author’s review: PhD thesis of police brigadier general Zoltán Bozsó “Police task management - organizational issues and possibilities of technical development”
Budapest, 2011
1. FORMULATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM In the 20th and also in the 21st century, the functioning and activities of the different state-owned and law enforcement organizations, as well as their reaction to extreme situations have become an important issue. Social transformations have considerably influenced - strengthened o r weakened, depending on the case - the activities of the law enforcement organizations, the functioning of the organizations and the realistic formulation of the expectations. One should just think of how much people’s reaction in conflicts, the needs of people asking for help and their attitude towards law enforcement issues have changed. As a consequence of such grand scale changes, we must not only discuss the problems but also define the main directions of the activity, as well as refer to the functioning and the possibilities of changes. Extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, terrorism, military conflicts all force law enforcement organizations to have a structure that complies with the requirements of the times and to be able to control their activities accordingly, in a coordinated way. The international situation can be an important environmental factor but the internal situation influences the activities to an even greater extent. Society expects constant, high reactivity and conflict managing law enforcement, as well as a functioning that’s able to differentiate. Needs point at a fast, little short of immediate solutions and are combined with firmness. Conflicts can only be solved lawfully, with a firm conduct, otherwise the acceptance and the sympathy for the organization decreases. Police task management is a very timely and interesting subject nowadays. My objective is not to approach the subject from the perspective of the events of the recent years but to present a summary and an analysis of the essence and role of task management. In the course of my work, I have often found myself in situations when there would have been a need for a study / case studies that would have helped to increase the effectiveness of the decisions, of the awareness of the situation and of the task management. In my thesis, I wish to summarize my experiences until now, to offer assistance and to make recommendations concerning the future. Starting from all the above mentioned facts, I consider the diversity of organizational issues, tasks and requirements of task management a timely problem. There are no elaborated models of managing the performance of tasks of the police forces deployed in different activities (policing sporting events, policing visits of prominent persons or crowd control / escort), unification of commanding "working methods and style” and document systems. Although the technical subsystem of task management has made a step towards unification, the necessary database exchange access and the use of the multimedia service networks are incomplete and missing element in the field of mobile task management, which I also consider a scientific problem.
2. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH Formulating the aims of my research, I have considered the use of the solutions to the problem a priority. That is: - the exploration and the analysis of the sources / specialized literature, analysis of police reports on the subject; - the analysis of the legislation which gave me a basis for elaboration of the organizational tasks of task management; - the search for new communication technologies which can be suitable for the renewal of the technical subsystem of the task management; 3. RESEARCH METHODS Using the method of secondary research, I have explored and elaborated the available specialized literature: primarily national, to a lesser extent international. I have systematized the knowledge that I have gained in this way, then drawn the appropriate conclusions. Furthermore: 1. I have made a research on the structure of the dispatch system of the stateowned and law enforcement organizations, studied the importance of and the appropriate way to record the gathering of information. 2. I have analyzed the development of the technical subsystem of the task management by adapting new technologies. 3. I have systematized and presented the tasks, the rules and the regulations, as well as the lawful obligation in the filed of police activity and its control. 4. I have explored the organizational and technical possibilities to develop police task management, analyzed the problems that had occurred and worked out, as a solution, a recommendation for the use of new communication technology and system in order to increase the effectiveness of task management.
4. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ANAYLSIS PER CHAPTER In CHAPTER ONE, I have done the general presentation of dispatch duties via the dispatch systems of different organizations. I have summarized the dispatch forms and time schedule systems, then presented the legal background related to the task management. The dispatch duty of the police performs remarkably wide-ranging activities on the basis of the different legislation, decrees, internal norms that can be found in the appendix. There are effects involving legal consequences that are related to nearly every kind of measure, concerning both the police and the citizens. This duty - on its field o f activity - , adjusting itself to the needs, is the controller of, and if necessary actively involved in saving human lives and material goods. It is a prominently important means of averting a disaster or a considerable material damage, of maintaining or eventually restoring public order and safety, and, in certain situations, of protecting our country's sovereignty as well.
The aim of organizing dispatch duty is to assist the permanent functioning of the Ministry, the ministerial organizations and the independent organizations of internal affairs; to maintain the permanent flow of information between the cooperating parties and among each other; to take the necessary and urgent measures related to extreme situations; to inform the organizations and persons authorized and obliged to take measures; to inform the managers.
In CHAPTER TWO, I have exposed the different ways of task management and of policing events and extreme situations in detail. I present the analysis of the order of the staff and the management in conflicts and from the perspective of extreme situations. I have presented the make up of the deployed riot control forces, the tasks of their units, as well as the diversity of organizational and management issues. In the interest of policing the journey of the crowd of high risk sporting or other events, of maintaining the main routes they use and of the safety of transport, I have analyzed the control tasks. I have presented the police control of the trip on the basis of the request from the force responsible for policing, as well as the tasks of the police forces that are concerned because of the route before and after the event. According to my experiences in practice, I have elaborated and presented the possibilities to use groupings and the moments of preparation of the activity controlling commanders as well as the possibilities of task management.
In CHAPTER THREE, I have summarized, on the basis of the experiences of my research, the test tasks and practical forming possibilities of the police communication system founded on new technologies and presented the tests of the system and their results. I have elaborated recommendations for the construction of the info-communication system based on the new technology. I have studies as separate fields: - the basis of the possibilities to use the new technology - the issues of information safety - extension features and areas of use - the structure of the new communication system and - I have presented the results achieved during the tests I have analyzed the system structurally: - for densely populated areas, - for area covering networks - and for large water surfaces. As a conclusion, in terms of the above mentioned facts, I have worked out recommendations, which - in my view - can be instrumental in the modernization of the Police and in the acceleration of its development to a large extent.
