Titya Sumarsono's Twournal Feb 2011 - Aug 2011
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@tyasumarsono http://www.facebook.com/tyasumarsono Totally independent & completely spoiled. Have the kind of deluded self-confidence, it usually got me what I wanted. Eternal optimist.
Copyright © Titya Sumarsono 2011
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Mon Feb 07 09:30pm Okay, I am jealous. I envy her. 10:19pm O em gee! Ini soflen hantu2an yang dipake buat vampire shoot di antm cycle 14 kok keren bgt ya? Beli dimana sih? 10:27pm Udah 3hr cm makan sehari sekali aja, lama2 badan gue beneran bisa size minus 2 klo gini ceritanya. I need more flesh to fill my skinny jeans 10:45pm I love EAT,PRAY,LOVE so much, I read the book and watch the movie countless time. 10:51pm @bonitawisnuw you're the one who should EAT. And then PRAY, and then LOVE. Huahauahahahahahahahahahaha
Tue Feb 08
Titya Sumarsono
07:20am I am suuuupeeeeeerr laaaaaateeeee. Kyaaaaaaa!!!! 08:23am RT @ZodiacFacts: #Aries are thoughtful, meditative, and spiritual. 08:28am Good morning Jakartans !!! Do you feel what I feel this morning? the particular feeling, the usual normal feeling, you know, like sleepy ? 08:46am @pringgodigdo eeeeh gue kangen berat gitu deh sama lo, bahkan di bbm juga enggak sampek, mentang mentang udh ganti iPhone nih >.< 08:58am RT @KatherinePower: Time to THINK about packing for fashion week. Hmm... 09:12am Now that my mummy;s car being examined by car's doctor, and god knows for how long, well, I'm officially a hail-cabber now. 09:17am @TasyaRai bukan tasya, yang warna putih semua nya trus cuma ada titik hitam kecil gitu. Sumpah cool abis soflen nya (‾3‾ ) 09:59am Markiduri → mari kita tidur kembali 11:45am Sumpah tidur siang siang begini aja kenapa mimpi nya horor ya? Bikin badan gue lemes aja 12:14pm Berpacu dengan waktu, demi bisa ketemu ega 01:27pm Perasaan merana akibat enggak ada sunglasses sama sekali sungguh tidak bisa dilukiskan melalui kata-kata 01:27pm RT @shinosjournal: AGREE! RT @ForevahYeung: Serena vander woodsen is a hoe. Just saying.... 01:33pm @RioDwika o em gee! I'm sorry darling, abis kalo dibuku nya bgitu siihh.. Beda sama yg di film dimana dia kayak angel bgt 01:41pm @RioDwika pastinyaaa dooong, kan kamu sexy sexy gimanaaaaa gituuu
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:31pm Let's Burlesque w @egajaya and @bonitawisnuw !!! (@ Plaza Senayan XXI w/ @bonitawisnuw) http://4sq.com/hcDhoV 04:53pm Makin cinta sama Christina Aguilera. 05:27pm @tianhutauruk do you or do you not miss me? ): 05:28pm My cake is more like chocolate crumble than chocolate fudge 05:35pm @tianhutauruk so am I darling ): 09:56pm @dominiquenicky kapan kita ketemuan sayangg ? 10:38pm It was lovely to finally see @embunvictoria again :* 10:40pm And spent the whole day w @bonitawisnuw 10:42pm Terimakasih tiada tara saya haturkan kepada sahabat saya yang paling ganteng @derrickjs yg udah nganterin saya sampai rumah dgn selamat :* 10:45pm @annishayunaini ayo ayo jangan males belajar kalkulus nya, hueheheehehe
Wed Feb 09 12:43am I look to You, so please take care of me, at least for tonight. 09:16am RT @ZodiacFacts: #Aries are natural rebels who attract eccentric, unusual types. They make fine actors, writers, and designers. 10:03am I lovw you!!! RT @steviegabriel: Akan BOLOS kelas hari ini demi my chihuahua tyasumarsono miss-primbon-JogjakartaBabe! 10:04am Smile in your liver -ketut liyer11:09am The only way I can recover is by becoming infatuated with somebody else -Liz Gilbert 11:10am The only way I can recover is by becoming infatuated with somebody else -Liz Gilbert
Titya Sumarsono
01:20pm Di dalam taxi, kena macet, jadi ngantuk. Tapi pertanyaan nya sekarang, kapan sih gue enggak ngantuk? 01:26pm Fuck Mercedes! 01:52pm I warn you! Don't ever buy Mercedes. Stick to Audi or BMW. Mercy & their stupid built in computer goddamn system, well, screw them. 03:10pm Naik taksi dengan total argo 15o ribu hanya untuk berhenti di tempat tujuan selama 5 menit. *mau nangis rasanya* 03:29pm @RebeccaBillina apparently ada becca, memang argo taxi itu jahanam semua, hukhuk 03:44pm This is not the time to tweet gracefully, so allow me to say: MACETNYA JAKARTA HARAM JADAH, mata berkunang2 saking laper nya. 03:54pm Yeah, you don't even know how to powder your nose properly. 07:21pm Thx love RT @StaffJo: Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin with no make up on, that's when you're the prettiest I hope you don't take it wrong...
Thu Feb 10 07:02am Selamaaaat Pagi Jakaaarcaaaaa!! Disaat saya sudah mulai beraktivitas, si @bonitawisnuw masih terlelap pulas di kamar tidur saya. 07:43am Weeitss. . . Supir taxi gue jagoan neon banget deh, disaat tol lagi macet, dia lewat bahu jalan. Kalo sampe ditilang jgn bawa2 gue aja nanti 07:50am They say third time is a charm. 08:01am Hoaaaaahhmmmmm. (@ Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais) http://4sq.com/fWc2Dr
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:26am RT @CELEBUZZ: Nicole Richie is one hot mama in these newly released pics... http://bit.ly/eL9eMo WOWZAAAA 08:35am Clearly → @LoveScopes: #Aries would rather risk a loss than not try at all 08:58am I couldn't ask for more. My life is a complete jigzaw puzzle. And I thank God everyday for it. 09:03am Tembakin FPI tuh pak. → @infojakarta: Kapolda Metro Jaya: Polisi Berwenang Menembak Pelaku Anarkisme http://bit.ly/dZXUW5 09:19am Sumpah kebelet pipis banget! Tapi enggak bisa ninggalin laptop dan capuccino :_______(( (@ Oh La La RS Dharmais) http://4sq.com/ eZtCFe 09:39am RT @animenur: Smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their hearts. 09:40am RT @HeartsShelter: To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. 09:41am RT @HeartsShelter: Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've lost, what you have & what you took for granted. 09:49am @fiorentinalagi belajaaaaaaarr, ojo dolan wae, huahauahahahahaa 10:02am Okaaaaay, it's 1o.oo am already, so where's dr. Soemanhadi? 10:07am O em Gee! World aint big as it seems. 10:13am S.E → Sarjana Ekonomi atau Sarjana E-eeh kapan gue lulusnya? 10:38am Sumpah ini, dokter kandungan gue kok gak nongol nongol yaaa?? 11:03am Sahabat terbaik selama 3bulan terakhir http://plixi.com/ p/76078793
Titya Sumarsono
11:11am No more Leuprorelin Acetate injection until I'm preggers. YAAYY!!! 11:20am RT @ZodiacFacts: #Aries do not believe that anything happens by chance. → i believe everything happens for a reason 11:29am I wear Flip flop,I bare-face, my hair's a mess, on my arms there's 2 large bags(not to mention, heavy) yeah,I think I could pass for refugee 12:50pm RT @infojakarta: Pernikahan William-Kate (Inggris) akan Disiarkan dalam Format 3D http://bit.ly/epsE2I 12:53pm Overheard convo (2 org lg nge-date): are you making money more than you spend it? Or are you spending more money than you make it? 12:58pm @bonitawisnuw @findryany jangan sampe gue RT nih convo kalian yg adda mentionan olaf nya. Gue kan gk di protek twitnya 01:14pm Everybody acting like a weirdo lately. 03:17pm I am getting my car back !! With @tianhutauruk driving, @bonitawisnuw sitting on the back seat, and me? Well, I am tweeting. 03:40pm @egajaya darling, what happened? ): 03:41pm Something about boots and boys, it gives me so much joy 04:23pm RT @bonitawisnuw: JEALOUS??? @pringgodigdo LOL :* :* http://plixi.com/p/76121905 05:50pm Warung nya Peko, kaaak @findryany http://plixi.com/ p/76132731 06:08pm some genie sluts smiling back, suck it bitch! 06:48pm I'm gonna miss you too!! #ngaco RT @sashlicious: I'm gonna miss you, Sarah!! Thx 4 everything! 07:29pm Actually it's kinda funny, when you waste your breath talking about me 6
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:12pm Amin. Amin. Ya Allah. Semoga kejadian. *finger crossed* and as for bad luck, please be gone. 09:33pm @fiorentinalagi elaaaaaaahhh, gue nikah masih lama aja santaaai, huahauahahahahaa
Fri Feb 11 01:09am Sobbing in happiness, is that even possible? 02:00am RT @derrickjs: Looks like its ending soon 02:41am Tian (mengenai cewek yg gue suruh dia deketin): apa salah perawatan ya muka nya? . Gue: *ketawa terbahak-bahak* 07:19am Huwaaaaaa.. Jgn bikin gue mewek di stasiun na :___(( RT @bonitawisnuw: Bye bitch @tyasumarsono I love you. It won't be long until March... 07:20am Walopun untuk beberapa jam basa-basi, senang bisa tidur bareng @bonitawisnuw dan @tianhutauruk. I love yous! 07:31am I woke up at 6am yest, & haven't slept till now, because I was too busy spending my time w my 2 best friends & I enjoyed every minute of it. 07:32am We just said goodbye to each other this morning, but I'm longing for them already. ): 07:37am And where is my goddamn train? Why it hasn't arrived yet? 07:42am @bonitawisnuw yes you bonicah, my pain in the arse best friend whom I love so much, I can't ever get enough of you 08:03am Oh my god! The baby's so adorable (: RT @AdindaBakrieOng: http://twitpic.com/3yg5v0 - Tanning... 08:28am RT @WhoWhatWear: Every season, Alexander Wang's collections are like TLC: Crazy. Sexy. Cool.
Titya Sumarsono
08:44am Why do Japanese love iPhone so much? 08:52am @bonitawisnuw @StaffJo siapa itu Ray Allen? Kakaknya Lily Allen bukan? *maaf kalo terdengar shallow* 08:58am @sashlicious ayo sasha semangat doong kerja nya, mari bersama mengumpulkan pundi pundi uang. Huahauahahaha. Ngomski2 alamat imel lo ganti ya 09:03am I'm gonna miss you @Christichi baby, I'll try to visit you soon. Tapi abis itu temenin foto sm kung fu panda ya? Huahauahaha 09:06am @sashlicious gue failed gt kirim imel ke lo, pdhl udh curhat panjang2. >.< Opo meneh iku whatsapp? 09:16am @sashlicious udah gue donlod, terus langkah selanjutnya gimana? Supaya kita bisa mulai ceting2? 09:17am @bonitawisnuw kebanyakan makan kue leker soalnya, huahauahahahahahaha #abaikan 11:54am Ini eneng opo meneh tho? RT @embunvictoria: Najis lu neng, kelakuan MINUS nya papan atas! Hhhgggghhh 11:58am Hey Cow, you can talk whatever you want, spread lies to anyone,but we both know how the story begun,the truth behind, the real version of it 12:01pm My advice? Don't even bother to twist the story, the way you always do. Don't be a bladder-mouth. And yes, you must make some new friends. 12:25pm Oh em Gee! Whoever invented whatsapp is a friggin genius. Sekarang gue bisa ceting2 an sama @sashlicious seolah2 dia pake bbm :D 12:40pm @RioDwika tapi itu bisa kejadian banget loh beb, baek2 punya duit sekarung jadi tinggal sekantung, gara2 inflasi
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:29pm RT @MartyFLawrence: WHEN yr SINGLE, all U C R happy couples. when yr taken, all U C is happy singles ... So yeah Life Fucks w/ yo mind!! 03:31pm @VeldaAnabela @steviegabriel o em gee!! Stevie baby jadi model spice !!! Kyaaaaaa!!! You def know how to spice up yr life stev, lol 03:36pm @findryany bangeeet!!! Tapi kenapa sih harus pake credit card segala??? Duh-uh 03:46pm Mention ke aku kek gitu ): RT @steviegabriel: Pasti Sih!! RT @MentionKe: #MentionKe orang yg pengen lu bilang sayang bgt saat ini! #oneheart 05:04pm I've been sitting and staring at the same beautiful view for like 8 hours. I'm getting bored, and as for my ass, they cramp. 05:10pm Pantat gue ledes duduk di kereta 8 jam. 10:49pm "Rather than wishing for change, you first must be prepared to change." - Catherine Pulsifer 10:51pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Justin Bieber has gone bald! http://bit.ly/ hGCv70
Sat Feb 12 10:36am I should give it a try. 11:56am Uwwooo so cutee!! RT @bonitawisnuw: Onthephone w @derrickjs till 4AM this morning,&so I dreamed about talking 2him the whole sleep -__- LOL 12:06pm If u haven't took a shower fr the last 32 hours& ur boy friend can still smell the rose scent from ur body, wud u consider 2take a shower?
Titya Sumarsono
12:40pm @findryany kaaaak, ngapain deh main layangan aja sampe ke museum, huahauahahahahaha 03:24pm "You can do it if you believe you can!" - Napoleon Hill 05:19pm I will fear no evil as I walk to the shadow of the death 05:19pm I will fear no evil as I walk to the valley of the death 05:21pm Apa sih doa di alkitab yang barusan gue tweet? Nama ayat alkitab nya apa? Ada yg bisa kasih tau gue? 05:34pm Pilihan gue buat nonton The Lost Valentine sukses bikin mata gue berkaca-kaca dari awal sampe akhir film 09:10pm I am desperate to look for the perfect analogy to describe something,which I can't even describe properly what something is. Confuse?So am i 09:32pm I refuse to believe a such thing known as 'writer's block' . I daresay it's a myth. 09:57pm Ya Alloh!! Bbm an sama @bonitawisnuw , whatsappan sama @sashlicious , di fb sama jade. Bikin kangen! Seandainya gue bisa membelah diri. 10:03pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious yaaa gitu dech kira-kira. Ngomski2 emot lo hyper bgt loh noying nya. :| 10:15pm Beginilah kalau malam minggu pada dirumah semua. Heboh bbm grup. 10:28pm So? You gossip in order to make friends? Oh em gee... Kasian banget deh hidup lo bok. 10:30pm Zero attitude never wins people's heart. Well I guess a rubbishtalker like you will never understand what friendship is
Sun Feb 13
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:12am Are you shitting me? Do you really have to go? @Christichi ): 08:21am Okay.. From now on, I don't like the word 'open' . Esp when your bf using the word 'open' along with 'ticket' and 'a year' 08:24am @Christichi well, a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do, right? Beside, it;s not like you're moving to states *menghibur diri* good luck! :* 12:15pm RT @GreatestQuotes: "The greatest achievement is to outperform yourself." - Denis Waitley 12:26pm She's an actress, she's better known for the things that she does, on the mattress -T.Swift12:28pm RT @infojakarta: Nurdin ‘ready’ to lead PSSI for 3rd term thejakartapost.com http://bit.ly/gNArEy → o em gee! Shame on you, Nurdin 02:17pm A view from the top http://plixi.com/p/76919726 02:31pm Sapinya imut bgt. Tapi sayang mau dibawa ke slaughter house :_____(( http://plixi.com/p/76922702 05:21pm Ih sumpah bete banget deh! Kuburan belanda nya di hancurin sama islam ekstrimis. Mother F! Dasar orang2 uneducated gk ngerti sejarah! 05:22pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw paling bagus faux eyelashes itu beli yg semurah2 mungkin, yg di stand2 emperan, tp lem nya baru beli yg bagus 05:31pm @ahanindya gue gk tau ada prasasti nya apa enggak, tp ada di jogja deket rumah eyang, udah gone gitu pdhl dulu bagus bgt 08:56pm @annishayunaini @Steve250r @tirtasumarsono Sejak kapan adek gue jd homo? Yaah walopun gue udh curiga sih, sejak dia coba2 pake lipstik gue
Titya Sumarsono
08:59pm RT @beQii: True friends criticize you cause they love you, and they want you to be a better person ;) 09:02pm Sumpah ini pusing bgt loh arisan. Puyeng gue inget inget siapa2 aja yang belom bayar ke gue 10:37pm @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria @disneywords PRETT!! Gk papa gk nikah skrg, yg penting nanti jodoh gue mukanya ky james franco
Mon Feb 14 10:09am Happy Valentine day people, may you always surrounded by love, and be able to love the whole world, esp the one who loves you. xoxo 10:19am @RioDwika thxxsoo sygg. Selamat menikmati malam romantis dan sexy bersama pacar yaa :* 01:17pm Learning italian starts today! YAY!! 02:59pm @gabyclara @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria @miamishine @steviegabriel happy val day to you too, loves :* :*
Tue Feb 15 01:51pm Ohmigod! It;s been 5 months. Time does flies. 05:23pm RT @TracyTrinita: I miss Bali soo much. I miss the air, the sand, the sky, the sun, the people,the culture&all.. I'll see u very soon, Bali. 06:36pm @Christichi kalo udah nemu nmr singapore, tolong dikasih tau ke temennya yg satu ini yaaa
Wed Feb 16
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:02am @LinggomPerdana jadi berapa nggom turunnya? 03:02pm So Little time so much to do, I can't even sleep during my stolen time 08:34pm Senangnya denger suara nya @bonitawisnuw . Walopun cuma lewat telefon :____(( . Tapi gpp yg penting I got my daily dose of gossips ;) 08:54pm @bonitawisnuw I aint no bladder-mouth slash back-stabber like you-know-who, you know, huahauahahahaha. Your secret safe w me 08:56pm RT @ervput: Friends or How I Met Your Mother? Oh I mean, Coffee shop or Bar? :P
Thu Feb 17 02:09pm UnWell :| 04:48pm Setiap molekul di badan gue seperti menolak untuk belajar tari kusomo 05:05pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw hai juga cewek. Kangen ya sama gue? Nge tweet2 ih. Gue juga kangen kok sama lo :* 08:01pm Non portrebbe importarmene di meno 08:52pm @bonitawisnuw ohmigod! I love emma stone !!! She has one superbad-ass look.
