Curriculum Vitae
Date and place of birth:
Duffel, May 31, 1958
Marital Status:
Married with Eleonora HOLTZER 2 children: Jan (1986), Sofie (1988)
Private Address
Bijlokstraat 180 3020 Herent BELGIUM Tel. +32 16 230717
Professional Address
Centre for Health Services and Nursing Research School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, K.U.Leuven. Kapucijnenvoer 35/4, B-3000 Leuven BELGIUM Tel. +32 16 336966 Fax. +32 16 336970
[email protected]
EDUCATION 1979: Registered Nurse St. Elisabeth school of Nursing, Leuven, Belgium 1982: Masters in Hospital Administration and Nursing Science, K.U.Leuven, Belgium 1989: Masters of Science in Biostatistics, L.U.C. Diepenbeek, Belgium 1992: Doctor in Public Health, K.U.Leuven, Belgium 1999: Healthcare Leadership Programme, INSEAD / Kings Fund, Paris/London
PROFESSIONAL CAREER 1979 - 1982: Nurse on a cardiovascular surgical ward, University Hospitals Leuven 1982 - 1995: Patient Classification co-ordinator, University Hospitals Leuven 1985 - 1992: Research Assistant, Centre for Health Services & Nursing Research, KULeuven 1992 - 1996: Assistant Professor, KULeuven 1996 – 1999: Associate Professor, KULeuven 1999 – -: Professor, KULeuven 2001 - : Programme Director for Health Sciences, KULeuven
JOB DESCRIPTION Teaching Assignment (Master in Nursing Science & Master in Health care Management) Nursing Management / Health care management Applied Statistics & Research Methods
Main Research / Project Activities RN4CAST: Nurse Forecasting, Commissioned by Framework 7, EU, 2008-2011 EQCP: Evaluating the Quality of Care Pathways, Commissioned by European Pathway Association, EU, 2008-2011 Measuring adverse events in Belgian Hospitals, Commissioned by Federal Knowledge Centre, Belgium, 2006-2007 Clinical pathways for Oncology care, Commissioned by King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium, 2006-2008 Financing Hospital Nursing Care, Commissioned by Federal Knowledge Centre, Belgium, 20062007 Database quality of nursing care, Commissioned by Ministry of Science, Belgium, 2005-2007 ICT for Clinical pathways, Commissioned by IWT (Innovation in Science and Technology, Flanders), 2004-2005 ETHAN: European Healthcare Training and Accreditation Network (EHTAN) Project, commissioned by EU- Leonardo De Vinci, Co-ordination: Prof. Dame Jenifer Wilson-Barnett, King’s College London, Belgian co-ordinator, 2003 –2005 WISECARE +, commissioned by Royal Marsden Hospital in London, UK, Co-ordination: Prof. N. Kearney, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, 2001 – 2003 BELGIAN NURSING MINIMUM DATASET Development of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set, commissioned by the Belgian Federal Government 1985 – 2004
BELGIAN-DUTCH CLINICAL PATHWAY NETWORK, Development and Implementation of Clinical Pathways, Network of 66 hospitals in Belgium and the Netherlands, 2000-2006 WISECARE: Workflow Information Systems for European Nursing Care, (Commissioned by the European Union (EU), 1997-1999, Co-ordinator: KULeuven, Belgium TELENURSE: Telematics applications for nurses in Europe (Commissioned by the European Union (EU), 1996-1998, Co-ordinator: DIHNR-Copenhagen NIGHTINGALE: Nursing Informatics, Generic High Level Training in Informatics for Nurses, General Applications for Learning and Education (Commissioned by the European Union (EU), 1996-1999, Co-ordinator: University of Athens INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC WORK Board member of Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and outcomes (ACENDIO) Board member of European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) Member of Patient Classification Systems International (PCS/I) Board member of the Belgian Medical Informatics Association (MIM) Board member the European Specialist Nursing Organizations (ESNO)
