GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I) in English Department of Educational Faculty
Ika Ariyanti 11306054
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website : E-mail :
[email protected]
DECLARATION In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other “people” ideas except the information from the reference. The writer capable accounting this for graduating paper if in the future this graduating paper can be proved of containing others idea or in fact the writer imitate the other graduating paper. This declaration is made by the writer to be understood.
Salatiga, 14th March 2012 Researcher
Ika Ariyanti NIM: 11306054
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website : E-mail : ad
[email protected]
WORO RETNANINGSIH, M.Pd The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case
Salatiga, 11th October 2011
: Ika Ariyanti’s Graduating Paper
To The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Ika Ariyanti’s thesis entitled An Educational Values In Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Negeri Lima Menara I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd NIP. 196810171993032002
MOTTO Do everything with honesty (Rabka al amry)
“The best people is who can be useful for others” (Robesson)
DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this graduating paper for them who were being my motivator: 1. Thanks to Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful. 2. To Prophet Muhammad SAW. 3. My never dies lovely, my father (babe Hadi) and my mother (mae Yah), who always gives me support both in spirit or finance. I love you so much. 4. My kiss long, my sister (Beje), my brother (Bembi) and my boy friend (Djoko). 5. Mrs. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd. Who was guided me until my graduating paper finished. 6. My big family in Mapala MITAPASA, Citut, Fardi, Erna, Indah, and all of members that I can’t mention one by one, you are my great motivation. 7. My special brother (Citut), thanks for your supporting, caring and helping to me to face this world. I hope God bless us.... 8. My best friends Kang Ahmad. Thanks for your loyalty, support and everything that was we did together, laugh, cry, joke and our gatherings, I can’t forget it. 9. All of my friends STAIN Salatiga 2006.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful. Thanks to Him for his blessing so the writer can finish this graduating paper. Blesses and praises also go to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. This Graduataing Paper entitled “An Educational Values In Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Negeri Lima Menara” presented to English Department Of State Institute Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Sarjana Degree. It is important for writer to thank to people behind the making of this graduating paper. The writer would like to thank to: 1.
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the Head of State Institute Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.
Maslihatul Umami. S. Pdi, M. A, as the head of English Departement.
Mrs. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd, as my counselor in writing this graduating paper. Thank you very much for your patience and guidance.
To all of lecturers of English Department, the writer deeply says thank, you are not only giving knowledge but also insight.
My beloved father (Mr.Hadi), mother (Sutiyah), and brother (Temby), my sister (Dwi) who have taught me everything, your support, care, and pray to me to reach my desire. I really love you.
Finally, the writer is aware if this graduating paper is so simple, that there may be mistakes in it. Therefore, she would like to task for the readers to critics or to give suggestion to her because this paper is still far from being perfect. Salatiga, 14th March 2012
The writer
ABSTRACT An Educational Value in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Negeri Lima Menara Name : Ika Ariyanti Consultant : Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd In this study, the writer choose the “Negeri Lima Menara” novel, to be analyzed the educational values as part of education in the Boarding School. There are three research problems proposed of the “Negeri Lima Menara” novel; 1) what are the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the novel; 2) what are the educational values that can be found in the novel; 3) what is the implication of educational values of the novel. The methodology of this study is qualitative descriptive study, it is means that it does not need statistic approach to explore the material. In this research the writer research about the educational values in the “Negeri Lima Menara” novel. Qualitative research is a search of which the data written or oral words are descriptive analyzed. The data sources are primary data and secondary data. The primary data is content of “Negeri Lima Menara” novel. The secondary data is taken from many kinds of books and relevant materials such as books of literature theory, value and education. The result of this study is there are some education values in the “Negeri Lima Menara” novel like accomplishment, affection, courage, morality, altruism, patience, knowledge, punctuality, cooperation, diligence, freedom of conscience and expression, hard work, friendship and respect for creator. Key words: Educational values, literary element.
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ...............................................................................................................
DECLARATION .............................................................................................
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ........................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................... iv MOTTO............................................................................................................
DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study..................................................
B. Statements of the Problem ...............................................
C. The Objectives of the Study.............................................
D. The Benefits of the Study ................................................
E. Definition of Key Terms ..................................................
F. Review of previous research ............................................
G. Research Methodology.....................................................
H. Thesis Outline………………………………………. ... 11 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Literary Element Of The Novel ............................... 12 B. Description Of Education ................................................ 14 C. Description Of Education Value ..................................... 20
CHAPTER III BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR AND SYNOPSIS OF THE NOVEL “NEGERI LIMA MENARA” A. The Biography Of The Author…………………………. 29 B. The Synopsis Of Negeri Lima Menara Novel …………33 CHAPTER IV ANALISYS AND DISCUSSION A. The Intrinsic Literary Elements In The N5M Novel ...... 39 B. The Educational values In The N5M Novel ... ............... 64 CHAPTER V
CLOSURE A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 72 B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 76
A. Background of the Study Literary work means any article or essay that contains the values of kindness, written with beautiful language, and also is a form of creative art work that its object is a human being and life by using language as the medium. According to Robert Escapirt (2007: 2), literature is the crystallization of beliefs, values and norms agreed upon by the community. The birth of literary works is not just a language event, but a life event. Literature as a stage through which human beings produce novelty in life. The history records the existence of life changes inspired by literary works, although it is not the intrinsic purpose of literature. So the literature is the description of the fictitious person's life, which often presents a life colored by the attitudes and beliefs of the author background. According to Rene Wellek (1983: 32), literature is the language of art, and art which has two elements, sound elements and the element of meaning, good sound sense although treated seriously. So, in literature there should be an emphasis of the sound element that is contained intonation and stress. In a sense element includes principal players mind, the way the story and place. The novel is a kind of literary works, novels can provide a view to addressing the artistically imaginative life. This is possible because of the problems discussed in the novel is the question of human beings and humanity. In a novel has many themes and content, including that on social problems which generally occur in the community, including those related to mood and psychosis.
The novel as a form of literary work is expected to bring positive values for the visitors, so they are sensitive to issues related to social life and encourage to behave well. The novel is also an expression of social phenomena in these aspects of life that can be used as a means to know people and his time. As said by Robert Stanton (1965: 44), the novel is a long story. It presents in detail the development of a character or a large complex or a social situation involving many characters or a complicated relationship many years covering events or a complex relationship among a few characters. The author choose a novel Negeri Lima Menara because motivated by the interest to understand the educational values as seen from the behavior of the characters in this novel. Negeri Lima Menara Novel’s written by Ahmad Fuadi is chosen because it has some advantages
in terms of both content and language. Ahmad Fuadi’s novel tells the story of a child from Lake Maninjau, Agam District, Bukit Tinggi who wander away to East Java to religious schools even with a heavy heart after his mother's demand; efficacy of advice forthe scholars who made sincere and serious in doing the job; a strong discipline, friendship has never broken even though the distance separating, and the achievement of the ideals that based on the belief that full. This story is played by six friends who come from different regions with distinctive features and their outlook on life. This suggests that not all places to learn the science of religion is backward, not in terms of modern science, or even low-quality graduates. But quite the contrary, from pondok someone has a better value when compared with the only public school graduates only. Environmental problems as a background story that is the allure and value-added for the reader. It is taught about, obey the rules, learn to live independently, to become a true
leader. Another plus is the style that is straightforward, clear, easily understood and imagery contained in the Negeri Lima Menara Novel’s written by Ahmad Fuadi easily expressed and interpreted.
B. Statement of the Problem In this research, the writer intends to focus on the following problems are: 1. What is the literary elements in Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi ? 2. What are the educational values as seen in the Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi ? C. The Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are as follow ; 1. To describe the intrinsic and exstrinsic literary elements of the Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi. 2. To analyze the educational value as seen in Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi.
D. The Benefit of the Study The Benefit of the Study are as follow: 1. Theoretical Benefits The
knowledge particularly in the field of Indonesian language and literature as well as add insight and knowledge of authors, readers and lovers literature. 2. Practical Benefits
a. Knowing the educational values inherent in the Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi. b. Can understand the character of the existing characters in Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi taught what is expected by the authors after novel is read or interpreted by his readers. c. As a motivation and a reference for the study of Indonesian literary after researchers conducted this study appear as to foster new innovations in literature. d. The
Affairs delivered the author of the Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi.
E. Definition of Key Terms The writer will clarify the terms to avoid mistakes of the title consideration : 1. Education Values Education is knowledge and character resulting from training. Education is from English word, educate means to elicit, to give rise, to develop, to train the mind of character (Manser, 1995:134). According to al-Attas (1991:13), education is a process of installing something into human beings. Values: according to Manser, values (plural form) are principles (Manser, 1995:457). Education values are some principles which that are resulting from process of installing something into human beings. Different with the definition of moral value. According to Hurlock Elizabeth, “moral” comes from the Latin word mores meaning manners, custom and folkways. Moral behavior means behavior in conformity with the moral code of the social group. It
is controlled by moral concept- the rules of behavior to which the members of a culture have become accustomed and which determine the expected behavior patterns of all group members (Hurlock, 1977:386). About the values, every society has values to arrange their life that contains some principles, ideal on standards (Harlock, 1977:386). Halstead convinces that values act as general guides to behavior or action and which are closely connected to personal integrity and personal identity (Halstead, 1996:5). Norm and values usually contains the principles of what is good to follow and what is bad to avoid. Educational values in this graduating paper are specified in moral values. Those educational values are categorized into three ranges; they are citizenship, respect for others, and respect for self. The following examples are intended to guide schools in providing the basis for the teaching of values and characters education in the public schools (Scherenko, 1997). The following examples are: 1. Citizenship, such as democracy, Respect for and Acceptance for Authority, Equality, Freedom of Conscience and Expression, Justice, Liberty, Tolerance, Patriotism, Courage, Honor, Respect for the Natural Environment, Conservation, Respect for the Creator. 2. Respect for other, such as: altruism, Civility and Cheerfulness, Compassion, Kindness, and Generosity, Courtesy and Cooperation, Integrity, Honesty, Truth, Trustworthiness, Fairness and Good Sportsmanship, Patience, Morality. 3. Respect for oneself, such as: Accountability, Commitment, Perseverance and Dilligence, Self-control and Virtue, Frugality, Self-esteem, Knowledge, Moderation, Respect for Physical, Mental and Fiscal Health, Cleanlines, Work
Ethics, Punctuality, Accomplishment, Cooperation, Dependability, Diligence, Pride, Productivity, Creativity, School Pride 2. Novel Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia explains that novel adalah tulisan berupa karangan prosa yang panjang menceritakan sebuah kisah (Fajri, et all; 1978:593). According to it, novel is a writing formed length prose article tells a story we can also say that is an invented prose narative of considerable lenght and a certain complexity that deals in imaginatively with human experience trough a connected sequence of events involving a group of person in a specific setting (Webster:1981:1546). 3. Negeri Lima Menara Negeri Lima Menara is one of Ahmad Fuadi’s novels. It is published in 2009. It is education novel, this novel also describes about education in the boarding school environment.
F. Review of Previous Reseaches This research is library research, so the writer concerns to analyze the education values of “Negeri Lima Menara Novel’s by Ahmad Fuadi ” through library analysis. Among other literary of education values are done by Widiastuti entitled “The Moral Value in Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih”, she found that study the moral values, someone can find it in literature, for example Habbiburrahman, such us self character building, human relation, religiousity, etc (Widiastuti:2008).
The writer reviews other thesis by Fatkhul Yaqin entitled “Education Values of Jesus Birth In the Holly Quran”. Fatkhul Yaqin tries to find the education values on his history, to understand who is Jesus from the holy Quran (Fathkul Yaqin:2009). The writer also reviews other thesis, The concept of moral education (Abdullah Nashih Ulwan’s Perspective) written by Rindha Asmara. She concludes that: according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, moral education is a series of basic principle of moral, the virtue of attitude of moral and the virtue of attitude behaviour; which must be possessed by a person and made into his his on her habit from childhood to adulthood. The examples are loving truth; strength of wish; high ambission; patience; feeling of attention; and instinct of social interaction (Rindha Asmara:2008) Considering that Abdullah Nashih Ulwan comes from middle east country, his view about moral education will be rather difficult to apply in contemporary educational context. This happen because his views always based pure islamic sources.
