Algemene voorwaarden Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V. Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden (NL) General Purchasing Terms & Conditions (EN) Digital Marketing & Communications Terms & Conditions (EN)
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Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V. Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V. VERSIE 2.0 1.
In deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden worden de onderstaande definities in de navolgende betekenis gebruikt, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders is aangegeven. Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden: De Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden van Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V. zoals gedeponeerd onder nummer 32027920 bij de Kamer de Koophandel te Amsterdam; Koper: de natuurlijke of rechtspersoon met wie de Overeenkomst wordt gesloten; Moët Hennessy: Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V., statutair gevestigd te Naarden en kantoorhoudende aan de Oude Utrechtseweg 22 (3743 KN) Baarn, geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer: 32027920; Order: de door Koper bij Moët Hennessy geplaatste bestelling tot levering van bepaalde Producten; Overeenkomst: de tussen Moët Hennessy en Koper gesloten overeenkomst inzake de levering van Moët Hennessy Producten. Partijen: Moët Hennessy en Koper gezamenlijk; Prijscourant: de door Moët Hennessy ten behoeve van de verkoop opgestelde lijst met de actuele verkoopprijzen van de Producten; Product(en): de door Moët Hennessy aan Koper aangeboden en/of geleverde product(en). 2.
Deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle aanbiedingen, offertes, opdrachten, rechtsbetrekkingen en overeenkomsten, hoe ook genaamd, waarbij Moët Hennessy zich verbindt om Producten aan de Koper te leveren. 3.
Wijzigingen in de Overeenkomst en afwijkingen van deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zullen slechts van kracht zijn, indien zij schriftelijk tussen Moët Hennessy en Koper zijn overeengekomen.
Prijscourant en Orders
Alvorens de Koper een Order kan plaatsen, dient de Koper het klantenformulier van Moët Hennessy, waaraan deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn gehecht, getekend aan Moët Hennessy te retourneren. Uit de acceptatie van het klantenformulier moet blijken dat de Koper zich verenigt met toepasselijk verklaring van deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden en dat hij, zo nodig, afstand doet van toepasselijk verklaring van eigen (inkoop)voorwaarden.
De prijzen genoemd in de laatste Prijscourant van Moët Hennessy zijn exclusief BTW en inclusief accijnzen, behoudens een nadrukkelijke andere vermelding. De belastingen en accijnzen worden in rekening gebracht tegen de koers op het moment van verzending van de Producten.
De Prijscourant wordt gedurende één maand gestand gedaan, tenzij de Prijscourant anders vermeldt. De Prijscourant kan ten allen tijde door Moët Hennessy worden gewijzigd zonder voorafgaande mededeling aan de Koper.
De Koper plaatst zijn Order conform de meest recente Prijscourant. De Overeenkomst komt pas tot stand zodra de Order van Koper, Moët Hennessy heeft bereikt en Moët Hennessy (i) schriftelijk (eventueel per e-mail) aan Koper de Order heeft bevestigd; of (ii) overgaat tot verzending en verpakking als bedoeld in artikel 5 van de Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden.
Indien in de Order voorbehouden of wijzigingen ten opzichte van de Prijscourant worden aangebracht, komt in afwijking van het bepaalde in lid 4 van dit artikel de Overeenkomst pas tot stand, indien Moët Hennessy uitdrukkelijk en schriftelijk aan de Koper bericht heeft met deze afwijkingen in de Order in te stemmen.
Moët Hennessy is bevoegd een Order te weigeren indien de Koper een Order heeft geplaatst voor een Product met een bepaalde vintage en er onvoldoende hoeveelheden van dit Product beschikbaar zijn om aan de Order te voldoen. In een zodanig geval kan Moët Hennessy het Product tevens vervangen door een Product met een vergelijkbare vintage en de Koper de prijs factureren die van toepassing is op dit Product.
De Koper erkent dat nakoming van de Orders afhankelijk is van de beschikbaarheid van de Producten. Indien de vraag groter is dan het aanbod (om wat voor reden dan ook) is Moët Hennessy naar eigen keuze bevoegd de beschikbare Producten aan verschillende klanten toe te wijzen.
Verpakking en verzending
Moët Hennessy verbindt zich jegens de Koper om de Producten behoorlijk te verpakken.
De Producten zullen bezorgd worden op, dan wel ter bezorging worden verzonden naar de overeengekomen plaats of plaatsen op de wijzen als in de Order is bepaald of naderhand is overeengekomen.
Voor verzendingen met een factuurbedrag lager dan € 555,-- zal Moët Hennessy € 25,-- in rekening brengen voor de verzendkosten.
Levering en risico
Alle door Moët Hennessy genoemde tijdstippen ten aanzien van de levering zijn bij benadering. Indien geen tijdstip voor de levering is afgesproken, zal de levering plaatsvinden binnen een redelijke termijn na de totstandkoming van de Overeenkomst.
Moët Hennessy is bevoegd de Order in termijnen te leveren. Indien Moët Hennessy de Order in termijnen uitlevert, zal Moët Hennessy de Koper informeren over de leveringsdatum van elk van de termijnen.
Het risico van verlies, diefstal en beschadiging met betrekking tot de te leveren Producten zal op de Koper overgaan op het moment van levering.