2.) 3.)
I have presented the system and the components of the policing task management as well as the involved groupings and their specifications in the course of different (primarily mass) events. I have formulated and presented the new technology applicable to the policing task management and its safety components. By performing a series of tests, I have tested the stationary-mobile WIMAX network system that can be adapted for the Police and used for policing task management.
6. PUBLICATION LIST OF THE DOCTORAL CANDIDATE ON THE SUBJECT SÁRKÖZI-SZABÓ-BOZSÓ: Közrendvédelmi ismeretek tankönyv Budapest, 1999. pp.: 35-39 BOZSÓ: Amit a kábítószerekről tudni kell. Vác, 1999. 56p. BOZSÓ-NÉMETH: Együtt az Ifjúság Jövőjéért! Holland-magyar könyv. Budapest, 2003. 11p. BOZSÓ: A Rendőrségi tevékenység irányítás, a törzs működése. ZMNE, Budapest, Kommunikáció 2005. pp: 27-39. BOZSÓ: A rendkívüli helyzetek kezelése és irányítása, a törzs működése. Kard és Toll 2006/1. szám pp: 88-98. ZMNE, Budapest, 2006. BOZSÓ: A rendőrségi ügyeleten található technikai rendszerek és eszközök, valamint alkalmazási szabályaik elektronikus publikáció www.zmne.hu/kmdi/publikaciok/fiatalkut.pdf/bozso BOZSÓ: Rendőri intézkedések rendje a sportlétesítményben és azon kívül. ZMNE, Budapest, Kommunikáció 2006. pp:330-333 BOZSÓ-RAJNAI: The order of police actions inside and autside of sport establishments AARMS 2007. Vol. 8, No 2. pp: 195-198. PMRFK felkészült-e az EU csatlakozásra? Előadás Nemzetközi Konferencia Budapest, 2003. 03. 23. FORMA 1 Magyar Nagydíj biztosítása Nemzetközi FIA beszámoló előadás Hungaroring 2003. 07. 20. Balesetmegelőzési szaktábor Salgóbánya, 2003. 08. 05. balesetmegelőzési tevékenység Pest megyében, előadás. SHIBA Nemzetközi szeminárium Budapest, 2003. 11. 07. PMRFK a minőségfejlesztés tükrében, előadás
Szlovák -rom án -magyar rendőrségi együttműködés tapasztalatai nemzetközi megbeszélés Budapest, 2003. 11. 24. Az együttműködés tapasztalatai további lehetőségek. Holland - magyar nemzetközi ifjúságvédelmi konferencia Budapest, 2003. 11. 25. Gyermek és fiatalkorú bűnözés előadás / megjelent konferencia kiadványban Budapest, 2003. 11. 25. 11 oldal / Gondolkodjunk együtt Pest megye közbiztonságáról konferencia Budapest, 2004. 04. 14. PMRFK Közbiztonsági tevékenysége, előadás Gazdasági és közlekedési Minisztérium IIASA - SHIBA Nemzetközi konferencia Budapest, 2004. 10. 14. A PMRFK Minőségfejlesztés útján, előadás A rendőrségi tevékenységirányítás, a törzs működése Kommunikáció 2005. II. Szekció előadás Csopaki Továbbképző és Módszertani Központ Csopak, 2005. 05. 27. A PMRFK 2004-2005 évi tevékenysége, előadások Egészségtábor Balatongyörök 1995 - 2010. Balesetmegelőzés gyerekszemmel, előadások FORMA 1 Magyar nagydíj biztosítása Mogyoród: 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. Törökország FORMA 1 biztosítás végrehajtása Törökország: 2005. 2006. 2007. 2009. Spanyol FORMA 1 biztosítás végrehajtása Barcelona 2010. előadás A rendőrségi tevékenység irányítás, a törzs működése című előadás Kommunikáció 2005. Nemzetközi konferencia /megjelent könyv 2005. ZMNE. Nyomda 12 oldal/ Román - magyar rendőri együttműködés tapasztalatai Románia 2005. 11. 21-23. előadás Éljünk tovább! Konferencia Budapest 2005. 11. 28. Balesetmegelőzési kampány előadás
FORMA 1 Magyar Nagydíj nyílt rendőri biztosításának főbb kérdései című Angol nyelvű előadás Budapest Kommunikáció 2006. PhD. Szekció ppt. Bemutató 2006. 10. 25.
Közterületek biztonság Szakmai Tudományon Konferencia Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság előadás Budapest, 2006. 11. 09. Országos KMB konferencia Budapest, 2008. előadás Rendészeti Munkaműhely Nemzetközi Konferencia Providing public security at mass events in Budapest, 2009. 09. 08-10. előadás MLSZ Biztonsági Konferencia: A labdarúgó mérkőzések rendőri Biztosításának tapasztalatai előadás Budapest, 2009. Városbiztonsági Nemzetközi Konferencia Madrid 2009. Európai fővárosok Rendőr-főkapitányságainak Nemzetközi Konferenciája München 2009. Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság konferencia előadás Budapest 2009. Európai fővárosok Rendőr-főkapitányságainak Nemzetközi Konferenciája Bécs 2010. „Vigyázunk Rád” program előadás Budapest 2009-2010