Regional University Knowledge Centre of Mechatronic and Logistic Systems
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of MLR-RET is to perform outstanding research and development, innovation, academic and training activities through the management of knowledge in the fields of mechatronic and logistic systems. Through cooperation with the economic sphere, these activities promote the technological, economic and social development in the region of Northern Hungary, thus improving the competitiveness of the region and the country.
OVERALL OBJECTIVES Innovative development of products, processes and systems; Creating and managing a network of knowledge; Knowledge and technology transfer to the participants of the economy; Strengthening scientific activity in the region; Improving the standard of academic activity.
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CONTENTS Executive summary
Quality policy
Organisational structure and management
Research World of products
Materials and technologies
Integrated systems
Academic and training program, administration
Technology transfer, utilisation of the reserach results
Cooperation with other knowledge centres
Cooperation with the industrial partners
Presence in the media, internal communication
Utilisable outcome of the project
Business utilisation
Financing, aggregate financial indicators
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Knowledge-Intensive Mechatronic and Logistic Systems Regional University Knowledge Centre can look back on a successful year. In the reporting period 23 projects were implemented, out of which 17 involved the field of mechatronics and 6 that of logistics. Twelve participants of the business sphere showed an interest in the research and development and innovation achievements of the consortium, which, on the one hand justifies the usefulness of our activities as well as their application-oriented impacts reviving the economy. In terms of technology transfer the share of applied research is of the greatest significance. The majority of innovations appear in the form of analyses of novel systems, and in system design and control methodology. In order to promote technology transfer, not only the encouragement of patents, but the publication of the achievements and results in the form of know-how constituted our tasks as well. Nothing attests to the innovative nature of our research and development activities better than the fact that the XV. Magyar Innovációs Nagydíj Pályázat awarded the Knowledge Centre recognition for the innovation 'Development and Application of an Electronic Training-Research System'. The Knowledge Centre was actively involved in developing the innovation strategy of the University of Miskolc, setting a good example by its achievements to follow in the introduction of structural, organisational and management methods necessary for pursuing active innovation activities. As a result, in 2007 UNI-FLEXSYS Fejleszto és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. was established at the University of Miskolc. The Knowledge Centre continued to support in 2007 the establishment of and cooperation with innovative SMEs, for, on the one hand, SMEs show more demand for services, measurement, working-machining and qualification the conditions for which can only be created by a concentration of resources and require professional operation, maintenance and a knowledge-intensive background. On the other, the projects of the National Development Plan for the development of the economy and the promotion of higher education (GOP, TIOP) encourage cooperation and collaboration between higher education and the economy as well as the establishment and operations of forms of this collaboration. In that spirit we established Uni-ProdSys Közhasznú Kft. with 51 % university ownership and 49 % ownership of SMEs. The main tasks of the company include, on the basis of the actual demands of the SMEs, exerting an influence on the university purchase of machinery and instruments towards income generation, furthering their utilisation and developing the human infrastructure through flexible forms of employment. MLR-RET gives priority to the applicability of its research and development and service activities, which it continues to improve under the quality control system under the standard MSZ EN ISO 9001:2001 attested by TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft. in September 2007. We can ensure retaining our long-lasting competitiveness in the market for knowledge by integrating our innovation activities in the chain of values of the various industries and/or professional directions. MLR-RET can fulfil its mission if, following the vision of the University of Miskolc, becomes an internationally competitive research centre, which is based on high-standard innovation activities known and recognised extensively. As a key actor in the region of North-Eastern Hungary, MLR-RET carries and bears responsibility for the development of the region, applies its own resources to meeting the research and development and innovation demands of the region, and wishes to become an element of competence-based networking in order to ensure its competitiveness.
Dr. Béla Mang chairman
QUALITY POLICY Relying on the knowledge base existing in the region, MLRRET, through performing applied research and development activities of international standard, the concentration of research and development infrastructure and collaboration with the business sphere, carries out research projects in the fields of mechatronics and logistics that provide a long-term contribution to the economic revival of the region of Northern Hungary. Mission: performing outstanding research and development, innovation and academic activities in the fields of mechatronic and logistic systems through managing knowledge. These activities will promote the technological, economic and social development of our region through collaboration with the economic sphere, thus improving the competitiveness of the region and the country. Objective: to increase the satisfaction of our clients through the continuous development of our processes and activities while complying with the legislative requirements. In order to achieve our objectives we perform our activities while complying with the legislation in force and through operating a quality control system which, on the basis of continuously improving, measurable quality parameters, guarantees a high standard of reliability, transparency, predictability and development for our partners in all the fields of our activities. MLR-RET assigns priority to the applicability of its research and development and service activities, which it improves continuously in the framework of its quality control system under the standard MSZ EN ISO 9001:2001. We provide for the professional development of our staff, make efforts to support their individual careers and to ensure the appropriate recognition of their work. Beyond the qualifications stipulated in the legal regulations, a training system set out in individual training plans as well as professional advanced training projects ensure their continuous professional development meeting national and international requirements. Their activities are regularly assessed. The management of MLR-RET regards excellent quality as a decisive factor of its operation and expects all its staff and contributors to show a relevant commitment.
Dr. Béla Mang chairman
ISO 9001:2000 Zertifikat: 75.100.10176
Dr. Tibor Csáki director
The certification of our quality control system under ISO 9001:2000 was done by TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft. The validity period of our certificate can be found at the websites and under the number ID: 9105041723.
Dr. Mang Béla Chairman
Dr. Patkó Gyula Founding chairman
Váradiné dr. Szarka Angéla Research organiser
Dr. Csáki Tibor Director
Dr. Cselényi József Consultant
Dr. Bányai Tamás Assistant director
Dobai Petra Business manager
MLR-RET operates at the University of Miskolc as a separate economic unit, which has been joined by the companies interested by means of a consortium contract. The leading institution of the consortium is the University of Miskolc. It performs its research and development and innovation activities in the separate buildings and laboratories of the University of Miskolc established for this purpose.
Supervisory Board
Senat Board of Directors Chairman Director Education and Training Council
Operative Council
Academic and Innovation Council Deputy director
Program 1 Research organiser Program 2
Program 3
Consultant Quality manager Quality comissioner Financial manager Secretariat
The Knowledge Centre is continuously working on creating the structural conditions of operation beyond the period of subsidisation. In addition to the professional and economic conditions, an important condition of the long-term existence is to define its optimum position within the organisation of the University (or next to the organisation of the University), for which purpose external experts (Szinergia Kft., Agora Kft. and Mentorplan Kft.) have been called in by the Knowledge Centre.
