THE EFFECT OF STARBIO ON BROILER MEAT MIKROBIAL’S PROFIL AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SUSTAINABLE FARM Tirta A.IN., NLP.Sriyani, AA.Oka, I Gd.Suranjaya, MD.Dewantari Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT This research has been conducted to determine the effect of dried probiotic (Starbio) on the shelf life of broiler meat and impact on the environment farm to be implemented. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with the two treatments, namely: giving starbio 0% (NS) and the provision of 0.25% starbio (ST). The number of broilers were used in this research were 200 DOC. Parameters in this study are: the shelf life of meat, environmental impacts such as the content of ammonia and microbial pathogens (E. coli, coliform, TPC) in feces.The results showed that the microbial profile on NS meat in the first 3 hours of observation were not significantly different (P> 0.05) with ST. Observation for 15-24 hours, the all sample rate changes off ordor with TPC 1010 cfu/cm 2 and TPC at NS samples was significantly higher than ST (P <0.05). Observations of ammonia, TPC, Coliform, and E. coli in the obtained respectively 29.5%, 15.4%, 0.0%, and 33% in NS samples was significantly higher when compared with ST samples (P <0.5). The conclusion of this research, is the addition of starbio (0.25%) in broiler ration can improve the shelf life of meat and reduce the environmental impact of sustainable broiler farms. Keywords: Starbio, broilers, the shelf life of meat, environmenalt impact.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh probiotik kering (jenis Starbio) pada ransum broiler terhadap daya simpan daging dan dampak terhadap lingkungan peternakan broiler dilaksanakan. Penellitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan dua perlakuan yaitu: pemberian starbio 0% (NS) dan pemberian 0,25% starbio (ST). Penelitian menggunakan 200 ekor (DOC) selama 35 hari. Parameter penelitian adalah: daya simpan daging dan dampak lingkungan seperti kandungan amonia dan mikroba pathogen (E.coli, Coliform, TPC) pada feses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil mikroba pada daging NS pada 3 jam pertama tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) dengan ST. Pada 15-18 jam pengamatan, sampel NS nyata lebih banyak dari TPC sampel ST (P<0,05). Pengamatan selama 15-24 jam, kedua sampel mengalami perubahan bau sampai tingkat pembusukan dengan TPC 1010 cfu/cm2 dan TPC pada sampel NS nyata lebih tinggi dari ST (P<0,05). Ammonia, TPC, Colliform, dan E.coli pada feses ditemukan masing-masing 29,5%, 15,4%, 0,0%, dan 33% pada sampel NS nyata lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan sampel ST (P<0,5). Kesimpulannya adalah dengan penambahan starbio (0,25%) pada ransum broiler dapat memperbaiki daya simpan daging dan mengurangi dampak terhadap lingkungan peternakan broiler.
Kata kunci: Starbio, broiler, daya simpan daging,dan dampak lingkungan. INTRODUCTION Denpasar City is one of the cities with the highest population density in Bali. Population growth in the city of Denpasar very rapidly, but the other pieces where chickens (broilers) are still quite exist. Chicken population in Denpasar reached 90 355 individuals (Anon, 2013). Chicken population increase in Denpasar because it refers to Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan-2012) Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of Bali Province, namely: "The realization of the forward Ranch, Tough, Local Resource-Based Perspective Agribusiness towards Bali Mandara. Farm in Denpasar, especially poultry farm (broiler) has implemented most of the management of the farm properly, both from the aspect of reproduction and breeding and fattening (Ardana et al., 2008, Anon, 2013). Activity of broiler chicken farms in Denpasar area is very worth noting especially its impact on the environment, given the very rapid population growth. How good farm management is implemented, to some extent will have an impact on the environment in which the farm activities, such as unpleasant smells and other waste. Heir impact on the environment becomes a new problem. The joint effort between the community and government breeders have been done, but environmental problems difficult to remove. Population of 90 355 chickens is one of the potential environmental problems. Probiotics recommended Starbio type can reduce the impact of livestock activity and can increase the production of livestock. By looking at these problems, this research needs to be done that can provide solutions to environmental problems and to increase the productivity of broiler chickens in the Denpasar area. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two treatments, namely by giving starbio 0% (NS) and the provision of starbio 0.25% (ST). Material using CP707-old broiler chickens 1 day 200 DOC, which consists of 100 individuals were given an additional starbio (ST) and an additional 100 were not given probiotics (NS). The study was conducted for 35 days. The research variables are: Food safety in meat that includes observation of the total microbial pathogens (TPV = Total Plate
Count), The growth of microbial pathogens during 24 hours of storage, and the observed levels of ammonia, microbial pathogens such as TPC, Coliform, E. coli in the feces. Data obtained from this study were analyzed by analysis of variance. If there are significant differences between treatments, the analysis continued with T test (Steel and Torrie, 1989).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Food Safety Profile Microbes on Chicken Meat. Some of the parameters for the microbial profile consists of a number of microbial meat / total plate count (TPC), coliform, and E. coli. Addition starbio in chicken rations can significantly reduce the total microbes in chicken meat by 23.65%, amounting to 25.30% of E. coli (P <0.5), but does not decrease the amount of coliform in sigifikan with the addition starbio on ration (P> 0.05). Table. Microbial profiles are given Starbio Chicken. (log cfu / cm 2). Variable ATLB/TPC (x10 10)
Treatment ST NS
Coliform (x 10 10)
E.coli (x 10 10)
Mean a
9,30 a 12,18 b 6,08 b 5,48 4,34c c 5,81
SEM 0,7692 0,5377 0,5866 0,2680 0,1502 0,4746
Note: mean value followed by the same letter is not significantly different (P> 0.05) .ST: Starbio, NS: Non Starbio, SEM: Standard Error of Mean.