2008 GOOSSENS GA, VERBEECK G, MOONS P, SERMEUS W, DE WEVER I, STAS M., Functional evaluation of conventional 'Celsite(R)' venous ports versus 'Vortex(R)' ports with a tangential outlet: a prospective randomised pilot study. Support Care Cancer. 2008 Apr 15. LAPORT N, SERMEUS W, VANDEN BOER G, VAN HERCK P., Adjusting for nursing care case mix in hospital reimbursement: a review of international practice. Policy Polit Nurs Pract. 2008 May;9(2):94-102. VAN DEN HEEDE K, SERMEUS W, DIYA L, CLARKE SP, LESAFFRE E, VLEUGELS A, AIKEN LH., Nurse staffing and patient outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: Cross-sectional analysis of administrative data. Int J Nurs Stud. 2008 2007 SERMEUS W, DELESIE L, VAN DEN HEEDE K, DIYA L, LESAFFRE E., Measuring the intensity of nursing care: Making use of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set., Int J Nurs Stud. 2007 Jun 22; SERMEUS W, GILLAIN D, GILLET P, GRIETENS J, LAPORT N, MICHIELS D, THONON O, VANDENBOER G, VAN HERCK P, From a Belgian Nursing minimum dataset to a nursing costweight per DRG, BMC Health Services Research 2007, 7(Suppl 1):A6 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-7S1-A6 SERMEUS, W. (Red.), Registratie van Minimale Verpleegkundige Gegevens in de Belgische ziekenhuizen, van concept tot implementatie, ACCO, Leuven, 2007 SHERIN, F., OUD, N., SERMEUS, W., EHNFORS, M., (EDS), ACENDIO 2007: Nursing communication in interdisciplinary practice, 6th European Conference of ACENDIO, Oud Consulting, 2007
VAN DEN HEEDE K, CLARKE SP, SERMEUS W, VLEUGELS A, AIKEN LH., International experts' perspectives on the state of the nurse staffing and patient outcomes literature. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2007;39(4):290-7. VAN DEN HEEDE K, CLARKE SP, SERMEUS W, VLEUGELS A, AIKEN LH., International experts' perspectives on the state of the nurse staffing and patient outcomes literature. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2007;39(4):290-7. VANHAECHT K, DE WITTE K, DEPREITERE R, VAN ZELM R, DE BLESER L, PROOST K, SERMEUS W. Development and validation of a care process self-evaluation tool. Health Serv Manage Res. 2007 Aug;20(3):189-202. VANHAECHT K, DE WITTE K, DEPREITERE R, VAN ZELM R, DE BLESER L, PROOST K, SERMEUS W. Development and validation of a care process self-evaluation tool. Health Serv Manage Res. 2007 Aug;20(3):189-202. 2006 DE BLESER L, DEPREITERE R, DE WAELE K, VANHAECHT K, VLAYEN J, SERMEUS W., Defining pathways, J Nurs Manag. 2006 Oct;14(7):553-63. SERMEUS W, VAN DEN HEEDE K, MICHIELS D, VAN HERCK P, DELESIE L, CODOGNOTTO J, THONON O, VAN BOVEN C, GILLET P, GILLAIN D, LAPORT N, VANDENBOER G, TAMBEUR W., Revision of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset: From data to information. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:616-8. SERMEUS, W., De [ISBN=9033452774]
VAN DEN HEEDE K, SERMEUS W, DIYA L, LESAFFRE E, VLEUGELS A., Adverse outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: retrospective analysis of the national hospital discharge dataset, Int J Qual Health Care. 2006 Jun;18(3):211-9 VANHAECHT K, DE WITTE K, DEPREITERE R, SERMEUS W., Clinical pathway audit tools: a systematic review, J Nurs Manag. 2006 Oct;14(7):529-37.
