In Conjunction With The 3rd Congress of
Indonesian Society of Emergency Physicians BOROBUDUR HOTEL JAKARTA, 11 - 13 JUNI 2015
“Update Emergency Medicine :
Facing Universal Health Coverage Era”
Hotel Borobudur Jakarta
Jakarta 10710, Indonesia
Jalan Lapangan Banteng Selatan, P.O.Box 1329
Tel : (62-21) 380 5555, 383 5000
Email :
[email protected] Update AHA Guideline [Kamis 11/06]
Workshop on Cardiovascular Emergency
Workshop Electro Cardiography [Kamis 11/06]
Imaging [Kamis 11/06]
Simposium [Jumat - Sabtu, 12 - 13/06]
Alat Kesehatan [Jumat - Sabtu, 12 - 13/06]
Workshop Wound Treatment [Kamis 11/06]
Workshop Advance Trauma Care [Kamis 11/06] [Kamis 11/06]
Fax : (62-21) 380 9595
Workshop Emergency Pameran Farmasi dan
Kongres PDEI ke III [Jumat - Sabtu, 12 - 13/06]
prakata Salam Sejawat dan Kemitraan, Assalamu'alaikum Wr, Wb Dunia kedokteran dengan segala dinamikanya senantiasa membutuhkan pembaruan ilmu pengetahuan, dan hal tersebut merupakan salah satu kewajiban para dokter. Pembaruan dimaksud mencakup pengetahuan, dan keterampilan klinis serta peningkatan nalar dalam mengambil keputusan pada situasi apapun, termasuk situasi gawat darurat. Sejak 2014 lalu, dunia kesehatan memasuki era baru yang ditandai dengan pemberlakuan sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional yang memberikan banyak perubahan pada layanan kedokteran. Demikian pula dengan pembaruan Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia yang menuntut para dokter untuk mengikuti perkembangan dunia kedokteran, utamanya dunia emergensi. Bahkan tingginya angka bencana baik yang disebabkan oleh alam maupun perbuatan manusia menuntut para dokter untuk selalu siaga dalam hal waktu, pengetahuan maupun kemampuan. Dalam upaya memberikan solusi kongkrit untuk merespon dan menjawab tuntutan tersebut, Perhimpunan Dokter Emergency Indonesia (PDEI) kembali menyelenggarakan media peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan melalui The 4th National Symposium on Emergencies (SOE) dengan tema khusus, Update Emergency Medicine : Facing Universal Health Coverage Era . Upaya edukasi melalui forum simposium ini ditujukan bagi para profesional di dunia kesehatan, termasuk di dalamnya dokter umum, dokter keluarga, spesialis, perawat, paramedis, pimpinan rumah sakit dan instansi kesehatan, serta aktivis kesehatan dan bencana yang kerap menghadapi kasus-kasus emergensi serta memerlukan pengetahuan dalam manajemen gawat darurat dan bencana. Seperti halnya pada SOE ke-3 yang lalu, pada SOE ke-4 ini, SOE juga dilengkapi dengan kegiatan workshop sebagai upaya pendidikan secara khusus dan intensif. Hal ini membuktikan komitmen PDEI dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan emergensi dan bencana di Indonesia. SOE ke-4 ini menyajikan informasi terkini serta landasan ilmiah mutakhir mengenai diagnosis dan tatalaksana berbagai kasus emergensi dan penanganan bencana dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu kedokteran. Informasi terkini dan landasan ilmiah mutakhir dimaksud meliputi bedah, kesehatan anak, pulmonologi, anestesi, penyakit dalam, kebidanan dan kandungan, mata, kardiovaskuler, serta neurologi dan psikiatri. Tidak ketinggalan, kami juga akan mengupas manajemen serta pelayanan emergensi dan bencana. Pembicara dan moderator yang terlibat adalah para tokoh profesional dalam bidang masing-masing berasal dari berbagai center kedokteran di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan metodologi yang komprehensif, praktis dan aplikatif, kiranya hasil pembahasan berbagai isu kedokteran emergensi dan bencana tersebut akan menarik dan bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi peserta, melainkan juga negeri ini. Demi kesuksesan dan profesionalitas pelayanan kedokteran emergensi di Indonesia, kami nantikan peran serta dan kontribusi anda dalam simposium dan workshop ini.
