European GNSS Agency Gate2Space 2015 1. prosince 2015, Praha
Body příspěvku
Agentura GSA
Horizont 2020 – výzvy Galileo Horizont 2020 - další příležitosti Fundamental Elements
Agentura GSA -
Agentura Evropské Unie Vznikla v roce 2004 umístění ve 4 státech, 120 zaměstnanců V Praze od září roku 2012
Role agentury GSA v GNSS programech EU Evropská Rada a Parlament
Politický dohled
Programová rada GNSS Řízení programu
Evropská Komise
Evropská kosmická agentura(ESA)
delegování podpora
Nezávislí poradci
Agentura pro Evropský GNSS (GSA) Podpůrné úkoly pro EK
Správa kontraktů na vývoj
Úkoly delegované EK Vlastní úkoly (bezpečnostní akr., MD)
Správa kontraktů na výstavbu
Downstream Upstream
Body příspěvku
Agentura GSA
Horizont 2020 – výzvy Galileo Horizont 2020 – další příležitosti Fundamental Elements
Výzkum, technologický vývoj a inovace v oblasti GNSS (EU) Mise & Služby [EK] 26M€
Přibližný rozpočet 2014-2020: ~500 M€ PRS [GSA] 20M€
Aplikace [GSA] 142M€
[GNSS] Fundamental elements [GSA] 112M€
R&D systému [ESA] 220.5M€
Výsledky GNSS FP7
GNSS FP7 (všechny 3 výzvy dohromady) • • • •
13 patentů/ ochranných známek (není konečný počet) 45 komercializovaných produktů/služeb 80 Fungujících prototypů 115 Demonstrací a více se očekává…
• 3 Výzvy pro podávání projektových návrhů GNSS aplikací • Portfolio ~90 R&D projektů s rozpočtem ~€70 mln • 425 příjemců
• 40% of GNSS zdrojů pro MSP vs. EU FP7 průměr <15% •
Business coaching pro MSP: Podpora od expertů
FP7 komerční produkty - příklady INCLUSION Innovative LBS for Social/Public Dimension
‘BBNav’- GNSS enabled system designed to help drivers and passengers with disabilities find parking spaces established in UK (Halfords, Argos, Amazon and DSGi).
CIGALA Concept for Ionospheric-Scintillation Mitigation for Professional GNSS
• PolaRxS receiver- Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring • Upgrade of 4 SSN AsteRx2e/2eL/3 and PolaRx4 Installation and validation of monitoring stations in Brazil.
EEGS & EEGS2 EGNOS Extension to Eastern Europe
• EEGS: Upgrade of magicSBAS- operational SBAS testbed to offer differential corrections and non-safety critical integrity augmentation • EEGS 2: magic LPV- allow test pilots to fly SBAS augmented APV, down to LPV minima, using the navigation signal generated by magicSBAS • Contribution to Joint Statement signed on 27.11.2013 declaring intention to include the Ukrainian territory in the coverage of EGNOS
H2020-Galileo-2014-2015: Výzvy v číslech První výzva
Druhá výzva
Dostupný rozpočet
40.2 mln EUR
25.0 mln EUR
65.2 mln EUR
Rozpočet navržených projektů
174.3 mln EUR
192.2 mln EUR
366.5 mln EUR
Počet realizovaných projektů
Počet podaných projektů
26% úspěšnost
15% úspěšnost
21% úspěšnost
Počet subjektů
1 409
Počet příjemců
Horizont 2020: V&V portfolio aplikačních projektů Horizont první a druhá výzva – Aplikační projekty podle tržních segmentů Rozdělení rozpočtu podle segmentů Timing & Surveying Synchronization 5% 5% Search and Rescue 5%
Agriculture 6%
# vybraných projektů
Surveying; 4 Aviation 22%
Timing&Sy nchronizat ion; 1
Agricultur e; 2 Aviation; 9
Search and Rescue; 1 Road; 6
Road 16% Awareness Rising 10%
Rail 14% Maritime 6%
LBS 9%
GNSS threats 2%
Awareness Rising; 5
Rail; 3 Maritime; 3
LBS; 5
GNSS threats; 1
Data za ČR (FP7 a H2020 první výzva) R&D contribution received (€mil) H2020
• •
• •
Czech beneficiaries received c. the 1.24% of overall FP7/ H2020 budget dedicated to GNSS The average requested contribution per participant in each project is c.: • 50 €k in FP7 (EU average is c. 126k) • 130 €k in H2020 (EU average is c. 183k) 9 projects (out 119) involving Czech entities (i.e. c. 8%) 13 entities involved (of which 3 SME)
Czech beneficiaries AZD PRAHA SRO CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE HANES s.r.o. Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the ASCR,v.v.i. Sdruzeni pro dopravni telematiku SPRAVA ZELEZNICNI DOPRAVNI CESTY STATNI ORGANIZACE Telematix Services a.s.