Moët Hennessy is niet aansprakelijk voor schade, hoe dan ook genoemd, veroorzaakt door, of ontstaan uit, een te late of vertraagde levering.
De Producten kunnen door de Koper niet worden geretourneerd zodra de levering heeft plaatsgevonden, tenzij Partijen dat uitdrukkelijk zijn overeengekomen.
Beperking van aansprakelijkheid
Moët Hennessy is niet aansprakelijk voor claims ter zake van gebreken, schade of nonconformiteit van de Producten die bij inspectie van de Producten redelijkerwijs hadden kunnen worden vastgesteld (“zichtbare gebreken”), tenzij de Koper binnen tien (10) dagen na ontvangst van de Producten op het terrein van de Koper, de klachten schriftelijk (eventueel per e-mail) aan Moët Hennessy heeft gerapporteerd.
Moët Hennessy is niet aansprakelijk voor claims terzake van alle overige gebreken, schade of non-conformiteit van de Producten (“onzichtbare gebreken”), tenzij de Koper binnen twee (2) maanden na de datum van ontvangst van de Producten op het terrein van de Koper, de klachten schriftelijk (eventueel per e-mail) aan Moët Hennessy heeft gerapporteerd.
De Koper zal Producten waarvan Koper stelt dat zij gebrekkig, non-conform of beschadigd zijn, op verzoek van Moët Hennessy onverwijld terugzenden aan Moët Hennessy ten behoeve van de inspectie door Moët Hennessy.
Moët Hennessy zal claims die niet conform de in dit artikel genoemde vereisten en binnen de in dit artikel bedoelde termijnen worden gedaan, niet accepteren.
Moët Hennessy zal, in geval Moët Hennessy verantwoordelijk is voor gebrekkige, nonconforme of beschadigde Producten, naar eigen keuze de Producten vervangen door nieuwe Producten ofwel de Koper de koopprijs voor de Producten retourneren. Behoudens het gestelde in de vorige zin is Moët Hennessy niet aansprakelijk voor schade, hoe dan ook genoemd, veroorzaakt door, of ontstaan uit, de levering van gebrekkige, non-conforme of beschadigde Producten.
De Koper is verplicht de Producten te bewaren, te beveiligen en alle redelijke maatregelen te treffen om achteruitgang in kwaliteit te voorkomen.
Moët Hennessy is niet aansprakelijk voor verlies of beschadiging van de Producten in het geval dat de Koper niet voldoet aan zijn verplichtingen uit hoofde van dit artikel.
Alle aan de Koper geleverde Producten blijven eigendom van Moët Hennessy totdat alle bedragen, die de Koper aan Moët Hennessy op grond van de tussen Partijen gesloten Overeenkomst verschuldigd is, volledig aan Moët Hennessy zijn voldaan.
Totdat de eigendom overgaat naar Koper, zal Koper (a) de Producten houden als de agent van Moët Hennessy; en (b) de Producten gescheiden houden van alle overige Producten van Koper of van iedere andere partij en de Producten.indien noodzakelijk - op duidelijke wijze markeren als toebehorend aan Moët Hennessy; en (c) de Producten in goede staat onderhouden en verzekeren ten behoeve van Moët Hennessy voor het volledige bedrag tegen alle risico’s, waaronder doch niet uitsluitend diefstal en vernietiging door elke oorzaak. Op verzoek van Moët Hennessy zal het bewijs van verzekering door Koper worden verstrekt.
De Koper heeft de bevoegdheid om de onder eigendomsvoorbehoud gekochte Producten te verkopen voordat de eigendom op hem is overgegaan, onder de voorwaarde dat de verkoop zal worden uitgevoerd onder de normale bedrijfsuitvoering van de Koper tegen volledige marktwaarde en dat het de verkoop betreft van Producten die aan Moët Hennessy toebehoren zodat zij in het belang van Moët Hennessy wordt uitgevoerd.
Moët Hennessy is ten allen tijde gerechtigd het bezit van de onder eigendomsvoorbehoud geleverde Producten, zonder nadere ingebrekestelling, op te eisen.
Van overmacht aan de zijde van Moët Hennessy is sprake, indien Moët Hennessy na het sluiten van de Overeenkomst verhinderd wordt aan haar verplichtingen uit deze Overeenkomst of aan de voorbereiding daarvan te voldoen ten gevolge van gebeurtenissen die buiten de schuld of risicosfeer van Moët Hennessy zijn ontstaan, waaronder doch niet uitsluitend defecten aan machinerieën, brand, oorlog, terrorisme, waterschade, overstroming, storingen in de levering van energie, oproer, burgerlijke onlusten, lokale of nationale staking, ontbrekende of gebrekkige of vertraagde levering van toeleveranciers, slechte oogst, gebrek aan arbeidskrachten en/of brandstof, beperkingen van de handel of valuta en overheidsingrijpen. Moët Hennessy is niet verplicht de Koper te informeren met betrekking tot het intreden van overmacht.
