Pathomechanism of open tibial fractures and comparative analysis of the treatment strategies Doktori értekezés
Dr. Kádas István Semmelweis Egyetem Klinikai Orvostudományok Doktori Iskola
Programvezető: Témavezető:
Dr. Szendrői Miklós egyetemi tanár Dr. Magyari Zoltán PhD
Szigorlati bizottság elnöke: Szigorlati bizottság tagjai: Hivatalos bírálók:
Dr. Monos Emil egyetemi tanár Dr. Szabó Andrea PhD Dr. Detre Zoltán PhD
Dr. Mády Ferenc egyetemi docens Dr. Frenyó Sándor egyetemi magán tanár
Bíráló bizottság elnöke: Bíráló bizottság tagjai:
Dr. Mózes Tibor egyetemi tanár Dr. Sükösd László PhD Dr. Dósa Gábor PhD
IINTRODUCTION: Treatment of tibial fractures always requires a great effort. In case of bone fractures, the internal static support of the human body gets injured. If an internal fixation would result in adverse effects, the external fixator is applied as an external static frame. In terms of static considerations, this external frame is different from the internal one: it provides less stability but its impact on the fracture is variable both in space and time. In case of open tibial fractures also severe soft tissue damage coexists. Its treatment requires application of individual protocols. There is no unique way of treatment, since no stable internal fixation can be performed in the infected environment, and, in turn, instability increases the risk of septic complications. A self-generating vicious circle develops. We tried to find a solution for this problem THESES, AIMS OF THE STUDY 1. The basis of successful treatment of open tibial fractures is the correct diagnosis. My aim was to elaborate a uniform classification based on the guidelines in the literature. I decided to evaluate the patient data according to my way of classification. As a reference, I analyzed the data of patients with open tibial fractures treated at the National Institute of Traumatology during a period of 5 years, in a retrospective manner. 2. The knowledge of biomechanical characteristics of the external fixator is indispensable for choosing the appropriate fixator configuration, since the external fixator plays the most important role in the management of open tibial fractures. I endeavored to perform a detailed analysis of biomechanical characteristics of the external fixator configurations and to provide with guidelines based on the results. The aim of my study was to prove that properly applied external fixators advantageously influence fracture healing. 3. After detailed analysis of the known types of external fixators, I decided to develop a new generation of external fixators, which eliminates the disadvantages of the old designs, and to introduce this revolutionary new method into the clinical practice. 4. The use of different fixator configurations is advisable for the treatment of fractures in different segments of the tibia. My aim was to develop a unique configuration for each fracture type. The main task was to describe the applicable variations of configurations for the treatment of tibial fractures according to their localization in different segments – diaphysis, proximal and distal metaphysis, - and according to the fracture pattern, application of unilateral, V-shaped and triangular configurations. 5. It is a common knowledge that dynamisation favorably influences fracture healing. My aim was to elaborate guidelines for the appropriate way and timing of dynamisation and to develop a dynamising vice, which fits into the MC external fixator system.
Budapest 2009
6. Based on theoretical considerations, I wanted to prove my theses by the means of biomechanical investigations, thus I decided to elaborate the management of the clinical investigations and the cadaver bone preparations. I chose the proper way of measurement and organized the biomechanical study.
