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THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Tjong, Stefani Kristiana Chandra 112011001
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Tjong, Stefani Kristiana Chandra 112011001 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Undergraduate Thesis
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Tjong, Stefani Kristiana Chandra:
TABLE OF CONTENT INSIDE COVER ....................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL FORM ................................................................................................................ ii PUBLICATION AGREEMENT DECLARATION .................................................................iii COPYRIGHT STATEMENT ..................................................................................................iv TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................... v ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 Defining Code Mixing ......................................................................................................... 2 Reasons for Code Mixing..................................................................................................... 3 Previous Studies on Code Mixing ........................................................................................ 5 THE STUDY ........................................................................................................................... 6 Research Question ............................................................................................................... 6 Context of Study .................................................................................................................. 6 Participants .......................................................................................................................... 7 Instrument of Data Collection .............................................................................................. 7 Data Collection Procedure ................................................................................................... 7 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 7 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 8 Habitual Expressions............................................................................................................ 9 To Show Identity with a Group .......................................................................................... 10 Pragmatic Reasons ............................................................................................................. 11 To Amplify and Emphasize a Point.................................................................................... 12 Lack of Facility .................................................................................................................. 13 Lack of Registrar Competence ........................................................................................... 14 Prestige .............................................................................................................................. 15 Spontaneous ....................................................................................................................... 16 Simpler ............................................................................................................................... 17 Imitate Sayings from Game................................................................................................ 17 Imitate Friend‟s Sayings .................................................................................................... 18 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 19 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 21
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 23 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................ 24 Interview Transcription 1 ................................................................................................... 24 Interview Transcription 2 ................................................................................................... 25 Interview Transcription 3 ................................................................................................... 26 Interview Transcription 4 ................................................................................................... 28 Interview Transcription 5 ................................................................................................... 29 Interview Transcription 6 ................................................................................................... 30 Interview Transcription 7 ................................................................................................... 31 Interview Transcription 8 ................................................................................................... 32 Interview Transcription 9 ................................................................................................... 33 Interview Transcription 10 ................................................................................................. 34
List of Table Table 1: The Number of Frequencies and Percentages of Code switching Reasons based on Malik (1994)…………………………………………………………………8
Reasons of Code-Mixing on BlackBerry Messenger Tjong, Stefani Kristiana Chandra
ABSTRACT Recently, BlackBerry Messenger has become one of popular media and instant messaging. By using BBM, participants can express feelings and thoughts thorough the facility of personal message (status). Code mixing, the alternation of two or more languages, is the phenomenon that happened in social networking nowadays. The aim of the study is to investigate reasons of using code mixing on BBM status. There were 20 BBM statuses written by 10 participants of Satya Wacana Christian University students in English Language Education as the data. The researcher observed the recent update to find code mixing status and directly did an interview through BBM chatting with certain participants. Malik‟s theory (1994) on 10 reasons of code mixing was used to analyze participants‟ answer in the interview. The result indicated that code mixing can also occur in written language, especially in instant messaging. The reasons were: habitual expression, to show identity with group, pragmatic reasons, lack of facility, to amplify and emphasize a point, and lack of registrar competence. There were also other findings outside the theory, such as prestige, imitating friend‟s words and games, spontaneous, and simpler sentence. In future research, the analysis of code mixing reasons can be observed in a larger number of participants with different gender and background. It is also suggested to do a research with other instant messaging or social media. Keywords: Code-mixing reasons, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
INTRODUCTION In this globalization era, people tend to use various languages for their communication. This is in balance with people‟s ability to speak different languages at the same time that usually called as bilingual persons. The ability of people to use more than one language (bilingual) often occurs in today‟s society where many individuals come from different background and they are in contact with others (Holmes, 2001).
In this digital era, people also mix languages when they
communicate using digital media. From many different digital media to facilitate 1
communication, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) is one of the most popular communication tools recently (Rao, 2012). BBM is an application of instant messaging developed by „Research in Motion‟, and was originally created for BlackBerry smart phones (Martin, n.d.). However, now people can also use it with their Android and Apple smart phones. Like Social Networking Sites (SNS), BBM has some features like BBM Personal Massage or status where people can share their words, feelings, and activities. Unconsciously, BBM users often use code mixing in their posts. They mix code on BBM status by using some languages in certain pattern of code mixing types. As Suryahutami (2011) says that the phenomenon of switching codes and mixing codes in social network relates closely to bilingualism. Based on the statements above, it is interesting to relate the language use in people‟s BBM status and the reasons of code mixing in BBM with several linguistic issues. The existence of linguistic phenomena in BBM setting can be investigated through the reasons for the use of code mixing on BBM status. Thus, the present study was conducted to investigate the reasons of the use of code mixing in BBM status. The study covers bilingualism, the languages used in code mixing, and the reason of BBM users to do code mixing in BBM status. Defining Code Mixing According to Mackey (1968), the term of bilingualism is defined as the alternation of two or more languages. The phenomenon of code mixing can occur in bilingual for the change of a language to another language in words or sentences. Muysken (2000) defines code-mixing as all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence. Similarly, Bhatia 2
and Ritchie (2004) mention that code-mixing refers to the mixing of various linguistic units (morphemes, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical systems within a sentence. Despite these different definitions, many people may have difficulty using the terminologies since many researchers use different definitions for code-mixing. Some people have difficulties to distinguish between code switching and code-mixing. Code-mixing transfers elements of all linguistic levels and units ranging from a lexical item to a sentence, so that it is not always easy to distinguish code-switching from code-mixing (Grosjean, 1982). In this paper, however, the discussion is based on the definition proposed by Bhatia and Richie (2004). Muysken (2000) defines three types of code mixing: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. Insertion occurs when lexical items from one language are incorporated into another. Alternation occurs when structures of two languages are alternated indistinctively both at the grammatical and lexical level. Meanwhile, congruent lexicalization refers to the situation where two languages share grammatical structures which can be filled lexically with elements from either language. Reasons for Code Mixing People code mix within their speech or writing. This study will focus on theory given by Malik L. (1994) as cited in Fong (2011). Malik discussed and explained 10 reasons of code switching: 1. Lack of facility. People may have different concepts when explaining about something. Therefore, when they have difficulties to explain the concepts in another language, the speakers will switch code to avoid misunderstanding and loss of the 3
intended meaning. 2. Lack of registrar competence. Bilingual speakers sometimes have difficulties in finding suitable vocabulary in target language because they are not really competence in the target language. That is why they will choose to code-switch. 3. Mood of the speaker. Fong (2011) says that “Code-switching takes place when bilinguals are in different moods such as angry, anxious or nervous. Although the intended words are available in both languages, bilinguals may code-switch when the words in the other language seem to take less effort and time to be used at that particular moment” (p.14). 4. To amplify and emphasize a point. Code-switch happens when bilingual speakers want to make the listener understand what they mean or highlight some parts of their speech. 5. Habitual expressions. Fong (2011) states that “code-switching also happens in fixed phrases such as greetings, commands, requests, apologies and discourse markers. This may suggest strength to a speech such as warning or threat” (p.14). 6. Semantic significance. Fong (2011) proposes that “used as a verbal strategy, codeswitching can convey important and meaningful linguistic and social information.” (p.14) 7. To show identity with a group. Code-switching is used to show that bilingual speakers involve or belong to a member of a group. So words and phrases are changed to represent a sense of belonging and familiarity to the group. 8. To address different audience. Bilingual speakers can use different languages to deliver their speech to different listeners.