Fri Feb 18 01:10am I want to live my life to the absolute fullest. 03:12pm I've been living the healthy life for the past coup of months, so I guess, I can reward myself by buying some KFC wings. 05:28pm @tirtasumarsono maaf ya darling, saya gak pernah merokok. Bweekk 13
Titya Sumarsono
05:45pm Girl, you're such a shit-talker. 07:45pm I'm sick & tired of hearing all about my life, from other bitches w all of your lies, so maybe you should shut your fucking mouth 08:24pm din w darling @anyeez (@ Sapi Bali) http://4sq.com/eNiDpr 09:24pm @RAEindra babeeeee, I watched you on tv this morning. You were in intens yaaa??? Cieeeeeehhh 10:34pm Yuuuk maareeeehhh RT @anyeez: jadi kepikiran kuliah ke luar.hmm..gara2 dicuci otak sama tyasumarsono 10:35pm @Christichi @findryany iyaa sapose dese bok? Yang ada gue ikutan kepo sekarang, ghueheuehehehe
Sat Feb 19 01:19pm Uber twitter kenapa gak bisa dipake sih? Ada yg tau gak kenapa? Thxxso 01:30pm @ahanindya ooohh, pantess, kenapa di suspend sih? Gak pw bgt pake twitter for bb. -.01:43pm @RAEindra aduuh tapi kamu cutee kok kalo di tv, gak usah sok malu malu menjauh deh lain kali, ;) huahauahahaa 02:10pm @RioDwika ooh jadi cuma @steviegabriel nya aja nih yang manis? Jadi aku gk manis nih? *sok ngambek* 02:23pm @tianhutauruk I know right? 02:29pm @tianhutauruk iya mercy yg itu, kenapa? Mau gue beliin? Gue beliin posternya tapi, HUAHUAHAHAHA 02:37pm @tianhutauruk trust me. Someday, sooner or later, you can buy aaaaaaannny cars you want, my love :* 02:47pm Mozaic, Restoran nomor satu di indonesia, nomor enam di asia, nomer 23 di dunia. I want to work at Mozaic please
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:56pm @tianhutauruk di ubud, bali. Mahalnya masih normal kok, kalo gak salah loh yaa, yuuk yuuk grad din disitu yaa babe ;) 03:31pm Udah ubertwitter gak bisa, film hollywood dilarang beredar, apa yang harus gue lakukan sama waktu luang gue kalo gitu? 04:29pm @sashlicious u seriously don't have any idea about ubertwitter do you? *elus dada* 04:37pm Dulu nunggu2 buat dapat undangan nya socialscope, giliran udah punya socialscope nya malah gak ngerti cara pake nya :/ 04:59pm #tersiksa adalah ketika gue enggak bisa ngetweet dari uber twitter lagi. 05:13pm @sashlicious ubertwitter itu aplikasi buat ngetwit yg biasanya dipake sm bb user. #penjelasan 05:14pm @sashlicious aplikasinya super pw, jd ktika uber's banned by twitter, semua bb user tersiksa, seperti kehilangan pegangan #penjelasan 05:25pm @opbb she's supaaaaah kewl. Siapa yang menghujat? 06:07pm Tweet2 saya barusan hanyalah sebuah protes kecil akan kapasitas seorang pemimpin. Dan tidak ada keinginan untuk memprovokasi 06:08pm Apabila ada yang tersinggung atau tidak senang dengan tweet2 barusan, saya memakluminya. 06:11pm Saya sendiri orang islam, dan tidak pernah menganggap amerika beserta isi nya adalah sekelompok orang kafir dan haram 06:12pm Krn itu sgt disayangkan kejadian2 menyedihkan yg terjadi akibat sekelompok orang yg mengatasnamakan islam untuk membenarkan perbuatannya 06:15pm Dari yg saya tahu&pelajari, islam tidak mengajarkan cara2 yg radikal dalam pemikiran & perbuatan di dalam menegakkan visi&misi agamanya. 15
Titya Sumarsono
06:17pm @tirtasumarsono hear hear brother!!! Senasip lah kita, dibawa skut aja broohh 06:20pm @bonitawisnuw huahauahauahahahaa. Jadi lo sebenarnya agnostic apa atheis sih mbak boonn? 06:23pm @zerrynoliva gmn yaa jelasinnya? Pemikiran aku sih itu cuma mengatasnamakan beacukai aja sygg, masalah aslinya jauh lebih dalam dr itu 06:24pm dan mengenai reaksi presiden tercinta soal kelakuan menkominfo nya yg selalu bisa menemukan cara supaya anak muda menderita dr sisi hiburan? 06:25pm Well... Cuma tuhan yang tahu 06:26pm @tianhutauruk glad to hear that, my love, ;) 06:26pm @steviegabriel aku? Aku?? Aku enggak dijemput juga?? Jemput aku di stasiun tugu, #ngaco 06:28pm @bonitawisnuw iya memang. Kita kan tercipta karena papamama kita melakukan hubungan seksual. Huahauahahahaha 06:30pm @tirtasumarsono bapak lo dulu ladiesman. Makanya lo skrg kayak gitu. Cih. 06:31pm @tirtasumarsono yaaa gitu deeh kira2. Mbah Dilah kan masih katholik. Lupa yaaa? 06:33pm Saturday night is the perfect time for guilty pleasures ;) 06:59pm I love emma stone! She's hilarious 07:13pm So what's with your new look? Very whore-couture. 08:49pm @sashlicious di suspendd sashi, di suspend uber nya sm twitter, jd skrg bb user hrs pake aplikasi selain uber klo mau twit, yg mn payah bgt
Sun Feb 20 16
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:12pm Panas panas begini, ngemilin kurma nabi emang paling enak 01:19pm "@ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries true friends are loyal to you under almost any circumstances, and would follow you anywhere. → @temen2gue 01:22pm Someone around me might not be trustworthy 01:46pm I'd just figured why both of u have same taste & share almost everything. 01:47pm These facts alone make me like I'm on crack, it's so funny, makes me wanna gag 04:09pm @Christichi pulaaang dooong, mau sepedaan aja jauh jauh banget ke singapore T.T 04:17pm This heat is killing me softly. 04:29pm I can't take this heat any longer! Beaaachhh here we cooomeeeee!!! 04:51pm @bonitawisnuw I luuurrve that song 08:33pm Fun time at beach then dinn w Mr.crab & ms.Fish. I love living here :D (@ Paripari Resto) http://4sq.com/hczYhQ 08:36pm Ada Tante Sarita Thaib di Metro Tv, jadi inget dulu pas sma heboh cari baju buat senior prom @bonitawisnuw @Christichi 09:56pm Menara indosat minta diobong emang. Bikin orang susah bbm an aja. GRRRRRAAAOOORRR 10:12pm Belom pernah kesedek sendal jepit ya? 10:37pm @tirtasumarsono adek gue, namanya tirta, gak pernah nengokin kakaknya. Parah beut #familyissue 10:47pm #nowwatching Legally Blonde 2 #noweating Pizza cheese me up. I feel shallow already.
Mon Feb 21 17
Titya Sumarsono
12:00am Stop poking the future, carina @bonitawisnuw :* 03:22pm Hooraaaayy!!! Uber nya bisa dipake lagi #telat 03:31pm RT @infojakarta: Pajak hiburan di Jakarta capai 300 Milliar. hampir setengahnya diperoleh dari pajak bioskop. http://bit.ly/igv22p 08:40pm @roarcadets @pringgodigdo mau dong bang, teh botol dingin nya satu. Huahauahahaha 08:44pm @tianhutauruk iya lah favorit lo, badannya sexy.. 08:54pm RT @AirAsiaId: #AirAsia #BigSale akan dimulai pukul 23.01 WIB, 00.01 WITA dan 01.01 WIT. Hanya di www.airasia.com. Malam ini. ;) 09:07pm @tianhutauruk ya tuhan tlg coba dikabulkan doa teman saya yg 1 ini. Saya mohon ya Tuhaaan, biar saya bisa keliling dunia bareng dia (re: G6) 09:15pm Pagina trenta. YaY! I've been writing for two hours. Time to take a bath then having my beauty sleep. Buonanotte everyone (:
Tue Feb 22 12:40am Ini jantung kok berdebar debar nyeremin ya? Mana bekas luka operasi sakit pula, sumpah gue belom mau metong 11:54am @bonitawisnuw I miss you even more, carinaaaaaaa!!! 12:14pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AntoineteAudrey ! I Wish you have the sweetest things in life on your fabuleux day, because you are the princess today :* 12:24pm Ubersocial gue kok gak ada suara nya sih? Ada yang tau gak kenapa? Di pilihan setting bb nya bahkan gk ada menu buat ubersocial T_T 01:05pm @ahanindya punya link nya gk nggit? Mau dong kalo punya :D
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:29pm RT @tieshadiona: berusaha menahan emosi *tarik napas* 06:40pm Situasi dirumah skrg: mati lampu, hujan deras disertai petir yang menyambar2, penerangan hanya dari lilin. → udh cocok buat shooting horror 06:52pm @tianhutauruk prett! Sumpah ini serem bgt loh. Udah cocok klo buat shooting2 film macam the exorcist gitu :_____(( gue cuma berdua adek gue
Wed Feb 23 12:18pm May God give His blessing to children with Progeria Syndrome 02:31pm @bonitawisnuw be with the present :* 02:43pm Kenapa sih ms.word nya gak ada pilihan save as ? T_T 03:46pm @tianhutauruk abeeess. Sayang spare part nya enggak dijual bebas disini 07:46pm He's so CUTE! His name is Pochi. Well, actually my new dog belongs to my baby brother @tirtasumarsono http://plixi.com/p/79398061 07:51pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw have you two girlies look at the picture I just posted? 08:07pm @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria sayangnya pochi bertempat tinggal di bandung. Hukhuk 08:35pm How to maximize your score on ielts? Really, I want to know, how to get the highest score, the lucky number 7, for your ielts test? 08:39pm @animenur get out! Isn't 7 is the highest score? And your ex got Eight point Five???? *elus dada* *speechless* 10:10pm AHZEEK! Susah punya sahabat cantik ky gini Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ RT @embunvictoria: Stop nyuruh gua casting!! I don't want to be an actress! Zzzzzz
Titya Sumarsono
10:10pm @Christichi apa? Kenapa? Sini curhat sama gue Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ 10:17pm @embunvictoria udah jadi artis FTV aja, bayarannya lumayan, udah gitu shooting nya di Bali lagi. Bali loh, Bali *mikir pendek*
Thu Feb 24 12:15am RT @fairuzfab: Funny how one lost can drag a human being toward the entry line of mental retardation. 12:31am Bad girl, bad girl, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do? When i come for you? 02:46am I'm not who you think I am. I let you think what you wanna think. You and your imaginations, you and your negative thoughts. 01:10pm What am I doing here? Learning italian rather than take ielts course & improving my ielts score. sometimes I don't know how my brain works 08:45pm @bonitawisnuw we'll meet soon before we know it, my love *BIG HUGS* 09:23pm Ya ampun, nicholas saputra trnyata ulang taun ya hari ini? Pantesan td ktmu anak smp yang muka nya mirip bgt sama nicholas jaman dia kecil 09:32pm @bonitawisnuw makanya ayook rental apartemen di sudpark lagi biar gak capek. ~('.'~)(~'.')~ 10:11pm RT @ervput: I absolutely LOVE hearing somebody lying, when I already know the truth." 10:48pm Oh jd gak butuh gue nih? Fine *ngambek, lari kepantai, keterjang ombak* RT @bonitawisnuw: I can take @tieshadiona ... http:// tmi.me/75qXn
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Fri Feb 25 01:07pm I've always laughed every time I watch How I met ur mother, until I saw Episode 13&14 s6, I cried my eye-balls out watching those episodes. 03:21pm I'm not some trust fund girls, you know. The kind of your ex would be perfectly fit for the profile.
Sat Feb 26 12:13am My brother has his own way 2say I miss u w\out saying the word →He gave me a free ticket 2go 2some music fest & asked me if I wanna go w him 12:15am He has a girlfriend but he want to go to this music fest with me, his sister. Isn't he cute? Well, what can I say, he's the sweetest. 12:21am @animenur ohmigod, so sorry. but hey, I'm sure he has his own reason. ;) 12:54am Aaaah, kasian, kingkongnya dibikin buta sama jack black. Di tembak2in panah lagi. Apaa??!!! Bahkan skrg kingkong nya mati??? :______((( 01:03am Oh ternyata king kong nya belom mati toh? Jadi malu udah nangis-nangis di twitter 03:09pm OhmyGod! God is so kind! This is like the best news ever! 05:38pm RT @steviegabriel: Melok aku! -_-" RT @nicsap: Next destination! Woohoo! http://plixi.com/p/80096490 05:40pm Alergi cuaca kambuh. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Titya Sumarsono
Sun Feb 27 09:53am "O our Sustainer! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!" 10:40am @missnadyabenjay asik berarti open house ya, kalo udah selesai direnovasi rumahnya, huahauahahahaa 10:41am @tieshadiona trus gimana nasib gigolo nya? kenapa dikeroyok? Kasiaan 06:28pm Hantu dirumah gue jenis kelamin nya wanita. Genit banget deh, masa gue baru beli serum rambut sama dia udah dipake aja. T_T 07:15pm Oh & hantu wanita dirumah gue ini,ternyata juga suka baca&suka sama fashion. Terbukti dengan majalah GLAMOUR gue menghilang secara misterius 07:36pm If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny. And I know funny. I'm a clown fish. –Marlin (Finding Nemo) 08:02pm tainted. 08:09pm RT @GreatestQuotes: "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." - Dale Carnegie 08:20pm You did what I did. Be genuine please. 09:01pm Strategi marketing dg mggunakan artis trnama sbg model iklan nya terkadang membuahkan hasil, seperti saya yg membeli masker rambut Loreal. 09:57pm L'oreal smooth intense 1 minute caring mask really tames the rebellious hair. But I left it on my hair for 15 minutes for the desired result 11:48pm The story starts when it was hot & it was summer, & like any juicy stories, it started at the party.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Mon Feb 28 01:44pm RT @QuoteGenius: Believe in your vision for the future even when others dont understand you. -Billy Cox 03:15pm Saya merindukan rambut panjang saya, sama seperti seorang pelaut merindukan sebuah daratan. Kangen tapi harus bersabar selama 3 bulan. 04:58pm @gabyclara banget. Cuma sepundak aja panjangnya. Harus nunggu kira2 3bulan sampe panjangnya kayak dulu lg 05:00pm RT @JustWannaSayIt: Laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at you. Live life so well that even death loves to see you live. 05:06pm :D 05:58pm Hoping for the best, expecting for the worst, I guess, someday, I could be what I've always wanted to be. A good writer. 06:01pm People can read about what I write&most important,my children will know abt what their mama had been thru&know what's on their mama's mind. 06:03pm I guess I'm stuck between 18years old Carrie Bradshaw and 33years old Elizabeth Gilbert @GreatestQuotes Age ... http:// tmi.me/7cnKr 07:57pm My daily horoscope is right. It's refreshing when u finally meet someone new who shares same interest as yours. 07:58pm Everyday is something new. Indeed. 08:26pm Esse kappa u ti at the wrong time and the wrong place
Tue Mar 01 12:05pm Thxx infonya @ahanindya ;)
Titya Sumarsono
12:24pm @pringgodigdo @bonitawisnuw aduh maaf ya para handai taulan, saya lg dipingit sama keluarganya raden mas, makanya jarang cwiceran, hohohooho 12:25pm "Even though I have tasted Western Education, I am still and will always be a Javanese." -Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX 01:57pm Amiiiiin!!! :* RT @ahanindya: tyasumarsono biar mkin cpt terwujud ty keinginan jd penulisny.. Biar gw cpt baca buku lo. :D 04:01pm So many things that I wish you knew, because lately I don't even know what page you are on, I guess the story of us might be ending soon. 04:46pm Semalam gue mimpi dapat iphone gratis. Semalam nyokap mimpi klo gue nyiram2in semua hanphone yg ada dirumah pake air. Maksuddnya apa ya? :/ 05:09pm Yang lagi mengadu nasib di singapore buruan pulang deh, gak usah bikin gue jealous dgn cerita2 marina bay nya @Christichi .kangen tauuk. 05:44pm @tianhutauruk sedih banget sih. Sinih, dancing with me. Huahauahahahaha 07:50pm If you run - the boxer rebellion #nowplaying 11:21pm Whatever jude.
Wed Mar 02 01:06pm I've never heard silence quite this loud 06:17pm I've never thought someday I'd be able to dance the traditional dance. And now I can. I can dance. I can dance. (♒˙⌣˙♒)
Thu Mar 03 24
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:00pm If this particular thought has crossed my mind too many times, I must have been here for too long. I need to get back soon. 03:18pm Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress cried the whole way home. I should have known #nowlistening 07:37pm Have you heard about copyright? You study law, you should know better.
Fri Mar 04 07:41am Pas lagi checkin sambil ngantuk2, tiba2 ada suara hp bunyi nyaring banget. ringtone nya Only Girl in the world nya Rihanna. #bandara 07:44am Pas nengok, trnyata pemilik hp dgn ringtone Rihana super nyaring trsebut adalah seorang cowok dgn badan kekar ala model Lmen. #bandara 09:36am Such a beautiful day today, I thank God for putting smile upon my face. :D 06:22pm This is what I hate the most about jakarta. Its traffic is unbearable. Gaaaah 07:32pm She sounds so happy, I personally think she's on zoloft. 07:37pm Sedikit demi sedikit, doa-doa yang dipanjatkan pun terkabul. :D 10:04pm RT @Angelaelvinas: Omg omg omg omg omg I just ♥ weekendssssssss omg omg omg 10:28pm If you think you have a great idea, don't let anyone talk you out of it even if it sounds foolish. -john c maxwell11:43pm Berdua dikamar, pas gue lagi serius2 ngetik, tiba2 adek gue nyanyi lagu 'pernikahan dini'. #absurd #elusdada
Titya Sumarsono
11:56pm @egajaya I miss you even mooooooooooree, my favorite soon to be nip/tuck doctor!!! :* :*
Sat Mar 05 12:08pm I just knew, that when we met, we'd be instant friends 01:16pm RT @pringgodigdo: Bosen baca update dan broadcast, java jazz semua isinya 01:33pm Maggie Magwitch 03:29pm Whoever borrowed my books & my other belongings, tlg dikembalikan yaa, dr kmrn lupa siapa yg pinjem buku Rachel A to Zoe gue. Thx sebelumnya 03:33pm Siapapun yang pinjem buku atas nama tyasumarsono, tolong dikembalikan ya, please. Thxx 08:51pm "Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof," said Confucius, "when your own doorstep is unclean."
Sun Mar 06 03:00pm The dress is Chanel, the shoes YSL, the bag is Dior, my address today, LA by the way, above Sunset Strip, the hills all the way #nowplaying
Mon Mar 07 12:42pm Photo: opbb: http://tumblr.com/x5j1p4w8sk 08:01pm You bitch! Bgitu dpt flat, gue lsg ke sg :* RT @Christichi: Make up shopping, are you coming tyasumarsono? XD
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:13pm My daddy has just called me 'my baby'. Isn't that sweet? But, the fact has spoken so loud, my ears bleed. I'm twenty something years old. 08:40pm Seriously, what happened to Vaseline-petrolium jelly sih? Kenapa mereka menghilang dari peredaran? :/
Tue Mar 08 08:29am Orelia - Suggestion - It just takes a second For my world to come crumbling down Oh I’m sure, in the... http://tumblr.com/x5j1peipng 10:15am Is it js me,or does everyone back to their old-self if they happen to meet people from their past? Not to mention giggling like school-girl. 10:34am O mi Lord. Why does every interesting thing happen exactly when I go bare face and wear my brother's flip flop ? 04:22pm GAK JADI KETINGGALAN PESAWAT! HOORAAAYY!!! Padahal baru cek in sepuluh menit sebelum take off. 04:24pm Amazing things keep happens to me since this morning. And the weather today's so perfect to catch a flight. Godworksinmysteriuswayindeed :D 05:56pm @steviegabriel bukan dicukur, tapi di wax. Eh @embunvictoria apalagi, alisnya di benang in terus, huiehehehe
Sat Mar 12 05:24pm Pengen nangis nontonin berita soal Jepang. Bikin merinding nontonnya. Be home soon @sashlicious !! :_______((((
Mon Mar 14
Titya Sumarsono
11:16am @Christichi: http://twitpic.com/491mkz - ohmigod! Itu ddimanaaa? Sephora? 05:59pm I don't wanna surround myself with bombs that keep exploding without prior notice.
Fri Mar 18 02:54pm I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how. I've never heard silence quite this loud.
Sun Mar 20 01:16am Have you ever spent your saturday night at hospital? Because I just did. Weird things do happen, huh? 12:14pm I've been trying to cook beras merah deliciously. So far I've failed once. Hopefully twice is the charm. 12:47pm Jakarta, Bali, Singapore, I can't wait for Aprile to come. I've always got too excited when il mio compleanno is just around the corner. 03:11pm "It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life..." http://tumblr.com/x5j1trw15h 08:59pm A girl should, at least, has three following things in her life: a best friend, a best(gay)friend, and a best(boy)friend. 11:54pm Could I just skip forward to the day when I finally can type 'The End' at the very last page?
Wed Mar 23 12:20pm @sashlicious udah di jakarta beloooomm?? (♒˙⌣˙♒) 03:40pm It's like someone stealing your unborn babies' names. Horrible.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:12pm setelah 3 hari mutih, gak ada yang bisa ngalahin rasa nya spaghetti creamy roasted chicken buatan chef Gio. Nyoom nyoom (♒˙⌣˙♒)
Thu Mar 24 03:41pm Amarcord #nowwatching 08:42pm @embunvictoria have fun di medan cantik (: . Oleh2 meranti rasa moka plisssssss 08:44pm @steviegabriel italian old movie gitu, film nya menghibur bgt lohh :D
Fri Mar 25 11:41am No, I'm not lucky. I'm blessed, yes. 12:02pm Speaking test went gaga-p. I Said il mio il mio i miei one too many times. wtf! T.T 12:19pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious have fun le mie belle amiche :* :* 12:42pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious apa tuch churros? Gue tau nya cheetos tacos nachos burritos LOLOLOLOLOLOL *ketawasendiri* 12:46pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious btw, gue belom bisa balik. Ketahan sama ef bangke T.T 02:06pm Never thought that traditional dance would requires so much energies and produces so much sweats. 07:47pm Darryl told me that I speak London accent. *YAY!* But then again, he told me to drop it, because I must speak English not London. ("ò_ó)
Titya Sumarsono
07:52pm He also told me to learn how 2pronounce these words correctly: Sheets, shits, seats, sits. I mean,what kind of homework is that? Blooy brit! 07:58pm This unstoppable rain, really upsetting. I Think I'm gonna call it a day and start cooking the impeccable cheeseburger. Buonanotte everyone
Sat Mar 26 10:32am Good Morning and Buon Weekend everyone ;) 07:10pm 44days. 07:14pm "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" -Jesus-
Sun Mar 27 02:16pm Cuma ada dua orang dirumah, tp masak fettucine porsi buat 6 orang. -.02:17pm Happy birthday @YarraMega . Wish you all the very best!!! 02:18pm @steviegabriel @embunvictoria gue juga mau meraaaanti!!! Rasa moka 3 bungkus plissss!! 02:19pm @steviegabriel huahauahahahahaa!! Ini makan sepiring kecil aja udh kenyang bgt T.T 02:46pm I swear to God, man, everything in life is old, and the only thing that change is the price of gold. 02:47pm @embunvictoria @steviegabriel aku skrg lg cr tiket buat ke jkrt nih. Beliin merantinya pokoknyaaa. :______(( 02:50pm RT @blogdokter: 16. Rokok terbukti menurunkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL). Berhentilah mulai sekarang. #kolesterol
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:33pm Di indonesia itu ada yang jualan lotere enggak sih sebenernya? :/ 03:43pm Indonesia gk keren bgt deh, lotere aja jadi togel. -.04:38pm You play the back, bitch, I'm in the front. You outta work, I know it's tough. 11:38pm @steviegabriel @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona @egajaya @findryany @tianhutauruk @pringgodigdo @embunvictoria VI AMO EVEN MORE!! :* :* 11:47pm @bonitawisnuw weits iya dong, parlo italiano. HAHAHA. Coming home the day after tomorrow. Ci vediamo a martedi, bella. *alottakissbighugs*
Mon Mar 28 12:03am Ohmigod! Ada Jake Gyllenhaal di Rcti. 12:10am Advice 2 everyone: it's okay if you can't spell (Jake) Gyllenhaal correctly. It wasn't ur fault if he has an uneasy2spell surname. 12:15am @steviegabriel stevie baby, kenapa gk bisa tidur? Aku juga udah berhari-hari gak bisa tidur karena mikirin kamu *nemeninnyampahgkbisatidur* 12:17am Ini pemeran utama cowok di FTV ini Rico Ceper bukan sih? Kok mirip sih? Penasaran deh 12:22am disaat gue pgn tau siapa yg jd pemeran utama pria di ftv jam 12 malam skrg, gue mulai bertanya2 gimana sebenernya cara otak gue bekerja 12:25am @steviegabriel nyalain ac, matiin lampu, matiin hp, setel alarm, masuk selimut, baca doa, mata merem. Good luck besok bimbingannya. :*
Titya Sumarsono
11:06am They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 12:14pm Zip your lips like a padlock, please. 01:35pm @RioDwika itu lirik lagu sayang. Tadi aku lg dengerin ke$ha soalnya, huahahahaha 06:12pm Can't wait for tomorrow! Gonna meet someone I really really love!
