Etnobotani – Interaksi Tumbuhan dan Manusia • Etnobotani sebagai ilmu pengetahuan • Tumbuhan dan kebudayaan manusia
Etnomedisin Herbal dari Berbagai Etnik di Dunia • Ayurveda • TCM • Thai Herbs
Beberapa Contoh Tumbuhan (Berdasarkan Taksonomi) dan Penggunaannya dalam Pengobatan Tradisional
ž pertama
kali istilah ethnobotany digunakan oleh John Harshberger (1895), yaitu “studi tentang bagaimana suku bangsa menggunakan tumbuhan untuk bahan pangan, tempat berlindung, atau pakaian” (Young, 2007) ž studi tentang bagaimana masyarakat dari suatu wilayah dan budaya tertentu menggunakan tetumbuhan dari lingkungan di sekitar masyarakat tersebut (Young, 2007) ž tumbuhan digunakan sebagai makanan, obatobatan, bahan bakar (energi), tempat berlindung, dan -di banyak kebudayaan- dalam upacara keagamaan (Young, 2007)
ž etnobotani
berperan sebagai pintu gerbang menuju pengetahuan suatu suku bangsa terhadap penggunaan tumbuhan ž informasi biasa diwariskan berdasarkan kisah secara turun-temurun à tidak secara khusus menggunakan naskah tertulis ž informasi mengenai tumbuhan obat tradisional dapat berasal dari kajian etnobotani ž contoh tumbuhan warisan etnobotani: ¡ ¡ ¡
Cinchona sp. (penghasil kinin) Catharanthus roseus (penghasil vincristin) Dioscorea alata (penghasil diosgenin)
8 cabang yang menjadi landasan sistem pengobatan ayurveda: ž Internal Medicine (Káyachikitsá) ž Ears, Nose, and Throat (Shálákya Tantra) ž Toxicology (Vishagara-vairodh Tantra) ž Pediatrics (Kaumára bhritya) ž Surgery (Shalyá Tantra) ž Psychiatry (Bhúta Vidyá) ž Aphrodisiacs (Vájikarana) ž Rejuvenation (Rasáyana)
Keterkaitan elemen kehidupan dengan prinsip pengobatan ayurveda ž Elemen kehidupan dalam ayurveda: ether, air, fire, water, earth ž Segala sesuatu terdiri dari kelima elemen tersebut ž Konsentrasi pengobatan ayurveda adalah pada kelima elemen tersebut ž Pengobatan dilakukan dengan penyeimbangan kelima elemen ž Misal: penyakit panas à diakibatkan elemen api berlebihan à ditangani dengan elemen air
Herbologi dalam ayurveda ž 3 konstisusi dasar elemen manusia (doshas): Váyu (nerve force), Pitta (metabolism, etc.), Kapha (intercellular spaces) ž 6 rasa (tastes): sour, salty, bitter, pungent, bitter, astringent ž Rasa akan mempengaruhi dosha ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Sour: ↓ Váyu, ↑ Pitta, ↑ Kapha Salty: ↓ Váyu, ↑ Pitta, ↑ Kapha Bitter: ↓ Váyu, ↑ Pitta, ↑ Kapha Pungent: ↑ Váyu, ↑ Pitta, ↓ Kapha Bitter: ↑ Váyu, ↓ Pitta, ↓ Kapha Astringent: ↑ Váyu, ↓ Pitta, ↓ Kapha
Beberapa herbal penting dalam materia medica ayurveda (hanya yang berinisial “A”: ž Akarkará ž Ádrak & Shunthí ž Ámalakí ž Amlavetasa ž Apámárga ž Arjuna ž Arka ž Ashoka ž Ashwagandhá ž Ativishá
Ádrak (jahe segar) & Shunthí (jahe kering) ž Zingiber officinale Roscoe. (bagian rimpang) ž Analgesic, antiemetic, aromatic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, expectorant, nervine, sialagogue, stimulant ž Preparation: Fresh juice, infusion, decoction, powder, pill, paste
Akarkará ž Anacyclus pyretrum DC. (bagian akar) ž Nerve disorders, bowel conditions, seminal debility, gargle for tooth problems (e.g., toothache), sore throat and tonsils; paralysis, hemiplegia, epilepsy, rheumatism, promotes talking in retarded children, with honey for epilepsy (internal and as snuff), diabetes, promotes saliva ž Preparation: Powders, pills, paste