Indien door overmacht de levering meer dan zes (6) maanden vertraagd wordt of, de levering onmogelijk is geworden of, de levering in alle redelijkheid niet langer van Moët Hennessy kan worden geëist, zijn Partijen bevoegd de Overeenkomst te ontbinden middels een schriftelijke verklaring aan de andere partij zonder dat aansprakelijkheid jegens de andere partij ontstaat. Is de Overeenkomst reeds ten dele uitgevoerd, dan heeft de Koper de bevoegdheid om het reeds afgeleverde gedeelte van de Producten te behouden en de daarvoor verschuldigde koopsom te voldoen.
De Koper is bij doorverkoop, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke goedkeuring van Moët Hennessy, niet bevoegd de Producten te exporteren naar landen buiten de Europese Economische Ruimte. De Koper is tevens verplicht bij doorverkoop op de opvolgend koper de verplichting te leggen, dat hij de Producten niet zal exporteren naar landen buiten de Europese Economische Ruimte. Voor Orders die bestemd zijn voor doorverkoop buiten de Europese Economische Ruimte dient Koper opgave te doen van de hoeveelheden en (het land van) de bestemming. Moët Hennessy behoudt het recht voor deze Orders te weigeren.
De Koper mag geen advertenties of aankondigingen (advertenties en aankondigingen op het internet daaronder begrepen) van misleidende inhoud of met misleidende strekking of die aan de reclame van Moët Hennessy afbreuk kunnen doen plaatsen, doen plaatsen of (doen) verspreiden, noch hetzij direct hetzij indirect misleidende aanbiedingen doen in verband met de verkoop van de Producten van Moët Hennessy.
Als de Koper (een deel van) zijn activiteiten staakt of voornemens is deze te staken, bijvoorbeeld wegens ontbinding, faillissement of overname van zijn onderneming, is de Koper op eerste verzoek van Moët Hennessy verplicht de Producten te retourneren tegen ontvangst van de reeds betaalde facturen.
De Koper mag geen Producten van Moët Hennessy doorverkopen waarvan de lotcode is gewist, is beschadigd of anderszins onleesbaar is gemaakt.
Alle Producten bestemd voor de verkoop, handel of promotioneel gebruik, zowel binnen als buiten drankgelegenheden, mogen uitsluitend worden doorverkocht of worden gebruikt in de staat zoals verkocht of voorgeschreven door Moët Hennessy. In het bijzonder dienen alle flessen, containers, etiketten, capsules en kurken intact te blijven, zonder dat daarmee op enige wijze wordt geknoeid, toegevoegd, gewijzigd of uitgewist.
Intellectuele Eigendom
De Koper erkent uitdrukkelijk de exclusieve rechten van Moët Hennessy in alle geregistreerde en niet-geregistreerde merken die eigendom zijn van Moët Hennessy (hierna: “Handelsmerken”) en in alle handelsnamen, bedrijfsnamen, domeinnamen, goodwill, auteursrechten, databankrechten, rechten op ontwerpen en andere intellectuele eigendomsrechten, al dan niet geregistreerd en in eigendom van Moët Hennessy (hierna gezamenlijk: “Intellectuele Eigendomsrechten”).
De Intellectuele Eigendomsdomsrechten zijn eigendom van Moët Hennessy en mogen door Koper niet worden gebruikt zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van Moët Hennessy.
Koper zal niets doen, doen veroorzaken of machtigen tot doen, waardoor schade of afbreuk wordt of kan worden gedaan aan de reputatie of goodwill van Moët Hennessy of de Handelsmerken, waardoor de waarde of geldigheid van de Handelsmerken wordt of kan worden aangetast, waardoor de Handelsmerken in diskrediet kunnen of worden gebracht, waardoor de geldigheid van de registratie, dan wel de aanvraag tot inschrijving van, de Handelsmerken in gevaar wordt of kan worden gebracht.
Koper zal niet de eigendom van de Handelsmerken opeisen, noch zal Koper Handelsmerken, of enig ander handelsmerk dat in de opinie van Moët Hennessy identiek is, of verwarrende gelijkenis vertoont, met de Handelsmerken (een vertaling naar het Engels daaronder begrepen), registreren.
Koper zal niet enige domeinnaam registreren of gebruiken, dan wel een zoekwoord of hyperlink kopen of verkopen, dat geheel of gedeeltelijk overeenkomt met de Handelsmerken, of enig ander handelsmerk dat in de opinie van Moët Hennessy identiek is, of verwarrende gelijkenis vertoont, met de Handelsmerken, zonder de uitdrukkelijke schriftelijke toestemming van Moët Hennessy en uitsluitend om de Producten te verkopen in overeenstemming met de Overeenkomst en deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden.
Koper zal de Handelsmerken of de Intellectuele Eigendomsrechten niet gebruiken op enige social networking site, anders dan met het doel de Producten te verkopen in overeenstemming met de Overeenkomst en deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden en uitsluitend door gebruik van door Moët Hennessy beschikbaar gestelde foto’s en video’s.
De Koper is verplicht alle van Moët Hennessy ontvangen gegevens, waarvan hij weet of redelijkerwijs behoort te weten dat deze van vertrouwelijke aard zijn, geheim te houden. Voor zover Koper vertrouwelijke gegevens ontvangt, zal hij deze slechts kunnen gebruiken voor het doel waarvoor deze zijn verstrekt. 14.