7. I also decided to cooperate with the Biomechanical Laboratory of the Department of Material Technology of the University of Technical and Material Sciences, Budapest and to perform the experiments based of an officially accepted protocol. 8. Computerized data processing provided us with the opportunity to analyze finite element biomechanical models, furthermore to check the investigations performed in the biomechanical laboratory also by the use of a computerized model. In order to organize the experiments, I contacted the engineers of the Technical University, Budapest and I developed the technique of the digitalization of the tibia bone model. 9. The key for healing of open tibial fractures is the proper management of soft tissue defects. I decided to analyze the details of possible soft tissue replacements and I wanted to provide with guidelines for the solution of these problems in the prospective study and to introduce them into the clinical practice. I wanted to establish an operating team with the participation of plastic and micro surgeons. 10. I wanted to elaborate treatment protocols and provide with distinct therapeutic guidelines, based on fracture pattern and severity of soft tissue damage. My important aim was to check the correctness of the guidelines by the means of analysis of data revealed from patients involved in the prospective study. I also wanted to develop a computerized program for data management and evaluation. 11. I decided to analyze retrospectively the data of patients with open tibial fractures treated at the National Institute of Traumatology in the period from 1983 to 1987, and to compare these data with those of the prospective study. I intended to analyze the revealed data with statistical methods. 12. On the basis of the results, I wanted to elaborate guidelines for the correct management of open tibial fractures. During the course of data processing, it was also my task to read lectures and to write articles on this topic, thus to publish my results extensively. METHODS: The MC external fixator Prior to starting our scientific work, we analyzed the devices suitable for management of open fractures, first each external fixator configuration, which were at our disposal. The characteristics of the Hoffmann-Vidal and AO systems did not fulfill the necessary biomechanical requirements for an up-to-date way of treatment with an external fixator. We started to develop a new generation of external fixators, the MC family. Biomechanical experiments: The configuration of the external fixator is the most important factor, which determines the stability of an osteosynthesis provided by an external fixator. In cooperation with the 3
team of Technical University, Budapest, I investigated the stability of the commonly used unilateral and V-shaped configurations for the treatment of tibial fractures in the biomechanical laboratory. I exposed different external fixator configurations to static load exerted in an identical manner and force; furthermore, I analyzed the shift between the fragments. The next step was the application of a finite element model. Patients: At the National Institute of Traumatology, we analyzed and evaluated the data of patients with open tibial fractures during three 5-year periods. From 1988 onwards, we developed and applied an innovative method for the treatment of open fractures. We performed a comparative statistical analysis in order to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. We compared the results revealed from an earlier 5-year period (1984-1988, Group A) with those of two 5-year groups (Group B: 1988-1992, and Group C: 1993-1997), treated according to the new therapeutic concept. During the course of computerized data analysis, we asked 50 questions with 5-10 optional answers. The results were evaluated and demonstrated on a graph. The prospective groups were treated according to a uniform protocol. 658 patients were treated for open tibial fractures at the National Institute of Traumatology and Emergency Medicine during the course of 15 years. In the initial phase (Group A), we applied monotherapies, such as plating and later an external fixator and intramedullary nailing. The option of combined treatment, i.e. changing the treatment method was introduced in the last 10 years (Groups B and C). We performed 352 monotherapies during the course of the investigated period (15 years): plate: 74, E. F.: 112, reamed I.M. nail: 104, UTN: 62 patients. 270 patients were treated in a combined therapy manner. E. F. + reamed IM nail: 100, E.F + UTN: 57, E.F + plate: 30, whilst E.F + brace: 83. Other ways of treatment were applied in case of 36 patients. RESULTS The number of cases constantly increased every year, thus the number of patients in 1983 (27) has abundantly doubled in 1997 (67 cases). The overall year average was in the different groups as follows: 32.2 in Group A, 42.2 in Group B and 57 in Group C. The overall average of the investigated period was 44 cases per year (43.86 cases). There were 288 women (42%) and 397 men (58%) amongst the patients. The age distribution had spikes in all three groups amongst people capable to work (41-50 years, 144 cases) and in the range of 31-40 years (103 cases). These two groups together made up 37.5% of the cases (247 patients). Traffic accidents are the most common causes of injury in all three groups. The initial ratio (66%, 71 patients) has increased in Group C (118 patients). The number of injuries sustained in the street, at home, and those of industry or agriculture related injuries are almost equally distributed and show a slow increment. Sport injuries rarely resulted in open tibial fractures. We investigated the fracture pattern distribution according to Müller’s AO classification. We stated that fractures of type B-2 (22+27+40=89), C-1 (26+32+46=104) and C3(24+27+41=92) were most frequent in all three groups. The severity of soft tissue damage was evaluated according to Gustillo-Anderson’s classification. We stated that type I was the most frequent injury (59+72+92=223 patients), followed by type II (46+66+74=186 patients). The most severe types III/B and III/C occurred rarely (19+24+41= 84 patients and 8+11+20=39 patients, respectively), but it has doubled when compared the incidence in the 4
