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2.1 Personal Computer Types and Models
2 PC Hardware
baby design (of a system unit) big tower case cluttered adj computer line disk drive end user expansion capability external aspect floppy disk drive function key high-end model high-speed variant interconnected adj logo, logotype low-end machine Micro Channel Architecture, MCA middle tower, miditower minitower monochrome adj, black and white adj, B-W numeric keypad, numeric pad open architecture policy QWERTY keys, QWERTY keyboard scrunch up v slim-line design third-party developer
third-party manufacturer tower 16K of memory 20M hard disk drive
malá systémová jednotka velká vì skøíòka neuspoøádaný, neúhledný (zde:) typová øada poèítaèù mechanika diskù koncový uivatel, finální uivatel monost rozíøení vnìjí vzhled pohon diskety funkèní klávesa model nejvyí kvality velmi rychlá varianta propojený logo, logotyp, firemní znak nejjednoduí a nejlevnìjí provedení poèítaèe mikrokanálová architektura, architektura MCA støední vì malá vì monochromatický, èernobílý èíslicová klávesnice koncepce otevøené architektury klávesnice QWERTY (v americkém uspoøádání, viz Section 2.6) stìsnat, stlaèit tíhlá linie samostatný vývojáø (nebo vývojáøská firma), nikoli vývojáø výrobce nebo zákazníka (zde:) jiný výrobce ne firma IBM vì pamì s kapacitou 16 kilobajtù mechanika pevného disku s kapacitou pamìti 20 megabajtù
Laptops, Notebooks and Other Portables (Pøíruèní, zápisníkové a dalí pøenosné poèítaèe) Several years ago numerous new types of personal computers appeared on the market the portable PCs. The first models, called the briefcase portables or suitcase portables, were typically mains-powered machines in contrast to the present battery-powered types that are
Typy osobních poèítaèù a jejich modely 2.1
2 PC Hardware
fully mains-independent devices. A classification of their numerous types and models can be seen in Fig.2-1, while a sketch of the probably most popular portable PC, the notebook, is shown in Fig.2-3.
Fig.2-3. One of the most popular types of portable PCs the notebook. (Zápisník jeden z nejznámìjích pøenosných poèítaèù.) horizontally pivoted cover with VDU keyboard LCD display screen system unit with plug-in modules
výklopné víko se zobrazovaèem klávesnice displej s kapalnými krystaly, displej LCD systémová jednotka se zásuvnými moduly
It would be hardly possible to enumerate even the best known types and models of laptops and the ever smaller portables sometimes termed sublaptops. Their features vary from model to model, and numerous special designs are intended for specific applications, starting with personal digital assistants (PDAs), language translators, computer games and personal organizers up to city transport guides (e.g.The North American City Guide), sophisticated tools for brokers (e.g.The Dow-Jones News), or a combination of a notebook with a tape recorder for journalists. Some of them come with optional spreadsheets, text processors and calculators, other features include recognition of handwritten data, such as signature and graphics entered with an electronic pen applied to the screen. Another option is the use of file-transfer software to upload and download files to or from a compatible PC. There exist even specialized magazines, such as Portable Computing or Laptop Monthly.