Food safety at broiler meat is safe for consumption, because the content microbial found in meat shortly after being cut to the bare minimum amount. This is in accordance with the opinion Lawrie (1979) and Forrest et al. (1975), that the ultimate meat pH of 5.3 to 5.7 is normal is less favorable for the growth of most microbes. However, Phu meat 5.2 or lower, microbial growth is reduced, and vice versa at higher pHu cause the existence and growth of microbes is increased. Other causes for the difference in the number of microbes in the beginning of the observation because the
effect of different cooking loss. Meat with higher cooking losses, the surface of the meat more succulent and gives greater media opportunities for his microbial pathogens. Determination of the amount of initial microbial (TPC) aims to certify food safety, Coliform and E. coli count to state sanitary food (food products). Obtaining TPC, Coliform, and E. coli in meat samples as a result of the influence starbio, when viewed from the maximum limit for food safety and sanitation, the sample was declared safe for consumption and sanitation is good enough. According to Jay (1986), to charge a maximum of microorganisms in fresh meat for total bacteria / total plate count (TPC), coliform, and E. coli, respectively, are 106,102, and 10 colonies per cm2. Fresh meat otherwise cause foul odor (odor off) when discovered TPC 107-7.5 colonies / cm 2, and 107.5 to 8 colonies / cm 2 have a slimy flesh. Microorganisms that damage can come from meat and live broiler infection and contamination of meat pascamortem. Contamination can occur from the surface of the meat slaughtering livestock to meat consumption. At the slaughterhouse, the source of contamination or infection may originate from the surrounding soil, dirt on the skin, digestive tract contents, water, tools used during the process of preparing the carcass, air, and workers (Forrest, 2011; Soeparno, 2009). Self Life of Meat The shelf life of meat is the ability of the meat to retain its quality, both physical and chemical changes to the environment in a given time period. Observation of the growth in the number of microbes on the meat is done every 3 once, for 24 hours. Starbio on ration (ST) can inhibit the growth of microbial pathogens in meat during storage broler meat on open space (25-28 0C). During storage, the number of microbes increases and grows with a constant rate of growth to environmental factors as the delimiter. Logarithmic phase ends gradually, then reaches equilibrium, ie the number of cells can be constant for some time due to reduced cell division, or a balance between the rate of cell multiplication by mortality. This is in accordance with the opinion Fardiaz (1992) cited by Lindawati (1998), which convey the pattern of growth of microorganisms is described as a curve and consists of several phases of growth such as
the sigmoid microbial growth is strongly influenced by intrinsic factors such as pH, water activity (Aw), oxidation-reduction potential, nutrient content, and anti-microbial compounds. Environmental Impact To state the impact on the environment of the activity of a broiler farm can be seen in the sewage / manure, strong odors, and contamination of the river or the surrounding environment. These parameters are mostly caused by a methane / ammonia and microbial content of the feces and urine of cattle and feed remnants reduced tiadk perfectly in the metabolism of the body. Addition starbio on ration (ST) can significantly decrease the amount of ammonia, the number of microbes (TPC), coliform, and E. coli in the feces of chickens (P <.05). Table. The content of ammonia and Microbes on Chicken Feces were given Starbio. Variable Treatment Mean SEM ST 21,50 0,5342 Amonia (m.mol) NS 30,50 0,4553 2 S T 11 0,2231 ATLB/TPC (log cfu/m ) NS 13 0,2211 2 S T 4 0,4321 Coliform (log cfu/m ) NS 4 0,3421 ST 4 0,1212 E.coli (log cfu/cm2) NS 6 0,3521 Note: that the average value followed by the same letter is not significantly different (P> 0.05) .ST: Starbio, NS: Non Starbio, SEM: Standard Error of Mean.
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