9. Pragmatic reasons. Fong (2011) defines that “code-switching is dependent on the context of a conversation or other factors such as formality, participants and location where a conversation is taking place. So, code-switching may portray a varying degree of speakers‟ involvement” (p.15). 10. To attract attention. Fong (2011) states that “when two languages or more are used in the media or advertisements, audiences are often attracted to the language that they are familiar” (p.15). Previous Studies on Code Mixing Alam (2006) conducted a study on code mixing in Bangladesh. It was a case study of non government white collar service holders and professionals. This study found that the environment surrounding people influences the occurrence of code mixing. For instance, in multinational company, English was used as a medium for communication. There were nine reasons for people to do language shift; spontaneous, to draw attention of others, to show off, to impress for professional purpose and the opposite sex, to alienate particular group, lack of translation equivalent, medium of education / training in English, and euphemism. Spontaneous was the most popular reason for people to do language shift according to this study. All the participants who involved said that their language shift occurs because spontaniety. Meanwhile, only 17% of participants who said that their reason for code mixing was due to lack of translation equivalent in Bangla, their first language. Another study was about minority language survival: Code Mixing in Welsh by Deuchar (2005). This study had two aims; to show which structural pattern of code-mixing was predominant of English-Welsh, and to check the survival of
typological approach by developing a methodological tool to identify dominant pattern of code mixing based on diagnostic features. It was found that insertion was the dominant pattern in the Welsh-English code-mixing data. The researcher also examined the diagnostic features which apply to the corpus as a whole, diverse switches and bidirectional switching. It was also found that the overall results were compatible with the insertion pattern. 64% of the switches were either single nouns or noun phrases. As for directionality of switching, 96% of the switches were from Welsh to English rather than English to Welsh, which indicated a lack of directionality.
THE STUDY Research Question This research was conducted to answer the following research question: “What are the reasons of the use of code mixing in BBM status?” Here the focus of the question was reasons and BBM status. The researcher wanted to know what actually the basic backgrounds of participants when they mix English words in Indonesian sentences in BBM status. Context of Study This study was a qualitative research as the researcher wanted to find out the reasons of BBM users to do code mixing in their statuses. As mentioned earlier, the researcher conducted this study by using BBM as medium for collecting the data. The consideration to choose BBM was because it was one of the popular instant messaging services recently. Not only that, many people have BBM application in
their smart phones and use it for communication with their friends. The researcher conducted the data collection in January 2015. Participants The participants were English Language Education female students in the eighth semester. The number of participants was 10, with age range between 21-24 years old. They have been learning English for 12 years. The researcher used pseudo names for the participants involved in this study. Instrument of Data Collection In collecting the data, the researcher used observation and interview as the instruments. First, the researcher observed the language that the participants used. Next, the researcher used semi-structure interview in order to make the interview more flexible based on the participant‟s answers, and to get richer data from the participants. Data Collection Procedure Every time the researcher found a participant whose BBM status contains an Indonesian-English code mix, the researcher conducted an interview through BBM chatting with the participants about their status. The interview was directly conducted after the researcher found the status to keep the validity of the data, assuming the participants still remember the reasons for the use of the code mixing. Data Analysis After gathering the data using interview, the interview results were transcribed using clean transcription. For the discussion, the transcription has been translated into
English. Then from the transcription, the researcher grouped the participant‟s answers and analyzed the reasons of code mixing based on the theory from Malik (1994).
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION From the study, it was found that there were different reasons for the participants in mixing English words into their Indonesian sentences in their BBM communication. Table 1: The Number of Frequencies and Percentages of Code switching Reasons based on Malik (1994) Reasons
Percentage (%)
Lack of facility
Lack of registrar competence
To amplify and emphasize point
Habitual expression
To show identity with a group
Pragmatic reason
Imitate game term
Imitate friend's say
In total, there were 25 answers because a participant might have more than one reason. From the perspective of Malik‟s (1994) theory and new findings, which will be discussed later, it was observed that there were eleven reasons for their code mixing. Based on the table above, 6 out of 10 reasons in Malik‟s (1994) theory are applicable in this study. The rest 4 reasons such as semantic significance, to address different audience, mood of the speakers, and to draw attention were not found. Meanwhile, the other 5 categories from bottom are findings that out of the underlying theory. The highest percentage is 24%, found in a category of habitual expression. Meanwhile 3 categories like lack of registrar competence, imitate game‟s saying and friend‟s saying get only 4% (1 occurrence). Habitual Expressions Code switching can occur in exact phrases like greetings, farewells, commands, or request. Usually it has the intended meaning as warning for someone. Habitual expression also occurs when the target language is considered more familiar than the language in mother tongue. This reason was found in 6 posts from 5 different participants. The reason is taken from Flo‟s status. Flo sells food via online. She wrote “Open PO Lasagna, Alfredo, Bolognese ready Minggu 1 Maret”. She mixed English words “open PO” and “ready”. In the interview, she said, “Kebiasaan Fan. Nek d indo in malah bgg. Nek jd "siap" jd aneh kyke. Kata ready tu jd kata yg familiar.” “It is a habit, Fan. I‟m confused to translate it into Indonesian. If it becomes “siap”, it will sound strange. Besides that, ready has become a familiar word.” 9
It means that habitual expression becomes the reason for the participant to do code mixing, and also to make her status not seem strange to read. Moreover, she is more comfortable to use the word „ready‟ because that word is familiar to the interlocutors. Based on the participant‟s answer, it was observed that habitual expression becomes the reason of code switching. This is also in line with a research discussion which was proposed by Fong (2011). He states that expressive function might happen because participants code switch for habitual expression, such as in greeting or farewell expressions. To Show Identity with a Group Code switching is used to show a group identity. Bilinguals will switch to another language to make their group familiar with the language. This reason was found in 3 posts in 3 different participants. One of the examples comes from Tyas‟s status. Tyas is an online shop seller. She sells bed sheet. She wrote this status, “Ayo ayo mari diorder.. yang di foto ready loh seprei lady rose ice cream uk. 120x200 harganya 62000 aja.” Here, Tyas mixed English words “order” and “ready”. Tyas said in the interview, “Soalnya kalo di olshop emang istilahnya gitu fan. Jadi aku pake kata ready sm order karena itu udah vocabnya para seller di online shop” “Because that‟s the term in online shop. I use those words because it has been the vocabulary for online shop seller”. That means that she used code mix to give familiarity with her group. 10
Another theory about showing identity group was written by Hoffman (1991). He states that the way of communication can be different one to another.