Dr. Rosita Rivai. Ketua Panitia
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
prakata Salam Sejawat dan Kemitraan, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Sebagai salah satu organisasi profesi dibawah IDI, Perhimpunan Dokter Emergensi Indonesia (PDEI) merupakan wadah pemersatu anggota IDI yang memiliki minat dalam penanganan kegawatdaruratan dan Manajemen Bencana. PDEI telah memasuki tahun ke 12 sejak dibentuk tahun 2003 di Jakarta dengan founding fathers organisasi profesi, antara lain IKABI, PAPDI, IDAI, POGI, PERDOSSI, PDEI, PDSKJI, PERKI, PDPI dan PDUI hadir untuk menjawab tingginya kebutuhan peningkatan profesionalisme dokter dalam bidang penanganan keadaan gawat darurat dan manajemen bencana. Sebagaimana kita maklumi, sejak 2002, berbagai bencana mendera Indonesia silih berganti. Sebagai ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan, baik dokter umum maupun dokter spesialis dituntut memiliki kapasitas dalam melakukan penanganan dan manajemen bencana. Era persaingan global secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi profesionalitas para dokter di Indonesia. Persaingan yang semakin ketat, menuntut dokter untuk senantiasa meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kapasitasnya berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan hasil penelitian terbaru dalam penanganan terkini pasien gawat darurat. Setiap saat selalu perlu ada pendekatan yang disesuaikan dan diperbaharui pada layanan Unit Gawat Darurat maupun Layanan Primer. Penggunanaan teknologi yang tepat, koordinasi harmonis antarlayanan rujukan serta pemberian terapi terkini menjadi hal yang penting untuk segera diperbarui. Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-pun banyak merubah pola pikir serta pendekatan layanan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Peran Dokter Umum pada Layanan Primer perlu lebih di perkuat. Kondisi ini mendorong PDEI menjalin koordinasi bersama PDUI (Perhimpunan Dokter Umum Indonesia) dalam mendorong upaya peningkatan kapasitas dan kompetensi Dokter Umum yang berperan penting dalam era JKN. Workshop terkait kegawatdaruratan akan diperbanyak dan dikembangkan untuk sejawat Dokter Umum yang bergiat di Unit Gawat Darurat baik di Rumah Sakit maupun Puskesmas daerah terluar wilayah Indonesia. Sebagai bagian dari dinamika organisasi profesi, PDEI akan menyeleggaran Kongres keIII dalam upaya menjalankan regenerasi dan meneruskan roda organisasi. Menjadi bagian dari rangkaian Kongres ke-III adalah Symposium Of Emergency IV 2015 dengan muatan symposium, workshop bertopik kegawatdaruratan dari seluruh perhimpunan yang tergabung dalam PDEI. Besar harapan kami agar kegiatan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk segenap sejawat dimana pun berada dan tentunya secara umum dapat berguna untuk masyarakat secara luas. Terima Kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kami haturkan kepada pihak yang membantu dalam penyelenggaraan Kongres IV dan SOE IV ini dari Panitia Pengarah, Panita Pelaksana, Event Organizer dan Segenap Sponsor yang mendukung. Jakarta, Januari 2015
Dr. Abdulbar Hamid, Sp.S (K) Ketua PP PDEI
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
panitia penanggungjawab Dr. Zaenal Abidin MH - Ketua Umum PB IDI Dr. Abdulbar Hamid, Sp.S (K) - Ketua PDEI
panitiapengarah Dr. Moh Adib Khumaidi, Sp.OT I Dr. Ahmad Jamaluddin Dr. Djoni Darmadjaja, P, SpB MARS I Dr. Mahesa Paranadipa, MH Dr. Sutji Maryono, Sp.P I Dr. Edi Prasetyo, Sp.S
panitiapelaksana Dr. Rosita Rivai - Ketua Panitia Dr. Yoesrianto Tahir - Sekretaris Panitia Dr. Sanny Yanisyah - Bendahara Panitia
seksi-ilmiah (simposium & workshop)
Dr Asturi Putri MARS I Dr Salina I Dr Amran Raga
seksi-acara Dr. Della Sarah I Dr. Fitria N Pulukadang Dr. Grace Piscesianita MKK
seksi-kongres & roadshow Dr. Abdul Halik Malik MKM I Dr. Enuh Nugraha Dr. Ardiasnyah Bahar
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah TRACK #01
AIRWAY AND ANALGESIA SCHEDULE : 12 - 13 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Anesthetist / Pharmacologist / GP
Topics & Objectives 1. Pain Management Pathway 2. Pediatric Airway Panic or Advanced Pediatric Airway Management
