SIMULATION IMPROVES THE LEARNING RESULT OF CLASS III STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 IN DAWAN KLUNGKUNG Anak Agung Istri Rai Muter Adnyani, S.Pd Abstract This article aims at describing the procedures and the result of the simulation-game as one of the teaching methods. The data was collected from the third-year students of SMPN 2 Dawan taking IPA subject. Observation, direct participation and note-taking were used to collect the data and then analyzed by the range-score postulated by the simulation learning procedure. The result showed that, by applying the simulation method, the students participating in this system managed to improve their ability in IPA (Science) subject. Keywords: IPA (Science), simulation, range-score
Recently it is known that there was declination of the learning result of the students, especially those who were taking IPA subject. This was due, possibly to the lack of attention toward the subject itself. It can be seen from the students’ activity while attending this subject that they mostly are busy talking to each others in the class, and others are busy looking out of the class room and not focusing at the teacher. This could be the reason why the learning result declined. There are a number of teaching methods applied to improve the competency of the students, whether in the lower level or up to the university ones. One of them is simulation. This idea was inspired by the experiences in conducting simulation among the villagers in Kecamatan Klungkung, Kecamatan Nusa Penida in terms of village contest. It was said that simulation according to the principals published by Directorate of Law and Human Right is the interesting and easiest way for everybody to improve the learning achievement. The purpose of applying simulation on teaching, especially IPA (i.e. science) subject is to obtain the result that after the simulation process, they students are able to (1) explain the kinds of natural additive substances found both in fresh and frozen food and beverage; (2) describe the function of natural and artificial additive substance in both fresh and frozen food and beverage; (3) describe the kinds and functions of additive ones for the daily life; (4) differentiate various additive and addictive stuff (4) explain the disadvantage of using addictive narcotic and psychotropic substances for the health; (6) create innovative idea to solve the problem of the distribution and abuse of narcotic and psychotropic. In order to improve the learning result of the IPA subject in SMP 2 Dawan, this article is mainly intended to describe the processes of the solution method.
In conducting the simulation activity, a number of instruments are required. First, Beberan is a picture sheet as the main instrument showing the picture column expressing the IPA subject as the major, message column and sanction one. Second, Kartu Materi is card carrying information about the picture found in the pictured column. This card must be read by the player appointed by the column and becomes the major discussion. Third, Kartu Pesan is a card carrying message concerning with IPA lesson class VIII B which must be read by the players appointed by the message column. Fourth, Kartu Sangsi is a kind of card carrying the punishment to be conducted by the player appointed by the
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
message column. Fifth, Penentu Langkah is a set of moving items, e.g. knobs, small stones that can be easily moved on the paper. Sixth, Tanda Peserta is an identity card stuck on the chests of any players showing the respective roles. Lastly, Buku Catatan is a notebook provided to record all events, problems and conclusion of the simulation.
Simulation according to Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary is ‘a situation in which a particular set of condition is created artificially in order to study or experience something that could exist in reality’ (Hornby, 2003:1200).
Ni Kadek Ayu Krisnayanti as the group-leader opened the simulation by greeting, and under the approval of all the class members of VIIIB, I Ketut Agus Gunawan was appointed as the facilitator/motivator. The group-head, afterword invited Ketut Agus Gunawan to lead the simulation.
Under the approval of the class members of VIIIB, the facilitator/motivator appointed:
Ni Putu Diah Kusuma as the note-taker
Ni Kadek Ariani as the resource person
First Player : Kadek uliartawan
Second Player : Komang Budiana
Third Player : Ni Nengah Pradnya W
Fourth Player : Ni Luh Ayu Suryantini
The rest as the un-chosen members were the active spectators having the similar right with the appointed players, they are eligible to to answer and suggest therefore everybody in class VIIIB play active role.
Prior the simulation started, the facilitator wished with a pray “Om Swastyastu” with the hope that we all healthy and peaceful, and announced that the simulation lasted 40 minutes (equal to one hour-lesson) and divided in such a way that the group members sat accordingly (see format below).
