Curriculum Vitae
Personal information András Inotai PharmD PhD First name(s) / Surname(s) András Inotai Address(es)
119 Thököly út, 1146 Budapest, Hungary
+36 1 787 0083
+36 1 220 5768
E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender
[email protected] Hungarian 5 February 1984 male
Occupational field Senior researcher in pharmacoeconomics Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector
From September 2011 (4 years): Part time lecturer and module leader Leader of Patient Reported Outcomes module Health Economics Research Centre, Department of Health Policy and Health Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Public university From September 2009 (6 years): Senior pharmacoeconomist Health technology assessment, critical appraisal of health economic evaluations, patient reported outcomes, drug utilization and burden of disease studies Syreon Research Institute Strategic research and consultancy (SME) September 2007 – August 2009 (2 years) PhD student PhD research on the pharmacoeconomic aspects of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in rheumatoid arthritis focusing on the selective COX-2 inhibitors; lecturer Semmelweis University Faculty of Pharmacy Public university
Scientific appointments Dates
2016 – 2017
Position held
Past President
ISPOR Hungary Chapter
2014 – 2015
Position held
ISPOR Hungary Chapter
2013 – 2013
Position held
Vice-president for International Affairs
ISPOR Hungary Chapter
2013 –
Position held
ISPOR CEE Network Newsletter
2011 -
Position held
Journal of Health Policy & Outcomes Research
University Degrees Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subject University
2011 Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacoeconomic aspects of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in rheumatoid arthritis focusing on the selective COX-2 inhibitors School of Ph.D Studies, Semmelweis University, Budapest
Level in international classification
Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects University Level in international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects University Level in international classification
Postgraduate diploma in Pharmaceutical Policy and Pharmacoeconomics Health Economics, Economic Modelling, Pharmacoeconomics, Patient Reported Outcomes, Epidemiology, Health Policy, Financing of Health Care Eötvös Loránd Science University, Budapest Postgradual diploma 2007 Pharmacist Pharmacy administration, pharmacoeconomics Semmelweis University Faculty of Pharmacy, Budapest Pharm.D.
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s) Self-assessment
European level (*)
English German
Speaking Spoken interaction
Spoken production
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences
8 years of experience in pharmacoeconomics Strong presentation, organizational and leadership skills
Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences
Strong organizational and project management skills in matrix organisation Experience in international research projects Research track record evidenced by publications Good technical knowledge and extensive experience in health economics, outcomes research and health technology assessement
Other references Member, ISPOR Hungary Chapter (2010- ) Member, Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (2007- )
Annexes List of peer-reviewed scientific publications
Publications – András Inotai PhD Updated: 2015.04.
Number of books: Number of book chapters: Number of peer-reviewed full text scientific publications: Total impact factor of full text papers: Number of independent citations: h-index
3 3 28 18.324 80 4
Peer-reviewed English-language scientific publications with impact factor 1.
Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2009) Economic evaluation of NSAID strategies in rheumatoid arthritis. Cost-effectiveness of celecoxib in Hungary. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 25: 190-195. IF: 1.794 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462309090242 Number of documents citing this paper: 5
Inotai A, Hankó B, Mészáros Á. (2010) Trends in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug market in six Central-Eastern European countries based on retail information. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 19: 183-190. IF: 2.339 DOI: 10.1002/pds.1893 Number of documents citing this paper: 20
Ágh T, Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2011) Factors associated with medication adherence in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration 82: 328-334. IF: 2.258 DOI: 10.1159/000324453 Number of documents citing this paper: 27
Inotai A, Rojkovich B, Fülöp A, Jászay E, Ágh T, Mészáros Á. (2012) Health related quality of life and utility in patients receiving biological and non-biological treatments in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheum Int, 32: 963-969. IF: 2.214 DOI: 10.1007/s00296-010-1721-x Number of documents citing this paper: 8
Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2012) Determinants of nsaid choice in rheumatoid arthritis - a drug utilization study. Acta Pol Pharm, 69: 773-777. IF: 0.665 Number of documents citing this paper: 2
Kaló Z, Boncz I, Inotai A. (2012) Implications of economic crisis on health care decisionmaking in Hungary: An opportunity to change? Journal of Health Policy and Outcomes Research, 1: 20-26 IF: 0 Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Inotai A, Nuijten M, Roth E, Hegazi R, Kaló Z. (2012) Modelling the burden of disease associated malnutrition. e-SPEN Journal, 7: e196-e204 IF: 0 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnme.2012.07.003 Number of documents citing this paper: 3
Inotai A, Pékli M, Jóna G, Nagy O, Remák E, Kaló Z. (2012) Attempt to increase the transparency of fourth hurdle implementation in Central-Eastern European middle income countries: publication of the critical appraisal methodology. BMC Health Serv Res 12: 332 IF: 1.773 DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-12-332 Number of documents citing this paper: 3
Inotai A, Ágh T, Mészáros Á. (2012) Quality of life, utility and health burden in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 2: 505-510. IF: 0 DOI: 10.5750/ijpcm.v2i3.254 Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Inotai A, Petrova G, Vitezic D, Kaló Z. (2014) Benefits of investment into modern medicines in Central-Eastern European countries. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 14(1): 71-79. IF: 1.870 DOI: 10.1586/14737167.2014.868314.