The members of the Board of Directors consist of the representatives of companies that are members of the consortium, KPI, the research subprograms, the management, the chambers and the development agencies. Chairman:
Dr. Béla Mang, vice-rector for strategic and development affairs, University of Miskolc
Representatives of companies as members of the consortium: Benedek Fluck, Robert Bosch Elektronika Gyártó Kft. István Gödri, technical director, Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Gyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft. Attila Vass, company director (Porszívógyár), Electrolux Lehel Kft. Richárd Szabó, technical and production director, PREC-CAST Öntödei Kft. Gábor Pálffy, communications director, Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Rt. György Sárközi, general director, BORSOD VOLÁN Személyszállítási Rt. Dr. István Barkóczi, chairman, Észak-magyarországi Munkaadói és Gazdasági Közösség István Juhász, managing director, Zempléni Regionális Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány Representative of the Office of Research and Development Projects and Research Utilisation: Krisztina Kővári, project manager, Kutatás-fejlesztési Pályázati és Kutatáshasznosítási Iroda Representatives of the research subprograms: Dr. László Kamondi, associate professor, University of Miskolc Dr. János Lukács, university professor, University of Miskolc Dr. Pál Bárczy, university professor, University of Miskolc Dr. Miklós Tisza, university professor, University of Miskolc Dr. Ernő Kovács, associate professor, University of Miskolc Dr. Ádám Döbröczöni, university professor, dean, University of Miskolc Dr. Béla Illés, associate professor, University of Miskolc Knowledge Centre management: Dr. Tibor Csáki, director, University of Miskolc MLR-RET Dr. Tamás Bányai, assistant director, University of Miskolc MLR-RET Dr. József Cselényi, consultant, University of Miskolc MLR-RET Miklós Beliczky, business manager, University of Miskolc, RET Dr. Angéla Váradi Szarka, research organiser, University of Miskolc MLR-RET Member delegated by the Rector of the University of Miskolc: Dr. Mihály Dobróka, vice-rector for scientific affairs, University of Miskolc Representatives of Chambers of Trade and Industry: Tamás Bihall, chairman, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Péter Tordai, chairman, Nógrád Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Gábor Fülöp, secretary, Heves Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Representatives of Development Agencies: László Francsics, managing director, Észak-Magyarországi Regionális Fejlesztési Ügynökség Dr. Attila Nyíri, managing director, Regionális Fejlesztési Ügynökség Invited members: Dr. Attila Lengyel, director, Mechatronikai és Anyagtudományi Kooperációs Kutatási Központ Dr. Csaba Deák, director, Innovációmenedzsment Kooperációs Kutatási Központ Gábor Széll, financial and technical director, University of Miskolc Dr. Sándor Gergely, director, Károly Róbert Főiskola, Kutató, Fejlesztő Iroda Dr. Miklós Gubán, college associate professor, Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola Pénzügyi és Számviteli Főiskolai Kar, Salgótarjáni Intézete Gábor Csollák, managing director, INNOCENTER Innovációs Központ Kht. Dr. László Tóth, director, Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Alapítvány, Logisztikai és Gyártástechnikai Intézet
1. Robert Bosch Elektronika Gyártó Kft. Currently more than 15 million vehicles operate worldwide using electronic equipment from the high-tech plant of Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft. in Hatvan, Hungary, where Bosch has been manufacturing vehicular electronic equipment since 1998. 2. Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Gyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft. Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Kft. in Eger, Hungary, is a subsidiary of Bosch Rexroth AG and member of the Bosch group. The company in Eger has been operating in the industrial park of Eger, on a site established as a green-field investment, since the autumn of 2004. 3. Electrolux LEHEL Kft. Electrolux Lehel Kft. is today one of the leading industrial companies in Hungary, and thus plays a decisive role in the industrial exports of the country. The company has sold a total of 4.2 million products in the domestic and exports markets. As the largest employer of the region of Észak-alföld, it employed more than 3,300 persons last year. 4. Prec-Cast Öntödei Kft. The company established in 1989 is today an internationally recognised and competitive precision casting foundry, with close to 760 workers. The company produces approximately 750 different components. It produces and machines high-pressure castings from aluminium and zinc alloys for the automotive and electronics industries. 5. Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát NyRt. In its vertically integrated production structure, TVK produces initial materials by using various hydrocarbons for the plastics industry. The major elements of the production process are the production of monomers and polymerisation. 6. Borsod Volán Személyszállítási Rt. The company is responsible for meeting the demand for the regular long-distance transportation of passengers by coach in the county of Borsod - Abaúj - Zemplén. Its activities involve 500 coaches, 1900 employees, 7 technical-transportation sites, and 11 coach stations. The number of passengers transported annually is close to 71 million. 7. Észak-magyarországi Munkaadói és Gazdasági Közösség It is primarily a socially organised, autonomous interest negotiation, interest reconciliation and professional representation organisation of the employers involved in economic organisations, economic associations, institutes, institutions, associations, companies and entrepreneurs working in the region of Northern Hungary. 8. Zempléni Regionális Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány The objective of the Foundation is to speed up the establishment of the new economic structure and thus to prevent a further increase in the rise of unemployment and then to reduce it gradually by supporting and promoting the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises and their development.
1. Robert Bosch Power Tool Elektromos Szerszámgyártó Kft. The company is involved in the development and manufacture of power hand tools. In addition to the DIY vibration, excenter- and multi-grinder equipment of Bosch and the motors for these appliances, Prio multigrinders, which represent a worldwide novelty, are also manufactured here. 2. AES - Tisza Erőmű Kft. The main scope of activities of AES - Tisza Erőmű Kft. is the generation and domestic sales of electrical energy, amounting to 99 % of its net income. Its annual turnover is 25 billion HUF. It is an outstanding company in the region and employs approximately 251 persons at present. 3. ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Szolgáltató Kft. The main field of activities covers electricity supply. 4. Ventifilt Légtechnikai Zrt. VENTIFILT Légtechnikai Zrt is the market leader in Hungary in the production of industrial ventilation and environmental protection equipment. It produces a wide range of products of different dimensions by working different materials (high-alloy steel, corrosion-, acid- and hear-resistant steels and aluminium) in up-to-date, general and special-purpose CNC machinery using various technologies. 5. EPCOS Kft. Its main activities cover the production of electronic components (noise suppressors, condensers, termistors. varistors and microwave filters). 6. HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt. It is involved in the production and distribution of boilers (hot water tanks, water heaters), solar panels and power-driven household appliances (washing machines and spin-driers). 7. Carl Zeiss Sport Optikai Hungária Kft. Manufacturing of binoculars for hunting, sports, travel, entertainment, and hiking. 8. Miskolci Vasipari Acélszerkezetgyártó Zrt. Manufacturing of metal and steel structures.
We make it visible.
9. Holcim Hungária Zrt Hejőcsabai Cementgyár Holcim is one of the leading cement, gravel and concrete producing companies in the world. The company, with its origins in Switzerland and a history of nearly a hundred years, is today considered one of the strongest participants in the global market of construction materials. It is present in more than seventy countries around the world. 10. ReMat Hulladékhasznosító Zrt. It recycles mainly polyethylene and polypropylene packaging waste by means of Siemens-system sorting belts, AMIS-ZERMA type washing equipment, and regranulating and agglomerating facilities produced by the companies EREMA and Pallmann.
11. FCI Connectors Hungary Kft. A company based in Tatabánya, Hungary, producing connectors for the automotive industry. 12. PLES ZRt. The only company in Hungary and Central Europe producing steel-structured wheels for road utility vehicles. It plays an increasingly significant role in the market for lorry and bus wheels. It produces disc wheels for hoseless tyres, three-part wheel rims and divers other wheels.
PROGRAM 1 WORLD OF PRODUCTS The objective of the program is to research and develop intelligent components and products as well as to manage their lifetime.
PROJECT 1.1 CONSTRUCTING INTELLIGENT COMPONENTS, PRODUCTS AND STRUCTURES Senior staff members Dr. László Kamondi, project leader, ME Dr. Csaba Blága, ME Dr. Gyula Gondos, Robert Bosch Power Tool László Soltész, ELECTROLUX Dr. Szilárd Szabó, ME Tibor Váradi, Robert Bosch Power Tool Overview The priority task of the project is to develop, based on the research and development achievements of the previous years, the design methodology of components of a novel type as well as of the structures that can be constructed from them, with special regard to household appliances and power tools. The objective is to perform research supporting the analysis and exploration of the properties of intelligent, environment-friendly technical products as well as the elaboration of their construction concepts. Activities completed Examination of the flow chambers of household vacuum cleaners by using a fluid and heat engineering program system. Determining the velocity and pressure distribution of the flow chambers of household vacuum cleaners for the purpose of sonar performance level computation. Modification of the geometry of household vacuum cleaners for the purpose of reducing flow resistance and noise load. Examination of the fine structure of flow developing in the elaborate flow chambers of drills. Major achievements 2dB sonar performance reduction (approximately 40%) in the lead channel of household vacuum cleaners, 13% reduction in the hydraulic resistance of the channel part, 21.8 % noise level reduction through rounding off the channel between the Hepa filters and the motor holder. Developing a method for the energetics analysis of components in the flow channel for the purpose of determining the loss factors of the individual elements resulting in resistance and the actual operation of the cooling ventilator. Determining flow resistance in the inflow and outflow cross-sections of drilling machines. Determining temperature distribution within a drilling machine and on the outer surface of the housing by means of thermo-vision. Developing a method suitable for computing the characteristic curve of a drilling machine ventilator. Test stand for the load testing of drills. Computer measurement data collection system for the automatic processing of data measured on the test stand. Further steps Examination of the shaving separator of household vacuum cleaners and the flow chambers of the connected dust container for the Purpose of sonar performance level reduction. Examination of the fine structure of flow developing in the elaborate flow chambers of drills by numerical simulation. Development of the control performance electronic circuits of hand tools.
PROJECT 1.2 LIFETIME MANAGEMENT Senior staff members Dr. János Lukács, project leader, ME János Koppányi, Ventifilt László Molnár, EPCOS Dr. Gyula Nagy, ME Gábor Somogyi, EPCOS Dr. Imre Török, ME Overview The integrity of a structure means its suitability for being operated at any moment of its lifetime. The problems arising in connection with various structures and structural elements in our case conveyor pulleys and electrical lines currently have been approached on the basis of the same principle, which has led to obtaining results indicating the same direction: new methods, an increase in reliability, developing the optimum technology in line with the key aspect. A close harmony of theory and practice has been achieved and the foundations have been laid for solving new problems on the basis of similar principles. Activities completed Determining the nature of stresses leading to the fracture of conveyor pulley tubular shaft. Analysing the main properties and weldebility of material used for the manufacture of pulleys conveying PVC powder. Analysing the welding used in the manufacture of pulleys conveying PVC powder. Examination of the heat treatment options of typical austenitic corrosion-resistant steels. Examination of copper wires. Major achievements Exploring the causes of fracture of conveyor pulleys, redesigning the equipment in accordance with actual operating conditions, state-ofthe-art manufacture and installation. Performing tensile tests, hardness measurements and metallography testing and evaluating the measurement results by mathematicalstatistical methods for the purpose of increasing the lifetime of copper wires. Further steps Providing consultancy services in the development of the production technology of further conveyor pulley shafts.
PROGRAM 2 MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES The objective of the program is to select materials and material combinations possessing properties best ensuring the applicability of products, to research the methods producing them with environmentally conscious technology or to modify the existing technologies, and to develop methods suitable for measuring the property parameters.
