5. Učebnice str. 74, cvičení 5. Vybíráme podle jídelního lístku. What is on the menu? I like to eat and my parents like to go to restaurants. We like Chinese food. We go to Yellow River or Red Apple every month. In the Chinese restaurants the menus are in Czech, English and Chinese. Sometimes, in other restaurants, they have pictures of the dishes on the menus. I collect those menus. The waiters and waitresses cannot speak Czech very well. They are able to ask: „What are you going to have?“ Or „What would you like?“ Or „Ready to order?“ But it is not easy for them to understand what we say in Czech. So my father says: „For me, number 4 and number 32.“ Then my mum says: „For me also number 4 and number 21, please.“ This means that they are going to have hot and sour soup, which they like very much, and beef with Chinese vegetables and chicken with pineapple. They order the same dishes everywhere ! I like adventure, so I close my eyes and I think of a number. Then I say: „I’ll have 7, it’s my favourite number. And because we are three, and three by seven is 21, I’m going to have 21.“ I wish the Czech menus had numbers on them, too.
a dish [diš] jídlo, které objednáváme mean [mi:n] zde: znamenat to order [o:(r)dә] objednat 3 by 7 sedmkrát tři
6. Učebnice str. 74, cvičení 6.
Toto je poslechové cvičení. Najdi správné odpovědi a vepiš A) B) C) nebo D).
1) The reservation was in the name of ____ A) Carpenter alias Tesař B) Baker alias Pekař alias [æliәs] C) Wheeler alias Kolář D) Potter alias Hrnčíř
2) The student showed his ____ A) ID card B) credit card C) photograph D) passport
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3) The student ____ a room. A) could get B) could not get C) got D) was able to get
Učebnice strana 77. Dopiš minulý čas a příčestí. Tvary nepravidelných sloves najdeš v tomto sešitě na stranách 92-93. 1. I did not FALL from the bike. → Did you? Yes, I ________. FELL FALLEN → Have you ___________ ? 2. I did not BREAK my phone. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ it? 3. I did not RUN one kilometer. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ one km? 4. I did not FORGET the homework. → Did you? Yes, I __________ it. → Have you _____________ the homework? 5. I did not SPEAK English. → Did you? Yes, I __________ English. → Have you ___________ English?
7. I did not SEE that film. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ Shrek? 8. I did not TAKE a snack. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ a snack?
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6. I did not SWIM 500 meters. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ 500 m?
9. I did not DO the homework. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. DID DONE → Have you ___________ it ?
18. I did not RING. → Did you? Yes, I ________ . → Have you _________ ?
10. I did not GO home. → Did you? Yes, I ________ home. → Have you _________ home?
19. I did not WEAR this. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ it?
11. I did not EAT my snack. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ it?
20. I did not SHOW this. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you __________ it?
12. I did not GIVE any money. → Did you? Yes, I ________ some. → Have you __________ any?
21. I did not FLY to London. → Did you? Yes, I ________ there. → Have you ________ there?
13. I did not COME late. → Did you? Yes, I _________ late. → Have you ________ late? 14. I did not DRINK coke. → Did you? Yes, I __________ it. → Have you ________ coke? 15. I did not WRITE the homework. → Did you? Yes, I __________ it. → Have you ___________ it ? 16. I did not KNOW this CD. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ it ? 17. I did not SING this song. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you ___________ it ?
22. I did not SLEEP late. → Did you? Yes, I ________ late. → Have you ________ late? 23. I did not READ the book. → Did you? Yes, I ________ it. → Have you __________ it? 24. I did not SAY this. → Did you? Yes, I _______ it. → Have you _________ it?
8. Učebnice str. 80-81. A: B: A: B: A:
a) Excuse me, these skis are___________________ . OK, would you like _______________ ones? Yes, please. What shoe size do you have? ____________.
A: B: A: B: A:
Good morning. Good morning. _____________________________ ? I’d like to exchange these boots. What’s the problem? They are too big. Can I get a _____________ size, please?
A: Can you help me, please? I need some ski gloves. But these are very _____________. Do you have some _____________ ones? B: Here you are. A: How much are they? B: They are not _______________. You can have a look. A: Can I try them on? b) Rozhovory přelož, tedy napiš česky do sešitu.
9. Učebnice str. 83.
Have you lost something?
Opiš si rozhovory do sešitu a nauč se je zpaměti. 21 Potom správně spoj věty. I have lost my gloves. What do they look like? They’re dark blue. I have lost my hat.
What does it look like?
It’s red.
What did they look like?
The ski poles were new.
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Minulý nebo předpřítomný? Past or present perfect? P R A už / ještě, někdy, vždy, nikdy určitý bod v minulosti V I D minulost jako by pokračuje minulost je uzavřená L → minulý čas → předpřítomný čas Určení času je na začátku nebo na konci věty: I was there yesterday. Yesterday I was there. The day before yesterday ... Last week ... Last summer ... A year ago ... In 2010 ... On Sunday ... In September ... From 4 to 5 o’clock ... At 6 o´clock in the morning ... An hour ago ... Before eight ...
1) Určení času je na začátku nebo na konci věty: I have been here today. Today I have been here. Nebo jen: I have been here! This week ... This month ... For two minutes ... Since 2011 ... Since Sunday ... Since September ... many times yet 2) Určení času je za podmětem + have: already never I have never been here. always
Zapamatuj si toto rozlišení pro věty jako: Kdy jste šli domů? When did you go home? We went home very late. Už jsi to udělal(a) ? Have you already done it? Ještě jsem to neudělal(a). I haven’t done it yet. Už jsi jedl(a)? Have you eaten?
Ještě ne. Not yet. Yes, we have already eaten.
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Příprava na celostátní testování žáků 9. tříd
1. Vyber správně napsanou větu. (A) I saw that film on Saturday. (B) I have seen that film on Saturday. (C) I have see that film on Saturday. (D) I seen that film on Saturday. (E) I have been seeing that film on Saturday. 2. Vyber správně napsanou větu. (A) Tom, you go home at five? (B) Tom, you going home at five? (C) Tom, have you gone home at five? (D) Tom, have you go home at five? (E) Tom, did you go home at five?
3. Vyber správně napsanou větu. (A) Last summer we are going to England. (B) Last summer we go to England. (C) Last summer we have gone to England. (D) Last summer we went to England. (E) Last summer we goed to England.
4. Vyber správně napsanou větu. (A) Did you finish doing the test yet? (B) Are you finishing doing the test yet? (C) Have you finished doing the test yet? (D) Have you finish doing the test yet? (E) Did you finished doing the test yet?
Správná odpověď = 1 bod. Kolik máš bodů? Napiš: _________ A correct answer = 1 point. How many points have you got? 1A), 2E), 3D), 4C
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