example, the communication styles of academic people in their disciplinary groups are obviously different from Senior High School students‟ groups. Pragmatic Reasons Pragmatic reason is about context of dialogue or variety of factors. The examples are formality, participants, or place where the dialogue happens. This reason was found in 3 posts from 3 different participants. One of the examples is taken from Irene‟s status. Irine is a gamer. She updated, “Truth to be told, fokus awal baca (ato maen?) otome game sih buat nambah vocab, tapi modus utama tetep aja buat nontonin ikemen”. Here, she mixed English words “truth to be told”, “game”, and “vocab”. During the interview session, she said “nek pake indo kyke formal banget iq mlh jd aneh. nek game jd indo jd permainan no. kok mlh jd aneh. kan org2 jg lbh familiar e sm game n vocab” “If I used Indonesian, it would be too formal and strange. If I translate „game‟ in to Indonesia „permainan‟. It will sound strange, because people also more familiar with the words game and vocab.” It means that the participant felt that if those words were written in Indonesian, it would be too formal, so she mixed with English words to make the status sound more natural.
It was observed that pragmatic reason becomes one of basic reasons for EFL students to do code mixing. The finding indicated that formality factor is the most common reason for participants to use code mixing. They considered that Indonesian words are too formal in BBM status. To Amplify and Emphasize a Point To amplify and emphasize a point is one of the reasons for people to use code mixing. It occurs when the speakers want to emphasize some words to make the interlocutor understand. This reason was found in 2 posts from 2 different participants. One of them is taken from Lies‟s status. The context of the status is Lies says happy birthday to her friend. In her BBM status, she wrote, “Happy birthday best, semoga selalu sehat dan bisa jadi ibu yang baik buat khey‟dut”. Here, Lies mixed English word “happy birthday”, and the next sentence is using Indonesian. In the interview session, she explained her reason to do code mixing “Lha orge yg aku ucapin selamat gk begitu tau bhs inggris og…. Biar dia ngerti aja makanya aku mix” “The person whom I refer to doesn‟t really understand English. To make her understand, I mixed the language” Based on the interview result, it showed that Lies wanted to amplify and emphasize a point so that the interlocutors understood the intended meaning. Hoffman (1991) has similar perspective about this reason. It is called „being emphatic about something‟. Hoffman (1991) states that bilingual speaker is usually mix their language because he/ she wants to be emphatic about something.
Lack of Facility Lack of facility is when bilingual speakers have different concepts or meaning of what they are talking about. Sometimes the concept only provides in one language, therefore they will code-mix to avoid misunderstanding. This reason was found in 2 posts from 2 different participants. An example is taken from Vinci‟s status. She wrote the following status “Salah ngira conditioner sbg body wash padahal terlanjur mencet banyak2 itu rasanya super ultra great delicious wonderful ora bejo.” In this status, she mixed the English word “conditioner”, “body wash”, and “super ultra great delicious wonderful”. In the interview, she explained that “kalo yg conditioner sama body wash kan soale memang istilahe itu, orang2 udh biasa nyebute pake itu.. Kalo sabun mandi kan blm tentu sabun cair fan. Mosok ak salah ngira conditioner sbg sabun batang. Biar jelas aja sih, soale setauku nek body wash kok mesti xg sabun cair gt” “Both conditioner and body wash have their own English terms. People usually use those terms. A soap is not always a liquid soap. It‟s impossible if I mistook conditioner as a bar soap. Just to make it clear, because as far as I know, „body wash‟ is always a liquid soap” It means that she was afraid that the readers of her status would misunderstand the concept between liquid soap and bar soap.
It was observed that lack of facility is one of reasons of code mixing done by ELF learners. The different concept of intended meaning become the emphasize point in lack of facility category. Malik‟s (1994) theory has explained about this term. Lack of Registrar Competence Lack of registrar competence is when bilinguals are lacking of vocabulary in the target language. It is because the language competence among them is not equal. This factor influences bilinguals to do code mixing in their language. This reason was found in Vinci‟s status. She wrote “Di-troll sama temen, disuruh convert „feeling of pleasure‟ ke Indonesia via google translate. Resultnya? The sentence only wibu knows”.