PROJECT 2.1 MATERIAL COMBINATIONS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Senior staff members Dr. Czél György, project leader, ME István Gödri, REXROTH Dávid Botond Sólyom, ME Tino Tschorma, UDE Tamás Wágner, REXROTH Dr.-Ing. Johannes Wortberg, UDE Dr. Pál Bárczy, ME Overview The project focused on the improvement of the production technology of injection-moulded polyamide products. The direction of scientific work matched the development conceptions of the industrial partners. Activities completed Measuring the technological parameters of injection-moulded polyamide valve bodies. Identifying the technological parameters influencing production. Exploring the relationships between technological parameters and product parameters for the purpose of reducing the amount of reject. Rapid identification of the stable operation point, generalisation of interventions and developing the optimum operation point identification routine. Identifying the injection-moulding technology ensuring a quality close to 100% and developing the flow diagram. Major achievements Rapid determination of the optimum production operation point of injection-moulding technology for batch production. Further steps Rapid identification of the stable operation point, generalisation of interventions and developing the optimum operation point identification routine in the case of colour change of plastic valve bodies. Identifying the injection-moulding technology ensuring a quality close to 100% and developing the flow diagram in the case of colour change of plastic valve bodies.
PROJECT 2.2 MECHATRONIC TECHNOLOGIES Senior staff members Dr. Miklós Tisza, project leader, ME István Kiss, HAJDU Dr. Mihály Komócsin, ME Sándor Molnár, HAJDU Overview The project Mechatronic Technologies encompasses the development of the processes of various precision mechanical technologies as well as those of welding, heat treatment and plastic deformation that apply knowledge-intensive mechatronic elements and methods. The project Mechatronic Technologies set its strategic objective as pursuing activities in welding in 2007. Activities completed Development of the production of hot water tanks, analysing the welding of the longitudinal and circular welds in the production of hot water tanks. Major achievements Technological development of the welding of longitudinal and circular welds in the production of hot water tanks (including fixtures). Formulating proposals for reducing quality deviation in connection with the analysis of pre-production technologies preceding welding. Increasing the efficiency of tank production and improving the quality indicators.
PROGRAM 3 INTEGRATED SYSTEMS The objective of the program is to increase the competitiveness of network-type mechatronic production systems, and to increase the value of the products by developing automation, testing and logistic systems and methods.
PROJECT 3.1 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Senior staff members Dr. Ernő Kovács, project leader, ME Dr. István Ajtonyi, ME Sándor Barta, REXROTH Dr. Tamás Bányai, ME Zoltán Borkúti, HOLCIM Dr. Tibor Csáki, ME István Gödri, Rexroth István Jablonkai, HOLCIM Imre Koncz, AES István Mikita, HOLCIM László Nagy, ZEISS Dr. Ildikó Szabó Makó, ME Dr. György Takács, ME Mrs Zoltán Vankó, Vasipari Overview The objective of the project was to perform research activities in industrial automation in close cooperation with the industry of the region of Northern Hungary. By its very nature, the topic is comprehensive, covering several specialist fields from intelligent control to the related IT solutions. The research topics embrace a wide spectrum and match the demands in the region closely. On the one hand, the research topics provide comprehensive analyses in intelligent controls concerning the applicability, reliability and validation of up-to-date control processes increasing productivity and efficiency, and, on the other, support the research into electrical problems in environmental protection and recycling, which contributes to retaining jobs and increasing competitiveness. Activities completed Updating a production preparation system. Maintenance development of the machine fleet of a mechatronic assembly plant. Elaborating the concept of in-production measurement bases for the purpose of increasing productivity and quality assurance. Preparing an analysis resulting in new knowledge about DCS systems in power plants and safety analysis of burner control. Updating the process control system of a continuous technology plant for the purpose of increasing efficiency and safety.
Major achievements New models of designing a warehouse-free supply system, cost analysis of the models. A straightforward and easy-to-fill-in check- and maintenance list for each machine with maintenance points both named and coded broken down by day, week and month. Detailed maintenance instructions for each machine, with a uniform structure for the whole company, which makes it easy to search and expand. Conceptional plan for in-production measurement bases. Comparative analysis of distributed control systems (DCS) for optimum use in power plant technology control. Proposal for modifications for safe operation based on the safety analysis of burner controls in power plants. Updating the control system in the packaging plant of a continuous technology company. Performing and certifying the safety analysis according to the standard IEC 61508 of a plant in a continuous technology company. Improving the grinding efficiency of cement mills by fuzzy algorithm. Developing a plant training pack for a SIEMENS PLC system. Further steps Consultancy in the introduction of a production preparation system. Consultancy in the operation of the maintenance system of a mechatronic assembly plant. Implementation of in-production measurement bases in a mechatronic assembly company. Developing a PCS-7 training laboratory for elaborating the optimum solution method for the route control in a silo.
PROJECT 3.2 INTELLIGENT MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Senior staff members Dr. Angéla Váradi Szarka, project leader, ME Dr. István Ajtonyi, ME Dr. Gyula Gondos, Bosch Power Tool Attila Kegye, ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ László Naszády, ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ Richárd Szabó, Prec-Cast Dr. Tivadar Szarka, ME Dr. Gusztáv Szecső, ME György Ujlaki, PLES Tibor Váradi, Bosch Power Tool Overview The fundamental objective is to develop, improve, adapt and fit, for the companies operating in the region and producing, applying, and developing electronic-mechatronic equipment and intelligent computer-based measurement methods that will contribute to increasing the supply-readiness of small enterprises, the productivity of medium-sized and large companies, to improving the reliability of their quality assurance systems, and to enhancing the capacity of the equipment to be integrated into systems. A second strategic objective is to elaborate a measurement method supporting the detection of disturbance sources degrading the quality of electrical energy together with the relevant infrastructure. Activities completed Developing the monitoring systems of high-pressure pig machines. Analysing column deformation on the basis of measurement data. Creating a consultancy and expert basis increasing the operational safety of an existing measurement and quality control system. Surveying the services of a central database manager. Developing a mobile measuring device. Developing a system characterising and describing the power operation of szúrósaws. Developing an automatic test bench for testing szúrósaws. Elaborating a measurement method together with its equipment for detecting the disturbance sources (consumers) degrading the quality of electricity. Impact analysis of parameters determining the quality of energy supplied on electricity grids. Laboratory testing of the methods of measurement and signal processing by simulated signals. Developing a computer-aided measurement system and measurement control program. Developing signal processing monitoring programs. Testing the measuring systems and programs on actual systems. Studying the standards determining the quality of electrical energy initiated by the Standards commission of the EU, with special regard to the vulnerability of industrial electronics and sophisticated IT equipment, disturbances in grid voltage and loss of voltage. Testing the vulnerability of IT and control equipment by laboratory measurements. Examining faulty operation due to disturbances in the grid and industrial testing of the method developed. Developing a measurement method (with the relevant equipment) by means of which the points in the grid generating flicker can be located with certainty. The measurement method was used for exploring new possibilities for studying the properties and characteristics of rapid changes in voltage (corona discharges and flicker), for examining the corona discharges generated by the operation of non-linear large consumers and for summing flicker doses arriving from several directions. The quality indicators of electrical energy taken in the connection points of large consumers selected in the region of Northern Hungary and the effects of detrimental grid events (voltage losses, wave form distortions, amplitude changes, flicker, etc.) were explored. We were successful in determining the direction of propagation of detrimental effects and disturbances (from the ÉMÁSz grid towards the consumer, or disturbances propagating from an internal network towards the ÉMÁSz grid) and the origin of the disturbances for the first time. As a result of the measurements, the parameters characterising the quality of the electrical energy, the nature, dimensions, frequency and direction of the disturbances propagating between the internal networks and the ÉMÁSz grid were determined. The results of the measurements and tests were used to prepare concrete proposals for measures by the electricity utility company for localising the disturbances. Checking the quality of electrical energy in the intermediate voltage networks of some industrial parks in the region of Northern Hungary. On the basis of the measurement-supported testing (line and phase voltages, amperage in the lines, extent of flicker effect, wave form distortions and voltage and current asymmetries), the characteristic parameters of the electrical energy supplied as well as the nature, dimensions, frequency and direction of the disturbances propagating between the internal networks of the industrial parks and the ÉMÁSz grid were determined.
