Major Péter Kovács
Author’s review of the PhD dissertation
Research Advisor: Dr. József Farkas retired major general (M.D.) university lecturer doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Definition of the scientific problem Physical suitability check-ups concerning the whole of the Hungarian Army have been used since 1998. The results of the tests among professional and contracted soldiers and among those wishing to join the army provide a very good sample for evaluating the physical fitness of both the Hungarian Army and the part of the civilian society connected to the defence forces. On the basis of the experience of the past few years, one can surmise that the further development of the system of physical suitability check-ups of the Hungarian Army is needed. In addition, improvements are needed in the system of physical preparation. Both of these will have an important role in the quality reform of the military forces. Objectives of research The following objectives of the research were determined: 1. The systematic-scientific analysis of the topic and systematization of the most important concepts. Definition of the place and role of the examined field in the Hungarian Army. 2. Studying the applied methods for checking physical suitability in national and international spheres with special regard to the civilian society, armies of some member countries of the NATO and in the Hungarian Army between 31.03.1998 – 31.12.2004. 3. Examination and systematization of the factors influencing physical suitability. 4. Evaluation of exercise-physiological and anthropometric data in the Hungarian Army and in the part of civilian society suitable for military service. 5. Analysis of the system of physical suitability check-ups in the Hungarian Army; and suggestions for further development. Methods of research Physical suitability check-ups are carried out as part of a complex suitability testing for military service (physical, exercise-physiological and psychological). First, specialist’s and laboratory examinations are taken; life style profile and body composition are defined. This is followed by the physical suitability check-up and the determination of actual physical fitness. During this simple and complex exercise-physiological check-ups are carried out in laboratories and in certain circumstances of sports field. Out of the anthropometric data I examined age, weight, height, body mass index, optimal weight and the differences from the optimal. Bioelectric impedancy measuring was used to estimate body fat percentage. In the course of exercise-physiological check-ups I estimated and defined the relative aerob capacity. The forms of exercise used for testing the cardio-respiratorical fitness were the following: 3200-metre running, 4000-metre walking, 10-km cycling on a stationery bicycle, and bicycle-ergometer stress testings.
As an experiment I carried out vita-maxima type stress testings on the basis of the recommendations of the WHO and Conconi on bicycle- and cross-trainer ergometers. I measured the endurance of the muscle power of the shoulders and the trunk. I defined the number of maximal section contractions. The forms of exercise used for testing local muscle power-endurance were the following: push-ups, chin-ups, and sit-ups. Chapter by chapter summary of the research First chapter I collected and systematized the basic concepts. I defined the concepts of physical suitability check-ups and check-ups of physical fitness. I defined the topic systematic-scientifically and its place and role in the Hungarian Army. I found that the examined topic is interdisciplinary. Military sciences, medical sciences, education- and sport sciences are dominantly present. The physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations belong among the prevention tasks of the army’s health institute. Second chapter I researched the role of the exercise-physiological check-ups in the past, present, and future. I studied and compared the applied check-up methods in the civilian sphere, in the armies of some member countries of the NATO and in the Hungarian Army between 31.03.1998 and 31.12.2004. I experienced that the development of performance-diagnostics has increased along with the development of science and technology. The most precise testings are the complex intrumental check-ups carried out both in laboratories and in certain circumstances of sports field. Third chapter I evaluated the anthropometric, circulatory system- and power-endurance indicators of the Hungarian Army and civilian population suitable for military service. On the basis of the results of the testings performed between 31.03.1998 and 31.12.2004, it can be stated that the anthropometric data show normal values. These values are getting closer to the top tolerance level of the normal values mainly among men with the progress of age. The physical fitness of the examined population is up to the standard required from the average person. When comparing soldiers to civilian society, the expected, higher-than-theaverage physical fitness was not found to be characteristic of the soldiers. I compared the average results from 1998-2001 with those of from 2001-2004. In several cases I found a deterioration of the circulatory system- and power-endurance with both sexes and to different degrees at different age-groups. Fourth chapter I made a suggestion for the further development of the system of physical suitability checkups of the Hungarian Army. I divided the data of the exercise-physiological check-ups into two main groups. According to the scientific literature of the military, medical and sport sciences, I defined direct and indirect determinant factors. I proposed the modification of the system of the physical suitability check-ups. This contains forms of exercise, check-up protocols, stress testing data, and the evaluation system of testings.