This time she mixed English words “di-troll”, “convert”, “via”, and
“resultnya”. She combined several verbs in English and Indonesian. During the interview she explained, “Soale troll itu istilah kayak semacam "dijebak" gt, udah worldwide, macem ngomong "mouse" e komputer tetep "mouse" bukan "tetikus" sesuai kbbi. "Convert" juga sama, kita biasa ngomong "convert data", "file e diconvert", dsb. Sebenere "via" sama "result" juga mirip2 sih. Soale kita punya mindset kalo lawan mesti udah mudeng itu arti indonesia nya apa” “Because the word „troll‟ is a technical term and it has been used worldwide. That is the same with when we speak „mouse‟ for computer; people constantly say „mouse‟. „Convert‟ also has the same reason, we usually say “convert data”, “file converted”, etc. Actually
“via” and “result” also have a similar reason. We have the mindset that the interlocutor has already understood the Indonesian meaning.” It means that she is lacking of vocabulary in Indonesia thus she code-mixed with the words in English. Vinci‟s reason is similar with the term lack of registrar competence in Malik‟s (1994) theory. The common words in another language are considered as more understandable than language in the mother tongue. That was why Vinci use code mixing to update a personal message on BBM. In addition to the reasons above, it was also found there were other reasons beside Malik‟s (1994) categories. Those other reasons were: Prestige People like to code mixing the langauge because of prestige for his/ her self. Bilinguals want to show that they have ability to use more than one langauge in their commonucation style. This reason was found in 2 posts from 2 different participants. One of the examples is taken from Kitty‟s status. Kitty is an online shop seller. She sells cakes. She wrote, “Thanks for order. Terima pesanan birthday cake (only Semarang)” In this status, she mixed English words “birthday cake”, which is the noun with Indonesian sentence. During the interview, she explained her reason why she mixed her writing language. “Biar keren Fan” “to make it cool Fan”
It means that Kitty wanted to increase her prestige by writing “birthday cake” instead of “kue ulang tahun”. She might show that she was able to use two languages altogether. Code mixing is not only affected by sociolinguistic but also psycholinguistic factors. It means that internal, psycholinguistic motive could also trigger a person to code mix his or her sentences. By referring to various studies, Ayeomoni (2006) mentions that code mixing could also be triggered by the speaker‟s status, integrity, self-pride, and prestige. Spontaneous People may code-switch unintentionally. Sometimes, they don‟t have any reason to switch their language. It just happens naturally because they only speak in a language that they are thinking. This reason was found in 2 posts from 2 different participants. One of the examples is taken from Rachel‟s status. She wrote “Go home, ga tau harus seneng apa sedih”. Here, Rachel mixed English words “go home” with Indonesian sentence. In the interview, she said “Td waktu bt status spontan aja sih. Gtw jg kok nls nya go home ga pulang k rumah” “When I made this status I was spontaneous. I don‟t even know why I wrote „go home‟, not „pulang ke rumah‟” It means that she wrote the words spontaneously. In other words, she had no specific reason to mix the language.
Simpler People switch the language to another in order to make their speaking/writing more efficient in terms of time and conciseness. This reason was found in 2 posts from 2 different participants. One of the examples is taken from Echa‟s status. She wrote, “Thanks ya kakak rosi, sekarang kamarnya jadi tambah cute”. In addition to make the status cooler, Echa also said “Itu aku pake mix language biar singkat” “I mixed the language to make it shorter” It means that Echa wanted to make her status more efficient to write. She did not want to make the status seem too long. Imitate Sayings from Game Code-switching also happens when speakers quote a saying or idiomatic expressions from popular games or movies that they ever seen before. It might be because the words in certain games or movies are considered as unique saying. This reason was found in Vinci‟s status. Vinci is a gamer and she also an anime lover. She wrote “Salah ngira conditioner sbg body wash padahal terlanjur mencet banyak2 itu rasanya super ultra great delicious wonderful ora bejo.” In this reason‟s category, she focused on the English words “super ultra great delicious wonderful”, which is a term and she also mixed Javanese language in her sentence. She explained in the interview that
“Kalo yg SUGDW itu awale dari game Harvest Moon yg nyiptain istilah itu.. Trs dipake juga di anime xg baru2 ini tak tonton.. Jadi aku ikut2an.” “SUGDW is the term from the game Harvest Moon, and it is also used in the anime that I watched recently” It means that Vinci only quoted the English term from the game and anime that she ever watched, and then Vinci wrote it on her BBM status. Talking about imitate saying from popular games, Hoffman (1991) has rather similar perspective about „quoting somebody else‟. Hoffman suggests that “people sometimes like to quote a famous expression or saying of some well-known figures”. By quoting a saying from public figures, someone may be considered for having a cool communication style. Moreover, it can make someone proud of him/herself. Imitate Friend’s Sayings People like to imitate a saying from others, either from well known figures or even from their own friends. A saying from nearest people that surround bilingual speakers can also be a role model for additional vocabulary in communication style. In this case, it is the writing style in BBM status. This reason was found in Celine‟s status. She wrote, “Aku kan juga mau ikutan after party”. Celine mixed the English word “after party” in Indonesian sentence. During the interview session, she said, “Soalnya ak dibilangin sama temen katanya ada after party, jadi ak langsung pake kata2 itu aja”
“My friend told me that there is after party being held, so I use that words spontaneously” It can be seen from the interview that Celine only copied what her friend said and wrote on her BBM status. Discussion The researcher found 5 findings that cannot be categorized using Malik‟s theory. Those are „prestige‟, „imitating popular game‟s saying‟, „imitating friend‟s saying‟, „spontaneous‟, and „simpler‟. It is interesting to find the reasons of „imitate friend‟s says‟ and „simpler‟. In fact, not only sayings from well known figures that are often imitated, but sayings from surrounding people also may influence someone to code mix. For „simpler‟ reason, it was found that sometimes words in another language are considered to be shorter than the language in mother tongue. Therefore, participants used code mixing to make the written language becomes more efficient. According to Turlow, Lengel, and Tomic (2004) and Crystal (2006), CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) is defined as a new style of communication that collaborate conventional spoken language and computer technology written language. In this case, Malik‟s (1994) theory might only be applicable on spoken language. Meanwhile, this study investigated the reasons of code mixing on BBM status which is included as CMC. The finding showed that the feature of BBM status, which is considered as spoken language but in written forms, also triggers people to use code mixing. This written form might be differs the nature of the communication between CMC and spoken. In this present study, there are only 6 reason‟s categories
