TEACHING READING BY COMBINING SAVE THE LAST WORD FOR ME AND MAKING TEXT CONNECTIONS STRATEGY AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Oleh: Torkis Dibimbing oleh : Hevriani Sevrika, M.Pd English Departement College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatera Abstrak Bahasa Inggris adalah subjek yang harus dipelajari di Indonesia sejak sekolah dasar sampai perguruan tinggi. Walaupun bahasa Inggris telah dipelajari bertahun-tahun, tapi para siswa masih memiliki kesulitan khususnya dalam reading. Diantara kesulitan itu adalah kesulitan dalam menemukan topik, ide pokok, dan informasi tertentu, kesulitan dalam menghubungkan isi teks dengan pengetahuan mereka, dan pengetahuan yang minim tentang pemahaman isi teks. Oleh karena itu, guru harus bisa menemukan strategi yang menarik dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga membuat para siswa senang dan tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dan mampu dalam melakukan aktivitas reading. Makalah ini membahas bagaimana mengajarkan reading dengan menggunakan dua strategi yaitu Save the Last Word for Me dan Making Text Connections. Save the last word for me adalah salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dalam pemahaman reading siswa. Dalam penerapan strategi ini, para siswa dibimbing untuk memahami sebuah teks, kemudian guru meminta siswa mengomentari pendapat penulis atau mempertanyakan ide penulis. Kemudian siswa tersebut akan mendiskusikan pendapat atau opini degan teman kelompoknya. Dengan begitu, semua siswa dapat memahami isi teks yang telah mereka baca. Making text connection adalah salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan reading. Strategi ini merupakan strategi yang tepat untuk membantu para siswa memahami teks dan dapat mengatasi kesulitan mereka dalam memahami teks bacaan. Strategi ini membimbing siswa untuk memahami teks dengan baik, karena dalam strategi ini, siswa dapat menghubungkan isi teks yang mereka baca dengan diri mereka sendiri, dengan teks yang pernah mereka baca dan dengan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan dunia luar. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggabungan dua strategi ini dalam pengajaran reading dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami sebuah teks dan menambah kemampuan berfikir siswa. Key words
: Save the Last Word for Me and Making Connection Strategy, Teaching Reading
Introduction Reading is an important skill that is
message, and some points of understanding
taught by an English teacher. By reading,
the readers can have a lot of information,
reading is a medium for students to get
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
knowledge, it is also useful for adding their
vocabularies, it is caused by the students did
not understand what was the text about.
entertaining, for finding good news, even
Second, they got a trouble in defining
ideas in the reading itself. Particularly,
particular information of the texts, such as:
reading can be said as an activity which is
topic, main idea, and other information of
done for getting an understanding of a
the texts. Third, they were not able to
certain passage. By doing reading, the
conclude what did the text talk about, so
students can understand the information in
they could not tell the general information of
their reading text. In other words, reading
the text. In addition, the teacher still applied
also be done to enlarge knowledge about
an old monotonous strategy, such as:
everything for the students. Thus, an English
translation method, in which the students
teacher has responsibility to make the
students have good ability in reading
understanding. It made that the students
because it is useful for their knowledge field
were bored in learning reading. Therefore,
and their environment of learning.
the motivation of the students for reading is
In the School – Based Curiculum (SBC)
Satuan for
low. There are many strategies which can
be combined by the teacher to teach reading,
second grade senior high school, the
first, Save the Last Word for Me strategy.
students should acquire reading activity in
This strategy helps the students to process
classroom to learn about many texts which
an essential understanding of a text and get
have covered in genre of text. It is also
the most important word from the text. The
mentioned that students are demanded to be
second strategy is Probable Passage strategy.
able to improve their reading ability and also
study about the structure of the texts. Based
on this passage, the students must be able to
discussion, and writing. This strategy has
achieve reading as its function for them.
complete activity to integrate reading into
strategy is through
included prediction,
Unfortunately, when the writer held
writing form. Third, Partner Prediction
practice teaching at a Senior High School,
strategy, this is a strategy which provides
the writer found that the students had some
students to predict the events which might
difficulties in reading. First, they had lack of
be happen in the text with their partner. It
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
activates students’ creative in thinking in predicting the possible even which may
build meaning.” Also, Seyler (2004:3) says that reading is a process to obtain and
existed in the text before reading the text completely and create their interaction of partnership.