Do you panic when there is an agitated, semiconscious infant or toddler with a compromised airway? The ability to manage a child's airway quickly is one of the most important lifesaving skills an emergency physician can possess. The speaker will address indications for invasive vs. non‐invasive airway management, RSI, correct drug dosages, unique indications for pharmacologic agents, and tube dimensions for children of various ages. Airway management in neonates and other useful airway management tips also will highlight how to provide meaningful quality care for this special population.
Identify the appropriate management of pediatric patients with airway problems.
Describe the issues and risks associated
Identify the indications for, and explain the use of, mechanical ventilation in the pediatric patient.
3. The Unexpected dif icult airway : How to avoid it and how to manage it
CARDIOVASCULAR SCHEDULE : 12 - 13 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Cardiologist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. Hypertensive Emergencies : Drugs, drips and Drops
Describe the scope of hypertension in the emergency department. Describe the various emergent presentations of hypertension. Describe the various disease entities associated with hypertension and associated speci ic treatment regimens.
2. Chest pain in the ED ?
Chest pain represents one of the most common presenting symptoms in the emergency department, and it also represents a diagnostic challenge: Is it a pulmonary embolism? Is it an aortic dissection? Is it coronary artery disease? Or is it nothing?
3. New Cardiac Drugs : How , what and when to use them in ED
Explain and assess new cardiac drugs and use them in ED
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
: 12 - 13 JUNE 2015 : Neurologist / Orthopaedist / GP
Topics & Objectives 1. Best Practice for Seizure Management in the ED
Discuss the presentation of seizure in the emergency department and common mimics of seizure.
Discuss the management of irst-time seizure in the emergency department.
Discuss the management of recurrent seizure in the emergency department.
Outline an aggressive treatment regimen for status epilepticus,
List several practices that will improve the ED Care of seizure patients.
2. Back Pain : Cases that you simply cannot miss
As emergency physicians, we have two roles in evaluating back pain: to treat patients' symptoms and to diagnose potentially life or limb threatening causes.
Which patients can be safely evaluated without imaging ?
What are the costs of different imaging modalities?
3. Update in the Management of TIA and Stroke Patient
Discuss the latest updates in the management of TIA, including evaluation and admission criteria in order to maximize safety in these patients.
Identify diagnostic tests that should be performed urgently in patients with a TIA or CVA in order to ind and treat the underlying vascular lesion and improve the quality of care.
Describe current controversies in the emergency management of acute stroke patients and understand the implications in your patients.
Discuss the most recent anti‐platelet treatments in patients with acute stroke and TIA to reduce subsequent events in these patients.
4. Headache Therapy from migraine to neuralgia , the latest in therapy
Does a response to therapy predict the etiology of an acute headache?
Which patients with headache require neuroimaging in the ED?
Is there a need for further emergent diagnostic imaging in the patient with sudden‐onset, severe headache who has negative indings in both CT and lumbar puncture? Providing support, treatment for acute lare‐ups and new pain pathology, understanding medication requests, and avoiding adverse drug events are part of the ED mandate
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah TRACK #04
POISONING AND TOXICOLOGY SCHEDULE : 12 - 13 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Specialist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. Critical Decisions: Spider and Insect Envenomation
List the medically important spider and insect species in Indonesia Describe common presentations of spider bites and adequately manage potential complications. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of potential treatments of spider bites. Describe potential treatments for patients with insect envenomation. Rapidly assess and appropriately manage anaphylaxis resulting from insect envenomation.