The measurement methods meeting the ERGEK recommendations and the measurement supporting devices were developed, by means of which long-term, continuous measurements covering 14 days (2x7 days) were carried out in Miskolc, in the 0.4 kV networks of the Nyugati, Déli, Keleti, and Északi stations. Parallel with the new measurement methods (simultaneously from the same current and voltage transformers), the measurements were carried out also by the traditional measurement methods, and then the results of the measurements performed were evaluated in comparison with each other. Investigation of the electricity system of the Ples Rt. Kerékgyár Borsodnádasd plant. Major achievements Prototype of a system measuring and checking column deformation (mobile sensor computer-based signal processing and evaluating virtual single-purpose instrument with Labview 8.0 and Diadem 9.0 software), measuring, evaluating, archiving and documenting static machine status, measuring, evaluating, archiving and documenting dynamic machine status, portable (measurement case design), battery operation. Consulting, training and expert basis for monitoring the operation safety and product quality of high-pressure pig machines (laboratory mapping of a measurement and quality control system operating in a plant, with the following main elements: ADAM 4018 temperature measurement modules, miniature K-type thermocouples installed in a crucible, ADAM 6000-based precision digital temperature controller, calibrating elements (Keithley 6 ˝ digit, computer-controlled thermometer, analogue thermocouple calibrator). Developing the conceptual model of a new measurement method and process for the complete replacement of the practice tests of jigws, which represents a unique innovation in the development of jigsaws. Developing new up-to-date measurement methods for detecting disturbance sources (consumers) degrading the quality of electrical energy. Developing a (laboratory) digital flicker meter realising the measurement principle developed by EuroNorm. Evaluating the flicker level statistically. Developing analysis-simulation software. Performing testing supporting the safe and disturbance-free electricity supply of industrial plants (industrial parks) applying electronic and mechatronic technologies, developing recommendations for measures by electricity utility companies taking standards into consideration. Industrial testing. Developing and laboratory testing of a digitally measuring computer-based flicker meter. Further steps In connection with the monitoring system of high-pressure pig machines the database manager and the connected evaluation/visualising programs have to be improved. The mobile measuring device monitoring column deformation is to be developed into a measuring system for hire. The monitoring and quality control of pig machines are to be improved by measuring further technology parameters and storing them in the database. These parameters can be made suitable for monitoring production intensity and the efficiency indicators of the pig machines. The expanded monitoring facilities are to be made accessible for the management through the Internet. Practical implementation of an automatic testing stand based on the conceptual model elaborated for testing jigsaws. Although the quality of electrical energy supplied meets the current requirements of the standard MSz-EN 50160 (formulated 20 years ago), the quality limits provide such a wide area for the propagation of disturbances that cannot be accepted either by small or by large consumers, therefore further investigation and filtering of the disturbances present long-term tasks for the energy utility companies.
PROJECT 3.3 LOGISTIC SYSTEMS Senior staff members Dr. József Cselényi, project leader, ME Dr. Tamás Bányai, ME Dr. Béla Illés, ME Angéla Hegyi-Kiss, REMAT István Kerékjártó, REXROTH Béla Kürthy, REXROTH Ferenc Mészáros, ME László Nagy, ZEISS László Sándor, REXROTH Gyula Szalai, BORSOD VOLÁN István Gödri, REXROTH Endre Tamás, REXROTH Péter Telek, ME Csaba Tóth, BORSODVOLÁN Overview The determinant element of integrated systems is their logistic system of optimum arrangement. The demand for developing methods for intensifying logistic systems is increasing, thus the objective is to develop and apply methods increasing the efficiency of processes and systems In 2007 the projects involving logistics covered mainly the fields of logistic systems in purchasing, stock keeping and warehousing, however, the development of long-distance coach transportation also appeared as an external logistic problem among our research and development activities. Activities completed Improvement of theoretical model and simulation software for analysing the component storage supply of assembly cells and determining their storage capacity requirements. Developing a purchasing and stock taking system for mechatronic assembly and waste recycling plants. Elaborating a method for determining the sustainable service standard of scheduled bus transportation. Investigation of the solution possibilities of product identification tasks in storage processes and materials handling and transfers by using automatic identification/tracking technologies.
Major achievements Developing new services and modules for the software developed in 2006 for analysing the component storage supply of assembly cells and determining the storage capacity needs: direct import of production programs, investigation of random assembly processes, displaying the complete range of assembly component information, preparing instructions for filling the direct workstation storage unit, and preliminary planning of component deliveries. Software for filing and tracking framework contracts. Software for analysing finished product deliveries and lowering stock levels. A method for determining the sustainable service standard of scheduled bus transportation. Determining supplier clusters by multi-level ABC analysis, supplier strategies for various types of supplier clusters. Analysing basic material storage processes in logistic terms, and recommendations for rationalising the processes. Developing the warehouse information system of a mechatronic production-assembly plant. Making recommendations for the structure of auxiliary software supporting tracking tasks and collaborating with the company management system. Developing the foundations for the computer tracking of basic material storage processes in mechatronic production-assembly plants. Further steps Software development and implementation of the theoretical model of software for analysing the workstation component storage supply of assembly cells and determining the storage capacity needs with consideration of several cells in the following fields: summarised examination of component supply, summarised examination of component need, examination of component warehouse deliveries. Developing the warehousing system of a precision mechanical and optical production - assembly plant. Introduction of the warehouse information system of a mechatronic production - assembly plant.
ACADEMIC AND TRAINING PROGRAM, ADMINISTRATION The management of the Knowledge Centre is constituted by the members of the Operative Council: Dr. Béla Mang, chairman Dr. Tibor Csáki, director Dr. Tamás Bányai, assistant director Dr. József Cselényi, consultant Miklós Beliczky, business manager Dr. Angéla Váradi Szarka, research organiser Petra Dobai, office manager Academic and research staff of the University with great experience are involved in the organisation and management of the research activities. Heads of the Programs: Dr. Ádám Döbröczöni (World of Products) Dr. Miklós Tisza (Materials and Technologies) Dr. Tibor Csáki (Integrated Systems) Project leaders: Dr. László Kamondi Dr. János Lukács Dr. Pál Bárczy Dr. Miklós Tisza Dr. Ernő Kovács Dr. Angéla Váradi Szarka Dr. Béla Illés Dr. József Cselényi In addition to the academic and research staff of the University, the representatives and research staff of the companies as consortium members are also involved in the research activities, thus ensuring the solution of the tasks. In the region of Northern Hungary, the University of Miskolc has accumulated the critical mass of theoretical knowledge and research capacity that can serve as the centre of mechatronic and logistic research for the region.
Dr. Béla Mang Dr. Tibor Csáki Dr. Tamás Bányai Dr. József Cselényi Miklós Beliczky Dr. Angéla Váradi Szarka Petra Dobai Dr. László Sárközi Dr. László Kamondi Dr. János Lukács Dr. Pál Bárczy Dr. Miklós Tisza Dr. Ernő Kovács Dr. Béla Illés
University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc University of Miskolc
20 100 70 35 100 70 100 100 40 32 20 32 35 43
chairman director assistant director consultant business manager research organiser, project leader office manager research fellow project leader project leader project leader project leader project leader project leader
Research results as reflected in the curriculum Research-development-innovation activities provide a significant contribution to developing academic activities, for the R&D activities involve primarily staff members who, through formulating practical problems, presenting models and methods, and presenting the results, do not only familiarise students with the theoretical aspects of mechatronic and logistic systems, but also present their aspects ever so important for the business sphere. Research results also prevail strongly in teaching material development. This is a highly important fact for the Knowledge Centre, for in order to teach engineers meeting the demands of the business sphere, it is essential to develop and teach theoretically demanding, but at the same time practice-oriented teaching materials. Involving students in the research work More than 25 undergraduates were involved in the elaboration of the various projects. The scope of their activities covered data collection in the companies, computerised data processing, testing calculation models and the preparatory work of measurements. Activities in the Students' Scientific Societies, complex design assignments, thesis work Two students are writing a paper each for the Students' Scientific Society; MLR-RET has founded a special prize for the best papers for Students' Scientific Society on mechatronics and logistics, respectively; more than ten undergraduates are writing their complex design assignments in connection with the research topics, which will be developed into thesis work; several students spent their summer industrial placements with the consortium partners, assisting in testing the research results, in making the solution versions more accurate, and in preparing the company staff for the continuous utilisation of the research results. PhD students, postdoctoral staff Name
Research topic
Richárd Bátorfi László Kota László Kuzsella Ferenc Mészáros Mónika Nagy Gyüker Enikő Tóth Attila Trohák Attila Unhauser
Diagnostics of large resonant electricity networks Optimising large logistic service networks Investigation of the wear properties of materials Design and control of supplier clusters Optimising the supplier network of assembly systems with network-like operation Theoretical foundations of the application of up-to-date identification systems in logistics Developing safety-enhancing methods for process control systems Investigation of the disturbance effects of high power electrical facilities
The Knowledge Centre has taken on a major role in supporting PhD and postdoctoral students. This is particularly true regarding the employment of postdoctoral students, for it provides students with an opportunity for continuing their research work while remaining within the institution. Their employment is also beneficial for the Knowledge Centre as well, since their experience gained in research contributes to raising the standards of the elaboration of the research topics. The Knowledge Centre offered four PhD courses in the framework of the Doctoral Schools accredited at the University of Miskolc in the following topics in 2007: Science and project management; National and European application systems, proposal writing and reports; Manager preparation and management instruments in managing knowledge-intensive professional fields. In-company advanced training events The research results achieved are presented in great detail to our industrial partners in courses of 4-8 hours. In this way the utilisation of the research results can be significantly speeded up. The consortium partners and external employers have recognised the importance of the incompany advanced training events having a major role in the process of knowledge transfer related to the R&D activities, and in the light of this, the Knowledge Centre dedicated significantly greater resources to the implementation of this form of knowledge transfer in 2007 as well.