Ámalakí Emblica officinalis (bagian buah) ž Anemia, biliousness, bleeding, colitis, constipation, convalescence from fever, diabetes, gastritis, gout, hair (premature gray/balding), hepatitis, hemorrhoids, liver weakness, mental disorders, osteoporosis, palpitation, spleen weakness, tissue deficiency, vertigo; rebuilds blood, bones, cells, and tissues. It increases red blood cell count and regulates blood sugar; heart tonic, cleanses mouth, stops gum bleeding, stops stomach and colon inflammation; cleanses intestines, strengthens teeth, aids eyesight, highest natural source of vitamin C (3,000 mg. per fruit), worms, acidity, eye and lung inflammations, ulcerations, G.I. disorders, painful urination, internal bleeding ž Prepared: Decoction, powder (1/4-3 tsp.), sweets ž
Arjuna ž Terminalia arjuna W.&A. (bagian kulit batang) ž Best herb for heart disease (prevents and helps in the recovery of), angina, heals heart tissue scars after surgery, bile, edema, fractures, contusions, broken bones, diarrhea, malabsorption, venereal disease, heals tissues. Externally —ulcers, acne, skin disorders ž Preparation: Decoction, herbal wine, powder (1/43 tsp.)
Anacyclus pyretrum DC.
(lihat kembali materi pengobatan TCM)
Terminalia arjuna W.&A.
Emblica officinalis
Gambaran Umum Pengobatan Tradisional Thailand ž Terinspirasi dari ayurveda, TCM, dan pengobatan Khmer ž Tokoh: Jivaka Kumar Baccha ž Medical believes: budhisme ž Terdapat dua sistem pengobatan yang berbeda: ¡ ¡
The Rural and Hill-Tribe Tradition: pengobatan rakyat The Wat Po School of Royal Medicine: pengobatan kerajaan
ž Prinsip
¡ ¡
Terutama untuk pengobatan aspek citta Melibatkan ritual dan upacara, terkadang bukan hanya oleh pasien, tapi juga oleh keluarga atau rekan pasien Menggunakan teknik-teknik meditasi, pernafasan, dll
ž Energy ¡
¡ ¡ ¡
Therapy: Thai Massage
Menigkatkan laju energi pada titik-titik tertentu tubuh
ž Body
The Teory of Royal Thai Herbalism ž Empat elemen tubuh, mirip dengan elemen versi ayurveda (tanpa ether), memiliki sifat dan korelasi dengan organ tubuh ¡ ¡
Therapy: Dietary Regimens and Herbal Medicine
Pola makan menjadi tahap awal pengobatan dilanjutkan dengan terapi herbal
Jasad/tubuh: entitas fisik manusia Citta: entitas non-fisik manusia mencakup pikiran, emosi, dan ruh Energi: sesuatu yang menggenggam dan mengendalikan fisik dan non-fisik manusia (qi dalam TCm, prana dalam ayurveda)
pengobatan: circle of life
Cabang pengobatan Thailand ž Mind/Heart Therapy: Spiritual healing ¡
Circle of Life ž Lingkaran kehidupan yang menunjukkan bahwa manusia terdiri dari tiga esensi:
Earth: skin, muscle, tendon, bone, viscera, fat, other solid organs Water: blood, eyes, phlegm, saliva, lymph, urine, semen, other liquids in the body Air: respiration, digestion, excretion, motion of the limbs and joints, sexuality, aging Fire: body temperature, circulatory system, metabolism
ž Prinsip:
keseimbangan antar elemen
Sepuluh “rasa” herbal ↑
Rasa Astringent
↓ Earth, Water, Fire
Earth, Water, Fire
Earth, Water, Fire
Earth, Water
Air, Fire
Earth, Water, Fire
Air, Fire
Earth, Water
Water, Fire
Earth, Air
Panas (pedas)
Air, Fire
Earth, Water
Bland (lembut)
Earth, Water, Air
Earth, Water, Air
Arabian Jasmin ž Jasminum sambac – Mali ž Alterative, Blood Tonic, Cardiac, Emmenagogue, Female Tonic, Nervine, Refrigerant, Sedative, Tonic ž Internal Application: Arabian jasmine is used in the Thai sauna and steam bath for calming the mind, easing headaches, and as a tonic for the heart and blood. It is said to be especially beneficial to pregnant women. Preparation: For steam bath and sauna preparations, see Chapter IV. ž Topical Application: The leaf of the Arabian jasmine is antiseptic and is used for wounds and acne. Preparation: Use poultice, or add to sauna or steam bath.