G. Research Methodology To analyze Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi, the writer described qualitative method as the following: 1. Research Object This research objects in this study were the main and the minor characters in Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi published by Gramedia on Eighth Printed on August 2010.
2. Method of Data Colection The writer used study document taken from library to collect the data. The source of data was devided into primary and secondary source. a. Primary data sources It is source of data related to the object of the research. The primary data source was essential sources derived from book or the research object, Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi publissed by Gramedia on Eighth Printed on August 2010. b. Secondary data sources It was data sources that were taken from many literary books and relevant materials, to support and to complete the primary data sources.
3. Technique of Data Collection In this research, the technique of data collection are study document. The steps were: a. Selecting the novels b. Choosing Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi c. Reading Negeri Lima Menara Novel written by Ahmad Fuadi d. Analyzing the education values in that novel by reading the novel and looking for other information that is relevant to the problem e. Concluding based on the data analyzed.
4. Method of Data Analysis The method of data analysis in this study was descriptive analysis. The techniques were: a. Collecting references relevant to the analysis of the novel b. Reading and learning all sentence from the novel text c. Identifying the literary elements of the novel d. Identifying the education value e. Identifying the style of presenting the education value in the novel
H. Thesis Outlines To make easier for the readers to understand the content of this thesis, it is necessary to devide a thesis into several parts. The writer decides to organize this thesis into five chapters. Chapter I start with Introduction, which consists of Background of the Study, Statement of the problem, the Objective of the study, the Benefit of the study, Clarification of Key Terms, Preview of Previous Researches, Research Methodology, and Thesis Outlines. Chapter II is present the Theoritical Review of Education Value, which contains of Literary Element of Novel, description of education, and description of education values. Chapter III Certain Element of the Novel Negeri Lima Menara, which is present the Bibliography of the Author, and the shorts story of the novel. Chapter IV present the Analysis and Discussion. Chapter V ia Closure that deals with Conclussion and Sugession. The last part is Bibliography and Appendix.
A. The Literary Element of Novel The literary elements of a novel are character and characterization, plot, setting, point of view, styles and themes. They are the following: 1. Character and Characterization Character and characterization are the basic elemants of literary. They are reflect author’s thinking and feeling in his respect, in public as well as in private. So as a reader, we need comprehensiveness to get the pleasures in a novel (Ellen, 1965:583). According to Edward, characterization is the depicting of clear images of a person (Edward, 1968:84). While, Martin states that character is person in play, novel etc (Manser, 1995:63). Character is divided in two parts: the major characters and minor characters. The major characters are the most important figures, men and women in a literary work. The major character is not by itself representing a noble nature because it can also be negative, but because he was the central figure in the story. Meanwhile, minor characters are figures that the properties and behavior characterizations serve to support the main character (Melani, 2002:188).
2. Plot
According to Edward, plot is the “action” of the story. It is sequence of events involving the character and characterization (Edward, 1968:83). In Webster dictionary, plot is the plan or pattern of events or the main story gradual unfolding of casually connected series of motivates accidents (Webster, 1981:1121). An ideal traditional plot line encompasses four level’s, namely exposition, complication, climax or turning point, and resolution. The exposition presents the initial situation and disturbed by a complication or conflict which produces suspenses and eventually leads to climax, crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed by a resolution of the complication and the text usually ends (Harrold, 1971:3). 3. Setting According to Manser, setting is place in which something is fixed (Manser, 1981:377). It reveals where and when of events in a novel. Setting is evidence into two parts, namely setting of place and setting of time. 4. Point of view Point of view is the way an author permits us to observe the story. It aids him in presenting us with those actions, object, and thoughts we need to experience the story. Point of view may be first person, third person, dramatic, and omniscient (Edward, 1968:82). Point of view is an essential element in building a story. The main character’s point of view is the writer’s vision embodiedin the caracter’s view. Therefore, point of view is closely related telling story technique in his novel, the author uses first person or “Aku” as point of view. 5. Style
Style is word choice and its arrangement into sentence, in performing a sequence of paragraph or dialogue. Edward (p-86) states that style is the way in which an author selects, arranges and presents his word. It is his manner of expression. 6. Theme Manser states theme is the point of story, subject of talk, discussion and topic of the entire story that reveals (1995, 429)
B. Description of Education Education is a normative science, because it is based on a choice of good and bad things, especially for children and generally for people (Barnadib, 1982: 15). According to George F. Kneller’s (1967) opinion in the book “Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan”, education in wide sense is an action or an experience which influences the growth and the development of mind, character, or physical ability (Sumitro, dkk: 17). While based on the decision of the people’s Advisory Assembly number II/MPR/1993 about the General Outlines of the Nation’s Direction, education is a life process for nowadays and a preparation for future life. It goes on for life and is given in family, school, and society. So, family, society, and goverment are responsible for it (Haryanti, 1998: 4). Education can be categorized into three ranges. Those are informal education, formal education, and non-formal education (Haryanti,,
1998: 4).
1. Informal Education Informal education is given in a family. It goes on without organization; that is without educator, program, and evaluation (Haryanti,, 1998: 4).
Children get education from their parent anywhere and anytime, about anything which are needed for their growth and development in life. This education happens if there is communication in a family; in the form of advice, model, suggestion, prohibition, instruction, religious education, moral education, etc (Sukiman, Hartati, dkk: 39). 2. Formal Education Formal education has organization. There are ten features of this education: level of school, teaching-learning program, teaching method, requirement of student’s acceptance, students’ homogeneity, length of period of study, compulsory education, administration, class hours, and uniformity (Haryanti, 1998: 4). Here is the explanation about ten features of education by Haryanti.They are : a. Level of School There are some level’s of school, such as kindergarten (TK), elementary school (SD/MI), junior high school (SMP/MTs), senior high school (SMA/MA), and university. b. Teaching-Learning Program There is teaching-learning program in each level of school.
Curriculum, teaching
material, and class hours are arranged formally. c. Teaching Method There is a teaching method in formal education. d. Requirement of Students’ Acceptance In formal education, students must fulfill the requirement of accptance, graduation certificate, selection test, etc. e. Students’ Homogeneity
such as
Students’ Homogeneity includes requirements of age and background of education. f. Length of Period of Study It needs length of period of study in formal education. For example, it needs 6 years to be graduated from an elementary school, 3 years from junior high school, and 3 years from senior high school.
g. Compulsory Education The goverment requires every child to go to school for his/her progress in the future life. h. Administration Administration of formal education is orderly organized. i. Class Hours In formal education, the time to start, to hold, and to finish the class are ruled formally. j. Uniformity There is uniformity in the implementation of teaching methods, teaching materials, class hours, evaluations, class promotions, examinations, teachers requirements, teachers salaries, students’ acceptances, etc. 3. Non-formal Education Non-formal education is an education activity which is done on purpose, arranged, and planned out of school system, goes on for life; in order to actualize the human potential through teaching-learning process, so they can increase their standart of living, also participate in social activity and society development (Sudjana;1992:1).
There are ten component in non-formal education. Those are participant, instructor, guardian,
curriculum program, medium, place, fee, study community,
evaluation, and administration (Depdikbud, 1987: 3-4). Depdikbud informed those components with its each description. a. Participant Participant in this education is a number of society without limitation of age, who needs a certain education, has willingness and ability to study, and is prepared to finance his/her study. b. Instructor Instructor is a person who has specific skill to be taught to the participants of the study. c. Guardian Guardian is a person who is responsible in organizing the teaching-laerning process. d. Curriculum Program There is also curriculum program in non-formal education. e. Medium Non-formal education needs equipments in its teaching-learning process. f. Place Non-formal education needs equipments in its teaching-learning process. g. Fee Fee include money, goods, and service to hold the activity. h. Study community
In non-formal education, there is a community whose members have willingness to study together. i. Evaluation There is evaluation of the outcome of the study of each participant. j. Administration Administration of non-formal education is orderly organized. 4. Kind of Non-formal Education There are five kinds of this education, that is, Mass Education, Adult Education, Fundamental Education, Society Education, and Extention Education (Sukirman, Hartati, dkk: 39). These are the explanations according to Sukirman, Hartati, dkk’s theory. a. Mass Education Mass education is given to adult people about reading-writing skill and general knowladge for their life progress. b. Adult Education This is an education about daily necessity which is done by the willingness of adult people. c. Fundamental Education This kind of education has been held by UNESCO since 1994 to make progress in social and economic aspects to face the modern era. It is about household skill, moral education, health education, etc. d. Society Education Society education is for the society which is out of school age. It has been done since 1946 to eliminate the illiteracy in the society.
e. Extention Education This education is held by a university to actualize the people willingness to participate in society development.
C. Description of Education Value Values and character education development usually occurs over a number of years and within a number of environment. Since family members are the first individuals with whom one comes into contact the influence of the family continues to be extremely important to a child’s character and values development. This fact is particulary appropriate in the preschools and early school years. As students progress through public schools, it is important that their education provide instructional opportunities, explicit, and implicit that help them develop their beliefs about what is right and good (Scherenko, 1997). As described before, according to George F.Kneller’s (1997) opinion’s in the book “Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan”, education in wide sense is an action or an experience which influences the growth and the development of mind, character, or phisycal ability (Sumitro, dkk: 17). Education can not be separated from values, which have concepts as ideas, beliefs or understandings one has that guide and are reflected in ones behavior (Scherenko, 1997). Therefore, Scherenko (1997), defined educational values as the processes of providing opportunities for the continuous development, in all students of the knowladge, skills, and attitudes related to certain values which lead to behavior exhibiting those values. According to Scherenko (1997), about kinds of educational values, she listed educational value alphabetically. They are accomplishment, cheerfulness, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, democracy, dependability, dilligence, equality, fairness,
frugality, generosity, honesty, honor, kindness, knowladge, lotality, moderation, patience, patriotism, perseverance, punctuality, respect for authority, respect for others, respect for the creator, respect for the environment, respect for health, school pride, self-control, selfrespect, sportsmanship, trustworthiness, truthfulness, tolerance, and virtue. Those educational values are categorized into three ranges; they are citizenship, respect for others, and respect for self. The following definitions are intended to guide schools in providing the basis for the teaching of values and characters education in the public schools (Scherenko, 1997).
1. Citizenship a. Democracy Democracy is stated as govermant of , by and for the people, exercized through the voting process. b. Respect for and Acceptance for Authority They are the need for and primacy of authority, including the law, in given circumstance. c. Equality It is the right and opportunity to develop one’s potential as a human being. d. Freedom of Conscience and Expression They are defined as the right to hold beliefs, whether religious, ethical or political, and to express one’s views.
e. Justice It simply means equal and impartial treatment under the law. f. Liberty Liberty is freedom from oppression, tyranny or the domination of goverment. g. Tolerance It is describe as the allowable deviation from a standard indulgence for beliefs of practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own. h. Patriotism Patriotism means support of the constitution and love for the nation with zealous guarding of their authority and interest. i. Courage Courage is willingness yo face danger with determination. j. Loyality It is defined as steadfastness or faithfulness to a person, institution, custom or idea to which one is tied by duty, pledge or a promise. k. Honor Honor is a keen sense of athical conducts one’s word given as a guarantee of performance. l. Respect for the Natural Environment It is meant care for and conservation of land, trees, clean air and pure water of all living inhabitants of the earth. m. Conservation Conservation is avoiding waste and pollution of natural resources.
n. Respect for the Creator Our most basic freedoms and right are not granted to us from the goverment but they are intrinsically ours; i.e.,the constitution does not grant us the rights of freedom of speech, it simply recognized that each of us is born with that right. This is to say that the founders of the republic recognized a higher authority, a power greater than themselves that endowed every human being with certain unalienable rights that no goverment or legal documents could ever revoke or take away. If we are to respect life, the natural rights of all people and the authority of the founders, then there must be a respect for the Creator from which all rights flow. This can be as an acknowladgement that the intrinsic worth of every individual derives from no goverment, person or group of persons, but is something that each of us is born with and which nothing and no one can ever deprive us of. 2. Respect for Other Respect for other is mean that respectful attitude or behavior toward others, helps to other and well able to receive the shortcoming of other. Here, the writer explain about the kind of respect for other. There are: a. Altruism Altruism is concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others. b. Civility and Cheerfulness They are courtesy and politeness in action or speech. c. Compassion, Kindness, and Generosity They are concern for suffering or distress of others and response to and needs.