Connection strategy, it is a srategy which
construct the meaning or a comprehension based on words existed in the reading text. Then, Linse (2005:69) adds that reading is a
can activate the student’ thought for connecting the information of the text with themselves, another text, and the world. By combining two or more strategies in
set of processes which involves the readers’ skills in creating sense or desire and deriving meaning from printed words. The
teaching reading, the teacher can improve students’ ability in reading. Especially, the combination of two strategies is done for reaching the goal of reading and improving
definition tells us that reading as same with the printed words. In the definiton is talked that reading is a series of activities which is
motivation for reading. done to get meaning from the text. Review of Related Literature In the cases, reading is means as an activity which is done to adopt the information existed in a certain text. According to Wallace (1992:2), “reading refers to an interpretation the meaning of a written text as a form of communication between the readers and the written text itself.”
proposes that “reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text
Teaching Reading In teaching reading, there many important aspects which must be attended. In order to get what we want, teaching reading includes potentially interesting ways to be taught. Nunan (2003:74-75) states that there are some activities which must be done by the teachers for making the students to read in their classrooms. a. The
background knowledge of reading.
and their own background knowledge to
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
b. The teacher prepare the students to build their vocabularies.
be reached by the teacher in teaching reading. Fisrt, the teacher should make the
c. The teacher helps the students to get the
students are able to read a range of texts in
comprehension of the text which they
English. Second, the teacher should make
d. In reading, the teacher also must help the
according to range of purposes and apply
students to increase the students’ reading
different strategie (e.g. skimming, scanning)
as appropriate. Third, the teacher has to
e. The teacher makes the students reading by using good strategies. f. The teacher also encourages students to transform strategies into skills.
make the students build the knowedge of the language which will facilitate development of students’ reading ability. Fourth, the teacher must be able to guide the students in
g. The teacher needs to do an assessment
developing awareness of the structure of the
and evaluation in the teaching reading.
text in reading. Finally, the teacher must
h. Finally, the teacher leads the students to
lead the students to take critical stance to the
have continuous improvement in his/her
content of the text.
teaching reading.
Save the Last Word for Me Strategy
Moreover, Linse (2005:71) states
There are some experts who give
that teaching students how to derive as well
definitions of save the last word for me
as analyze and synthesize what they have
strategy. McLaughin and Mary (2002:123)
read is an essential part of the reading
state that save the last word for me is a
process. Furthermore, Hedge (2008:205)
strategy which provides the the structure to
notes that there are some goals which must
discuss the information and ideas in the text;
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
to make the connections to and evaluations
a. The teacher divides the students to sit in
of the information presented in the text.
some groups. Each group will consist of
Beside that, Crawford et al (2005:99) states
three students.
that Save The Last Word For Me strategy guides the students to make the connection
b. The teacher asks students to read all or part of the text silently.
between a text and another text. After that,
c. The teacher guides the students to use a
Stone (2009:102) also give the definition
piece of paper, then instructs them to
that Save the Last Word for Me strategy is a
state agreement/disagreement with the
strategy in which allows the students for
author and gives them some questions
deeper understanding of the text. Stone also
while they are reading.
adds his idea that the students can get
d. The teacher has the students discuss the
infromation of the text and share it. Then,
text with their group. Each member of the
group should select a comment or
Brunner (2011:85) also states that Save the
Last Word for Me strategy is made to
enhance students’ understanding of text
e. The teacher asks the students to react to
material, as well as to foster group
the comment or question by sharing
interaction and problem solving.
opinion or agreement/disagreement about
Procedure of Save the Last Word for Me
the material.
Strategy According to Brunner (2011:85)
f. The teacher asks the students to have “last
states that the procedures of save the last
discussion or by offering his or her own
word for me strategy are:
opinion. It is based on the comment or
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
agreement/disagreement which they have
Connection Strategy
Making Text Connection Strategy According to Cappellini (2005:67), making text connection is a strategy for students to learn their reading with another reading. Then, Guinning (2010:4) states that making
Zimmermann (2007:252),
steps should be done by the learners in following making text connection strategy. The steps are : 1.
discuss the connection of text to self,
connection to their own lives. Students make
three connections in doing the strategy: text
Then, the teacher guides the students to
ask them to state and record these
strategy that provides students with an
connections on whiteboard underneath
understanding of what the students read.
the appropriate column heading: text to
Then, Nettles and Holly (2010:76) explains
that making text connections is a strategy
which personalizes the connection between
text text
the readers and their experience. In the
of the strategy to the students.
understand the kinds of connection and
state that making text connection is a
important aspect which delivers the meaning
to text, text to self and text to world.
strategy, the students’ experiences is an
The teacher reads a short text to the class that interests to the students and
students’ comprehension of the text and its
Moreover, Harvey and Anne (2007:133)
mention five
After that, the teacher delivers the second text to the students and asks them to repeat the activities above.