Tue Mar 29 05:30am Happy birthday @miamishine !!! Wish you all the very best, sweetness!! xoxo 05:32am Berhasil enggak terkena last call. *yawn* 05:35am Oh Tuhan! Ternyata masih ada pesawat komersil yang pake baling-baling buat terbang. Literally baling2 ala pesawat kipas angin bentuknya. 05:42am @fiorentinalagi thxxso la mia bella cugina! Baek2 dirumah, xoxo 07:56am @Christichi I'm back but you're gone. Are we soulmate are we not sih? 09:05am @Christichi ohmigod! Itu dimana? Dia ke sg juga? Lo harus make friend sama dia pokoknya! Harusss!! Hahahahaha 12:37pm Enggak sabar ketemu Adit (♒˙⌣˙♒) 02:37pm @tianhutauruk @embunvictoria adit itu adik gue masih sd mau masuk smp. Ganteng bgt! 06:30pm To whom it may concern, if you curious about my sex life, please come to me and I'll explain about it. 06:34pm Damn, Jeanie why you gotta tell the secrets about my sex life? All I ever did was drive your broke ass around
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Wed Mar 30 12:15pm People di bandara bener2 getting on my last nerves deh. Gak heran the gallagher brother from oasis sampe ngebakar british airways 12:24pm @Christichi I thot you're working today. Tau gt lo di jakarta aja ktmu sm gue T_T 12:59pm @sashlicious nganter babeh gue td ke bandara -.01:10pm iL vino e La Pasta, Italians def know how to live up w the idiom bella far niente 01:21pm @bonitawisnuw eh, stau gue brit airways sih. Granmuff Liz the second, sampe upset bgt soalnya waktu itu. 08:27pm Yest I had lovely time w @sashlicious and tonight I Had lovely time w @bonitawisnuw. Two perfect nights in a row. Wish I can meet them tom 08:34pm Stlh diam2 berhasil mengambil kembali cd one republic yg diam2 pernah diambil sm kk gue, akhirnya skrg bisa gue dengerin lagi semua lagu2nya 08:35pm Gue suka bgt sama one republic, dan sebentar lagi gue ulang tahun, masih bulan april sih. Tapi gue mau bikin sayembara aja... 08:37pm Sayembaranya, siapapun yg bs mempertemukan gue sm vokalis nya one republic, klo cewek gue jd in sodara, klo cowok gue jd in sahabat gay.
Thu Mar 31 07:28am RT @shinosjournal: Why is it called Rush Hour when people actually got stuck?
Titya Sumarsono
07:52am @fiorentinalagi mau ke dharmais kan? Pendaftarannya dr jam 8 pagi, pdhl dokternya baru ada jam 1o T.T 08:57am Rush hours means stuck hours where you get to see the meaning of living in megapolitan city. 09:07am Living in the megapolitan city : when you're still collecting your soul but you have to drive your cars/motorcycle to go to work/school 09:08am RT @AdviceToWriters: Marry somebody you love and who thinks you being a writer's a good idea. RICHARD FORD 09:10am Kayaknya gue baru aja bayar tagihan henpon deh, kok udah disuruh bayar lg sih sama indosat nya? #BerathidupdiJakarta 09:35am @steviegabriel BUAHAHAHAHAHA!! kalah lonte2 itu stev sama cewek aries, kalo gt ceritanya, LOL 09:36am @steviegabriel cieeeeh R 'n R ... We R who we R bgt sih, hihiii 09:41am Aduh aduh aduh enggak sabar deehhh sebentar lagi gue ulang tahun.. cc: @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious @embunvictoria @tieshadiona @steviegabriel 09:45am @egajaya29 klo gitu besok kita ketemuan, bawa pacar nyaaa 11:06am Pagi pagi udah ada yang prank call ke handphone. Gak tau ya kalo handphone itu punya caller id? Sometimes2 deh orang indonesia itu.. 11:10am feeling overwhelmed with all of the chores and obligations i need to complete 11:25am BNN sampai kerja sama Interpol? Canggih aja 12:37pm Something's got a hold on me right now, it must be love.. 12:49pm You know I have found the words going round, they all say my feet never do touch the ground. *what?* 12:57pm Oh em gee! Mobil gue dikawal sama truk GEGANA! Pak saya gak bawa bom loh. 34
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:59pm @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona @steviegabriel @tianhutauruk @findryany @pringgodigdo @embunvictoria siapa yg tampangnya sumedang bodi nendang? 01:31pm If it were up to me I'd put all my family and friends in the same city, that way, I don't have to juggle my life 02:07pm RT @blogdokter: Berkebun selama 35 menit tanpa istirahat akan membakar sebanyak 165 kalori. #kalori → abis itu bentol2 digigit cangcorang 06:37pm @missnadyabenjay hah? Blair sama dan? Sejak kapan? 06:42pm Happy birthday @radityodidot !!! Wish you all the very best!!! 06:59pm @missnadyabenjay oh em gee! Udah season 4F aja??? Ketinggalan banyak bgt doong gueee 08:01pm @jo_elvin when does the latest issue of glamour come out? Because it always come out 3weeks late in Jakarta, Indonesia :') 08:59pm @tianhutauruk tiaaaan babeee, I miss youuuu?? Are you still mad at tya babeee?? :___(( 10:21pm Jin salabim tonikum bayer. 10:47pm @missnadyabenjay @tianhutauruk eh buset dah. Orang disuruh sakit -.- *ikut nimbrung* 10:56pm @missnadyabenjay @tianhutauruk errr, baiklah tring itu apa yaaah beb? Eh, kamu tuh jd dokter pribadi tapi setengah2, huahahahahaha 11:04pm @missnadyabenjay sini sini ke shy. Aku lg di shy niih 11:42pm Si AMO @tianhutauruk :* http://plixi.com/p/88359299 11:52pm iL ragazzo metti la camiccia bianco e' bello
Fri Apr 01
Titya Sumarsono
12:05am HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY @VeldaAnabela !!! Wish you all the very best!!! 12:07am April's fool already. Time flies... 12:55am Semua aja pada di Shy . Ck ck ck 01:07am And whose fault is that? *ketawa setan* @sashlicious: Not me tho. -___- #mukapenyet tyasumarsono: Semua aja pada di Shy . Ck ck ck” 01:32am RT @TracyTrinita: Fridayyyyyy I loveee youuuuu! :p 02:45am I can't sleep now, not like I used to, I don't walk right, not like I used to, there's a jump in my step as I rush to see you. 02:50am What's your vice? You knew that mine's the illusion. I could be happy there as long as you were near to me. 01:11pm Abis makan nasi ayam mentega + soto betawi. Gak bisa gerak kekenyangan. Tidur lagi aja kali ya? 04:44pm Fridate nite here I come!!! *padahal masih jam lima sore* 05:15pm Matahari yang terlihat di awan Jakarta sore ini indah sekali. 05:30pm Jakarta cerah. Sudirman-Thamrin lengang gak macet. saya cinta hari Jumat. *spoketoosoon* 07:01pm Dinner time !!! Nyuum nyuuumm (@ Ocha & Bella Citadines) http://4sq.com/ij4Ooa 08:08pm Semua lengkap @bonitawisnuw @steviegabriel @derrickjs @miamishine @dominiquenicky (♒˙⌣˙♒) Kurang @embunvictoria ): 10:32pm Killing time w @sashlicious @bonitawisnuw @steviegabriel @findryany @miamishine @derrickjs ‹(˘⌣˘)›
Sat Apr 02
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:20am Selamat wisuda tian babe ku tercinta!!! Cheers to the brighter future!!! Kisskissmmmwaaahh @tianhutauruk 10:22am Mata kriyep kriyep @_@ 10:27am Menu sarapan : miso soup + salad + spicy chicken + nasi + milo dingin . Kesimpulan? Siap-siap sakit perut -.10:28am @papawnya @findryany @bonitawisnuw @TheNoteboook: No matter how painful distance can be, not having him in my life would be much worse. 10:30am @Christichi @tianhutauruk buruan ke new york dooong tiaaaan, biar gue bisa nebeng tinggal. 10:57am There's something about men in uniform, and I'm not talking about mas2 porter. I'm referring to the Pilots. http://4sq.com/e7m0JN 11:49am Nobody likes a crying baby in a first class. It's just plain annoying. Can't a baby be trained not to cry during flight? 01:42pm @dominiquenicky kamu tato apa lagi itu nicky?? Pengeeennn 01:46pm @bonitawisnuw @Xstrology ha-hem ha-hem a' iu' ia' iu' ia' iu' situation ya? Huahauahahaha 02:15pm PENGEN KETAWA KERAS KERAS DEH SAMA HIDUP GUE HARI INI! 02:56pm I hate kids! I do! Apalagi kalo mereka udah mulai cari2 perhatian di tempat umum. Rasanya pengen gue cabein bibirnya biar diem #krenki 03:24pm @sashlicious RT @infojakarta: Wow. 17 Persen Populasi Dunia Orang India. thn 2030, India akan melampaui China.. http:// ow.ly/4rDZg 04:29pm @Ocha_and_Bella si, grazie (: 11:04pm OHmy! Ada Restu Sinaga di trans 7 !!! @bonitawisnuw
Titya Sumarsono
Sun Apr 03 08:20am @animenur menuur ngapain di baalii? Asiiiikk bgt siiihh jalan jalan *mukapengen* 09:59am Resep Mager : satu buah hari minggu, ditambah dengan curah hujan yang tinggi. 10:58am *tersinggung* RT @blogdokter: 1. Kelebihan lemak di perut atau buncit jauh lebih berbahaya daripada kelebihan di paha atau pinggul. #buncit 11:39am Ke carrefour dulu ah beli bahan2 buat masAk chicken spaghetti aglio olio. 02:08pm Look what I've cooked for lunch: chicken spaghetti aglio olio. Bon appetit everyone! http://plixi.com/p/89137790 03:33pm @steviegabriel http://plixi.com/p/89137790 hahaha, iya mirip bihun soalnya olive oil nya pake yang rich, bukan yg extra rich 05:50pm Baru bangun *yawn* 05:54pm @sashlicious bad news. Nyokap gue melaporkan kalo paspor gue missing in action. Di Jakarta gk ada. Dan seinget gue, gue gk bw ke jogja. T_T 06:16pm Mau nyentuh laptop kok rasanya males banget ya. ("ò_ó) 06:46pm (Left to Right) @sashlicious, si item (alias gue), @derrickjs, @bonitawisnuw http://plixi.com/p/89182979 06:54pm @sashlicious udah gue post ke twitter tuh foto display pic bbm gue. Makanya pake BB dong, gak usah kayak fakin gyujin itu,HAHAHA 07:24pm @tianhutauruk bilang, mas, kulo niki sibuk banget tho mas. Mas'e tak sangunin, pulang numpak ojek wae yo. -.-
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:35pm @jo_elvin I ♥ Glamour april issue. It totally simplify my life 2find the perfect birthday outfit. Happy Birthday to Glamour! All the best! x 07:37pm @tianhutauruk ya katanya, gak mau anter sodara nya, -.08:37pm @sashlicious good news! Paspor gue ketemu!!!!! 08:54pm @sashlicious oh! Berarti maksud gue gyajin. Nyokap gue bongkar2 semua lemari/tas2 gue di jakarta. Dan akhirnya ketemu. HAHAHA 09:06pm @tieshadiona adit dikarantina 4bulan itu bener bener enggak boleh ditengok sama sekali non? ): skype2an juga gk boleh masa? :/ 09:07pm What is love without the pain to go along? 09:29pm Malam malam kelaperan sampe masak nasi sama omelet. Sok omelet, padahal biasanya ngomongnya telor dadar.
Mon Apr 04 10:18am Eh, emang tadi subuh indonesia kena gempa ya? 12:20pm @animenur ohmigod!!! Enak bangeeet sih menur lagi di ubuudd. Envyyy (˘̩̩̩-˘̩ƪ) 07:58pm @tianhutauruk tian babee, kita sehati doong. Gue juga lapar bgt sampe grrraooorr T.T 08:03pm Aduh! Enggak percaya deh, minggu depan udah ulang tahun lagi. 08:15pm Udah sepuluh tahun lebih deh kayaknya enggak ganti profile picture di facebook, gara2 facebook gue geblek gak bisa ganti foto T.T 08:17pm @tianhutauruk gonna be in Jakarta absofuckinlutely. Party like there's no tomorrow. Huahauahahahahahahahah!!! *ketawasampesalahurat*
Titya Sumarsono
09:11pm Some parts of my body are swollen. The only time I don't chew on my foods is when I sleep. I don't have anything to blame but my hormones. 09:13pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw @tianhutauruk @findryany ke india yuk. Gue pengen berdoa sama beli kain sari. 09:20pm 'Sudah malam ikan bobo' is that a new idiom or what? What does that mean? Fishes never sleep do they? 09:58pm Longing for long holiday, where I can eat chicken satay everyday.
Tue Apr 05 11:03am Berdiri di depan tv gue, sambil pegang bb cuma buat foto in salah satu skuter buat dikirimin ke @bonitawisnuw . #terlalubanyakwaktuluang 11:38am "Gue itu enggak mau jadi pecundang" → sempet ya ada cowok ngomong gitu pas lagi berantem? :/ 11:41am @tieshadiona tabok ya non, kalo sampai di RT. *ngikutin gayanya @bonitawisnuw* 11:47am @tieshadiona NONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ohmigod! Untung aja twit gue yg satu lagi di protek. 02:36pm "One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing" Socrates http://tumblr.com/x5j204kipd 02:47pm @bonitawisnuw BOOONNIEEEE!!! Stop using #kthxbai pleaseee.. T.T jangan sampai gue bikin intervention yaaa -.03:03pm *nggakbisaberkatakata* RT @bonitawisnuw: Kthxbai nonaa ! RT @tieshadiona: tyasumarsono kthxbai tya!
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:01pm Din at Pangeran Joyokusumo's house. (: http://plixi.com/ p/89727775 09:15pm @anyeez rumahnya beb, eh kamu lg di jogja atau di jakarta? 09:25pm I'm at Prince Joyokusumo House (Jl.Rotowijayan 5, Alun alun utara, Yogyakarta) http://4sq.com/i3eBGy 10:50pm Pengen banget ketemu sama Eno Netral ): 11:00pm @tianhutauruk I could be a local band groupie kalo menyangkut eno netral dan giring nidji T.T 11:49pm #horor adlh disaat kamu cuma berdua dgn adik kamu dirumah, dan tiba2 di plafon rumah terdengar bunyi berisik seolah ada orang jatuh berdebam
Wed Apr 06 10:19am Quarter past ten dan gue udah nyinyir aja gitu sama @bonitawisnuw. Hidup gue produktif banget sih emang. -.10:51am HEAR HEAR!! RT @bonitawisnuw: I can do what she can do, so much better. 11:02am I'm starving. But I'm not in the mood for cooking. And I don't have any money,so I cannot phone the delivery. Duh! Masa eating indomie lagi? 11:15am @fiorentinalagi bulan masih tiduur. Dia pulang jam berapa sih ngomong2 semalam. Pules abis loh tidurnya, sampe gk tega mau bangunin 11:44am RT @tianhutauruk: 1, 2, 3 LAPAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:45am @tianhutauruk yes please sugar daddy, please wire me some money. Gak pake lama. Gue udah kelaperan T_T
Titya Sumarsono
12:20pm Baru tau ternyata nilai proyek gedung mewah DPR itu 1 koma 1 trilyun rupiah. 12:23pm @tianhutauruk lima puluh ribu aja deh. Lima puluh ribu dollar tapi. Cepet ya daddy. HAHAHAHAAA 12:43pm @RioDwika *touch touch* 12:58pm Taukah kalian bahwa ada camilan yg berasal dari Tuban, Jawa Timur, namanya AMPO yang terbuat dari tanah liat hitam. No kidding. Tanah Liat. 01:00pm @RioDwika *kiss kiss mmwwwaaaah* 04:19pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious wish I were there too. Mmwwaaahhh 08:02pm @sashlicious @bonitawisnuw @miamishine @tianhutauruk @steviegabriel ohmyGod! Dan gue blm pernah skalipun ke fashion wednesday ny canteen T.T 11:20pm Who hasn't been in a bar? Who hasn't stood by supportively as a friend who's had one too many pukes their guts out? 11:42pm @sashlicious bukaaaaaaaann. Cuma sekedar nge twit ituuuh -.-
Thu Apr 07 11:56am Nonton @indraherlambang lg jalan2 ke Jepang. Jadi pengen ke Jepang lagi T.T 06:54pm :* :* RT @bonitawisnuw: Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most fabuleux of them all? Cause I know @tyasumarsono is. 07:45pm Kucing bertelinga lima nya lucu bangeeettt. Maaaaauuuuuu!!! 07:49pm @tianhutauruk guido? Alex guido maksudnya? 08:27pm About to watch London Boulevard :D 08:45pm @tianhutauruk collin fha'rel
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:24pm subhanalloh! Collin Farrel pake baju pembunuh bayaran sama HOT nya pas dia pake baju SWAT. See, there's something about men in uniform. 10:33pm OhmiGoD!! Jepang kenapa gempa terus siiiiihhh? T_T #prayforjapan 10:36pm Gak usah balik ke Jepang sampe summer please @sashlicious . Lo segitu kangennya sama fakin gyajin ya? Enggak kan? T.T 10:41pm @egajaya29 iyaa kaan?? Iyaa kann?? Ya tuhaaan!!! Men in uniform itu sexy banget!!! Apalagi klo udh pake militer2 macho gitu. *merinding* LOL
Fri Apr 08 09:41am Today is the day where my mummy and my daddy have been married to each other for 29 years. Sadly, I don't know where they are now. 11:15am @bonitawisnuw @steviegabriel @tieshadiona okeee!! Ketemu di Loewy jam berapa nanti?? (♒˙⌣˙♒) 12:07pm #ahzeekk!!! RT @bonitawisnuw: People call me dramatic for a reason, but remember I become dramatic for one reason.. Loyalty. 12:09pm Hari ini harus jadi hari yang super produktif. Stop ngemil. 02:28pm Halaman ke seratus! YAAYY!! 02:32pm @steviegabriel @Christichi JIYEEEEEHHHH!! Lo beli filter apaan chi? Filter oli yaa? Huahahahahaaha 03:12pm @steviegabriel siapa stev? Siapa yang keren tapi sebenernya UGHly? *KEPOtudemeks* 03:14pm @tianhutauruk kenapa sih tian babe kok kayaknya emosi terus? Kebanyakan dengerin lagu Emotions nya destiny's child ya?
Titya Sumarsono
03:22pm Ohmigod! Lupa beli kado buat anniversary orang tua gue hari ini. Ada yang bisa kasih gue ide gk, kira2 gue harus kado orang tua gue apa? Thx 03:27pm Kado dong. Cc @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria (; RT @steviegabriel: @AdaDiskon: MAP Fashion Sale up to 80%. detail info http://bit.ly/i5xC9l 04:40pm Hujan, mendung, mati lampu, sendirian di rumah, lilin pada enggak mau berdiri di tempatnya. Pengen banting gosokan rasanya. 05:05pm Proyek 1o juta megawatt nya PLN tuh sbenernya udah jalan belom sih? Biar gak mati lampu, mati gas gini loh. Ini hari jumat loh. 05:07pm Bisa pilih hari lain loh klo mau ada pemadaman bergilir. Bkn hari jumat. Ini tiang listrik nya dari jaman penjajahan belom diganti atau gmn 06:10pm Yeah, I spilled wine twice within 1o minutes. It went over my clothes and dining's sheet. Can anyone be clumsier than moi? 07:51pm Never drink anything before u come 2 ur English class otherwise you're gonna end up told everybody the way you want to be proposed. Uncool. 08:18pm @tieshadiona KENAPA? Kok bisa?? Brenski itu polisinya. >:O 09:31pm Conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to. That's just the trouble with the world today. –Jiminy Cricket #disneywords 10:53pm @sashlicious tonton trans 7 deh! Briptu Norman lucuuu bgttt!! Nyanyinya loh maksudnya 10:59pm Kerupuk apa roda traktor ? (Courtesy @bonitawisnuw) http:// plixi.com/p/90574046
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:13pm @bonitawisnuw Schizo! OhmiGod, Schizo!! Aduh dia main dong please please pas ulang tahun gue. 11:53pm You'll have greater power if you don't show all your cards. 11:59pm @embunvictoria td di yarra, tp udh dititipin di lekiu. Gk tau deh udh di bonie apa belom.
Sat Apr 09 12:04am @embunvictoria beli lah. Buat koleksi, tp saran nya sebenernya practical bgt kok. Gue rasa lo udah tau semuanya. 01:38am Arifinto: saya tidak tahu itu kalau itu situs porno. YEAH, RIGHT! You should be ashamed, mister. Lagi rapat loh, bahkan dia wakil dr PKS -.12:44pm @bonitawisnuw RT @infojakarta: Drama king & drama queen, gabung kesini http://ow.ly/4wzWO @soyjoyid ngadain online drama reality show. 03:47pm Vorrei comprare un bel vestito per il mio compleanno T.T 04:55pm @Christichi GUE MAAAAAUUU IKUUUTAAAAANNN!!!! T_T 04:57pm "It's Jakarta ya yg asian version of NY" .Tya Sumarsono" RT @Christichi: "Singapore is asian version of New York" - Yannick Lemaire XD 05:01pm Me and my family are Javanese but we are more Chinese than the Chinese themselves. We love chinese food so much, we use any excuse to eat it 05:01pm and we believe in fengshui more than the chinese believe in it. But ironically, none of us can speak Mandarin.
