1 2 ! r :,i.el o l Chemisir_-! hltp:/r'ejolrnal mesa.ac.id/index.phplunesa-jolfnal-of chemistr)/ -'i.6e. _id e journat.uuee.a.. jd T: (01 UNESA Journa...
UNESA Journal of Chemistry un6a loumal of ch.mistry terblt 3 kali setahun memlat artlkel ilmiah bidang kimia yang penelit]an dan hasil review artikeljlmal intemasioal
berasal daa hasil
Publi6tion trifomationr wEsa
atnsatre and Surabaya, Eastlava, rndonBia.60231.
ol cnemistry \s 9lblished @line by the Department of chemi$iy, Fa@tty
tlsiu6lSclencs, Surabaya Srate UniveBity, lEated atJlXetintang. FJbllshen 3 tim6 a year (lBnuarv, May and Septembe,