quotations from the novels regarding a particular character and then adds his own subsequent analysis of the character. Approximately at the same time as the letters were written, Hofman was working on a series of drawings inspired by these same characters of Dostoevsky's works. Three postcards in the collection were written by Otakar Kubín to Josef Čapek. These are notable because it is believed that most of Čapek's correspondence was lost after his arrest by the Nazis in 1939; he would later die at Bergen-Belsen in 1945. All of the postcards from Kubín were sent from Paris, probably sometime in the early 1910s. In one postcard Kubín reports that he has attended a lecture by Filippo Tommaso Marínetti where he has met the sculptor Umberto Boccioni. Two letters from the poet Stanislav Neumann discuss articles recently published by Hofman. The letters were written around the time when Hofman was designing book covers for Neumann's collections of poetry (see Series V, Box 13*). Also of note in Series II are two orginal music scores (piano fortes) written by Miroslav Ponc. The scores are written on small cards, signed by Ponc and dated 1961 and 1962. Miscellaneous business correspondence in the collection provides accounts of the sale of works, honoraria for articles, and membership in Skupina vytvarných umělců. Several letters from Lee Simonson document Hofman's participation in an international exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1934. In his postcards from Die Aktion, Franz Pfempert asks Hofman to send reproductions of his works for the journal. Arrangement note Arrangement is alphabetical.
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Series II.Correspondence, 1916-1963
Box 2, Folder 3
Box 2, Folder 4
Box 2, Folder 5
Box 2, Folder 6
Hofman to Bartoš 1916 Physical Description: 9.0 items 1917 Physical Description: 33.0 items 1918 Physical Description: 6.0 items After 1918 Physical Description: 5.0 items
Box 2, Folder 1, 7
Undated Physical Description: 12.0 items
Box 2, Folder 8
Box 2, Folder 9
Box 2, Folder 10
Box 2, Folder 11
Box 2, Folder 12
Box 2, Folder 13
Box 2, Folder 14
Box 2, Folder 15
Box 2, Folder 16
From Josef and Karel Čapek, undated, Physical Description: 14.0 items From Josef Chochol, 1925, Physical Description: 1.0 item From Karel Dostal, 1926-1934, Physical Description: 3.0 items From Bedřich Feuerstein, 1913-1919, Physical Description: 8.0 items From Otokar Fischer, 1920-1934, Physical Description: 2.0 items From Josef Florian, 1917-1918, Physical Description: 10.0 items From Joseph Gregor, undated, Physical Description: 3.0 items From Karel Hugo Hilar, 1929 Physical Description: 1.0 item From Pavel Janák, 1904-1918, Physical Description: 10.0 items General Physical Description note: (including 1 postcard sent to Janák, author unknown)
Box 2, Folder 17
Box 2, Folder 18
Box 2, Folder 19
From Otakar Jeremiaš, 1928, Physical Description: 1.0 item From Josef Kodiček, 1915-1917, Physical Description: 3.0 items From Edmond Konrád, 1927-1934 and undated, Physical Description: 3.0 items
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Series II.Correspondence, 1916-1963
Box 2, Folder 20
Box 2, Folder 21
Box 2, Folder 22
Box 2, Folder 23
Box 2, Folder 24
From Otakar Kubín to Josef Čapek, undated, Physical Description: 3.0 items From Bohumil Kubišta, 1914 Physical Description: 2.0 items From Antonin Matéjček, 1910 and undated, Physical Description: 2.0 items From Stanislav K. Neumann, 1918 Physical Description: 2.0 items From Miroslav Ponc, 1961-1962 Physical Description: 2.0 items General Physical Description note: (original musical scores)
Box 2, Folder 2
Box 2, Folder 25
Box 2, Folder 26
Box 2, Folder 27
Hofman to Bohuslav Reynek, 1920, Physical Description: 3.0 items From Miroslav Rutte, 1924-1952, Physical Description: 6.0 items From František Šalda, 1917, Physical Description: 6.0 items From Václav Špála, 1913-1916, and undated, Physical Description: 27.0 items General note (including letter from Špála to Čapek)
Box 2, Folder 28
Box 2, Folder 29
Box 2, Folder 30
Box 3, Folder 1
From Václav V. Štech, 1910-1955, and undated, Physical Description: 10.0 items From Marie Štechova, 1909-1910, Physical Description: 4.0 items From Ružena Svobodova, 1917, Physical Description: 9.0 items Various personal letters and postcards, 1924-1957 and undated, Physical Description: 23.0 items Scope and Content Note Including 50th birthday greetings.