first and the last groups. In Group A, the most frequently applied way of treatment was open plating (44 patients) and the application of an external fixator (64 patients). Also combined therapy was applied in group B, amongst which combinations, like fixator + brace (37 patients) and fixator + intramedullary nail (44 patients) were the most popular, but also primary reamed intramedullary nailing (32 patients) and unreamed tibial nailing (UTN, 22 patients) were performed. In Group C, combined ways of treatment played the most important role (E. F. + brace: 43 patients, E. F. + I.M. nail: 40 patients, E. F. + UTN: 36 patients, but also monotherapies were frequently used (I.M. nailing: 46 patients, UTN: 40 patients). We also used an external fixator combined with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (22 patients) and a primary, minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis as well (20 patients). Primary wound closure played a very important role in the soft tissue management (64+86+108=258 patients) in all three groups. Secondary closure was the second frequently performed intervention (32+41+65=138 patients). Thanks to development in microsurgery, in addition to half thickness skin grafts (31+42+51=124 patients) and local flaps (14+18+20=52) also muscular and combined skin-muscles flaps with a vascular pedicle were applied (2+4+9=15 patients). DISCUSSION: As a favorable result of management technique, the rate of primary soft tissue consolidation has gradually increased. Group A: 66 %, Group B: 75.7 % and Group C: 80.9 %. Also the ratio of septic complications has decreased accordingly. A: 15.5 %, B: 9.4 %, C: 6.6 %. Application of recently developed stabilizing devices resulted in increasing ratio of bony consolidation. The ratio of bone healing disturbances has decreased: A: 31.6 %, B: 18.0 %, C: 8.7 %. The rate of amputations has considerably decreased: A: 4.9 %, B: 2.3 %, C: 0.7 %. These highlighted data indicate that healing expectancies of open tibial fractures are directly improved by elaboration, introduction and consistent application of treatment protocols.
free from any lacks of older systems. I constructed and applied special vices with shellshaped universal closing jaws, which are suitable for creating various connections. 4. I have elaborated special configurations for the use at different regions of the leg (diaphysis, proximal and distal metaphysis) and for different fracture patterns (unilateral, Vshaped, triangular). I made the new method accepted at our institute and I have introduced it into our clinical practice. 5. I have elaborated a special way of dynamisation to be used during the course of fracture management. I have designed and had the same Hungarian company produce the dynamizing MC fixator vice and I have introduced it into the clinical practice. 6. I decided to investigate the stability of the different external fixator configurations used in the clinical practice and elaborated the main principles of the experiments. I prepared the cadaver bone models, I chose the appropriate way of measuring and organized the biomechanical investigations. 7. In collaboration with engineers, I accomplished the series of measurements at the abovementioned Biomechanical Laboratory of the Technical University, Budapest. We performed 5 series, 60 measurements each, and evaluated the data with the help of technical experts. Best stability is provided by the insertion of the pin as far as possible within the segment and the rods assembled on the opposite side and with the greatest possible distance between them. 8. After biomechanical measurements, I used a computerized model for analyzing the biomechanical properties of the various fixator configurations, based on a finite element model. We digitalized the bone model by surface and flat scanning and with 3D CT scans. The computerized model proved good correlation with the results of the biomechanical investigation.
CONCLUSIONS: Favorable effect can be achieved via combination of advantages and reasonable elimination of disadvantages of the different methods.
9. I collected and analyzed the possible ways of soft tissue reconstruction and defined guidelines in terms of ways of replacement according to the localization on the leg. I applied different methods of soft tissue replacement, involving micro and plastic surgeons as well.
1. The key to successful treatment of open tibial fractures is the correct diagnosis. I have verified this thesis on the basis of analysis of data collected at the National Institute of Traumatology over three 5-year periods (1x5 years retrospectively analyzed and 2x5 years prospectively analyzed periods). I classified the fractures of 658 patients according to the AO (Müller) classification and the soft tissue damage according to Gustillo-Anderson’s guidelines.
