Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 1-6, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Degradation and Extraction of Chitin and Chitosan from Shells of Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) Mempelajari Proses Degradasi dan Ekstraksi Chitin dan Chitosan dari Kulit Udang (Nephorps norvegicus) Syarif Bastaman The Institute for Research on Chemurgy and Multifarious (Miscellaneous) Industry The Institute for Research and development of Agro-based Industry (IRDABI) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – Chitin dan chitosan dihasilkan dari kulit udang jenis Nephrops noregicus yang diperoleh dari industry makanan laut di Irlandia Utara. Proses degradasi dari bahan yang mengandung chitin telah dipelajari dengan perlakuan suhu, waktu dan ukuran partikel. Parameter mutu berupa kadar abu, rendemen, kadar air, derajat deasetilasi, berat molekul, viskositas, daya rentang dan suhu transisi gelas telah dianalisis dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan produk chitin dan chitosan standar. Faktor penting yang mempengaruhi mutu chitin dan chitosan adalah metode ekstraksi, suhu dan waktu deasetilasi. Suhu 120°C dan waktu selama 60 menit menghasilkan chitosan yang cukup baik. Diketahui bahwa ekstraksi chitin yang dilakukan 2 kali menghasilkan rendemen chitin 8,5 % dan rendemen chitosan 73,19% dari chitin yang dihasilkan.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 7-10, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Askorbat dan Natrium Eritorbat Pada Pembuatan Kolangkaling (Arenga pinnata Merr) Dalam Sirup The Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate on Processing of Kolang-kaling (Arengapinnata Merr) in Syrup Dwi Sutrisniati, Harry Wiriano Balai Pengembangan Makanan, Minuman dan Phytokimia Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – Antioxidants were added to the processing of “ kolang-kaling” (Arenga pinnata Merr) in syrup processing as ascorbic acid, sodium erythorbate, a mixture of ascorbic acid and sodium erythorbate the products were stored at room temperaqture for three months. Total soluble solid, pH, vitamin C, total bacterial count and organoleptic test were observed during storage. The addition of ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid and sodium erythorbate resulted in decreasing of pH and increasing of vitamin C, while the total soluble solid was stable. Total soluble solid increased but vitamin C decreased during store. Organoleptic test showed that the addition of these antioxidants was basically acceptable.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 11-14, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Penelitian Pengawetan Nenas Segar dalam Larutan Gula A Study on Preservation of Pineapple Slices in Sugar Solution Endah Djubaedah Jusufa), Toni Sugandarb) dan A. Basrah Enie a) a)
Balai Penelitian Makanan, Minuman dan Fito Kimia Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122 Akademi Kimia Analis Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 7, Bogor 16122
Abstract – Preservation of pineapple slices in sugar solution has been conducted. Chemical preservative used was sodium benzoic. The concentrations of sugar (= sucrose) used were 0% dan 65%, while those of sodium benzoic were 0 and 0.15%. plastic bags were used as packaging material using vacuum and nonvacuum seal. It was found out that the best treatment was those with 65% sucrose in combination with non vacuum sealing in plastic bag. The shelf life of this product was five days at room temperature.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 15-18, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Mempelajari Pengaruh suhu, pH dan Waktu Hidrolisa Terhadap Rendemen Pektin Hasil Ekstraksi Kulit Buah Markisa (Passiflora edulis Sims) A Study on The Effect of Temperature, pH and Hidrolizing Time in The Extraction of Pecitin from Passion Fruit Pericarp (Passiflora edulis Sims) Subardjo, Siti Sofiah, Entjep Tarmidji dan Juli Astuti Balai Penelitian Makanan, Minuman dan Fito Kimia Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – A study on the effect of temperature, pH and time in hydrolyzing passion fruit pericarp to produce pectin has been conducted. The result showed that the application of variable temperature altered the amount of pectin obtained significantly. However there was no significant effect of using variable pH and time of hidrolization as well as their interactions on it. As much as 11,89% (d.b) of pectin was obtained at the hidrolization temperature of 100°C, which was higher compared to that of the temperature of 60°C (9,85%) and of 80°C (10,54%). Pectin obtained from the passion fruit pericarp extraction was categorized as a High Methoxyl Pectin which has the methoxyl content of more than 7%, with a jelly grade of 100 and a slow set characteristic that is setting time of about 3 minutes.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 19-23, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Pembuatan Oleoresin Lada Hitam (Piper nigrum) Dari Sisa Penyulingan Uap Minyak Atsirinya The Preparation of An Oleoresin from A Black Pepper Steam Distillation Residu Achmad Moestafa Balai Pengembangan Khemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – the single stage solvent extraction of pepper oleoresin did not always give satisfactory results. It might be below or over the standard. To solve the problem the pepper was processed using two stages extraction. First the lvolatile oil was isolated by means of steam distillation and the solvent extraction was conducted. To meet the standard qualification the volatile oil and resin were blended. It was found that the best solvent for oleoresin extraction was ethanol. It produced 15 % oleoresin and 49 % pipperine. The resin and pipperine from the distillation residu was more than those from ethylene dichloride extraction.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 24-26, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Pengaruh Umur tanaman Terhadap Komposisi Minyak Curcuma mangga Val. The effect of Plant-Age on the Oil Composition of Curcuma mangga Val. Salya Sait dan Enny Hawani Lubis Balai Pengembangan Khemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – The essential oil obtained from Curcuma mangga rhizomes, which were collected throughout the harvesting season, in the plant age of 9, 10, 11 months, were studied using gas chromatography and chemical as well as physic-chemical methods. During the period of the highest essential oil yield (the age of 11), the higher the percentages of ocimene the lower the percentages of myrcene and lower ester number; meanwhile the lowest essential oil yield (the age of 10), the higher ester number were found.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 27-29, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Pengaruh Lama Pelayuan Bahan Terhadap Minyak Atsiri dan Kandungan Menthol Bebas dari Tanaman Mentha (Mentha arvensis Linn). The Withering Effect of Raw Material on Essential Oils and its Free Menthol Content of Mentha (Mentha arvensis Linn). Helmud P. Simanjuntak dan Edy Soelistyo Balai Pengembangan Khemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – The result showed that one day storage (withwring) gave the yield of 2.28%, and free menthol content of 51.59%. it was obvious that both the yield and free menthol content obtained from one day storage are higher than those obtained from two, three and four days storage.
Warta IHP/J.of Agro-Based Industry Vol. 6 No. 2, pp 30-32, 1989 Penelitian/ Research Minyak Atsiri dari Batang dan Daun Tanaman Jahe Merah SUMBER YANG KAYA AKAN LINALIL ASETAT Essential Oil from The Leaves and Stems of The Red Ginger Plant A RICH SOURCE OF LINALYL ACETATE Salya Sait dan Enny Hawani Lubis Balai Pengembangan Khemurgi dan Aneka Industri Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian (BBIHP) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 11, Bogor 16122
Abstract – The chemical constituents of an essential oil obtained from the leaves and stems of the plant Zingiber officinale Roscoe a red type, have ben studied using gas-liquid chromatography. The oil contains linaly acetate (37.9%) as the major component. Some other abundant constituents were also identified which are geranial (9.35%), neryl acetate (6.23%), terpenyl acetate (5.66%) and one which is still unidentified (6.78%). The high content iof linalyl acetate showed that the oil, which is comparable to thet of bergamot oil, be a valuable commodity and affirms that another type of essential oil has been recognized.