Česká republika - Ministerstvo dopravy Czech Aviation Training Centre DSA a.s. FAIR, spol. s r.o. GNSS Centre of Excellence TECHNISERV spol. s r.o.
In red projects led by Czech entities/ projects’ coordinators
Analýza úspěšnosti subjektů z ČR v první výzvě H2020
The Czech “hit rate” is equal to 31% (above EU average, 26%): 8 participants out 26 have been funded
Hit rate is computed as the # of Czech entities benefiting of EU funds/ overall # of Czech participants. If a entity is involved in more proposals, it is counted according to the number of proposals submitted
Mobilní aplikace V&V projektů GALILEO & EGNOS a brožura o výsledcích FP7
Mobilní aplikace, která přehledně zobrazuje projekty, jejich záměr a jejich řešitele (FP7 a první výzva H2020):
Brožura nabízí přehled výsledků GNSS výzkumu v rámci 7RP: http://www.gsa.europa.eu/sites/default/ files/FP7-brochure2015_7.pdf
Portfolio projektů GNSS http://www.gsa.europa.eu /r-d/gnss-project-portfolio
Aplikace v družicové navigaci – Galileo – 2017: výzva je již zveřejněna
Aplikace v družicové navigaci – Galileo – 2017 Druh akce
Rozpočet 14.50
EGNSS Aplikace pro běžné uživatele EGNSS Mass Market Applications
EGNSS Aplikace pro speciální účely EGNSS Professional Applications
EGNSS zvyšování povědomí a budování kapacit EGNSS Awareness raising and capacity building
Nepřímé náklady
(EUR mln)
EGNSS Aplikace v dopravě EGNSS Transport Applications
Výše financování
Total budget:
70% (výjimkou jsou neziskové subjekty, u kterých je výše 100%)
25% celkových uznatelných nákladů, z čehož je vyjmuto: • subkonktrakty • Náklady třetích stran • Finanční podpora třetím stranám
Otevření výzvy: 08 Listopad 2016 Uzavření: 01 Březen 2017
IA (Innovation Action, Inovační akce): aktivity zaměřené na tvorbu plánů a opatření nebo návrhů na nové, pozměněné/vylepšené produkty, procesy nebo služby. CSA (Coordination and Support Action, koordinační a podpůrné akce): aktivity zařaditelné jako další opatření, konkrétně standardizace, zvyšování povědomí a PR, networking, studie a politické dialogy.
Povinnost předložit předběžný obchodní záměr/Business plan v rámci GALILEO-1,2,3 Co: Demonstrovat
komerční potenciál produktu a/nebo služby a popsat jak bude tento potenciál realizován Proč: Jedná se o vstup pro hodnocení Jak: Formulář je dostupný na „participants portal“ •
Define the proposed offering: the product and/or service and target market sector.
Review the market sector: structure, size, drivers, market and technology trends.
Assess the competition: main players, their current offerings and market share.
Describe the innovation of the proposed offering in the context of the competition and the sector’s needs
Summarise potential business model(s) together with possible entry price(s) and costs
Assess the key risks to market entry and possible options for risk mitigation.
Outline, graphically, the roll-out of the offering: timescale, sales growth and market share.