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
Remarks: 1. Facilitator 2. note-taker 3. Resource person 4. 1st player 5. 2nd player 6. 3rd player 7. 4th player 8. Active spectators After everyone had sat down, the facilitator started to invite the 1 st player to take lottery card, it turned out that he got the 7th lottery number. Together they calculated from the 1st until 7th box, the 3rd material-card was found and later the questions were read by the 1 st player. “Mengapa orang cenderung memilih bahan pewarna buatan untuk membuat aneka makanan dan minuman berwarna?” the facilitator asked to all participants “apakah soal yang dibacakan pemain 1 sudah jelas?” altogether, they replied “sudah”. The facilitator gave opportunity to the 1st player to answer the first time: “silahkan pemain 1 untuk menjawabnya”. Later the 1st player answered “karena pewarna buatan lebih praktis dibanding pewarna alami”. Facilitator replied the answer of 1st player “Nah itulah pemain 1, pewarna buatan lebih praktis dari pewarna alami. Apakah ada yang mau melengkapi jawaban pemain 1?”. Then some persons raised hands, the facilitator chose the 3rd player to answer. The answer of 3rd player: “Karena pewarna buatan lebih murah dna gampang dicari/dibeli,
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
sedang pewarna alami harus melalui proses dulu sebelum digunakan”. Facilitator said:”Ya benar, adakah yang akan melengkapi lagi?” Some spectators and participants raised their hands, this time the facilitator chose the spectator with the number 10 in the list to answer. The spectator’s answer (number 10): “Warnanya lebih kuat dan macam warnanya banyak”. Facilitator said “itulah jawaban dari nomor sepuluh, apakah ada yang lain akan menambahkan lagi?”. No one raised hands. Later the facilitator asked again “baiklah kalau tidak ada yang menambahkan lagi, kita serahkan kepada nara sumber untuk memberikan komentarnya, silahkan!” The resourced person stood up and and replied the discussion. “jawaban dari pemain 1, pemain 3, dan penonton nomor absen sepuluh sudah benar. Namun masih ada kurangnya yaitu warna dari pewarna buatan tidak rusakkarena pemanasan”. Facilitator: “Nah karena sudah diebnarkan dan dilengkapi jawabannya oleh narasumebr, berarti putaran 1 sudah dapat kita selesaikan dengan baik. Mari kita memberikan semangat atas keberhasilan kita menyelesaikan soal pada materi nomor 3”. All participants clapped hands warmly to give big applauses, while saying “horeee…., satu putaran sudah selesai”. After the situation calm, the facilitator asked the writer: “bagaimana penulis, apakah sudah dicatat?” The note-takers replied “sudah saya catat semuanya” Facilitator said “karena sudah tercatat, sekarang kita lanjutkan dengan memberi kesempatan pada pemain 2 untuk mengambil kartu undian, silahkan!” The 2nd player took the lottery card number 11. Using the ‘alat penentu langkah’ in the forms of knobs, they calculated the steps together from the starting sign and fell on the message column. The ‘penentu langkah’ was laid on the message column and the message card was taken and read by the 2 nd player. “Ingat, dan waspada diri kita dan lingkungan karena sudah banyak anak-anak usia sekolah yang terjerat dengan pengaruh negative narkoba, sehinga masa depan menjadi hancur. Narkoba dapat menggerogoti tubuh dan fikiran pengguna narkoba yang dapat menyebabkan sakit kapala, mata merah gangguan pencernaan, tidak dapat konsentrasi saat belajar atau bekerja, sering melamun, sakit-sakitan, bahkan dapat berakibat kematian. Tuhan telah menganugrahi tubuh yang sempurna pada setiap orang, sehingga sudah menjadi ekwajibanmu untuk menjaga agar tubuh tetap sehat. Was it clear? All together they replied “sudah”. Later the facilitator continued to pass the message “Nah demikianlah kartu pesan telah dibaca dengan gamblang oleh pemain 2, kita memang seharusnya menjaga kesehatan dengan prinsip katakana tidak pada narkoba, bagaimana narasumber?” The resource person replied while raising his thumb saying “Bagus kita harus selalu waspada dalam pergaulan baik di rumah, sekolah dan di masyarakat jangan sampai terpengaruh oleh narkoba”. All together they clapped hands with enthusiastic manner. The facilitator then asked the note-taker “how about Mr. Note-taker?” he note-taker replied “sudah saya catat”. The facilitator said “Nah sekarang kita sudah mengkahiri putaran yang kedua, apakah teman-teman masih semangat untuk melanjutkan permainan kita?” “Semangat, lanjutkan”. They all together responded while clapping hands. The facilitator said “silahkan pemain 3 ambil undiannya!” The 3rd player took the lottery card and obtained the number 6. The 3 rd player together, counted from the starting point and fell on the sanction card. The 3rd player took the card and read. “Salah satu akibat dari penggunaan ganja dalam jangka panjang adalah sakit kepala yang hebat. Coba tirukan orang sakit kepala yang hebat!”. The facilitator said “silahkan pemain tiga tirukan orang sakit kepala yang hebat!”. The others altogether clapped hands saying “Ayo…ayo….ayo…”. The 3rd player shyly imitated the person who had splitting headache while holding his head crying “aduh…aduh…aduh…” made everybody long laugh. The facilitator said “Baiklah teman-teman permainan berikutnya segera kita mulai. Pemain 4 silahkan ambil undiannya”.