2.1 Personal Computer Types and Models
2 PC Hardware
The miniaturization of desktop and subdesktop types of PCs resulted in the necessity of introducing numerous new advanced designs and operating modes. Some of them are: Use of card drives and solid-state credit-card-sized memories instead of floppy-disk drives to store both data and programs (the cards are sometimes called silicon disks due to the fact that they replace conventional magnetic floppy disks by semiconductor chips made of semiconductive silicon material). Memory expanders in the form of 68-pin RAM or ROM memory cards (PCMCIA and JEIDA cards) to be accommodated in card-slots. Reduction of power consumption: while the PC waits for the operator to type, it automatically switches into a standby mode, but the user does not perceive this interruption. This mode which actually stops the microprocessor clock, is transparent to the user because the screen does not go blank and there is no delay when work is resumed. The machine also turns off automatically if no entry has been made for a few minutes. Usually an on-chip power-management unit (PMU) is used to lengthen battery life by reducing the CPU clock rate and deactivating peripherals when not in use. The PMU also monitors battery voltage and produces a maskable interrupt when the voltage is low. The use of plug-in modules considerably broadens the application field of the sublaptop PCs. Typical examples are plug-in hard-disk modules. To achieve the compact size of portables, ASICs (application specific integrated circuits), SMDs (surface mounted devices) and two-sided or multilayer PCBs (printed circuit boards) are generally used (see Annex). From among the other novelties let us name the PCMCIA hard-disk cards, various multimedia A/V cards, or the Global Positioning System (GPS) Card for participants of the worldwide radionavigation system Navstar using 18 satellite transmitters radiating phasecoded CW signals at 1.2 and 1.5 GHz. A sophisticated feature card has been designed to compress a complete wireless local-area network (WLAN) transmitter/receiver into a PCMCIA card and to still leave space for users to add their purpose-designed interface circuits. Another promising type of portable PCs is the sub-notebook operating off 3 volts supply instead of 5 volts supply. One type of these new portables deserves special attention. It is the pen-based computer (sometimes called penbook computer or penpad computer) in which the keyboard is replaced by an electronic pen used for inputting or changing data on the screen of an LCD display. This type of computer is therefore sometimes called the slate computer. One of the first systems of this kind was the PenPoint (PP) computer defined as a compact, 32bit object-oriented multitask operating system based on the so-called New User Interface (NUI) and the Embedded Document Architecture (EDA). This computer is regarded as a real notebook whose leaves can be turned over. The performance of the device is controlled by touching the screen by single taps of the pen, by double taps and by so-called tap pressing. A character, a word or a block can be erased by simply crossing it out. The position of the cursor on the screen is controlled by moving the pen in the four main directions. Another novelty in the field of notebooks is the IBM Butterfly. Its new keyboard model called Trackwrite can be extended to obtain a keyboard of the same dimensions as are those of standard table-top PC models.
ASIC, application-specific integrated circuit A/V card, audio-visual card battery powered type battery voltage briefcase portable, suitcase portable broker calculator card drive card-slot city transport guide compact size computer game CPU clock rate cursor CW, continuous-wave signal deactivate v (a peripheral) download v
electronic pen, electronic pencil, electronic stylus Embedded Document Architecture, EDA entry erase v feature file file-transfer software GHz, gigahertz Global Positioning System Card, GPS card go v blank graphics hard disk module inputting JEIDA language translator LCD display, liquid crystal display
integrovaný obvod pro zvlátní pouití, obvod ASIC audiovizuální karta, A/V karta typ napájený z baterie napìtí baterie kuføíkový poèítaè burzovní makléø kapesní kalkulátor, kalkulaèka (hovorovì) pohonná jednotka karty tìrbina pro kartu dopravní mapa mìsta kompaktní rozmìr poèítaèová hra taktovací kmitoèet procesoru kurzor signál s nepøeruovanou vlnou vypnout (periferní jednotku) odsunout (zavést program nebo data z velkého poèítaèe do osobního nebo z osobního poèítaèe do periferního zaøízení) elektronický ukazatel, elektronické pero, elektronická tuka vestavìná architektura dokumentu, architektura EDA zápis, záznam vymazat (zde:) funkce, vlastnost soubor program pøenosu souborù gigahertz, GHz (jednotka kmitoètu v soustavì SI) karta svìtového lokalizaèního systému, karta GPS (zde:) zatemnit se grafika modul pevného disku zavádìní Japan Electronics Industry Development Association, asociace JEIDA jazykový pøekladaè zobrazení kapalnými (nesprávnì tekutými) krystaly, displej LCD, zobrazení LCD
