Transitional provisions with respect to Students European Law and Public International Law (based on the Education and Exam Regulations Master of Laws 2015/2016) Article 8.1 – Transitional provision due to the introduction of the new curriculum as of 1st September 2015 1. This transitional provision concerns the master degrees that have been revised as of 1st September 2015, namely European Law, Dutch Law and Public International Law, and applies to students who at any moment prior to the academic year 2015/2016 were registered as a full-time student for any of these Masters. 2. In accordance with Article 1(1)(2), the curriculum of the first registration applies to a student’s Masters degree. For the Masters dissertation, the rules as contained in the Education and Exam Regulations of 2014/2015 apply. 3. Graduating in a programme from before 1st September 2015 is possible up until the end of August 2017. 4. To the extent that components of the current programme have not yet been completed, components in the new programme will take their place, in accordance with the transfer table. When a new course does not have an equivalent, the students must transfer to the new curriculum. 5. Students who have not graduated prior to 1st September 2017, are required to satisfy the requirements of the new curriculum, as laid out in these regulations. 6. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, a student may decide to transfer to the new curriculum, as described in this regulation. Transfer is possible once per year on the 1 st September. The requirements of the new curriculum, including the requirements of the dissertation, apply from the moment of the transfer. A student who wishes to transfer must inform1 the Exam Board Master prior to the 1st September. 7. A student who has already successfully completed the dissertation component of the Master may transfer at any moment during the year. He or she shall inform the Exam Board Master beforehand.2 8. A student who is following two programmes within the Masters Dutch Law may opt to follow one programme according to the new curriculum and one programme according to the old curriculum. The student shall follow the transfer procedure for the programme that he or she wishes to follow according to the new curriculum. 9. Appendix 8 contains a transfer table for students who are following a programme that was available prior to 1st September 2015. The appendix indicates which course in the new curriculum replace the course in the previous curriculum. Furthermore, Appendix 8 contains a transfer table for the students who wish to transfer to the new curriculum, and indicates which components in the new curriculum may take the place of the components in the old curriculum. 10. A shortfall of ECTS in a student’s programme that occurs due to differences between the courses from the old and new curricula shall be compensated by taking extra courses. 11. The appendix to the student’s diploma shall indicate the actual courses successfully completed by the student, including the number of ECTS achieved.
1 2
This takes place via the web-based form. This takes place via the web-based form.
Overgangsregeling European Law, Public International Law Universiteit Utrecht 2015/2016
Appendix 3 Master European Law The programme consists of the following courses3: Compulsory 15 ECTS: Major European Law: RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European Union RGMUIER001 Regulating the European Union's Single Market
7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS
Compulsory 15 ECTS: Capita Selecta European Law (4 modules each comprising 2,5 ECTS): 10 ECTS RGMUIER018 Research Proposal Thesis + A choice of 3 modules from the total package of Capita Selecta European Law RGMUIER007 European Labour Law4 5 ECTS Limited choice 15 ECTS: Specialisation or Minor: Specialisation European Law: RGMUSBR009 Judicial Protection and Enforcement of EU Law RGMUIER005 European Competition Law Minor Privaatrecht: RGMUPRV001 Civiele procespraktijk RGMUPRV009 Internationaal privaatrecht Minor Public International Law: RGMUIER009 General Course in Public International Law RGMUIER010 International Law Moot Court I Minor Recht en onderneming RGMAIN050 Individueel en collectief arbeidsrecht RGMAON200 Ondernemingsrecht Minor Staats- en bestuursrecht: RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid RGMUSBR006 Trias Politica in een gelaagde rechtsorde Minor Strafrecht: RGMUSTR002 Bijzonder strafrecht RGMUSTR001 Strafprocesrecht Compulsory 15 ECTS: RGMUSCIEPM Research and Thesis Trajectory European Law
7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 15 ECTS
Refer to Appendix 5 of this regulation for the conditions to satisfy the professional requirements for entry into the Bar or judiciary (the so-called “civil effect declaration”).5