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, UTILISATION OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS The research achievements attained by the Knowledge Centre appear in the fields of development research, applied research and basic research as well. The opportunities and importance of technology transfer can be perceived in all of the three research areas. In the framework of knowledge transfer the Knowledge Centre has regarded it as one of its priority tasks to provide our PhD students and the young experts and researchers at the University and at the consortium partners with specialist knowledge that they have not been able to acquire in the course of their studies so far. Similarly to other knowledge centres, therefore we have also established relations with Szinergia Kft and together we revised the teaching materials they had elaborated in accordance with MLR-RET demands, and held 2 PhD courses each in the autumn and spring semesters of 2007. We consider it a significant achievement that the courses were also attended by young members of staff of our consortium partners and they passed their examinations successfully. Quite frequently it is the results achieved in basic research that give rise to a research topic that will lead to marketable products, technologies or model systems. In terms of technology transfer, it is the applied research segment that carries the greatest significance. The majority of novelties appear in the form of analysing novel systems, system design and control methods and only a smaller proportion takes the form of products or technologies. Therefore, in order to advance technology transfer, not only the encouragement of patents, but the presentation of the results in the form of knowhow is also of great significance. The Knowledge Centre has been actively involved in the development of the innovation strategy of the University of Miskolc, setting a good example through its achievements for the introduction of structural, organisational and management methodology required for pro-active innovation activities. Partly as a result of that, the UNI-FLEXSYS Fejlesztő és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. was established at the University of Miskolc in 2007. In order to widen the technology transfer activities on the national and international scales, the following opportunities are taken advantage of: widening the activities of the Mechatronikai és Anyagtudományi Kooperációs Kutató Központ to the national scale; the national network of RET through establishing connections in the research topics; the wide-reaching national and international relations of the University of Miskolc; the Technológiai Transzfer Iroda operating at the University of Miskolc and the local branch of the Innovációs Szövetség; close relations with the chambers of the counties involved; the fact that novelties can be propagated in the multinational companies established in the region through a network, the multiplicative impact of which can exert a positive influence on the economy of the region and the country. Technology transfer activities are promoted by: the scientific publication, Innovation and Knowledge, published on an annual basis; the Scientific Seminar organised annually; the PhD Student Forum organised annually jointly with MeAKKK and IMKKK, where young researchers are not only given an opportunity to present their achievements, but can also gain experience in convincing others of their results, that is marketing their achievements; the research report summaries published on our website.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER KNOWLEDGE CENTRES 2007 saw a continuation in the cooperation between the Regional University Knowledge Centres. We receive on a regular basis each other's newsletters and invitations to various professional events, about which the staff of MLR-RET are notified. Like the other knowledge centres, MLRRET also notified the knowledge centres about its events. MLR-RET joined the series of discussions organised by the Knowledge Centre of the University of Debrecen discussing the future and funding as well as application opportunities of Regional University Knowledge Centres and Cooperation Research Centres and was active in formulating the opinions and presenting them to representatives of NKTH and GKM. The professional and management relations between MLR-RET and the Regional University Knowledge Centre of the Dunaújvárosi Főiskola have to be especially highlighted. The management of the Knowledge Centre of the Főiskola contacted MLR-RET right after their establishment and familiarised themselves with our organisational structure, organisational and management practice and obtained an overview of the professional work pursued in MLR-RET. The management of MLR-RET (chairman, director and assistant director) reciprocated the visit. On that occasion we visited the laboratories of the Knowledge Centre in Dunaújváros and conducted professional discussions with the staff there. We agreed to support and promote each other's professional activities. As a first step MLR-RET offered to provide publication opportunities in its scientific conferences and publications for the Knowledge Centre in Dunaújváros to present their activities and professional profile to the companies in the region of NorthEastern Hungary. We agreed, since logistics did not fit into the profile of Dunaújváros, that the two institutions would cooperate in this field, and that the capacity of MLR-RET would be recommended by the colleagues in Dunaújváros to their industrial partners. Dunaújváros is planning to purchase a Gleeble simulator using its funding. In view of the fact that it is a unique purchase in Hungary, and even in the neighbouring countries, the services of the facility to be installed in Dunaújváros will be recommended by MLR-RET to its consortium partners, in the form of cooperation or services. In this way the two Knowledge Centres can achieve the objectives formulated in the proposals by supporting and strengthening each other's work and activities.
INNOVATION The Knowledge Centre was awarded recognition for its innovation 'Development and application of an electronics teaching-research system' at the XV. Magyar Innovációs Nagydíj Pályázat (XV. Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix). National Instruments Europe Kft. (NIE) and the Regional University Knowledge Centre of the University of Miskolc (MLR-RET) jointly elaborated a system supporting the teaching and learning of electronics, which through a combined system of hardware, software and teaching materials provides straightforward, highly visual, interactive support for those wishing to study electronics. The system Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite, ELVIS for short, produced and distributed by NIE, performs the testing of circuits constituted by real elements on a test panel by means of virtual instruments. On the one hand, the system facilitates the development of a cost-efficient electronics measurement laboratory, which can replace 13 different, high-cost measurement instruments. On the other, the highly visual combination of the virtual and the real world attracts the attention of young people to the topic. The equipment can be used in any field where it is necessary to measure the circuits arranged on the test panel, but it makes particularly convenient the tests that require the simultaneous use of instruments of different kinds. The ELVIS system combines the surface displayed on the screen of virtual instrument produced in LabVIEW with the real functions of the data collection device (DAQ) and the relevant connections of the test panel. Thus NIE ELVIS can reduce the costs of equipping laboratories, for it contains all the instruments that can be needed in the teaching laboratories (e.g. digital multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator, etc.). NIE ELVIS provides a professional instrument for the practice-oriented training of engineers, for research in physics and biology, which can be used with great advantage both by academic staff and students. NIE ELVIS provides substantial assistance in teaching the foundations of electronics, in the circuit-building practice of students of electrical engineering, but beyond that, can be useful also for mechanical and other engineers. The package includes a complete environment for testing, measurements and data storage, which can be further improved by the user. The removable test panel also makes it possible for students to build the connections at home and test them in the laboratory. Since the equipment, together with the graphic development environment of LabVIEW, facilitates comprehensive data collection and prototype development, it is an ideal device for solving both simple and more sophisticated problems. The textbook developed by MLR-RET to accompany the ELVIS system provides theoretical and practical knowledge in analogue and digital electronics, and gives thematic measurement problems in aid of the work of not only the students, but the academic staff as well. The measurement problems present the operation of the circuits using the NIE ELVIS system. In this way students acquire comprehensive knowledge on the design of measurement systems, which they can use to advantage in their future careers as well.
Cooperation topic
Improvement of a theoretical model and simulation software for analysing the workstation component storage unit supply and storage capacity needs of assembly cells.
Developing new services and modules for the software developed in 2006 for analysing the component storage supply of the assembly cells and determining the storage capacity needs: direct import of production programs, investigation of random assembly processes, displaying the complete range of assembly component information, preparing instructions for filling the direct workstation storage unit, and preliminary planning of component deliveries.
Investigation of the solution possibilities of product identification tasks in storage processes and materials handling and transfers by using automatic identification/tracking technologies.
Developing the warehouse information system of a mechatronic production-assembly plant. Making recommendations for the structure of auxiliary software supporting tracking tasks and collaborating with the company management system.Developing the foundations for the computer tracking of basic material storage processes in mechatronic production-assembly plants.
Elaborating the concept of in-production measurement bases for the purpose of increasing productivity and quality assurance.
Conceptional plan for in-production measurement bases.
Performing numerical simulation for improving the efficiency and reducing the noise of „twinclean CM2” type vacuum cleaners.
2dB sonar performance reduction (approximately 40%) in the lead channel of household vacuum cleaners, 13% reduction in the hydraulic resistance of the channel part, 21.8 % noise level reduction through rounding off the channel between the Hepa filters and the motor holder.
Prec-Cast Öntödei Kft.
Development of the monitoring system of highpressure pig machines.
Prototype of a system measuring and checking column deformation (mobile sensor computer-based signal processing and evaluating virtual single-purpose instrument with Labview 8.0 and Diadem 9.0 software), measuring, evaluating, archiving and documenting static machine status, measuring, evaluating, archiving and documenting dynamic machine status, portable (measurement case design), battery operation. Consulting, training and expert basis for monitoring the operation safety and product quality of high-pressure pig machines (laboratory mapping of a measurement and quality control system operating in a plant, with the following main elements: ADAM 4018 temperature measurement modules, miniature K-type thermocouples installed in a crucible, ADAM 6000-based precision digital temperature controller, calibrating elements (Keithley 6 ˝ digit, computer-controlled thermometer, analogue thermocouple calibrator).
Borsod Volán Személyszállítási Rt.
Elaborating a method for determining the sustainable service standard of scheduled bus transportation.
A method for determining the sustainable service standard of scheduled bus transportation.