Illustrated postcards from friends and acquaintances, Physical Description: 23.0 items
Box 3, Folder 3
Box 3, Folder 4
1904-1918 Physical Description: 23.0 items 1920s Physical Description: 21.0 items
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Series II.Correspondence, 1916-1963
Box 3, Folder 5
1930s Physical Description: 21.0 items
Box 3, Folder 6
Box 3, Folder 2
Box 3, Folder 7
Box 3, Folder 8
1944-1963 Physical Description: 12.0 items Undated Physical Description: 25.0 items Financial receipts for publications and sale of works, 1911-1931, Physical Description: 9.0 items Correspondence regarding exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, from Lee Simonson and others, 1933-1934, Physical Description: 14.0 items
Box 3, Folder 9
from Franz Pfemfert at Die Aktion, 1917, Physical Description: 4.0 items
Box 3, Folder 10
Box 3, Folder 11
from Skupina Výtvarných Umělců, 1913, Physical Description: 6.0 items Miscellaneous business correspondence, 1917-1933, Physical Description: 4.0 items Series III. Printed matter and curricula vitae materials, 1936, 1964-1965, 1972, undated Physical Description: 0.42 linear feet(1 box) Scope and Content Note The printed matter contains extensive biographical information on Hofman. A typescript of a lecture by Adolf Benš, given in Hofman's hometown Jičín two years after Hofman's death, provides details of Hofman's family background and career. The curricula vitae, written by Hofman and others, together with the many small exhibition catalogs provide a comprehensive account of Hofman's artistic activities. The collection holds extensive material dating from Hofman's participation in the 4th Volta Conference, an international theater conference held in Rome in 1936. The conference was sponsored by the Reale Academia D'Italia and the Reunion Volta and was a significant event in the world of theater at the time. The conference was led by the Reunion's President, Luigi Pirandello, and was attended by many leading playwrights, set designers and dramaturges from all over the world. The collection includes a signed photograph of Pirandello and numerous other pieces of memorabilia from the event. Critical reviews of Hofman's work in theater, taken from numerous journals, cover various stages of his career. There are also reviews of exhibitions of Hofman's work, held both in Czechoslovakia and in Italy, and articles commemorating Hofman's 50th, 60th, 70th, and 80th birthdays. Arrangement note Arrangement is topical.
Box 4, Folder 1
Curricula vitae and encyclopedia entries, undated, Physical Description: 18.0 items
Box 4, Folder 2
Box 4, Folder 3
Exhibition invitations, undated, Physical Description: 12.0 items Exhibition Catalogs, undated, Physical Description: 19.0 items
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Series III.Printed matter and curricula vitae materials, 1936, 1964-1965, 1972, undated
Box 4, Folder 4
Segments of Exhibition Catalogs, Undated, Physical Description: 6.0 items
Box 4, Folder 5
Box 4, Folder 6
Box 4, Folder 7
Box 4, Folder 8
Box 4, Folder 9
Box 4, Folder 10
Fourth "Volta" International Theater Conference in Rome, invitation letters, October 1936, Physical Description: 3.0 items Fourth "Volta" International Theater Conference in Rome, list of participants, list of papers, memorabilia, October 1936, Physical Description: 13.0 items Fourth "Volta" International Theater Conference in Rome, photographs, October 1936, Physical Description: 6.0 items Biographical articles, Undated, Physical Description: 10.0 items Articles commemorating Hofman's birthday and reviews of retrospective exhibitions, undated, Physical Description: 24.0 items Critical Reviews - Theatrical Work, undated, Physical Description: 43.0 items General note (includes photographs of articles)
Box 4, Folder 11
Box 4, Folder 12
Reproductions of drawings and paintings in periodicals, undated, Physical Description: 24.0 items Articles on Hofman and others, uUndated, Physical Description: 12.0 items
Box 4, Folder 13
Critical reviews - typescript copies, Undated, Physical Description: 11.0 items
Box 4, Folder 14
Box 4, Folder 15
Critical reviews of exhibitions in Italy, 1964, 1965, and 1972 Physical Description: 24.0 items Obituaries, undated Physical Description: 14.0 items
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series IV.Photographs 1907-1954