If the course name is in Dutch, then the course is taught in Dutch. In incidental cases, this course may be replaced by RGMUIER008 European Law Moot Court Competition or another Moot Court. A selection procedure is carried out by the Department. 5 This provision is in principle only applicable to Dutch bachelor and masters programmes in the field of law. 4
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
Master Public International Law The programme consists of the following courses6: Compulsory 15 ECTS: Major Public International Law: RGMUIER009 General Course in Public International Law RGMUIER010 International Law Moot Court I7
7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS
Compulsory 15 ECTS: Capita Selecta Public International Law (4 modules each comprising 2,5 ECTS): 10 ECTS RGMUIER019 Research Proposal Thesis + A choice of 3 modules from the total package of Capita Selecta European Law RGMUIER011 International Law Moot Court II 5 ECTS Limited choice 15 ECTS: Specialisation or Minor: Specialisation Environment and Law of the Sea: RGMUIER013 International Environmental Law RGMUIER014 International Law of the Sea Specialisation Human Rights: RGMUIER015 Human Rights I: Principles and Institutions RGMUIER016 Human Rights II: Substantive Rights Minor European Law: RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European Union RGMUIER001 Regulating the European Union's Single Market Minor Privaatrecht: RGMUPRV001 Civiele procespraktijk RGMUPRV009 Internationaal privaatrecht Minor Recht en onderneming RGMAIN050 Individueel en collectief arbeidsrecht RGMAON200 Ondernemingsrecht Minor Staats- en bestuursrecht: RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid RGMUSBR006 Trias Politica in een gelaagde rechtsorde Minor Strafrecht: RGMUSTR002 Bijzonder strafrecht RGMUSTR001 Strafprocesrecht Compulsory 15 ECTS: RGMUSCIIPM Research and Thesis Trajectory Public International Law
7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 7,5 ECTS 15 ECTS
Refer to Appendix 5 of this regulation for the conditions to satisfy the professional requirements for entry into the Bar or judiciary (the so-called “civil effect declaration”).8
If the course name is in Dutch, then the course is taught in Dutch. In incidental cases, the combination of this course and the course International Law Moot Court II may be replaced with another Moot Court. A selection procedure is applicable to this procedure and is carried out by the department. 8 This provision is in principle only applicable to Dutch bachelor and masters programmes in the field of law. 7
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
Appendix 8 Transfer tables due to the introduction of a new curriculum as of 1st september 2015 These transfer tables are only applicable to students who at any time prior to the commencement of academic year 2015/2016 were registered as a full-time student for the Master European Law, Dutch Law or Public International Law programmes, as referred to Article 1(1) of these regulations. These tables are solely intended to determine whether courses from one curriculum may be utilised in another programme, in order to determine which courses need to be successfully completed in order to complete the Masters/programme. These tables may not be used to determine whether an exemption for a course from one curriculum may be based on a course, which according to the table is equivalent to a course from another curriculum. If the same course appears in different places in the table, a student may only use this course in 1 place in 1 programme/Master. For courses that are equivalent to each other according to the table, only one of both courses (or a combination of courses) may be used towards graduation and therefore recorded in the appendices of the diploma. As shortfall of ECTS in a student’s programme that occurs due to the differences between courses from the old and new curricula shall be compensated by followed an extra course; extension of the dissertation to cover the missing ECTS is not possible. To satisfy the discretionary section of the curricula of 2014/2015 or older, any course at Masters level from the entire department may be chosen, insofar as the course is not necessary for another section of the individual student’s programme. In order to graduate a student must have obtained a minimum of 60 ECTS per programme or Master.9 The actual courses successfully completed by the students, including the ECTS points awarded, is attached to the student’s diploma.
A student who wishes to complete 2 programmes or 2 Masters shall, therefore, be required to have successfully completed 2x60 ECTS.