Fifth chapter I summarized the scientific activities. I composed the scientific results of the research, the conclusions, and the recommendations. Summarized conclusions Because of the increased risks involved in the international defence policy and the international roles bourne by Hungary, the required preparedness of the nation’s soldiers has come into prominence. Suitable physical fitness is vital part of this. The challenges of the new type defence policy demand the further improvement of the physical fitness of both professional and contracted soldiers. The worsening tendency of the anthropometric and exercise-physiological data influencing the physical suitability and fighting value of the spheres suitable for military service is in connection with the methods used for checking physical suitability. That is why the further development of the system of physical suitability check-ups is needed. A detailed proposal is required for the modification of the forms of exercise, examination protocols, stress testing data and evaluation system of the methods of physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations. The requirements of physical suitability have to meet with the professional expectations and take into consideration special expectations arising during the course of the quality reform of the Hungarian Army. With the differentiation of physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations there is an opportunity for a more precise definition of the physical suitability and physical fitness of the army. I came to the conclusion that when using the new methods, the aim is to measure, to examine and to get acquinted with more and objective physiological data. According to my suggestion, physical suitability check-ups should be carried out by complex, instrumental exercisephysiological examinations. The success of the fulfilment of military tasks is a very sensitive indicator of the quality reform of the army. Because of NATO accession, European integration and globalization, the physical fitness of the army is becoming more prominent. That is why the further development of the methods of checking physical fitness is essential to the quality reform of the army. Besides the check-up system, the preparation system also has an important role, and its reform is both immediate and indispensable. Scientific results On the basis of my scientific research, I express the following results: 1. I did the systematic-scientific analysis and definition of the research topic. I experienced that the examined topic is interdisciplinary. Military, medical, education and sport sciences are dominantly present. I collected and systematized the most important basic concepts. On the basis of practice I determined the concepts of physical suitability check-up and physical fitness examination. I defined the place and role of the topic in the Hungarian Army. The physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations belong among the prevention tasks of the army’s health institute.
2. I examined the role of the analysis of stress testing and performance. I studied the applied methods for check-up physical suitability in national and international spheres. I fully analyzed and compared the applied check-up methods in the civilian sphere, in the armies of some member countries of the NATO and in the Hungarian Army between 31.03.1998 and 31.12.2004. I experienced that the development of performance-diagnostics has increased along with the development of science and technology. The most precise testings are the complex intrumental check-ups carried out both in laboratories and in certain circumstances of sports field. 3. On the basis of the results of the testings performed between 31.03.1998 and 31.12.2004, I examined and evaluated the physical fitness of the Hungarian Army and part of the civilian population suitable for military service. I analyzed in detail the anthropometric and exercise-physiological data influencing physical suitability and fighting value and determined the tendency of changing of these. On the basis of the results of the testings performed between 31.03.1998 and 31.12.2004, it can be stated that the anthropometric data show normal values. These values are getting closer to the top tolerance level of the normal values mainly among men with the progress of age. The physical fitness of the examined population is up to the standard required from the average person. When comparing soldiers to civilian society, the expected, higherthan-the-average physical fitness was not found to be characteristic of the soldiers. I compared the average results from 1998-2001 with those of from 2001-2004. In several cases I found a deterioration of the circulatory system- and power-endurance with both sexes and to different degrees at different age-groups. 4. I explored and systematized the information needed for the development of check-up methods used for the examination of the Hungarian Army and civilian sphere suitable for military service. I systematized the factors influencing physical suitability according to their direct and indirect effects. On the basis of this systematization, I determined the current questions of the physical suitability in the professional army of the Hungarian Republic. 5. I made a suggestion for the further development of the system of physical suitability check-ups of the Hungarian Army and for the modification of the methods of physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations. This proposal contains forms of exercise, check-up protocols, stress testing data, and the evaluation system of testings. The practical applicability of the results of the research and recommendations The studying of the experience of check-up methods for physical suitability used in the Hungarian Army can give us valuable information for the futher development of the system. Getting to know the examined data and its influencing factors contribute to the improvement of the fighting value. The results can be used indirectly i.e. on the level of military operations, and can be used directly in the prevention tasks of the health service. The main practical and theoretical results of the thesis are the following:
1. The elaboration and determination of the standard terminology, which helps the everyday work and communication of the experts dealing with the topic. The expansion of the terminology of the related scientific fields on the basis of practice. 2. The evaluation of the exercise-physiological data of the population suitable for military service as an indicator of suitability and fighting value. 3. Getting to know the necessary information needed for the development of the current check-up methods and aspects of analysis used for monitoring the related population. On the basis of the research, I make a suggestion for the modification and development of the methods of physical suitability check-ups and physical fitness examinations. 4. I make a suggestion for the further development of the system of physical suitability check-ups of the Hungarian Army. I would like to recommend the experience and results gained during the research to the professional and political decision makers who are responsible for conducting the reform of the Hungrian Army and to those who are concerned in the field of research and in the improvement of the alarming health statistics either by work or interest.