Flow and heat engineering analysis of electric hand tools.
Determining flow resistance in the in- and outflow crosssections of drilling machines. Determining temperature distribution within a drilling machine and on the outer surface of the housing by means of thermo-vision. Developing a method suitable for computing the characteristic curve of a drilling machine ventilator.
Electrical drives of DIY hand tools measuring and applicability of low-power universal motors
Test stand for the loading tests of drills Computer-based measurement date collecting system for the automatic processing of data measured on the block-testing stand.
Developing an automatic testing bench for testing jigsaws.
Developing the conceptual model of a new measurement method and process for the complete replacement of the practice tests of jigsaws, which represents a unique innovation in the development of jigsaws.
Preparing an analysis resulting in new knowledge about DCS systems in power plants and safety analysis of burner control
Comparative analysis of distributed control systems (DCS) for optimum use in power plant technology control. Proposal for modifications for safe operation based on the safety analysis of burner controls in power plants.
Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Gyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Electrolux Lehel Kft.
Robert Bosch Power Tool Elektromos Szerszámgyártó Kft.
AES - Tisza Erőmű Kft.
Industrial partner
Cooperation topic
Developing a conceptual method and testing system for determining the propagation direction of disturbances. Disturbance effects of the voltage fluctuations and harmonic distortions of electrical networks on the operation of industrial process control equipment ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Szolgáltató Kft.
Disturbance effects of flicker propagating in electrical networks on the operation of industrial process control equipment Investigation and measurement of disturbances in intermediate voltage networks supplying selected industrial plants Checking the electrical energy quality and locating disturbance sources in the intermediate voltage feed points of (selected) industrial parks
Developing new, up-to-date measurement methods for detecting the disturbance sources (consumers) degrading the quality of electrical energy. Developing a (laboratory) digital flicker meter realising the measurement principle developed by EuroNorm. Evaluating the flicker level statistically. Developing analysis-simulation software. Performing testing supporting the safe and disturbance-free electricity supply of industrial plants (industrial parks) applying electronic and mechatronic technologies, developing recommendations for measures by electricity utility companies taking standards into consideration. Industrial testing. Developing and laboratory testing of a digitally measuring computer-based flicker meter.
Checking measurement and investigation of disturbances propagating in the electricity grid using the measurement methods and regulations recommended by ERGEK on the 0.4kV grid of Miskolc
Ventifilt Légtechnikai Zrt.
HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt.
Lifetime management of conveyor pulleys
Exploring the causes of fracture of conveyor pulleys, redesigning the equipment in accordance with actual operating conditions, state-of-the-art manufacture and installation
Examination of copper wires
Performing tensile tests, hardness measurements and metallography testing and evaluating the measurement results by mathematical-statistical methods for the purpose of increasing the lifetime of copper wires.
Development of the production of hot water tanks, analysing the welding of longitudinal and circular welds in the production of hot water tanks
Technological development of the welding of longitudinal and circular welds in the production of hot water tanks (including fixtures). Formulating proposals for reducing quality deviation in connection with the analysis of pre-production technologies preceding welding. Increasing the efficiency of tank production and improving the quality indicators
Elaborating the maintenance instructions of the current machine fleet Carl Zeiss Sport Optikai Hungária Kft. Developing purchasing and stocktaking system.
A straightforward and easy-to-fill-in check- and maintenance list for each machine with maintenance points both named and coded broken down by day, week and month. Detailed maintenance instructions for each machine, with a uniform structure for the whole company, which makes it easy to search in and expand. Software for filing and tracking framework contracts. Software for analysing finished product deliveries and lowering stock levels.
Developing production preparation functions related to purchaser's orders. Making recommendations for the implementation of production preparation functions.
Novel models of designing warehouse-free supplier systems, cost analysis of the models.
Holcim Hungária Zrt Hejőcsabai Cementgyár
Updating the process control system of a continuous technology plant for the purpose of increasing efficiency and safety.
Updating the control system in the packaging plant of a continuous technology company. Performing and certifying the safety analysis according to the standard IEC 61508 of a plant in a continuous technology company. Improving the grinding efficiency of cement mills by fuzzy algorithm. Developing a plant training pack for a SIEMENS PLC system.
ReMat Hulladékhasznosító Zrt.
Developing purchasing and stocktaking system
Determining supplier clusters by multi-level ABC analysis, supplier strategies for various types of supplier clusters.
Investigation of electrical energy system
Development recommendations for developing the energetics system.
Miskolci Vasipari Acélszerkezetgyártó Zrt.
PUBLICATIONS Program 1 Barkóczi I., Sárközi L.: Acél- Alumínium szabadvezetékek analitikus szilárdságtani elemzése. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. Pp.9-26 Lukács J., Nagy Gy., Török I.: Csővezetékek körvarratainak értékelésére vonatkozó előírások és azok egy alkalmazása. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.43-56 Lukács J., Nagy Gy.: A szakítóvizsgálati mérőszámok megbízhatósága és annak alkalmazása félkésztermék homogenitásának megítélésére. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.27-42 Nagy Gy.; Török I,; Lukács J.: Szállító csiga tengelyének törése. Kárelemzés Első Országos Konferencia, Miskolc, 2007. április 24-25. CDROM. Soltész L., Szabó Sz.: Partnerkapcsolatok a Twin Clean porszívó optimalizálásánál, XXI. Háztartási Gép Szeminárium, Jászberény, 2007 (Előadás)
Program 2 Bárczy P., Kollár M., Szóda K.: Rezgéscsillapító szilikonhab térszerkezetének vizsgálata. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.57-68 Bárczy P., Marossy K., Kuzsella L., Emmer J.: A polipropilén oxidációjának vizsgálata a feldolgozás során. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.77-94 Bárczy P.: A műszeres szagmérés lehetőségei. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.95-106 Kovács P., Tisza M.: Komplex lemezvizsgáló rendszer megvalósítása a Miskolci Egyetem Mechanikai Technológiai Tanszékén. In: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. Pp.69-76 Szőke J., Somosvári B.: Lézeres habvizsgáló berendezés fejlesztése . in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.85-94 Tisza M., Gál G., Lukács Zs.: Integrált technológiai folyamat- és szerszámtervezés a képlékeny lemezalakításban. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.191-198
Program 3 Bálint R., Cselényi J., Illés B.: Decentrumokból álló virtuális logisztikai hálózat egy decentruma raktározási kapacitása optimalizálásának egyszerű esetei. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.165-176 Bányai Á., Bányai T.: Optimised technical resource management of networked recycling. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007. Vienna (NH 9.05 poster session) Bányai T., Bányai Á.: Theoretical issues in logistics application. of AVM/C system elementsGI FORUM, Symposium and Exhibit Applied Geoinformatics 2007 (poster session) Bátorfi R.: Villamos hálózatok mérő- és elemző alkalmazásának továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.199-204 Bátorfi Richárd, Unhauzer Attila: Academia-Industry Cooperation for Energy Saving in North-East Hungary, Joining Forces in Engineering Education Towards Excellence, SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007, Miskolc, 2007. július 1-4, ISBN 978-963-661-772-1, pp199201 Bátorfi Richárd: Villamos hálózatok mérő- és elemző alkalmazásának továbbfejlesztési lehetőségei, Innováció és Tudás Konferencia, Miskolc, 2007. június, ISSN 1789-0284, pp 199-204 Bátorfi Richárd: Villamos hálózatok minőség- és költség elemzése, Tudományos Diákfórum, Miskolc, 2007. június 8. Blága Cs., Kovács E.: Electromagnetic Emission of Electric Tools, Proceedings ISEF 2007, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 13-15 of September 2007, ISBN 97880-01- 03784-3 (CD: 243.pdf) (Book of Digest: pp.532-533). Buczko K., Illés B.: Assembly and disassembly halls supplied by logistics networks. In Annals of MTeM for 2007 and Proceeding of the 8th International MTeM Conference. Cluj-Napoca. 2007 Csáki T., Szilágyi A., Patkó Gy., Tajnafői J., Takács Gy., Helbig J.: Superfinishing device. REM 2007 Conference. Tallin 2007 Cselényi J., Kovács L., Telek P., Erzsébet K.: Optimization process of the lead time and the stocks between operations of manufacturer and assembly systems producing mechatronics products. In Annals of MTeM for 2007 and Proceeding of the 8th International MTeM Conference. Cluj-Napoca. 2007 Füredi P.: Többszintű hálózaton működő hőmérséklet-kalibráló rendszer, Miskolci Egyetem Automatizálási Tanszék, szakdolgozat 2007. Illés B., Cselényi J., Mészáros F., Tóth E.: Jellegzetes logisztikával integrált mechatronikai gyártórendszerek számítógépes nyomkövetése vonalkódok segítségével. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.205-216 Illés B., Németh J., Tóth E.: Scheduling of a kanban principled assembly system. In Annals of MTeM for 2007 and Proceeding of the 8th International MTeM Conference. Cluj-Napoca. 2007 Kazup L., Unhauzer A., Szkárosi Sz.: Ethernet hálózaton keresztül vezérelhető ipari kommunikációs eszközök alkalmazása. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.131-136 Kemény V.: Elektronikus áramkörök tesztelése peremfigyelés módszerével. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.155-164 Kovács E., Blága Cs.: Elektrohidraulikus szervokormány-rendszerek vizsgálata. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.119-130