out of 10 reasons that are similar with Malik‟s (1994) theory. It means that the 4 remaining reasons in Malik‟s (1994) theory could not be applicable in CMC study. A similar study conducted in CMC environment was the one done by Fong (2011). He did the research on Facebook. It was found that out of the 63 occurrences of code-switching, 30.16% fit into the category of „lack of facility‟. „Lack of registrar competence‟ and „habitual expressions‟ each accounted for 19.05%; while „to amplify and emphasize a point‟ accounted for 9.52%. „Mood of the speaker‟ and „to show identity with a group‟ each accounted for 7.94%; while „to address different audience‟ accounted for 6.34%. The remaining three categories; „semantic significance‟, „pragmatic reasons‟, and „to attract attention‟ do not have any occurrence. Meanwhile, the present study takes place on BBM status. In this study, the researcher found that from 25 frequencies, 8% each accounted for „lack of facility‟, „prestige‟, „to amplify and emphasize a point‟, „spontaneous‟, and „simpler‟. „Lack of registrar competence‟, „imitate game term‟, and „imitate friend‟s sayings‟ each accounted for 4%. „To show identity with group‟ and „pragmatic reason‟ were accounted for 12%. „Habitual expression‟ was accounted 24%. Meanwhile the four other reasons; „mood of the speakers‟, „semantic significance‟, „to address audience‟, and „to draw attention‟ do not have any occurrences. The difference between the findings of this study and Fong‟s (2011) finding is that from Fong‟s finding, the most common reason of code mixing was „lack facility‟. Meanwhile, this found that „habitual expression‟ is the most common reason for code mixing. It might be because the participants in both studies were different. Fong used Mandarin Chinese-English bilingual students of UTAR, Malaysia. On the other hand, the researcher took participants from English Language Educationof SWCU, 20
Indonesia. Here, the languages of code mixing were also different: Chinese-English and Indonesian-English. The difference of code mixing languages might cause the different common reason to use code mixing in written language. The similarity from both of the studies was that they had no findings in 2 categories; „semantic significance‟ and „to attract attention‟. It may be because both of those categories were not considered as reasons for the participants to use code mixing in written language, as one of the features of CMC. „Semantic reasons‟ and „to attract attention‟ might be used in spoken language only. The other social factors such as gender (female); participants (online shop seller, gamer); and the context of writing (game, liquid soap, greetings, online order) might also influence the participants to use code mix in writing BBM status.
CONCLUSION The finding indicates that code mixing can also happen in online written language, especially instant messaging. This study used Malik‟s (1994) theory on „10 reasons of code mixing‟ to classify and categorize the data. Although most of the categories could be applied, such as „habitual expression‟ that got the highest percentage, the 4 others; „mood of the speakers‟, „significance reason‟, „to address different addressee‟, and „to draw attention‟ were not relevant in this study. In addition to the findings that were based on the theory, there were 5 other findings that were out of the theory‟s classification, such as „prestige‟, „imitating game‟s saying‟, „imitating friend‟s saying‟, „spontaneous‟, and „simpler‟. In this study, the classification of Malik‟s (1994) theory could not be applied entirely. It was because the classification focused more on spoken language; meanwhile this study 21
investigated the reasons of code mixing in BBM. The communication in BBM is considered as CMC, which feature also accommodates the feature of written language. This study provides a new perspective of how people communicate in online environment. It was shown that code mixing could occur in any mode of communications. As social media, including BBM, is now a common mode of online communication. This paper might give insight to the readers that there are many reasons for code mixing. Therefore, the judgment that is usually referred to EFL learners that using code mixing is only for show off can be avoided. For future research, the reasons of code mixing can be observed with larger number of participants, and also from different backgrounds and ages of participants. Moreover, this study only focused on BBM. Further research can concern in another application of instant messaging or social media. Furthermore, the issues of gender were not discussed in this study because all of the participants were female, therefore the researcher could not compare the reasons between female and male participants. In shorts, involving participants with different backgrounds and incorporating more online communication platforms would provide richer data.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I want to express my thankful to God who always blesses me with his grace so that I can finish my undergraduate thesis well. Here I wish to express my utmost gratitude to Mr. Toar Sumakul, as my supervisor for his great guidance, advice, for all the support, and great insight to make my thesis well complete. I
would like to thank to Mrs. Neny Isharyanti, as my examiner for her suggestions on my thesis revision. I also want to express my deepest gratitude to all of the participants for their kind cooperation and permission to have interview and gather the data from their BBM status. Without their help, this paper will never be successful. Also special thanks for my close friends Chintya and Wenda for your help and support that encourage me to finish my thesis. Lastly, to my beloved mother, thank you for the unfailing support and encouragement along the way.
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APPENDIX Interview Transcription 1 Fani :Kity aku mau minta tolong wawancara untuk keperluan thesisku. Aku mau wawancara tentang status BBM yang kamu buat. Status yang ini Kl cust tnya barang sudah ready atau belum harausnya ga marah ya, malah harusnya bersyukur krn sdh diorderin. Fani
:Kenapa kamu pake istialah customer, ready, dan diorderin? Kenapa kamu pake bahasa Inggris untuk kata-kata itu waktu kamu nulis status?
:Karena kebiasaan bilang customer daripada pembeli kalau di online shop, karena kan biasanya nyebutnya supplier terus pasangannya customer. Sebentar belum selesai jawabanku tunggu…
:Kalau yang kata ready sama sih karena kebiasaan dionline shop aku bilang barang ready, terus kalau yang diorderin, kalau tak ganti kata „dipesenin‟ nggak enak didenger menurutku.
:Pertnayaan selanjutnya, kamu bilang kata “dipesenin” itu nggak enak didenger , tapi kan ini kamu update status BBM bukan ngomong langsung ke orang, kenapa kamu tetap merasa aneh sehingga kamu ganti jadi “diorderin” ?
:Aku bingung jawabnya… Kalau orang yang liat statusku kan pasti ada yang baca dalam hati atau nggak diucapin… ya mungkin nggak enak dibaca juga
:Satu status lagi ya….
Thanks for order. Terima pesanan birthday cake (only Semarang) Fani
:Terima pesanan “birthday cake” “only” Semarang. Kenapa kamu nggak pakai bahasa Indonesia aja dikata-kata yang ada tanda petiknya
:Biar keren Fan
:Waktu tadi kamu nulis status memang spontan nulis birthday cake atau udah direncanain?
:Spontan Fan waktu nulis birthday cake
:Oke.. makasih Evelin sudah membantuku, makasih untuk wawancaranya
:Sama-sama Fan
Interview Transcription 2 Fani : Lies aku mau minta tolong interview sebentar buat thesisku… Aku mau wawancara tentang status BBM kamu yg barusan kamu buat. Status yang ini. Happy birthday best, semoga selalu sehat dan bisa jadi ibu yang baik buat khey‟dut Fani
: Kenapa km pake bahasa inggris dikalimat happy birthday best, tapi setelah itu di kalimat yang selanjutnya kamu pake bahasa indonesia? Kenapa nggak di bikin bhs inggris semua ato bahasa indonesia semua aja?