Body příspěvku
Agentura GSA
Horizont 2020 – výzvy Galileo Horizont 2020 – další příležitosti Fundamental Elements
Synergie vývoje EGNSS aplikací s ostatními výzvami H2020
Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
Transport •MG-2.3-2016: New and improved transport concepts in waterborne transport •MG-5.2-2017: Innovative ICT solutions for future logistics operations •MG-6.2-2016: Large-scale demonstration(s) of cooperative ITS
•SEC-01-DRS-2016: Integrated tools for response planning and scenario building
•SEC-19-BES-2016: Data fusion for maritime security applications
(other than Applications in Satellite Navigation Call)
•COMPET-7-2017: Technology transfer and business generators •SME instrument SMEInst-04 -20162017: Engaging SMEs in space research and development •Other actions:
•ART-01-2017: ICT infrastructure to enable the transition towards road transport automation •ART-02-2016: passenger cars
•Galileo Evolution, Mission and Service related R&D activities
•EGNOS, Mission and Service related R&D activities Information and Communication Technologies •ICT-16-2017: Big data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy
•GNSS evolution, infrastructure-related R&D activities
Možné synergie GALILEO and EGNOS v rámci dopravních výzev programu CEF The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) supports Trans-European Networks and infrastructure which fill the missing links in Europe’s energy, transport and telecommunications sectors.
Budget: €7.5 billion Call launch: 5 November 2015 Proposal submission deadline: 16 February 2016 Managed by Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)
EGNSS relevance in WP 2015: Intelligent Transport Services for road (ITS) “When relevant for the development and/or deployment of C-ITS services and with a view to ensure reliable positioning services, actions to ensure compatibility of information and value added ITS services with the systems established under the Galileo and EGNOS programmes are also addressed. “ More synergies can be found in other topics…
Možné synergie GALILEO and EGNOS v rámci dopravních výzev programu CEF Témata: • Corridors of the Core Network* €5 billion only for the Cohesion Call • Other Sections of the Core Network* €372 million only for the Cohesion Call • Rail Interoperability* €50 million only for the Cohesion Call • European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) €200 million Cohesion Call / €200 million General Call
• New Technologies and Innovation €180 milion Cohesion Call / €60 million General Call • Safe and Secure Infrastructure €20 million Cohesion Call / €15 million General Call • Single European Sky – SESAR €300 million Cohesion Call / €515 million General Call • River Information Services (RIS) €10 million Cohesion Call / €10 million General Call • Intelligent Transport Services for Road (ITS) €100 million Cohesion Call / €70 million
• General Call Motorways of the Sea (MoS) €150 million Cohesion Call / €130 million General Call • Transport infrastructure in nodes of the Core Network €50 million Cohesion Call / €50 million General Call • Multimodal logistics platforms €40 million Cohesion Call / €40 million General Call
Body příspěvku
Agentura GSA
Horizont 2020 – výzvy Galileo Horizont 2020 – další příležitosti Fundamental Elements
Co jsou “Fundamental Elements”? •
Program „Fundamental Elements“ byl vytvořen v roce 2013 na základě GNSS nařízení
Výzkumné a vývojové aktivity zaměřené na vývoj GNSS chipsetů a přijímačů
Citace z GNSS nařízení (1285/2013): • “Facilitate the development of applications across different sectors of the economy” (Initial Considerations, paragraph 9)
Obecné cíle • Podpora osvojení EGNSS systémů, za využití inovativních služeb a EGNSS výhod • •
Zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti průmyslu EU
• “Manage and achieve the objectives of the Galileo and EGNOS programmes, in particular support for research and development of fundamental elements, such as Galileo enabled chipsets and receivers, including as appropriate positioning and integritymonitoring software modules.” (Initial Considerations, paragraph 21)
Zaměření na potřeby prioritních tržních segmentů, maximalizace přínosů pro občany EU
Rozpočet • 111,5 millionu EUR • Rozpočet na roky 2014 až 2020
Konečný produkt je cílen na uživatele ze všech tržních segmentů
• “Promotion of the development of fundamental elements relating to the programmes.” (Initial Considerations, paragraph 29) • “The Union budgetary appropriations assigned to the Galileo and EGNOS programmes shall, in accordance with Article 9(2), also be granted to finance activities relating to research and development of fundamental elements, such as Galileoenabled chipsets and receivers.” (Article 7, paragraph 2)
• “Promoting the development of fundamental elements, such as Galileo-enabled chipsets and receivers.” (Article 14, paragraph 2.d)
„Fundamental elements“ doplňují další EGNSS programy
Důraz na výhody systému Galileo příklady Kvalita E-GNSS signálů: zejména otevřená služba
větší šíře pásma;
vysíláno na několika nosných frekvencích (E1, E5 and E6) - přínosy využívání všech najednou apod.;
Přínosy kanálů neobsahující data, což usnadňuje delší integrační časy a jako důsledek vyšší citlivost a oddělení kanálů (v porovnání s L1 C/A); Autentizace v rámci otevřené služby na E1; Možné využití Precise Point Positioning (PPP) produktů, šířené družicemi v reálném čase, které jsou plánovány v rámci Galileo komerční služby;
Možnost využít nový model ionosféry Nequick (http://www.gsceuropa.eu/system/files/galileo_documents/Galileo_Ionospheric_Model.pdf), za účelem zvýšení přesnosti přijímačů využívající jednu frekvenci.