Series IV. Photographs 1907-1954 Physical Description: 1.46 linear feet(7 boxes) Scope and Content Note The photographs document much of Hofman's career in the theater. There is also an entire volume of costume designs which Hofman created from the film "Anna proletářka" in 1951. The photographs of actual sets and live performances have been arranged seperately in section 4 of box 7 and are also arranged chronologically and labeled, where possible. A small group of large photographs of set designs and architectural projects are housed seperately in box 8. A small collection of photographs of works in the decorative arts are arranged according to the type of project. The collection contains photographs of both sketches and realized projects. These works are representative of Hofman's early career as part of the Cubo-Expressionist movement in Prague. A number of the works in Series V. are also representative of Hofman's Cubo-Expressionism. The oversized and double-oversized works in Series V. comprise original designs in the decorative arts and architecture. Unless noted, the works are drawings in pencil or ink. The works are also arranged according to type of project. Box 13* contains several designs in the decorative arts for ceramic, wood, and metal objects. Box 14* houses works stemming from Hofman's early career in architecture. Most of the designs, primarily for churches and public projects, date from the early 1910s. Several were created as entries for design competitions, but most of his architectural plans were never realized. Of the architectural drawings in the collection only one is believed to have been constructed (box 14*, folder 4). Some architectural drawings are housed in the Flatfile Folders together with exhibition posters and diplomas. The biographical photographs of Hofman in Series IV date from various periods in his life and are generally arranged chronologically (several are undated). There are a few early photographs circa 1910 which depict Hofman among his avant-garde friends. Several photographs document Hofman's wife Zdenka, their two daughters, and two grandchildren. There are a number of photographs of Hofman taken in the last years of his life and shortly before his death in 1964. Arrangement note Arrangement is topical and chronological.
Box 5
Theater, costume designs, 1919-1954, Scope and Content Note Costume Designs for many of the productions listed for Binder 3. The costume designs correspond to many of the set designs, and several are labeled by Hofman either within the photograph or on the reverse side of the photograph.
Box 6
Film, costume designs, 1951, Scope and Content Note "Anna proletářka," based on the novel Anna proletářka: román o roka 1920 (1946) by Ivan Olbracht, Czechoslovakian State Film of Barrandov 1953, directed by Karel Steklý, costum designs from 1951.
Theater, set designs, 1919-1939, Physical Description: 0.43 linear feet General Physical Description note: (1 Binder) Arrangement note The photographs of set designs in Box 6 are described in the finding aid with: title of production, author or composer, theater and date of performance, and director. Arranged chronologically.
Box 7 Box 7 Box 7
Husité, Antonín Dvořák, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1919 Krkavci, Jan Bartoš, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920 Pěst, Jaroslav Hilbert, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series IV.Photographs 1907-1954
Box 7
Slečna Julie, Johan August Strindberg, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
Herakles, Otokar Fischer, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920 Bouře, William Shakespeare, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920 Svítaní, Emilie Verhaeren, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1920 Koriolan, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1921 Zvony, Fráňa Šrámek, Národní divadlo, Josef Hurt, 1921 Fidelio, Ludwig van Beethoven, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1921 Výměna, Paul Claudel, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1921 Převrat, Stanislav Lom, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1922 Don Carlos, Friedrich Schiller, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1922 Královana Kristýna, Johan August Strindberg, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1922 Námluvy Polopovy, Zdeněk Fibich and Jaroslav Vrchlický, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1923
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Box 7 Box Box Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7 7 7
Kolumbus, Jaroslav Hilbert, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1924 Dezerter, Jiří Mahen, Vinohradské divadlo, Bohuš Stejskal, 1924 Bílá Hora, Antonín Dvořák, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1924 Tristan a Isolde, Richard Wagner, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1924 Otroci, Otokar Fischer, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1925 Smír Tantalův, Zdeněk Fibich and Jaroslav Vrchlický, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1925
Box Box Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7 7 7
Hedy, Zdeněk Fibich, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1925 Žižka, Stanislav Lom, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1925 Hra a lásce a smrti, Romain Rolland, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1925 Císař Jones, Eugene O'Neill, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1925 Antigona, Sophocles, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1925 Živost paní Warrenové, George Barnard Shaw, Stavovské divadlo, M. Svoboda, 1926