2 PC Hardware
Typy osobních poèítaèù a jejich modely 2.1
2.1 Personal Computer Types and Models
2 PC Hardware
mains-independent device mains-powered machine maskable interrupt memory expander, add-on memory microprocessor clock mode multilayer PCB, multilayer printed-circuit board New User Interface, NUI object-oriented multitask operating system on-chip adv operating off 3 volts supply operating mode, mode of operation optional adj PCB, printed circuit board PCMCIA pen-based computer, penbook computer, penpad computer personal organizer phase-coded adj pin plug-in module power consumption power-management unit, PMU purpose-designed interface circuit radiate v RAM card ROM card satellite transmitter screen semiconductive silicon material semiconductor chip silicon disk sketch slate computer SMD, surface mounted device solid-state credit-card-sized memory
zaøízení nezávislé na síti poèítaè napájený ze sítì maskovatelné pøeruení rozíøitelná pamì, pøídavná pamì hodiny mikroprocesoru zpùsob provozu, reim vícevrstvá deska (ploných spojù) nové uivatelské rozhraní, rozhraní NUI objektovì orientovaný operaèní system pro soubìné zpracování úloh vestavìný v èipu napájený ze zdroje s napìtím 3 V druh provozu, provozní reim volitelný, pøídavný deska ploných (nesprávnì titìných) spojù Personal Computer Memory Card International Association /US/, Asociace PCMCIA penbook, penpad, zápisník ovládaný elektronickou tukou osobní plánovací kalendáø fázovì kódovaný kolík pouzdra, vývod pouzdra zásuvný modul spotøeba proudu jednotka øízení výkonu jednoúèelové rozhraní vyzaøovat karta RAM karta ROM druicový vysílaè, satelitní vysílaè stínítko (obrazovky) polovodivý køemíkový materiál polovodièový èip køemíkový disk (viz text) náèrtek penbook (doslova poèítaè s bøidlicovou tabulkou) souèástka pro povrchovou montá, souèástka SMD polovodièová pamì (doslova pamì v pevné fázi) velikosti úvìrové karty
sophisticated tool spreadsheet standby mode, backup operation subdesktop type sublaptop, sublaptop computer sub-notebook tape recorder tap of the pen tap pressing text processor, word processor The Dow-Jones News transmitter/receiver, transceiver transparent to the user type v upload v wireless local area-network, wireless LAN, WLAN worldwide radionavigation system 68-pin memory card
dokonale promylený programovací nástroj kalkulaèní tabulka záloní provoz osobní poèítaè mení ne stolní provedení osobní poèítaè mení ne laptop, sublaptop osobní poèítaè mení ne notebook, subnotebook páskový zapisovaè, magnetofon (zde:) krátký dotek elektronickým perem (zde:) prodlouený dotek (zde:) textový procesor (program, nikoli zaøízení) aktuální informace o Dow-Jonesovì indexu prùmìrných kurzù akcií v USA vysílaè s pøijímaèem, transceiver (zde:) nevnímaný uivatelem psát klávesnicí, zadávat data pøisunout (pøesunout program nebo data z osobního poèítaèe do støediskového) rádiová lokální sí, rádiová LAN celosvìtový radionavigaèní systém 68-kolíková pamìová karta
(The PowerPC Architecture) (Architektura PowerPC) In 1993, seven renowned companies (Apple, Bull, Harris, IBM, Motorola, Tadpole Technology and Thomson-CSF) established the PowerOpen Association (POA) to introduce their new product named PowerOpen Environment (POE) architecture. This product specifies the attributes of the PC type named PowerPC, starting from the microprocessor level up to the user interface (sometimes called the user surface). This man-machine interface (MMI) through which the user and the machine communicate is a boundary in the PC system below which everything remains invisible to the user. The PowerPC is able to work in graphics and text environments of all the operating systems used at the present time. The flexibility of the user environment is attained by the introduction of a new interface between the basic operating system and the applications called Application Binary Interface (ABI). One of the reasons of this new world trend is the growing importance of the RISC processors gradually replacing the CISC processors in some applications (more in the article on the present state-of-the-art of microprocessors in Section 2.3).