2005 DE BAERE, C., DELVA, D., KLOECK A., REMANS, K., SERMEUS, W., NEVENS, F., VANHAECKE, J., VANRENTERGHEM, Y., VERLEDEN, G., Stress factors experienced by the partners of transplant patients in the post transplat period, Organs and Tissues, 3, 2005, 163-168 SERMEUS, W., VAN DEN HEEDE, K., MICHIELS, D., DELESIE, L., THONON, O., VAN BOVEN, C., CODOGNOTTO, J., GILLET, P., Revising the Belgium Nursing Minimum Dataset: from concept to implementation, Int. J. Med. Inform., 2005 dec; 74 (11-12): 946-51 VANHAECHT,K., SERMEUS, W., TUERLINCKX, G., WITTERS, I., VANDENNEUCKER, H., BELLEMANS, J., Development of a clinical pathway for total knee arthroplasty and the effect on length-of-stay and in-hospital functional outcome, Acta Orthop Belg., 2005, Aug;71 (4): 439-44 VLAYEN, J., AERTGEERTS, B., HANNES, K., SERMEUS, W., RAMAEKERS, D., Systematic review of appraisal tools for clinical practice guidelines: multiple similarities and one common deficit, int. J. Qual Health Care, 2005, 17, 235-324 WILLEMS, L., RAYMAKERS, A., SERMEUS, W., VLEUGELS, A., LAEKEMAN, G., Survey of Hospital pharmacy practice in Flemish-speaking Belgium, Am J Health-Syst Pharm, 62 (feb1), 2005, p. 321-324 ZWAENEPOEL, L., BILO, R., DE BOEVER, W., DE VOS, M., REYNTENS, J., HOORENS, V., SERMEUS, W., LAEKEMAN, G., Desire for information about drugs: a survey for the need for information in psychiatric in-patients, Pharm. World Sci, 27, 2005, p. 47-53
DEVRIESE S, LAMBERT ML, EYSSEN M, VAN DE SANDE S, POELMANS J, VAN BRABANDT H, SERMEUS W, VLAYEN J, RAMAEKERS D. Prospectief bepalen van de honoraria van ziekenhuisartsen op basis van klinische paden en guidelines: makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Brussel : Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) ; 2005. KCE Reports vol. 18A. OUD, N., SERMEUS, W., EHNFORS, M., (EDS), ACENDIO 2005: Document Nursing Care, 5th European Conference of ACENDIO, Verlag Hans Gruber, 2005, 465pp. SERMEUS, W., VAN DEN HEEDE, K., MICHIELS, D., DELESIE, L., VAN BOVEN, C., THONON, O., CODOGNOTTO, J., GILLET, P. A nation-wide project for the revision of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset: from concept to implementation, in OUD, N., SERMEUS, W., EHNFORS, M., (EDS), ACENDIO 2005: Document Nursing Care, 5th European Conference of ACENDIO, Verlag Hans Gruber, 2005, p. 216-228
2004 GODDERIS L, VANHAECHT K, MASSCHELEIN R, SERMEUS W, VEULEMANS H., Prevention pathways: application of the critical path methodology in occupational health services., J Occup Environ Med. 2004 Jan;46(1):39-47 (impact factor: 1,067) VAN HERCK, P., VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W., Effects of clinical pathways: do they work? Journal of Integrated Care Pathways, 2004, 8, 95-105 SERMEUS, W., VAN DEN HEEDE, K., MICHIELS, D., DELESIE, L., THONON, O., VAN BOVEN, C., CODOGNOTTO, J., GILLET, P., A nation-wide project for the revision of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset : From concept to implementation in : ROGER FRANCE, F.H., DE CLERCQ, E., DE MOOR, G., VAN DER LEI, J. (Eds), Health Continuum and data exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands, Proceedings of MIC2004 & 5th Belgian e-Health Conference Nov.25-26, IOSPress, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 110, 2004, p. 21-26 DE BLESER, L., VLAYEN, J., VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W., Classifying Clinical Pathways in: ROGER FRANCE, F.H., DE CLERCQ, E., DE MOOR, G., VAN DER LEI, J. (Eds), Health Continuum and data exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands, Proceedings of MIC2004 & 5th Belgian eHealth Conference Nov.25-26, IOS-Press, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 110, 2004, p. 9-14 SIMOENS, D., MILISEN, K., BRAES, T., SERMEUS, W., Geriatrische hulpverlening in het algemeen ziekenhuis: een pilot-onderzoek naar percepties, ervaren belemmeringen en kennis van Vlaamse verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden, Acta Hospitalia, 2004, 44 (3), 39-51 VAN KELST, L., SPITZ, B., SERMEUS, W., Bevallen met een kort ziekenhuisverblijf: geïntegreerde samenwerking tussen kraamzorg aan huis en ziekenhuis in de regio Leuven. Tijdschrift voor Vroedvrouwen, 2004, 10 (4), 218-221.
2003 HOEKSTRA, T.S., VANHAECHT, K. SERMEUS, W., Het klinisch pad CABG, TvZ Tijdschrift voor verpleegkundigen, n°3, 2003, p.50-55. VANHAECHT, K., SPITZ, B., SERMEUS, W., VAN KELST, L., GIEBENS, Y., Klinische paden postpartumzorg, 16 vlaamse ziekenhuizen zoeken volgens de methodiek van klinische paden naar optimale kwaliteit, Tijdschrift voor vroedvrouwen, 9 (1), februari 2003, p. 38-42. SERMEUS W., Analyse van pathologie- en zorggegevens, in VANDEN BAVIERE, H., Compendium Gezondheidszorg en –statistiek, Kluwer, 2003, p.229-255.