: Lha orge yg aku ucapin selamat gk begitu tau bhs inggris og,,
: Biar dia ngerti aja makanya aku switch
: Ada alesan lain ga knp kamu mix bahasane selain membuat temenmu ngerti maksudmu?
: Enggak
: Oke satu lagi, kalo statusmu yg ini?
Pengen makan spicy wingsnya cha2, tapi kejauhan kalo mesti ke Jogja Fani
: Knp kamu nulisnya di mix indo-ingg pengen makan SPICY CHICKEN WINGS nya chacha?
: Kan bs pake full indonesia sebenere
: Karena udah kebiasaan nyebutnya gitu, kalo pake bahasa indonesia jadi aneh, sayap ayam pedas, tuuu kan jadi aneh,, karena jarang banget nyebut spicy chicken wings dg bahasa indonesia.
: Terus di menu juga penulisnya spicy chicken wings. Bukan sayap ayam pedas
Fani : Berarti maksudnya kata2 dlm bhs ingg spicy chickrn wings itu km rasa lbh cocok gitu ya dibanding klo pake b.indo? Lies
: Iya
: Ada alesan lain ga iis?
: Td km bilang di menunya prnulisanya memang tulisane spicy chicken wings kan? Berati kamu nulis bhs ingg krn niru penulisan di menunya itu ya?
: Iya niru fan, kan aneh juga kalo ganti2,
: Alesan lain apa ya? Mungkin karena kebiasaan aja,
: Oke2 makasih ya Lies
Interview Transcription 3 Fani : Vinci aku mau interview sebentar buat thesisku ya… Aku mau interview status BBM mu yang barusan kamu buat. Status yang ini. Di-troll sama temen, suruh convert „feeling of pleasure‟ ke Indonesia via google translate, resultnya? The sentence only wibu knows Fani
: Knp kok kamu code mix status ini?
Vinci : Soale troll itu istilah kayak semacam "dijebak" gt, udah worldwide, macem ngomong "mouse" e komputer tetep "mouse" bukan "tetikus" sesuai kbbi Vinci : "Convert" juga sama, kita biasa ngomong "convert data", "file e diconvert", dsb Fani
: Trs resultnya? Knp ga pake kata hasilnya aja?
Vinci : Sebenere "via" sama "result" juga mirip2 sih. Soale kita punya mindset kalo lawan mesti udah mudeng itu arti indonesia nya apa Vinci : Kadang krn udah kebiasa pake istilah inggris, jadi lbh nyaman ngmg pake bhs inggris e Fani
: Jd lebih ke masalah kata2 dlm bhs ingg lebih sering didenger daripada klo kita pake bhs indo ya?
Vinci : Nah kalo "wibu" ini istilah, asline "weeaboo", dibaca "wibu", ini refer ke orang2 yg suka jepang2an, sok nganggep diri orang jepang 26
Vinci : Iya, istilah2 jg, yg udah kerep didenger orang dan kita ekspektasi orang kalo baca itu mesti mudeng Fani
: Ooow oke2
Vinci : Alesan utama sih ya td itu, kan anak fbs nih udah kebiasa pake inggris, tapi males jg kalo mau full nginggrisin, jadi dicampur deh Fani
: Satu status lagi ya. Salah ngira conditioner sbg body wash padahal terlanjur mencet banyak2 itu rasanya super ultra great delicious wonderful ora bejo.
: Knp koq km nulis e ga pake bhs indo aja? Kan statusmu itu isa di bikin full indonesia, kaya kata conditioner, body wash, super ultra delicious....
Vinci : Oo kalo yg conditioner sama body wash kan soale memang istilahe itu, orang2 udh biasa nyebute pake itu.. Kalo yg SUGDW itu awale dari game Harvest Moon yg nyiptain istilah itu.. Trs dipake juga di anime xg baru2 ini tak tonton.. Jadi aku ikut2an. Fani
: Jd yg SUGDW itu km niru2 ya ? Hahaha
: Lho tpi klo body wash kan kamu bs bilang sabun mandi....
: Klo yg SUGDW itu sbnre memang ada arti indone ga? Ato memang itu udah istilah game?
Vinci : Iya itu niru2 tok.. Setauku itu istilah gitu jd gk ada indo ne deh wkwk Vinci : Kalo sabun mandi kan blm tentu sabun cair fan. Mosok ak salah ngira conditioner sbg sabun batang. Vinci : Biar jelas aja sih, soale setauku nek body wash kok mesti xg sabun cair gt Fani
: Lha knp kamu ga nulis aja td sabun cair?
Vinci : Yg kepikiran body wash oq Fani
: Spontan ya? Soale nek conditioner kan emg ya nama e condotioner...
Vinci : Iyaa Fani
: Oke2 makasih ya Vinci..
Interview Transcription 4 Fani : Irene, aku mau interview sebentar buat thesisku ya… Aku mau interview status BBM kamu yang barusan kamu buat. Status yang ini. Fani
: Irine aq mau interview ttg status bbm mu ya buat data thesisku. Knp km ga nulis pake b.indo semua aja?
Fani : Kayaknya kudu request option history buat ngecek siapa aja yg udah ngasih n dikasih aroma therapy Irine
: kan ini ngomongin game fan. game e pake eng. nek pake indo brarti ak kudu translate.
: Maksud e status mu ini tentang game? Tpi kan bisa pake b.indo nulis statusnya dan emang ada b.indone kan....
: Nama e game apa?
: cinderella contract sejenis visual novel gtu
: Males translate bukan alesan
: option history ama aroma therapy ya emg gtu iq term e. nek tk ganti jd aroma terapi jd gk keliatan nek itu term d game e
: kyk nek game diganti jd permainan kan jd wagu
: Berarti alesan e karena rmg sdh english term?
: he e. nek diganti jd indo mlh aneh soale dw lbh biasa baca/denger eng e
: Ooow oke2... thx ya Irene...