2. House hold Poisoning
Assessment , differential diagnosis, early treatment Case discussion
3. New Drug abuse and overdoses 2015
De inition Update epidemiology / based evidence in Indonesia Assessment and early treatment When and how to transfer
ORTHOPAEDICS SCHEDULE : 12 - 13 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Orthopaedist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. High-Risk Orthopedic Emergencies
Certain orthopedic conditions and injuries require immediate recognition or attention because of their signi icance for other injuries. These injuries and conditions carry signi icant morbidity and risk to the patient and practitioner if not immediately recognized and treated. These conditions include hip and knee dislocations, compartment syndrome, supracondylar fractures, and sternoclavicular dislocations. The speaker will review these orthopedic conditions and how to treat them. Recognize orthopedic conditions that require immediate attention. Discuss why these conditions need immediate attention and the potential consequences of delay.
2. Diagnosis and Treatment of Sport Injuries in the ED
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
: 11 -12 JUNE 2015 : Pediatrician / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. Guidelines for Care of Children in the Emergency Department Children requiring emergency care have unique needs, especially when emergencies are serious or life threatening. The majority of ill and injured children are brought to community hospital emergency departments (EDs) by virtue of their geography within communities. Similarly, emergency medical services (EMS) agencies provide the bulk of out‐of‐hospital emergency care to children. It is, therefore, imperative that all hospital EDs have the appropriate resources (medications, equipment, policies, and education) and staff to provide effective emergency care for children. This statement outlines resources necessary to ensure that hospital EDs stand ready to care for children of all ages, from neonates to adolescents. These guidelines are consistent with the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine's report on the future of emergency care in the United States health system. Although resources within emergency and trauma care systems vary locally, regionally, and nationally, it is essential that hospital ED staff and administrators and EMS systems' administrators and medical directors seek to meet or exceed these guidelines in efforts to optimize the emergency care of children they serve.
2. Pediatrics Surgical Emergencies
Assessment differential diagnosis , early resuscitation , time for emergency surgery Case discussion
: 11 - 12 JUNE 2015 : Specialist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. Heroic Trauma Procedure You Should Know.
Describe the indications and contraindications for thoracotomy, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, cardiac wound repair, cricothyroidotomy, pericardiocentesis, venous cut down, and chest tube thoracostomy.
Demonstrate how to perform thoracotomy, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, cardiac wound repair, cricothyroidotomy, pericardiocentesis, venous cut down, and chest tube thoracostomy using video clips.
List the clinical pearls in the performance of thoracotomy, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, cardiac wound repair, cricothyroidotomy, pericardiocentesis, venous cut down and chest tube thoracostomy.
2. Burn Emergencies : First aid and emergency treatment guide
A quick and simple irst aid guide on how to administer treatment for irst degree and second degree minor burns and Third Degree Burns
Early resuscitation , luid management , secondary injury and wound treatment
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah TRACK #08
OBSTETRIC GYNAECHOLOG SCHEDULE : 11 - 12 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Obtetrician / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1.
Post Partum Haemorrhage
Brief lecture Introducing algorithm Early treatment and how to transfer to de initice care ?
Emergency Delivery : Are you Prepared ?
No matter how "naturally" a pregnant woman delivers her child, if it is in your ED, it becomes an emergency delivery. Managing the complications associated with an emergency delivery, identifying necessary equipment, and identifying patients who cannot be transferred to labor and delivery will be discussed. Are you and your facility prepared for this event?
Identify the equipment needed for a successful ED delivery.
Identify obstetric patients who should not be transferred to a hospital labor area because of their impending delivery.
Review the typical assistance that should be provided in an emergency delivery.
Discuss how to manage complications associated with an emergency delivery.