2 PC Hardware
Typy osobních poèítaèù a jejich modely 2.1
2.2 What Is What in PC Hardware
2 PC Hardware
This trend brings a number of new terms of major importance; for example the ABI interface has three levels: The Application Programming Interface (API), the Kernel Programming Interface (KPI), and the PowerPC RISC Architecture (PRA). From among the numerous other new terms let us note the terms PowerOpen Operating System (POOS), MESI (Modified/Exclusive/Shared/Invalid) status bits of the cache memory, and Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) introduced in the currently used memory management units (MMUs). This explosion of new specific terms need not embarrass the common readers of PC literature. The introduction of the new and more user-friendly MMI will even facilitate their studies by leaving the terminological worries of this advanced technical field to experts so that the common PC users can concentrate their efforts on practical problems occurring above the user surface. Application Binary Interface, ABI Application Programming Interface, API cache memory CISC processor, Complex Instruction Set Computer processor facilitate v graphics and text environment Kernel Programming Interface, KPI man-machine interface, MMI memory management unit, MMU MESI status bit, Modified/ /Exclusive/Shared/Invalid status bit of major importance operating system, OS PowerOpen Association, POA PowerOpen Environment, POE architecture RISC processor, Reduced Instruction Set Computer processor Translation Lookaside Buffer, TLB user interface, user surface
rozhraní ABI rozhraní API rychlá vyrovnávací pamì, pamì cache procesor CISC, procesor s komplexním souborem instrukcí usnadnit grafické a textové prostøedí rozhraní jádra operaèního systému, rozhraní KPI rozhraní mezi uivatelem a poèítaèem jednotka øízení pamìti stavový bit MESI velmi významný operaèní systém sdruení POA architektura POE procesor RISC, procesor s omezeným souborem instrukcí vyrovnávací pamì TLB uivatelské rozhraní
The PC 95 Computer (Osobní poèítaè PC 95) This advanced type of personal computer is designed to be used with the Windows 95 operating system. The PC 95 personal computer is the realization of standard hardware, BIOS, and device driver designs. It also specifies as standard certain features that have only been options in the past. The innovations introduced in the PC 95 hardware are too many to be enumerated here, so let us mention only one of the principles on which the PC 95 design philosophy is based, i.e. the Plug and Play concept. According to [21c] it may be defined as A design
philosophy and a set of specifications that describe hardware and software changes to the PC and its peripherals that automatically identify and arbitrate resource requirements among all devices and buses on the system. In this concept, nontechnical users can add or remove hardware without manually configuring such resources as IRQ signals and DMA channels. After this, software enumerates the identities and capabilities of devices attached to the system, and then allocates the appropriate signals, channels, I/O ports, and memory space to the hardware. A newly introduced business feature is the MicrosoftR WindowsTM 95 Logo named Designed for Windows 95 that serves to indicate that Windows 95 is preinstalled in a device or unit that has passed the HCT procedure. The future users will not have to worry about hardware and software compatibility. Note: For more details concerning the software aspects of the Windows 95 project see article Windows 95 Operating System in Section 3.4. allocate v pøidìlit, rezervovat arbitrate v (zde): rozhodnout (o nìèem) BIOS, basic input-output system základní systém vstupu a výstupu, systém BIOS, BIOS bus sbìrnice capability schopnost, monost device driver, driver routine ovládaè zaøízení, øídicí program zaøízení DMA channel, direct memory kanál pøímého vstupu do pamìti, access channel kanál DMA enumerate v (zde:) sestavit výèet HCT procedure, Hardware procedura zkouky sluèitelnosti Compatibility Test procedure hardware, procedura HCT I/O port, input-output port vstupní-výstupní port, vstupní-výstupní brána IRQ signal, interrupt request signal signál ádosti o pøeruení, signál IRQ manually configure v ruènì konfigurovat, ruènì sestavit memory space (zde:) pouitelná kapacita pamìti Plug and Play funkce zapoj a pracuj, funkce Plug and Play preinstalled adj pøedem nastavený, pøedem zapojený resource requirements pl poadavky na prostøedky