Kwong D, Ferrario A, Adamski J, Inotai A, Kaló Z. (2014) Managing the introduction of new and high-cost drugs in challenging times: the experience of Hungary and Poland. Eurohealth incorporating Euro Observer, 20: 25-28. IF: 0
Ágh T, Dömötör P, Bártfai Z, Inotai A, Fujsz E, Mészáros Á. (2015) Relationship between medication adherence and health related quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. Resp care, 60(2):297-303. IF: 1.840
Kaló Z, Holtorf AP, Alfonso-Cristancho R, Shen J, Ágh T, Inotai A, Brixner D. (2015) Need for multi-criteria evaluation of generic drug policies. Value in Health, 18(2):346-51. IF: 2.891 doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2014.12.012.
Ágh T, Kovács G, Pawaskar M, Supina D, Inotai A, Vokó Z. (2015) Epidemiology, HealthRelated Quality of Life and Economic Burden of Binge Eating Disorder: a Systematic Literature Review. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 20(1):1-12. IF: 0.68 doi: 10.1007/s40519-014-0173-9.
Inotai A, Abonyi-Tóth Zs, Rokszin Gy, Vokó Z (2015). Prognosis, cost and occurrence of colorectal-, lung-, breast-, and prostate cancer in Hungary. Value in Health Regional Issues. 7C:1-8. IF: 0
Total IF: 18.324
Scientific books and chapters in Hungarian 1.
Kaló Z, Inotai A, Nagyjánosi L. [Health Economic Syllabus I. Economic Analysis of Health Technologies]. Professional Publishing Hungary Kft, Medical Tribune Division, Budapest, 2009. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-87660-8-3 Number of documents citing this book: 2
Kaló Z, Inotai A, Lukovics M. [Health Economic Syllabus II. Economic Analysis of Health Market, Finance and Investment]. Professional Publishing Hungary Kft, Medical Tribune Division, Budapest, 2010. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-87660-7-6
Inotai A, Lovas K, Kaló Z (eds). [Patient Reported Outcomes]. SprindMed Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-9695-15-3 a. Nagy B, Inotai A: [Utility in health economics]. In: Inotai A, Lovas K, Kaló Z (eds). Patient Reported Outcomes. SprindMed Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-9695-15-3 b. Inotai A, Borsi A, Kaló Z: [Utility measurement]. In: Inotai A, Lovas K, Kaló Z (eds). Patient Reported Outcomes. SprindMed Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-9695-15-3 c. Inotai A, Borsi A, Kaló Z: [Quality adjusted life years]. In: Inotai A, Lovas K, Kaló Z (eds). Patient Reported Outcomes. SprindMed Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. [in Hungarian] ISBN: 978-963-9695-15-3
Peer-reviewed Hungarian-language scientific publications 1.
Inotai A, Bodrogi J. (2007) Költség-kontroll technikák a magyar gyógyszer-finanszírozásban [Cost control techniques in Hungarian medicine reimbursement]. Acta Pharm Hung, 77: 190196.
Inotai A, Vincze Z. (2008) NSAID szerek költség-értékelése rheumatoid arthritisben az érvényben lévő terápiás protokoll alapján [Cost study of NSAID use in rheumatoid arthritis based on recent therapeutic protocols]. Acta Pharm Hung, 78: 79-86.
Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2008) A celecoxib költséghatékonysági vizsgálata rheumatoid arthritisben. IME Az egészségügyi vezetők szaklapja, 7: 48-50. Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Inotai A, Kaló Z, Mészáros Á. (2009) Egészség-gazdaságtani modellek szerepe a döntéshozatal előkészítésében [Decision analytic modeling and their impact on health care decision making]. Acta Pharm Hung, 79: 63-69. Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Inotai A, Rojkovich B, Mészáros Á. (2010) Orális nem-szteroid gyulladás-gátló gyógyszerek felhasználásának vizsgálata a Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház II. Reumatológia osztályának rheumatoid arthritises betegei között [The assessment of oral NSAID use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Hungary-a cross sectional non interventional study]. Acta Pharm Hung, 80: 47-54.
Inotai A, Kaló Z. (2010) Az egészségügyi ágazat, mint közszolgáltatás kutatási, fejlesztési és innovációs stratégiája és az ágazat innovációs folyamatainak vizsgálata. Egészségügyi Gazdasági Szemle, 48: 33-38.
Inotai A, Merész G, Kaló Z. (2010) A magyar gyógyszerkiadások nagyságának értékelése [Assessment of the pharmaceutical expenditure in Hungary]. Acta Pharm Hung, 80: 162-172. Number of documents citing this paper: 2
Rojkovich B, Inotai A. (2011) A nem szteroid gyulladáscsökkentők cardiovascularis biztonságossága. Lege Artis Medicinae, 21: 123-125. Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Inotai A, Merész G, Kaló Z. (2011) Gyógyszerkiadások nagyságának értékelése Magyarországon a Széll Kálmán terv tükrében. Egészségügyi Gazdasági Szemle. 49: 9-13.