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
The teacher asks the students to
4. The teacher asks the students to discuss
comprehend the second text and make
the text content with their group. Each
the connection again between the text
member of the group should select a
and themselves, the world, and other
comment or question from the notecard
texts they have read.
to be discussed
When reading and making connection are
opportunities to discuss the connections which they have made with their classmates.
5. The teacher asks them to response the comment or the question by sharing their opinion or agreement/disagreement 6. The teacher asks the students to share their opinions about the questions or comments then lead them to have “last
Discussion The combination procedures of both
word” by getting the summarize from
strategies are: 1. The teacher divide the students into some groups. The groups will consist of three
opinion. 7. The teacher rereads the text for the
students 2. The teacher asks students to read all or
3. The teacher asks the students to use a piece of paper and leads them to write opinions
agreement/disagreement with the author and ask them to make the questions about the text which they read.
students and discuss the connection of the text to self, text to world, and text to text
part of the text silently
discussion or by offering his or her own
connections. Write these connections on the appropriate column heading: text to self
connections and text to text connections. 8. The teacher helps
understand the kinds of connections that
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
are possible. Then write the connections
do for students to get knowledge, it is also
using the grid.
useful for adding their sight of many things,
9. The teacher gives the students a second
such as: for entertaining, for finding good
the text to be read and make the
news, even ideas in the reading itself.
connections based on it.
Particularly, reading can be said as an
10. Then, the students are asked to read the
activity which is done for getting an
text and make the connections between
the text and themselves, the world, and
Therefore, in making the improve of
other texts they have read or written.
students’ reading ability the writer combine
11. When the reading is completed, the
save the last word for me and making text
teacher gives students the opportunities to deliver each type of connections. Write it on the board so that all students
connection strategy in teaching reading. Thus, the students will be motivated in mastering the process of reading based on steps of combined strategies are given. In
can see the various types of connections their classmates which they have made.
addition, teaching reading by combining save the last word for me and making text connection strategy is the way to get the
Conclusion Reading is very important point to be
successful result for reading. References
advantages can be gotten by the students
Anete, et al. 2010. Teaching Language Arts to English Language Learners. New York. Routledge.
through reading. The crucial function in reading is to make the student have a lot of information, message, and some point of understanding
knowledge. While reading is an activity to
Brunner, Judy Tilton. 2012. Now I get It. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Inc. Cappellini, Mary. 2005. Balancing Reading and Language Learning: A Resource for Teaching English Language Learners K-5. Stenhouse Publishers.
Keterangan : * Penulis ( Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ** Pembimbing (Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
Crawford, Allan, et al. 2005. Teaching and Learning Strategies for the Thinking Classroom. New York: International Debate Assosiation Guinning, Thomas G. 2010. Reading Comprehension Boosters: 100 Lessons for Building Higher-Level Literacy. New York. Jossey-Bass Inc. Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. 2007. Strategies that Works: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding Engagement. Stenhouse Publishers. Keene and Zimmermann. 1997. Teaching the Dimensions of Literacy. New York. Jossey-Bass Inc. Kendall, Juli and Outey . 2006. Making Sense: Small-Group Comprehension Lessons for English Language Learners. Stenhouse Publishers.
http://teaching-reading.com. Retrieved on April, 15th 2011. Nettles, Diane and Holly Diehl. 2010. 6 Strategies to Powerful Comprehension Instruction.London: Shell educational publishing Inc. Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw Hill Companies Inc. Seyler, Dorothy U. 2004. The Reading Context: Developing College Reading Skill. New York. Pearson Education Inc. Stone, Randi. 2009. Best Practice for Teaching Reading. New York: Congress Cataloging Publications. Wallace, Catherine. 1992. Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education. New York: Oxford University Press.
Linse, Caroline T. 2005.Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New York: McGrow Hill Companies. MacLaughin, Maureen and Mary Beth Allen. 2002. Guided Comprehension: A Teaching Model for Grades 3-8. New York: Congress Cataloging Inc. Mickulecky, Beatrice S. 2008. Teaching Reading in a Language.
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