: Satu status lagi ya. Truth to be told, focus awal baca (ato maen?) otome game sih buat nambah vocab, tapi modus utama tetep aja buat nontonin ikemen. Knp km code mix thruth to be told sama fokus awal baca... game?
Irene : truth to be told? Irene : gpp pengen aja. sounds better drpd nek blg 'sejujurnya' Fani
: Ya kan bs bilang pake basa indo kan? Lgan kan statusmu banyak bahasa indonesiane jg... hahaha
Irene : lha aku pengene pake truth to be told oq Irene : nek pake indo kyke formal banget iq
: Otome game sama nambah vocab... knp mbo code mix itu?
Irene : nek game jd indo jd permainan no. kok mlh jd aneh haha vocab jg nek indo jd perbendaharaan kosakata Irene : kan org2 jg lbh familiar e sm game n vocab Fani
: Berati alesanmu krn mbuat kata2ne jd lbh familiar ya?
Irene : betul sekali. kan bikin status buat dibaca org. jd kudu pake vocab yg byk org tau Fani: Okee maacih irene (pseudo name) Irene: cama2
Interview Transcription 5 Go home…. Ga tau harus seneng apa sedih Fani
: Rachel aq mau interview bentar buat thesis ku. Aq mau tanya ttg status BBM mu yg barusan tak kirimin
Rachel : Oke siap Hehehe Fani
: Knp km pake kata2 go home? Knp ga pake bhs indo aja?
Rachel : Td waktu bt status spontan aja sih. Gtw jg kok nls nya go home ga pulang k rumah Rachel : Mgkn lbh singkat ya jd enak bwt d pake Rachel : Ya lebih singkat aja jd cepet nulisnya. Itu spontan sih Fani
: Tpi knp kalimat selanjut e pake bhs indo nulisnya?
Rachel : Soalnya kalo d b ing rada mikir kan kalimatnya agak panjang tu Rachel : Kalo pulang k rmh kan b ing nya ga mikir cm go home Fani
: Ooow gitu.... berati km nulis staus go home itu bener2 karena spontan aja ya?
Rachel : Iya sm krn ga mikir kan gampang Fani
: Satu status lagi ya… ".... butuh REFRESHING soale" knp kamu nulisnya bhsne di mix indo-inggris?
Rachel : Soalnya lbih enak aja kalo bilang refreshing... 29
Rachel : Drpd menyegarkan pikiran atau apalah itu.. kaya e bhsane jd kaku bgt... kalo itu kan di baca jd lebih enak aja... Fani
: Lbh enaknya tu maksudnya lbh gampang dimengerti, lbh familiar buat yg baca gt wul?
Rachel : Ya lebih familiar itu fan... Fani
: Okee... ada alesan lain ga?
Rachel : Udh gitu aja sih... Fani
: Oke maksih ya
Interview Transcription 6 Aku juga mau ikutan after party Fani
: Celine aq mau interview bentar buat thesisku. Aq mau tanya2 ttg staus BBM mu yg barusan tak kirim itu
: Knp km pake kata2 after party? Knp ga pake bahasa indonesia aja?
Celine : Soalnya ak dibilangin sama temen katanya ada after party Celine : Jadi ak langsung pake kata2 itu aja Fani
: berati memang karena nama acarane itu after party? Dan itu ga ada bhs indonya ya?
Celine : Ya katane temenku acarane itu. Bahasa indo ne ndak tau ya Celine : Tapi artine itu krg lebih setelah loved mau ada pesta lagi di villa ne ghanes Fani
: Satu status lagi ya.. Hidup ini punya Tuhan yang harus kita syukuri setiap saat, happy Sunday! Knp kamu nulis status e di mix pake bahasa indonesia, trs pas nulis happy sunday pake bhs inggris?
Celine : Knpaa ya? Tdinya mau nulia selamat hari minggu tp cukup characternya tta ak tulis happy Sunday Celine : Kyknya lbh gmn gt klo pakai happy sunday drpada selamat hari minggu Celine : Menurutku lbh common pakai happy sundah instead of selamat hri minggu
: Lbh common itu maksud kamu orang lbh familiar sama "happy sunday" daripada selamat hari minggu?
Celine : Iyaa fan.. apalagi klo di kalangan anak mudaa Fani
: Ada alesan lain ga selain karena kata2 dlm bhs ingg lbh familiar sama orang2?
Celine : Biar kecee fan. Celine : Tp it gag motivasi plg utama sih Fani
: Alesan utama berati yg kata2 lbh familiar itu td ya?
Celine : Iyaa fan.. klo yg biar lebih kece krn kira anak bahasa ing sih it motivasi yg lain Fani
: makasih ya Celine
Celine : Samaa2 fanny
Interview Transcription 7 Dijual headband dan phone case Fani
: Tyas aq mau interview bentar dong buat thesisku.... aq mau tanya ttg status bbm yg barusan tak kirim ini
: Knp km nulisnya headband sama phonecase? Knp ga pake bahasa indonesia aja?
: Krna pnjualnya blg gt. Aku jualin barangnya org..
: Tpi kan kamu tau maksud e headband sama phone case itu apa dan ada b.indonya kan? Tpi knp kamu tetep pake b ingg nulisnya distatusmu?
: mnurutku mgkn biar lbh fancy
: Kaya kl sate ayam n saus kacang, bkal lbh fancy kalo satay with peanut sauce
: Lbh fancy maksudnya lbh keren gitu??
: Iya fan.. lbh keren
: Sama terdengar lbh menjual dripada 'bando & tempat / wadah HP'
: Satu status lagi ya. Ayo ayo mari diorder.. yang di foto ready loh seprei lady rose ice cream uk. 120x200 harganya 62000 aja Knp kamu pake kata2 mari 31
diORDER, yg difoto READY loh.... knp kamu pake bhs inggris dikata2 yg huruf besar itu? Tyas
: Soalnya kalo di olshop emang istilahnya gitu fan. Jadi aku pake kata ready sm order karena iti udah vocabnya para seller di online shop
: Berati karena kamu jualan ol shop ya?
: Iya fan
: Oke makasih lagi ya Tyas
: Sama2
Interview Transcription 8 Fani : Echa aq mau minta tolong interview ya buat thesisku ni.. aq mau Tanya ttg status bbm mu yg barusan kamu buat Sabtu pagi gini ada make up class , huaa masih ngantuk Fani
: "Make up class" knp kamu nulisnya pake bhs inggris? Knp kok gak bilang " sabtu pagi ada kelas" aja?