Inotai A, Kaló Z. (2012) Kockázat-megosztási technikák alkalmazása a közepes jövedelmű országokban [Risk sharing methods in middle income countries]. Acta Pharm Hung, 82: 43-52. Number of documents citing this paper: 1
Kaló Z, Merész G, Mezei D, Tótth Á, Inotai A. (2012) A Széll Kálmán Terv gyógyszerágazati fejezetének szakmai megalapozottsága és következményei. IME Az egészségügyi vezetők szaklapja, 11: 12-16.
Inotai A, Nagy B, Kaló Z. (2012) Biohasonló készítmények és bizonyítékokon alapuló egészségpolitikai döntéshozatal Középkelet-Európában. Orvostovábbképző Szemle, 19: 69-73.
Vokó Z, Inotai A, Horváth Cs, Bors K, Speer G, Kaló Z. (2013) Csontritkulásban szenvedő betegek életminősége Magyarországon. LAM KID, 3: 35–41.
Citable abstracts – English and Hungarian language 1.
Mészáros Á, Inotai A. (2008) A rheumatoid arthritis nem-szteroid gyulladás-gátlókkal történő kezelésének költséghatékonysági szempontjai. Gyógyszerészet, (Suppl): 26-27.
Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2008) Cost-effectiveness of celecoxib compared to conventional NSAIDs and NSAID+PPI combination therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Value Health, 11: A549. (IF: 3.009)
Inotai A, Mészáros Á, Rojkovich B, Fülöp A. (2009) Rheumatoid arthritises betegek életminősége a Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház II. Reumatológia Osztályán végzett kérdőíves felmérés alapján. Gyógyszerészet, 11(Suppl 1): S122.
Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2009) Hat Közép-Európai ország NSAID felhasználásának gyógyszerutilizációs vizsgálata nagykereskedelmi kiszállítások alapján. Gyógyszerészet, 11(Suppl 1): S121-S122.
Kaló Z, Pékli M, Inotai A. (2009) Quality assurance of fourth hurdle in Hungary – a methodological approach. Value Health, 12(7): A239. (IF: 3.032) Number of documents citing this paper: 2
Rojkovich B, Inotai A, Mészáros Á, Jászay E, Imre K, Mészáros Gy. (2010) Patient and physicians global assessment on disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis. Magy Reumatol, 51: 190-191.
Inotai A, Merész G, Kaló Z. (2011) Government reduces public pharmaceutical expenditure in Hungary: rational decisions in challenging economic times? Value Health, 14: A346. (IF: 2.191)
Kaló Z, Inotai A, Nuijten M. (2011) The economic burden of disease related malnutrition in Europe. Value Health, 14: A348. (IF: 2.191)
Ágh T, Inotai A, Mészáros Á. (2011) Comparison of generic and disease specific quality of life measures in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Value Health, 14: A498-499. (IF: 2.191)
Kaló Z, Inotai A, Merész G. (2012) International comparison of pharmaceutical expenditure in middle income countries: methodological questions. Value Health, 15: A21. (IF: 2.191)
Mészáros Á, Ágh T, Inotai A. (2012) Utility and human capital loss in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and rheumatoid arthritis - The impact of prevalence, disease specific mortality and utility decrement on overall health burden. Value Health, 15: A542 (IF: 2.191)
Kalo Z, Abonyi-Tóth Z, Rokszin G, Katona L, Ágh T, Inotai A. (2013) Impact of Switching on Health Care Costs and Outcomes in Generic Drug Policies. Value in Health, 16: A537. (IF: 2.891)
Abonyi-Tóth Z, Kalo Z, Ágh T, Inotai A, Katona L, Rokszin G, Jozwiak-Hagymásy J. (2013) Assessment of Generic Drug Policy Implementation by Measuring Persistence with Antihypertensive Drug Therapies After Patent Expiry. Value in Health, 16: A537. (IF: 2.891)
Ágh T, Inotai A, Bártfai Z, Mészáros Á. (2013) Relationship Between Medication Adherence and Quality of Life in COPD – Systematic Review. Value in Health, 16: A374 (IF: 2.891)
Inotai A, Kaló Z, Vitezic D, Petrova G. (2014) Transferability Of International Evidence On The Benefits Of Innovative Medicines Into Central Eastern European Countries. Value in Health, 17: A33 (IF: 2.891)
Inotai A, Abonyi-Tóth Z, Rokszin G, Vokó Z. (2014) Occurrence, survival and annual cost of colorectal-, breast-, prostate- and lung cancer in Hungary. Value in Health, 17: A553 (IF: 2.891)
Inotai A, Csanádi M, Hankó B, Kaló Z. (2015) Principles of policy framework in the pharmaceutical wholesale and retail system in lower income European countries. Value in Health (IF: 2.891)