Contoh herbal dalam Thai Herbal Medicine ž Aromatic: Arabian Jasmine, Bulletwood, Camphor, Damask Rose, Eucalyptus ž Astringent: Beleric Myrobalan, Catechu, Guava, Hanuman Prasan Kai ž Bitter: Aloe, Bitter Gourd, Candelabra Bush, False Daisy ž Bland: Banana, Caricature Plant, Ivy Gourd, Lime (root) ž Hot: Asafoetida, Bael, Clove, Eucalyptus, Finger Root ž Oily: Black Bean, Cashew Nut, Jackfruit (seed) ž Salty: Ebony Tree (bark) ž Sour: Emblic Myrobalan, Gandaria, Kaffir Lime (fruit, leaf) ž Sweet: Coconut, Ginseng, Licorice, Longan ž Toxic: Combretum, Datura, Ebony (fruit, root)
Beleric Myrobalan (BM) Terminalia belerica – Samoh Phipheg ž Anthelmintic, Antiseptic, Antitussive, Astringent, Digestive, Expectorant, Laxative, Pectoral Tonic ž Internal Application: BM fruit is a very important herb in the Ayurvedic tradition, and consequently, in the Royal Thai tradition as well. It is considered to be a rejuvenative tonic, a tonic for the lungs, larynx, throat, bronchi, digestive system, and eyes, and to encourage hair growth. The ripe fruit is an astringent to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and other intestinal parasites, but the unripe fruit is a strong laxative, which will correct constipation. Unripe BM fruit corrects all types of stones, parasites, and blockage in the digestive, urinary, and respiratory tracts. It is also an expectorant used to treat cough, sore throat, laryngitis, and bronchitis. Preparation: Take 250 mg to 1 g powdered dried fruit with honey. ž Topical Application: Decoction of BM is a topical antiseptic. ž
Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia – Mala ž Alterative, Anthelmintic, Antioxidant, Antipyretic, Bitter Tonic, Blood Tonic, Carminative, Cholagogue, Digestive, Hepatic, Laxative, Stomachic ž Internal Application: detoxify the blood and colon. This fruit is commonly used in rural Thailand to fight HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, and cancer, as well as other systemic diseases. It has particularly beneficial effects on diseases of the liver, spleen, and pancreas. The juice of the vegetable is a laxative and antipyretic. Eaten daily as a bitter tonic, steamed bitter gourds are routinely suggested for the elderly, diabetics, hypoglycemics, and those with chronic disease or illness. It has also been shown to increase insulin production and to have anti-carcinogen properties. Preparation: Eat vegetable lightly steamed, preferably with chili sauce. Or drink fresh juice from raw vegetable. ž
Bael ž Aegle marmelos – Matoom ž Antiseptic, Astringent, Carminative, Expectorant, Stimulant, Stomachic ž Internal Application: The ripe bael fruit is traditionally used as a decongestant for the common cold, especially when there is excessive congestion of the lungs, as well as for tuberculosis and typhoid fever. It is also prescribed for any type of disorder of the intestines, including diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and dysentery. Bael fruit is used for its stimulating properties in cases of exhaustion and convalescence from chronic disease or injury, but it is said to inhibit sexual energy, and is for that reason drunk by monks at many monasteries. Preparation: Fruit is eaten raw or is sliced, dried, and boiled to make a decoction. ž Topical Application: Bael leaves may be used topically as an antibacterial and antifungal for skin infections or wounds. Preparation: Mash a handful of leaves with mortar and pestle, adding water to make a paste. Apply to affected areas.