their feelings
d. Courtesy and Cooperation Those are recognition and mutual interdependence with others resulting in polite treatment and respect for them. e. Integrity Integrity is confirmed virtue and uprightness of character, freedom from hypocrisy. f. Honesty Honesty means thruthfulness and sincerity. g. Truth Truth is defined as freedom from deceit or falseness, based on fact or
h. Trustworthiness It means simply as worthy of confidence. i. Fairness and Good Sportsmanship They are freedom from fovoritism, self-interest or indulgence of one’s likes and dislikes; abiding by the rules of a contest and accepts victory or defeat graciously. j. Patience Patience is not being hasty or impetuous. k. Morality Morality refers to the concept of human ethics which pertains to matters of good and veil. 3. Respect for self Respect for self is the attitude or behavior which is owned by myself. Here, the writer explain about the kind of respect for self. There are: a. Accountability
It means responsibility for one’s actions and their consequenc. b. Commitment Commitment is being emotionally, physically or intellectually bound to something. c. Perseverance and Dilligence They mean adherence to actions and their consequences. d. Self-control and Virtue They are stated as exercising authority over one’s emotions and actions. e. Frugality It simply means effective use of resources; thrift. f. Self-esteem It is defined as pride and belief in oneself and in achievement of one’s potential. g. Knowledge Knowledge is means learning, understanding, and awareness. h. Moderation It is avoidance of unreasonably extreme views or measure. i. Respect for Physical, Mental and Fiscal Health It is awareness of the importance and concious activity toward maintaining fitness in these areas. j. Cleanlines Cleanliness is stated as good habits of personal hygiene and grooming. k. Work Ethics Work ethics are beliefs that work is good and that everyone who can, should work.
l. Punctuality It is being on time for attendance and tasks. m. Accomplishment Accomplishment means appreciation for completing a task. n. Cooperation Cooperation is working with others for mutual benefits. o. Dependability It means simply reliability, trustworthiness. p. Diligence It is stated as attentiveness, persistence and perseverance. q. Pride It is means dignity, self-respect, doing one’s best. r. Productivity Productivity is supporting one’s self, contributing to society. s. Creativity It is devined as exhibiting an entrepreneurial spirit inventiveness, originality, not bound by the norm. t. School Pride It is playing contributing role in maintaining and improving all aspect of a school’s environment, programs and activities within betterment of the city, country and statses.
the context of contributing to the
A. The Biography of the Author Ahmad Fuadi was born in Bayur, Maninjau, West Sumatra December 30, 1972. His father named Muhammad Faried Diateh Sulthany and his mother was Suhasni. Fuadi migrated to Java, to follow her mother request to study in Islamic boarding school. In Gontor he met Kiai and the teacher who teaches him valuable knowledge. Pesantren Gontor also gave him a simple formula but powerful: Man Jadda Wajada, it means that anyone who seriously will be successful. He also got some knowledge and foreign language as a key to reach the world. With Man Jadda Wajada, he dared to follow University Entrance Test (UMPTN), then he received in International Relations, UNPAD. During his study, Fuadi represented Indonesia for the Youth Exchange Program in Quebee, Canada. At the end of the school in Bandung, Fuadi get a chance one-semester to study at the National University of Singapore in SIF Fellowship program. After graduating, he learned that his favorite magazines (Tempo) re-appeared, after the Suharto regime fell. He got a new opportunity, accepted him as a journalist. Work on Tempo Magazine is his dream. A year later, he got a Fulbright scholarship for the post-graduated at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University. Then, he migrated to Washington DC with Yayi, his wife who is also a journalist. While studying, they became correspondents
and reporters of tempo Voice Of America (VOA) covering stories such historic events of 11 September they report directly together, live from the Pentagon, the White House and Capitol Hill. In 2004, another opportunity opened again when he got the Chevening scholarship to study at Royal Holloway, University of London, for the field of documentary film. Then he became director of communications in NGO conservation: The Nature Consevancy. They both love reading and traveling. He also liked photography. Ahmad Fuadi master the Indonesian language, and familiar with Arabic and France. Now, Fuadi and his wife live in Bintaro, Jakarta. ( Here is the educational background of Ahmad Fuadi: -
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, MA in Media Arts, 2004-2005
The George Washington University, Washington DC, MA in Media and Public Affairs, 1999 – 2001
National University of Singapore, a semester of study abroad, 1997
International Educational Programs, CWY, Canada, Montreal, 1995-1996
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, Department of International Relations, 1992-1997
Pondok Modern Gontor, Ponorogo, 1988-1992 Ahmad Fuady also winning awards and scholarships such as: The British Chevening
Scholarship to study at the University of London, in 2004-2005, the Fullbright Scholarship to study at The George Washington University (1999-2001), the CASE Media Fellowship,
University of Maryland, College Park, (2002) The Ford Foundation Award, 1999-2001 Columbian School of Arts and Sciences Award, The George Washington University, in 2000-2001, the Indonesian Cultural Foundation Inc.. Award (2000-2001), SIF-ASEAN Visiting Student Fellowship, National University of Singapore, in 1997 and Canada World Youth, Canada, Montreal, (1995). Ahmad Fuady has a lot of work experiences,
he worked as Director of
Communications, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Indonesia, one of the world's largest organizations based in the U.S., in the year 2007-2009. He also worked on the Publication and Information Specialist, USAID-LGSP (Local Governance Support Program) in 20052007. Being a Journalist, Voice of America, Jakarta, from 2002 to 2005. TV Producer and Editor, Voice of America, Washington DC, August 1999 - September 2002. Among others reporting from the Pentagon, the White House and Capitol Hill. Immediately reported the events of 11 September and interviewed figures like Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz. Also be a Journalist, Magazine TEMPO, Jakarta, in the year 1998-2002. Research Assistant, Center for Media and Public Affairs, Washington DC, 2000-2001, Research Assistant, School of Media and Public Affairs, GWU, Washington DC, 2000-2001, TV Journalist Communications "CJSR" 3 TV Communautaire ", St-Raymond, Quebee, Canada, 1995 and became a freelance writer and author, in the year 1992-1998. And many more accomplishments that he obtained. Now Ahmad Fuadi is actively engaged in various activities in the Komunitas Lima Menara, because he is the Founder and the Trustees of Komunitas Lima Menara, a social agency to help the education of Indonesian citizens who can not afford.
Ahmad Fuadi’s work Negeri Lima Menara is a trilogy, then this novel became a national Best seller with printed up to 80 thousand books in 6 months. Being a new record for Scholastic for local books in 36 years. In the first Ahmad Fuadi’s novel, he always had a life slogan: Man Jadda wa Jadda, and the next Ahmad Fuadi’s novel published which has the title Ranah Tiga Warna that tells about the Alif journey of his study in University, with slogan : Man Shobaru Dhafira. Now, Fuadi preparing the third book that will untitled yet which is published this year, and Negeri Lima Menara novel will be movied this year (as said in an interview with Ahmad Fuadi in Bedah Novel Negeri Lima Menara at Takmirul Islam Islamic boarding school Surakarta on 15 June 2011). B. Synopsis of Negeri Lima Menara Novels After graduating from Junior High School, Alif Fikri eager to continue his study in non-religious school. Moreover, the result of Alif final exam, including the ten of the highest in Agam District. Educated in madrasah Tsanawiyah is his mother’s command. Three years Alif obey to his mother, now is the time to reach his idea. Alif wants to be Habibie as an expert in the field of technology. Therefore Alif want to go to school and then study at ITB Bandung. His happiness as the best value in MTs lost because his mother forced him into Kiai not Habibie. Alif mother’s asked to go to school to the cabin instead of the high school in Bukittinggi. His mother is not willing to keep high school. Since the Alif’s mother force him to study in religious schools, three days he locked himself in his room.
Once in the afternoon Alif’s mother put a letter under the door of his room. From Pak Etek Gindo, Alif uncle’s who studied in Egypt. Pak Etek as if he knew the problems of Alif, he also suggested to go to school in Pondok Madani, located in East Java. Without careful consideration, finally Alif decided to accept the proposal from Pak Etek Gindo and attend school in Pondok Madani (PM) of East Java. The sudden decision that is makes the parents happy and confused. Happy because Alif took his mother's request to continue the school to the Pesantren choice, Alif confused because so far its place. Finally with a heavy heart, Alif parents grant his wish. Together with his friend who will sign up to PM school. They are Dulmajid from Madura and Raja Lubis from Medan, Alif went Pondok Madani from the terminal Ponorogo, formerly Alif and his father had traveled from Maninjau for three days. Raja is a candidate for PM students from last year due to late register two days, he was not accepted and he had to wait for the next opportunity. This means that the PM does not tolerate the mistake. While waiting for the new school year, he spent a year studying at a pesantren which not so far from the PM. The first day in class after taking an entrance exam and passed, Alif receive a powerful magic spell "Man Jadda Wajada, who meant it would be successful." Ustadz Salman is the guardian of their classes, class 1A. It was he who taught man jadda wajada to all students. On the first day we met all members of the class 1A, beside to Dulmajid and Raja no one person who Alif known. After introductions, Alif know the name of a friend who sat
beside him, a tall boy with short, erect with thick glasses adorn his nose. His name Atang, from Bandung, Sundanese original. The most gigantic creatures in our class is Said Jufri from Surabaya. His arm was black by the muscles is hard and covered with long hair and curly. He was the fifth descendant of Arab merchants who had settled in and Ampel, Surabaya. Nose and cheek bones like Arabic face. Because he's largest and most mature among them, they chose him as chairman of the class. A child with short hair and dark skin introduced himself. "I’m Baso Gowa Salahuddin from North Sulawesi, the reason I went to school in the PM is to want to explore the religion of Islam and became Hafids, memorize the Quran." He said introducing himself. In the evening after introduction, they follow the recitation with Kiai Rais Akbar, he was the leader of the pesantren and also Kiai as a role model for the students in PM. After that followed by readings Qanun in their rooms. Qanun is an unwritten rule, but all students must abide PM. Because if it does not obey, the court is ready to summon the discipline and punish them. Since the Qanun was read, all the rules should not be violated. But without the deliberate Alif, Baso, Dulmajid, King, Said and Atang break it ,like five minutes late to the mosque because they were busy buying school and dormitory purposes. As a punishment they dijewer place and commissioned into jasus or a spy who must record every violation visible. It can see from this quotation: "Tolong hukuman ini diterima dengan ikhlas sebagai bagian dari pendidikan” kata kakak yang menghukum kami. Tampang kakak yang menghukum mereka sangarnya mirip Tyson petinju dunia, maka kami sepakat memanggilnya kaka Tyson ,tentu
tanpa sepengetahuan dia dan jasus kami berenam dipersatukan Allah dalam ikatan persahabatan(Fuadi: 2009:74.)
As word of the wise, the suffering troubled their friendship becomes adhesive. They often get together and learn together, if they are tired of discussing the possibility of learning to be free from the snares of security surveillance. Therefore they are looking for a nice place to discuss, and then they find the base of the tower PM hidden from the security target. Because they often gathered at the foot of the tower Alif and his friend give the name Sahibul Menara, people who have a tower. They are happy with that title. Said even create a password for each person. Said is the first tower, Raja is the second tower, Alif is the third tower, Atang is the fourth, Dulmajid is the fifth towers and Baso sixth towers. In the PM they were given the freedom to work, they participated calligraphy, music, karate, qoriah, hafidz Al-Quran, journalists and others. For sports are also given the freedom to choose the sports they like, such as soccer, badminton, table tennis and so on. Alif love to play soccer. In the grand sports festival organized by the inter-dorm sports part, Alif was elected to the bench, although Alif very happy. Dulmajid prefer badminton group with a chaplain supervisor Supervision Office. Atang, Raja, and Said choose their own sport, just Baso who do not want to join a football club. He prefers to go jogging while memorizing the Koran. Unlike the Alif imagine at home, turned out to PM more fun with more attention and care for progression all student. Every time is learning, even the punishment given category also includes learning. And yet, Alif intend to study in Bukit Tinggi high school.
