CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION By: Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd Prodi Pendidikan IPA, FMIPA UNY
CURRICULUM??? • A running course/race course • Bahasa perancis: couries (to run/berlari) • In general, there are 2 views of curriculum: 1. Old opinion (sequence of subject matter) 2. New/modern opinion (all of the organized courses, activities, and experiences which pupils have under direction of school, wether in classroom or not)
Implications of old views: 1. Curriculum is a set of subject matter, and subject matter is an ancerstor’s experience in the past. 2. Subject matter is a set of information or knowledge (teaching subject matter can make student have an intelligent thinking) 3. Subject matter draws culture in the past, so teaching means delivery culture to young generation.
4. Goals of mastering subject matter is to get certificate. So if person gets certificate, it means that the person have mastering a set of subject matter. 5. Each student has the same responsibility to mastering the same subject matter. (interest and needs of student is ignored) 6. Methode of teaching: pouring water into an empty glass.
Modern views implications: 1. The intepretation of curriculum become wider (all the …. which people have……) 2. Co-curricular included in curriculum 3. The implementation of curriculum is not only in the class, but also out of the class.
4. Methodes of teaching adjusted by the materials. 5. Goals of education are not only delivering course or subject, but also preparing student to learn how to learn, how to live in global society.
Interpretation of Curriculum • Curriculum is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
that which is taught in school a set of subject content a program of studies a set of materials a sequence of courses a set of performance objectives a course of study
• Curriculum is: 9. everything that goes on within the school, including extra class activities, guidance, and interpersonal relationships 10.that which is taught both inside and outside of school directed by the school 11.Everything that is planned by school personnel 12.A series of experiences undergone by learners in school 13.That which an individual learner experiences as a result of schooling
Curriculum? • Carter V.Good’s Dictionary of education: A systematic group of courses or sequence of subjects required for graduation or certification in a major field of study, for example, social studies curriculum, physical education curriculum. • Hollis L. Caswell and Doak S. Campbell: all the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers.
“all curricula, no matter what their particular design, are composed of aims and of certain elements.” A curriculum usually contains a statement of aims and of spesific objectives; it indicates some selection and organization of content; it either implies or manifest certain patterns of learning and teaching, whether because the objectives demand them or because the content organization requires. Finally, it includes a program of evaluation of outcomes.”
Definition by purposes, contexts, and strategies • Purposes “What curriculum does” or “what curriculum should do” • Context Arises from a special philosophical context • Strategies curriculum: “processes, strategies, and technique”
So, what is curriculum? a plan or program for all the experiences which the learner encounters under the direction of the school.
ROLE OF CURRICULUM 1. Conservative in sense the conservative role provides what may be called "social cement'. it contributes to like-mindedness and provides for behaviour which is consistent with values already accepted.
2. Critical and evaluative curriculum as a social control because of the culture and enviromental changing. (to determine which values will be eliminated/ adapted/modified using critical thinking)
3. creative to produce and arrange something new in accordance with the needs of society in present and future.
Curriculum Function Alexander Inglis (Principles of secondary school education): Curriculum have 6 functions: 1. The adjustive of adaptive function (fungsi penyesuaian) Kurikulum harus dapat mengantarkan siswa agar mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat.
2. The integrating function (integrasi) Kurikulum harus dapat mengembangkan pribadi siswa secara utuh. 3. The differentiating function (diferensiasi) Kurikulum harus dapat melayani setiap siswa dengan segala keunikannya.
4. The propaedeutic function (persiapan) Kurikulum harus dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi anak baik untuk melanjutkan penddikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, maupun untuk kehidupan di masyarakat.
5. The selective function (pemilihan) Kurikulum yang dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada setiap siswa untuk belajar sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya. 6. The dignostic function (diagnostik) Mengenal berbagai kelemahan dan kekuatan siswa agar bisa mengembangkan diri secara optimal.
Relationship Between Curriculum and Instruction • Curriculum
• Instruction
: which is taught : “what” : program, plan, content, learning experiences : producting of plans for the further action : the means used to teach that which is taught : “how” : methodes, the teaching act, implementation, and presentation : putting the plans into operation
Models of The Curriculum-Instruction Relationship 1. The dualistic model
2. The Interlocking Model
Models of The Curriculum-Instruction Relationship 3. Concentric Model instruction curriculum curriculum instruction
4. Cyclical Model instruction
COMMON BELIEFS 1. Curriculum an instruction are related but different 2. Curriculum and instruction are interlocking abd interdepent 3. Curriculum and instruction may be studied and analyzed as separate entities but cannot function in mutual isolation.
Curriculum as a dicipline...???
Characteristics of a dicipline •
Principles any dicipline worthy of study has an organized set of *theoritical constructs or *principles that govern it. *(curriculum itself is a construct or concept, a verbalization of an extremely complex idea or sets of idea) *(a mayor characteristics of any theoritical principle is its capacity for being generalized an applied in more than one situation)
Knowledge and Skills any dicipline encompasses a body of knowledge and skills pertinent to that dicipline
Theoriticians and Practicioners a dicipline has its theoriticans and its practicioners.
Curriculum Practicioners 1) Curriculum Spesialist • Make a unique contribution by creatively transforming theory and knowledge into practice. • Encourgae the use of results of research to continue efforts to improve the curriculum. • A philosopher, a psychologist, a sosiologist, an evaluator, etc
2) Teacher • Curriculum worker who engages in curriculum planning in varying degrees, in variying settings, on different occasions, generally under the leadership of specialist, be that person a coordinator, consultant, supervisor, team leader, department head, or assistant principal.
3) Supervisor • Specialist who works in three domains: 1. instructional development 2. Curriculum development 3. Teacher development
• Developing the curriculum (peter F.Oliva): Harper Collins Publisher. Edisi ke3 PANDU fotokopi • TUGAS Menurut kelompok kalian, jelaskan: 1. Berikan contoh konkret bahwa kurikulum dapat dipandang ssebagai disiplin ilmu! 2. Tunjukkan dengan bukti-bukti bahwa kurikulum yang kita gunakan saat ini sudah sesuai sebagai kurikulum modern (yang menganut pandangan baru)! 3. Selidiki apakah kurikulum 2013 khususnya untuk SMP telah melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi kurikulum?