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
The 4th player took the lottery card and obtained number 1 and put the form of knobs for determining step on the column number 1 after together counted that there was material card and read by the 4th player. “Apa yang disebut pemanis buatan?”. Menurut saya pemanis buatan adalah produk pangan yag menyerupai gula”. The facilitator said “nah soal dibaca langsung dijawab oleh pemain 4. Mungkin ada teman-teman mempunyai jawaban atau menambahkan?”. From some of the participants raised hands, facilitator chose the spectators number 15 to answer. The 15th player answered “saya hanya menambahkan jawaban dari pemain 4, yaitu pemanis buatan rendah kalori, namun manis dan cocok bagi penderita kencing manis”. The facilitator said “siapa lagi yang akan menjawab atau menambahkan? Bila tidak aa kami minta narasumber untuk menanggapi”. The facilitator said “Bagus dan benar” the facilitator “Nah, karena satu putaran atau ke 4 pemain sudah mendapat giliran maka kami mohon penulis untuk membacakan kesimpulannya, silahkan, silahkan”. The note-taker said “terima kasih atas kesempatan pada akhir permainan ini dapat kami simpulkan sebagai berikut:
1. The material card obtained by the 1st player : mengapa orang cenderung memilih pewarna buatan untuk membuat aneka makanan dan minuman? The solution was: - direct answer by the 1st player - added answer by the 3rd player - added answer by spectators number 10 - completed answer by the resource person It can be inferred that the answer was: karena pewarna buatan memiliki beberapa keunggulan, harganya murah, praktis dalam penggunaan, warnanya lebih kuat, dan warnanya tidak rusak karena pemanasan.
2. The 2nd player obtained the message card containing: ingat dan
3. 4.
waspada pada diri kita dan lingkungan karena sudah banyak anak-anak usia sekolah yang terjerat dengan pengaruh negative narkoba, sehingga masa depan menjadi hancur. Narkoba dapat menggerogoti tubuh dan pikiran pengguna narkoba yang dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala, mata merah, gangguan pencernaan, tidak dapat konsentrasi belajar atau bekesja, sering melamun, sakit-sakitan bahkan dapat berakibat kematian. Tuhan telah menganugrahi tubuh yang sempurna pada setiap orang, sehingga sudah menjadi kewajibanmu untuk menjaga agar tubuh tetap sehat. The 3rd player obtained sanction card that was imitating the person who is having splitting headache as the resut of drug abuse The 4th player obtained the material card containing “Apa yang dimaksud pemanis buatan ?”
The solution was: -
Direct answer by 4th player
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
Completed answer by the spectator number 15 Justified by the resource person.
Inference: The artificial additive is a sweet food production, such as sugar in genral, low calory sutiable for diabetes patient. That is all the conclusion could be made and I forwarded to the facilitator. The facilitator said “Terimakasih pada penulis atas kesimpulan yang sudah dibacakan tadi, kami harapkan permainan simulasi ini dapat kita laksanakan lagi dengan topik atau materi pelajaran yang berbeda. Saya mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan selama permainan simulasi ini berlangsung dan akhirnya kami serahkan pada ketua untuk menutup permainan simulasi ini”. The group leader closed: “Terimakasih kepada seluruh peserta permainan simulasi atas perhatian dan dukungan sehingga permainan simulasi dapat berjalan dengan baik, dan mari kita akhiri dengan parama santi, Om, Santih, Santih, Santih, Om”.
The basic competence of simulation (K1,K2, K3 and K4) can be evaluated. For K3 for IPA Class VIIIB SMP Negeri 2 Dawan KKM score 2,6, therefore the criteria of K3 are as follows :
Score 4 obtained by the student if the correct answer is 100%
Score 3.5 obtained by student if the correct answer is 90%
Score 3 if the correct answer is 80%
Score 2.8 if the correct answer is 75%
Score 2.5 if the correct answer is 70%
Score 2 if the correct answer is 60%
Score 1.5 if the present students do not answer at all.
The score K1, K2 and K4 can be evaluated as follows: A = very good B = good C = fair D = poor The agreed score in simulation will motivate the students to get scores as good as possible. Therefore, they take part activly.
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
From the previous discussion, it can be concluded that by this simulation, the students’ achievement can be improved in terms of: (1) students manage to explain any substances of natural and artificial additives in the fresh and frozen food and beverage (2) students can describe the function of natural and artificial additives in the fresh and frozen food and beverage (3) students can describe the kinds and functions of addicted substances in the daily life (4) students can differentiate any kinds of additives and addictives (5) students can explain the disadvantage of using addictive narcotics and psychotropic towards the health (6) students can emerge innovative idea to solve the spreading of narcotics and psychotropic Meanwhile, the advantages can be reached by (1) the students will be more impressive in simulation because they can learn while play (2) the teacher can apply the variations of teaching methods, e.g other IPA subjects (3) the school can enrich the effective and creative agenda of learning methods
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Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung
Simulation Improves the Learning Result of Class III State Junior High School 2 in Dawan Klungkung