Titya Sumarsono
05:02pm @beQii mau tattoo apa lagi bekk?? Eh disitu bisa tato aksara kuno bali enggak? 05:16pm @bonitawisnuw kaki gue gak cente ngan......!! 06:46pm My family's idea about spending saturday night together? Shopping for washing machine. No kidding. 06:57pm Tifatul : siap pecat arifinto. → tumben tifatul brainy. -.06:59pm Fire is hot, but so am I, that's me. HAHAHA RT @bonitawisnuw: Ice is cool but I'm looking for more, that's me,
Sun Apr 10 12:01pm Saking kelaperannya, perut gue udah sampe capek sendiri bikin bunyi-bunyi keroncongan 05:33pm DVD 'Casablanca' masih ada yang jual enggak sih ngomong2? 05:45pm Dari kemarin semangat banget mau ngerayain ulang tahun, tapi pas ditanya mau kado apa, bingung enggak bisa jawab. -.06:33pm @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw temen siapa nih maksudnya *KEPO* 06:41pm @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw @tianhutauruk @findryany SAPOSE DESE ??? *KEPOtudemeks*
Mon Apr 11 01:16pm Dear @bonitawisnuw, baca bbm please. Sincerely, Tya. 03:41pm Aduuuh duuh, perut kekenyangan sampe sakit, bisa enggak sih orang pingsan gara-gara kekenyangan? :/ 04:08pm @sashlicious buruan pulang! Gak usah peres2 in gue soal Marilyn Monroe T.T
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:42pm Niat nya jadi cewek2 putri keraton gitu, mknya kemarin beli shower gel + body lotion tradisional wangi jasmine. Shower gel nya emg wangi..1 04:45pm Pas body lotionnya udh dipake, gue baru tau kalo body lotion nya bukannya wangi Jasmine tp malah wangi AXE.. 04:46pm Wangi body lotion nya awet banget nempel di badannya. Sampe2 gue gk bisa tidur sore, karena sekujur badan gue wangi axe. T.T 04:52pm enggak pernah follow 'Gossipyukdotcom' knp tiba2 skrg nongol di time line gue? Ngebahas ttg 'Astrid kencangkan paha buat nikah' Astrid who? 07:41pm I can't wait for wed to come. Gonna celebrate my birthday (a lil bit sooner, I know) with my english class \m/ 11:22pm @steviegabriel itu lagunya emang bad luuuckkk! Setiap yg denger itu pasti putus 11:32pm @miamishine @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria alhamdulillaaaaahhn puji tuhaaan. Bonie nginep I tpt kamu din?
Tue Apr 12 12:01am @RAEindra mau dong bang, si neng dibeliin dress herve leger nya, yang warna gold tapi ya bang. hahahaahahhaha xp 11:04am @bonitawisnuw coming home on thurs -.11:22am @bonitawisnuw @findryany huahauahahahahahahaa!! Semoga aja dikasih duit yaa sama cukong nya, biar bisa popping bottle, haiahahahaha 11:27am Ohmigod! Gue masih enggak percaya adek gue mau ngelamar anak orang, pdhl umurnya dia msh 2o thn.
Titya Sumarsono
12:12pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw oke tunggu gue yaa, gue agak telat nih, soalnya mau les nari dulu, kalian makan aja duluan 12:16pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw anget sih enggak. Sedikit delusional mungkin 02:15pm Santai broohh RT @bonitawisnuw: Mampus tyasumarsono dikatain PEREUS sama emak gueee. Bahahahahahaha. LOL 03:11pm Disaat lg gk pengen apa2, semua orang pada berlomba-lomba pengen kasih gue kado. Makasih ya buat para handai taulan yg udh pd perhatian 03:23pm @bonitawisnuw oooh cuma wacana aja toh ternyata? ya ampun jadi malu gue, sampe nge-post2 ke twitter segala T_T 03:25pm @missnadyabenjay RT @tweetdetik: Bintang porno Amerika Serikat Sasha Grey menjadi nilai jual... http://bit.ly/hT8kyc 03:34pm Di singapore gk ada yg jual popcorn sih emang RT @Christichi: Can't wait to go home and eat some popcorn,batuk batuk deh :9 04:42pm I don't need a loose end. I need a closure. 05:31pm Sumpah deh! Ini nyamuk2 di kuburan kenapa ganas banget sih? T.T 05:36pm Betah ya di singapore? Gak ada popcorn gak ada bakso gitu. Pulang deh, kerja disini aja @Christichi: Tiba2 pengen makan bakso,ujan2 gini :s 05:44pm Kayaknya tadi tujuan awal nya cuma mau nyekar deh, kenapa sekarang jadi kayak Lebaran dini sih? Silaturahmi kesana kemari -.05:56pm Kegemaran orang jawa akan teh manis memang patut diacungi jempol. Gue sukses kenyang teh manis akibat bersilahturahmi kesana kemari hari ini
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:26pm RT @tianhutauruk: I believe once i make it here, i can make it everywhere 08:23pm Pasti sukaaa, kan dibelinya pake cintaaaa, ahahahahahaha RT @embunvictoria: I have something fer you baby tyasumarsono smg kamu suka yaa 08:24pm @tianhutauruk emang sengaja pake have mister, lebih enak didengar nya, bilang gitu aja. 09:10pm RT @iAmDewiUtari: Di atas langit ada langit...buat apa pusing buat apa congkak..:p 09:38pm Biji cabe RT @tianhutauruk: @tyasumarsono di atas roti ada telur,di atas telur ada ham,di atasnya ada keju,di atasnya sambel,di atas sambel? 11:10pm @embunvictoria ih ke bali gak ajak ajak ih sebel ih ngambek ah pokoknya (´0`ƪ) 11:25pm @diondelli dion dion desain Ariete gue yang @Christichi kasih tau lo itu udh dibikinin beloom? (´0`ƪ) 11:27pm Diajak ke Bali sama @embunvictoria tempting banget loh emang. Belom pernah ke bali sama dia soalnya.
Wed Apr 13 10:18am GOOOOD MOORNIINGG!! Buon Giorno!! I just woke up & w no apparent reason I feel so good & I'm H-A-P-P-Y!! Yeah, I jst spelled the word happy. 10:46am Flipping thru magz, looking for better ideas. 11:00am Kate Moss nikaaah tahuun ini???? Ohmigod!!! 12:20pm Baru sadar kalo sekarang udah mau summer lagi. Gaaaak sabaaar libuuuraaaaaaannn!!!!!
Titya Sumarsono
01:29pm Bbm lo kenapa siih deh ih ah @bonitawisnuw 01:35pm Belom dapet venue, belom nemu ide buat dress, belom dapat uang sih yang jelas → stress sampe pengen makan gelato. 01:38pm if you're in jogja or plan to go to there, you must go to Artemy Gelato. This is cute lil store selling gelato&sorbet, beside mal malioboro. 01:41pm Artemy Gelato sells the most delicious gelato and sorbet in town w ridiculously cheap price. 01:44pm Semoga gelato dgn rasa hazelnut karamel dan oreo dgn topping wafer coklat dan festiv meses bisa ngurangin stress 02:19pm Harga tiket pesawat nya ternyata dikorting lagi. Duh hari ini tuh hari keberuntungan gue atau gimana sih? *tweetsombong* 02:21pm Flapper dress oh flapper dress, where can I find one? 05:23pm Lagi dan Lagi kehilangan touche eclat. Pengen teriak bgt loh rasanya. 06:34pm Celebrating my birthday w my english class!!!! \m/ 06:55pm @bonitawisnuw but I won't be at ef on frid. Gonna celebrate w you bonie babe, remember? Hahahaha 07:41pm @fiorentinalagi thxx darling!! xxx 08:06pm Thxx for the surprise darlings @fiorentinalagi @nsambowo . I was speechless makanya sampai straight face xp love u dearests xx 10:26pm Kok sekarang udah jarang sih iklan m-15o nya? :/ 10:43pm @bonitawisnuw aduh HOT bgt bon cowoknya beneran deh. @fiorentinalagi kata siapa udh nikah? *patah hati* 10:50pm RT @tieshadiona: wanying. langsung ada aja nih accountnya si ubu (UletBulu) --> @ulatbullu HAHAHAHA 11:23pm @egajaya masih enggak bisa berhenti ketawa baca bbm kamu di grups. Sumpah kangen banget!!! *ciumkangensampebasah*
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Thu Apr 14 07:37am @tianhutauruk iya dong pastinya. Yang pasti pasti aja gitu deh, kayak pagoda pastiles gitu jadinya, yes pasti sih. -.07:38am Only slept for 2hours, and weirdly I don't feel sleepy at all, this sleep apnea has taken to the next level. 09:14am In less than 24 hours I'm gonna celebrate my birthday w my darlings \m/ 09:24am Ohmigod! I could marry a pilot, seriously, they look so hot in their uniform, and so manly, and they can fly a plane, enough said. 09:32am Y do every time I didn't get enough beauty sleep, I always bump into cool people on the plane? Like the Duta & the whole SheilaOn7, for ex. 09:33am You gotta be joking, aight? 09:42am RT @tweetdetik: Anggota DPR 'Liburan' ke AS Hingga Prancis Telan Rp 4,5 M → dasar okabe!! Gk tambah pinter juga jd wakil rakyat nya. 10:03am @beQii harus ketrima bekk!! Jadi gue bisa pt diskon klo nginep di hard rock. Ahahahahaha. Ngelamar apa disana? 11:31am Kanjeng gusti pangeran, lapar nya minta ampun, pengen makan lontong sayur T.T 12:01pm BEEF!!!!! RT @KhloeKardashian: KOBE!!!!!!!!!! 12:06pm Perang tawar-menawar harga dengan tukang jahit, biasanya selalu diakhiri dengan kekalahan di pihak...... penawar, alias saya, tentu saja. 12:24pm Gue udh mau nyampe, jgn nonton lakers aja. RT @bonitawisnuw: HOREEEEE LAKERS!!! 02:09pm Adek nya alex tian sama gorgeous nya deeehh
Titya Sumarsono
04:02pm Yes, pasti sih RT @ThisDamnQuote: Falling in love is like jumping off a building. ur head tells you "NO" but ur heart tells u "You can fly!" 06:53pm Mi Blo'on. Sampe blo'on beneran ngatur duduk nya biar gak ditabrak-tabrak orang. 08:25pm Somewhere between tokyo and italy 09:56pm @tianhutauruk ih parah gue enggak diajak ketemu. T_T 11:25pm Confirmed. Confirmed. And confirmed. ‹(˘⌣˘)› 11:37pm Terimakasih Terimakasih xp RT @alvinyus: The best thing about me is you
Fri Apr 15 12:06am And that's the time that she walked away from me... Nobody likes you when you're twenty three → blink 182 singing on my thought 01:11am Thxxsomuch for the loyal bf @bonitawisnuw & the Loewy crew esp Malvin for the surprise birthday cake & free Patron (: I'll never forget xx 01:14am RT @bonitawisnuw: Happy umroh ya sayang!!! @erness titip doa!!! Hahahhaha 01:48am Took a shower, washed my hair, tuck my self in comfy blanket, sweet dreams everyone :) 12:16pm @embunvictoria si @tirtasumarsono lg sibuk mau ngelamar anak orang, gk usah diharap mbun, beneran deh. 12:20pm @embunvictoria @tirtasumarsono tanya yang bersangkutan saja yaa, hahahahaha
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:35pm "Men grow cold as girls grow old & we all lose our charms in the end" M. Monroe → I really do hope my man & my charms won't do such a thing 12:36pm @steviegabriel thank you for the sweet wishes darlink stevie :* 12:38pm @bonitawisnuw thk u for saying that 23 is gonna fucked up. As if my life hasn't already f up. LOL. Thx for staying w me even thou I hit 23. 12:39pm @santyjuwita thxxfor the wishes darling, I miss you even more :* :* 12:40pm Thxx love (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) RT @robybone: Happy B'day tyasumarsono makin sukses, tambah cantik, wish u all the best yah (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) 12:41pm @egajaya thxx for the wishes ega sygg, I'll meet you tonight. xx 12:42pm Thxxsomuch Jack RT @JakaSagAla: Selamat Ulang Tahun tyasumarsono semoga sukses dan sehat2 Selalu Yahhh..:) 12:43pm Thank you Letta :* RT @lettacoralee: Happy bday tyasumarsono wish you all the best dear, hugs! :) 12:43pm Thxxfor the wishes darling, I'll meet u tonight :* RT @miamishine: Happy b'day dear tyasumarsono...be more ... http:// tmi.me/8RQjR 12:44pm @dechudea @missnadyabenjay thxxsomuch for the wishes!! xx 12:45pm Thank you pretty becca!!! xx RT @RebeccaBillina: tyasumarsono tya ultah yaa!? Tahniah tyaa!! Selamat hari lahirr!! \(´▽`)/ 12:45pm @tieshadiona thxx for the wishes darlink nona, I'll meet you tonight :* 12:46pm @ardynotowidigdo thxx for the wishes ardy. (: 12:46pm Thxxso dora :D RT @theodoratb: happy birthday tyasumarsono 53
Titya Sumarsono
12:47pm Thxsomuch tian babe, I miss you!! RT @tianhutauruk: Happy birthday dear hot and dangerous tyasumarsono, i hope to ... http:// tmi.me/8RQHC 12:47pm Thank you echiii!!! xx RT @desireeseoulika: Happyy birthday tyasumarsono wish you all the beesst =) xx 12:48pm Thx love xx RT @agneschrestella: Happy bday dear tyasumarsono .. May God always be with you cantiiikkk... Wish you all the best.. *kiss*kiss 12:49pm @echawannaknow thxx for the wishes sygg. Pin bb nya 2159B22B 12:50pm @embunvictoria thanksomuch for the sweet wishes embun baby!! I'll meet you tonight. xx 12:51pm Love u even more xx RT @CindyLubis: Happy bday tyasumarsono ! You go girl, you deserve the very best! God bless u now & forever more! I ♥ U 12:52pm @evaniaummy thank youuu ummy :* 12:52pm Thxx sexy :* RT @RioDwika: Happy B'day tyasumarsono yg petite and sexy. Semoga mendapatkan semua berkah dr Allah SWT... 12:53pm @nandarossa @amelianurinna thxx for the wishes my darlings :* 12:57pm Thxx love, xx RT @TasyaRai: Happy bday dear tyasumarsono. Wish u all the best. Get a fabulous life everyday.. Cheers \(»'⌣'«)/ \(^o^)/ 01:12pm Thank u anggit!! xx RT @ahanindya: Happy birthday dear tyasumarsono smg segera menerbitkan buku'ny, sukses terus, bahagia selalu ya cantik.. 02:07pm @LinggomPerdana @davidpsinaga @AntoineteAudrey thank so much birthday wishes nyaa!!! (: xx 54
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:07pm @YarraMega thxx love, x 02:08pm @pringgodigdo thxx for the wishes my love, looking forward to see you tonight. xx 02:10pm @evandrasubagyo @reillyadut @derriekleefstra @VeldaAnabela thx for the sweet wishes gorgeous', hope they do come true. xx 02:10pm @arnoldyesontha thxx for the wishes arnold :D xx 02:10pm @cumaiann thxx for the wishes :D 02:11pm @animenur thxx for the wishes pretty :D xx 02:12pm @DolphinRhenaa thank youu rhenaaa :D 02:12pm Thxx cantikk, xx RT @zerrynoliva: Happy birthday kak tyasumarsono wish you all the best. Stay young and cekci, kiss :* 02:13pm @Christichi thxx for the wishes and the Chanel, and I really wish you were here and not in some stupid foreign country. xx 02:13pm @adeliaanastasia terima kasih adellooo cantiiikkk!! xx 02:18pm RT @LoveScopes: Happy Birthday #Aries Born
4/15=Ardent,Independent,Desirable,Sensitive,Impatient,Excitement,Hesitant,Agg 02:20pm Mbak nya umur berapa?|23|oh, masih kecil itu, masih muda| ibu2 cantik itu bener2 gak tau betapa berharganya kata2 dia buat gue. 02:33pm @TheMatiks nulis selamat aja selamay, emang matik tudemeks, LOLs, hidup matik, thanks!! xx 05:02pm RT @MentionKe: #MentionKe temen lo yang tiap hari kerjaanya pacaran dan ga bisa hidup tanpa pacar . . . @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria 05:47pm Demi kebaikan bersama, please jalanan hari ini jangan macet ya. 05:50pm Terimakasih sayangg, xx RT @dianpadma: tyasumarsono happy birthday tya cantiik :** 55
Titya Sumarsono
05:51pm Thxx love, xx RT @connypramita: Happy bday tyasumarsono .. Have a great one :) 05:52pm Thank yoouuu darlink rockyy!!! xx RT @Sonduck: tyasumarsono tya happy b'day wish u all the best GBU.. 06:02pm Thxx li, you bet I will. RT @Lialestarisxo: tyasumarsono happy b day. Hv a great one. 06:03pm @fiorentinalagi maaf deh jeng. xx 06:04pm Thxx pretty :D RT @iladavina: tyasumarsono happy birthday :D 06:05pm @audreyjiwajenie terimakasih audrey sayaangg, seandainya doa tambah gendut nya bisa sesegera mungkin terlaksana, hahaha 06:13pm @fiorentinalagi kan calon FTV ramadhan di pesantren jogja. Ahahahahahaha 07:25pm @bonitawisnuw cd good charlotte gue di jogja lg, padahal gue desperet pgn dengerin like it's birthday dari kemarin 10:42pm Everybody's gone. Being 23 sucks already.
Sat Apr 16 12:10am Ternyata di kerjain. Hahahahhaaa 01:15am Tumben rame 01:28am @nimasayukinasih thank you nimas!!! xxx 01:29am @steviegabriel I love you even MOOOOOORRRREEEEE gorgeousss!!! xxxxxx 01:30am @rennow wish you vere here darling!!! That way, we can party like there's no tomorrow!!! Loll. Xxx 01:32am The last time I wore this dress was.... 03:04am Indhy samosir a.k.a @indhysamosir paling jago bikin maluuu!!!
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:52am I can't drive. Straight dot. 05:08am Sleepoverwith @sashlicious and @bonitawisnuw in my cubicle. Sweetdreamseveryone (: 09:22pm Craving for canteen hamburger
Sun Apr 17 04:51am When u're suffering from bloody stomach cramp, what u want2do is lie on bed then sleep 4the next 1o hours, not catching the earliest flight. 05:35am @bonitawisnuw It was one of those rare moments where I could spent my satnite with u, so don't sweat it. 05:45am @fiorentinalagi ohmigod! I'm soooooooo NOT into it. :__________(( 05:56am @bonitawisnuw you wouldn't fucking believe it. Gue satu pesawat lagi sama Duta. Mau nangis gak lo? 05:59am Ohmigod! Gue enggak percaya pulang pergi satu pesawat sama Duta. If it isn't a fate I don't know what it is. 12:55pm Thank you Uranus 12:56pm @miamishine AYOK BANGET KE ITALY !!! 12:58pm Merasa sangat bersalah. 01:30pm @bonitawisnuw @Christichi eh papaw singapore, gue paskah balik loh ke jakarta. Awas lo gak ketemu gue. xx 01:37pm About to pay utang tidur. Sweet dreams everyone. xx 05:00pm RT @animenur: Just woke up from a 4 hours long nap. I feel like coming back from death. 05:03pm Sudah hampir 3o jam belum bersentuhan sama shower gel. 07:08pm A perfect proposal #nowreading
Titya Sumarsono
07:27pm As if nanana nanana *niatnya mau ngelanjutin lagunya, tp lupa liriknya*RT @bonitawisnuw: as if!!! 07:33pm As if it's ever gonna come to that *udah inget liriknya* RT @bonitawisnuw: as if!!! 07:42pm #nowplaying radiohead-nice dream 07:55pm Wherever you're going, I'm going your way. 08:16pm RT @TweetRAMALAN: Negara Luar yang cocok untuk ARIES: Amerika Serikat, Swiss, Thailand, Perancis, Spanyol 08:17pm RT @TweetRAMALAN: Merk Mobil yg cocok untuk ARIES: BMW, Jaguar, Ferrari, Ford, Hummer, Audi, Mercedes-Benz 09:23pm @bonitawisnuw @Christichi coklat yang banyak khusus buat gue! Kemarin gue gk kebagian, dan kado gue jgn lupa HAHAHA 11:00pm Awkward things come to those who waits 11:20pm @diondelli nonton dimaaanaaa?? 11:25pm @diondelli gue gk nonton, gue kira itu udah bulan lalu gitu disetelnya, hahahaha 11:48pm @shinosjournal si @steviegabriel udah jadi skinny bitch lohh shino, jangan salaaahh, bahkan dia udh mau diorbitin jd penyanyi
Mon Apr 18 12:07am @victoriabeckham Happy birthday my role model since I was a kid. May your birthday wishes & dreams come true. Wish you all the very best! x 10:26am TIDAAAAAAAAAAKKK......!! RT @ZodiacFacts: It seems like #Aries season is ending soon. I hope #Taurus are ready. 10:29am Good morning, I'm yawning, and welcome to the second day of not taking a shower..