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Oči ze všech nejkrásnější, Jean Sarment, Stavovské divadlo, V. Vydra, 1926 Faidra, Racine, 1926 Tažení proti smrti, František Xaver, Karel Dostal, 1926 Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1926 Kokrháč, Edmond Rostand, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1927 Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1928 Úték, John Galsworthy, Stavovské divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1927 Rodinná Zaležitost, Edmond Konrád, Karel Dostal, 1927 Zmoudření Dona Quijota, Viktor Dyk, Městké divadlo, Jan Bor, 1927 Kamarad Čtvrtek, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1927 Adam Stvořitel, Bratři Čapkové, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1927 Falkenštejn, Jaroslav Hilbert, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1927
Box 7 Box 7
Kalich,Antonín Dvořák, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1928 Zločin a trest, podle romanu Fyodor Dostoyevsky, úprava Jan Bora, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1928
Box 7 Box 7
Plukovník Švec, Rudolf Medek, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1928 Bratři Karamazovi, O. Jeremiaáš podle romanu Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1928
Box 7 Box 7
Bar Kochba, Jaroslav Vrchlický, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1928 Král Lear, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1929
Box Box Box Box Box
R.U.R., Karel Čapek, Vinohradské divadlo, Josef Kodiček, 1929 Svatý Václav, Stanislav Lom, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1929 Vilém Tell, Friedrich Schiller, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1930 Signorina Gioventů, Vítězslav Novák, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1930 Běsové, z romanu Fyodor Dostoyevsky, zdramatisoval František Götz, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1930
7 7 7 7 7
Box 7 Box 7
Miliony Marca Pola, Eugene O'Neill, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1930 Bratři Karamazovi, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1931
Box 7
Nový Amphitryon, Jean Giraudoux, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1931
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series IV.Photographs 1907-1954
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Alžbéta Anglická, Jean Giraudoux, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1931 Král Oidip, Sophocles, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1931 Andělé mezi námi, František Langer, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1931 Ženitba, Nikolaĭ Vasilʹevich Gogol', Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1932 Jan Hus, Alois Jirásek, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1932 Markýza z O, F. Bruckner, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1933 Maryša, Bratří Mrštíkové, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1933 Valdštejn, Friedrich Schiller, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1933 Smutek sluší Elektře, Eugene O'Neill, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1934 Jiří z Podébrad, Rudolf Medek, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1934 Richard III, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1934 Modlitba za živé, Jacques Deval, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1934 Námořník Sinibád, Stanislav Lom, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1934 Romeo a Julie, William Shakespeare, Jan Bor, 1934 Scope and Content Note Never performed.
Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7
Krev nevolá o pomstu, Emil Vachek, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1935 Rozrušená země, Michail Šolochov, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1935 Pramen věčného mládí, Eugene O'Neill, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1935 Lorenzaccio, Alred De Musset, Karel Doset, 1935 Scope and Content Note Never performed.
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Mefistofeles, Arrigo Boito, Národní divadlo, Turnau, 1936 Gero, Alois Jirásek, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1936 Judita, Christian Friedrich Hebel, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1936 Bílá nemoc, Karel Čapek, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1937 Peer Gynt, Henrik Ibsen, Národní divadlo, Bohuš Stejskal, 1937 Napoleon I, F. Bruckner, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1937 Kristus, František Zavřel, Stavovské divadlo, A. Podkhorský, 1937 Kde ze žebrá, E. Konrad, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1937 Vassa Železnovová, Maksim Gorky, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1937 Zkáza Eskadry, Aleksandr Kornejčuk, Vinohradské divadlo, Bohuš Stejskal, 1937 Panna Orleánská, Friedrich Schiller, Vinohradské divadlo, František Salzer, 1937 Mackbeth, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1939 Falstaff, William Shakespeare, A. Podkhorský, 1939 Scope and Content Note Banned by the Protectorate.
Binder 8, Section 1 Binder 8, Section 1
Theater, set designs, 1940-1954 Šesté poschodí, Gehri, Prozatímní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1941 Kateřina Poděbraská, F. Kožik, A. Podkhorský, 1940 Scope and Content Note Never performed.