SERMEUS, W. & K. VANDEN HEEDE, Patiëntenclassificatiesystemen als hulpmiddel bij toewijzing verpleegkundig personeel, Kluwer : Reeks Actuele thema’s voor de gezondheidszorg, 2003, 154pp. [ISBN= 905928784] VAN DEN HEEDE, K., SERMEUS, W. & DELESIE, L. (2003). Updating the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set: Framework and Methodology. In Nico Oud. Acendio 2003: Making Nursing visible – 4th European Conference of Acendio. (pp. 189- 193). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W., The Leuven Clinical Pathway Compass. Journal of Integrated Care Pathways, 2003, 7, p.2-7.
2002 DEJAEGER, E., SERMEUS, W., LENAERT, J., NICAISE, L., NIJS, A., VISSENAEKENS, L., BUTTIENS, K., PEETERS, G. Een klinisch pad voor de revalidatie van oudere patiënten met een CVA Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 47-52. HASPESLAGH, M., VANHAECHT, K., DE WITTE, K., SERMEUS, W., VAN DE WAETER, W., SERRA, F. Ontwikkelen en testen van een instrument voor het leten van teameffectiviteit. Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 117-122. SERMEUS, W. & VANHAECHT K. Wat zijn klinische Paden? Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 5-11. SERMEUS, W., GIEBENS, Y., VANHAECHT, K., DE WITTE, K., HASPESLAGH, M., VLEUGELS, A. Het Vlaams-Nederlands Netwerk Klinische Paden, Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 29-39. SERMEUS, W., L. DELESIE, K. VANDENHEEDE, Onderweg naar geactualiseerde minimale verpleegkundige gegevens, een draaiboek voor verandering, Acta Hospitalia, 42 (2), 2002, p. 723. VANHAECHT, K. & SERMEUS, W. Draaiboek voor de ontwikkeling, implementatie en evaluatie van een klinisch pad. 30 stappenplan van het Netwerk Klinische Paden Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 13-27. VANHAECHT, K., BELLEMANS, J., SERMEUS, W., VANDENNEUKER, H., STOCKMANS, E., LORENT, M., KEMPENEERS, A., TUERLINCKX, G. Betere outcome na implementatie van een klinisch pad voor totale knie prothese in het UZ Pellenberg. Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 57-61. VANHOOREN, G., VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W. Eenheid voor beroertezorg: multidisciplinaire zorgorganisatie in d praktijk. De ontwikkeling van een klinisch pad & de werking van de Werkgroep Acute Beroertezorg van het Netwerk Klinische Paden, Acta Hospitalia, 2002, 3, 111116. EVERS, G., M. CLAES, W. SERMEUS, Haufigkeit von Mundpflege bei Krebspatienten in belgischen Krankenhausern [Frequency of oral hygiene nursing in cancer patients in Belgian hospitals.Frequency of nursing interventions and indicators] , Pflege, 15, 2002, p. 163-167. HOVENGA, E. & W. SERMEUS, Chapter 2.3: Data Analysis Methods, in MANTAS (J.) & A. HASMAN, Handbook Nursing Informatics, IOS-Press, 2002, p.113-125. SERMEUS, W. & GOOSSEN, W. Chapter 1.5: A Nursing Minimum Data Set. in MANTAS (J.) & A. HASMAN, Handbook Nursing Informatics, IOS-Press, 2002, p.98-112. SERMEUS, W., Information Technology and the Organization of Patient Care, Chapter 6 in HARLOW E. & S. WEBB, Information and Communication Technologies in the Welfare Services, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2002, p. 137-156.
SERMEUS, W. & A. VLEUGELS, Patiëntgestuurde organisatie, Kluwer : Reeks Management in de Gezondheidszorg, 2002, 118pp. SERMEUS, W., S. DE HAES, R. BOUWEN, S. HAZENBOSCH, C. ROGIER, J. VAN UYTSEL, Management van de zorg voor ouderen, in MILISEN K., L. DE MAESSCHALK & I. ABRAHAM, Verpleegkundige Zorgaspecten bij ouderen, Elsevier Gezondheidszorg, Maarssen, 2002 p. 55-67. 2001 EECKLOO, K., P. QUAETHOVEN, W. SERMEUS, G. VAN HERCK, A. VLEUGELS, Beleidsprioriteiten van vlaamse ziekenhuizen: resultaten van een enquête, Acta Hospitalia, 41 (3), 2001, SERMEUS, W., Organisatie vandaag voor het ziekenhuis van morgen, Acta Hospitalia, 41 (3), 2001 VAN KELST, L., SERMEUS, W., SPITZ, B. Het transmuraal klinisch pad voor bevallingen met een kort ziekenhuisverblijf: Op weg naar een geïntegreerde zorgverlening. Touche, 2001, 27-31. VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W., PEETERS, G. Het Concept Klinische Paden. Touche, 2001, 1118. SERMEUS, W., VANHAECHT, K., VLEUGELS, A. The Belgian-Dutch Clinical Pathway Network. Journal of Integrated Care Pathways, 2001, Vol 5 (1), 10-14.