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:51am @aryawicaksana thaaank yooouuu yo. :D 10:53am Ih biji jarak ternyata bisa dibuat jadi energi alternatif dari kompor minyak. Keren juga. 11:01am RT @animenur: Hari ini akan menulis dan menulis! 11:02am Suka bgt sm newsplatter. 04:28pm Ohmigod! Ramalan horoskop gue bener banget sih! I love you Uranus. Please, stay in Aries for the next 5o years. 05:02pm Thank You 05:11pm Peri nya makan gula sambil nari2 ya? HAHAHA RT @derrickjs: Dance of the sugarplum fairy - tchaikovsky 05:23pm @bonitawisnuw besok aja churros nya sama gue. 05:24pm Uuuww, cyereem cyekali. Beware of bonita's wrath, people. LOL RT @bonitawisnuw: one day you will know the sense of not having me around. 05:40pm @tieshadiona MAAAAAUUUU doooong kerja di plankton 05:48pm Briptu Norman had me at Chaiya Chaiya deh beneran. Ngefans bgt. Jadi pengen ke Gorontalo. 05:53pm @egajaya temenin ketemu sama briptu norman yuuuukkk 06:31pm snobbitch
Tue Apr 19 01:43pm MAAAUUUU!!! RT @zerrynoliva: Udang w/ homemade BBQ Sc http://plixi.com/p/93831032 01:44pm Abis minum obat alergi, kenapa jadi skuts gini? 01:52pm @tianhutauruk yeess pasti sih kak, uwong niki buat alergi xp 04:14pm I'm keeping my opinions to myself cause they just get me in trouble
Titya Sumarsono
05:24pm RT @embunvictoria: Adoh lapar lagi dan lagi dan lagi 05:25pm Ke Jakarta ku kan kembaliii... Uwooo uwooo.. *nyanyi* RT @Christichi: Oke,pulang!! 06:28pm Fed up with some made up words. 06:38pm Dari semua timeline orang2 yang gue follow, dan dari timeline gue sendiri, enggak berlebihan kalo dibilang ini hari emosi sedunia 07:32pm I envy @Christichi so much. She's going to see @JoelMadden this week in Singapore. 07:42pm Smiiiileeeee, even thou your head is aching... 09:09pm RT @Christichi: @tyasumarsono RT @JoelMadden: On my way to singapore...with a few stops along the way. Let's go! 10:24pm ada yang kenal org permusikan gak?Gue mau orbitin @bonitawisnuw nih. Dia baru aja ngirimin vn ke gue nge rap lagu nya @NickiMinaj satu album 10:26pm Gue enggak boong. Temen gue @bonitawisnuw oke bgt nyanyi rap nya. She can do many things, but I've never thought she can Rap. 10:37pm @ElizandJames you will love lomo. They're cool if you're interested in fashionography. Each camera has different result thou. 10:39pm Thxx love, xx RT @LavieLoveChanel: tyasumarsono Nice avatar :) 10:44pm RT @CELEBUZZ: BREAKING: Demi Lovato is leaving 'Sonny with a Chance'! http://bit.ly/dRxS58 10:45pm RT @TRIBUNnews1: TRIBUNnews.com Heboh, Foto Kuntilanak di Pohon Nangka: Salah seorang warganya tanpa sengaja ... http://bit.ly/fHk2TS 10:58pm RT @WhoWhatWear: City Classic: Karolina Kurkova is our Look of the Day! http://www.whowhatwear.com/blog/
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Wed Apr 20 06:51am A good trip is when you road trip & there are plenty of snacks to be chewed later, pillows, blanket, katy perry & ke$ha sing along the way 06:57am @fiorentinalagi you too *smooch* 08:11am @tianhutauruk Here i stand, alone and on my own again laugh too loud, no tears to cry and i really want to cry. Lovethatsong! \m/ 08:31am @tianhutauruk iyaa, tp gue suka nya yang radio edit. Mencerminkan hati bgt deh lagunya xp 08:41am Okay, it's Ke$ha's turn!! Hot and dangerous,if you're one of us, then roll w\ us, & no, you don't wanna mess w\ us got Jesus on my necklace 08:45am Imma get sleazy, sorry daddy but I'm not that easy. I don't need love looking like diamonds. An I don't need your benz 10:20am Kepala gue baru diajak road trip tiga jam aja kenapa udah mliyeng mliyeng ya? @_@ 03:27pm RT @LinggomPerdana: Happy cannabis day,, spread weed all around the world.. Lho? Hahaha 03:28pm Diskon dong sama gue RT @oddybass: Jual tiket festival maroon 5..cuuma 1 tiket gw buka harga 2jt nego tipis..feel free to ask.. 03:57pm @sinonce apa nooncee butuh ide apa? Sini sini tak bantu ne 05:59pm Ngomong2 ini knp langit gelap bgt ya, lg berjalan di tengah sawah pula, brasa di film twister slash independence day. Bentar lg muncul alien 06:24pm Eh nanya dong para pengguna twitter, maroon 5 kapan sih konser sebenernya? :/
Titya Sumarsono
07:22pm "This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal..." http://tumblr.com/x5j26ys63v 08:07pm 12 jam pantat bersentuhan sama jok mobil, lumayan ledes juga. Anyway, it's nice to be home again. 08:19pm @bonitawisnuw I didn't bring her home ): . Gue pake harrier nya, xp 08:44pm Pulang2 nyampe rumah, kenapa menemukan benda ini ya? Enggak inget pernah beli http://plixi.com/p/94189879
Thu Apr 21 09:13am Selamat hari Kartini ! Mari kita pakai Kebaya hari ini!! xx 10:15am Resiko orang enggak punya kunci rumah → harus nunggu salah satu anggota rumah buat pulang dulu, baru bisa pergi. T.T 02:39pm RT @TMCPoldaMetro: 14:05 Imbas kebakaran di Lantai 20 Gedung Tamara Sudirman, Bundaran HI arah ke Semanggi lalin padat. 02:48pm Ada ada aja loh kejadian hari ini, dari skala kecil sampe gede, sampe stress, jadi pengen ngemil dimsum sambil nonton di blitz 03:03pm BOSAAAAAAAANNN!! Ngapain ya enaknya? 03:29pm Keuntungan tinggal di komplek Moi adalah bisa ke blitz, makan dimsum, nyalon, semua nya tanpa harus repot2 pake makeup & nyetir mobil. 03:40pm Oh iya, sampe lupa, buat yang beragama Kristen dan Katholik, selamat Hari Rabu Abu, Kamis Putih, Jumat Agung, dan Sabtu Paskah. xx 04:02pm @beQii oh, terus sabtu nya sabtu apa dong namanya? Sabtu suci? 04:35pm @RAEindra pasti lagi facial emas 3o karat -.-
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:39pm In the spirit of summer, I asked the manicurist to paint my fingers bright yellow. I really wish they won't look ridiculous 06:30pm @bonitawisnuw gosh! Gue sampe ikut2 an zonk baca nya. Mwahahahahahaha 07:45pm Indosat!! Sinyaall wooyy sinyaaall. Prett bgt dah 07:48pm Nyetir di jakarta bikin rambut gue botak. 08:42pm *frowning* 10:55pm @steviegabriel avatar twitter nya ahzeeekk banget deehh ;) . Drpd bored mending bikin sketch flapper dress ku Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡
Fri Apr 22 01:38am @WhoWhatWear yes, I'm excited, because royal wedding is a rare occasion, but I'm more excited about Kate Moss' wedding. 02:24am it's time to hit the sack. sweet dreams everyone. xx 10:37am Ohmigod! Ryan Gigs on indonesian commercial? My morning has just started out perfectly. 10:44am I hope my Christian and Catholic friends will have a reflective Good Friday, and a blessed Easter. xx 12:28pm @VeldaAnabela gak tau ve iklan apa tadi, soalnya pas baru bangun lsg nyetel tv, masih collecting soul jd gak ngeh, HAHA 01:39pm BAAAAGIIIIIIII dooooongggg !!! RT @tieshadiona: choco cupcakes fresh from the oven! woohoo http://t.co/eDLDc60 01:48pm Is it cool for someone 2have twitter crush? Where one only follow the other one & find herself gigling every time he tweets about something
Titya Sumarsono
02:47pm @tieshadiona bukan kok, bukan newsplatter. Kurang @ nya tuuh, HAHAHA 02:48pm RT @beQii: TGIF: Thank God I'm fabulous \(◦'ε'◦)/ 03:08pm Choco gateu w macaroons. Diet starts tomorrow. http:// plixi.com/p/94740224 05:30pm I warn you people. Do not valet your car at Senayan City. Ever. 07:28pm @sashlicious gue nunggu 45 menit sambil berdiri2 di pinggir jalan di atas heels setinggi 5 inchi. Talk about varises, eh. 07:30pm Waiter, waiter, where's the waiter?|mas mau roasted chicken nya dong satu sama es teh manis. @bonitawisnuw @miamishine 08:12pm Emang siapa yg ngajak? RT @steviegabriel: Ntar ktmuan di sana langsung aja yaaaa girls @bonitawisnuw @miamishine tyasumarsono @findryany :) 10:25pm @tianhutauruk @findryany it was lovely seeing u babes. @bonitawisnuw @miamishine grazie udah nemenin gue muter2 mol sampe betis berkonde :*
Sat Apr 23 10:38am They say I have to have somebody, they say you have to be someone, they say if you're not lonely alone, Boy, there is something wrong 10:47am Never give the game away, try to keep me entertained baby, don't make it too easy, I'm under your spell don't release me 11:49am Ada yang tau gak klo mau beli isi polaroid yang gede dimana? Yang jenis px 6oo. Di passer baroe yang jelas gk jual. Thxx
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:51am Iih najis ih, harga isi polaroid mini 140 ribu. Yang boneng boneng aja deh. Sebenernya mas mas ancol itu beli dimana sih isi polaroid nya? 12:01pm @sherlyiwandi @RibcaSPT berapa isi polaroid instax mini sama yang px 6oo (yg gede) ? Mau doong kalo murah harganya 12:02pm @bonitawisnuw gue akhirnya beli isi buat yg mini. One hundred fifty fucking thousand. Daylight robbery indeed. 12:50pm @Christichi RT @JoelMadden: Singapore who's coming out to Kudeta??!! Tonight is gonna be fun!! 01:18pm RT @LinggomPerdana: Gw mau ke LOMBOK!!!!!!!! 01:49pm YAY!!! Nothing beats today's heat like shopping for engagement ring (♥⌣♥) 08:35pm @miamishine @tianhutauruk what kind of my party would be without yous? T_T 09:21pm RT @TweetRAMALAN: Nama Kota yang cocok untuk ARIES: Madrid, Copenhagen, Manchester, London, Roma 10:36pm Cupcakes nya @tieshadiona enak banget! Gak boong! Kalo ada yang mau pesen cupcakes murah dan enak ky cupcakes nya Mulia, tweet ke sini aja. 10:41pm Ini contoh cupcakes bikinannya @tieshadiona . Kalo mau pesen, tweet aja lsg. (: http://plixi.com/p/95172371 10:56pm Yoka yoka nya kenyang banget, sampe bleneg gue masih sekarang @derrickjs @bonitawisnuw 11:15pm Yuuuuk maareeeehh LOL RT @Sonduck: Mari kita lanjutkan malam minggu ini
Sun Apr 24
Titya Sumarsono
12:37am Kalo ada rasa malu yang bisa bikin orang mati mendadak itu ya sekarang ini 12:48am See you later alligator. HA! 01:42am Happy belated day to moi and @steviegabriel @tieshadiona @egajaya @CindyLubis @roarcadets @findryany @alvinyus I love you. 02:42am Laugh too loud, no tears to cry And i really want to cry 03:08am @Sonduck rocky! Gosh! You know I love you! Why on earth you think those tweets aimed for you? You know I lobve you. ... http:// tmi.me/9g5ff 03:42am @tieshadiona thank you love! I love you! And your boyfriend! I love you both!!! 04:14am We used to laugh about something how we'll never be like those bitches from our hiskool. But you know what, we do what they do, eventually. 08:41pm @RibcaSPT kalo mau beli isi polaroidnya, aku ambil barang nya gimana ya? Aku pengen yang kecil 3 pax yang gede 3 pax gitu sih?
Mon Apr 25 11:57am @sherlyiwandi @RibcaSPT sherly, aku udh pindah gak di medit lg, skrg tinggal di moi. Kalo yg gk polos berapa ya hrg nya? Ada pin bb gk? 12:38pm I'm at RS PGI Cikini (Jl. Raden Saleh No. 40, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/fFN5MT
Tue Apr 26
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:12pm @RibcaSPT aku kan jd pesen polaroidnya yg non polos yg kecil 3 px yg gede non polos 3 px, ngambil nya sama duit pembayarannya kmn ya. Thx 02:59pm w @embunvictoria. Having our super super late lunch. Gnom gnom (@ Avorio Italiano & BAR Plaza Senayan) http://4sq.com/ijfV3e 07:02pm Yang mau beli cupcakes enak, bentuk nya keren, dgn harga bersahabat silahkan tweet @DLiemCupcakes . Tlg bantu Retweet. Thxx 07:13pm Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Bismillah, bismillah 07:51pm @tianhutauruk bukan sayaangg, barusan gue visited daerah dgn suasana bronx di jakarta sendirian, HAHA 07:55pm @tianhutauruk hot and dangerous! AWWW! Panas ciiyn. Hahaha 08:00pm RT @DLiemCupcakes: we're serving delicious cupcakes for all occasions! for more info/order, contact: diona.liem[at]yahoo.com. thankyou! :)” 08:48pm From one to another, from calm and serious to funny three stooges. 10:37pm @tieshadiona nonaa, bb mati yaa? Di bbm kok centang2 aja, temenku ada yg mau tny soal cupcakes tuuh
Wed Apr 27 01:19pm Haapppyyy birthdaaaay @missnadyabenjay waldorf palermo ! Wish you all the best sayangg, semoga semua doa nya dikabulkan sama Allah! xx 01:39pm RT @VeHandojo: Mestinya ada kontes mencela MODO & MODI, Maskot SEA Games 2011 ini di Twitter. http:// twitpic.com/4prog5
Titya Sumarsono
05:52pm Kitchenette di invasi oleh ibu-ibu ber tas Hermes. Cuma satu orang yg pake tas Chanel bahan tweed. Nicolas Sarkozy should be proud. 05:58pm @robybone iya nanti ya babe, aku jual ginjal dulu, HAHAHA 06:36pm I'm not proud, but I think I just did some fraud. 08:10pm @tianhutauruk tau gitu tadi pulang bareng gue aja -.08:14pm @tianhutauruk hi my fellow hot and dangerouster, HAHAHA 09:30pm RT @agneschrestella: I've got to choose.. Please God,show me your way (‾ʃƪ‾) ..
Thu Apr 28 01:52pm Pantes, macet sampe senayan RT @TMCPoldaMetro: 13:33 Di dkt Mandarin Bundaran HI ditemukan benda mencurigakan, saat ... http://tmi.me/9spzt 01:53pm RT @infojakarta: Benda Mencurigakan Ditemukan di Dekat Kedubes Inggris. jalan dari Bundaran HI menuju imam bonjol ditutup http://ow.ly/4IFtX 02:52pm nyetir di kawasaan Cideng itu selalu bikin deg-deg an, ramburambu lalu lintas yg abstrak, suara klakson yg bising, belum resiko tersesat. 04:17pm Lebih deg-deg an dibanding dulu mau operasi. 04:33pm Sakit sih ini cerita nya 04:50pm @CindyLubis lykke li!! I love that sooong!! 04:50pm @tieshadiona iyaaaa nonaaa. Muahuahaahahaha *ketawasambilnahannangis* 04:54pm @tieshadiona di durga tattoo beb, jd nya, hahaha 04:54pm @CindyLubis aku lg di tattoo parlor sygg, lg I tattoo, jd sakit sakit gimaaaanaaa gitu, HAHAHA
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:58pm @tieshadiona enggak, aku sama guest tattoo artist nya,soalnya aku jawa jawa gitu motif tattoo nya, jd sama yg khusus jawa, hahaha, yuuk sini 05:05pm @CindyLubis @tieshadiona sama, aku juga pgn piercing di belly, kalo gak inget kayaknya nyeri bgt, hahaha 05:47pm It feels so right. 06:13pm @tieshadiona udah di wrap. lusa aku kasih liat. Janji. Ini aja sedikit gk berani pulang kerumah, takut diusir.. T.T HAHAHA 06:13pm RT @AntoineteAudrey: Besok bakalan gak bs nonton WilliamKate deh ini. Ada siaran ulangnya gak ya? (˘̩̩̩o˘̩̩̩) 06:24pm @tieshadiona di pergelangan kaki kanan belakang. Iya td udh dikasih salep khusus after care nya gitu kok, hueheuehehe 06:55pm @infojakarta @onattooo soto betawi di belakang nya pasaraya manggarai. Tapi kalo jam segini udah habis. Jgn sampai kesorean kalo mau kesana 07:43pm Kaki sebelah kanan, dibuat nginjek pedal gas sama rem nyeri, jadi nyetir nya pake kaki kiri, skrg otot paha dalam sebelah kanan kaya bengkak 10:48pm @Christichi bilangin ke @diondelli, salam balik, salam tempel juga deh sekalian
Fri Apr 29 05:20am Hari ini Prince William sma Kate nikah juga at last? Ohmigod! Ohmigod!Ohmigod! Gmn perasaannya Kate ya, tau dia jadi future Queen of England? 09:55am RT @eonline: Have you received your official E! Royal title yet? Get it here: http://eonli.ne/RoyalName
Titya Sumarsono
01:14pm Gak bisa nonton wedding nya Prince Will & Kate, jadi buat beberapa jam kedepan enggak mau mantengin twitter. 03:25pm Dua orang yg gak bisa nonton wedding nya will&kate akhirnya cuma bisa ngayal ngayal babu di bbm. Cc: @Christichi 03:35pm Will Prince Will and Kate do the honor by making some reality show about their privileged married life? 03:48pm Kelamaan di singapore jd stress. Cc: @tieshadiona @findryany @diondelli @Christichi http://plixi.com/p/96971183 05:15pm LOLS RT @findryany: Ini England Royal Wedding bkn Dinasty Ming Royal Wedding!! RT @Christichi: Koko william sm cici kate 05:17pm SUMPAH PENGEN GILA INI GAK BISA NONTON #RoyalWedding 05:20pm Kate Middleton and Grace Kelly are the modern version of Cinderella. Why do girls next door always marry a Prince? #RoyalWedding 05:22pm @tieshadiona krn tinggal dia nona satu2 nya prince yg tersisa buat dinikahin. Makanya tiba2 jadi HOT, hahahaha 05:22pm RT @voguemagazine: The dress revealed: Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen is the designer of Kate Middleton's wedding dress. 05:51pm Girls, let me share you some secrets behind the sudden hotness of Prince Harry. #RoyalWedding 05:51pm First, it is because his brother, Prince Will agak-agak botak yaa kalo dari streaming video yg gue lihat #RoyalWedding 05:53pm Second, his brother, Prince Will getting married today, that makes him the eligible prince. #princeHarrygettinghot #RoyalWedding
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:57pm Third, and this is the main reason why Prince Harry become really HOT... (On my next tweet) #princeHarrygettinghot #RoyalWedding 05:59pm ..because it is truth universally acknowledged, that a man looks HOT in uniform. #princeHarrygettinghot #RoyalWedding 06:04pm RT @mmmargherita: Why it is that i love ny http:// t.co/7sV79Ys → Contoh cewek enggak peduli #RoyalWedding 06:22pm @LinggomPerdana ohmigod! Akhirnya ada juga orang yg berpikiran sama ttg gue soal #RoyalWedding 06:24pm RT @sashlicious: w/ tyasumarsono talkin how much we dont give a damn bout the royal wedding.Yet we talk forover anhour bout it. #kontradiksi 06:44pm RT @radityadika: Isi timeline ttg nonton pernikahan WilliamKate, sementara di sini gue di antara sawah2 dan bunyi jangkrik. 09:28pm *ngakak* RT @RioDwika: Mendadak Kate Middleton jd wanita No.1 di dunia. Perkenalkan saya sepupunya Rio Middlefinger 10:00pm Oke, abis nonton ulasan royal wedding, mari kita nonton cinta cenat-cenut aja sekarang. 10:06pm Beneran gak kuat nonton drama nya cinta cenat cenut, mending nonton how I met your mother aja deh 10:08pm @Christichi sedekah in dong ke gue satu, apa kek gitu, tweed blazer nya gak nolak sih, yg warna item yaa tapi *udahmintagaktaudiri*
Sat Apr 30 08:49am Kepengen cupcakes nya @tieshadiona sampe kebawa bawa mimpi loh ini. Note to self: jgn pantengin foto cupcakes bbm nya nona
Titya Sumarsono
09:30am RT @newsplatter: Why does our pursuit of happiness create unhappiness in the process? 01:09pm Spent your saturday afternoon by watching SATC rerun season4 where Carrie celebrated her 35th birthday alone, was never a good idea. 03:58pm Etiquette for outlaws #nowreading 04:09pm Making fun of someone else's tattoo is like telling a mother that her kid's ugly. 04:18pm okay, I did my homework well. Timing really is everything. And knowing an etiquette is very crucial. 07:24pm Why do my dad have to bring home the good news while I have to tell him (eventually) his bad news? So unfair. 07:41pm Ohmigod! Tonight is the end of april? Holly Mother of God. I am so gonna miss this month.