Echa : Ya soalnya kan nggk lazim aja kalo hari sabtu ada kelas Fani
: Lho kenapa mnrtmu klo bilang sabtu pagi ada kelas nggak lazim?
Echa : Soalnya biasanya kan nggk ada kelas Fani
: Tpi kamu tau kan klo "make up class" ada bhs indonesianya? knp kamu nulisnya tetep make up class?
Echa : kontak bbm ku isinya ank elevener smua n klo pke kata make up class mreka pda lngsung familiar n paham gituh yg bca status, klo pke bhsa indonesia kyk kelas pengganti gt kok kyk nya tllu formal gt.. Fani
: Satu status lagi ya.. Thanks ya kakak rosi, sekarang kamarnya jadi tambah cute Knp km nulis thanks kakak rosi sama .... jd tambah cute, kenapa bhs e di mix indo-ingg?
Echa : Itu aku pake mix language biar singkat, kalo pake kata makasih kan ngetiknya kepanjangan Fani
: Klo pake kata cute knp? Kan ada bhs indone imut...
Echa : Biar keren aja 32
: Oke... ada alesan lain?
Echa : Nggak fan. Fani
: Oke deh.. makasih banget ya Echa
Interview Transcription 9 Fani : Bina aq mau mnt tolong interview sebentar ya.... buat data thesisku ni Bina
: Oke fani boleh
: Aq mau interview ttg statusmu BBM yg barusan kamu buat
Belum sanggup kalo one day one juz, kalo saya one week one juz. Fani
: Knp km nggak nulis pake bahasa indonesia aja yg *one day one juz ama one week one juz* ?
: Soalnya itu istilah asli nya fan, kayak yg d dp ku
: Jd itu nama komunitas, kalo tak tulis pake bahasa indo nnt pendirinya protes
: One day one juz itu nama grup gitu ya? Berati km pake istilah inggris itu buat quote nama grup nya gitu ya?
: Iya itu nama komunitas, jd ak pake buat nyebutin nama komunitasnya
: Nah klo yg one week one juz kan bukan nama komunitas, tpi knp nulisnya ga pake b.indo aja?
: Nah bener, itu ak kayak plesetannya nama aslinya
: Apa ya alasannya ? Hmm hehe
: Biar sinkron gitu sih sama yg one day one juz, kalo ak nulis b indo nnt yg baca nggk tau kalo similar sama yg aslinya. Intinya plesetannya gitu sih
: Maksud e km buat yg one week one juz itu buat menyesuaikan sama nama komunitas e kan?
: Iya fan gitu
: Oke2 makasih ya Bina
: Sama2 fani 33
: Satu status lagi ya… Balik kanan pulaang… bring me home papa kenapa kok bikin statusnya bahasanya dimix indo dan inggris ?
: Kadang.. Kl full bahasa inggris yang baca enggak ngerti.. Nah kl ditambah atau dcampur kan yang baca rodo mudeng jd g banyak tanya
: Mmm lagian kl full inggris atau indonesia juga kurang sreg.. Mgkn krn kebiasaan..
: Oke makasih Bina
: Sama sama
Interview Transcription 10 Fani : Flo aq mau interview sebentar dongg... buat data thesisku ini.... aq mau interview ttg status bbm yg barusan kamu buat Brosur dan kupon digital iL Pastificio, silahkan save n tunjukkan saat pesan menu kami di Pasar Imlek Semawis, 14-16 Feb‟15 Flo
: Ya boleeh
: Silhkan save dan tunjukkan...., knp kamu pake kata save (bhs ingg) kok ga bilang simpan dan tunjukkan?
: Lebih gampang buat ngomong / nyampein yg mau d sampein
: Dan bnyak org yg pasti mudeng sm save
: Kan klo pake kata simpan jg gampang to nyampeine... kan sama2 cm 1 kata, knp tetep pake kata save?
: Td kpikiran prtma e lgsg save Fan
: Gini... nek mau buat status pake b ing tu apik si, ketok keren tp nti mlah dak bs buat org2 yg gak isa inggris
: Kn tjuan status ku buat promo, lha kn target ku dak smua bs b ing. Jd pake indo aja.
: Lha klo pgunaan kata save itu krn ta pikir dak bakal nyusahke org yg dak mudeng b ing kan save udah familiar n sering d pake. Mungkin proses jadi kata serapan juga. Knpa dak pake simpan tu krn pas awal buat status lgsg kepikir e save, dak trlintas kata simpan di otak, jd lgsg pake save aja
: Oke.. berarti alasan utama pake kata save itu karena 1.spontan 2. Menganggap klo kata save itu bhs ingg yg sdh familiar sama orang2 yg ga fasih bhs ingg? Gitu ya?
: Ya betul sekali
: Satu status lagi ya.."Ready Minggu 1 Maret" knp kok km nulise bahasane di mix? Hehehe
: Kebiasaan Fan
: Nek d indo in mlah bgg
: Nek jd "siap" jd aneh kyke
: Dak kpikiran klo pk b ind yg pas apa
: Trus y kbiasaan, mesti pake kt ready
: Mgkn jg ad pgaruh org2 lain yg jualan online gitu, kn srg jg nls ready, ready stock, dll
: Nek ta inget2, aku mesti pake kt ready si stiap aku buka PO
: Biar lbh gampang
: Kn lgsg tau, ow...ready e mgu bsk
: Dak prlu bgg2, sunday tu mgu pa senin yaa =d soale sunday sm monday kn meh mirip2, mgkn klo yg dak bgtu bs inggris jd bgg
: Trus y dak mau trlalu keminggris (k inggris2an)
: Td km bilang ada pengaruh orang2 lain yg pada jualan online, nah berati kamu kaya ikutan (niru) pake kata ready itu ya dari mereka2?
: Klo pake full inggris tu kdang2 buat gaya2an jg
: Iya mgkn Fan, jd kata ready tu jd kata yg familiar, yg gmpg n lgsg kena sasaran gitu
: Org2 jg kn mesti pd mudeng maksud dr ready itu sndiri krn bnyak org pake jg, trutama pr pnjual online.
: Ooow oke2... thank you
: Okee Fan, smoga bs mbantu