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Where is this notice commonly found? A. On the bus B. On the factory C. In traditional market D. At home E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : notice tersebut berisi tentang pemberitahuan untuk para pekerja agar cuci tangan sebelum bekerja. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa notice tersebut berada di pabrik (factory).
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What do the employees have to do before coming back to the work site? A. Wash the dishes using their hands B. Inform the other employees to wash their hands
C. Wash other employees hands throughly
D. Keep the cleanliness by washing their hands E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Notice tersebut memerintahkan para pekerja agar menjaga kesehatan/kebersihan dengan mencuci tangan sebelum kembali bekerja.
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A. have to pay extra bill when you ceck out at 12 o'clock B. must check out after 11 a.m. to be in time C. are recommended to say in the hotel longer to get extra service D. are strictly prohibited to check out after 12 o'clock E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : dijelaskan dalam notice bahwa waktu check out jam 11, sehingga apabila check out diatas jam tersebut harus membayar biaya tambahan.
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You find this notice at the gate of a housing complex. Image not readable or empty assets/js/plugins/kcfinder/upload/image/bab5%20no71dll.PNG
It means that only the people who .... the houses at the housing complex can go there.
A. has B. own C. want D. sell E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : notice tersebut memberitahukan bahwa akses hanya untuk penduduk setempat (hanya orang yang memiliki rumah (own house) di komplek tersebut).
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See the vacany below
Which qualification must the teacher candidates have? A. Experienced B. Explicit
C. Expired
D. Expenditure E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : salah satu persyaratan lowongan adalah Exp. = experience (berpengalaman).
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The word 'Required' is similiar in meaning to .... A. Acquired B. Reimbursed C. Needed D. Trained E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : required = needed (dibutuhkan). Acquired (diperoleh), reimbursed (ditukar, dikembalikan), trained (dilatih).
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See the warning below Image not readable or empty assets/js/plugins/kcfinder/upload/image/bab5%20no82dll.PNG
It means that the users....
A. should damage their eyesight B. are suggested to aim camera directly into the sun C. must be careful and not catch intense lightresource to their camera D. are permitted to use the camera to aim it directly into the sun in order to damage eyes E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : Dalam teks tersebut diperingatkan agar jangan mengarahkan kamera secara langsung pada matahari ataupun cahaya lain.
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ATTENTION To:All VII grade students; Don't forget to bring along a thermometer to school on 28 june 2016(Tue) and 30 june 2016 (Thurs). Those who do not bring along a thermometer will have to purchase it from the bookshop at a cost of Rp 40.000 each. Science Teacher Mrs. Anna What is the text about? A. Science class B. The uset of thermometer in class C. Bringing along a thermometer to school
D. Purchasing thermometer in the bookshop
E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : Pengumuman tersebut berisi tentang peringatan untuk membawa termometer ke sekolah.
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To:All VII grade students; Don't forget to bring along a thermometer to school on 28 june 2016(Tue) and 30 june 2016 (Thurs). Those who do not bring along a thermometer will have to purchase it from the bookshop at a cost of Rp 40.000 each. Science Teacher Mrs. Anna What do students have to do if they don't bring the thermometer ? A. They have to buy one in the bookshop B. They have to go to the bookshop C. They must sell it in the bookshop D. They will be fined Rp 40.000 E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : Jika para siswa tidak membawa termometer, mereka harus membelinya (purchase/buy) di toko buku. (dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir).
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10. ATTENTION To:All VII grade students; Don't forget to bring along a thermometer to school on 28 june 2016(Tue) and 30 june 2016 (Thurs). Those who do not bring along a thermometer will have to purchase it from the bookshop at a cost of Rp 40.000 each. Science Teacher Mrs. Anna Where can yiu find the text?
A. In the canteen
B. In the school yard C. At the school board D. At the teacher's room E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : Pengumuman tersebut ditujukan untuk para siswa kelas 8 SMP, sehingga kita dapat menemukannya di papan pengumuman sekolah.