Sun May 01 11:22am Good yawning. Ohmigod! Today is May the first? Time flies.. 11:27am @newsplatter cowok pake cincin cool2 aja deh, gue punya temen, dia pake cincin berlian (tanpa tunangan) bahkan, macho2 aja kok 12:28pm RT @tieshadiona: jangan lupa nonton pacar saya @roarcadets di Masterchef Indonesia, hari ini jam 16.30 hanya di RCTI #ihik #promosi 01:24pm RT @robybone: Ayo yg beliin gw tiketnya katy perry langsung gw jadiin pacar! ƪ(‾εƪ(‾εƪ("‾ε‾")ʃз‾)ʃε‾)ʃ 01:53pm Ngeliat foto2 ulang tahun kemarin sampe speechless sendiri, mau ketawa udah sampe enggak tega
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:01pm Bulu mata, cat eyeliner, pouting lips, udah siap bgt difoto. tapi, mata gue yg sebelah kanan knp harus mendadak kriyep2 beler gitu sih? -.02:16pm Diliat2 foto nya @tieshadiona di iPhoto gue, kok bentuk muka nya kayak olla ramlan, reese witherspoon yaa? *Envytudemeks* 08:58pm @iyaniyaniyan sama sama sayangg, makasih udah datang (: *kisskissmwaaaaaah* 09:36pm I, Don't have the gut, to tell my dad, that I, have a tat. 09:38pm @roarcadets adiiiiiit, gue gk sempet nonton masterchef nya, ada siaran ulang nya gaak? Kapan gitu? Please2 bilang ada siaran ulang nya 09:58pm @Christichi di skin alive, di cabut hak waris nya, di usir dr rumah, umm, trus apa lagi yaa kira2? Kasih ide dong.. 10:24pm @Christichi abis itu dirajam, abis itu metong deh gue. Kaaaaakk toloong kaaak, konyol banget cerita nya klo gue sampe metong dirajam, hahaha 10:29pm The good, the bad, the brave, and the ugly aspects will come tumbling down, at times, all at once. 11:21pm @Christichi ohmigod! That was very mean of you :__________(((
Mon May 02 12:45am The risk of getting hurt, and how the word love can have another meaning such as, going to Vegas and... http://tumblr.com/ x5j2cfrq1x 01:44am 48.800
Titya Sumarsono
10:53am Even when my soul's not collected yet and I'm still lying on my bed, I've already played "whose baby is this?" w @sashlicious 11:24am What? Osama is dead? I thought he was kind of super hero. America couldn't trace him, and he die hard like Bruce Willis. 11:28am Wait, I think Osama bin Laden was more like one of those mythical creatures. Everybody knows abt him,but did anyone ever see him personally? 11:14pm I've never thought it would be this itchy. Urgh! The temptation to scratch it is so big. And I haven't seen the flakes yet. 11:35pm RT @beQii: Yang di Bali, klo ada yang bday tgl 5, 12, 16, 25 & 31 Mei, & mau dapet hadiah voucher dari HardRock cafe let me know ya ( ‾⌣‾ ) 11:37pm @tieshadiona abeeees noon, paling demen kalo udh waktunya ngolesin aftercare lotion nya deh. Bahkan belom tekelupas, pdhl udh hari ke 5 11:41pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Sexiest pics of England's last single prince...http://bit.ly/jlife5 (PHOTOS)
Tue May 03 01:50pm A little earthquake goes along the way 05:48pm @sashlicious We def have to make a book from our daily stupid whatsapp convo and those bunch of stupid emails. Raditya dika lewat. 06:05pm I love sponge bob, marc jacobs loves him too. does that make me belong to high couture fashion world? #randomthought 07:08pm My word might be SEEK. (Then again, let's be honest--it might just easily be HIDE) -Liz Gilbert
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:12pm I gave up after one bit of soy joy. I will never know why people call it 'cemilan'.
Wed May 04 11:58am @tianhutauruk london bloke? What are you? Are you into guys now? Hahahahaaha 12:03pm @tianhutauruk gosh! I thought you're changing direction, LOL, forget london bloke or new yorker, what about the lady on the bus? *wink* 12:07pm it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. -charles dickens 12:11pm @tianhutauruk iya itu, apa kabar nya doi? Hahahaa 12:49pm Are you seeing her?|it's complicated|how?|it's not that simple|it's like being a little bit pregnant. You either are or you're not C.B 01:45pm Saying goodbye is hard. Saying addio is harder. 03:57pm Dicky!!!! Apa kabaaaaarrr??? Kangen iiih!! RT @sashlicious: Konsultasi jodoh bersama @dickysudibyo
Thu May 05 05:25pm @dickysudibyo baaaikk baiiikk jugaa, huahahaha, kemari jepang gempa, ngungsi ke indo gak sih?
Fri May 06 01:01pm @sashlicious siapa yang bilangin sashi gue tersayang COLD? Biar gue gosok pake strikaan, kalo dia mau anget
Titya Sumarsono
02:29pm @sashlicious JIYEEEEHH dikejar2 cowok Perancis nih yee *gak membantu* bilang: I'm not cold, I'm just a little less warm when it comes to you 02:39pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw I miss you twos. Tapi mau gimana lagi dooong, kita tinggal di belahan bumi yang berbeda gini T.T 04:42pm RT @zerrynoliva: Makan puas ber-3 di Dapoe Aceh Melayu Hanya Rp.75.000 (Harga Normal 179.300) Cek detail: http://de.tk/o3T69 04:52pm @findryany gue tadi tidur siang mimpi ke lombok, cuma sehari aja tp ceritanya, survey hotel buat kita bln september. Kurang niat apa coba 05:36pm @findryany 5bln lagi kookk, gak akan terasa, gue belom liat, tp gue mau nginep di villa ombak puuhleeaseeee 05:43pm @findryany mau pingsan gue liat the Lodge nya. Tapi kok gak bisa dibuka dari bb ya? :/ 09:56pm Cinderella did not Google Prince Charming 10:01pm RT @TravelJunkieID: Travel Junkie Indonesia is out! http:// bit.ly/gR3cMC 10:28pm Cinderella did not google, she hired Private Detective RT @RioDwika: My Line!!! SERENA! RT Cinderella did not Google Prince Charming
Sat May 07 12:29am @findryany DIMANAAA ADA NICSAP???? KENAPA TINGGAL GUE ENGGAK PERNAH KETEMU DIA SIH? GUE TAU DIA LEBIH PREFER OSCAR LAWALATA, TAPI TETEP AJA 01:47am Fading too fast 12:47pm Can I start again with my faith shaken?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:09pm #ahzeekk!!! RT @robybone: OK I LOVE U! (‾▿▿▿‾҂)ҧ 02:28pm Ohmigod! One of my best friend is engaged. I'm so happy for her. Finally, there is a good news, and another excuse to buy a dress (: 02:48pm @tianhutauruk pardon et moi? Siapa yaa yang semalaman online asos, belanja sampe gila, hahahaha 02:57pm @gabrielstevie tolong di approve yaaa ini follower nya, -.05:02pm RT @TravelJunkieID: Seaweed farming, #Halmahera Indonesia http://flic.kr/p/8ag7GE 05:17pm RT @tweetdetik: Incubus Konser di Jakarta 26 Juli: http:// bit.ly/jN5ja7 06:17pm Stars fading but I'm lingering on dear... 08:10pm @tieshadiona non non, bb kamu lagi off ya emg? 11:40pm RT @animenur: Just realized that my top priority this year is to be out of Jakarta. In whichever way possible.
Sun May 08 01:43am RT @VeHandojo: So, tell me again, is it #nomention or actually #noguts? 03:28pm Life is an adventure, especially if you mistaken strawberry sorbet as a strawberry gelato then mixed it with dark cioccolato gelato. 10:46pm RT @RebeccaBillina: I am a lot of things going on.
Mon May 09 03:28pm I☺☺☺☺i☺i☺ii☺iii☺i☺iii 09:06pm @Christichi itu foto bbm, foto lo jamaaaan kapaaaaaannn???
Titya Sumarsono
Tue May 10 12:47pm What's everyone been up to? 12:59pm @bonitawisnuw i miss you too!! 01:06pm My messed up hormones has been messing with her brain for quite sometimes. Do I need to get them in order, or should I deal with them later? 02:46pm Yes!! My tatt gonna be retouched. Ahey!! 03:09pm If there's an exception to a smartphone, itu ya blekberi gue. Dibuat kirim gambar gak bisa, terima gambar gak bisa. More like dumbphone 03:13pm @tieshadiona yaak! Betchul sekali! Anda dapat ponten seratus,. Harus nya masih ada dua lagi itu non fotonya, tp ... http:// tmi.me/9Z43d 06:47pm Indonesia, not Singapore. RT @mmmargherita: My grandma says they have the most beautiful flowers in the world there 07:30pm @CindyLubis I miss you too!!! Aku skrg lg gak di jakarta sygg, minggu depan mungkin kesana, kamu kapan ke oklahoma nya? 07:56pm @nsambowo kenapa bete kelas ef nya? 07:57pm And I lose myself in a daydream 08:05pm @CindyLubis aaaaahhh kita harus ketemu sebelum kamu baliiik pokoknya!! Hukhukk :__(( 08:12pm @bonitawisnuw C*NT! Unfortunately ada sih trnyata. Tau drmn ? I'm fuckin pissed off! Belom pernah dilempar pake dumbphone gue ya dia? 08:41pm I gotta finish what I've started long time agoooo, *dubidubidupampam* enjoy the rest of your tuesday people. xx
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:05pm @findryany @RAEindra gak usah khawatir!! Kalian berdua sangat attractive, pasti di ujung jalan akan ada pria2 menarik yang menunggu kalian 09:41pm @egajaya pilem apakah ituuuhh?
Wed May 11 12:59am @RebeccaBillina masih nonton glee ya becca? 01:01am (No) brainy question: Die from excitement or die from grief ? 12:43pm Oh Tuhan yang maha esa, kenapa blekberi saya yang ngakunya smartphone, ternyata enggak bisa ngapa2in gini sih? :/ 12:48pm Jauh2 ke India, Komisi II DPR hanya belajar e-KTP. Pdhl, pemkot Jogja akan menerapkan e-KTP mulai Agustus 2011 (via@TravelJunkieID) 12:52pm Akhir2 ini saya selalu berhasil tidur selama 8 jam. Tapi tidur itu selalu dimulai jam stgh 5 pagi, dan diakhiri jam stgh 1 siang. T.T 05:36pm Kok sewot? LOL RT @Christichi: Berkali2 ktmu love birds ditengah2 sempitnya mrt,cium cium peluk peluk,ntar dulu kek 05:38pm Badan gue nyuruh gue tidur dgn cara ngirim sinyal ngantuk ke mata, tapi pas udah diturutin, bangun2 kepala pusing,mau nya badan gue apa sih? 07:49pm @sofwansweet masih di sf atau udah di ny sih?? 11:55pm Sampe hari ini gue baru bisa tidur jam stgh 5 pagi lagi, daftar jadi satpam komplek aja deh besok.
Thu May 12 12:40am It's like, taking the same bullet. 01:57am @tirtasumarsono pacar ato tunangan? 79
Titya Sumarsono
03:01am You knew this was inevitable. 05:22am The insincerity (the hypocrisy) is spectacular. 12:34pm Just gonna stand there and watch me roar, but that's alright because I am a dinosaur. 04:13pm CARRIE BRADSHAW THE SEQUEL!!! http://lockerz.com/ s/100915995 05:00pm RT @ThisDamnQuote: We can never find 'Perfect friends', But because of their Imperfections we can find 'Perfect moments' with them. 05:53pm Oh Tuhan! Kenapa buku pelajaran Sejarah anak kelas lima sd lebih mahal daripada majalah Instyle? 06:52pm Katanya mau jadi vegetarian, tapi kenapa dari kemarin makannya daging kambing daging sapi terus? :/ #iammeateatingvegetarian
Fri May 13 02:41am Baru sadar kalo sekarang hari Jumat tanggal 13. Bikin merinding aja deh. 02:33pm Gara2 nge tweet soal Friday the 13th bikin merinding sebelum tidur, gue maraton mimpi buruk. Skrg bangun2 cuma bisa bengong 02:41pm Where can I buy @GlamourMagUK in Indonesia??? June issue is out already, but I haven't read it. *upset* 02:45pm @findryany dalam rangka apa ada fireworks? Ada katy perry juga gak? Hahahhahaaa 06:19pm @findryany ohmigod!! Udah fashion food festival ajeeehh,. Aaaaahh pengen liat fireworks boom boom even brighter than the moon 06:20pm AGREED! RT @steviegabriel: Thiss Glee Alcoholic Week was awesome!!!
tyasumarsono's Twournal
06:22pm Malam ini malam jumat tanggal tiga belas. . . Semoga enggak ketemu freddy krueger atau jason di tengah jalan. . . 07:05pm It's Friday night and I'm playing UPWORDS ??? It surely is Friday the thirteenth 09:44pm @CandaceBushnell I've always been a big fan of your work & I just finished reading #Summerandthecity & I LOVE IT!! Gonna read it again soon.
Sat May 14 01:41pm What i've felt, what i've known, never shined through in what i've shown 02:19pm Living my life like every day is the last 04:38pm #nowwatching Battle of Los Angeles. Ohmigod!! Gue enggak mau kalo sampe Indonesia diserang Alien bertubuh besi berbentuk uburubur please
Sun May 15 05:39am Akhirnya bisa juga bangun pagi dengan normal tanpa alarm, dan bisa solat shubuh. Pfiuh. . . Skrg saatnya tidur lagi, hoahm. . . 10:15am When I needed you most when I needed a friend, you let me down now like I let you down then -Blink 182 04:57pm Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow. –Zazu (The Lion King) #disneywords 10:04pm @tianhutauruk buy anything you want darling, but advice from expert, do not use credit card. Cc is for emergency ... http://tmi.me/adpx3 11:04pm HARI INI HARUS SELESAI!
Titya Sumarsono
Mon May 16 12:55am Your words is the transmitter of your soul, the signs of weakness, the fear that follows. The closure of all 02:21am THE END 12:12pm When bad memories from the past stop haunting you, that, my friend, is what I call, freedom. 12:52pm Will I bite the Big Durian? Duh, I hope not. 01:00pm What if I'm the only one who thinks I can do it and no one else does? What if I'm completely fooling myself--? 02:11pm @iyaniyaniyan @fiorentinalagi awas ya gita gak sekulah, tak laporin pak sulis engko. HAHAHA 02:28pm Ada kerang namanya Fire Clam/Electric Clam. Warna merah, trus ditubuhnya ada listrik. Lumayan dipelihara kalo lagi mati lampu 05:25pm @tirtasumarsono sayang nya audi nya gue pake tuuuh, jadi enggak bisa buat model. HAHAHA 05:25pm @tirtasumarsono eh kok lo jadi penyiar radio gk bilang2? Penyiar radio apaan? Radio bekas ya? 05:27pm RT @GlamourMagUK: So...The Beckhams have chosen their first godparents! And it's NOT who you think... http://bit.ly/ltNx0o 06:03pm Info dari TV one : Jakarta diancam gempa 8.7 SR . Pulau Siberut 8.9 SR 07:35pm YAY!! Tea leafs reading tomorrow!!! 08:27pm Ya Alloh!! Mau kirim bbm aja pusing nya minta ampun, ngerangkai kata2 nya. 08:27pm *fingercrossedsampaipegel* 08:35pm OHMIGOD!! I think I just died and gone to heaven!!
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:36pm @tirtasumarsono you have no idea how much I love you baby bro!!!!! Infinite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 08:39pm Okay! Now think! What would Carrie Bradshaw wear for her first meeting with a vip in publication world? 09:10pm @RAEindra boleh dong temennya ini dipinjemin kalo punya. Lagi tongpes nih. HAHAHA 09:17pm @tirtasumarsono I'm gonna meet your lovely om emka next week! YAY!!! Ayah gk beliin lo sepeda itu takut lo kenapa2 di jalan 09:58pm Ih ada Sara Wijayanto di bukan empat mata. Asikk! Ngomong2 sampe skrg gue masih gk ngeh kerja dia apa? Artis atau socialite sih? 11:34pm Astaga! Cicak cicak nakal di rumah gue ini, udah badan nya segede kadal kerjaanya bikin kaget aja. Jantungan gue dibuatnya
Tue May 17 12:09am @fiorentinalagi: More than 2years my LDR, different city even country → do we need distance to get close? 12:45am RT @CELEBUZZ: Lady Gaga and Madonna RELATED!?!? http://bit.ly/m81oqb 01:24pm Bb gue the dumbest smartphone on earth. Tanpa basa-basi semua foto dan lagu hilang begitu saja. Kesal sampe enggak bisa berkatakata 01:29pm Blackberry begok. Kalo pake iphone enggak akan kejadian kayak gini nih. Udah huruf D nya harus dua kali percobaan dulu lagi baru bisa muncul 01:34pm After all, blackberry crash, people die, friendships fall apart. The best i can do is breath then buy the real smart phone.
Titya Sumarsono
01:38pm Oke, gue harus menarik tweet2 gue barusan, turn out bb gue the smartest smart phone on earth. 01:40pm Blackberry gue trnyata baru aja repair diri nya sendiri otomatis, dan sukses mengembalikan setiap foto dan lagu. Batal deh beli henpon 03:04pm RT @AboutLondon: £55 for a Spa Day at W London (worth £107) http://bit.ly/m4hyl2 03:04pm Yay! Tea leafs reading with Darryl. Hmm.. How does this thing work actually? 03:44pm Tea leafs reading is about to begin. . . But where is the sugar ?? 03:45pm @nsambowo disini matahari nya lg cerah banget loh padahal. Mendung, tapi cerah. 04:01pm @nsambowo eh aku lg di bacain daun teh sama darryl. Deg2an 04:11pm Ohmigod! I can not believe some tea leafs can represent my life. 05:05pm @bonitawisnuw okee, thankss but I don't think I could make it to his wed ): 05:22pm Does our past really affect our future? 05:39pm Why is it every time I had myself read, I become so exhausted? It's like I'm sinking into the deep sea of emotions 06:19pm @animenur oooh gitu yaa? Baru tahu gue, hahahahahaha 10:18pm Cinderella upik abu, pulang harus sebelum jam sepuluh. #tebaksiapa? #kalomaudiabaikanjugaboleh 10:35pm Host acara di anteve skrg harusnya misteri2, tapi kenapa mereka kayak sedih2 gitu ? Ini kan acara serem bukan acara bedah rumah :/ 10:38pm Oke, petualangan keramat ini sebenernya acara apa sih? Kenapa jadi kaya sinetron gini, tiba2 si host cewek ngomel2 *nyinyirterus* 84
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:40pm @LavieLoveChanel ohmigod! I'm totally fallen for the dress you wear on your avatar. xp 11:41pm Lah? Lo kan sosialita tokyo bgt dicky.. Kok jadi upik abu? RT @dickysudibyo: tyasumarsono gua!
Wed May 18 04:34am Makidur! Marikitatidur. *yawn* 01:34pm I feel like I always waking up to the bizarre world every time I open my eyes and not be able to recognize the bed I'd been sleeping on 01:49pm Torabika Capuccino with choco granule. Hmm . . . Wangi kopinya terasa banget lohh. . . gak tau deh tapi kerasa sampe kemana 04:05pm TES 06:12pm Dearest followers, numpang tny dong, Di raja ampat itu beneran gak sih harga penginapan nya beribu ribu dollar semalam nya? 06:13pm @dewindudut sbentar lagi aku sampee kooookk 07:58pm Okay! Now what?! 11:35pm Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it. 11:41pm Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. -Oscar Wilde 11:51pm RT @animenur: Trying to enjoy every minutes spent at home. I firmly believe that next year I won't live here anymore.
Thu May 19 12:03am @bonitawisnuw one more taayymm timee timee timee. . . Dreet deet deet jess. . . One more taayymmm taayymmm..
Titya Sumarsono
12:04am "A woman’s life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling..." http://tumblr.com/ x5j2kryndu 12:09am @dewindudut SIA emang mata kuliah paling nyebelin. Dulu aku selalu bilang nya SIA-lan. HAHAHA 01:07am UNDER THE CITY LIGHTS. 02:33pm RT @infojakarta: #JKTEVENT THE HOWLER TERROR CLUB 'INTERSTELLAR' EXHIBITION @theGoodsDept Sat, 21may 4pm Muzika by Woof x Arfx and LGB 03:21pm Udah semangat bgt manggil orang, blg: mas2 boleh pindah meja gak? tp trnyata dia bukan pelayan. *MALU* 04:20pm 82952 04:27pm Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod! hidup gue enggak bakal damai ini sampai bulan mei selesei 04:33pm This time I gamble my dream. 04:36pm de Janeiro! RT @diondelli: RIO! 04:49pm I'm at Buana Copy Center (Jl Laksda Adisucipto No. 42, Yogyakarta) http://4sq.com/m7sDN6 04:50pm @tianhutauruk apa tuh KBLI ? *balik nanya* 04:51pm RT @tweetdetik: Bule Belgia Dijambret & Dikeroyok di Kuta: Aksi pengeroyokan turis asing terjadi di kawasa Kuta, Bali. http://bit.ly/ m2rV7v 05:04pm @Prischatze LOLs (re: manly tapi rumpi) 05:08pm OhTuhan! Ditemukan jejak kaki raksasa di sebuah sawah milik warga di Sleman??? Ada apa sama Jogja sih? 06:17pm @tianhutauruk oooh.. Enggak.. Bukan ituu. . . itu tadi the total amount of the words I've typed xp
tyasumarsono's Twournal
06:18pm Had an amazing traditional creambath. . . (@ Martha tilaar salon day spa) http://4sq.com/joeeyJ 07:36pm Romance and Death . 7 kisah cinta mati di HotSpot ini beneran bikin nangis loh. . . (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Fri May 20 06:02pm RT @AboutLondon: Secrets of Britain: the Island of Jersey http://t.co/6dTp1Fs via @WildJunket #SuperBlog 07:41pm Ohmigod! How can I forget what 'wanker' means, and then asked about it in front of my teacher? oh wait,there was another teacher in the room 08:08pm Pengen Monroe Pierciiiiiiinggggg. Gara-gara kamu @sashlicious aku jadi kepingin kaaaann? My mum already said yes, thou she rolled her eyes. 08:45pm RT @GlamourMagUK: We're loving this Twilight star's offduty look: http://bit.ly/m3HfSp 10:07pm I am brown bread
Sat May 21 03:00pm Carrie: it was a cocktail party|Miranda: we were the only single people in there|Carrie: we're the only single people anywhere 03:10pm @fiorentinalagi lah?! Kayaknya tiap hari ketemu deh *bingung* 05:14pm @RAEindra raee gimana kabar nyaa? Udah baikan beloomm? ): maaf yaa gak bisa nengokin, lg gk di jakarta soalnyaa
Titya Sumarsono
05:35pm @santyjuwita @amelianurinna @nandarossa @karina kaliaaan nginep dimana di jogjaaa??? 07:23pm I am HAPPY !!!!!!!! Meeting old friends is a remedy !!! 07:42pm Aaaaaahh luucuuu bangeeettt seserahaaan nyaaa 09:41pm DUCK AND DIVE!