De Koper, die in strijd handelt met enige verplichting uit de artikelen 11, 12 of 13, verbeurt ten gunste van Moët Hennessy een direct opeisbare boete van € 10.000,-- (zegge: tienduizend euro) per overtreding. Eén en ander onverminderd alle overige rechten van Moët Hennessy, waaronder, maar niet beperkt tot, het recht aanvullende vergoeding van de werkelijk geleden schade te vorderen. 15.
De facturen van Moët Hennessy moeten binnen 30 (dertig) dagen na de factuurdatum door Koper worden betaald zonder de mogelijkheid van opschorting of verrekening. Indien Koper niet binnen deze termijn heeft betaald, is Koper van rechtswege in verzuim en is Moët Hennessy gerechtigd om vanaf dat moment de wettelijke (handels)rente in rekening te brengen.
Indien Moët Hennessy overgaat tot buitengerechtelijke maatregelen voor de inning van haar facturen, komen de kosten daarvan voor rekening van de Koper overeenkomstig het Besluit voor vergoeding van buitengerechtelijke incassokosten. Het voorgaande laat onverlet dat Moët Hennessy in iedere procedure bevoegd is afzonderlijk een vergoeding voor de door haar gemaakte proceskosten te vorderen.
Indien de Koper niet tijdig aan zijn (betalings)verplichtingen voldoet, is Moët Hennessy bevoegd de Overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst bij aangetekende brief met onmiddellijke werking te ontbinden.
Indien de Koper in staat van faillissement is verklaard, of de Koper (voorlopige) surseance van betaling aanvraagt, of op de Koper een gelijksoortige regeling van toepassing is geworden waardoor de Koper het vrije beheer geheel of gedeeltelijk heeft verloren, dan kan Moët Hennessy de Overeenkomst zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst bij aangetekende brief met onmiddellijke werking ontbinden.
Indien de Overeenkomst, om welke reden dan ook, wordt ontbonden kan Moët Hennessy haar Producten opeisen met inachtneming van artikel 9.
Door de ontbinding worden over en weer bestaande vorderingen onmiddellijk opeisbaar. De Koper is voorts aansprakelijk voor de door Moët Hennessy geleden schade, onder meer bestaande uit winstderving, transportkosten en de kosten van haar juridische adviseurs.
Toepasselijk recht en geschillen
De Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn onderworpen aan het Nederlandse recht. Het Weens Koopverdrag is op de Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden niet van toepassing.
Alle geschillen welke tussen Partijen mochten ontstaan naar aanleiding van deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden, dan wel van nadere overeenkomsten en andere handelingen in samenhang met deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden, zullen worden beslecht door de Rechtbank te Amsterdam.
De toepasselijkheid van inkoop- en/of andere voorwaarden van de Koper wordt uitdrukkelijk van de hand gewezen.
Deze in de Nederlandse taal opgestelde Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden hebben gelding boven de in de Engelse taal opgestelde Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden (“Terms and Conditions of Sale”).
Indien enige bepaling van deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden of de Overeenkomst nietig is of vernietigd wordt, blijven de overige bepalingen van deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden of de Overeenkomst van kracht. Partijen treden in dat geval in overleg met het doel nieuwe bepalingen ter vervanging van de nietige of vernietigde bepaling overeen te komen.
Deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn niet van toepassing op de door Moët Hennessy ingekochte goederen en/of diensten van leveranciers.
Deze Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zijn op 3 juli 2015 gedeponeerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel. De Algemene Verkoopvoorwaarden zullen op aanvraag kosteloos worden toegezonden en zijn tevens te raadplegen op de website
Moët Hennessy (Nederland) B.V. GENERAL PURCHASING CONDITIONS dd. 12-12-2013 1.
Scope of application
These general purchasing conditions apply to all the suppliers (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) and for all the goods and/or services (hereinafter called “the Products”) purchased by MOËT HENNESSY (NEDERLAND) B.V., a company registered under number 32027920, and whose registered office is located at Baarn (hereinafter called “MH B.V.”) from the Supplier.
These general purchasing conditions cancel and replace the previous general purchasing conditions of MH B.V.. Any subsequent modification by MH B.V. of these general purchasing conditions shall be notified to the Supplier subject to a notice period of one month.
These general purchasing conditions expressly reject any other document emanating from the Supplier and, in particular, its general or specific conditions of sale.
The absence of reaction from MH B.V. in the event of breach by the Supplier of one or several clauses of these general purchasing conditions cannot be deemed to be a waiver by MH B.V. of the right to enforce them.
In the event where one of the clauses of these general purchasing conditions should be declared invalid or in breach of the regulations in effect, the validity of all of the other clauses of these general purchasing conditions shall not be affected thereby.
Compliance with the regulations The Supplier declares that the Products comply with the laws and regulations in effect, notably as regards: - the qualities, the composition, the presentation and the labelling of the Products, - the safety measures, - labour law, notably child labour, - the protection of the environment.
The Supplier undertakes to register the orders accepted from MH, to confirm them and to deliver them to MH B.V. under the conditions agreed. The volumes indicated by MH B.V. outside of any order do not constitute a firm purchase order.