Ajtonyi István, Jónap Károly, Trohák Attila, Vranka Péter, Irányítási feladatok végrehajtásának vizsgálata ABB 800XA rendszerben, Lillafüred, 2007 Mészáros F., Cselényi J., Illés B.: A Kárpátok Beszállítói Logisztikai Klaszter irányítási stratégiái és azok matematikai modelljei a felhasználókhoz való kiszállítás diszponálása esetében. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.217-225 Mészáros F., Cselényi J., Illés B.: Principles of dynamic formation, operation and organizational framework of carpatjian supplier cluster integrated with logistics. In Annals of MTeM for 2007 and Proceeding of the 8th International MTeM Conference. Cluj-Napoca. 2007 Minkó G.: Hordozható, négycsatornás oszlopterhelés-mérő nagynyomású öntőgépekhez, Miskolci Egyetem Automatizálási Tanszék, szakdolgozat 2007. Minkó G.: Hordozható, négycsatornás oszlopterhelés-mérő nagynyomású öntőgépekhez. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. Pp.147-154 Péter Telek, József Cselényi: Model structure and operation of a simulation process supporting element supplying of assembling cells of mechatronic products, ADVANCED LOGISTIC SYSTEMS Theory and Practice, Vol. 1., ISSN 1789-2198, pp.: 135-144. University of Miskolc, 2007. Rostás E., Takács Gy., Jakab E.: Gyártóeszközök karbantartása . in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. Pp.225-230 Sz. Váradi, L. Strand, and J. Takács : Clean Electrical Power Generation from Municipal Solid Waste. International Conference, May 2007 Capri, Italy. Szabó Sz., Bolló B., Tóth R.: Áramlás- és hőtechnikai numerikus szimuláció a háztartási készülékek fejlesztésének szolgálatában, XXI. Háztartási Gép Szeminárium, Jászberény, 2007 (előadás) Szabó Sz..: Zajforrás és veszteségfeltárás numerikus szimulációval, Innováció és Tudás, MLR-RET Konferencia, Miskolc, 2007 (előadás) Szarka T, Szentirmai L: Electrical Drives Improvement for Industry Application. International Conference on ELECTRICAL DRIVES and POWER ELECTRONICS 24 26 September 2007, the High Tatras, Slovak Republic Szarka T.- Szentirmai L: Clean Power Challenges and Pilot Projects in Hungary. International Conference, May 2007 Capri, Italy. Szecső G.: Kölcsönhatás a gyakorlati képzés és az ipari K+F tevékenység között. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.107-118 Szentirmai L, Szarka T : Electrical Energy Quality Role on the Globe. ACEMP'07 and ELECTROMOTION'07 International Conference, 1012 September 2007 Bodrum Turkey Telek P., Cselényi J.: Mechatronikai termékek szerelő celláinak optimális alkatrész ellátását segítő szimulációs modell struktúrája. In: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.177-190 Trohák Attila, How To Create A Multi-module Dynamo In DeltaV, Grapevine, Texas, 2007. szeptember Trohák Attila, RESEARCH OF INDUSTRIAL COMMUNICATION FOR DISTRIBUTED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, Kolozsvár, 2007. Unhauzer A., Kazup L., Szkárosi Sz.: GPIB alapú virtuális laboratórium fejlesztése. in: Innováció és Tudás 2007. Miskolci Egyetem. 2007. pp.137-146 Unhauzer Attila, Bátorfi Richárd: Flicker Determination of Electrical Newtworks, Forces in Engineering Education Towards Excellence, SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007, Miskolc, 2007. július 1-4, ISBN 978-963-661-772-1, pp 411-412 Unhauzer A.: Flickermérők hitelesítésére alkalmas módszer kidolgozása. Tudományos Diákfórum, Miskolc, 2007. június. Váradiné Szarka A. Takács J : Experimental wind energy unit in Northern Hungary. International Conference, May 2007 Capri,Italy
Reports Ajtonyi I. et al.:A folyamatos, ill. diszkrét e-kereskedelem igényeit kielégítő irányítási struktúrájának kidolgozása Ajtonyi I. et al.: A cement malmok és a nyers malom örlési teljesítményének javítása fuzzy algoritmussal Ajtonyi I. et al.: A csomagolóüzem irányítási rendszerének korszerűsítése Ajtonyi I. et al.: A csomagolóüzemi technológia automatizálási igényének feltárása, és a jelenlegi Polcid DC melletti PLC-s irányítás funkcionális felülvizsgálata és értékelése az igénykehez viszonyítva Ajtonyi I. et al.: A DCS rendszerekbe integrált biztonsági funkciók optimális arányának meghatározása és tesztelése a Siemens ,ill. ABB rendszeren Ajtonyi I. et al.: A Holcim-HGRS által engedélyezett fuzzy kontrollerek laboratóriumi bevizsgálása Ajtonyi I. et al.: A PROFINET hálózatához kapcsolódó WLAN hálózatok alkalmazási feltételeinek kidolgozása, különös tekintettel a kommunikáció biztonságára Ajtonyi I. et al.: A PROFINET ipari kommunikáción alapuló CBA automatizálás filozófiájának feltárása, tervezési módszer kidolgozása Ajtonyi I. et al.: A szénüzem IEC 61508-as szabvány szerinti biztonsági analízisének elvégzése és minősítése Ajtonyi I. et al.: Az erőműben telepített égővezérlő irányítások biztonsági analízise alapján javaslattétel a módosításokra a biztonságos üzemeltetés érdekében Ajtonyi I. et al.: Az erőművi technológiák irányításához optimálisan használható folyamatirányító rendszerek (DCS) összehasonlító analízise tárgyú, új tudásanyagot eredményező elemző tanulmány készítése Ajtonyi I. et al.: Az irányítórendszer funkcióblokkjainak bővítése fuzzy szabályozó funkcióblokkal.A módszer validálása S7-300-as PLC-vel Ajtonyi I. et al.: Batch folyamatok irányítása PLC-SCADA, ill. DCS rendszerrel Ajtonyi I. et al.: OPC szerveren alapuló rendszer-integráció tervezési és programozási módszereinek kidolgozása Ajtonyi I. et al.: PLC-SCADA rendszerek informatikai illesztése, a vonatkozó szabványok feltárása, a korszerű SCADA szoftverek Szolgáltatásaink elemzése, SCADA programok készítése, módszertanának kidolgozása
Bányai T. et al.: A jelenlegi készletezési rendszer felülvizsgálata, javaslattétel új tudásanyag felhasználásával a készletezési rendszer korszerűsítésére Bányai T. et al.: Gyártás-előkészítési rendszer korszerűsítését megcélzó kutatás-fejlesztés Bányai al.: Számítógéppel integrált gyártás és számítógéppel támogatott gyártáselőkészítési rendszerek, azok fejlesztése Blága Cs. Et al.: Hobby kéziszerszámok villamos hajtása- kisteljesítményű univerzális motorok mérése és alkalmazhatósága Czél Gy. et al.: Fröccsöntési folyamat optimális munkapontjának meghatározása Lukács J. et al.: Rézhuzalok vizsgálata I-II-III. Mang B. et al.: A jelenlegi beszerzési módszer felülvizsgálata Nagy Gy. et al.: Korrózióálló acélok hegesztése Nagy Gy. et al.: Szállító csiga élettartam vizsgálata Nagy Gy. et al.: Szállító csiga élettartam vizsgálata Szabó Sz. et al.: Mérések végzése a „Twinclean CM2” típusú porszívó hatásfoknövelése és áramlási zajának csökkentése céljából Szabó Sz. et al.: Porszívó hatásfoknövelésének és zajcsökkentésének méréssel és numerikus modellezéssel való elérésének elméleti alapjai Szabó al.: Numerikus szimulációk végzése a „Twinclean CM2 „ típusú porszívó hatásfoknövelése és áramlási zajának csökkentése érdekében Szarka T. et al.: Villamos hálózatok feszültségingadozásának és harmonikus torzításának zavarhatásai az ipari folyamatirányító berendezések működésére Szarka T. et al.: Villamos hálózatokon terjedő flicker zavarhatásai az ipari folyamatirányító berendezések működésére Szarka T. et al: Zavarhatások terjedési irányának meghatározására alkalmas elvi módszer és vizsgálórendszer fejlesztése Szecső G. et al.: Meglévő mérő és minőségellenőrző rendszer üzembiztonságát növelő tanácsadó és szakértői bázis létrehozása Szecső G. et al.: Oszlopdeformáció analízise mérési adatok alapján Tisza M. et al.: Forróvíztároló tartály hegesztése Tisza M. et al.: Hibaanalízis a kis vastagságú, acél anyagú hegesztett termékeknél Tisza M. et al.: Hibaanalízis a kis vastagságú, acél anygú hegesztett termékeknél Tisza M. et al.: Kis vastagságú, acél anyagú hegesztett termékek gyártásának fejlesztése Váradiné dr. Szarka A. et al.: A Ples Rt. Kerékgyár Borsodnádasdi üzem villamosenergia-rendszerének vizsgálata Váradiné dr. Szarka A. et al.: Középfeszültség 3563,5 kV-os transzformátor villamos energetikai üzemének vizsgálata Váradiné dr. Szarka A. et al.: Szúrófűrészek terhelése üzemét jellemző és leíró rendszer fejlesztése
General topic presentations and publications Csáki T., Patkó Gy., Mang B., Bányai T.: Innováció és tudás a mechatronika és logisztika területén. In: Pilóta nélküli és szállító repülőeszközök katonai alkalmazhatósága. CD kiadvány. Szolnok. 2007 Csáki T.: Regionális Egyetemi Tudásközpont - Innovációs eredmények a mechatronika és a logisztika területén. INNOTOOL IV RiÜ zárókonferencia. 2007 Bátorfi R., Unhauzer A.: Academia-industry cooperation for energy savings in north-east Hungary. in: Joining forces in engineering education towards excellence. Proceedings SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007, Miskolc, 2007 Csáki T., Mang B., Bányai T.: Innovation and Knowledge the Regional Knowledge Centre of Mechatronic and Logistic Systems. in: Joining Forces in engineering education towards excellence. Proceedings SEFI and IGIP Joint Annual Conference 2007, Miskolc, 2007
SERVICES The Knowledge Centre regards it as its responsibility to utilise the R&D&I results achieved also in the form of services. The forms are realised in model laboratories and measurement laboratories, similarly to the previous years: ? rapid prototyping laboratory, ? the universal materials testing measurement laboratory, ? the gas analysis laboratory, ? the plastic deformation integrated academic-research model system, ? the printed circuit testing measurement laboratory. The Knowledge Centre, the University, the Regional Adult Education Centre together with Mentorpartner Stratégiai és Vezetési Tanácsadó Kft. have started to elaborate the services plan with the related operation model for the period until 2010.