List of publications Kovács Péter: Fizikai Alkalmasság Vizsgálatok fejezet, In. Dr. Faludi Gábor, Dr. Ferenczy Ádám: Az önkéntes Katonai szolgálatra jelentkezők komplex egészségi és pszichés alkalmasság-vizsgálatának elméleti alapja és gyakorlati megvalósításának további fejlesztése, pályázat, MH EVI, Budapest, 2004. p.86-100 Different methods used for checking and periodically examine physical fitness in the army of some NATO countries. (felterjesztés alatt AARMS scientific journal) Kovács Péter, Terhelés- és teljesítmény-élettani mutatók vizsgálata a Magyar Honvédség és a civil szféra hadrafoghatóság szempontjából érintet területein. Nemzetvédelmi Egyetem Doktorandum, 4. szám, I. kötet, Budapest, 2002. p. 349-359 Kovács Péter, Milyen kondicionáló eszközök alkalmasak a megújuló hadsereg fizikai állapotának javítására Zrínyi Miklós Nemzetvédelmi Egyetem Katonai Logisztika 11. évfolyam 2003. 1 szám Budapest, p.265-270. Kovács Péter, Életmód programok alkalmazása a honvédelemben az EU csatlakozás küszöbén Tavaszi Szél 2003, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Sopron, 2003, p.129-132 Kovács Péter, A Magyar Honvédség fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálati rendszerének továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei, Kard és Toll, HM OTF, Budapest, 2004/2, p.13-21.
Kovács Péter, A fizikai alkalmasság aktuális kérdései az önkéntes haderőre történő áttérés küszöbén, Nemzetvédelmi Egyetemi közlemények, 2004./3, p. 204-209. Kovács Péter, Gondolatok a Magyar Honvédség fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálati rendszerének kutatási témakörként történő értelmezéséhez, Nemzetvédelmi Egyetemi közlemények, ZMNE, 2005/1, p. 195-202. Kovács Péter, A fizikai alkalmasság időszerű kérdései, Microsoft Power Point előadás, Honvédelmi miniszteri információs értekezlet, Budapest, 2003. Február 24. Kovács Péter, A Fizikai Alkalmasság Vizsgálatának Tapasztalatai a Magyar Honvédség Egészségvédelmi Intézetében 1998.03.01. és 2002.12.31 között, Microsoft Power Point előadás és tájékoztató anyag, Katonai Testnevelők Továbbképzése, Budapest, 2003. Február 27. Kovács Péter, A MH hivatásos és szerződéses állománya fizikai felmérésének tapasztalatai Microsoft Power Point előadás, A HVK EÜCSF Szakkiképzési Csoportja foglalkozása és éves értékelő-feladatszabó értekezlete, MH Egészségügyi Kiképző Központ, 2003. április 15., Budapest Kovács Péter, Életmód programok alkalmazása a honvédelemben az EU csatlakozás küszöbén, Microsoft Power Point előadás, Tavaszi Szél 2003 Konferencia, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, 2003. Kovács Péter, Az egészség megőrzésére és fejlesztésére irányuló testmozgás programok alkalmazása a védelmi szférában, Microsoft Power Point előadás, Segítő kapcsolatok szerepe a fegyveres erők testületeiben konferencia, Budapest, 2003. május 6-7. Kovács Péter, Az egészség megőrzésére szolgáló mozgásprogramok alkalmazása tábori körülmények között, Microsoft Power Point előadás és tájékoztató anyag, a MH Szállító Zászlóalj részére (Iraki misszió) Táborfalva, 2003. Július 17. Kovács Péter, Dr. Szenkovits Adeodát, A fizikai alkalmasság vizsgálatának időszerű kérdései az önkéntes haderőre történő áttérés küszöbén, Microsoft Power Point előadás, MH Orvosi Tudományos Tanács Tudományos Konferencia, Budapest, 2004. március 17. Kovács Péter, A fizikai alkalmasság vizsgálat és állapotfelmérés szerepe és felhasználásának lehetőségei az egyénre szabott életmód programok alkalmazásában, Microsoft Power Point előadás, MH Orvosi Tudományos Tanács Tudományos Konferencia, Budapest, 2004. március 17. Kovács Péter, A haderőreform folyamatában történő fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálatok tapasztalatai és aktualitásai, Microsoft Power Point előadás, HM HVK SZÜCSF munkaértekezlete, Göd, 2004. március 23.