When enjoying the afternoon sun under the minarets PM, their imaginations often hover like clouds. Alif often interpret the clouds race the as land surrounded by Columbus 500 years ago the American continent, while the Raja insisted on seeing the Continent and disagree with the opinion of the Alif’s idea, Baso and Atang agreed that the existing cloud above their heads is a form of Asia and Africa, it is influenced by the civilizations of Egypt and the Middle East that makes them crazy. Unlike the four, Dulmajid and Said and more amenable if the cloud was shaped like the State of Indonesia. When the fifth grade they ready to be given the mandate to lead, each of them was assigned as the organization's PM-wheel drive. Said a burly and good at karate became The Magnificent Seven or The Security Center like Tyson who punished them when they was in first grade. Raja who proficient in English language became the central driving of language centre as well as Baso because he is fluent in Arabic, They responsibilities of the student in PM. Alif and Dulmajid was appointed as editor of the magazine for writing talent, while Atang was the appointed as an arts center council with his talent that stands out in the field of theater. They are happy with this responsibility, because they believe in this organization will provide the experience and lessons as well as education that are useful up to a year ahead. After one year with the task, they have to hand over to the younger classes, with class six closed grand show then ended their tenure. Alif and friends feel happy at the end of the study except Baso, it turns out the secret of him that had wanted to memorize the Koran by rote is to devote to his parents who had died. "So my parents put by God in heaven," as the reason, since childhood Baso raised by his grandmother, but now her grandmother was ill and could not get out of bed. Sound premises strengthened reinforced Baso said goodbye that he wanted to quit school in the PM and will go to school near his home, teaching and caring
for his grandmother who was ill. They very sad to hear about it, even Atang and the Raja cried when Baso go. Although very sad, they could not hinder his decision because this is a matter between Baso with Allah Swt. Graduated PM, they continued to University. And, until one day, Alif, Atang and Raja met in London on the occasion of the inter-faith world. Raja had a year living in London with his wife Fatia. Atang living in Cairo while continuing doctoral science of Hadith. He came to London to be a speaker at a seminar on Malay Muslim in Arab country. While the Alif is a three-year stay in Washington DC as well as a Tempo journalist VOA reporter. Coming to London to attend the invitation as a panelist on the show the inter-faith world. Baso Atang also talked about who got a scholarship from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia since memorized the Quran 30 Juz. While Said and Dulmajid cooperate to establish Pondok Pesantren in Surabaya. Now their dream is fulfilled once they are painted in the clouds above the tower PM.
A. The Intrinsic Literary Elements of the Novel Negeri Lima Menara The literary elements of a novel are character and characterization, plot, setting, point of view, styles and themes. The literary elements of the novel Negeri Lima Menara are as following: 1. Character and Characterization Character is divided into two kinds, namely major and minor characters. There are; a. Major Character 1) Alif Fikri, He is the main character in this novel. He is the third tower in the Sahibul Menara (Friend’s Sahibul). Alif was born on the edge of Maninjau Lake. Alif is a child who is obedient to his parents; never give up, but also easy to despair. This is seen in the following quote: Aku adalah anak kesayangan yang selalu patuh sepenuh hati pada Amak ( Fuadi, 2010:141) (I am the favorite son who was always obedient wholeheartedly to my Mom (Fuadi, 2010:141). Belum pernah selama ini aku berbantah-bantahan melawan keinginan Emak sehebat ini. Selama ini aku anak penurut( Fuadi , 2010:11) (I've never been arguing against the wishes of such a great mother. I've been an obedient child) (Fuadi, 2010:11)
Physically, Alif is a thin, small, wearing glasses and has a shrill voice. It also can be seen in the following quote: Aku paling kurus berjalan terseok-seok paling belakang,, bergulat dengan lemari yang beratnya tiga kali berat badanku (Fuadi, 2010:63). (I'm most thin, stagger the rear, bring the cabinet which weighs three times heavier weight) ... atau seperti diriku sering dipanggil sahibul minzdhar, karena memakai kaca mata. (Fuadi, 2010:94). (… or like me, are often called sahibul minzdhar, because me always wearing glasses). Ketika giliran kami membaca Alqur’an sambil di simaknya, aku merasa tidak ada apa-apanya. Aku bersuara cempreng dan bernapas pendek. (Fuadi, 2010:113) . (When we reading the Koran and he listened, I feel nothing. My sound shrill and short breathing). 2) Said Jufri Said Jufri is a man who had big body and has muscles that stand out like Arnold Schwarzenegger, his face like most people of Arab descent. He is the son of a successful batik entrepreneur in Surabaya; his family is Arab descent from Hadralmaut. Said Jufri always has positive thinking, cheerful and mature. He is chairman of the friendship Sahibul Menara; he was dubbed the first tower. In Pondok Madani he has also been appointed as chairman of the Central security. This is seen in the following quote: Makhluk paling raksasa di kelas adalah Said Jufri yang berasal dari Surabaya. Lengannya yang legam sebesar tiang telepon dan berbuku-buku oleh otot ditumbuhi bulu-bulu panjang keriting. Bajunya yang berbahan jatuh mencetak dada dan bahunya yang kekar. Rambut hitam ikal, alis tebal, kumis melintang,
fitur hidung dan tulang pipinya tegas melengkapi wajah Arabnya.(Fuadi, 2010:45). (The giant creatures in the classroom is Said Jufri who come from Surabaya. His jet-arms like telephone poles and covered by muscle and overgrown soft curly hair. His clothes is made from fallen scored a muscular chest and shoulders. Curly black hair, thick eyebrows, mustache, nose and cheekbone features strongly complement his Arab face.) 3) Raja Lubis Raja Lubis is the second tower in Sahibul Menara.He comes from Medan. He is geniuses, nerds, and he made a big history, at the age of 16 years he has been able to make a dictionary. In Pondok Madani, he had also been a Chairman of the Language Center Drive. It can be seen in the following quote: Sementara di bangku belakang, duduk seorang anak kurus, berkulit bersih, bermata dalam dan bermuka petak. Sebuah kopiah beludru hitam melekat miring di kepalanya. Sepatu kets dari bahan jeans hitam bertabrakan dengan kaos kaki putihnya. “Raja Lubis,” katanya menyebutkan nama.(Fuadi, 2010:27) While in the back seat, sit a slim boy, clean skin, deep eyes and square face. A black velvet cap stick sloping in his head. A casual shoes made from black jeans crash into his white shock. “Rja Lubis,” his said introduce name. 4) Atang Atang is the fourth tower. He is tall, short straight hair, his face white and his chin covered with a rough beard and wear thick glasses. He was a descendant of the original Sunda, he was from Bandung. His families is rich, his father's local government employees and he is active in Muhammadiyah Bandung. Before him studying in Pondok Madani, he had graduated from high school so his attitude is more mature and understanding. He was very fond of art. Atang ambition is want to visit all of Asia. It can be found in the following quote:
“Eh, kenalkan nama saya Atang,” katanya singkat. Kacamatanya melorot turun ketika mengangguk. Secepat itu pula tangannya mengembalikan ke posisi semula. Buru-buru dia menambahkan,”Saya dari Bandung. Urang Sunda,” katanya kali ini nyengir (Fuadi, 2010:42). “Let’s me introduce my name is Atang,” his quickly said. His glasses slip down when he nod head. As fast as his hand give it back former. Hurry up he add,”I come from Bandung, Sundanese” his said. 5) Dulmajid Dulmajid is Alif’s friend. He is fifth tower. He is a child who is black and has always had thick glasses. He came from Madura, he is from middle-economy. He is a had worker in reach her ambition , and he's good at verbal communication. The most honest friendship among Sahibul Menara. His writing appeared in many Madani’s newspapers. He was appointed as an editor of Syam magazine like Alif . it also can be seen in the following quote: Kawanku yang lain adalah Dulmajid dari Madura. Dia juga satu bus denganku ketika sampai di PM. Kulitnya gelap dan wajahnya keras tidak menjanjikan. Untunglah dia berkacamata frame tebal sehingga tampak terpelajar.(Fuadi, 2010:46) My other friend is Dulmajid from Madura. He is also a bus with me when he arrive the PM. His skin was dark and his face was hard not promising. Fortunately he was wearing glasses so thick frame so that he look like educated boy. 6) Baso Salahuddin Baso Salahudidin is the six tower. He comes from Sulawesi. He was a unique person. In Sahibul Menara, he is the most intelligent and diligent, and always obey the rules, but he also has a forgetful character. He is the poorest among his friends. It also can be seen in the following quote:
“Saya berasal dari Sulawesi,” kata Baso Salahuddin yang berlayar dari Gowa. Wajahnya seperti nenek moyangnya yang pelaut ulung, rambut landak, kulit gelap, kalau berjalan seperti terombang-ambing diatas perahu, mengambang dan kurang lurus. Bajunya adalah seragam pramuka yang sudah luntur cokelatnya. Emblem-emblemnya sudah dilucuti, menyisakan warna yang lebih gelap di saku dan lengan.(Fuadi, 2010:46) ("I come from Sulawesi," said Baso Salahuddin who sailing from Gowa. His face was like a sailor ancestors accomplished, porcupine hair, dark skin, as if walking on a boat adrift, floating and less straight. His shirt is Boy Scout uniform faded brown. The emblem was stripped, leaving a darker color in the pockets and sleeves.)
b. Minor Character 1) Amak (Alif Fikri’s mother) She is mother of Alif. Amak is an idealistic and hard-hearted. Amakku seorang perempuan berbadan kurus dan mungil. Wajahnya sekurus badannya, dengan sepasang mata yang bersih yang dinaungi alis tebal. Mukanya selalu mengibarkan senyum ke siapa saja (Fuadi, 2010:6) My mother is a woman thin body and nice. Her face as slim as her body, with a clean pair of eyes shaded by thick eyebrows. His face always raising a smile to everyone. 2) Fikri Syafnir / katik Parpatiah Nan Mudo (Alif Fikri’s Father) He is father of Alif Fikri. His black hair is always shiny hair oiled and always combed. He is calm and affectionate. Ayah berperawakan kecil tapi liat dengan bahu kokoh. Rambut hitamnya senantiasa mengkilat diminyaki dan disisir ke samping lalu ujungnya dibalikkan ke belakang. Bentuk rahangnya dan dahi melebar karena rambut bagian depannya terus menipis. Matanya tenang dan penyayang (Fuadi, 2010:10) My father has small body but seen with strong shoulders. Always shiny black hair oiled and combed to the side and back edges. The shape of his jaw and forehead is
wide because of the hair continues to thin out the front. Her eyes were calm and loving. 3) Pak Etek Muncak He is a distant cousin of Alif’s father. Pak Etek Muncak is a bus driver who delivered Alif and his father when he went to Pondok Madani for the first time. He is fad and has moustache. Tampak duduk dengan penuh otoritas di belakang setir, laki-laki legam, berperut tambun dan berkumis subur melintang. Kacamata hitam besarnya yang berpigura keemasan terpasang gagah, menutupi sebagian wajah yang berlubang-lubang seperti kena cacar. Dia mengenakan kemeja seragam hitam dan merah dipadu dengan celana jeans. Di atas saku bajunya ada bordiran bertuliskan namanya, “Muncak”. Aku memanggilnya Pak Etek Muncak. Kebetulan dia adalah adik sepupu jauh ayah (Fuadi, 2010:16). Were sitting with the full authority behind the wheel, jet man, belly fat and lush mustache crosswise. His black glasses with golden frame very cool, cover partially faces with holes such as measles. He was wearing a black uniform and a red shirt combined with jeans. On top of his shirt pocket there are embroidered with his name, "Muncak". I call him Mr. Etek Munak. Incidentally he is a distant cousin of my father's. 4) Pak Etek Gindo Marajo Pak Etek Gindo Marajo is Alif uncle who was studying in Egypt. They often send letters. Pak etek sedang belajar di mesir dan kami saling berkirim surat. Dua bulan lalu aku menulis surat, mengabarkan akan menghadapi ujian akhir dan ingin melanjutkan ke SMA (Fuadi, 2010:12) Mr. etek was studying in Egypt and we exchanged letters. Two months ago I wrote a letter, will preach the final exams and wanted to go to school. 5) Mr. Sutan Mr. Sutan was a cloth seller who always brings the results of the weaving back and forth to Tanah Abang and Ateh Bukittinggi Market.