Stav programu „Fundamental Elements“ • 3 projekty jsou vyhodnocovány Q4 2015 – Q2 2016 • 6 projektů plánováno na rok 2016 • 3 výzvy (Call for Proposals) pro podávání návrhů (grants – financování až do výše 60-70%) • 3 Invitation to Tenders (tenders/procurement – financování 100%) • více informací o připravovaných a vyhlášených projektech najdete na webové stránce GSA: • Procurements (including open ITT): http://www.gsa.europa.eu/gsa/procurement-0 • Grants (including open CfP): http://www.gsa.europa.eu/gsa/grants http://www.gsa.europa.eu/gsa/grants • Připravuje se samostatná sekce na stránkách GSA, pouze pro Fundamental Elements • Informační den: plánován na březen 2016
2015 Projects overview (1/3) Activity
Aviation DFMC SBAS receiver
Proc/ Grant
Summary -
Design, develop and test a prototype of the DFMC SBAS (for GPS and Galileo), user terminal for the aviation SoL service, augmenting GPS and Galileo capabilities.
Phase I: First RX prototype: - Implements the features defined in the SBAS L5 ICD. - Contributes to the development of DFMC MOPS in EUROCAE. - Implements Horizontal ARAIM and the currently defined RAIM. - Flexible for use commercial HW or already available HW platform. Phase II: Second version of the RX - Release finalised version of the ICD and of the Draft version of the MOPS - Procure the antenna - Procure Hardware (HW)+Software (SW) version of the entire terminal (receiver plus antenna) is produced at the level required for flight tests (i.e. “red label” or “TRL7”).
Proc (negotiated procedure)
Next steps
9 Mil EUR (for both phases)
Invitation to Tenders closed on 29/10/2015 Under evaluation To be awarded and signed in 2016
2015 Projects overview (2/3) Activity
Proc/ Grant
Development of E-GNSS engine for liability- and payment critical multiapplications in road transportation
Foster the development of an innovative liability- and payment -critical E-GNSS based engine in the road sector (native or retrofit devices); Exploit the E-GNSS differentiators, that render reliable and trustable performance supporting legal procedures or financial operations; Contribute to investigate the necessary approach/es to provide a legal value to the position information and the required processes (e.g. through certification or similar).
6.0 Mil EUR
Next steps
Call for Proposals closed on 20/11/2015
Under evaluation
To be awarded and signed in 2016
2015 Projects overview (3/3) Activity
Proc/ Grant
Summary -
Development of E-GNSS engine for safety-critical multiapplications in road transportation
Foster the development of an innovative safetycritical E-GNSS based engine in the automotive and road traffic sector Exploit the E-GNSS differentiators in the emerging segment of autonomous and connected/automated road vehicles, going beyond the state-of-the-art Contribute to the ongoing standardisation process, e.g. leveraging it in the product to be developed and giving feedbacks to ETSI and CEN related technical committee, and to assess the need of a certification process and consequently initiate it.
4.5 Mil EUR
Next steps
Call for Proposals closed on 20/11/2015
Under evaluation
To be awarded and signed in 2016
Fundamental Elements 2016 - Disclaimer
The description of nature and scope of services given below is only indicative, aimed at outlining the concept in broad terms. It may need substantial adjustments. It shall not be considered final or binding.