On receipt of an order, the Supplier must send its acceptance or its refusal in return to MH B.V. and proceed with the delivery within the times specified on the order form of MH B.V. In the absence of a reply within a period of two business days, the order is deemed to have been accepted in all these parameters.
Once the order has been accepted by the Supplier, MH B.V. can notify any modification to the order until eight business days before the planned delivery date. The Supplier must then inform MH B.V. as soon as possible of any change in price or timetable pursuant to the modifications requested. Every modification must be approved in writing in an amendment to the initial order.
The order number must be mentioned on all the delivery or shipping documents that must always accompany the Product, in the absence of which the latter can be refused at its arrival.
The cancellation of an order by MH B.V. can be made in the event of late or incomplete delivery and in the event of non-compliant Products.
Stocks / Manufacturing / Packaging
For certain Products, MH B.V. can request permanent stocks. A monthly statement of these stocks specifying the description of the Product must be sent by the Supplier to MH B.V.. In the event of additional needs during the term of validity of the contract, the price shall be maintained for the same economic production batches. On the depletion of the forecast annual volume and within the period corresponding to the production time, the Supplier must make contact with MH B.V. to possibly agree on a reconstitution of the permanent stock. For information, the economic production batches are provided in writing by the Supplier for every Product listed.
In the event of modification by MH B.V. of the Product purchased, MH B.V. shall only pay for the possible quantities in the process of production or in stock, within the limit of the quantity agreed between the parties for the permanent stock. In all cases, the quantities produced beyond this limit.quantities in stock included.shall remain the responsibility of the Supplier.
The Supplier undertakes to respect the quantities and dimensional characteristics of the Products by packaging, grouping packaging and a palletising plan, without any change being able to be made without the prior, written permission of MH B.V..
Prices and Invoicing
The prices are those agreed between the Supplier and MH B.V., as shown, in particular, on the order form. These are prices excluding taxes, firm and non-revisable, which include the costs of packaging as well as any other cost, risk or charge relating to the execution of the order.
The invoices sent to MH B.V. must imperatively include the order number, the description of the Products, the references of the delivery, the registration code at the Chamber of Commerce as well as any other statements required under applicable law.
Transfer of the risks –transfer of ownership
The Products are shipped at the risk and peril of the Supplier. The transfer of the risks takes place after the full unloading of the Products on the premises of MH B.V. or at any other place indicated by MH B.V..
The transfer of the ownership of the Products ordered by MH B.V. takes place at the time of the delivery of the Products to MH B.V. as stipulated in 7.2 of these general purchasing terms.
The delivery times fixed by MH B.V. in the order form are binding and cannot be modified without its express consent. The delivery date requested is the date of arrival of the Products on the premises of MH B.V. (or any other place indicated by MH B.V. in the order form) and not the date of shipping. The Supplier shall notify MH B.V. of the delivery at least 48 hours before the delivery to the place indicated on the order form.
The delivery of the Products is proven by the signature of a packing list and the shipping form by the authorised staff of MH B.V.. The delivery of the Products can be refused when the order is incomplete, when the Product is non-compliant or if the state of the packaging, of the pallet or of the container is deficient.
Since the delivery time is binding, in the event of incomplete or late delivery, MH B.V. reserves the right to cancel the remaining quantities to deliver after the delivery time stipulated, without prejudice to any late delivery penalty and without it being necessary to send any prior notice. In the event of late delivery penalties, Supplier can be held liable to forfeit an immediately payable penalty for the benefit of MH B.V. of 5% of the price of the corresponding order per business day late. The total amount of the penalty is at least €100, but shall not exceed 100% of the corresponding order. The penalty amount shall be automatically deducted from the tionals the right against the invoiced amount. In addition to the penalty, MH B.V. reserves the right to claim damages and to require the shipping of the Products by the quickest means at the Supplier’s expense.. Any shipment of Products must be the subject of a detailed packing list referring to the order number of MH B.V. drawn up in triplicate (one copy attached to the product shipped, one copy sent by mail to MH B.V. and one copy remitted to the shipper). The size of a batch can vary according to the Product and method of production. If the same production batch is the subject of several deliveries, each delivery unit must bear the identification clearly of its being part of the batch produced. Similarly, the principle “first produced, first delivered” must be applied by the Supplier.
Quantity Any modification by the Supplier of the quantities of Products indicated on the order form of MH B.V. must be the subject of the written agreement of MH B.V.. In the absence of the written agreement, any modification of the quantities by the Supplier compared with the initial order can justify the termination of the order and/or the refusal of acceptance of the delivery by MH B.V..
The Products delivered by the Supplier must be of irreproachable quality and presentation, be adapted to the use for which they are sold, be free from any defects, comply in all points with the order, with applicable law and European regulations and standards in effect, both as regards quality, safety and consumer protection, composition and labelling. Every anomaly compared with these requirements applicable to the Product is an event of non-compliance.
In the event of a non-compliance recorded by MH B.V. either at the delivery of the Products or at the opening of the packages, Supplier can be held liable to forfeit an immediately payable penalty of 10% of the price of the corresponding order. These penalties are without prejudice to the consequences, notably damages claimed relating to the claims that would be made against MH B.V. because of this non-compliance of the Products.