Binder 8, Section 1 Binder 8, Section 1 Binder 8, Section 1 Binder 8, Section 1
Zločin a trest, dle románu Fyodor Dostojevského, úprava Jan Bora, Prozatímní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1941 Gabriel Borkman, Henrik Ibsen, Vinohradské divadlo, Gabriel Hart, 1941 Nápadníci trůnu, Henrik Ibsen, Národní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1941 Na Valdštejnské šachté, Ladislav Stroupežnický, Prozatímní divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1942
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series IV.Photographs 1907-1954
Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1 Binder 1
8, Section
Zlé svědomí, Ludwig Auzengruber, Prozatímní divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1941
8, Section
Caesar, František Zavřel, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1942
8, Section
Lod' do Smyrny, Goldoni-Götz, Prozatímní divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1943
8, Section
Pavouk, Hermann Bahr, Uranie, A. Podhorský, 1943
8, Section
Lod', Miloš Kratochvíl, Divadlo na Pořící, Karel Jernek, 1944
8, Section
Husité, Antonín Dvořák, Lidové divadlo v Pořící, František Salzer, 1944
8, Section
Dalibor, Bedřich Smetana, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1945
8, Section
Quayana, Olga Scheinpflugová, Tylovo divadlo (dříve Stavovské), Vojta Novák, 1945
8, Section
Matka, Karel Čapek, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1945
8, Section
Jegor Bulyčev, Maksim Gorky, Stavovské divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1946
8, Section
Skála bleskú, R. Ardrey, Stavovské divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1946
8, Section
Car Ivan Hrozný, Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Stavovské divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1947
8, Section
Les, Nikolay Ostrovsky, Národní divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1948
8, Section
Poslední Hejtman, M. Krejčí-Klenová, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1948
8, Section
Lod' dobře naděje, Miloslav Stehlík, Tylovo divadlo (dříve Stavovské), František Salzer, 1948
8, Section
Vstanou noví bojovníci, Antonín Zápotocký, Národní divadlo, J. Průcha, 1949
8, Section
Strakonický Dudák, 1953
8, Section
Jan Hus, J. K. Tyla, J. Stanék, 1955
8, Section
Boleslav I, Boleslav Vomačka, Milan Jariš, Ferdinand Pujman, 1957
8, Section
Zkáka eskadry, Aleksandr Kornejčuk, národní divadlo v Karlových Varech, Bohuš Stejskal,
Box 8
Theater, set designs - unidentified, undated
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
Proof sheets from negatives - set designs and costume designs, Photographs of realized sets and performances, 1919-1954 and undated Husité, Antonín Dvořák, Vinohradské divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1919 Antigona, Sofokle, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1925 Poštovní úřad, Rabindranath Tagore, Stavovské divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1924 Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1926 Kalich, Antonín Dvořák, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1928 Ataman Rinov, František Kubka, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostel, 1928
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8
Box 8
Král Lear, William Shakespeare, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1929 Vršovci, R. Kurpička, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1929 Besové, Fyodor Dostroevsky, Národní divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1929 Král Oidip, Sofokles, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1934 Anděle mezi námi, František Langer, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1931 Ptáci, Aristofanes, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1934 Smutek sluší Elektře, Eugene O'Neill, Národní divadlo, Karel Hugo Hilar, 1934 Svatá Ludmila, Antonín Dvořák, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1934 Idiot, z romámu Fyodor Dostroevského, Městké divadlo, Jan Bor, 1934
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series IV.Photographs 1907-1954
Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Kamarád čtvrtek, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Národní divadlo, Karek Dostal, 1927 Pramen Večnêho mládí, Eugene O'Neill, Vinohradské divadlo, Jan Bor, 1935 Gero, Alois Jirásek, Národní divadlo, Jiří Frejka, 1936 Zkáza eskadry, Aleksandr Kornejčuk, Vinohradské divadlo, Bohuš Stejskal, 1937 Lecture by Professor Švrty(?) on St. Václav, 1939 R.U.R., Karel Čapek, Stavovské divadlo, Karel Dostal, 1939 Púlnoční slunce, Vilém Werner, Vinohradské divadlo, Gabriel Hart, 1941 Zločin a trest, Fyodor Dostroevsky, Jan Bor, Národní divadlo, Jan Bor, 1941 Dalibor, Bedřich Smetana, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1942 Quayana, Olga Scheinpflugová, Stavovské divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1945 Husité, Antonín Dvořák, Lidové divadlo v Karlíné, František Salzer, 1945 Cesta v poušti, John Boynton Priestley, Vinohradské divadlo, Gilbert Hart, 1945 Jegor Bulyčev, Maksim Gorky, Stavovské divadlo, A. Podhorský, 1946 Lod' dobře naděje, Miloslav Stehlík, Tylovo divadlo (dříve Stavovské), František Salzer, 1948 Vojna a mír, Leo Tolstoj, Sergei Prokofiev, Národní divadlo, Ferdinand Pujman, 1948 Ifigenia na Tauridé, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Národní divadlo, Vojta Novák, 1954
Box 8 Box 8 Box 8
Unidentified Drawings and paintings, and designs and realized projects in the decorative arts 1907-1923 and undated
Box 9
Drawings, 1919, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Box 9
Box 9
Paintings, 1911, Physical Description: 4.0 items Glass and Ceramics (realized projects), 1910-1921, Physical Description: 25.0 items Scope and Content Note Includes clippings.
