Az Európai felhőstratégia szabályozói szemmel
Bellák Zoltán Elnök, EuroCloud Magyarország SECOVIA – project Nemzetközi tapasztalatcsere workshop 2014. szeptember 9. Győr
1. EuroCloud története, tevékenysége 2. Európai Cloud Computing Stratégia 3. A cloud és a közszféra
1. EuroCloud története, tevékenysége 2. Európai Cloud Computing Stratégia 3. A cloud és a közszféra
EuroCloud Mission Cloud Customers in the fog searching for orientation
EuroCloud aims to open doors and to provide a clear view on Cloud
The EuroCloud Network Developement Initiative to establish a pan-European Network on Cloud Computing started in Oct. 2009 Foundation of EuroCloud Europe on Jan., 22nd 2010 in Paris by 12 established national EuroCloud Associations Today the EuroCloud Network is present 31 European Countries
22 countries with established National associations
9 countries with national representatives coordinating the foundation process per country
Geographical Presence
The EuroCloud Mission EuroCloud Europe represents the cloud industry via a network of more than 30 national country organizations and facilitates the growth of cloud based services and innovations across Europe and worldwide.
The organization engages the entire eco system involved in the enablement, development and provision of Cloud Services together with stakeholders in the European market, including public authorities and institutions.
EuroCloud delivers orientation, guidance and best practice, as well as provide supporting services such as networking and knowledge sharing to cloud users and providers Europe wide.
EuroCloud Fields of Activities
Customers Confidence in Cloud Standards and Interoperability Legal Framework Harmonization Linking Europe’s Cloud Industry globally Research and Innovation Start Up Encouragement
EuroCloud Fields of Activities Customer Orientation
Startups and Innovation
May 2010
Trust in Cloud
Legal Framework Harmonization
Cloud Security
Standards and Interoperability
Customers Confidence in Cloud Guidelines
Law, Data Security & Compliance Public Procurement Tax Regulations Cloud Contracts Cloud Acceptance others
EuroCloud Studie Cloud Akzeptanz
Customers Confidence in Cloud Book Focus on SME deciders
Sample story Cloud basics Legal and compliance aspects Business aspects Use cases etc.
4 editions 13 countries more than 50 authors
EuroCloud Cloud Quality - Pyramid
EuroCloud Star Audit
EuroCloud Benchmark EuroCloud SLA Criteria Catalouge EuroCloud Guidelines EuroCloud CLOUD QUALITY INFORMATION PYRAMIDE
EuroCloud Star Audit Certification
Data Security
ISO 27001 SAS 70 ISO 9000 SSAE 16
Interlectual Property Rights
DC-Infrastructure and -Locations
Data Privacy
Operational Processes
Software & Interfaces 12
Cloud Computing Standards: Leading Organisations
Umfassende Richtlinien für Recht, Datenschutz und Compliance, EuroCloud Star Audit (“Cloud Service Gütesiegel”)
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute)
Standards, Analyse von Lücken und Prüfsystemen für die Interoperabilität, Spezifikationen, Use Cases, Koordination, Standardisierungs-Roadmap
ENISIA (European Network and Information Security Agency)
Cloud Computing – KMU Studien, Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, Cloud Computing Risikobewertung,did=476730.html
EuroCloud Europe Congress and Award Gala 30.09. – 01.10.2014 2013
15. – 16. Oct.
EuroCloud Magyarország – Kelet- Közép Európa Célja: A EuroCloud Magyarország célja, hogy egy bizalomra épülő erős hazai cloud ökorendszert építsünk ki, illetve segítsük a hatékony szabályozási és üzleti környezet megteremtését A vállalati IT-val szembeni bizalom helyreállítása Vállalkozói szellem felébresztése és az iparág versenyképességének növelése Pozitív társadalmi folyamatok erősítése (az erőforrások jobb elosztásának, a jövedelmek hatékonyabb elosztásának és az átláthatóságnak a növelése)
EuroCloud stratégiai együttműködés Célok: • a hazai üzleti élet szereplőit megismertessük a cloud computing és az ahhoz kapcsolódó szolgáltatások előnyeivel • ennek érdekében a közeljövőben szakmai konferenciákat és képzéseket szervezünk a témával kapcsolatban: • 2014. április 29., Demola Budapest: Hungarian Cloud Award 2014 díjátadó • 2014. szeptember 23., Kempinski Hotel: Cloud First! 2014 konferencia
• közös platform a cloud iparág magyar szereplőinek, képviselet a régióban és a kontinensen
1. EuroCloud története, tevékenysége 2. Európai Cloud Computing Stratégia 3. A cloud és a közszféra
Cloud Computing in Europe Today, legal compliance is possible, but appears as an enormous challenge for multinational providers Partnering along the value chain EU Third Country-Regultion difficult
Cloud Customers as Cloud Service Providers require legal certainty on European level Harmonized Data Privacy and Data Security Harmonized Certification Standards Harmonized Contract Clauses
Eurocloud Congress Luxemburg, 9 October 2012
The European Cloud Computing Strategy: Key Actions “Europe […] should develop an EU-wide strategy on 'cloud computing'”
… 1. Economic potential for cloud supply & especially demand sides
2. Cloud computing will happen: to or with us? 3. Many policies impact cloud & vice versa: horizontal view needed
What? “First, the legal framework: users' rights, data protection and
privacy […]. Second, technical and commercial fundamentals: boosting research efforts […]
Third, the market: we will support pilot projects for cloud deployment, and push public procurers into action.”