2.2 What Is What in PC Hardware (Co je co v hardwaru osobních poèítaèù) Základní názvosloví configuration disk storage
sestava, konfigurace disková pamì
2 PC Hardware
Co je co v hardwaru osobních poèítaèù 2.2
2.2 What Is What in PC Hardware
2 PC Hardware
floppy disk drive, FDD, flexible disk drive, diskette drive hard disk drive, HDD, fixed disk drive input device, input unit, input equipment input-output device, input-output unit, input-output equipment, I/O unit, I/O device motherboard, system board, planar board output device, output unit, output equipment peripheral device, peripheral unit, peripheral equipment, peripheral
mechanika diskety, disketová jednotka mechanika pevného disku, disková jednotka s pevným diskem vstupní zaøízení, vstupní jednotka vstupní-výstupní zaøízení, vstupní-výstupní jednotka základní deska (s plonými spoji) výstupní zaøízení, výstupní jednotka periferní zaøízení, periferní jednotka, periférie
The System Unit with its Peripheral and Optional Devices (Systémová jednotka a její periferní i doplòková zaøízení) While Section 2.1 is concerned with the classification of personal computers as a whole, the other sections of this chapter (Sections 2.2 through 2.9) follow on by describing in detail the system unit and the peripherals with their functional units and devices. Here the main attention is given to desktop type PCs due to the fact that portable PCs are based on the same operation principles as desktop PCs. The main differences between desktop and portable PC types are: (1) considerably reduced dimensions and weight of portables, (2) compactness of their system units, keyboards and VDUs, and (3) installation of most or all of their peripheral and optional units and devices in a single common case. The aim of the information on PC hardware presented in this chapter is to systematically acquaint the reader with those technical terms in their natural environment and their Czech equivalents that are used in PC terminology, rather than to discuss purely technical problems that otherwise would be of primary interest; however, here they would distract the readers attention. The same is true for the drawings. The basic complex of a desktop machine consists of three separate casings containing all the indispensable parts of a desktop PC depicted in Fig.2-2. The system unit is the central part of the PC configuration, while the VDU and the keyboard are the two indispensable peripheral units. In addition to them, other peripheral devices can be optionally used. A classification of peripheral and other optional devices that may be parts of a PC configuration is presented in the form of a block diagram in Fig.2-4. The central block of the drawing, the system unit, is the same block diagram as that of Fig. 1-1 complemented by two inside blocks called other units and disk drives. This central block is surrounded by other blocks representing the individual peripherals. The numbers shown in the right lower corners of the diagram blocks denote those sections of Chapter 2 in which the respective PC functional units and devices are dealt with in more detail. All peripherals and optional devices fall into the three categories shown in Fig. 2-4, i.e. the input devices, the output devices and the input-output devices (I/O devices) by which data can be entered into or conveyed out of a PC.
Co je co v hardwaru osobních poèítaèù 2.2
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Fig. 2-4. Devices and functional units of a typical desktop personal computer. (Zaøízení a funkèní jednotky typického osobního poèítaèe ve stolním provedení.) inside system unit: ALU, arithmetic and logic unit control unit disk drives internal memory other units processing unit processor
uvnitø systémové jednotky: aritmetická a logická jednotka øídicí jednotka, øadiè diskové jednotky vnitøní pamì ostatní jednotky základní jednotka procesor
input devices: data readers keyboard light pen mouse voice recognition devices other control devices scanners
vstupní zaøízení: snímaèe dat, èteèky dat klávesnice svìtelné pero my rozpoznávaèe øeèi jiná ovládací zaøízení snímaèe
input-output devices: vstupní-výstupní zaøízení: external storages vnìjí pamìti modems (MOdulators-DEModulators) modemy other communication devices jiná komunikaèní zaøízení multimedia equipment multimediální zaøízení
2 PC Hardware