Caricature Plant ž Graptophyllum pictum ž Antipyretic, Blood Tonic, Hepatic, Tonic ž Internal Application: The caricature plant is used traditionally to detoxify the system, especially in cases of fever, chronic thirst, measles, or food poisoning. It is considered to be a tonic and detoxifying agent for the liver. Preparation: Tea. Drink 1–3 times daily.
Cashew Nut Anacardium occidental - Ma-muang-him-ma-pa, Tua cashew ž Expectorant, Nutritive Tonic ž Internal Application: Cashew nuts are a common ingredient in Thai appetizers and desserts, and are often stir-fried with chicken and sweet and sour sauce. As with most oily herbs, cashews nuts are recommended by traditional herbalists as a part of the daily diet for those suffering from skin or bone problems, chronic skin infections, dry skin, or frequent allergic rashes. As it is high in caloric energy, protein, and potassium, the cashew nut is a nutritive tonic that gives increased energy and strength, and is therefore beneficial in cases of emaciation, low immunity, low energy, and chronic disease. The young shoots and leaves are eaten raw or in soups, and are expectorants. Decoction of the bark or flower is used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. ž
Ebony Tree (Bark) ž Diospyros mollis – Ma Kluea ž Anthelmintic, Tonic ž Internal Application: The fruits of the ebony tree are used traditionally to make a black dye for cloth. Medicinally, they are used to purge the intestines of tapeworms and other parasites. The Wat Po texts mention ebony tree root as a remedy for vomiting and nausea, and the bark as a remedy for emaciation or wasting associated with chronic illnesses. Preparation: Adult dosage is 25 fruits. For children 10 years and over, the dosage is 1 fruit per year of age, up to maximum of 25. Mash raw fresh fruit with mortar and pestle. Soak in coconut milk. Strain and drink before breakfast.
ž Contoh
lumut yang digunakan: Peat mosses () ž Keasaman alami dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan fungi à antiseptik ž Kemampuan menyerap air sangat tinggi >> kapas à kombinasi yang sangat baik dengan antiseptik à membalut luka ž Cullinary: gandum (barley) diasapi di atas peat moss kering yang dibakar memberi rasa “asap” pada Scotch Whiskey
Sphagnum spp.
ž Simbiosis
mutualisme antara fungi dan alga ž Di Eropa, beberapa jenis lichen dikonsumsi ž Laksatif à pencahar ž Antibiotik ž Yunani dan Romawi, Eropa, masyarakat asli Amerika menggunakan lichen tertentu sebagai pewarna kain dan kapas ž Beberapa lichen memiliki aroma yang kuat untuk digunakan sebagai pengharum sabun dan dibuat parfum
(gambar lichen)
ž Club
mosses & quillworts: spora digunakan untuk ditaburkan pada pil agar tidak lengket (bersatu) pada saat penyimpanan, untuk permasalahan urinaria dan pencernaan yang tidak nyaman, beberapa masyarakat asli Amerika menggunakan spora untuk bedak tabur bayi, terkadang digunakan untuk menghentikan luka