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
Table 1: Graduating in the 2015 curriculum with courses from an earlier curriculum CS IEPM IIPM NRBM NRPM NRSM
= = = = = =
Capita selecta Master European Law Master Public International Law opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Staats- en bestuursrecht opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Privaatrecht opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Strafrecht
TABLE 1: Graduating in the 2015 curriculum with courses from an earlier curriculum10 Course 2015 curriculum Course previous curriculum RGMUSTR002 Bijzonder strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMABI100 Bijzonder strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid (7,5 ECTS) RGMABE50O Bestuursrecht: Verdieping (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEBU200 Algemene leerstukken grondrechten (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER018 CS IEPM: Research Proposal (2,5 no equivalent ECTS) CS European Law: no equivalent 3 modules of choice from CS IEPM (total 7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER019 CS IIPM: Research Proposal (2,5 no equivalent ECTS) CS Public International Law: no equivalent 3 modules of choice from CS IIPM (total 7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV014 CS NRPM: Onderzoeksopzet (2,5 geen equivalent ECTS) CS privaatrecht I: RGMACA200 CS privaatrecht I (7,5 ECTS) 3 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRPM (totaal 7,5 ECTS) CS privaatrecht II: RGMACA300 CS privaatrecht II (7,5 ECTS) of 2 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRPM RGMAFA100 Faillissementsrecht11 (7,5 ECTS) (totaal 5 ECTS) RGMUSBR013 CS NRBM: Onderzoeksopzet (2,5 geen equivalent ECTS) CS staats- en bestuursrecht: geen equivalent 3 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRBM (totaal 7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR010 CS NRSM: Onderzoeksopzet (2,5 geen equivalent ECTS) CS strafrecht: RGMAMA100 Materieel strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) 2 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRSM materieel strafrecht (totaal 5 ECTS) CS strafrecht: geen equivalent 2 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRSM strafprocesrecht (totaal 5 ECTS) CS strafrecht: geen equivalent Onderzoeks- of praktijkopdracht strafrecht (2,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV001 Civiele procespraktijk (7,5 ECTS) RGMABE200 Beslag- en executierecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV002 Commerciële contracten (7,5 RGMAHA100 Internationaal handelsrecht (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMUPRV010 Communicatie- en mediarecht RGMACO500 Communicatie- en mediarecht (7,5 (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMUPRV008 Comparative European RGMAVE500 Comparative Intellectual Property Law Innovation Law (7,5 ECTS) (7,5 ECTS) Specialisation course specialisation European RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht Law, programma Staats- en bestuursrecht: (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European Union (7,5 ECTS) Course Master European Law / RGMACO300 Constitutional Law of the European 10
If the course name is in Dutch, then the course is taught in Dutch. Inbreng van RGMAFA100 Faillissementsrecht ipv CS II kan alleen met voorafgaande toestemming van de Examencommissie master; studenten zijn toegelaten tot de master met een deficiëntie op het gebied van het faillissementsrecht en hebben een op dit punt aangepast individueel programma. 11
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
Course minor European Law in IIPM, NRBM, NRPM, NRSM: RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European Union (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR003 Criminologie en strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER005 European Competition Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR004 European/International Criminal Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER008 European Law Moot Court Competition (5 ECTS)
RGMUPRV004 Financiering, onderneming en recht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER009 General Course Public International Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR006 Grondslagen van het strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR005 Human Rights Comparative Law Perspective (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER015 Human Rights I: Principles/Institutions + RGMUIER016 Human Rights II: Substantive Rights (15 ECTS) RGMUPRV009 Internationaal privaatrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV005 International and European Family Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER013 International Environmental Law (7,5 ECTS) Compulsory course Master IIPM / Minor course Public International Law in IEPM, NRBM, NRPM, NRSM: RGMUIER010 International Law Moot Court I (7,5 ECTS) Compulsory courses Master IIPM: RGMUIER010 International Law Moot Court I + RGMUIER011 International Law Moot Court II (12,5 ECTS) Compulsory course Master IIPM: RGMUIER011 International Law Moot Court II (5 ECTS) RGMUIER014 International Law of the Sea (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR009 Judicial Protection & Enforcement EU Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR002 Omgevingsrecht I (7,5 ECTS)
RGMUSBR003 Omgevingsrecht II (7,5 ECTS)
RGMUSCNRPM Onderzoeks-/scriptietraject privaatrecht (15 ECTS) RGMUSCNRBM Onderzoeks- & scriptietraject SBR (15 ECTS) RGMUSCNRSM Onderzoeks- & scriptietraject strafrecht (15 ECTS)
Union (7,5 ECTS)
RGMACR100 Criminologie en strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU400 European Competition Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU700 European/International Criminal Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU450 Citizenship in the EU (voorheen European Migration Law) (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEU700 European/International Criminal Law (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEU950 European Labour Law (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAGE500 Equality in EU Law (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAMA300 Masterstage IER (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEU900 Practicum European Law (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent RGMAGE300 General Course on Public International Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAPS100 Ideeëngeschiedenis: Schuld en vergelding (7,5 ECTS) RGMAHU100 Human Rights from a Comparative Criminal Law Perspective (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN010 International Law of Human Rights (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN500 Internationaal privaatrecht (7,5 ECTS) no equivalent RGMAIN450 International Environmental Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN600 International Law Moot Court (7,5 ECTS)