In the event of non-compliance, within a period of one month from the receipt of the Products in question in its premises, MH B.V. shall have the choice between cancelling the order after having informed the Supplier thereof or of obtaining, at the expense of the Supplier, the immediate replacement of the non-compliant Products by Products that are identical or of better quality under the same price conditions and within a period of eight days from receipt of the claim.
The non-compliant Products refused by MH B.V. shall be kept in the state in which they are, at the disposal of the Supplier, which undertakes to remove them at its expense and risk from the premises of MH B.V. or any other place which shall be indicated to it by MH B.V., within a period of fifteen days from the notice sent by MH B.V.. Beyond this period, the non-compliant Products shall be destroyed at the Supplier’s expense.
Quality and Traceability
The Supplier undertakes to deliver a Product in compliance with the expectations and specifications sent by MH B.V. If the Supplier is the manufacturer of the Products, the Supplier declares that it has all of the means necessary for the manufacturing of its Products. In any event, the Supplier, as a professional, undertakes to deliver the Products in compliance with the professional standards of its profession. To do so, it undertakes to make all the inspections and to take all the measures necessary for the obtaining of the level of quality required.
The Supplier declares that it is capable of finding in a reasonable time all of the data of its manufacturing process (raw materials included) important for the quality of the Product that it supplies to MH B.V.. It undertakes to notify MH B.V., as soon as it has a doubt about the quality of a batch delivered. The batch number and the order number are indispensable items of information for any communication about the traceability.
The Supplier is held liable for and undertakes to assume all of the direct and indirect financial consequences resulting from damage of any kind, direct or indirect, that the Products manufactured and/or delivered by it could cause to people or property, as well as for the withdrawal of the Products for any reason whatsoever.
The Supplier must certify that it has taken out an insurance policy with a first class insurance company covering the financial consequences of its third party and/or professional liability for the Products delivered to MH B.V. for sufficient amounts. MH B.V. shall have the possibility at any time to require the Supplier to provide an insurance certificate.
Business secrets, the methods and/or any technical and/or commercial information of one or the other party sent within the framework of an order are considered to be confidential information. Each of the parties shall respect the confidentiality of this information exchanged and shall not disclose it or make it available to third parties without having obtained the prior, written permission of the other party. Each of the parties shall comply with the obligations resulting from this confidentiality clause throughout the duration of the relations and as long as the confidential information shall not have fallen into the public domain legally. At the simple written request of one of the parties, the other party undertakes either to return any document to it containing the confidential information or to destroy it and provide a certificate of destruction, to be extent permitted under applicable law. A copy of these documents can in no event be kept, except as otherwise provided by applicable law. 13.
Intellectual property
No right is transferred or granted to the Supplier to the trademarks of the products which MH B.V. distributes or for the items remitted by MH B.V. in performance of these general purchasing conditions apart from the right of use granted to the Supplier for the sole purposes and for the sole period of performance by the Supplier of its services. Any other use is subject to the prior permission of MH B.V..
Except in the event of a provision to the contrary in the order form, when intellectual property rights, of any kind whatsoever, attached to the Products that are the subject of the order are (i) either created or capable of being recognised for the first time at the time of the execution of the said order, (ii) or used exclusively by MH B.V. within the framework of the said order, the Supplier transfers to MH B.V., in consideration for the remuneration fixed under the specific purchasing conditions, as they are produced, all of the intellectual property rights attached to the Products concerned for the whole world and for the statutory period of protection, including all of the items prepared, directly or indirectly, by the Supplier during the term of these general purchasing conditions. The rights thus transferred include, in particular, the industrial property rights to any trademarks, inventions that are patentable or not, drawings and/or models that MH B.V. can freely use and protect in its name, notably by filings with the Offices concerned. The rights transferred include, moreover, the right of reproduction, representation, adaptation and modification, by any means and on any media, as well as the right of secondary and derived use of the goods and services and of all of the items specified above.
The Supplier guarantees that the Products delivered are not subject to any special charges, encumbrances, industrial or artistic property claim (patents, trademarks, drawings and models) and that the photographs of the Products can be reproduced on any media, including the Internet, except in the event of a decision to the contrary expressed by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The Supplier guarantees that on the date of signature of the order form, (i) it is the owner of all of the intellectual property rights transferred under these general purchasing conditions, which have not been the subject of any transfer or license, total or partial, in any way whatsoever, and (ii) that no litigation is pending as regards the said rights transferred. In the event where the Supplier should not be able to transfer or to obtain from a third party the transfer to MH B.V. of all of the intellectual property rights attached to the order, it must imperatively notify to MH B.V., before the acceptance of any order form, the scope and the limits of the intellectual property rights transferred. Whatever the case, the Supplier must obtain the prior, written agreement of MH B.V. to this (or these) restriction(s) on transfer before any commitment to produce. The possible negotiating of the transfer of rights of a third party to the Products that are the subject of the order shall take place by a separate deed drawn up in writing between the parties. The Supplier guarantees the Client against any legal actions, claims or proceedings caused by or that are the subject of the rights transferred under the terms of these general purchasing conditions.
In the event where the Supplier is the manufacturer of the Products, the Supplier shall provide, for information, the elements concerning its manufacturing and inspection process, and the composition of the products used in the making of the Products and necessary to obtain the quality of the Products ordered, with the exception of the information considered to be confidential or forming part of the know-how of the Supplier. In the event where the Supplier, as a manufacturer, collaborates with MH B.V. in the creation of a new Product, technical documents may be created by the Supplier under the supervision of MH B.V.. The Supplier commits itself to the delivery date of these documents. This date shall be imperatively prior to that of the first delivery of Products, so that the documents can be validated by MH B.V. before the start of the manufacturing.
The Supplier undertakes to inform MH B.V. in the event of any sub-contracting.
The Supplier guarantees to MH B.V. the compliance by the sub-contractors with all of these general purchasing conditions and shall alone be responsible for the acts of its subcontractors. It undertakes to directly settle the possible disputes with the sub-contractors without making MH B.V. intervene and guarantees MH B.V. against any direct action of the sub-contractors against it.
The Supplier remains responsible for the execution of the whole order.
The price for the Products shall be set out in the Order, or if no price is quoted, the price set out in the Supplier’s published price list in force at the order date.
In consideration of the supply of the Products by the Supplier, MH B.V. shall pay the invoiced amount within 30 days of the date of the Supplier invoice to bank account nominated by the Supplier in writing.
MH B.V. may set off any amount owing to it by the Supplier against any amount payable to the Supplier.
All payments are contingent upon the delivery of the Products confirming with the purchase order and to the satisfaction of MH B.V.
The Supplier shall invoice MH B.V. on or after the delivery of the Products. Each Supplier invoice shall include the relevant purchase order number and such supporting information required by MH B.V. to verify the accuracy of the invoice.
Any breach by the Supplier of any commitment whatsoever within the framework of these general purchasing conditions can entail, without any formality other than a notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the immediate and automatic termination of the current contractual relations subject to a notice period of thirty days, without prejudice to a possible right to compensation. 19.
Every notice that should be reciprocally made under these general purchasing conditions shall be actually and validly made by a simple registered letter with request for acknowledgement of receipt and in the event of an emergency proved by a fax or, in the event of interruption of the postal service, by any necessary means, with any times running either from the day of the delivery of the said letter or of its first presentation, with the statements of the Post providing proof, or from the day of the remittance of the notice delivered by another means. 20.
The Supplier is aware of the obligation for MH B.V. to comply with anti-corruption rules and principles relevant to the contract parties and with acceptance of the purchase order, the Supplier agrees that it will not use money or other consideration paid by MH B.V. for unlawful purposes. Any such practice will constitute as a breach of contract and will be grounds for MH B.V. to terminate this contract immediately. 21.
Contract - Essential Obligation
The provisions of any other signed contract between parties, not including the Terms and Conditions of Supplier, shall prevail over any conflicting terms in these General Purchasing Conditions. Such conflict shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining parts of these General Purchasing Conditions.
Governing law.Attribution of jurisdiction
These General Purchasing Conditions, and all purchase orders, shall be exclusively governed by Dutch law. The settlement of any dispute that may arise between the Supplier and MH B.V. shall lie within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, even in the event of the introduction of third parties or of a plurality of defendants.
Editor – Contact
The website (the “Site”) is edited by Moët Hennessy Nederland BV • • • •
share capital: 45.378,02 registration number with Trade and Company Register of 32027920 VAT number: NL001651250B01 registered address: Oude utrechtseweg 22-24, 3743 KN Baarn
Chief Editor: Bob Bron For any enquiry regarding the Site, please contact us by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected] 2.
The Site is hosted by:dehostingfirma • • •
company name: dehostingfirma registered address: Visseringstraat 27, tel.: +31 206848346
TERMS & CONDITIONS OF USE The Site is edited by Moët Hennessy Nederland BV, a Dutch company with share capital of 45.378,02 euros, having its registered address Oude Utrechtseweg 22-24, 3743 KN Baarn, registered with the Trade and Company Register of 32027920, Any use of this Site by any person (“you” or the “user”) is governed by these terms & conditions of use (Terms & Conditions”). The purpose of these Terms & Conditions is to define the conditions of access, navigation and use of the Site. By accessing and using this Site, you accept without restriction to apply these Terms and Conditions as well as the provisions concerning the protection of personal data (read the Privacy & Cookies Policy). The Company may revise or update these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy & Cookies Policy at any time and without notice. It is your responsibility to re-read these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy & Cookies Policy on a regular basis. The Company provides this Site only for people who have reached the legal age to consume and/or purchase alcoholic beverages (whichever is the higher) in their country of residence and provided that the consumption and/or purchase of alcoholic beverages is legal. 1. NAVIGATION ON THE SITE 1.1
Access to the Site
Necessary hardware and software to access Internet and this Site are under sole liability of the users. The Company reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to suspend or terminate access or navigation to all or part of the Site and/or its content and/or the available services without prior notice and without entitling any user to claim any indemnity or compensation. It is forbidden to modify the software or any element of it or to use a modified version of the software, in order to obtain unauthorized access to the Site. 1.2
The Site may include links to other web sites or other internet sources. As the Company cannot control these web sites and external sources, the Company cannot be held responsible for the provision or display of these web sites and external sources, and may not be held liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these web sites or external sources. Furthermore, the Company cannot be held responsible for any demonstrated or alleged harm or losses resulting from (directly or indirectly) or in relation to the use of, or the fact of having had confidence in, the content, goods or services available on these web sites or external sources.
User responsible behaviour
Each user warrants: -
to be of minimum age legally required to consume and/or purchase alcohol in accordance with the regulations of user’s country of residence, to use the Site for user’s personal and lawful use only, excluding therefore any other commercial use without the prior written consent of the Company, to provide, when relevant, personal data being true, up-to-date and accurate.
When using the Site, users must behave responsibly, lawfully, with courtesy and respectful towards other users, the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates and third parties. User must notably refrain from: -
uploading, displaying, sending by e-mail or by any other mean any file containing viruses, codes, text files, software or similar items which could disrupt, interrupt, destroy, damage or limit functionalities of any software, hardware or telecommunication material, disrupting or interrupting the Site, its servers or networks connected to the Site, or infringing the related requirements, procedures or rules, infringing (including any attempt) the Site functioning, notably by exposing the Site to viruses, creating an overload of consultation of the Site or its servers, sending “spams” or overloading the Site messaging system, consulting privileged or non public information or accessing a server or account for which the user is not expressly granted access to, trying to assess or test the Site vulnerability, breaching security or authentication measures of the Site without the prior written consent of the Company, conducting any illegal activity or any other activity likely to infringe rights of the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, providers (including technical providers and contractors), customers and third parties, as well as refrain from encouraging thirds to do so, uploading, displaying, posting, sending by e-mail or by any other mean any unsolicited or non authorised commercial or promotional content, junk mails, spasm, chains or any other solicitation, uploading, displaying, sending by e-mail or by any other mean any illegal, detrimental, defamatory, offensive, racist, vulgar, obscene, threatening, violent, against decency, infringing third parties rights, chocking or disparaging content or the like, sending or forwarding by e-mail or by any other mean any content of the Site to people under the legal alcohol drinking and/or purchasing age in their country of residence.
Each user must comply with any and all applicable regulations, laws and rules related to user’s behaviour on the Internet and transmission of technical data. When relevant, the Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion to terminate or withdraw any user’s access to the Site without notice in case of breach of the user’s obligations under these Terms & Conditions, without prejudice to claim damages to such defaulting user. 1.4
User generated content (when applicable)
Users are solely liable of any content they may post or upload onto the Site and the consequences of disclosing or broadcasting such content. The Company does not adhere or approve any content, opinion, suggestion or notice generated by users and the Company declines any and all responsibility and liability in respect of any such content.
However, the Company reserves the right, but not the obligation, to monitor use of the Site and to remove any content which, in its sole discretion, would breach these Terms & Conditions, may be offensive, illegal or otherwise objectionable in any way. User accepts that the Company may freely and peacefully use, at no cost and without any restriction, any content posted onto the Site. 2
PROTECTION OF THE SITE CONTENT The Site and each of its elements (including all text, images, web pages, sound, video, designs, trademarks, logos and other material on or accessible via the Site) as well as any software required to be used in relation to the former, data bases and newsletters (the “Content”), may contain confidential information and information that is protected by intellectual property rights or other legislations. Unless otherwise expressly stated on the Site, the Company exclusively owns all intellectual property rights related to the Content and the Company does not grant any user with any license or other right other than a right to view the Site The reproduction of the Content (in whole or in part) of the Site is authorized for the sole purpose of information for a personal and private use. Any reproduction or use or other exploitation of Content for any other purposes (whatever the manner or the kind) is expressly prohibited. Users must not copy, modify, create derivative pieces of work, assemble, decompile, assign, sublicence or transfer in any way any content of the Site or any material (including software) related to the Site.
PERSONAL DATA The Company ensures the protection of personal information disclosed by users of the Site. The Company invites users to consult the Privacy & Cookies Policy which indicates the provisions implemented to guarantee the treatment of personal data. Collection, treatment, use, transmission, keeping and protection of users’ personal information are governed by the Privacy & Cookies Policy.
RESPONSIBILITY The Company endeavors to ensure as far as possible, that the information provided on this Site is correct and up-to-date. However, the Company can not guarantee the correctness, accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information provided on the Site. The Company allows free access to the Site and declines all responsibility and may not be held liable in any case: • • • • •
for any interruption in provision of the Site or services accessible via the Site, for the occurrence of bugs, viruses and similar technical issues adversely affecting your ability to access this Site, for any inaccuracy, isolated and unforeseen error or omission relating to information or Content available on the Site, for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party, and more generally, for any direct or indirect or consequential harm, loss or damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, which may occur as a result of any type of access to the Site or any inability to access it or the credit given to any piece of information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.
GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION ATTRIBUTION These Terms & Conditions (and the Privacy & Cookies Policy) are governed by French law. Unless imperative legal provision to the contrary, users and the Company hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Paris (France) any claim or matter arising under or in connection with the Content or use of the Site, including in case of guarantee, plurality of defendants or summary proceedings.