Pak Sutan adalah sosok kurus beraliran putih. Rambut, alis, jenggot, bahkan bajunya semua putih.dia saudagar kain yang selalu bolak-balik Pasar Tanah Abang dan Pasar Ateh Bukittinggi (Fuadi, 2010:19) Mr. Sutan is the figure of a white wing thin. Hair, eyebrows, beard, even his clothes all putih.dia cloth merchant who was always back and forth Tanah Abang Market and Market Ateh Bukittinggi. 6) Ismail Hamzah Ismail Hamzah was one of the students of Pondok Madani. He has duty to pick up the student from terminal then send them to Pondok Madani. Sepatu bot ala tentaranya berdekak-dekak di aspal. Di dada sebelah kiri kaosnya tertulis nama; Ismail Hamzah-Maluku. Di lehernya menggantung kartu pengenal merah bertuliskan “Kelas 6, Panitia Penerimaan Siswa Baru” (Fuadi, 2010: 25) Army-style boots berdekak-dekak in asphalt. On the left chest shirt written the name; Ismail Hamzah, Maluku. In his neck hung a red identity card written "Class 6, New Student Admissions Committee". 7) Burhan Burhan is a reception clerk at the Pondok Madani, and he was also a guide who has to escort the student and their parents around to see the activity in Pondok Madani. “Shabahal khair ya akhi Burhan. Ini rombongan tamu pertama hari ini. Semua delapan orang,” kata Ismail. “Syukran ya akhi. Terima kasih. Kami akan beri pelayanan terbaik.”(Fuadi, 2010:30) "good morning brother Burhan. This is the first guest today. Al of eight people, "said Ismail. "Syukran ya akhi. Thank you. We will give the best service.” 8) Ustadz Salman Ustadz Alif Salman is the guardian class. He was slender, thin oval face, and he has beautiful eyes.
Laki-laki ramping ini adalah Ustad Salman, wali kelasku. Wajahnya lonjong kurus, sebagian besar dikuasai keningnya yang lebar. Bola matanya yang lincah memancarkan sinar kecerdasan (Fuadi, 2010:41) This slim boy is Ustad Salman, my homeroom teacher. Thin oval face, largely controlled by a wide forehead. His eyes bright of intelligence. 9) Kiai Rais Kiai Rais is a role model of all the students. He was chairman of the Pondok Madani. He is an educator with complete knowledge and experience. He studied in Al Azhar University, Madinah and the Netherlands. “Bos kau murid macem mana ni, kok bisa gak tahu. Ini dia kiai kita almukarram Kiai Rais yang menjadi panutan kita dan semua orang selama di PM ini. Dia seorang pendidik dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman lengkap. Pernah sekolah di Al- Azhar, Madinah dan Belada.”(Fuadi, 2010:49) “Boss, you are the student, why don’t know. He is our kiai almukarram Kiai Rais who became a role model for us and everyone in this PM. He is an educator with the knowledge and experience complete. Never been to school at Al-Azhar University, Madinah and Holand. " 10) Kak Iskandar Matrufi Iskandar Matrufi is chairman of the dormitory. Usai malam pertama Pekan Perkenalan, kami berbondong kembali ke asrama. Kak Iskandar, rais furairah, sebutan untuk ketua asrama member komando untuk mengikutinya (Fuadi, 2010:54) After the first night to introduction, we were rushing back to the dorm. Kak Iskandar, Rais furairah, is the chairman of the hostel name for members of command to follow.
11) Rajab Sujai / Tyson He is one of the senior students in Pondok Madani. He served as head of Central Security, the enforcement of discipline in the controllers of Pondok Madani. All students at the Pondok Madani feared him. Itulah perkenalan pertama kami dengan orang yang aku gelari Tyson. Dia murid senior bernama lengkap Rajab Sujai dan menjabat sebagai kepala Keamanan Pusat, pengendali penegakan disiplin di PM (Fuadi, 2010:68) That was our first introduction to the people that I call him Tyson. He is senior students with the complete name Rajab Sujai and served as head of the Security Center, controlling the enforcement of discipline in the PM.
12) Ustadz Torik Ustadz Torik holds the highest authority in discipline and security in Pondok Madani. “Ustad Torik…”bisik Baso dengan nada khawatir. Menurut Kak Is, Ustad Torik inilah yang memegang kasta tertinggidalam hierarki ketertiban dan keamanan di Madani (Fuadi, 2010:124). "Ustad Torik ..." whispered Baso disappointed. According to brither Is, Ustad Torik is the highest what holds the caste hierarchy in the civil order and security.
13) Jeffry Raymond / Randai Jeffry Raymond or Randai is Alif Fikri’s friend. They have the
same ideals
that want to get the best high school in Bukittinggi. Ku panggil dia Randai, padahal namanya Raymond Jeffry. Nama yang keren. Orang Minang selalu sangat percaya diri dan punya semangat global member nama anaknya (Fuadi, 2010:97)
I call him Randai, actually his name is Raymond Jeffry. A cool name. Minang people are always very confident and have a global spirit to give name for their child.
14) Ustadz Surur Ustadz Surur is Taarikh or world history teacher at Pondok Madani. He has fatbody, round-faced, and his chin covered with bushy beard. Guru kami adalah Ustad Surur, laki-laki bertubuh tambun, bermuka bundar dddan dagunya ditumbuhi jenggot lebat. Dia selalu mengenakan dasi krem dengan baju putih dan celana khaki (Fuadi, 2010:111) Our teacher is Ustad Surur, fat-bodied man, round-faced beard covered his chin. He always wear a brown tie with white shirt and khaki pants.
15) Ustadz Faris Ustad Faris is teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith. He comes from Borneo. He is pure white skin, short black hair and stood up and her eyes were narrow. He had studied the science of hadith and the Qur'an in Madinah University, and back to the Pondok Madani with PhD. Mata pelajaran Al-Quaran dan Hadist juga dibawakan dengan amat menarik oleh Ustad Faris yang berasal dari Kalimantan. Sekilas, ustad berusia 40 tahun ini mirip dengan tauke barang elektronik dipasar atas bukittinggi. Kulitnya putih bersih, rambut hitam pendek berdiri, sementara matanya sipit. Yang, berbeda ustad ini tidak pernah lepas dari kopiah dan sehelai surban kecil. Di usia muda dia telah merantau ke madinah. University dan kembali ke PM dengan gelar adDuktur (Fuadi, 2010:112) Subjects of Al-Quaran and Hadith also holding with great interest by Ustad Faris from Kalimantan. At a glance, 40-year-old cleric is similar to the employer upon the market of electronic good in Bukittinggi. Her skin is white, short black hair stand up, while his eyes is sland. The different to the religious teachers are never
out of a baseball cap and a small syall. At a young age he had migrated to the medina. University and return to the PM with an ad-Duktur.
16) Ustadz Badil Ustadz Badil mahfuzat is teachers. This lesson contains the quote quotes taken from various books and the heritage of Islam and Islamic civilization. Pelajaran yang aku suka tapi selalu berkeringat dingin menghadapinya adalah mahfuzhat yang diajar seorang ustad kurus tinggi bernama Ustad Badil. Bagiku, pelajaran ini mengasikkan karena berisi kutipan kata mutiara yang bergizi tinggi dari berbagai buku dan khazanah islam dan peradaban arab (Fuadi, 2010:116). The lesson that I like but it's always cold sweats is mahfuzhat being taught a tall thin cleric named Ustad Badil. For me, the lesson is exciting because it contains quotations quotes from a variety of nutritious foods and treasures of Islamic books and civilization Arab.
17) Ustadz Karim Ustadz Karim is an English teacher at Pondok Madani. He is Alif’s favorite teacher. He always appeared clean-shaven and sympathetic. Tapi dari semua pelajaran, bahasa inggris adalah favoritku. Guru kami, ustad kharim, yang tinggi semampai selalu tampil kelimis dan simpatik (Fuadi, 2010:117). But all of the lessons, English is my favorite. Our teacher, ustad kharim, a tall, slim and always sympathetic.
18) Mr. Yunus Mr. Yunus is the Atang father. He's local government employees and active in Muhammadiyah Bandung.
Pak Yunus adalah pegawai Pemda Bandung dan aktif di Muhammadiyah. Kaca depan rumahnya menempel sebuah stiker hijau dengan gambar matahari di tengahnya. “Dari mulai orang tua saya sudah aktif di pengurus cabang Muhammadiyah,” katanya Pak Yunus (Fuadi, 2010:218). Mr. Yunus is a government employee in Bandung and active in Muhammadiyah organization. The glass in the window stick a green sticker with a picture of the sun in the middle. "Start from the my parents are already active in the branch of Muhammadiyah," said Mr. Yunus.
Characterization is the most important in story and in the process of creating characters. Characterization can involve developing a variety of aspects of character, such as appearance, age, gender, intelligence, social status, religious, beliefs, ambition, motivation, etc. (L.potter, James, 3, 1967). Based on the analysis of Negeri Lima Menara novel, the characterizations of Ahmad Fuadi’s work, it can be concluded that as the major characters and minor character. Alif Fikri, he is the main character, he likes writing and photography, he has high motivation to finished his study in Pondok Madani, although actually he always loss his spirit. He loves Atang, Baso, Dul Majid, Said Jufri, Raja so much. Then, the minor characters in this novel are Amak (Alif’s mother) who has an idealistic and hard-hearted and Fikri Syafnir (Alif’s Father). He is calm and affectionate, and Alif,s teachers in Pondok Madani, they are kind person. 2. Plot The plot of the novel Negeri Lima Menara is as follow;
a. Exposition Negeri Lima Menara in the novel begins with a description of Alif Fikri residence when he was in abroad and where he worked. Then the next stages, in describing the emails sent by Atang friend (who was in Egypt), then make Alif Fikri memories return to the past when he studied at Pondok Madani. It can be seen in the following quotation: Washington DC, Desember 2003, jam 16.00 Iseng saja aku mendekat jendela kaca dan menyentuh permukaannya dengan ujung telunjuk kananku. Hawa dingin segera menjalari wajah dan lengan kananku. Dari balik kerai tipis dilantai empat ini , salju tampak turun menggumpal-gumpal seperti kapas yang dituang dari langit. Ketukan-ketukan halus terdengar setiap gumpal salju menyentuh kaca didepanku. Matahari sore menggantung condong ke barat berbentuk piring putih susu.
Tidak jauh, tampak the Capitol, gedung parlemen Amerika serikat yang anggun putih gading, bergaya klasik dengan tonggak-tonggak besar. Kubah raksasanya berundak-undak semakin memutih ditaburi salju,bagai mengenakan kopiah haji.(Fuadi:2010:1)
(Just for fun, I’m approached the window and touch the glass surface with my finger, immediately the cold through my face and my right arm. From fourfloor, the snow looked down clot-like clumps of cotton poured from the sky. A knock sounded smooth glass touch every glob of snow in front of me. The sun hung leaning to the west shaped milky white plate. Not far away, it appears the Capitol, United States parliament building elegant ivory white, classic style with big milestones. Giant dome-steps staircase sprinkled the white snow, like wearing a skullcap pilgrimage).
b. Conflict Stage appearance of a conflict in the novel is seen as Amak (Alif’s Mother) asked Alif to continue his study into the religion school. Alif initially did not want to, but in the end with a half-hearted decision Alif received a request parents to attend school on religious lines. But Alif select school in Pondok Madani located in East Java. Then Alif’s parents had to approve the request Alif. ”Pokoknya Amak tidak rela waang masuk SMA ”(Fuadi, 2010:9). (Amak not satisfied if you sign up to high school) Tidak jelas dalam pikiranku, seperti apa Pondok Madani itu. Walau begitu, akhirnya aku putuskan nasibku dengan setengah hati. Amak kalau Ambo ingin masuk pondok saja di Jawa. Tidak mau di Bukittinggi atau Padang” kataku dari mulut pintu (Fuadi:2010:12).
