ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
Category Shifts Found in English Novel If I Stay and its Translated Version in Indonesian Jika Aku Tetap di Sini Ni Made Ayu Wulandari1*, I Nyoman Udayana2, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani3 Non-Regular Program, English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1 [
[email protected]] 2[
[email protected]] 3 [
[email protected]] *Corresponding Author
Abstract Terjemahan adalah pemindahan pesan dari teks sumber ke teks sasaran. Dalam proses penerjemahan itu tidak dapat dihindari bahwa pergeseran terjadi dalam penerjemahan. Berdasarkan judul penelitian ini, digunakan novel bahasa Inggris berjudul "lf I Stay" oleh Gayle Forman (2009) dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia “Jika AkuTetap disini” oleh Poppy D. Chusfani (2015). Ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini, untuk menganalisis kategori pergeseran yang ada dalam terjemahan dari novel berjudul “If I Stay” ke novel berjudul “Jika Aku Tetap disini” dan untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pergeseran dalam menerjemahkan novel tersebut. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pertama, mengelompokkan data berdasarkan jenis kategori pergeseran yang ditemukan pada kedua novel. Setelah itu membandingkan data yang dipilih pada bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran. Kemudian, menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran yang terjadi pada kedua novel. Teori utama dari penelitian ini adalah teori terjemahan oleh J.C. Catford (1965) dan teori yang mendukung penelitian ini adalah teori terjemahan oleh Mildred Larson (1998) Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan empat jenis Kategori Pergeseran dalam data sampel seperti pergeseran struktur, pergeseran kelas, pergeseran satuan, pergeseran pada system. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kategori pergeseran yang ditemukan berdasarkan data, yaitu perbedaan sistem linguistik dan latar belakang budaya, peran penerjemah sebagai komunikator dan preferensi gaya penerjemah. Keywords: Terjemahan, Pergeseran, Novel
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
1. Background of the Study Translation is a communication means of meaning from a source-language text into an equivalent on target-language text. Catford (1965: 1) stated that translation is an operation performed on language, a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another. In the process of translation it is unavoidable that shifts occurred in translation. Catford (1965: 73) stated that, ‘shifts’ is the departure from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL. With regard to this research, it attempts to focus the discussion on category shift. Category Shift refers to the departure from formal correspondence in translation. The main analysis is striking on the analysis on the level of word or phrase which is emphasizing on noun phrase discussion. On category shift, there are changes of structure, changes of class, changes of term in system, and changes of rank (unit shift). The topic was relevant to be discussed because category shift could be found in the novel. The topic was interesting to be discussed because the different translation from SL into TL can be seen through category shift. 2. Problems of the Study 1. What kinds of category shifts were found in the Translation of the novel If I Stay into Jika aku tetap disini? 2. What factors influenced the shifts in translating the SL to TL? 3. Aims of the Study 1. To find out the category shift in the Translation of the novel If I Stay into Jika aku tetap disini 2. To explain the factors influencing the shifts in translating the novel If I Stay into Jika aku tetap disini 231
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
1. a.
Research Method Method and Technique of Collecting Data The data were collected through intensive reading and note taking
technique, Then short-listing the data and eliminating the data that were not appropriate to the analysis. b.
Method and Technique of Analyzing Data The analysis applied in this research was the qualitative and descriptive
method. The data were analyzed using the theory of shifts by Catford (1965). The analysis was elaborated through words and sentences. First, classifying the data based on the types of category shift found in the novel. Afterwards, the chosen data in the Source language and those in the target language were chosen. Then, finding the factors for human being why the shifts occurred in both novels.
2. The Analysis of Procedures in The Translation of English Novel The Hunger Games: Mockingjay into Indonesian 1. Structural Shift This shift occurs in phonological and graphological translation as well as in total translation and in grammar, for example: SVO into SVOC No 1.
Source Language You broke my heart. S
Target Language Kamu membuat hatiku hancur S
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
If you broke my heart had been translated literally, it should have been kau menghancurkan hatiku so the structure is still SVO. However, the word broke in SL sentence was translated into membuat hancur and the word hancur has become complement in TL sentence, so the structure has also changed into SVOC. This shift occurred because of different cultural backgrounds of both languages. Heart was translated into hati instead of into jantung because the word still carries the cultural sense. MH into HM Source Language
Target Language
The shift occurred from the Source Language phrase into Target Language phrase. The Source Language phrase has Modifier Head (MH) structure and it changed into Head Modifier (HM) structure when it was translated into Target Language. The reason is that the English sentence has the composition Modifier Head while Indonesian has Head ModifierClass shift Class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a source language item is a member of a different class from the source item. For example: Adverb into Adjective No. 1.
Source Language I play-fully tickled him as he laughed softly.
Target Language Menggelitiknya sementara dia tergelak pelan.
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
The SL word softly is identified as Adverb because it has suffix –ly which is used to forms adverb. The word softly is translated into pelan in TL which is identified as Adjective. Despite having different word class, both words softly and pelan have the same meaning which means ‘in a soft way’.
2. Unit Shift Unit shift is the change in rank from word to phrase, phrase to word or phrase to clause. For example: Word into Phrase No. 1.
Source Language I rolled my eyes.
Target Language Aku memutar bola mata.
The SL word eyes has changed into TL phrase bola mata. The word eyes only has one morpheme, meanwhile the phrase bola mata has two morphemes.
3. Intra-System Shift Intra-System shift refers to the shift that occurs from plural to singular and from active to passive. For example: Plural into Singular No. 1.
Source Language ……where everyone puts flowers and candles and notes next to your locker.
Target Language ……tempat semua orang meletakkan bunga, lilin, dan surat pendek di sebelah lokermu.
The SL words flowers, candles, and notes were translated into bunga, lilin, dan surat pendek in TL. Those SL words are identified as plural and the
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
TL words are singular. The singular forms in TL could be changed into plural using reduplications ‘bunga-bunga’ or ‘lilin-lilin’.
4. Cultural Background and Linguistic System Language as part of the culture and, therefore, a translation from one language into another cannot be done adequately without the knowledge of the two cultures as well as the structure of the two languages. The translator must know the culture from which the source of the message come from a different culture (Larson, 1998:470). 3. The Role of Translator as a Communicator The translator's role as a communicator also affects the occurrence of shift. Translators must be able to convey properly the intent of the sentence in the original language that can be understood and absorbed by the reader. 4. Translator Stylistic Preferences The translator chose her own words to make the translation of the novel more evocative of the reader or the language easier to understand and more interesting when translated into the target language. Because if it is translated exactly in the original language the novel will have a rigid language, unattractive or difficult to understand. However, it is still eligible and accepted to be read by the reader, and did not alter the meaning of the original sentence.
5. Conclusion From the previous discussion, it can be concluded that the result of this study shows that the English Novel “If I stay” by Gayle Forman and its translation version in Indonesian “Jika Aku Tetap Disini.” By Poppy D. Chusfani,
four types of
category shifts were found; they are shift in the structure, shift in the unit, shift in the class of words and shift in the Intra system but shifts did not change the whole 235
ISSN: 2302-920X Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 18.1 Januari 2017: 230-236
meaning of a sentence. There are some factors that contributed to the occurrence of category shifts based on the data that had been discovered in the analysis, that are: cultural background and linguistic systems, the role of the translator as a communicator, and the linguistic system and the translator’s stylistic preference.
6. Bibliography Catford, J. C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press Chusfani, Poppy D. 2015.Jika Aku Tetap Disini. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Utama Forman, Gayle. 2009. If I Stay. New York: Penguin Group Larson,L. Mildred.
1984. Meaning-Based Translation.
America: University
Press of America