2000 BERNAERTS, K., G. EVERS, W. SERMEUS, Frequency of intravenous medication administration to hospitalised patients: secondary data-analysis of the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set, International Journal of Nursing Studies 2000 ;37():101-110 (46 ref.) Impact factor 0,521 EVERS, G., A. VIANE, W. SERMEUS, A. SIMOENS-DESMET, L. DELESIE, Frequency of and indications for wholly compensatory nursing care related to enteral food intake: a secondary analysis of the Belgium National Nursing Minimum Data Set, Journal of Advanced Nursing 2000 ;32(1):194-201, (41 ref.) impact factor 0,769 KEARNEY, N., M. MILLER, W. SERMEUS, D. HOY, K. VANHAECHT, Collaboration in cancer nursing practice, Journal of Clinical Nursing 2000 ;9():429-435 (11 ref.) impact factor 0,473 KEARNEY, N., M. MILLER, W. SERMEUS, D. HOY, K. VANHAECHT, Multicentre research and the WISECARE experience, Journal of Advanced Nursing 2000 ;32(4):999-1007 (28 ref.) impact factor 0,769 SERMEUS, W., Customer orientation in oncology care, Oncology Nurses Today 2000 ;5(2):1014 SERMEUS, W., K.VANHAECHT, WISECARE to support Evidence in Practice, Applied Nursing Research 2000 ;13(3):159-161 (3 ref.) impact factor 0,473 TURTIAINEN, A.-M., J. KINNUNEN, W. SERMEUS, T. NYBERG, The cross-cultural adaptation of the Belgium Nursing Minimum Data Set to Finnish nursing, Journal of Nursing Management 2000 ;8():281-290 VAN GERVEN, R., H. DELOOZ, W. SERMEUS, Systematic triage in the emergency department using the Australian National Triage Scale: a pilot study, European Journal of Emergency Medicine 2000 ;8(1):1-5 DEPAEPE, L., P. QUAETHOVEN, W. SERMEUS, A. VLEUGELS, Klinische indicatoren voor het meten van klinische performantie. Toepassing: het Quality Indicator Project, Acta Hospitalia 2000 ;40(1):55-67
SERMEUS, W., L. DELESIE, T. GYPEN, L. GOOSSENS, K. VANHAECHT, K. WIILEMS, WISECARE: Een Europees project over kennismanagement in de oncologische verpleegkundige zorg, Acta Hospitalia 2000 ;40(3):5-19 VAN DEN HEEDE, K., SERMEUS, W., DE WITTE, K. & VAN CRAENENDONCK, J. Analyse en verbetering van de verpleegkundige en verzorgende functieuitoefening in een rust- en verzorgingstehuis. Verpleegkundig Kader, 2000, 1, 3-6 VANHAECHT, K., SERMEUS, W., PARIDAENS, R., THOMAS, J., PEETERS, G. Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een klinisch verzorgingspad voor de diagnosestelling en stadiëring van lymfomen: een pilotstudy. Verpleegkunde 2000; 15 (2); 81-90. GOOSSEN, W., HOVENGA, E., SERMEUS, W., From data to measuring nursing outcomes: what can you get from the records (pre-conference workshop), 7th International Congress Nursing Informatics 28/4-3/5/2000, Auckland NZ: Auckland Healthcare Services Ltd, 2000 in SABA, V., R. CARR, W. SERMEUS, P. ROCHA (EDS), One step Beyond: The evolution of Technology and Nursing, 7th International Congress Nursing Informatics 28/4-3/5/2000, Auckland NZ: Auckland Healthcare Services Ltd,2000 p. 869-870. SABA, V., R. CARR, W. SERMEUS, P. ROCHA (EDS), One step Beyond: The evolution of Technology and Nursing, 7th International Congress Nursing Informatics 28/4-3/5/2000, Auckland NZ: Auckland Healthcare Services Ltd,2000 SERMEUS, W., N.KEARNEY, J.KINNUNEN, L.GOOSSENS, M.MILLER (EDS.), WISECARE Workflow Information Systems for European Nursing Care, Amsterdam: IOS-Press, 2000 [ISBN= 1586030485]