(I have no idea, what is Pondok Madani ?. Even so, finally I decided my fate, with a half-hearted. “Mother, I want to go to Java. I do not want to stay in Padang or Bukit Tinggi” I said from the mouth of the door).
”Kalau itu memang maumu, kami lepas waang dengan berat hati” (Fuadi:2010:13). (If that's indeed what you want, we take you with heavy heart).
The conflict is also described as Alif studying in boarding schools along with five companions. The highest conflict in this novel is the homecoming of Baso to Pondok Madani, which causes the Alif soul hesitate to continue his study at the Pondok Madani and want to get out of the Pondok Madani.
Baso memecah kesunyian yang tidak mengenakkan hati. ”Yang sekarang merisaukan hatiku, keluarga satu-satuku, nenekku sendiri, yang aku anggap seperti bapak dan ibuku, sekarang sedang sakit tua. Dia tidak punya anak lagi,orang terdekatnya adalah aku”. ”Aku sedang berpikir-pikir kapan aku harus mengambil keputusan untuk merawat nenek dan pulang, mungkin selamanya..” Pulang ? Kenapa ia menyebut pulang selamanya. Aku pernah berpikir pulang hanya karena surat Randai. Dia ingin pulang karena ingin berbakti kepada neneknya. Hatiku tidak enak dan malu sendiri (Fuadi, 2010:362)
(Baso broke the uncomfortable silence of the heart. "I’m worried, the only family, and my own grandmother, who is like my father and mother, now sickness. She does not have any more children, the closest is me ". "I still thinking, when I should take the decision to take care of grandma and go home, perhaps forever ..." Home? Why did he call home forever? I want to go home just because the letter of Randai. He wanted to go home because he wanted to devote to his grandmother. I am shy to hear it).
Malam itu sebelum aku tidur, ditemani lampu teplok, aku menulis sepucuk surat kepada Amak dan Ayah. Kali ini aku menyampaikan perasaanku apa adanya. Iya benar, aku pernah berjanji akan menyelesaikan sekolahku di Pondok Madani, tapi perang batin ku terus berkecamuk. Dan perang ini sekarang dimenangkan oleh keinginan Drop out dari Pondok Madani. Kalau terus di Pondok Madani, aku tidak akan bisa melanjutkan sekolah ke jalur umum dengan mulus (Fuadi 2010:370).
(Night before I sleep, accompanied by a kerosene lamp, I wrote a letter to my Mom and Dad. This is my time to convey my feelings. Yeah right, I've promised to finish my school in Pondok Madani, but my mind kept raging war. And this war is now won by the desire Drop out from the Pondok
Madani. If I still in Pondok Madani, I will not be able to continue school into a common pathway smoothly). c. Resolution Resolution stage in this novel is a step that tells the happy ending. This stage is described by Alif spirit in following the final exam to pass the examination and the meeting of three friends under Nelson's columns in Trafalgar Square, London. Setelah kedatangan Ayah yang menjanjikan ujian persamaan SMA, aku menjadi sangat bersemangat menghabiskan bulan-bulan terakhirku di Pondok Madani. Tak terkecuali menyambut malam bersejarah ini (Fuadi , 2010:378). (After the arrival of Father promising high school equivalency test, I became very excited to spend my last months at Pondok Madani. Includes welcome this historic night). Mataku nanar mengikuti jari yang mencoba mencari-cari namaku di papan pengumuman. Dan itu dia. Namaku Alif Fikri dan disebelahnya tertulis nun, jim dan ha. Artinya LULUS. Alhamdulilah, seperti banyak teman lainnya, aku segera sujud syukur di aula, berterima kasih kepada Allah untuk kelulusan ini. Ternyata para Sahibul menara lulus semua. Kami berpelukpelukan penuh syukur. Tidak sia-sia aku meregang otot kerja kerasku sampai pada daya lenting tertinggi (Fuadi, 2010:395). (My eyes glazed follow the finger trying to searching for my name on the bulletin board. And there it was. My name is Alif Fikri, and written in nun, jim and ha. It means PASS. Alhamdulilah. Like many other friends, I immediately bowed gratefully in the hall, thanking to God for this graduation. The Sahibul towers pass all. We gratefully cuddle. Not in vain, I stretch the muscle until my hard work at the highest resilience) “Pertemuan bersejarah, ditempat bersejarah ,di jantung kota Alhamdulilah ” katanya.
Aku menunjuk kelangit sambil bergumam. ” Ternyata ini dia Nelson column yang disebut-sebut di buku reading kita aktu kelas tiga dulu. Lebih besar dan lebih tinggi dari yang aku bayangkan” Atang dan Raja ikut menengadah. Menatap Admiral Nelson yang tegak kukuh dengan pedang ditangan kiri dan gundukan tambang kapal dibelakangnya.
Bayangannya jatuh di badan kami. Beberapa gumpalan awan tersisa dilangit yang semakin sore. Sebuah menara dan sebuah senja! Suasana pemandangan yang terasa sangat lekat di hatiku. Belasan tahun lalu, disamping menara masjid Pondok Madani, kami kerrap menengadah ke langit menjelang sore , berebut menceritakan impian-impian gila kami yang setinggi langit Arab Saudi, Mesir, Eropa, Amerika dan Indonesia. Aku tergetar mengingat segala kebetulan-kebetulan ajaib ini (Fuadi, 2010:402)
(“It is historical meeting, in historical place, in the heart town of London! Alhamdulilah "he said. I pointed to the sky and muttering. "Apparently it is Nelson's column mentioned in our reading books on third grade. Larger and taller than I had imagined”. Atang and Raja look up. Saw the Admiral Nelson stared straight sword firmly with the left hand and a mound behind the ship mines. Its shadow falls on our bodies. Some clouds in the sky remain an increasingly afternoon. A tower and twilight! Atmosphere and scene, that feels very familiar in my heart. A year ago, in side of minarets in Pondok Madani, we often look to the sky in the afternoon, scrambling to tell our crazy dreams, are sky high as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Europe, America and Indonesia. I was thrilled to remember all these magical coincidences). 3. Settings Setting is divided into two parts, namely the setting of place and setting of time. There are: a. Setting of place 1) Washington DC, In United State of America is the place is where Alif work after he graduated from ITB. As seen in the following quotation:
Washington DC, Desember 2003, jam 16.00 Iseng saja aku mendekat jendela kaca dan menyentuh permukaannya dengan ujung telunjuk kananku. Hawa dingin segera menjalari wajah dan lengan kananku. Dari balik kerai tipis dilantai empat ini , salju tampak turun menggumpal-gumpal seperti kapas yang dituang dari langit. Ketukan-ketukan halus terdengar setiap gumpal salju menyentuh kaca didepanku. Matahari sore menggantung condong ke barat berbentuk piring putih susu.
Tidak jauh, tampak the Capitol, gedung parlemen Amerika serikat yang anggun putih gading, bergaya klasik dengan tonggak-tonggak besar. Kubah raksasanya berundak-undak semakin memutih ditaburi salju,bagai mengenakan kopiah haji (Fuadi, 2010:1).
(Just for fun, I’m approached the window and touch the glass surface with my finger, immediately the cold through my face and my right arm. From four-floor, the snow looked down clot-like clumps of cotton poured from the sky. A knock sounded smooth glass touch every glob of snow in front of me. The sun hung leaning to the west shaped milky white plate.
Not far away, it appears the Capitol, United States parliament building elegant ivory white, classic style with big milestones. Giant dome-steps staircase sprinkled the white snow, like wearing a skullcap pilgrimage). 2) Kabupaten Agam, Bukit Tinggi This is place where Alif school in hometown, before his study in Pondok Madani East Java. It seen in the following quote: Aku tegak diatas panggung aula madrasah negeri setingkat SMP. Sambil menguncang-guncang telapak tanganku Pak Sikumbang , Kepala Sekolahku memberi selamat karena nilai ujianku termasuk sepuluh tertinggi di Kabupaten Agam .... Nilaiku adalah tiket untuk mendaftar ke SMA terbaik di Bukit Tinggi (Fuadi, 2010:1)
(I'm up on stage Madrasah hall. While shake my hand Mr. Sikumbang, Head of School congratulated for my exams, including the ten highest values in Agam District....(My grades are the ticket to sign the best high school in Bukit Tinggi)
3) Bayur A village on the edge of the Lake Maninjau, a place Alif’s live and grew up. It seen in the following quote: Setelah merangkul Laili dan Safya, dua adikku yang masih di SD, aku tidak menoleh lagi. Kutinggalkan rumah kayu kontrakan kami ditengah sawah yang baru ditanami itu. Selamat tinggal Bayur, kampung kecil yang permai. Halaman depan kami Danau Maninjau yang berkilau-kilauan, kebun belakang kami bukit hijau berbaris ( Fuadi, 2010: 15). (After embracing Laili and Safya, two sisters who are still in elementary school, I'm not looking back. I leave our wooden house amid the rice fields were newly planted. Goodbye Bayur, a little beautiful village. On our front page of the sparkling Lake Maninjau-luminosity, our back garden green hills lined).
4) Pondok Madani A modern boarding school in East Java, where Alif and his friend study. It can be seen in the following quotation: “Bapak, Ibu dan tamu Pondok yang berbahagia. Selamat datang di Pondok Madani. Hari ini saya akan menemani Anda semua untuk keliling melihat berbagai sudut pondok seluas lima belas hektar ini ( Fuadi, 2010:30).
("Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome to Pondok Madani. Today I will accompany all of you to look at various angles around the cabin area of fifteen acres). 5) Bandung Bandung is Atang house and in ITB, Lembang, Tangkuban Perahu is a place Alif, Atang, Baso have vacation. This is seen in the following quotation: Begitu bangun menjelang subuh, kami berdua telah berada di depan Atang yang masih mengucek-ucek mata. Aku menjabat tangannya erat, “Tayyib ya akhi ila Bandung.” Oke kita ke Bandung. Atang tersenyum senang kami akhirnya mau ikut dia. (When wake up before dawn, we have been in front of Atang still rubbed his eyes. I shake his hand tightly, "Tayyib ya akhi ila Bandung." Okay we are going to Bandung. Atang smiling glad we finally agreed to go with him). Perjalanan ke Bandung sangat menyenangkan. Bapak Yunus, ayah Atang adalah laki-laki separoh baya yang periang (Fuadi, 2010:218) (It is very enjoyable trip to Bandung. Mr Yunus, the father Atang were jovial men). Di Hari berikutnya kami berjalan sampai ke luar kota: Lembang dan Tangkuban Perahu. Atas permintaanku, Atang juga mengajak kami masuk ke kampus ITB di jalan Ganesha dan masjid Salman yang terkenal itu (Fuadi, 2010:221). (In the next day we walked up out of the city: Lembang and Tangkuban Perahu. Because of my request, Atang also invites us into the ITB campus in Ganesha Street and the famous Salman mosque). 6) Surabaya Surabaya is the house of Said Jufri and place of Atang, Alif, and Baso when on vacation. It looks like the following quote:
Tiga hari sebelum libur berakhir, kami bertiga meninggalkan Bandung menuju Surabaya dengan menumpang kereta api ekonomi (Fuadi, 2010:222). (Three days before the holiday ended, we are left the Bandung to Surabaya with the economic train ride).