RGMAIN600 International Law Moot Court (7,5 ECTS) RGMAMA300 Masterstage IER (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN750 International Law of the Sea (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAEU850 Judicial Protection and Enforcement of EU Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAMI100 Milieu en natuur (7,5 ECTS) of RGMARU100 Ruimtelijk bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAWA200 Water en infrastructuur (7,5 ECTS) RGMAMI100 Milieu en natuur (7,5 ECTS) of RGMARU100 Ruimtelijk bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAWA200 Water en infrastructuur (7,5 ECTS) RGMASC410 Scriptie Privaatrecht (15 ECTS) RGMASC400 Scriptie Staats- en bestuursrecht (15 ECTS) RGMASC430 Scriptie Strafrecht (15 ECTS)
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
RGMUIER007 European Labour Law (5 ECTS)
RGMUSBR004 Practicum procederen bestuursrecht / RGMUSBR005 Practicum waterrecht (5 ECTS) RGMUIER001 Regulating the EU's Single Market (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSCIEPM Research and Thesis European Law (15 ECTS) RGMUSCIIPM Research/Thesis Public International Law (15 ECTS) RGMUSTR001 Strafprocesrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR006 Trias Politica in gelaagde rechtsorde (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR007 Uitvoering, toezicht en handhaving (7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV006 Verdieping aansprakelijkheidsrecht I (7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV003 Verdieping aansprakelijkheidsrecht II (7,5 ECTS) RGMUPRV007 Verdieping familierecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR008 Wetgeving en begroting (7,5 ECTS)
RGMAEU450 Citizenship in the EU (voorheen European Migration Law) (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAEU700 European/International Criminal Law (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAEU950 European Labour Law (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAGE500 Equality in EU Law (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAMA300 Masterstage IER (7,5 ECTS) or RGMAEU900 Practicum European Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAMA400 Masterstage staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAPR100 Practicum SBR (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAST400 Studentenparlement (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAVA100 VAR pleitwedstrijd (7,5 ECTS) RGMAHL100 Regulating the EU's Single Market (7,5 ECTS) RGMASC200 Thesis European Law (15 ECTS) RGMASC210 Thesis Public International Law (15 ECTS) RGMAR620 CS procesrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAST150 Staatsrecht: Verdieping (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMABE500 Bestuursrecht: Verdieping (7,5 ECTS) of RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent (huidige cursus op dit gebied is een bachelorcursus12) geen equivalent geen equivalent RGMAPR100 Practicum staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS)
Wegens inhoudelijke overlap is het niet mogelijk om zowel RGMAEU850 Judicial Protection (voorheen European Public Law) als RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht in te brengen binnen 1 programma/opleiding.
Studenten die het bachelorvak Verdieping aansprakelijkheidsrecht hebben behaald en in de master Privaatrecht kiezen voor de specialisatie Aansprakelijkheidsrecht volgen een aangepast specialisatieprogramma met in plaats van de cursus Verdieping aansprakelijkheidsrecht I de cursus Commerciële contracten.
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
2: Graduating in an old curriculum with courses from the 2015 curriculum = Capita selecta = Master European Law = Master Public International Law = opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Staats- en bestuursrecht = opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Privaatrecht = opleiding Nederlands recht, programma Strafrecht
TABLE 2: Graduating in an old curriculum with courses from the new 2015 curriculum13 Course old curriculum Course 2015 curriculum RGMABU200 Algemene leerstukken RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid (7,5 ECTS) grondrechten (7,5 ECTS) RGMABE200 Beslag- en executierecht (7,5 RGMUPRV001 Civiele procespraktijk (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMABE500 Bestuursrecht: Verdieping (7,5 RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid (7,5 ECTS) of ECTS) RGMUSBR007 Uitvoering, toezicht en handhaving (7,5 ECTS) RGMABI100 Bijzonder strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR002 Bijzonder strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMACA200 CS privaatrecht I (7,5 ECTS) CS privaatrecht I: 3 modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRPM (totaal 7,5 ECTS) RGMACA300 CS privaatrecht II (7,5 ECTS) CS privaatrecht I: 3 andere modules naar keuze uit aanbod CS NRPM (totaal 7,5 ECTS) RGMAR620 CS procesrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSTR001 Strafprocesrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU450 Citizenship in the EU (7,5 ECTS) no equivalent RGMACO500 Communicatie- en mediarecht RGMUPRV010 Communicatie- en mediarecht (7,5 (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMAVE500 Comparative Intellectual Property RGMUPRV008 Comparative European Innovation Law (7,5 ECTS) Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMACO300 Constitutional Law of the EU RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European (7,5 ECTS) Union (7,5 ECTS) RGMACR100 Criminologie en strafrecht (7,5 RGMUSTR003 Criminologie en strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMAEU400 European Competition Law RGMUIER005 European Competition Law (7,5 ECTS) (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU700 European/International Criminal RGMUSTR004 European/International Criminal Law Law (7,5 ECTS) (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU950 European Labour Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER007 European Labour Law (5 ECTS) RGMAEU650 Europees staats- en bestuursrecht RGMUSBR009 Judicial Protection & Enforcement EU (7,5 ECTS) Law (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUIER002 Constitutional Law of the European Union (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR006 Trias Politica in gelaagde rechtsorde (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR001 Burger en overheid (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR007 Uitvoering, toezicht en handhaving (7,5 ECTS) RGMAFA100 Faillissementsrecht (7,5 ECTS) De cursus wordt in 2015/2016 voor de laatste maal aangeboden als mastercursus; vanaf 2016/2017 geen equivalent (de cursus in 2016/2017 op dit gebied is een bachelorcursus) RGMAGE300 General Course on Public RGMUIER009 General Course Public International International Law (7,5 ECTS) Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAGE200 Gezondheidsrecht (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent RGMAHU100 Human Rights from a RGMUSTR005 Human Rights Comparative Law Comparative Criminal Law Perspective (7,5 Perspective (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMAPS100 Ideeëngeschiedenis: Schuld en RGMUSTR006 Grondslagen van het strafrecht (7,5 vergelding (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMAHA100 Internationaal handelsrecht (7,5 RGMUPRV002 Commerciële contracten (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) RGMAIN500 Internationaal privaatrecht (7,5 RGMUPRV009 Internationaal privaatrecht (7,5 ECTS) ECTS) 13
If the course name is in Dutch, then the course is taught in Dutch.