10. I elaborated the fact sheets for clinical assessment and formulated nearby 70 questions with 5-10 possible answers. I applied for permission to start the investigations. I prepared the program for the computerized data processing and performed test investigations.
2. The external fixator plays the most important role in the treatment of open fractures. I analyzed its biomechanical characteristics in full details and established the criteria regarding the configuration of the external fixator to be applied.
11. I processed the data of 658 patients with open tibial fractures treated at the National Institute of Traumatology over a period of 15 years (1983-1997). Comparing the data revealed from the retrospective analysis of the first 5-year period with those of the second and third 5-year periods, I observed statistically significant improvement in terms of clinical outcome. I verified the difference with an appropriate statistical analysis.
3. I have designed and had a Hungarian company produce a new concept, patented external fixator system family (MC), which I have also applied in the clinical practice. This system is
12. Based on my results, I elaborated guidelines for the correct treatment of open tibial fractures. I read numerous lectures on this topic in Hungary and abroad as well and published my results in Hungarian and foreign periodicals, series of books and textbooks.
SAJÁT PUBLIKÁCIÓK JEGYZÉKE A doktori értekezés alapjául szolgáló saját közlemények és supplementumok 1. Kádas I. - P. Fröhlich - Z. Magyari: Die progressive Dynamisierung in Experiment und Praxis Aesculart Verlag.45-47 Budapest.1992. Budapest. 2. Kádas I.-Fröhlich P.: A fixateur externek szerkezete Magyar Traumatológia, Ortopédia, kézsebészet, Plasztikai Sebészet 35.évf.5.szám P.: 479-485 3. Kádas I.-Á.Kecskeméti-A.I.Melly-T.Farkas : Die Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung der Unterschenkelfrakturen mittels methodenwechsel.Gerhard Küntscher Kreis. Springer Verlag.Stuttgart.1993. P:362-367. 4. Kádas I. - T. Salacz - A. Melly - A. Kecskeméti - GY. Végh: Behandlungstaktik der offenen Unterschenkelbrüche: Fixateur externe versus UTN Swiss Surgery Suppl. 2/1996 20-26. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 1996 5. .Kádas I.- Z.Magyari - I.Czermann - A.I.Melly - G.Vecsey - T.Salacz:Die intramedulläre Fixation bei der Behandlung offener Frakturen.3rd European Traumatology Congress Amsterdam. 17-20. Juni 1998. Suppl. 6. Kádas I.- T.A. Farkas - A.I.Melly - Á.Kecskeméti: Reconstruction of the femur after subtotal amputation Acta Chirurgica Austriaca Jahrgang. 30. Suppl. Nr. 140. 1998. P.: 160. 7. Kádas I. - Magyari Z. - Melly A. - Kecskeméti Á. .Súlyos lábsérülés ellátása -egy eset tapasztalatai Magyar Traumatológia, Ortopédia,Kézsebészet, Plasztikai Sebészet 1997.5. 415-420. 8. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Udvardy Cs., Vecsey G.: A lábszártörések szeptikus szövıdményeinek változása az ellátási protokoll tükrében International Forum. Septic complications after tibial fractures. Budapest. 1999. 05. 13-15. Suppl. 9. Kádas I. - Á.Z.Kecskeméti - A.I.Melly - J.Hankiss: Management of severe injury of the leg using muscular flap of double vascularisation.I. Österreichischer Amerikanischer Kongress für Fusschirurgie Innsbruck 1997. III.20.-22. Österreich Suppl. 10. Kádas I.-Salacz T. - Magyari Z. - Kecskeméti Á.: Korai operatív módszerváltás a lábszártörések kezelésénél Magyar Ortopéd Társaság Vándorgyőlése 1993. június. Pécs. Suppl. 