[email protected]
Galileo-1-2017 EGNSS Transport Applications Aviation is an early EGNOS adopter and will further benefit from Galileo
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in aviation: • EGNSS solutions for navigation, surveillance and communication in all phases of flight (also for determination of location of aircraft in distress): • GNSS based PBN (Performance Based Operations) • advanced operations for approach and landing benefitting from robust vertical guidance and LPV-200/CAT1 services • Surveillance applications: • ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) and use of reliable PVT for integrity, • precise positioning, orientation of remotely piloted aerial systems (RPAS) Synergy and complementarity with the SESAR Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly identified. Proposals should build on multi-constellation/multi-frequency, current and future EGNOS integrity features and service levels, as well as integration of multi-constellation enabling capabilities. 32
Galileo-1-2017 EGNSS Transport Applications EGNSS can enable new Road applications
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in road: - autonomous vehicles, that are safety critical and require a specific accurate and resilient positioning, timing and navigation. - solutions in policy driven applications, such as new generation of eCall, enhanced digital tachograph, dangerous goods transport, etc. Proposals should in particular build on Galileo specific signal features and differentiators and new services such as authentication and high precision, as well as current and future EGNOS integrity features.
Galileo-1-2017 EGNSS Transport Applications EGNSS will enhance the GNSS offering to Rail
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in rail: - train signalling and control, contributing to the evolution and cost competitiveness of the European Rail Traffic Management System - non-safety-critical applications, such as passenger information system, asset management, etc. Synergy and complementarity with the Shift 2 Rail Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly identified. Proposals should in particular build on the current and future EGNOS integrity services and multi-constellation, multifrequency, and specific signal features of Galileo that improves position performances in the challenging railway environment (e.g. urban parts).
Galileo-1-2017 EGNSS Transport Applications Maritime is ready to benefit from EGNSS
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in maritime and inland waterways (including the Arctic): • • • • • •
vessels navigation, traffic management and surveillance, search and rescue, port operations, custom fraud control, fisheries monitoring.
Proposals should in particular build on the use of current and future EGNOS dedicated services for maritime, and the Search and Rescue service of Galileo, other Galileo differentiating features and services, such as authentication, and high precision.
Galileo-2-2017 EGNSS Mass Market Applications EGNSS will contribute to better performance in LBS
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in mass market: •
Smart Cities (examples): • cross-modal mobility and new emerging “mobility as a service” approach, in which the user does not buy a vehicle or a public transport ticket, but a service to comply with her/his mobility needs • innovative telematics applications in which the positioning, timing and navigation are used both to deliver the mobility service and to calculate a fair price based on the actual use of it.
Internet of things (examples): • exploiting the interconnectivity of uniquely identifiable devices and the availability of their location.
Applications for commercial LBS, such as: secure financial transactions; mobile workforce management, tracking solutions; augmented reality; social networking and sport.
Applications for social LBS, such as: safety and emergency (E112), e-health (health services more and more connected), and solutions supporting visual and mobility of impaired people.
Galileo-3-2017 EGNSS Professional Applications EGNSS differentiators are already recognised in professional market segments
Examples of emerging EGNSS applications in professional applications: - Agriculture: Automated machine guidance, precision farming and machine control and field boundary measurements.
- Surveying and Mapping: Land survey, marine survey, cadastral and geodesy, and construction.
- Timing and Synchronisation: Telecommunications, power generation and finance.
- Other professional applications: clearly demonstrating amongst others the contribution of EGNSS differentiators, the potential of integration with earth observation data, and the future commercial potential.
Galileo-4-2017 EGNSS Awareness raising and capacity building
Scope: - support building of industrial relationships by gathering private and public institutions around services offered by EGNSS and related applications
- support the competitiveness of EU industry by identifying strategic partners and by developing market opportunities - support to incentive schemes should foster the emergence of new downstream applications based on either Galileo and/or EGNOS and therefore to support the EU GNSS industry
Fundamental Elements 2016 - Disclaimer
The description of nature and scope of services given below is only indicative, aimed at outlining the concept in broad terms. It may need substantial adjustments. It shall not be considered final or binding.