7) London The place of Raja studying Islamic law after graduating college with a bachelor's License in Medina, and the meeting place among Alif, Atang and Raja in an invitation The World Inter-Faith Forum. It seen in the following quotation: Sementara Raja berkisah kalau dia telah satu tahun tinggal di London, setelah menyelesaikan kuliah hukum Islam dengan gelar License di Madinah. Dia akan berada di London selama dua tahun memenuhi undangan komunitas Muslim Indonesia di kota ini untuk menjadi pembina agama (Fuadi, 2010:404). (While Raja tells if he has one year stay in London, after completing college a degree of Islamic law in Medina License. He will be in London for two years upon the invitation of the Indonesian Muslim community in this city to be a religious adviser). 8) All of place in Pondok Madani. There are so many places in the Pondok Madani, such as mosques, multipurpose hall, and dormitory students for the first year of Al-Barq, Libraries, sports fields and buildings, art department, Boy scout Headquarter, classrooms, base of the tower, cooperative, Ustadz home, office care, the officeof organization, under the clothesline, heading in Bamboo River, etc. It can see from following quotation:
“Gedung utama di Pondok ini dua. Pertama adalah masjid Jami’ dua tingkat berkapasitas empat ribu orang. Di sini semua murid sholat berjamaah dan mendalami Al-Quran” (Fuadi, 2010:31). ("The main building at this Pondok is two. First is the Jami’ mosque has two-level capacity of four thousand people. Here all the students pray and explore the Al-Quran“). “Yang kedua adalah aula serba guna. Di sini semua kegiatan penting berlangsung. Pagelaran teater, musik, diskusi ilmiah, upacara selamat datang buat siswa baru, dan penyambutan tamu penting.”(Fuadi, 2010:32). ("The second is a multi-purpose hall. Here all the important events take place. Theater performances, music, scientific discussions, a welcome ceremony for new students, and welcoming important guests”). ”Sebagai tempat yang mementingkan ilmu, kami punya perpustakaan yang lengkap. Koleksi ribuan buku berbahasa Inggris dan Arab kami pusatkan di perpustakaan yang kami sebut maktabah atau Library ”(Fuadi, 2010:33). (“As a place that emphasizes science, we have a complete library. Collection of thousands of books written in English and Arabic we concentrate on library and we call Maktabah”). Al-Barq adalah bangunan memanjang dengan koridor berbentuk huruf L, kamar-kamar berjejer di sepanjang koridor. Bangunan sederhana ini terlihat bersih dengan ubin tua yang masih mengkilat dan lis kayu kokoh bercat hijau. Ukuran kamar kami lebih besar dari setengah lapangan bulutangkis dan aku tempati bersama 30 murid lainnya (Fuadi, 2010:54). (Al-Barq is building with an L-shaped corridor, the rooms lined up along the corridor. This is simple building looks clean with an old tile that is still shiny and sturdy wood frame painted green. Our room size is larger than a half the field of badminton and I shared with 30 other students).
b. Setting time Setting time in Negeri Lima Menara novel occur within the time period between the 1980's until 2003. This is indicated by the Hydroelectric Maninjau inauguration in 1983. This is as shown in the following quotation: Dulu, sebetulnya aku nyaris menjabat tangan seorang Jawa. Ketika duduk di SD, guruku menyuruh kami sekelas mengibarkan bendera merah putih dari kertas minyak di pinggir jalan kampungku. Balasan kibasan benderaku adalah lambaian, tangan yang menyembul dari jendela mobil hitam setengah terbuka. Ingin aku jabat tangan itu, tapi mobilnya terlalu cepat berlalu. Yang punya tangan adalah Presiden Soeharto yang datang meresmikan PLTA Maninjau tahun 1983 (Fuadi, 2010: 43) (In the past, actually I almost shake the hands of a Java people. When at the elementary school, my teacher told our class to wave red and white flag from waxed paper on the roadside village. Reply waving of my flag is hand protruding from a black car window partially open. I want to shake his hands, but his car went too fast. Who had a hand is President Suharto, in 1983 inaugurated the hydroelectric Maninjau). Setting time in 2003 can be seen in the following quotation: Washington DC, Desember 2003, jam 16.00 Iseng saja aku mendekat jendela kaca dan menyentuh permukaannya dengan ujung telunjuk kananku. Hawa dingin segera menjalari wajah dan lengan kananku. Dari balik kerai tipis dilantai empat ini , salju tampak turun menggumpal-gumpal seperti kapas yang dituang dari langit. Ketukan-ketukan halus terdengar setiap gumpal salju menyentuh kaca didepanku. Matahari sore menggantung condong ke barat berbentuk piring putih susu.
Tidak jauh, tampak the Capitol, gedung parlemen Amerika serikat yang anggun putih gading, bergaya klasik dengan tonggak-tonggak besar. Kubah raksasanya berundak-undak semakin memutih ditaburi salju,bagai mengenakan kopiah haji (Fuadi, 2010:1).
(Just for fun, I’m approached the window and touch the glass surface with my finger, immediately the cold through my face and my right arm. From fourfloor, the snow looked down clot-like clumps of cotton poured from the sky. A knock sounded smooth glass touch every glob of snow in front of me. The sun hung leaning to the west shaped milky white plate).
Not far away, it appears the Capitol, United States parliament building elegant ivory white, classic style with big milestones. Giant dome-steps staircase sprinkled the white snow, like wearing a skullcap pilgrimage).
4. Point of view In this novel, the author uses the first point of view because the novel uses the word "Aku" to tell the story. The following example shows will of the author in using the first point
view; ”Aku baca suratnya sekali lagi. Senang membaca surat dari kawan lama. Tapi aku juga iri. Rencana masuk SMA-nya juga rencanaku dulu. Aku menghela napas dan menatap kosong kepuncak pohon kelapa. Aku tidak boleh terlambat lagi. Aku kapok jadi jasus. Aku jera menjadi drakula (Fuadi, 2010:102-103).
(I read his letter again. It’s very nice to read a letter from an old friend. But I also envy. Her high school entrance plans are also my plans first. I sighed and stared at the empty summit of coconut trees. I should not be late again. I learned my lesson so jasus. I'm wary to be a vampire ").
5. Style Style of used in this novel the author is very inspiring. From each of the words we feel the strength of the underlying worldview rise of the spirit to achieve self-esteem, achievement and self dignity. It can be seen in the following quotation: ”Dulu kami melukis langit dan membebaskan imajinasi itu lepas membumbung tinggi. Aku melihat awan yang seperti benua Amerika, Raja bersikeras awan yang sama berbentuk Eropa, sementara Atang sangat percaya bahwa awan itu berbentuk Afrika. Baso malah melihat semua ini dalam konteks Asia, sedang Said dan Dulmajid awan itu berbentuk peta negara kesatuan Indonesia. Dulu kami tidak takut bermimpi. Meski juga kami tidak tahu bagaimana merealisasikannya. Tapi lihat hari ini, setelah kami mengerahkan segala ikhtiar dan menggenapkan dengan doa, Tuhan mengirim benua impian kepelukan kami masing-masing. Kun fayakun, maka semula awan impian, kini hidup yang nyata.” (Fuadi, 2010:405). ("We used to paint the sky and release it off the imagination soar. I saw a cloud like the American continent, the Raja insisted on the same cloud-shaped Europe, while Atang strongly believe that the cloud was shaped like Africa. Baso instead see all of this in the context of Asia, are being said and Dulmajid, cloud-shaped map of the unitary state of Indonesia. We are not afraid to dream. Although we also do not know how to make it happens. But look today, after we exert all efforts and to fulfill the prayer, God sent a dream continent for us. Kun fayakun, the beginning is just cloud of dreams, now it is real life").
6. Theme The theme of the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi is education. It can be seen from the background of the pesantren where the main activity carried out daily main character is learning. This can be proven through a novel excerpt follows: ”Bagai sebuah konspirasi besar untuk mencuci otak, metode total immersion ini cocok dengan lingkungan yang sangat mendukung. Tidak cukup dengan itu, entah siapa yang menyuruh, banyak diantara kami yang membawa kamus. Kalau bukan kamus cetak, kami pasti membawa buku mufradhat, buku tulis biasa yang dipotong kecil sehingga lebih tipis dan gampang dibawa kemana-mana. Murid
dengan buku mufradhat ditangan gampang ditemukan sedang antri mandi, antri makan, berjalan, bahkan di antara kegiatan olahraga sekalipun.”( hal. 133-135 ).
"As a great conspiracy to brainwash, total immersion method is suitable with a very supportive environment. Not enough with that, whoever is command, many of us who carry a dictionary. If it was not printed dictionary, we must bring mufradhat books, notebooks or small notes so more easily to bring everywhere. Students with mufradhat books in their hand easily to find in shower, in the queue, queuing up to eat, walk, even among sports events though ". B. Educational Values in the Novel Negeri Lima Menara In the article of Scerenko (1997) defined educational value as the processes of providing opportunities for the continuous development, in all student of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes certain values related to which leads to behavior exhibiting those values. The novel Negeri Lima Menara has some educational values. They are: accomplishment, affection, courage, honesty, Morality, altruism, patience, knowledge, punctuality, cooperation, and diligence, freedom of conscience and expression, and respect for creators. Here is the analysis of educational values in Ahmad's novel Negeri Lima Menara; 1. Accomplishment Accomplishment means appreciation for completing a task. It also means a thing achieved, skill in an activity, or a social skill that can be learnt (Scherenco, 2007). It is shown by the achievements and the skills which some characters have in the novel. From the statement below, it can be known that Alif Fikri had accomplishment as a good writer. He also often be winner in writing competition. Here is the statement:
“Untuk kegiatan luar kelas aku memilih bergabung dengan majalah kampus karena aku sangat tertarik belajar menulis dan memotret. Urusan tulis menulis ini, sebelumnya beberapa kali aku menjadi finalis lomba menulis di PM” ( Fuadi, 2010. 159).
(“For outside activities of class I chose to join the campus magazine because I'm very interested learn in writing and take pictures. In writing, I ever became a finalist in writing competition who held in PM”). 2. Affection Violet Winspear defined affection as the act of love (Falk, Kathryn, 1982: 22). In this novel, affection is represented in this paragraph: Kasih sayang amak tak terperikan kepadaku dan adik-adik. Walau sibuk mengoreksi tugas kelasnya, beliau selalu menyediakan waktu, membacakan buku, mendengarkan celoteh kami dan menemani belajar. ( Fuadi, 2010:11) (Mother loves to me and my younger sister so much. Although very busy to correcting her class assignment, she always make time, reading books for us, listening to our chatter and accompany us in learning). 3. Courage Courage is willingness to face danger with determination (Scherenco: 1997). Dulu kita tak takut bermimpi, walau sejujurnya juga tidak tahu bagaimana merealisasikannya. Tapi lihatlah hari ini. Setelah kami mengerahkan segala ikhtiar dan menggenapkan dengan doa, Tuhan mengirim benua impian ke pelukan masing-masing (Fuadi, 2010:405)
(First we are not afraid to dream, though honestly do not know how to make it happen. But look at today. After we exert every effort and to fulfill the prayer, God sent the dream of the continent into the arms of each).
4. Morality Morality refers to the concept of human ethic which pertains to matters of good and evil (Scherenco: 1997). ”Dengan ini kami sempurnakan amanah orang tua kalian untuk mendidik kalian dengan sebaik-baiknya.Berkaryalah di masyarakat dengan sebaik-baiknya. Ingat di kening kalian sekarang ada stempel PM. Junjunglah stempel ini. Jadilah rahmat bagi alam semesta.Carilah jalan ilmu dan jalan amal ke setiap sudut dunia. Ingatlah nasihat Imam Syafii: Orang yang berilmu dan beradap tidak akan diam di kampung halaman. Tinggalkanlah negerimu dan merantaulah ke negeri orang. Selamat jalan anak-anakku” ucap kiai Rais dalam nasehat terakhirnya (Fuadi, 2010:396).
(“With mandate your parents, we perfected to educate you for be the best. In order to useful in society as well as possible. Remember in your forehead right now there is a seal AM. Raise this stamp. Be a blessing for the natural sciences. Looking for! the street of knowledge and charity roads in every corner of the world's. Remember the advice of Imam Syafii: People who are knowledgeable and civilized will not stand in his hometown. Leave your country and go abroad. Goodbye my children,” said Kiai Rais in his last advice).
“Amak ingin anak laki-lakiku menjadi seorang pemimpin agama yang hebat dengan pengetahuan yang luas seperti buya Hamka, melakukan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, mengajak orang kepada kebaikan dan meninggalkan kemungkaran”, kata Amak pelan pelan.” (“Amak want my son to become a great religious leader with extensive knowledge as Buya Hamka, do Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar, inviting people to goodness and leave munkar ", said Amak softly).