Kovács Péter, A fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálatokhoz tartozó jogszabályok, és normatívák ismertetése, Microsoft Power Point előadás, Orvos Rezidensképzés – Katonai megelőző orvostan, Budapest, 2004. március 27. Kovács Péter, A Magyar Honvédség fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálati rendszerének továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei, Microsoft Power Point előadás, HM HVK EÜCSF 4/2003. HM. Rendelet módosítását előkészítő munkaértekezlete, 2004. április 12. Kovács Péter: HM HVK Egészségügyi Csoportfőnökség és a MH Egészségvédelmi intézet állományának 2004. évi fizikai felkészítése, Microsoft Power Point előadássorozat, és módszertani foglalkozások, 2004. Május Kovács Péter, A Magyar Honvédség fizikai alkalmasság-vizsgálati rendszerének továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei, Microsoft Power Point előadás, „Kard és Toll” Doktorandusz Konferencia, ZMNE, 2004. május 18. Kovács Péter: A katonai feladatok végrehajtására kijelölt állomány fizikai alkalmasság vizsgálata. A módszer alkalmazásának lehetősége a katasztrófa ellátásra kijelölt intézményeknél, Power Point előadás, Magyar Katonai – és Katasztrófaorvostani Társaság VII. Tudományos Konferenciája, 2004. október 14. Budapest Kovács Péter, HM Egészségvédelmi intézet állományának 2005. évi fizikai felkészítése, Microsoft Power Point előadás, és módszertani foglalkozás, 2005. május 13. Kovács Péter: A fizikai alkalmasság időszerű kérdései, valamint vizsgálatának és időszakos ellenőrzésének továbbfejlesztési irányi az önkéntes haderőben, Microsoft Power Point előadás, konferencia kiadvány, Magyar Honvédség Fizikai Felkészítők Országos Konferenciája, 2005. Április 18-19., Göd Kovács Péter és Juhász Zsolt: A külföldi katonai szolgálatra történő fizikai alkalmasság vizsgálat tapasztalatai az önkéntes haderőben, Microsoft Power Point előadás, konferencia kiadvány, Magyar Honvédség Fizikai Felkészítők Országos Konferenciája, 2005. Április 18-19., Göd Kovács Péter, A hivatásos és szerződéses katonák fizikai alkalmasságáról szóló 12/1997. HM rendelet követelmény rendszerének (mozgásanyag, értékelési rendszer) módosítása, 4. számú melléklet a 12/1997. HM rendelethez Magyar Közlöny 2001./116. szám 24/2001.(X. 20.) HM rendelet p.7996-8024 Kovács Péter, Módszertani útmutató a fizikai terhelés elvégzéséhez, Fizikai állapotvizsgálati lap, Fizikai állapot-felmérési jegyzőkönyv (2.,3.4. számú melléklet), Honvédelmi Közlöny 117/2001. Budapest, 2001. December 10. Kovács Péter, A fizikai alkalmasság vizsgálatának időszerű kérdései az önkéntes haderőre történő áttérés küszöbén, tanulmány, MH EVI belső nyilvántartott, 2003.
Curriculum Vitae Personal details Name: Rank: Place of birth: Date of birth: Nationality: Workplace: Position: Mailing address: Telephone: E-mail:
Péter Kovács Major Kisvárda 01 May, 1972 Hungarian Institute of Health Protection of Hungarian Defence Forces Deputy of Head of Department of Physical and Physiological Fitness Checking H-1555 Budapest, Pf.68. Budaörsi út 49-53. +36-30/299 88 33; +36-1/466 66 05
[email protected]
Education 2001 – 2004 1995 – 1997 1991 – 1995 1986 – 1990
Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University, Doctoral School of Military Science, Budapest Hungarian University of Physical Education, Budapest – Degree in Teacher of Physical Education György Bessenyei Teacher Training College, Nyíregyháza – Degree in Teacher of Biology and Physical Education Pál Vasvári Secondary School, Nyíregyháza – Physical Education Specialized Class
Employment 1999 – 1998 – 1999 1996 – 1998
Deputy of Head of Department of Physical and Physiological Fitness of the Institute of Health Protection of Hungarian Defence Forces Head of Exercise-Physiological Laboratory of Physical and Physiological Fitness of the Institute of Health Protection of Hungarian Defence Forces Military Vocational School and Youth Hostel, Budapest – Teacher of Physical Education
Languages 2001 2000 1998 1996
English – Type „C” Intermediate Level State Examination in Language Proficiency English – Type „B” Basic Level State Examination in Language Proficiency (extended with special military language) English – Type „A” Basic Level State Examination in Language Proficiency (extended with special military language) German – Type „C” Basic Level State Examination in Language Proficiency (extended with special sports language)