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11. ATTENTION To:All VII grade students; Don't forget to bring along a thermometer to school on 28 june 2016(Tue) and 30 june 2016 (Thurs). Those who do not bring along a thermometer will have to purchase it from the bookshop at a cost of Rp 40.000 each. Science Teacher Mrs. Anna "Those who do not bring along a thermometer will have to purchase it" The synonym of the underlined word is.... A. find B. buy C. sell D. make E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : purchase = buy (membeli) Find (menemukan), sell (menjual), make (membuat).
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12. Announcement Owing to the bad weather, the basketball match between Grade VII-C, originally scheduled for tomorrow,December 12 , is now put off until December 15. The match between Grade VII-B andGrade VIII-D will be held on December 17. Final match will be held on December 21 and 22. The announcement is about .... A. sport club B. bad weather C. a match schedule D. the delay of the match E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : pengumuman tersebut berisi tentang penundaan jadwal pertandingan.
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13. Announcement Owing to the bad weather, the basketball match between Grade VII-C, originally scheduled for tomorrow,December 12 , is now put off until December 15. The match between Grade VII-B andGrade VIII-D will be held on December 17. Final match will be held on December 21 and 22. When will the match between grade VIII-A and VIII-C be held? A. December 12 B. December 15 C. December 17 D. December 21 and 22 E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : Kelas 8A dan 8C yang semula dijadwalkan tanggal 12 Desember ditunda hingga tanggal 15 Desember.
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14. Hotel Royal Taipei 37-1 Section 2,Chung San North Road,Taipei ,Taiwan Tel : 542-3266 Cable : ROYALHTL Fax.5434897 ROOM 1036 When Checking Out: - Check out by 12:00 noon - Be sure to take all your personal belonging - Leave your keys at the front desk - Ask for the bill and pay at the cashier's desk In Case of Fire - Goto the nearest FIRE ALARM box,pill the alarm fire extinguishers as available next to each fire alarm box - Do not use elevators -Follow the signs to the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT in the order to evacuate the building Where can you find this type of text? A. In the hotel B. On the road C. At the station D. At the travel agent E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : pengumuman tersebut berisi tentang peraturan di sebuah hotel, sehingga tentunya kita dapat menemukannya di hotel.
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15. Hotel Royal Taipei 37-1 Section 2,Chung San North Road,Taipei ,Taiwan Tel : 542-3266 Cable : ROYALHTL Fax.5434897 ROOM 1036 When Checking Out: - Check out by 12:00 noon - Be sure to take all your personal belonging - Leave your keys at the front desk - Ask for the bill and pay at the cashier's desk In Case of Fire - Goto the nearest FIRE ALARM box,pill the alarm fire extinguishers as available next to each fire alarm box - Do not use elevators -Follow the signs to the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT in the order to evacuate the building Hotel Manager What should you do before you leave your room?
A. follow the signs B. check out after 12:00 C. give some of our possesions D. leave the key at the front desk E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Dijelaskan dalam peraturan checking out poin ketiga.
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16. Hotel Royal Taipei 37-1 Section 2,Chung San North Road,Taipei ,Taiwan Tel : 542-3266 Cable : ROYALHTL Fax.5434897 ROOM 1036 When Checking Out: - Check out by 12:00 noon - Be sure to take all your personal belonging - Leave your keys at the front desk - Ask for the bill and pay at the cashier's desk In Case of Fire - Goto the nearest FIRE ALARM box,pill the alarm fire extinguishers as available next to each fire alarm box - Do not use elevators -Follow the signs to the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT in the order to evacuate the building Hotel Manager What are the fire extinguishers used for?