Sun May 22 12:02am @nandarossa @amelianurinna @santyjuwita thank you so much for listening. I love you girliess more and more. You're the best! :* :* 12:17am @diondelli dioon... twitter lo isinya di bulan mei happy birthday semua, lucu deh,. 12:42am @steviegabriel nyari topik apa? Gak ngerti deh maksudnya :/ 01:11am @amelianurinna iya inna udah sampe rumah kok ini. @santyjuwita iyaa sygg insya alloh yaaa :* :* 02:39pm @tianhutauruk siapa? Gue? Gue bahkan gak suka gonta-ganti pm loh. . . Ganti foto aja jarang banget. . . Hukhuk 02:41pm YAY! Mummy's cooking lontong udang for me!! Gnom gnom gnom . . . 02:49pm COOOOOLLL!!! RT @sashlicious: Mommy is hurting y'all! http://t.co/wH3XqoP 03:05pm It's funny how social network sites can help us doing what once was considered as stalking, now is socially acceptable. 09:30pm Aduh! Outline tuh apa sih sebenarnya?
Mon May 23
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:08am After a while, i just want to be with the one that makes me laugh. 11:50am @tirtasumarsono Awas ya sampe bbm gue gak dibales. Gue udah menambahkan hihi ketawa genik ala anak smp nih gara2 lo -.07:59pm @tianhutauruk bersyukur itu gk susah kok babe, klo kita naik sepeda, liat org yg jalan kaki, kalo kita jalan kaki liat org yg gk punya kaki. 10:26pm @sashlicious I know we are apart. I'm here you're there, but I love you and I will never leave you. We are on the same boat. Be strong. xxx
Tue May 24 03:59am @rzrachelzoe what is the best outfit for meeting an editor? I don't want him thinking that I'm a shallow writer. Please help me. Thxx 06:29am Good morning mood swings 06:48am RT @KourtneyKardash: I love it when my bitchy side comes out! It makes me feel alive! #bitchattackstayback 07:09am RT @sofwansweet: The final week (☉_☉) 08:00am (Not) Excited. 08:02am As an #Aries,the universe gave you the ability to win so one might think challenges come naturally to you. #zodiacfacts 08:39am RT @LoveScopes: #Aries Cardinal quality is they insist on living their live their way & according to their ‘code’ 08:57am As a #Capricorn, u work hard, u play hard, and you tend 2pay fr your mistakes, be it financial, emotional, or related to fate. → @Christichi 12:06pm @sashlicious I wish I were there sashii,. Hukhuk.
Titya Sumarsono
12:49pm I dropped my sunnies, I dropped my blackberry. What's next?? My BRAIN??? 03:28pm #poemtweet by Tya. Life is a blade, I'm hanging by a thread, and I am a brown bread. 03:50pm Ya ampun! Di belakang gue Mario Lawalata!! 04:02pm @RioDwikaP aku lg ngoceh2 ngayal2 sore hari gitu sama bapak ku, trus trnyata ada kk kamu sm mamanya di blkg ku. 1 jam ada loh. Sumpah Maluu 04:39pm Aku lagi di bali mbak em. RT @embunvictoria: Welcome to Jakarta!!" tyasumarsono: Ya ampun! Di belakang gue Mario Lawalata!! 05:03pm All I know is that someone will be coming, someone very important. –Merlin (The Sword in the Stone) #disneywords 05:29pm @embunvictoria ih mau aja sih diboongin. Duuuuhhh. Aku udh di jakarta ini mbak yu, kan udh tak kasih tau semalam di bbm grup, hihii 06:46pm RT @pringgodigdo: Wanna love me?u need to love my bestfriends too 08:13pm "I hope you find whoever it is you're looking for. And don't let go, once you do." -Zombieland (2009)
Wed May 25 12:51pm Don't forsake me, Duffy #nowplaying 01:04pm I've learned so many things, but the bitterness remains. I'm sick of drying everybody else's tears, with nobody to dry mine. . . 01:09pm Don't, don't forsake me. .Why do you break me every time? I'm asking you, don't, don't forsake me. Again and again. I can't make it alone.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:10pm All the casualties that I've left behind, and I, and I hide them in the corners of my mind, all the memories, nothing I could sing. 01:19pm You keep on trying me, but you're only pushing me away. I don't want you to go, but I can't tell you're here. 01:19pm You're just another soul that I'm making disappear. 02:06pm I am two hours early for my very first meeting. I am a total geek. 02:10pm Let's!! RT @bonitawisnuw: Wish I get to see you today pumpkin @tyasumarsono :) 02:11pm Grazie mi bello :* RT @tianhutauruk: Ucapan semoga sukses buat tyasumarsono ganbatte!!! 02:32pm RT @CindyLubis: ( ˘͡ -˘͡) OK FINE! �('O'�) LOE, (┌','┐) GUE =�(⌣˛⌣)� SE_LE_SEK. 02:35pm Hold your dream high and don't let it out of sight until you achieve what you are wishing for. #Positweet 09:05pm RT @VeHandojo: What if #Friends never happened? - then there will be no #HIMYM or another such sitcom :| 09:32pm makaaaaaaan!!! Gnom gnom gnom (@ Seribu Rasa) http://4sq.com/m3GhTZ 11:09pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Fash alert! Pippa Middleton does colour-blocking. You like? http://bit.ly/j6OVLw 11:14pm @bonitawisnuw gosh! Padahal udh gue ganti loh, brengsiyek ini twitter gue drtd ngadat2 terus x_x
Thu May 26 12:03am ih indosat ini gk ada basa basi nya mutus telfon mendadak 09:39am Mimpi makan puding apaan sih artinya? -.-
Titya Sumarsono
10:02am @nsambowo jangan bilang kamu mimpiin afghan lagi? 10:13am @nsambowo toss!! Sama aku juga ky gt, mirip2 sih, gk sama bgt. Tp bukan afghan, makanya skrg galau2 gk ketulungan. Crap! 10:18am My brain invented something that I refuse to acknowledge. This thing is so destructive, I hope it won't eat me up inside. 10:25am @nsambowo aduh, mau tau aja deh. HAHAHA!! Gak penting kok beneran deh.. Kangen bgt sama kamu sama sagitaaaaa :* :* 10:54am @nsambowo sumpah aku ketawa bacanya → afghan nya gk pernah galau gara2 aku. Aku lagi di jakarta bulaan, tp gk lama2, bsk klo gk lusa udh plg 10:57am RT @bonitawisnuw: ----- Jon Secada ft Shanice - if I never knew you @derrickjs , I would never know there is a place like jayapub 11:24am Hati bilang iya. Pikiran bilang tidak. Ketika hati dan pikiran tidak bisa berjalan bergandengan, di saat itu hidup mulai berantakan. 01:37pm Indosat please jangan di blok dulu telfon gue. Bentar lagi sampe di atm kok. tagihan yg nunggak di bayar hari ini. Janji. 01:41pm @Christichi Bitch! Cepet pulang dong! Kangen banget nih! Bawain kado gue sama coklat herseys kisses yg banyak jangan lupa. HAHA 02:20pm RT @TravelJunkieID: Topless Pools and Beaches in Miami Beach - http://miamibeachadvisor.com/92g cc: @findryany 02:41pm It's getting bigger every second. T_T 02:50pm @bonitawisnuw HOW DARE YOU EDITING MY TWEET? It's suppose to be a secret. HAHAHA. Nyebelin lo. 03:22pm RT @alvinyus: Ngantuk ☉̴͡_☉̴͡ 03:44pm @santyjuwita asik dong. Item sexy. Ihiyy!!
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:54pm RT @tweetdetik: Ical Tepis Tudingan Tak Setuju Kontrak Koalisi: Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie tidak hadir http:// bit.ly/m92jVt 03:55pm RT @detikcom: Jadi Kota Ternyaman di RI, Yogya Kalahkan Jakarta http://de.tk/bzKMu 07:05pm RT @AboutLondon: Watch ballet for free on a big screen in Trafalgar Square next Wed: http://bit.ly/mdDE54 11:59pm Someone's gonna get hurt here, and it's always me. –Tantor (Tarzan) #disneywords
Fri May 27 12:02am @tieshadiona yeeesss.. Pasti sih non, dicolek pake gada,. -.pake cobekan aja deh 12:07am @bonitawisnuw @derrickjs must be something diiiiiiirrrtyyy. LOL!!! (Re: u know what u did *gigling*) 08:11am Udah dirumah sendiri, tidur sendiri, mimpi nya mimpi serem pula. 08:12am Mimpi didatengin ratu laut kidul tp bentuknya alm. Susanna. Bisa lebih random lg gk sih hidup gue? 08:37am RT @CELEBUZZ: Yummy! Shirtless Jude Law gets wet in Cannes http://bit.ly/lqRFYj (PHOTOS) 08:40am RT @bonitawisnuw: Good luck for your thesis trial @miamishine all my thots and prayer... You can knock it out of the park girl! 10:41am @sashlicious dia udh almarhumah sashiii. Udah bertaun-taun yg lalu. Percaya deh sama gosip indo. HAHAHA
Titya Sumarsono
10:50am 'I need to be feeded' said the growling stomach. 'But I don't know how to give an order to ur body 2 get off from the bed' said brainy brain 10:58am @RioDwikaP bangettt!! Cari underwear emg bikin gemes. Tp klo aku susah nya cari beha. Rasanya pgn gk pk beha aja. biar lega dikit. -.11:12am @findryany are we still on for tonight? 12:10pm Devoid of property, unmarried, self-employed & with few responsibilities. If I sound smug, I'm not - but I'm quite cheerful. 01:01pm Too hurt to dance, Duffy #nowplaying 01:23pm Sudirman harus banget macet ya jam segini? Not even three o'clock. Good Lord! 01:31pm @tieshadiona @steviegabriel @egajaya @bonitawisnuw kalian ngapain di uph? KANGEEEN BGT IH! apalagi sama cah suroboyo nya 02:28pm Suka2 lo deh mas, nanti paling @steviegabriel beli cd nya. RT @JoelMadden: I think i'm only gonna produce and write K pop for a while 03:01pm I love Jakarta so much! But the traffic is a constant headache! 03:05pm Akhirnya MAKAAAAN JUGAAA!!! Gnooom gnooom (@ Kinotaki Nihon Yakiniku & Yakisen) http://4sq.com/mTX92M 03:14pm @steviegabriel @JoelMadden @bonitawisnuw @Christichi dasaaaaaar stevieeee mureeeeeee!! HAHAHAHA 04:28pm @findryany @oddybass @tianhutauruk siapa pria oriental nya? Someone that I know? *wink wink* 04:29pm Yaa yaa yaaa jadi intinya harus sabaaar kaan?? RT @GreatestQuotes: "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." - Lao Tzu
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:02pm @tianhutauruk @findryany @oddybass apaan di down under? Kok gue doang sih yg gk ngerti apa2? Jujur sebenrnya findry lg suka siapa sih? 05:22pm Menikmati macet bareng bonie sama derrick. Tapi kali ini gak pake adegan cranky, soalnya derrick yg nyetir. HAHAHA. *sengajagkmention* 05:41pm Something good can work #nowplaying 05:49pm Me and @bonitawisnuw can be a GREAT DJ. We play music from our babeberries, because this stupid car doesn't provide CDs. 06:30pm Menteng → Gading : 1.5. Jam ??? I'm implode before I'm impressed. 06:57pm @bonitawisnuw gue inget PERNAH reschedule liburan gue demi after party ulang taun lo taun lalu. See, I love you that much, fufufufu 07:09pm @bonitawisnuw oh, and I chose not to be in London this year because I want to celebrate your birthday, HAHAHA, *padahalemangmales* 08:35pm @Christichi MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! Singapore tingkat matik nya luar biasa tinggi, buruan pulang deh. Matik is contagious you know 08:43pm Di depan taxi gue ada mobil (plat nomor rahasia)Nyetel lagu ajep2 sampe kedengeran ke dalam taxi. Thenightsstillyoungdarling #nyinyir 09:05pm KENAPA HARUS ADA PANSER SAMA FIXIE MEJENG DI BUNDERAN HI SIH? SAMPE NGEBLOK JALAN. BIKIN MACET. #EMOSI 09:54pm RT @jo_elvin: you have NO IDEA how much I deserve a glass of wine this evening. 95
Titya Sumarsono
10:09pm Goooood Timeeeeeeesss Goood Timeeeeeess w my one and only @tianhutauruk and mi bella @findryany (♥͡.̮♥͡) 10:23pm Odddaaaaiii!!! Kangeeeen!!! RT @oddybass: Nah kan! Bingung gak lo?? Hahaha RT @GalauGila: Kangen itu nyakitin ye.. ... http://tmi.me/aIRcg 10:36pm @oddybass bagaimana aku bisa lupa sama kamu?? Kangeeen bangeett iihh parrahh!! Ke jakarta kek, di karawaci terus T.T 10:38pm meeting my favorite <3 (@ Canteen w/ 7 others) http://4sq.com/k5ndoX 11:13pm RT @nicsap: Kemon brader! kemon sister! Kemon kemon lah! 11:32pm @steviegabriel I am curhat. And I'm proud. HAHAHAHA
Sat May 28 12:23am @steviegabriel I love you too stev!! Have fuuun kamu nanti!! :* :* 12:25am I am taking the high road. 12:51am @Sonduck mu barca pilih mana rocky??? 01:14am @Sonduck MU doooooong. Gue fanatic madrid soalnya, jd gk mungkin pilih barca, hahahahaha. May the best win. Dibaca: mu. LOL 07:53am Selamat wisuda nonaku sayang, I'm so proud of you @tieshadiona . Maaf banget yaa gak bisa datang. Selamat jadi sarjana, cantik. xxx 09:56am Things are good. I'm lucky. I'm blessed. 10:15am I could stay, if that's what you want. I'd give it to you, If I had a heart. 11:12am Hari dimana, HAMPIR ditinggal pesawat (lagi). 12:39pm Now what?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:45pm Mau dong berenang bareng paus. RT @bonitawisnuw: Cocokan paus RT @Christichi: I wanna be a mermaid 01:05pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw chi, lo udh liat duyung belom sih? Asli nya serem loh, kayak ikan tp pgn jd manusia gitu. 01:07pm Ah gue hepi2 aja deh ky nya RT @ZodiacFacts: Unfortunately, many #Aries never quite get2the point where they're actually happy w their work. 01:12pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw eh gak usah bikin gue iri karena udh nonton pirates plis. Disini gk akan masuk. Please rekamin dong klo nonton lg 01:14pm I curse the day tifatul was born. Gara2 dia, jadi gak bisa liat Jack Sparrow yg paling baru (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 04:08pm Tsk. 04:15pm @nsambowo picture yg mana? Di bbm bukan gambarku. Kamu dimana? Nonbar yuuuuk 05:01pm RT @findryany: RT @AdamRamadhan: MUfc vs Divingfc nyahahahaha (tweet kontroversial) 05:24pm RT @nsambowo: �('o'�) ELO (BARCA), (┌','┐) GUE (MU) = �(⌣˛⌣)� (BARCA) END! 06:09pm Sebenernya MU-Barcelona mulai jam berapa sih? 07:02pm @egajaya selamat wisudaaaaa!!!! I'm sooooo proud of you sayangg. Ayooo ayoo yg semangat sekarang jd dokter bedah plastik nya. HAHAHA. xx 08:46pm @steviegabriel aduh stevie baby, aku kurang sayang kurang cinta apa sama kamu?? HAHAHA 08:55pm @steviegabriel kebanyakan nonton desperate housewives jaman muda dulu. -.97
Titya Sumarsono
09:30pm RT @GlamourMagUK: The voting for 2011's 50 Sexiest Men is opening soon but here's who won last year: http://bit.ly/9VX56l 09:30pm RT @infojakarta: Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook owner) Hanya Makan daging dari hewan yang dia bunuh sendiri. http://ow.ly/551em *should read this 09:48pm @bonitawisnuw seru gak acaranya? Sebel gak bisa ada disana T_T
Sun May 29 12:09am RT @findryany: RT @AnggerDimas: My heart goes to MU (just for tonite) 12:20am Got a drunk call from @bonitawisnuw. I MISS YOU EVEN MORE MISSY! It broke my heart to not attend ocha&bella's g.o. REALLY WISH I WERE THERE 02:09am Ngemil keripik apel tengah malam sambil nonton bola enak juga, padahal mata udah melipir banget. . . 02:13am OHMIGOD! Van der saaaaaaaaaaaaarr :_( 02:15am Aduh! Beneran deh MU ganti baju dulu jd warna merah. Serem deh pamali pake baju putih, nanti bisa kalah #shallownyamuncul 02:21am Yes. 1 sama! Makan tuh barcelonte. *forgivemytruckdriverlanguage* 02:29am Ini mata gue yg udah sepet atau david villa nya mendadak aging sih? Ryan GIGGS nya manaaa? Kok jarang di shoot? 02:33am Half time 1-1. Please MU-barcelola 2-1 ajaaah. Gak muluk2 doa nya. 03:02am Lionel Messi, kamu jadi Lionel Richie aja deh ya, mau gak? Jangan bikin MU kalah dong kamu please #desperet
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:06am BANGET! RT @Sonduck: Teman2 gw Pendukung MU pasti deg2annya polllll 03:07am Ini main di kandang MU, tapi kayak main di kandang Barca deh. :_( 03:13am What happened to england's soccer game sih? Last time they won world cup was 1960, 4o years ago. Skrg sm Barcelola aja kalah. Dang! 03:14am Yuk mari berduka buat MU (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 03:15am RT @jo_elvin: See, this is why i don't watch football 03:21am Vaaaan derrr saaarrr... Kamu ke pasar aja deh jualan babi panggang, daripada jaga gawang :_( 09:47am RT @RioDwikaP: Jadi zombie... 10:08am RT @disneywords: Better to consider these opportunities now, than in ten years when life might limit your choices. –Miss Darbus (HSM) 11:47am Give me everything, ne yo, afrojack #nowplaying 12:08pm @miamishine aaaaaahh, aku juga sukaa sama lagu itu, lirik nya kan sexy banget, HAHAHA 12:45pm Albert Sebastian.... Ada ada aja sih kamu nak. Bikin gue ketawa aja siang2 panas gini. Silahkan dipandangi ;) @beQii 04:16pm @fiorentinalagi titip cd nya Duffy doooong. Pleaseeeeee 04:29pm @fiorentinalagi cd lagu. Nama penyanyi nya duffy. 04:40pm @sashlicious I went silent for 1o seconds when I read your tweet that, you have your meeting with your professor. . . on sunday??? 04:46pm The longer I sit here the more I'm suffering from this bloody neck-ache. I envy those people whose pillows' ingredients are goose feather. 99
Titya Sumarsono
05:12pm Ohmigod! You have no idea how much I deserve a great massage this afternoon. 05:26pm Bagian paling geli kalo dipijet itu kenapa harus selalu paha sih? Geli bgt loh ini. 05:38pm @sashlicious there. I went silent again. Freakin japanese. Tsk! 06:50pm @findryany @Christichi kaaan, bukan gue doang yg gampang ketipu, fufufufuu 06:57pm I just passed a Dora the explorer clown, let me break the news: NOTHING is SCARIER than a clown! Nothing. 07:47pm Y DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO CUTE? IT's IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE YOU. . . LAALAAA. . . LAAA LAAAA . . . 07:47pm Only on twitter I can singing out loud w/out @bonitawisnuw forcing me to shut my mouth immediately. Jealous much w my kind of friendship? 08:10pm I can't control these feelings I have inside. I had to let go, let go of my pride. Age is a number. Don't steal my thunder. #nowlistening 08:12pm @steviegabriel @bonitawisnuw aaww you guys, despite my impeccable voice, I know you love me so dearly. HAHAHA 08:33pm I'm reading Cosmopolitan July issue. Outside world no longer exist. 09:29pm I can hear the sound of the summer breeze, where the fun & the fling calling my names. Summer breeze is near, time 2dry my tears. #poemtweet 10:33pm My brother bbmed me asking how to break up with his already break up girlfriend. Love drama does run in my family. It's in our dna. 10:39pm But if I have to choose between fellow women or my brother, I will always choose my brother. Yes, I love him THAT much.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:44pm Crisis, at least for now, was averted. I can continue reading Cosmo. :D
Mon May 30 11:28am Good Morning!! Is it the end of may? Is it the end of may? Is it the end of may? Is it the end of may? IS IT THE END OF MAY????? 11:30am Baru bangun cek henpon, dpt sms dari indosat disuruh bayar tagihan bulan mei. Klo gue abaikan sms nya, gue yakin sbntr lagi ditelpon indosat 11:33am @bonitawisnuw cium :* 11:37am @diondelli ih kenapa lo sama @bonitawisnuw pagi-pagi gini udah sepakat nge-bully gue lewat twitter? T_T 11:38am SUPER BASS, NICKI MINAJ #nowplaying 11:44am Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away. Beating like a drum and it's coming your way. Can't you hear that boom, boom, He got that super bass 12:01pm @diondelli @bonitawisnuw oh em gee! You guys sometimes sometimes dehh -.12:52pm Oh shut up 02:14pm Note for girls: you must at least watch 'Le Divorce' esp if you're fond of French's culture. And by culture I mean love affair. 02:37pm He ain't even gotta try to put the mac on. He just gotta give me that look, when he give me that look 03:29pm @bonitawisnuw yes! somebody please tell him who the eff I is. I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce up. Nyehehehe
Titya Sumarsono