11. Kádas I.-L.Egri-Z.Magyari-J.Hankiss: Amputation oder Erhaltung der Extremität? Zentraleuropaeischer Unfallkongress. Budapest.1994.V.4-7. Suppl. 12. Kádas I. -Melly A.- Kecskeméti Á.- Egri L.: Amputatio versus végtagmegtartás, érnyeles szabadlebeny átültetés jelentısége. Magyar Orthop.Társ.Kongr.1994.VI. 9-11. Debrecen. Suppl. 13. Kádas I. -T.Salacz-Z.Magyari: Primärversorgung der offenen Unterschenkelfrakturen bei polytraumatisierten Patienten Slovak International Symposium Kovacova.1994. okt. 14-15.Suppl. 8 14. Kádas I.-Dr.Árva G.-Dr.Kovács G.: A külsı rögzítık és szövetpótlások jelentısége 10 éves beteganyagunkban Fixateur - Szövetpótlás Symposium Kecskemét 1994. október 6.Suppl. 15. Kádas I. - Melly A. - Kecskeméti Á. - Egri L. - Vámos G. : Amputatio versus végtagmegtartás. Érnyeles szabad lebeny átültetése. Magyar Traumatológus 7
Társaság Vándorgyőlése, Békéscsaba. 1995. V.25-27. Suppl. 16. Kádas I. - T.A.Farkas - A.I.Melly - Á.Kecskeméti - L. Fényes : Oberschenkelaufbau nach subtotaler Femuramputation. 31. Jahrestagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Unfallchir. 1995. Linz. Österreich. Suppl. 17. Kádas I.- T. Salacz - A. Melly - A. Kecskeméti - GY. Végh: Behandlungstaktik der offenen Unterschenkelbrüche: Fixateur externe versus UTN 2. Zentraleuropäischer Unfallkongress 29. Mai-1. Juni 1996, Davos/Switzerland Suppl. 18. Kádas I. - Hankiss J. - Magyari Z. - Melly A. - Czermann I.: Nagy lágyrész hiánnyal járó lábszártörés ellátása dupla érnyeles szabad izomlebennyel Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Vándorgyőlése, Szeged 1996. szeptember 19-21. Suppl. 19. Kádas I. -Kecskeméti A. - Melly A. - Magyari Z. - Czermann I.: Polytraumatizált sérültek ellátási taktikája Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Vándorgyőlése, Szeged 1996. szeptember 19-21. Suppl. 20. Kádas I. - Hankiss J. - Magyari Z. - Melly A.: Desorganizált alsóvégtag – lágyrész sérüléseinek ellátási taktikája A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság VI. Nemzetközi Kongresszusa Budapest.1997. V.8.-10. Suppl. 21. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Melly A., Kecskeméti Á., Czermann I.: Behandlunstaktik bei offenen Unterscenkelbrüche. Fixateur Externe v.s. UTN VIII., Szlovák Traumatológus Napok, Bratislava 1996. november 14-15.Suppl. 22. Kádas I. - A.I.Melly: A fixateur externe kezelés problémái Harmadik Erdélyi Orvostudományi Ülésszak Sepsiszentgyörgy - Illyefalva 1997. IX.17.-19. Suppl. 23. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Simon B., Udvardy Cs. : Primaer definitív ellátás vs. tervezett módszerváltás Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Vándorgyőlése. Pécs. 1999. 04. 08-10. Suppl. 24. Kádas I. – MagyariZ. – Vecsey G .- Horváth K. Súlyos nyílt lábsérülések ellátási taktikája A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa Miskolc, 2003.november 9-11. Suppl. 25. Kádas I. – Magyari Z. – Udvardy Cs. – Lendvai F. A nyílt lábszártörések ellátási taktikájának értékelése után vizsgálattal A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa Miskolc, 2003 november 9-11. Suppl. 26. Kádas - Z. Magyari – Cs. Udvardy – F. Lendvai: Change of protocol by open tibia fractures XV. International INTERBOR Congress and Exhibition on Prosthetics and Orthotics, Budapest, 2003. June 1-4. Suppl. 27. Kádas I. - Z. Magyari – A. Melly –Cs. Udvardy: Amputaion oder Erhaltung des Fußes? Österreichhische Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, Salzburg, 2003. Oktober 9-11 Abstract 28. Kádas I. - Magyari Z.