Box 9
Box 9
Lampposts and lamps (sketch and realized projects), 1913-1923, Physical Description: 4.0 items Furniture (sketches and realized projects, 1910-1922, Physical Description: 31.0 items Scope and Content Note Includes clippings.
Box Box Box Box
10 11
Biographical, undated Set and costume designs, Bulk, 1924-1930 1913, 1924-1930 Photographs, 1913-1930 Set designs and productions, 1924-1930 Town model, "Pod Emavy," 1913
12 12
Box 12
Thoroughfare, 1927
Series V. Oversized works, exhibition posters and diplomas 1914-1984 Physical Description: 5.68 linear feet Scope and Content Note Material in Series V. includes decorative arts designs, architectural drawings, exhibition posters, awards, diplomas, and other large-format items. Arrangement note Arrangement is topical.
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series V.Oversized works, exhibition posters and diplomas 1914-1984
Box 13*, Folder 1
Decorative arts designs Book covers, undated Physical Description: 4.0 items,
Box 13*, Folder 2
Vase and bowl service set, watercolor, 1920, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Box 13*, Folder 3
Tile stove and wardrobe, 1918 and 1923, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Box 13*, Folder 4
Picture frames for the Waldes Museum, 1917, Physical Description: 1.0 item Scope and Content Note Ink with watercolor.
Box 13*, Folder 5
Rings, colored pencil, 1919, Physical Description: 3.0 items
Box 14*, Folder 1
Architectural drawings Facades, 1910-1914, Physical Description: 5.0 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 linoleum cuts.
Box 14*, Folder 2
Garden, arbor and pavilion, 1909-1947, Physical Description: 3.0 items Scope and Content Note Including 1 ink and crayon drawing and 1 crayon drawing.
Box 14*, Folder 3
Memorials and crypts, 1910-1921 and undated Physical Description: 7.0 items Scope and Content Note Including 2 drawings and crayon.
Box 14*, Folder 4
Cemetery, main entrance, 1911 Physical Description: 1.0 item Scope and Content Note Extensive notes on reverse, signed.
Box 14*, Folder 5
Church in Prague, 1915 Physical Description: 3.0 items
Box 14*, Folder 6
Series of drawings and plans for a church, 1915 Physical Description: 8.0 items Scope and Content Note Ink and crayon.
Box 14*, Folder 7
Crematoriums in Nymburk, Pisek and Morava Ostrova, 1919 Physical Description: 5.0 items Scope and Content Note Includes 2 ink drawings with watercolor.
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...
Series V.Oversized works, exhibition posters and diplomas 1914-1984
Box 14*, Folder 8
Entry for a design competition for the Rieger Memorial in Kozakov, 1914 Physical Description: 4.0 items Scope and Content Note Pencil with crayon.
Box 14*, Folder 9
Rieger Memorial, 1914 Physical Description: 1.0 item Scope and Content Note Hand-colored block print.
Box 14*, Folder 10
Tunnels and pavilions, 1912-1914 Physical Description: 4.0 items
Box 14*, Folder 11
Memorial to Bedřich Smetana, 1924 and undated, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Box 14*, Folder 12
National Theater in Brno, 1911 Physical Description: 1.0 item
Box 14*, Folder 13
Mucha Slovansk building, 1947 Physical Description: 1.0 item
Box 14*, Folder 14
Unidentified fragments of drawings, undated Physical Description: 3.0 items
Box 14*, Folder 15
Entry for a design competition for a church in Vrsovice, Undated, Physical Description: 1.0 item
Tube 1
Flatfile 1**
Flatfile 1**
Flatfile 1**
Layout plans: park, tunnel, and transportation scheme, 1945 and undated, Physical Description: 3.0 items Architectural drawings, exhibition posters, awards and diplomas Fragment of a drawing for the Žižka Monument Competition, 1915, Physical Description: 1.0 item Churches, monuments and the Mánes pavillion, 1913-1915, Physical Description: 4.0 items Smetana monument, 1929-1933, Physical Description: 5.0 items
Flatfile 1**
An overpass and a layout design for Žižka Monument and grounds, undated, Physical Description: 2.0 items
Flatfile 1**
Exhibition Posters, 1951-1984 and undated, Physical Description: 7.0 items
Flatfile 1**, Folder
Awards and diplomas, 1925-1964, Physical Description: 8.0 items
Finding aid for Vlastislav Hofman papers and drawings, 1904-1984 ...