Planned projects in 2016 (1/6) Name
Advanced RAIM (ARAIM) Multiconstellation Receiver
Proc/ grant
Design, develop and test an Advanced RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) prototype, following the lines as defined by the ARAIM TSG.
Assess and develop ARAIM for: - Aviation Domain: enabling global Horizontal Navigation as well as Vertical (LPV-200) operations including threat allocation and mitigation. - Maritime Domain: enabling marine global general navigation providing integrity, especially when the receiver is outside coverage of IALA Beacon Differential GNSS transmissions.
Test the performance in number of test scenarios for safety critical applications (aeronautical, maritime, rail and road).
Indicative publication date
Indicative budget
Q4 2015
2.5 Mil EUR
Planned projects in 2016 (2/6) Name
Proc/ grant
Summary -
Dual Frequency Automotive / M2M / consumer receiver including innovative Grant hybridisation techniques
Indicative publication date
Indicative budget
Development and test of Dual Frequency (E1/E5) automotive / M2M / consumer receivers that make use of advanced hybridisation techniques, e.g. signal of opportunities, cellular network, etc. Designed and tested in significant application scenarios. Q4 2015
Exploit the E-GNSS differentiators, including smart approaches to the dual/multiple frequency and multiconstellation, the modulation and intrinsic feature of the Galileo signal, the optimisation of the receiver to give more value to Galileo in multi-constellation approach.
5.5 Mil EUR
Planned projects in 2016 (3/6)
Proc/ grant
High Precision multi (incl. triple) frequency This grant will be published in December multiconstellation 2015 and granted in 2016. receivers for professional Grant The objectives and activities will be clarified applications with EC in the course of the year 2015.
Indicative publication date
Indicative Budget
Q4 2015
7.3 Mil EUR
Planned projects in 2016 (4/6) Name
Proc/ grant
Summary -
Open Service Authentication User Terminals
Indicative budget
mid 2016/late 2016
3.7 Mil EUR 4.7 Mil EUR
Design, develop and test of a prototype receiver integrating OS Authentication capability. Applications scenarios: regulated applications (e.g. digital tacograph), non-regulated application (e.g. commercial sensitive LBS) is also targeted.
- Three distinctive sub-projects and related outcomes: 1) Specifications of interfaces and Application Programming Interface (APIs) for silicon-embedded chipsets, firmware based equipment and devices operating systems to enable a wide market take up of OS Authentication. 2) Development and test of OS Authentication Capability in receivers and devices for regulated applications (incl. spoofing attack tests). 3) Development of an end-to-end validation facility in order to generate navigation scenarios -
Indicative publication date
The project shall include also the development of central authentication management software to enable
Planned projects in 2016 (5/6) Name
Timing receiver for critical infrastructure
Proc/ grant
Develop and test a low cost Galileo timing receiver able to determine the timing with high accuracy in bias and drift.
Essential requirements (derived from, e.g., regulatory agencies): - Robust anti-jamming receiver solutions - Low overall costs of the receiver - Low cost of the timing determinations and - Low cost of the anti-jamming operations.
Implemented interface : time codes formats NTP (Network Time Protocol) and IRIG-B (InterRange Instrumentation Group, time code B).
Include a demonstration campaign of the receiver with real data.
Updated publication date
Indicative budget
mid 2016/late 2016
2.7 Mil EUR 3.7 Mil EUR
Planned projects in 2016 (6/6)
Multi-frequency multipurpose Antenna for Galileo
Proc/ grant
Summary -
Develop a common technology for advanced multi frequency (e.g. L1/E1, L2, L5/E5, E6) antennas and adaptive multi-frequency antennas to support professional and governmental applications requiring high accuracy, high robustness and high reliability.
Upgrade the GNSS antennas for technological versatility to be implemented for alternative purposes - Support mass market applications to integrate a wider bandwidth to incorporate the necessary frequencies. - Different professional markets will make use of advanced multi frequency (E1/E5 and E6) of Galileo as well as interoperability with other constellations, most notably GPS.
Updated publication date
Indicative budget
early/mid 2016
2.0 Mil EUR 3.0 Mil EUR