MLR-RET has been continuously developing its professional library stock since 2005. As a result of that development, today it possesses professional literature to the extent that facilitates the operation of an in-house library. Not only the researchers and students involved in our projects, but other students of the university as well are pleased to come to us to find the literature required for their studies or satisfying their interests. Our Internet database enables all the students and staff of the university to have a look at the list of the Hungarian, English, and German professional and technical books covering mainly logistics and mechatronics as well as of general use and technical dictionaries. Using the library, including the lending service, is free of charge, and when users or visitors need professional assistance, our colleagues are always pleased to provide it. Our plans for the future naturally include developing the library in order to meet the increasingly wider scope of interest of students and researchers.
PRESENCE IN THE MEDIA, INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Presence in the media Koktél Magazin, February 2007 Interview in Miskolci Televízió, March 2007 Európa Rádió, March 2007 Magyar Rádió, March 2007 Magyar Televízió Miskolci Regionális Stúdió, March 2007 Developments in the Zemplén region, in Gazdasági Tükörkép Magazin, 2007.VI Knowledge Centre and university strategy, in Gazdasági Tükörkép Magazin, 2007.XI University at the foot of the Bükk mountains, in Magyar Gazdasági Magazin, 2007.XI Internal communications Communications between the University of Miskolc as leader of the consortium and the member companies of the consortium take place at three levels: ? at the highest level: in the preparation, administration and evaluation of the sessions of the Management Board (strategic cooperation), ? at intermediate level: in the working relations between the members of the Operative Council and the company officials (Tactical cooperation), ? at project level: in the cooperation between the project leaders and the company research leaders (operative cooperation). In order to promote its independence of the administration processes of the University and to achieve a more up-to-date information flow, the Knowledge Centre has started to elaborate, in the framework of an „e-PM” (e-project management) project, a WEB-based project administration system promoting the communication between the management of the Knowledge Centre, its professional and economic administration and the elaborators based on a pre-defined set of rules. Since in September 2007 the quality control system under the standard ISO 9001:2000 was introduced, the project administration system will have to be transformed to meet the requirements of the standard.
Utilisable outcome of the project Number of developed new products (co)
services (pc)
technology (pc):
application (pc):
prototype (pc)
3 0
Number of patents submitted* 2.
Scientific achievements 47
Publications (including presentations) Did it result in new international project? (Y/N): 3.
Human resources * Are the outcomes of the project utilised in teaching/training? (Y/N)
Number of those involved in the project undergraduates:
PhD students:
young researchers:
Number of jobs created through the project in companies (pc):
in research centres (pc):
Out of which research jobs (pc):
Economic utilisation* The activities of the Centre involve number of research centres (pc):
number of enterprises (pc):
Number of new enterprises established (pc) Did the economic utilisation of the outcomes of the project take place? (Y/N) Number of companies utilising the outcome (pc), its address: 5.
2 yes 20
Social utilisation Has the project contributed to sustainable development and environment protection? (Y/N):
the implementation of equal opportunities? (Y/N):
security? (Y/N):
moderation of regional inequalities? (Y/N):
other issues(Y/N), please specify Has the public presentation of the outcomes of the project taken place (Y/N) and in what way:*
in the professional community:
to the general public:
Other, specific monitoring indicators resulting from the nature of the project Number of courses updated as a result of the project Number of undergraduates involved
6 450
Number of degree works written in the project topic
Number of advanced trainings and courses resulting from the project
INNOVATION AND BUSINESS UTILISATION The utilisation of the research and development achievements was effected in addition to the consortium partners at the following companies: Robert Bosch Power Tool Elektromos Szerszámgyártó Kft. AES - Tisza Erőmű Kft. ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Szolgáltató Kft. EPCOS Kft. HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt. Ventifilt Légtechnikai Zrt. Carl Zeiss Sport Optikai Hungária Kft. Miskolci Vasipari Acélszerkezetgyártó Zrt. Holcim Hungária Zrt Hejőcsabai Cementgyár ReMat Hulladékhasznosító Zrt. FCI Connectors Hungary Kft. Academic activities The achievements of the research and development activities were also utilised in the academic activities: nine PhD dissertations have been begun, several papers written for the Students' Scientific Societies were accepted for the program of the Conference of the Students' Scientific Societies of the University of Miskolc, MLR-RET founded a special prize for the best papers for the Students' Scientific Societies in mechatronics and logistics, respectively several final theses were begun to be prepared in the various research projects, the research results achieved are continuously integrated into the curricula of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science of the University of Miskolc. Social utilisation The project made contributions to: sustainable development and environmental protection, the implementation of equal opportunities, security, moderation of regional inequalities.
prototípus (db) alkalmazás (db) technológia (db)
szolgáltatás (db) 10
termék (db)
FINANCING, AGGREGATE FINANCIAL INDICATORS The Knowledge Centre has developed its financial order of operation in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the Act on State Budget, the Act on Higher Education, those of NKTH and KPI as well as the financial regulations of the University of Miskolc. The operation of the MLR-RET consortium is ensured by three sources: KPI support, own resources of the consortium members, and income from external commissions. In terms of financing, the strategic objective is to increase the own resources of the members and the income from external commissions. Use of support and own resources in 2007
Support applied for
Operation costs
226.837 Personal expenditure
Personal remuneration
Contributions paid by the employer
Material expenses
External commissions
Other material expenses
27.230 39.320
Accumulation costs Purchase of R+D equipment
Purchase of R+D intangible assets
Investment, refurbishment Overhead, coordination out of the above Own resources
11.428 11.647 10.337
Operation costs Personal expenditure Personal remuneration Contributions paid by the employer Material expenses
1.848 1.399 449 8489
External commissions
Other material expenses
Accumulation costs Purchase of R+D equipment Purchase of R+D intangible assets Investment, refurbishment
1310 1.310
AES-Tisza Erőmű Kft. (Power Plant) Borsod Volán Személyszállítási Rt. (Public Transport) Computer Numerical Control College of Dunaújváros Electrolux LEHEL Kft. ELMÜ-ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Szolgáltató Kft. EPCOS Kft. FCI Connectors Hungary Kft. Economic Development Operational Programme HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt. Holcim Hungária Zrt Hejőcsabai Cementgyár Kutatás-fejlesztési Pályázati és Kutatáshasznosítási Iroda Miskolci Egyetem (University of Miskolc) Regional University Knowledge Centre of Mechatronic and Logistic Systems Prec-Cast Öntödei Kft. ReMat Hulladékhasznosító Zrt. Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Gyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft. Social Infrastructure Operational Programme Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Rt. (Chemical Plant) Miskolci Vasipari Acélszerkezetgyártó Zrt. Ventifilt Légtechnikai Zrt. Carl Zeiss Sport Optikai Hungária Kft.
Regional University Knowledge Centre of Mechatronic and Logistic Systems
Regional University Knowledge Centre of Mechatronic and Logistic Systems Miskolc-Egyetemváros H-3515 Phone: 36-46-563-427 Fax: 36-46-563-426 e-mail:
[email protected] WEB: