ABSTRAK METODE DAKWAH DALAM DIALOG MUSLIM DAN KRISTIAN MENURUT AHMED DEEDAT Ana Sri Alma Dakwah adalah salah satu kewajiban bagi setiap Muslim, tetapi terdapat problematika besar yang dihadapi aktifitas dakwah dalam masyarakat modern di era kontemporer ini, salah satunya adalah permasalahan seputar petugas dakwah yaitu, terjadinya penyempitan arti dan fungsi dakwah menjadi hanya sekedar menyampaikan dan menyerukan dari atas mimbar yang hanya bersifat dakwah bil lisan, untuk mengatasi problematika dakwah tersebut dibutuhkan persiapan komponen-komponen dakwah, yaitu da’i, metode, materi, dan media. Aktifitas dakwah dikatakan berjalan secara efektif bilamana apa yang menjadi tujuan benar-benar dapat dicapai. Strategi yang didukung dengan metode yang bagus dan pelaksanaan program yang akurat, akan menjadikan aktifitas dakwah menjadi matang dan berorientasi jelas, dimana cita-cita dan tujuan telah jelas direncanakan. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut, peneliti mencoba mengungkapkan metode dakwah dalam dialog Muslim dan Kristian menurut pemikiran Ahmed Deedat di dalam karya-karya dan dialognya bersama para Missionaris. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Yaitu peneliti akan memaparkan metode dakwah yang telah diterapkan oleh Ahmed Deedat dalam dakwahnya. Dan juga menganalisisnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Ahmed Deedat merupakan pionir dakwah Kristologi di Abad 20. Ia memperkenalkan dan menawarkan metode, strategi, dan pendekatan dakwah Islam dalam perspektif modern. Isi dakwahnya cenderung bersifat comparative religion (perbandingan agama) dengan lebih dominan kepada pembahasan Islam-Kristen. Metode dakwah yang diterapkan oleh Ahmed Deedat sesuai dengan metode dakwah yang terdapat dalam surat an-Nahl ayat 125, yang pertama adalah metode dakwah bil-hikmah, tanpak dari cara penyampaian dakwahnya tentang kebenaran, dan dialog nya terhadap umat selain Muslim dengan muammalah yang baik, yang kedua adalah metode al-Mau’idzah al-Hasanah, tampak dari asumsi nya dan perlakuan yang baik terhadap Kristian sebagai mad’u. Dan yang ketiga ia menggunakan metode mujadalah dengan pendekatan alasilah wa ajwibah (tanya dan jawab) dan juga hiwar (percakapan). Selain itu Deedat juga ia mengajarkan kursus, memberikan ceramah, menulis buku, artikel, dan secara aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan dakwah antara non-Muslim. Ini adalah bukti bahwa ia diterapkan dakwah bit-tadwin (dakwah melalui tulisan) dan dakwah bil-lisan. Akhirnya, peneliti menilai masih banyak kekurangan yang terdapat dalam kajian ini. Sehingga peneliti mengharap adanya koreksi dan masukan dari pembaca, agar penelitian ini dapat mencapai nilai dan hasil yang lebih. Harapan peneliti, dari kajian ini dapat sedikit bermanfaat terhadap penelitian yang akan datang.
ABSTRACT METHOD OF DA’WAH IN MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN DIALOGUE ACCORDING TO AHMED DEEDAT’S THOUGHT Ana Sri Alma There is a major problem facing the da’wah activities in modern society in this contemporary era, one of which was the issue surrounding the officers of da’wah that is the occurrence of a narrowing of the meaning and function of propagation becomes merely convey and called from the pulpit that only suppressive da’wah bil-lisan, to overcome the problems that required preparation for calling components of da’wah, i.e. da’i, methods, materials, and media. Da’wah activities said to be run effectively when what being truly objective can be achieved. The strategy is supported by a great method and accurate program execution, will make da’wah activities become mature and clearly oriented, where goals and objectives have been clearly planned. Based on this phenomenon, researcher will reveal the meaning of the da’wah method in Muslim and Christian dialogue. Researcher analyzes by referring to Ahmed Deedat thought in his works and his discussion or debate with Missionary. In this study, researcher uses analytical descriptive. that is, researcher will represent the da’wah method applied by Ahmed Deedat in his da’wah. And researcher will analyze it. The results of this study explains that Ahmed Deedat are pioneers in the 20th Century Christology missionary seeks to introduce and offer methods, strategies, and missionary approach in an effort to build an Islamic perspective in modern perspective. The contain of the missionary tends to be comparative religion with the more dominant the Islamic-Christian discussion. The da’wah method applied by Ahmed Deedat agree with the method in surat an-Nahl verse 125, In his method the first he applied preaching with hikmah, visible from his da’wah that he has explained the truth and his dialogue against the people other than Muslims with a good muammalah, the second by preaching with al-Mau’idzah al-Hasanah (a good lesson), visible from his best assumption and treatment to the Christian as a mad’u. and the third Deedat in his method also uses the preaching mujadalah method with the approach of al-asilah wa ajwibah (faqs) and also hiwar (dialogue). He teaches courses, gives lectures, writes books, articles, and is actively involved in dawah activities among non-Muslims. This is evidence that he applied the da’wah bit-tadwin (da’wah through writing) and da’wah bil-lisan. Finally, researcher realizes this study out of perfect. Therefore, researcher expects from the readers the correction and ideas that will reach more full valuable this study. And researcher hopes, this humble studies can be little use for the next studies.
To Honourable, Dean of Ushuluddin Faculty University of Darussalam Gontor Darussalam Modern Islamic College GontorPonorogo Indonesia Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb. I have to honor to present this thesis written by: Name
: Ana Sri Alma
Reg. Number : Title
: Method of Da’wah in Muslim and Christian Dialogue According to Ahmed Deedat’s Thought
It has been processed and corrected to fulfill of the requirement for the degree of Licentiate in Study of Religions, the Faculty of Ushuluddin. Therefore, I request that the thesis could be examined soon. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Sya’ban 29, 1438 Mei 26, 2017
Dr. Jarman Arroisi, M.A.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb. The Faculty of Ushuluddin of University of Darussalam, Darussalam Modern Islamic College Gontor Ponorogo Indonesia has received the thesis which has been written by: Name : Ana Sri Alma Reg. Number : Title : Method of Da’wah in Muslim and Christian Dialogue According to Ahmed Deedat’s Thought
To meet the partial fulfillment for the degree of licentiate (S1) in Study of Religions, the Faculty of Ushuluddin on academic year: Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ramadhan 1,1438 Mei 27,2017
Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin,
H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, MA, M.Ls.
DECISION OF THE TEAM The committee of thesis examination in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Licentiate in University of Darussalam Gontor, Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor Ponorogo Indonesia dedicates that thesis written by:
Name : Ana Sri Alma Reg. Number : Title : Method of Da’wah in Muslim and Christian Dialogue According to Ahmed Deedat’s Thought
Has been examined on: The committee has decided to grant her passed in the thesis examination. Hence, she is eligible for the degree of Licentiate in Study of Religions, the faculty of Ushuluddin.
Ramadhan 5, 1438 Mei 31, 2017 Secretary,
(Dr. Jarman Arroisi, M.A.)
( Nofriyanto, M.Ud.)
The team of Thesis Examination: 1. 1st Examiner
: Hasib Amrullah, M.Ud.
2. 2ndExaminer
: Nofriyanto, M.Ud.
DECLARATION Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb. I am here by, Name
: Ana Sri Alma
Reg. Number : Faculty Title
: Ushuluddin : Method of Da’wah in Muslim and Christian Dialogue According to Ahmed Deedat’s Thought
Declare sincerely that this thesis originally belongs to my own work and not belongs to other researcher for different degree. Furthermore this thesis is not a work published before, except some parts with their original references. When, otherwise found that thesis is plagiarism, I here ready to be ceased academically. Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.
I who declare
Ana Sri Alma
Ramadhan 5,1438 Mei 31,2017
ِ ِ ِ ْ ِاْلِكْمةِ والْموعِظىة ِ ِع إِ ىَل ىسب َ َّل ىح ىس ُن إِ َّن ىربَّ ى يل ىربِّ ى ك ُه ىو أ ْىعَى ُم ِِى ْن ى ُ ْاد ْ اْلى ىسنىة ىو ىجاد ْْلُْم بِالَِِّت ه ىي أ ْ ك بِ ْ ى ى ى ِ ِ ِِ ِ ين ىع ْن ىسبيَه ىو ُه ىو أ ْىعَى ُم بالْ ُم ْهتىد ى ﴾ٕٔ1 : ﴿النحل “Call upon (human) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and disputing them in a good way. Surely your Lord is the one who knows more about who stray from His path and He who knows best those who receive guidance” (QS. Al-Nahl: 125)
ِ َّاس تىأْمرو ىن بِاملعرو ِ ت لَِن ف ىوتىْن ىه ْو ىن ىع ِن املْن ىك ِر ىوتُ ْؤِمنُ ْو ىن بِاهللِ ىولىْو ءى ىام ىن ُخ ِر ىج ُكْنتُ ْم ىخْي ىر أ َُّمةٍ أ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ُ ُ ُ ُ ى ِ أ ْىهل الْكِت ٰب لى ىكا ىن ىخْي ًرا َّْلُْم ِّمْن ُه ْم امل ْؤِمنُ ْو ىن ىوأى ْكثُ ُرُه ُم الْ ٰف ِس ُق ْو ىن ُ ُ ﴾ ٔٔٓ: ﴿آل عمران
“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient” (QS. Ali-Imran)
I dedicated this hard work, to my Lord, Allah, for Your blessings I am strong, for Your pleasure I could finish this thesis…. My powerful Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, I admire you My religion, Islam My great father Abdul Nasir and my wonderful mom Asniwati Puspita Dewi, Who always support and spent their whole day to pray and give the best valuable things in my life, I will always keep giving all my best for you all… My sister and brothers, Hanifah Amalia, Irham Muhammad fauzan, and Iqbal Muhammad Fauzan, thanks for all your cheerfulness, you motivated me. My best supervisor Dr. Jarman Arroisi, M.A, Who not only served as my supervisor but also encouraged and challenged me throughout my academic program. He has patiently guided me through the thesis process, never accepting less than my best efforts. I thank him all. Especially for my best big family never stop giving me motivation, uncountable thanks for you all My Beloved Teachers and My Beloved Lectures My team in Dynamic Generation 687 and Study of Religions Department And all who knows me, who gave their help, support, and pray for me. For them I pray to Allah to give them the best rewards, I also pray, May Allah show the best way out for every problem which they faced and always guide them to the right path Amin….
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and the most beneficent, praise be to Him, Lord of the world, Owner of the Day of Judgment. Pray and peace is upon the Last Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him, his family, companions and entire followers. By the mercy, blessing, and help of Allah Almighty, I could possible accomplish the writing of this humble thesis. Therefore I would like to extend my deep gratitude to those whom in the course of graduate study at University of Darussalam Gontor. It would be unwise if the efforts of those following people were not mentioned who worked progressively to guide the writer to complete this thesis. I have greatly indebted to my thesis supervisor Mr. Dr. Jarman Arroisi, M.A., who has offered me useful suggestion for completing this thesis. In addition, I wish to extend my appreciation due to: 1. The head master of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Dr. K.H. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A., K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, and K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag. who had sincerely educated me up to now. 2. The Rector of University of Darussalam, Drs. Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi. Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, MA, M.Ls., and the chief of Study of Religions Department Mr. Asep Awaluddin, for their measure to make the faculty of Ushuluddin as pilot project of other faculties. 3. Honarable supervisor, Dr. Jarman Arroisi, M.A., for his worthy guidance and suggestion in writing this thesis. 4. I would like to thank my father Abdul Nasir, and my great mother, Asniwati Puspita Dewi for giving me very crucial experiment about life, love and sacrifice. My sister Hanifah Amalia, and my brothers Irham Muhammad Fauzan and Iqbal Muhammad Fauzan who always pray and support me and give me their unconditionally love. 5. The best motivator team my graduate in Golden generation 687 and Study of Religions Department Finally, I should like to offer my deepesrespect and great full to all of my companions for their support and help to complete this thesis, May Allah gives great rewards in this world and hereafter. Gontor, Mei 31, 2017 The Researcher
Ana Sri Alma
TABLE OF CONTENS Inside Cover.......................................................................................................................... i Indonesian Abstract ............................................................................................................... ii English Abstract.................................................................................................................... iii Letter to The Supervisor ......................................................................................................... iv Letter to The Dean................................................................................................................. v Letter of Decision of The Team .............................................................................................. vi Declaration............................................................................................................................ vii Motto .................................................................................................................................... viii Dedication ............................................................................................................................. ix Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................. x Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. xi CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 1 A. Background of Study...................................................................................................... 1 B. Problem of Study ........................................................................................................... 6 C. Purpose of Study............................................................................................................ 7 D. Significant of Study ....................................................................................................... 7 E. Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 8 F. Theoritical Framework................................................................................................... 11 G. Method of Study ............................................................................................................ 16 H. System of Study............................................................................................................. 20 CHAPTER TWO : BIOGRAPHY OF AHMED DEEDAT AND ISLAMIC DA’WAH ...... 22 A. Ahmeed Dedat’s Biography............................................................................................ 22 1. Dominating Aspect According to Ahmed Deedat ...................................................... 25 2. Ahmed Deedat’s Activities....................................................................................... 29 3. Ahmed Deedat’s work ............................................................................................. 31 B. Ahmed Deedat’s Contribution to The Da’wah Method in Comparative Religions ............... 33 C. The Da’wah Method in Islamic Perspective .................................................................... 37 1. Islamic Da’wah....................................................................................................... 37 a. Definition of Islamic Da’wah............................................................................. 38 b. The Dimensions of Da’wah ............................................................................... 42 c. The Significance of Givng Da’wah to non-Muslims ............................................. 44 d. The Role of individuals in Da’wah ..................................................................... 47 e. The Importance of Da’wah ................................................................................ 50 f. The Kind of Da’wah Method.............................................................................. 54 1) Preaching with Hikmah ................................................................................ 57 2) Preaching with al-Mau’idzah al-Hasanah (a good lesson) ............................... 59 3) Preaching to do rebuttal in a good way ......................................................... 61 g. Practical Islamic Da’wah in Comparative Religions ............................................. 63 D. Interreligious Dialogue Between Muslims and Christians ................................................. 67 a. The Importance Dialogue and Cooperation between Muslims and Christians ......... 68 b. Islam and Christianity Teaches in Interreligious dialogue ..................................... 68 c. The Base of Interreligious Dialogue .................................................................... 69 d. The Scope and Limitation of Interreligious Dialogue............................................ 70
CHAPTER THREE : ANALYSIS OF DA’WAH METHOD IN COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS ..................................................................................... 73 A. AHMED DEEDAT’S THOUGHT ABOUT DA’WAH METHOD IN COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS ................................................................................................................. 73 1. Propagation Target According to Ahmed Deedat’s .................................................... 73 2. Implementation of Da’wah in Comparative Religions ................................................. 79 3. The Da’wah Method in Comparative Religions .......................................................... 87 4. The Purpose of Da’wah according to Ahmed Deedat`s thought as a Christology.......... 97 B. THE KIND OF DA’WAH METHOD APPLIED BY AHMED DEEDAT ........................ 99 1. Method of Da’wah in Surat an-Nahl verse 125 .......................................................... 100 a. Preaching with hikmah ....................................................................................... 101 b. Preaching with al-Mau’idzah al-Hasanah (a good lesson) ..................................... 103 c. Preaching to do rebuttal in a good way ............................................................... 104 2. Da’wah bit-Tadwin (da’wah through writing) ............................................................ 107 3. Da’wah bil-Lisan ..................................................................................................... 108 CHAPTER FOUR : CLOSING......................................................................................... 111 A. THE RESULT OF STUDY ........................................................................................... 111 B. RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................ 113 C. CLOSING .................................................................................................................... 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 115