Neelie Kroes, 22 March 2011
Again: What? Enabling and facilitating faster adoption of cloud computing
throughout all sectors of the economy to help cut ICT costs and boost productivity and economic activity
And what not? “our overall Cloud Computing strategy, is not about building a European super-Cloud, neither outright nor by forcing the integration of existing public Cloud infrastructures.”
Neelie Kroes, 26 January 2012
Process 1. Expert Reports (e.g. ENISA) 2. Digital Agenda (19/05/2010) 3. Announcement (27/01/2011)
4. Public online consultation (16/05-01/08/2011) 5. Hearings with users, SMEs, IT & telcos (11/2011) 6. Industry working groups and recommendations (11/2011)
7. Cloud Computing Strategy (09/2012) 8. Implementation
Three Key Actions 1. Cutting through Jungle of Standards 2. Safe & Fair Contract Terms & Conditions 3. European Cloud Partnership
Selected Pointers The Digital Agenda for Europe
Cloud Computing @ Digital Agenda
Cloud Computing Strategy: Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe
Neelie Kroes Cloud Speeches Davos 2011 (Announcement): EP 2012 (Content Online): Davos 2012 (Partnership): Brussels 2012 (DP):
Neelie Kroes Blogs Data Protection in the Cloud: European Cloud Partnership: Making Europe cloud-active:
Contacts <web>{NeelieKroesEU, cc_buhr}
@NeelieKroesEU, @ccbuhr
European Cloud Computing Strategy
EU Cloud Strategy 1. Cutting the Jungle of Standards Selected Industry Groups SIG SLA Vor Fertigstellung SIG CoC Roll Out in Q1 2014 zu erwarten SIG Certification Vor Fertigstellung Cloud Standardization Coordination (CSC) Final Report veröffentlicht im Nov. 2013 Task Group Certification ENISA Report veröffentlicht Jan. 2014
EU Cloud Strategy 2. Safe & Fair Contract Terms & Conditions
In Arbeit DG Justice DG Connect
How structural funds can support cloud-based solutions Public sector modernisation • (moving employee- and • citizen-oriented services to the cloud; overhauling the • supply of IT services) Smart specialization • (building competence centres as • a cloud catalyst) • Cloud as a growth engine for SMEs • (delivering the benefits of cloud to SMEs -> flexibility, faster time to market, bigger innovation potential)
ICT Innovation Vouchers
ICT Innovation Vouchers - Definition "Small credit lines provided by the regional authorities to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to purchase ICT services from service providers with a view to introducing ICT innovations in their existing business" A broad definition of innovation: SMEs have to innovate every day to keep customers, expand their markets
Source: OECD Innovation Policy Platform, 2010
1. EuroCloud története, tevékenysége 2. Európai Cloud Computing Stratégia 3. A cloud és a közszféra
A világ körülöttünk végérvényesen megváltozott
3 alapvető trend, amelyek mind mennyiségileg, mind minőségileg megváltoztatják mindennapi életünket és a vállalatok szempontjából a talán a két legfontosabbat az ügyfelekkel való kapcsolattartást és a munka világát Technológia: Lakossági IT behatol a vállalatokba (Mobile & Social) Demográfia: (Generation Y – facebook gen) Gazdasági környzet: gazdasági válság erőforrás és kereslet oldali turbulenciája – új értékajánlat
... és megváltozik, amit „vállalatnak” nevezünk
Concept: „...nothing revolutionary...”
„First, old wine in new bottles. Second, adopting cloud computing will require a fundamental change in the way one buys and consumes ICT” – Mark O’Connor, DLA Piper
EU Cloud Strategy 3. European Cloud Partnership Der öffentliche Dienst repräsentiert 20% des gesamten europäischen ICT Marktes Quelle: EU Kommission
Einkaufsbedingungen für Cloud Services im öffentlichen Dienst wirken auch auf den freien Markt Cloud for Europe will give a clear view on the public sector requirements and usage scenarios for cloud computing. Supported by stakeholders from the public sector, industry and standardisation bodies, the main objectives of Cloud for Europe are: • Identifying obstacles for cloud use in the public sector • Defining services that overcome these obstacles • Procuring research from industry to find innovative solutions for cloud services •
EU Cloud Strategie Cloud for Europe Activities The project is built up in three phases:
Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) preparation Gap analysis Establishment of stakeholder group Tender preparation Tender release
PCP tender implementation Solution exploration Prototype selection Test product selection
Sharing Dissemination of results Training events
Consortium Cloud for Europe gathers 25 partners from 12 countries.
Austria Belgium Estonia Finland Germany Israel Italy Netherlands Portugal Slovenia Spain Turkey
EuroCloud Europe Congress and Cloud Firs t! Budapest 2014. sept 23. 2014. sept 30 – oct 1 2013
15. – 16. Oct.
Köszönöm a figyelmet!
[email protected] @eurocloud_HUN @zbellak