MANAGEMENT OF ED SCHEDULE : 11 - 12 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Orthopaedist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives 1. Managing patient low in ED : Diagnosis and Solutions
Creating Space in ER, SPGDT, Hospital patient low
Suggestions to solve problems
2. Update Triage System in ED
Triage roles , the criteria , what to assess and the outcome
3. Update sepsis management in ED : Goal directed theraphy and how to control in busy ED
The standard infection control and sepsis management
How to implement with limited resources
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah ENT AND EYE EMERGENCIES SCHEDULE : 11 -12 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Neurologist / Orthopaedist / GP
Topics & Objectives 1. Nightmare ENT Emergencies
At any hour nightmare emergencies can pound on your ED door crying out for rapid diagnosis and life saving procedures. The speaker will lead you through a haunted house of bleeding, swollen and beaten ENT monsters. Tricks and treats will be tossed in your bag to help your patient survive your next ENT Nightmare!
Discuss the often common, sometimes subtle, and key clinical indings of these life‐ threatening emergencies.
Interpret imaging studies required for prompt diagnosis.
Describe various approaches and de initive treatments needed to end the nightmare.
2. Rapid ENT Procedures in the ED
Discuss and describe the ENT Procedures
Case Discussion
3. Top Eye emergencies : Don't be blind to the diagnosis
Discuss the eye emergency diagnosis and differential diagnosis
How to asses ?
Early treatment
When and how to consult ophthalmologist
Case Discussion
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah TRACK #11
HEMATOLOGIC DISORDERS SCHEDULE : 11 - 12 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Specialist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives A. Does are Bleeding Really stop ? Reversing new and old anticoagulants
Does a trauma patient or one with a GI bleed on an anticoagulant make you nervous? It probably should as rapid reversal of these agents is essential. During this symposium the speaker will discuss bleeding risks for patients on new and old anticoagulants and using a case based approach will outline different treatment par‐ adigms for those presenting with acute bleeding.
METABOLIC ENDOCRINE SCHEDULE : 11 - 12 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Specialist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives A. The recent advances : managing of blood sugar abnormality Assessment , early treatment and how to transfer to de initive care Case discussion
: 11 -12 JUNE 2015 : Specialist / General Practitioner
Topics & Objectives A. K e b i j a k a n p e m e r i n t a h d a l a m m e n i n g k a t k a n m u t u p e l a y a n a n kegawatdaruratan di Indonesia B. Manual penatalaksanaan kondisi kegawatdaruratan dalam program JKN – BPJS Kesehatan C. Peranan organisasi profesi dalam meningkatkan kualitas SDM dokter dalam penanganan kegawatdaruratan
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
risalah-ilmiah WORKSHOP
SCHEDULE : 11 JUNE 2015 TARGET : Specialist / General Practitioner / Nurse
Recent ACLS Guidelines 2015
General CPR Highlights and Changes Brie ly covers general changes and emphasis points regarding CPR. Includes chest compression and ventilation changes
BLS Sequence Change Explanation of the most signi icant change in the AHA 2010 BLS Guidelines
ACLS Key Emphasis Points for Training Outlines 3 key points that should be emphasized during ACLS Training prior to certi ication
Electrical Therapy Changes and Review The changes re lect new data on the use of pacing in bradycardia, and on cardioversion and de ibrillation for tachycardia rhythm disturbance
Airway Management Changes Summarizes the most signi icant changes in airway management dynamics for the 2010 ACLS Guidelines
Management of Symptomatic Arrhythmias Reviews medication changes for the treatment of symptomatic arrhythmias including changes with PEA/asystole, bradycardia, and unstable tachycardia
Electro Cardiography
Myocardial ischemia and its mimic
Management of Symptomatic Arrhytmia
Dysrhytmias and syncope
First Treatment of Myocardial Ischemic
Emergency Imaging
Plain X ray in life support
Ultrasound in life support
Advanced in Pre Hospital Trauma Care
General CPR Highlights and Changes Brie ly covers general changes and emphasis points regarding CPR. Includes chest compression and ventilation changes
BLS Sequence Change Explanation of the most signi icant change in the AHA 2010 BLS Guidelines
ACLS Key Emphasis Points for Training Outlines 3 key points that should be emphasized during ACLS Training prior to certi ication
Electrical Therapy Changes and Review The changes re lect new data on the use of pacing in bradycardia, and on cardioversion and de ibrillation for tachycardia rhythm disturbance
Airway Management Changes Summarizes the most signi icant changes in airway management dynamics for the 2010 ACLS Guidelines
Management of Symptomatic Arrhythmias Reviews medication changes for the treatment of symptomatic arrhythmias including changes with PEA/asystole, bradycardia, and unstable tachycardia
Wound Treatment
Modern Aspect of wound healing
Treatment for Burn
Wound care and management
Issues to consider wound infection versus colonization and osteomyelitis
The 4th Symposium on Emergency I Facing Universal Health Coverage Era
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PEMBATALAN DAN PENGEMBALIAN DANA Pembatalan pendaftaran diajukan melalui surat tertulis dan diterima panitia sebelum 11 Mei 2015. Pengebalian dana sebesar 50% dilakukan setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan. Diluar batas waktu yang ditentukan, pengembalian dana tidak berlaku.