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016
RGMAIN350 International Security Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN450 International (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN400 International (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN010 International (7,5 ECTS)
and European Environmental Law Humanitarian Law Law of Human Rights
RGMAIN750 International Law of the Sea (7,5 ECTS) RGMAIN600 International Law Moot Court (7,5 ECTS) RGMAEU850 Judicial Protection and Enforcement of EU Law (7,5 ECTS) RGMAMA100 Materieel strafrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAON200 Ondernemingsrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAPR100 Practicum staats- en bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAHL100 Regulating the EU's Single Market (7,5 ECTS) RGMARU100 Ruimtelijk bestuursrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMASC410 Scriptie Privaatrecht (15 ECTS) RGMASC400 Scriptie Staats- en bestuursrecht (15 ECTS) RGMASC410 Scriptie Strafrecht (15 ECTS) RGMAST150 Staatsrecht: Verdieping (7,5 ECTS) RGMASA100 Strafrechtelijke sancties (7,5 ECTS) RGMASC200 Thesis European Law (15 ECTS) RGMASC210 Thesis Public International Law (15 ECTS) RGMAVE900 Verzekeringsrecht (7,5 ECTS) RGMAWA200 Water en infrastructuur (7,5 ECTS) RGMAWE300 Wetenschappelijke workshop SBR (0 ECTS)
NB niet te verwarren met RGMUPRV011 Internationaal privaatrecht (notariaat) no equivalent RGMUIER013 International Environmental Law (7,5 ECTS) no equivalent RGMUIER015 Human Rights I: Principles/Institutions + RGMUIER016 Human Rights II: Substantive Rights (15 ECTS) RGMUIER014 International Law of the Sea (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER010 International Law Moot Court I + RGMUIER011 International Law Moot Court II (12,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR009 Judicial Protection & Enforcement EU Law (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent Deze cursus wordt in 2015/2016 aangeboden als mastercursus. RGMUSBR004 Practicum procederen bestuursrecht (5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR008 Wetgeving en begroting (7,5 ECTS) RGMUIER001 Regulating the EU's Single Market (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSBR002 Omgevingsrecht I (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR003 Omgevingsrecht II (7,5 ECTS) RGMUSCNRPM Onderzoeks-/scriptietraject privaatrecht (15 ECTS) RGMUSCNRBM Onderzoeks- & scriptietraject SBR (15 ECTS) RGMUSCNRSM Onderzoeks- & scriptietraject strafrecht (15 ECTS) RGMUSBR006 Trias Politica in gelaagde rechtsorde (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent (huidige cursus op dit gebied is een bachelorcursus) RGMUSCIEPM Research and Thesis European Law (15 ECTS) RGMUSCIIPM Research and Thesis Public International Law (15 ECTS) geen equivalent RGMUSBR002 Omgevingsrecht I (7,5 ECTS) of RGMUSBR003 Omgevingsrecht II (7,5 ECTS) geen equivalent14
Als na afloop van het onderwijs voor deze cursus in 2014/2015 blijkt dat er studenten zijn die in het oude curriculum willen afstuderen maar dit verplichte onderdeel niet hebben behaald, zal in overleg met de afdeling een oplossing worden gezocht.
Transitional provisions European Law, Public International Law, Utrecht University, 2015/2016