– Udvardy Cs.– Bagi I. – Kádas D. Fixateur szerkezetek biomechanikai vizsgálata A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa Balatonfüred, 2004. szeptember 23-25. Suppl. 29. Kádas I., Z. Magyari, Cs. Udvardy, G. Vecsey- I. Bagi – D. Kádas : Changing the way of treatment for the reduction of the rate of complications after open tibial fractures 6. European Trauma Congress, Prague, 2004 May 16-19. Suppl. 30. Kádas I. - Magyari Z.– Törköly T.- Bagi I. – Kádas D.: Fixateur szerkezetek végeselemes és biomechanikai vizsgálata 2. Magyar Biomechanikai Konferencia, Debrecen 2006- 06-30. Suppl. 31. Kádas I.* - Törköly T.** - Bagi I.** – Kádas D.*Biomechanikai és véges elemes 8
vizsgálatok tervezése és kivitelezése az orvosi gyakorlatban A Magyar Ortopéd Társaság és a Magyar Traumatológus Társaság közös kongresszusa és Fiatalok Fóruma, Nyíregyháza, 2007. június 20-23. Suppl. 32. Kádas I. Z.- Magyari – Zs. Vendégh, B. Gloviczki: Changing the treatment to reduce complication rate in open tibial fractures International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2008 DOI: 10, 1007/s00264-008-0670-4 A tudományos munkásságot megalapozó egyéb saját közlemények és supplementumok:
33. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Renner A., Hankiss J., Melly A.: Behandlung intraartikulärer Frakturen des distalen Radius mit Fixateur externe. 40. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie. Hannover Deutschland. 1999. 10. 20-23. 34. Kádas I., Magyari Z. - Udvardy Cs., - Kádas D.Minimal invasive stabilisation of proximal humeral fractures with an angulated plate 5. Europaischer Unfallkongress, Wien, 2002 Mai 4-8. 35. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Udvardy Cs., Lendvai F.Behandlung intraartikulaeren Fracturen des distalen Radius mit fixateur Externe Osztrák-Magyar Traumatológus Társaság közös Kongresszusa, Sopron, 2002, okt. 3-5. 36. Kádas I.-Z. Magyari-Cs. Udvardy-G. Vecsey-: Changing the way of treatment for the reduction of the rate of complications after open tibial fractures, Osteosynthese International, Budapest, 2003.sept. 11-13. 37. Kádas I. - Füles P. - Martsa B.:A combnyaktörés korszerő kezelése kettôs kanüllált spongiosacsavarozással MOTESZ pályázat - Ifjúsági Különdíj Budapest - 1993. 38. Kádas I.-J.Szita-T.Salacz-Á.Kecskeméti: Biomechanische Knochentransplanttation bei offenen Metatarsaliafraktur Zentraleuropaeischer Unfallkongress. Budapest.1994.V.4-7. 39. Kádas I.- Szita J.-Varga I.: Funkcionális töréskezelés SOFT CAST-tal Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Vándorgyőlése, Békéscsaba. 1995. V.25-27. 40. Kádas I. - Manninger J. - Melly A. - Vámos G. - Soltay P.: Biomechanikai vizsgálat combnyakcsavarozásnál. Magyar Ortopéd Társaság Vándorgyőlése. 1995. Június 8-11. Szeged. 41. Kádas I. : Stabilitási és biomechanikai kérdések a kettıs kanülált combnyakcsavarozásnál Debrecen ." A combnyaktörés kezelése kanülált csavarokkal." Symposium. 1995. október 14. 42. Kádas I. - Hankiss J. - Kurucz L. - Kecskeméti Á.:Extracorporalis sarokcsont darab replantatioja és fedése A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság VI. Nemzetközi Kongresszusa Budapest.1997. V.8.-10. 10 43. Kádas I.- T.Salacz - Z. Magyari - G. Vámos: Versorgung der Trümmerfrakturen in der distalen Radiusende mit Fixateur und Minimalosteosynthese Budapest - Brno Bratislava Symposium. Kovacova Slovakia 1997. VI.16. 44. Kádas I. Magyari Z. Végh Gy. Vecsey G : Radius distalis vég izületbe hatoló törés kezelési eredményeinek után vizsgálata 1993-98-ig A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság VII. Nemzetközi Kongresszusa Debrecen 2000. 05.18-20. 45. Kádas I., Magyari Z. - Udvardy Cs., - Kádas D.: Minimal invasive stabilisation of proximal humeral fractures with an angulated plate 5. Europaischer Unfallkongress, Wien, 2002 Mai 4-8. 9
46. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Udvardy Cs., Lendvai F. Behandlung intraartikulaeren Fracturen des distalen Radius mit fixateur Externe Osztrák-Magyar Traumatológus Társaság közös Kongresszusa, Sopron, 2002, okt. 3-5. 47. Kádas I., Magyari.Z.,Udvardy Cs.,Lendvai F.,Kádas D. : A humerus proximalis vég fedett csavarozása „vállstabil” eszközzel IV. Magyar Osteológiai Kongresszus, Balatonfüred, 2003. május 21-24.. 48. Kádas I. - Magyari Z.– Szita J. – Végh Gy.– Bagi I. – Kádas D. A radius fixateur koncepciója és eredményei A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa Balatonfüred, 2004. szeptember 23-25. 49. Kádas I. - Magyari Z.– Bagi I. – Kádas D. A szöglettartó lemezcsalád koncepciója és jellemzıi A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa Balatonfüred, 2004. szeptember 23-25. 50. Kádas I– Z. Magyari I. Bagi – F. Lendvai - D. Kádas Treatment of intraarticular fractures of the distal radius by using external fixator 6. European Trauma Congress, Prague, 2004 May 16-19 51. Kádas I. - Magyari Z. - Bagi I. - Udvardy Cs. - Lendvai F. - Kádas D.:Closed screw fixation of the proximal humerus with "shoulder stable" device 6. European Trauma Congress, Prague, 2004 May 16-19 52. Kádas I., Magyari Z., Szita I., Melly A., Kecskeméti Á. The concept and results of using the external radius fixator 9. th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Budapest, 2004, june 13-17. 53. Kádas I - Magyari Z - Bagi I. - Vecsey G. - Kádas D. Treatment of intraarticular fractures of the distal radius by using external fixator 9. th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Budapest, 2004, june 13-17. 54. Kádas I. - Magyari Z. - Bagi I. - Udvardy Cs. - Lendvai F. - Kádas D. Closed screw fixation of the proximal humerus with "shoulder stable" device 9. th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Budapest, 2004, june 13-17. 55. Kádas I. – Renner A.-Flóris I.- Bagi I. – Kádas D.: A Radius fixateur koncepciója és klinikai A Magyar Kézsebész Társaság 13. Kongresszusa és Fiatal Kézsebészek Fóruma Kecskemét 2006-05-25 56. Kádas I.* - Dr. Szita J.*– Bagi I.** – Kádas D. A „boka-stabil” szöglettartó lemez klinikai alkalmazása és eredményei A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa, Gyır, 2005. szeptember 23-25. 57. Kádas I. - Dr. Magyari Z.– Dr. Szita J.– Bagi I. – Kádas D.A radius fixateurrel kezelt betegek utánvizsgálata – egy innovatio sikere ! A Magyar Traumatológus Társaság Kongresszusa, Gyır, 2005. szeptember 23-25. 58. Kádas I. - Prof. A. Renner– I. Flóris – A. Szentirmai – Zs. Vendégh : Prinzipien und Ergebnisse des Radius-Fixateurs Jéna DGH 2005 59. Kádas I. - Prof.Dr.Renner A.– Dr. Flóris I.– Bagi I. – Kádas D. A radius fixateur koncepciója és klinikai eredményei MKT Kecskemét 2006 60. Kádas I. –Magyari Z.- Szita J.- Bagi I. – Törköly T.- Kádas D.: Szöglettartó (stabil) lemezcsalád klinikai alkalmazása és eredményei A Magyar Ortopéd Társaság és a Magyar Traumatológus Társaság közös kongresszusa és Fiatalok Fóruma, Nyíregyháza, 2007. június 20-23. 10
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