BANK ACCOUNT Nama Bank : BANK MANDIRI Nomor Rekening : 122-00-0671999-4 Nama Rekening : dr. Rosita Panitia SOE IV Mohon cantumkan nama pengirim dan nama pemilik rekening pada lembar transfer bank.
FORMULIR REGSITRASI INI, DILENGKAPI BUKTI PEMBAYARAN DAN ATAU DOKUMEN LAINNYA WAJIB DI KEMBALIKAN MELALUI EMAIL ATAU FAKSIMILI KE : The Congress Secretariat at GPD INDONESIA Jl. Kebalen V No. 24 A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12180. Phone : +62 21 7254424, 7229339 Mobile : +62 8111332664, +62 8111662664 - Facs : +62 21 7396261 Contact Person: Erlien - Email :
[email protected] -
[email protected] -
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pada hotel dan tipe kamar yang anda pilih
Harga tercantum adalah harga nett hanya untuk kamar saja.
Mohon diperhatikan, waktu check-in adalah pukul 15:00 waktu setempat dan waktu check-out pukul 12:00 waktu setempat. Persetujuan early check-in dan late check-out merupakan kewenangan pihak Hotel.
Reservasi kamar tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa deposit dengan jumlah yang ditetapka pihak Hotel.
Perubahan dan pembatalan pemesanan kamar melalui prosedur pre-registrasi wajib disampaikan kepada Sekretariat selambat-lambatnya satu pekan sebelum kedatangan. Penagihan biaya kamar akan tetap dilakukan jika perubahan dan pembatalan dilakukan di luar batas waktu yang telah ditetapkan.
BANK ACCOUNT Nama Bank : BANK MANDIRI Nomor Rekening : 122-00-0671999-4 Nama Rekening : dr. Rosita Panitia SOE IV Mohon cantumkan nama pengirim dan nama pemilik rekening pada lembar transfer bank.
Tandatangan :
FORMULIR REGSITRASI INI, DILENGKAPI BUKTI PEMBAYARAN DAN ATAU DOKUMEN LAINNYA WAJIB DI KEMBALIKAN MELALUI EMAIL ATAU FAKSIMILI KE : The Congress Secretariat at GPD INDONESIA Jl. Kebalen V No. 24 A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12180. Phone : +62 21 7254424, 7229339 Mobile : +62 8111332664, +62 8111662664 - Facs : +62 21 7396261 Contact Person: Erlien - Email :
[email protected] -
[email protected] -
[email protected]
Perhimpunan Dokter Emergensi Indonesia (PDEI) Sekretariat Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Jl. Dr. G.S.S.Y. Ratulangi No. 29, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10350 Phone : +62 21 3150679, +62 21 3900277 Facsimile : +62 21 3900473
PT. Ginong Pratti Dina Indonesia Jl. Kebalen V No. 24 A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12180 Phone : +62 21 7254424, +62 21 722 9339 Facsimile : +62 21 7396261 Mobile : +62 811902664, +62 818902664 email :
[email protected]