A. To give a sign B. To pull the alarm C. To stop the fire D. To prepare the fire alarm E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : extinguiser (alat pemadam kebakaran) berfungsi untuk memadamkan api (to stop the fire)
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17. Hotel Royal Taipei 37-1 Section 2,Chung San North Road,Taipei ,Taiwan Tel : 542-3266 Cable : ROYALHTL Fax.5434897 ROOM 1036 When Checking Out: - Check out by 12:00 noon - Be sure to take all your personal belonging - Leave your keys at the front desk - Ask for the bill and pay at the cashier's desk In Case of Fire - Goto the nearest FIRE ALARM box,pill the alarm fire extinguishers as available next to each fire alarm box - Do not use elevators -Follow the signs to the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT in the order to evacuate the building Hotel Manager Which statements is FALSE?
A. Guests may take hotel equipments B. We can get the bill at the cashier's desk C. In case of fire guest are forbidden to use elevator D. When the fire happens ,the guest should pull the alarm fire E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : pernyataan pada pilihan A tidak dinyatakan dalam teks.
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18. "Leave your keys at the front desk." Theantonymof the underlined word is ____ A. put B. bring
C. give
D. depart E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : lawan kata leave (meninggalkan) adalah bring (membawa). Put (menaruh), give (memberi), depart (berangkat).
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What time will the show end? A. 3.30 B. 4.30 C. 5.30 D. 6.30 E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : Hiburan tersebut berlangsung selama satu jam dimulai pukul 3.30, sehingga berakhir 4.30. (dijelaskan dalam kalimat 2-3)
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What do you think the crowd will react when the snake grapples with a man? A. Cry loudly B. Clap their hands C. Hold their breath D. Leave the snake E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : Reaksi penonton yang mungkin ketika melihat ular bergulat dengan manusia adalah mereka akan terkejut menarik nafasnya.
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"Come all ,come and see it now" The underlined word referes to ____
A. the python B. the poolside C. the ghost house D. the entertaiment E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Kata ganti It menggantikan kata entertainment. (dapat ditemukan di kalimat sebelumnya).
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22. Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invite submissions of poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays for this year's Students Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only,please) double-spaced,and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: tittle,category,word count,author's name, address,phone number,e-mail address(if avaible), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1,AND SEND TO: The Atlantic Monthly 77N. Washington Steer Boston,MA 02114 What is the purpose of the text ....
A. to describe thr students writing contest B. to mause the students with writing contest C. to retel the students about writing contest D. to announce the student writing contest E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : teks tersebut bertujuan untuk mengumumkan lomba menulis untuk para siswa (student writing contest).
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23. Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invite submissions of poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays for this year's Students Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only,please) double-spaced,and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: tittle,category,word count,author's name, address,phone number,e-mail address(if avaible), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1,AND SEND TO: The Atlantic Monthly 77N. Washington Steer Boston,MA 02114 The word contest is similiar with the word ....
A. Competency B. Competition C. Completion D. Comparation E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : contest = competition (perlombaan) Competency (kemampuan), completion (penyelesaian), comparation (perbandingan).
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24. Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invite submissions of poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays for this year's Students Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only,please) double-spaced,and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: tittle,category,word count,author's name, address,phone number,e-mail address(if avaible), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1,AND SEND TO: The Atlantic Monthly 77N. Washington Steer Boston,MA 02114 The following is the requirement for the works that the participants should prepare ....
A. Without cover sheet B. Typewritten C. The catagory should be omitled D. Submit by email E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : Dijelaskan dalam paragraf 3 bahwa naskah harus diketik (Manuscripts should be typewritten ...)
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25. Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invite submissions of poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays for this year's Students Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry,fiction,and personal journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only,please) double-spaced,and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: tittle,category,word count,author's name, address,phone number,e-mail address(if avaible), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSION BY DECEMBER 1,AND SEND TO: The Atlantic Monthly 77N. Washington Steer Boston,MA 02114 The antonym of the word "appear" on the text is ....
A. invisible B. perform C. rise D. bother E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : appear (tampak, muncul) X invisible (tidak terlihat). Perform (tampil), rise (terbit), bother (mengganggu).
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