5. Altruism Altruism is concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others. Teman sekamarku berteriak girang, dan mereka segera merubung dengan piring kosong terulur arahku. Satu potong rendang buat satu orang. Sudah tradisi kami, siapapun yang menerima rezeki paket dari rumah, maka ia harus berbagi dengan kami semua sebagai lauk tambahan di dapur umum nanti. Sama rasa sama rata, seperti gaya sosialis (Fuadi, 2010:270). (My roommate was screaming, and they were immediately surrounded by empty plate outstretched toward me. One piece of rendang for one man. It is our tradition, anyone who receives food packages from home, then he must share with us all as an extra dish in the kitchen later. Same taste equally, as the socialist style). 6. Patience Patience is not being hasty or impetuous. “Man shabara zhafira. Siapa yang bersabar akan beruntung. Jangan risaukan penderitaan hari ini, jalani saja dan lihatlah apa yang akan terjadi didepan . Karena yang kita tuju bukan sekarang, tapi ada yang lebih besar dan prinsipil, yaitu menjadi manusia yang telah menemukan misinya dalam hidup”.. (Fuadi: 2010:1060). (Man shabara zhafira. Who will be lucky must be patient? Do not feel the suffering of today, just do it and see what will happen in front. Because we're not now, but there is a larger and principal, be a man who has found his mission in life "). 7. Knowledge Knowledge is means learning, understanding, and awareness. … “PM membebaskan kami menerima majalah dari luar negeri, karena ini bagian dari proyek mendalami bahasa Arab dan Inggris “(Fuadi, 2010;72).
(…”PM frees to us to receive magazine from abroad, because this part of the project to mastered in Arabic and English”).
8. Punctuality It is being on time for attendance and tasks. “Teng… teng..teng…teng … Suara Lonceng besar didepan gedung pertemuan bergema lebih jauh. Belum lagi gaung nya padam, semua penjuru sepi senyap, tidak ada orang satu pun. Kami berpandang-pandangan dengan kalut. Kalau mengikuti qanun yang dibacakan tadi malam, lonceng 4 kali di jam 5 artinya tanda semua aktivitas harus berhenti dan semua murid sudah harus ada dimasjid dengan pakaian rapi dan bersarung ”(Fuadi, 2010: 64). (“Teng... teng.. teng.. teng ... ... The sound of the bell in front of the hall reverberated further. The echo not yet calmed, all over the deserted silent, no people anymore. We looked at each other frantically. If we follow qanun which was read last night, the bell four times at 5 o'clock means the sign must stop all activity and all students should already in mosque neatly dressed and gloved”).
9. Cooperation Cooperation is working with others for mutual benefits. Misbah kawanku dari Kalimantan membuka lemarinya dan mengeluarkan sekaleng susu kental manis cap nona. Kurdi menuangkan susu kental manis ini sebagai sentuhan terakhir untuk sajian kopinya ” Silahkan akhi, siap dinikmati” ,katanya puas sambil meletakkan ember kopi yang mengepul-ngepul ini ditengah kamar, tepat ditengah kami yang duduk melingkar (Fuadi, 2010:273).
(Misbah, my friend from Borneo open his cupboard and pulled out a can of sweetened Cap Nona condensed milk. Kurdi pour sweetened condensed milk as a final touch to a dish of coffee "Please akhi, ready to be enjoyed", he said, while he put the bucket of steaming coffee in the middle of this room, right in the middle we are sitting in a circle).
10. Diligence It is stated as attentiveness, persistence and perseverance.
Pondok Madani diberkati oleh energi yang membuat kami sangat menikmati belajar dan selalu ingin belajar berbagai macam ilmu. Lingkungannya membuat orang yang tidak belajar menjadi aneh. Belajar keras adalah gaya hidup yang fun, hebat dan selalu di kagum. Karena itu, cukup sulit untuk menjadi pemalas di PM (Fuadi,2010:264).
( Pondok Madani blessed by the energy that makes us really enjoy learning and always wanted to study a various of sciences. The environment makes people who do not learn to be weird. Studying hard is fun lifestyle, fabulous and always in amazed. Therefore, it is difficult to become lazy in the PM”. “Maksudku, kalau kita berusaha sedikit saja lebih baik dari orang kebanyakan, maka kita jadi juara. Ingat, filosofi nya sedikit saja lebih baik dari orang lain. Itu artinya perbedaan, seper sekian detik, satu ruas jari tadi. Kita bisa dan kita mampu jadi juara kalau mau !”kata Said (Fuadi, 2010:384).
(“I mean, if we try just a little better than most people, then we are become champions. Remember, his philosophy, a little better than others. That means the difference, a trillionth of a second, earlier one knuckle. We can and we are able to become champion if you want! “said Said).
11. Freedom of conscience and expression ..Aktifitas bebas. Digunakan untuk pengembangan minat dan bakat baik di bidang olahraga, kesenian, bahasa dll. (Fuadi, 2010:146). (..Activities are free. Used for the development of both interest and talent in sports, arts, languages etc.). 12. Hard work People can improve their ability when they want to hard work. Kita perlu bertekad lebih banyak dari orang kebanyakan. Kalau umumnya orang belajar pagi, siang dan malam, maka aku akan menambah dengan bangun lagi dini hari untuk mengurangi ketinggalan dan menutupi kelemahanku dalam hapalan. Di atas semua itu, ketika semua usaha telah kita sempurnakan ,kita
berdoa khusyuk kepada Allah dan hanya setelah usaha dan doa inilah kita bertawakal menyerahkan semuanya kepada Allah (Fuadi, 2010:384). (We need more committed than the average person. If most people learn in the morning, noon and night, then I will add a wake up early morning to reduce lag and cover weaknesses in memorizing. Beside that, when all our efforts have been perfected, we pray fervently to God and only after efforts and prayers that we trust, surrender everything to God).
13. Friendship Friendship is a relationship between two people or more. Seperti kata orang bijak, penderitaan bersamalah yang menjadi semen dari pertemanan yang lekat. Sejak menjadi jasus keamanan pusat, aku, Raja, Said, Dulmajid, Atang dan Baso lebih sering berkumpul dan belajar bersama. Kalau lelah belajar, kami membahas kemungkinan untuk bebas dari jerat keamanan pusat (Fuadi, 2010: 92). (As a wise man said, suffering with our friend is the cement of friendship is hard. Since becoming a jasus central security; Aku, Raja, Said, Dulmajid, Atang and Baso more often together and learn together. If we are tired of learning, we discussed the possibility of freedom from the snare center security). Di bawah bayangan menara ini kami lewatkan waktu untuk bercerita tentang impian-impian kami, membahas pelajaran tadi siang, ditemani kacang sukro. Bagaikan menara, cita-cita kami tinggi menjulang. Kami ingin sampai dipuncakpuncak mimpi kelak (Fuadi, 2007:94). (Under the shadow of this tower we spent the time to talk about our dreams, discuss lessons this afternoon, accompanied by sukro beans. Like the tower, our ideals of our high-rise. We want to reach the tops of the dream later).
14. Respect for creator If we are respect life, there must be a respect for the Creator or God (Scherenco: 1997).
Aku akan menerapkan praktek berprasangka baik bahwa doaku akan dikabulkan. Tapi berdoa saja rasanya kurang cukup. Aku mencanangkan untuk menambah ibadah dengan shalat sunat Tahajjud setiap jam dua pagi (Fuadi, 2010:195) (I will implement good practice prejudiced, that my prayer will be granted. But it does not pray enough. I proclaimed to do ritual prayers Tahajjud every morning at two o'clock). Kita perbanyak juga ibadah, karena ilmu yang sedang kita pelajari itu kan nur. Cahaya. Dan nur itu hanya bisa ada ditempat yang bersih dan terang (Fuadi,2010:382). (We also multiply the worship; because we are studying the science is a Nur or Light. And the nur can come when the place is clean and bright).
A. Conclusion After analyzing the novel Negeri Lima Menara, in this chapter the writer would like to show the conclusions as follows: 1. The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements of the Novel a. Character and characterization The major characters in this novel are Alif Fikri, Said Jufri, Raja Lubis, Atang Dulmajid Baso Salahuddin. The Minor Character are; Amak(Alif’s Mother),Fikri Syafnir / katik Parpatiah Nan Mudo (Alif Fikri’s Father) Pak Etek Muncak, Pak Etek Gindo Marajo, Mr. Sutan, Ismail Hamzah, Burhan, Ustadz Salman,Kiai Rais, Kak Iskandar Matrufi, Rajab Sujai / Tyson, Ustadz Torik, Ustadz Torik, Jeffry Raymond / Randai, Ustadz Surur, Ustadz Faris, Ustadz Badil, Ustadz Karim,Kak Jamal, Amir Thani,Mr. Yunus. In this novel the author uses the analytic method. b. Plot The plot of this novel is exposition, complication and resolution. d. Exposition Negeri Lima Menara in the novel begins with a description of Alif Fikri residence when he was in abroad and where he worked. Then the next stages, in describing the emails sent by Atang friend (who was in Egypt), then make Alif Fikri memories return to the past when he studied at Pondok Madani. It can be seen in the following quotation:
e. Conflict Stage appearance of a conflict in the novel is seen as Amak (Alif’s Mother) asked Alif to continue his study into the religion school. Alif initially did not want to, but in the end with a half-hearted decision Alif received a request parents to attend school on religious lines. But Alif select school in Pondok Madani located in East Java. Then Alif’s parents had to approve the request Alif. The conflict is also described as Alif studying in boarding schools along with five companions. The highest conflict in this novel is the homecoming of Baso to Pondok Madani, which causes the Alif soul hesitate to continue his study at the Pondok Madani and want to get out of the Pondok Madani. f. Resolution Resolution stage in this novel is a step that tells the happy ending. This stage is described by Alif spirit in following the final exam to pass the examination and the meeting of three friends under Nelson's columns in Trafalgar Square, London. c. Setting It is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and setting of time. Setting of place in this novel are; 1. Washington DC, 2. Kabupaten Agam, 3. Bukit Tinggi,
4. Bayur, 5. Pondok Madani, 6. Bandung, 7. Surabaya, 8. London, 9. All of place in Pondok Madani.(There are so many places in the Pondok Madani, such as mosques, multi-purpose hall, and dormitory students for the first year of Al-Barq, Libraries, sports fields and buildings, art department, Boy scout Headquarter, classrooms, base of the tower, cooperative, Ustadz home, office care, the office of organization, under the clothesline, heading in Bamboo River, etc. Setting of time is around 1980’s-2003. d. Point of view In this novel, the author uses the first point of view because the novel uses the word "Aku" to tell the story. e. Style This novel is written with personification, hyperbola and sarcasm, full of inspiration and imagination. f.
Theme Theme in the novel Negeri Lima Menara by Ahmad Fuadi tells about education, friendship and believing on dream.
2. The Education Values are Found in the Novel, they are: a. Accomplishment
b. Affection c. Courage d. Morality e. Altruism f. Punctuality g. Cooperation h. Diligence i. Freedom of conscience and expression j.
Hard work
k. Friendship l. Respect for creator
B. Suggestion To close this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestion as follow: 1. Education is very important in our life. So, educational values should be introduced to the children early. 2. Reading literature is not only for spending our leisure time but we can get so many messages from it, because in literary works the author wants to convey something useful and valuable for the reader. Because novel it consists of moral, education, religion, motivation, etc. 3. Education is very important in someone’s life. So, educational values should be introduced to the children early. Family hold an important role to the children because this is the first place for children to grow up.
4. Life is gift from God, we must use our time wisely because if it is gone, it will never back again. We must have a spirit and be optimist in facing our life, so we will not regret.
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Curriculum vitae
: Ika Ariyanti (Malika al Umma)
Date of birth : Boyolali, 28 th April 1988 Sex
: Female
: Islam
: Plosokerep II/III, Winong, Boyolali 57315
[email protected]
: 1. TK Kemala Bhayangkari graduated 1994 2. SD N WINONG 1 graduated 2000 3. MTs N Boyolali graduated 2003 4. SMA Bhinneka Karya 2 Boyolali graduated 2006 5. STAIN Salatiga of English Department 2012
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