04:22pm But I'll be damned if I ever let u win, when life tries 2knock all the wind out of u, you've got to roll roll roll w the punches #nowplaying 04:37pm My mechanism of defense are down, and my resistance is out on the town.Suddenly everything's thrown in a spin,no time to grow a thicker skin 05:10pm RT @VeHandojo: Sometimes I wish Twitter's "Followed by" is replaced with "Flirted by". 05:28pm @ya_Nita @nandarossa aaaaaawww you sweetness, thank you for your support my loves. :* :* 07:51pm Did you cook that? Me waaant soomee!!! RT @sashlicious: Viva el Banana Chimicanga!!! http://t.co/YFyemBl 08:49pm Jst drove for miles to buy dozen of j.co glazy doughnuts. If it wasn't for love then I don't know what it is. 09:25pm Y Do Some love to bbm 'sorry test contact'? And s/he can do it, well... almost daily. Is it their hobby or what?? It's just upsetting. 09:38pm They're screaming 'EAT ME!' http://lockerz.com/s/106178017 09:43pm @nsambowo gk boleh marahan sama mamah loh, beneran deh, nanti klo udh seumur aku, pasti nyesel, baikan sana ;)
Tue May 31 01:38am Kangen ☹. 10:13am RT @CindyLubis: Dear god, please please please take a good care of him. X'< 10:23am @bonitawisnuw aku gak palbis bonnieeee. Lagian, palbis apaan sik? 10:35am Hearts skip a beat, Lenka #nowplaying
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:45am @bonitawisnuw bgt! That's why I can't stop listening to it, because it represent what I feel about my life in general. 11:13am @bonitawisnuw Sekarang gue bener2 percaya semua yang ada di vogue, instyle, even cosmo itu hasil editan fotosop. HAHAHA 11:19am @bonitawisnuw there's an old soul within me. Makanya gue bisa wise when I'm needed to be. HAHAHAHA 11:47am APAAA??? CINTA LAURA MASUK COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY DI NEW YORK?? GOOD LORD! SHE REALLY IS BRAINY. 11:50am @egajaya siap pak dokter! Kalo gitu saya brojol nya sebelum pergi klabing aja. Fufufufufu 11:51am HAHAHA RT @salmannn: Megawati : yang bangun gedungnya bung karno loh,,,, soouww whuaat getoo loo???? 11:59am Hari ini tu hari tembakau sedunia ya? Selamat menikmati hari bebas asap rokok kalo gitu. 01:56pm Film film macam Afterlife gini nih, yang sukses bikin gregetan. orang belum meninggal, seenaknya dibilang udah dead. ("ò_ó) 02:13pm @audreyjiwajenie iya drey, belom meninggal org nya, mereka dikasih obat apa gt jd seolah2 gk ada detak jantungnya. Funeral house nya gila 02:59pm @sashlicious whose bigger? Mine or hers? Why skinny petite ppl like me and her have Big eyes. Is it a MUST? Is it God's compensation? 04:23pm RT @VeHandojo: Dear Mall Ladies, sporting your oversized fashion shopping bags these days won't impress anyone. It's sale season. 05:07pm SUPER BASS 05:15pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Amy Winehouse heads back to rehab: http://bit.ly/imSZnf 103
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05:16pm -______-" RT @bonitawisnuw: @derrickjs aaaaaaaa aku silent esianya, gatau kamu nelfon.. telfon lageeee!!! plis beb plis hahaha 05:48pm @bonitawisnuw nama website apartemen nya apa? Bb lo masih coma ya? 05:49pm RT @disneywords: Revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet. But we’re not on my planet, are we? –Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) 05:50pm @Christichi ohmigod! Ada ya orang kayak gitu? Bilang dong: mas kalo mau kentut tau diri dong. 05:54pm Ini timeline gue kenapa mendadak sepi sih? Please dong pada nge-tweet. 05:57pm @alvinyus ceritanya gimana? Screaming beneran gak? Itu gk keluar di indo ya vin? 06:06pm @Christichi isi timeline gue drtd klo gak glamouruk, infojakarta, poldametro, tribunews. Betee -.- . Udh gt gue gk ... http:// tmi.me/aTdIX 06:10pm @steviegabriel oooh, kirain harus ke singapore dulu baru bisa nonton. HAHAHAHA 06:12pm @tianhutauruk cieeeeh. Susah yaa yang udah punya ipad. Prikitiuw. Hahhahaa 06:19pm I think I'm ready to commit a crime only to make this day less boring. 06:47pm @tianhutauruk mau dong bang, neng dibeliin ipad dua. Biar sama hits nya kayak abang. Fufufufufu. . . 07:17pm Biology doesn't prepare you for sex as much as sex prepares you for Biology. #DRT 08:05pm RT @disneywords: You know that I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen next. I'm a little curious. –Mitchie Torres (Camp Rock 2) 104
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08:10pm Have you ever seen this drink? May I introduce you → COFFEE BEER CAPPUCINO. http://lockerz.com/s/106443385 08:11pm BANGET!! I've been craving something sweet RT @tianhutauruk: Pengen honey bread deh di en dining @findryany tyasumarsono 08:18pm @tianhutauruk you is one of something sweets I've been craving for. Or should I say, someone?? HAHAHA . #elusdada 08:19pm RT @ParisHilton: I love New York City! The energy in this city is amazing! Loves it! :) 08:45pm @diondelli @bonitawisnuw sms mbak ina nya aja tny, mbak ina kok saya belom di approve ? 08:48pm @bonitawisnuw @diondelli bonicaaaaahhh!! gue ketawa baca reply lo → Inget punya fb aja udh untung -.08:52pm Ini iklan dancow di tv beneran apa, anak sd udh belajar logaritma? Kayak nya gue baru sma deh dapet logaritma. 09:18pm RT @Sonduck: There are no secret that times does not reveal 09:30pm #nowreading @InStyleIND May and June issue. 09:45pm @steviegabriel ada at di instyle. 10:26pm @steviegabriel sumpah! Emosi bgt sama bbm. Sinyal nya begok bgt deh T.T 10:43pm @bonitawisnuw rekam di tivo ajaaa. *yeahright* 10:53pm Test. Udh bener belom sinyalnya. 10:57pm Sinyalnya indosat LOLA banget!!! 11:23pm RT @disneywords: Why not? We are very much alike you and I. I and you. Us. –Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) 11:27pm I don't want any more of this try,try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am 20 & I am already exhausted -E. Wurtzel
Titya Sumarsono
Wed Jun 01 11:42am @pringgodigdo hahahaha, asiiik yaaa, yaudah kalo bosen sama slk nya buat gue aja sini, fufufufufu 12:13pm YAAAAYYYY!!! It's June the first!!!! I can't believe my own eyes when I looked at the calendar, Summer is finally here. . . 12:31pm @bonitawisnuw bener bon. Pantesan semalam gue mimpi lagi berenang2 di pantai sanur bareng ubur2 -.12:44pm #junewish bisa liburan ke Bali sebelum liburan summer selesai. 01:04pm The heat of the sun, the wind blows warm, the waves whisper fun, summer time has come. 01:09pm @miamishine mau nya juga main-main di pantai pake bikini ini, hukhuk 01:12pm Don't blame me if I always get too excited about summer sale or summer fling, perhaps it's due to the fact that I was conceived on summer. 02:04pm Congratulation!! RT @animenur: It's only the first day of June and I've already received a great news :) dream career is on its way! 03:57pm @bonitawisnuw @rennow haa? Sekarang rennow doyan mbm? Pasti ini ajarannya bonicah 04:09pm @bonitawisnuw @rennow iya. Lo harus nya gantiin kuda item marlboro nya. 04:16pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Blake Lively naked photos scandal: http://bit.ly/iIitNu 08:08pm @nandarossa bbm gue dibaca puhleaseeeee!! Pentinggg! Kok cuma centang2 aja ya drtd?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:09pm Pak @TMCPoldaMetro ditanya temen saya nih. Over and out. RT @derrickjs: Cek. Cek. Situasi jalanan di jakarta masi macet ga ya? Over. 08:18pm Saat-saat kayak gini nih, gue pengen banget punya santa klaus pribadi. 08:46pm Seven days in sunny june, jamiroquai #nowplaying 08:50pm You know, I wanted you so long, you said we've been friends too long, seven days in sunny June, were long enough to bloom. . . 10:15pm Lo kenapa sih fling nya harus selalu sama supir taxi? RT @bonitawisnuw: The weirdest cab driver in centuries... 10:39pm @tieshadiona dimana KE CO A nya? KE CO A is so EW! BU NUH. SE GE RA! PA KE BAY-GON. 11:40pm @steviegabriel @findryany @bonitawisnuw (�'o')� LO + (�'o'�) GUE = LONGLAST \(´▽`)/ → desperet, dan ketauan curcol nya, hukhuk
Thu Jun 02 12:43am How far would you go to find the truth? 12:35pm Hari ini sebenernya libur nasional apa ya? 12:36pm RT @VeHandojo: "PENJEMBUTAN"? Seriously, TVOne?! http://twitpic.com/55qzw1 12:38pm @sashlicious dr kmrn ngidam tokyo banana deh, plis nanti klo pulang bawain buat gue dong, yaaa yaaa yaaa?? 01:21pm To all my Christian and Catholic friends: Happy Ascension Day!
Titya Sumarsono
04:20pm Kenapa tiap gue bilang nama gue 'Tya' org2 (dibaca:pramuniaga/waitress) selalu denger nya 'Diah' klo enggak 'Via'. Itu beda jauh loh. 04:27pm Apa jangan-jangan gue cadel huruf 'T' ? 06:12pm @steviegabriel cek bbm! 06:18pm Paling bete deh kalo cd how I met your mama nya ilang sebelah. ("ò_ó) 06:24pm @RioDwikaP season 6 E nya maksudku ilang. Yg lainnya ada. Padahal dr kmrn mau nonton yg 6 E. ("ò_ó) 07:44pm C.I.E.E.E. . . RT @findryany: K.A.N.G.E.N 08:14pm Once in a while, a girl must indulge herself. . . *makanindonatj.cosambilkalap* 11:05pm Udh di dlm selimut sambil baca twitter, tp ternyata tema nya #jkthorror. Ketakutan, batal tidur, keluar kamar, bikin indomie.
Fri Jun 03 11:03am HARI KEJEPIT NASIONAL. Udah ada yg kejepit belom hari ini? Kejepit pintu, kejepit jendela, atau kejepit jepitan rambutnya sendiri mungkin? 11:34am "KPK tangkap hakim." Nanya dong, KPK pny wewenang buat tangkap org ya? Kok serem sih? Gue kira polisi doang yg bisa nangkep org. 11:42am RT @CELEBUZZ: Bradley Cooper & Olivia Wilde: Dating or Just Friends? http://bit.ly/iElBtd 11:43am RT @ZodiacFacts: An #Aries and #Virgo in a relationship actually complement each other beautifully, as long as they ... http:// tmi.me/b1vQx
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:48am @tianhutauruk oh, gee. How scary! 02:34pm Tweeps, ada yg punya info gak, jasa2 pengeditan buat typo2 gitu dimana? Tapi sebenarnya, ada gk jasa2 buat edit2 salah2 ketik gt? Thx sblmny 02:36pm Bali yuk?RT @RAEindra: Ga bs berkata2 dengan macetnya ibukota ini.. Sumpah, speechless!! I need to move out from this goddamn city a.s.a.p!! 03:01pm RT @sashlicious: This is when you can tell that a country is rich....or just being a show off. http://t.co/LE7SjMR 03:21pm Deleting 3o pages is as hard as deleting bad memories from the past. 05:44pm So little time so much to do. . . *cuma nyanyi aja sih, bukan sibuk beneran* 06:28pm I'm size 8. I'm bloating. Please somebody tell me this is a good thing. 06:36pm U-huh. not helping, sexy. I used to be size six. Hukhuk. RT @RioDwikaP: tyasumarsono I'm size 6.... 06:40pm @RioDwikaP thank you, darling!! :* :* 07:18pm Russell Peter is HILARIOUS! 07:31pm @bonitawisnuw but I'm tired of kissing frogs, bonitaaa... Hukhuk 07:39pm Hold me closer, never let me go, I don't want any other, baby. . . two is the one! #nowlistening 07:53pm I don't like when Carrie with Berger. But I like them when they first met. The zsa zsa zsu. 07:55pm We were having one of those great first dates, you can only have when it's not an actual date. -Carrie Bradshaw
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07:58pm It's like a bomb that kept exploding. I have a girl friend.BOOM. We live together. BOOM. This whole flirtation's in your head. BOOM. Carrie 08:02pm I am sex and the city junkie. I think I'm overdose. I can quotes every Carrie Bradshaw's line. Help me. 08:13pm @bonitawisnuw you're seriously telling me I must go to his place & seduce him with lingerie? I must look desperate if I do that. Oh, Mother. 09:38pm RT @RioDwikaP: Selalu sedih kalo ngeliat finalé series2 kesayangan gue... 10:00pm Rich, famous, attractive. What am I getting myself into? 10:14pm I don't like Duck. But Duck Sauce? Goddamnit @bonitawisnuw . My eyes are wide open now. T_T
Sat Jun 04 12:44am The history does repeat itself, but no more taking the familiar route, and I don't expect the same unappealing outcome. 12:51am I wrote 2 different stories & the hero's name for the heroine, both named Alex. What is it with me and the Alex name? :/ 01:05am YAY! I jst followed you back RT @Edhandr: hey tyasumarsono ur name had crossed on my mind when I remember the class,so I write it on search 11:49am RT @CindyLubis: Salah (┌','┐) GUE ?! Salah temen-temen ┐( ',' )┌ GUE ?! 11:50am SPLAT! 12:12pm Paris hilton closet, Ke$ha #nowplaying
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:53pm Gue: Aku pgn tanning smp item|Kk: kamu mau jadi korek api?| Gue tau gue kecil, tp kan korek api warnanya bukan item, tp coklat muda. x_x 12:58pm @Christichi mungkin. Emg paling nyebelin kakak gue, hukhuk. 12:59pm Love out of lust, Lykke Li #nowplaying 03:11pm Got two weeks off. Hmm. . . I could hear the white sand and the blue ocean calling for my name. *caritiketmurahkeBali* 03:18pm @bonitawisnuw uuuh makanya liburan ke Bali yuuuk, kalo enggak ke singapore, nengok kucing gue si garfield @Christichi 04:17pm Kartu kerfurnya mbak?|itu ky credit card ya?|iya|saya belum kerja mas|suaminya mungkin?|saya belum nikah mas|ah bohong| 04:19pm Gue sampe harus kasih lihat jari2 tangan gue yg gk ada cincin kawinnya sm sekali. &mas2 kerfur nya msh gk percaya klo gue blm nikah ("ò_ó) 04:22pm Yaudah, klo mbak nya nanti udh bersuami mungkin bisa apply kartu kerfur nya|saya nikah masih 1o thn lagi mas. → dan akhirnya mas2 nya nyerah 04:24pm @diondelli http://lockerz.com/s/107564812 sini gue beliin. Ada kw 1o nya gk tapi? HAHAHA 04:28pm @Christichi HAHAHA itu sih bukan di flirtingin, tp dihina di depan muka. Pengen tebalikin troli td rasanya. Nyehehehe 05:57pm RT @Sonduck: #Np 7 days in sunny june - Jamiroquai 06:02pm #junewish the manuscript won't go straight into slush pile. 09:08pm Donat gue kok udah habis aja sih? Perasaan baru belinya 2 lusin. Siapa yang makanin nih? Pasti bukan gue. *berusaha amnesia* 09:16pm @tianhutauruk I'm bloating here, tian babe. Help me. My jeans size no longer 25/26. It is 27/28. 10:02pm Chewing everything that tasty. 111
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11:53pm Memasuki musim kemarau jadi banyak nyamuk-nyamuk nakal deh ("ò_ó)
Sun Jun 05 12:28am RT @RioDwikaP: Mata masih melek mulut masih ngunyah. 01:57am Thk u 4 telling me juicy stories 2keepme alive whilst I live in this rural place RT @bonitawisnuw: Thank u for being in my life tyasumarsono 02:05am Even an air-bag can cause some serious injuries. 08:16am GOOD MORNING! I'm still collecting my soul, I can barely open my eyes, but today is the day I become a Tour Guide (again). I'm so excited! 09:14am Seneng banget ditengokin @SchaBby jauh jauh datang dari Bali. Terharu. Hukhuk. She's gonna be a tourist. And I'm gonna be a tour guide. YAY! 04:21pm We've all been there. hurt and been hurt. But I've never scratched or will ever scratch one's misfortune. #justsaying 04:24pm RT @bonitawisnuw: All I know is I miss you.. 04:44pm Portraying one's loss to another is sad. #justsaying 04:59pm Torment is when one make a deepest cut upon another's wound. #justsaying 07:02pm @bonitawisnuw I miss me even more! → ciri2 orang linglung, nanya apaan dijawab nya apa. 07:09pm The sparks fly and you are my pie in the sky. #unveil 08:01pm @bonitawisnuw where did you sent to? the only mail that works is
[email protected] 08:14pm Thank you ! @bonitawisnuw . Cupcupmmmwwaahh
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:23pm Tell me about it. 09:44pm @missnadyabenjay jay apaan deh, dad dead dad dead. Smileeeeee :* 09:56pm Plg suka kalo poni panjang nya udh nanggung. I look prettier. Maaf klo ada yg mendadak eneg baca tweet ini. Tp #Numpangnarsis boleh dong -.10:02pm @tianhutauruk ih parah banget. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 10:14pm @steviegabriel @tianhutauruk JAHARAA kalian semuaa. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) .Lagian abis makan apa sih? Kok muntahnya sampe belatung 10:15pm @Edhandr gak usah ditanggapin serius twit ku edwiiin. Hahahaha 10:57pm Ini yang turis siapa yang tour guide siapa deh? Kenapa jadi gue yang dibayarin? :/ 11:32pm No man is worth the agrivation. That's ancient history. Been there, done that. –Megara (Hercules) #disneywords
Mon Jun 06 12:22am @tieshadiona HAHAHA, ahzekk, jadi wise. 01:51am RT @bonitawisnuw: Mmm whatcu say, mmm that you only meant well, well of course you did.. 02:03am New money always talk about money and brag themselves. Old money never talk about money or how much is their family worth. 04:08am I can't sleep, not like I used to. 12:16pm Tour guide macam apa gue, bangun kok loebih siang drpd turisnya, bahkan dibangunin sama turis nya. Bah!
Titya Sumarsono
12:33pm I want tanned skin. Not Gosong skin. Mataharinya naujubilah bgt ("ò_ó) 01:44pm @animenur UBUD is the BEST! 01:47pm Beautiful heritage. http://lockerz.com/s/108197734 04:36pm Twitter emang lagi bloon atau gimana sih? 04:47pm @steviegabriel she learned from me. HAHAHA. Eh tapi ngomong2 sapose diana? 04:58pm @steviegabriel ooowalaah, dia mbak ale toh, baru ngeh aku. Mulai2 berasa kenal doi, aleesandra ambrosio di panggil mbak ale. 07:17pm Toss! RT @CindyLubis: My sleeping pattern is fucked up!!! 08:16pm Dinner with Sasha and Antoine. Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ (@ Takigawa) http://4sq.com/lqsRwv 09:55pm Shite! I don't like it when someone change the schedule seenak udel. By someone I mean my dermatologist. 11:54pm Gimana ya caranya biar bisa tidur sebelum adzan subuh berkumandang? :/ 11:59pm @Prischatze wine nya udah abis, hukhuk
Tue Jun 07 12:03am Kangen sama @steviegabriel @egajaya @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona nya gak wajar. Kalo sama @Christichi enggak begitu sih. 12:08am Ok. Ok. Can't wait to see you, Joel *mulai berasa kenal* RT @JoelMadden: Indonesia we are coming back! July 24 12:17am Happy 3 months anniversary to my best friends @bonitawisnuw @derrickjs . 12:33am @diondelli @bonitawisnuw minggu depaaan plisssss. Gue masih jadi tour guide soalnya disini. HAHAHA
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:00am Ikutan! No excuses. RT @bonitawisnuw: OKAY JULY 24TH.. FIX JRL! @derrickjs temenin! no excuses! mau nonton Good Charlotte.. 10:22am RT @radityadika: Nikmatnya baru bangun jam segini. 01:37pm @sashlicious ohmigod! You look extremely cute & undeniably pretty on ur avatar. Did you photoshop it before you up upload? *suddenlymean* 01:46pm @steviegabriel salam buat mama kamu yang sampe sekarang aku belom pernah ketemu. I've never got a chance to meet her. Duh. 02:02pm Waiter. . Waiter. . Where is my es krim bakar? 02:53pm Everything's okay, Lenka #nowplaying 02:54pm Woke my weary head, crawled out of my bed, and I said, "Oh, how do I go on?". Sometimes I need a little sunshine & sometimes I need you 02:57pm RT @desianwar: A melancholy afternoon... 04:21pm @sinonce iyaa, lirik2 lagu di album baru nya pas banget, hahahaha 05:22pm Forlorn 06:57pm I'll make those second count 08:26pm HAHAHA! Knp emg tetangga nya? RT @Edhandr: it's not even nice knowing you come back to your home..(annoying neighbor returns) 08:48pm APA? MAS2 HERBALIFE BERANI2 NYA NASEHATIN GUE SUPAYA PERGI KE GYM DAN PUSH UP?? I'm NOT even pregnant, seenaknya nyuruh push up. 09:04pm Eh salah, maksud gue bukan push up tapi sit up. 09:24pm There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. -Kay Redfield Jamison 115
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09:26pm Then I scribble all day, and read all night, so long as the disease endures. -Edgar Allen Poe 09:27pm I miss you, I’m not gonna crack . I love you, I’m not gonna crack . I killed you, I’m not gonna crack. - Lithium by Kurt Cobain 10:07pm @steviegabriel gak salah? Kita kuat mental? Yakin kamu? (Re: twit ramalan) 11:17pm @fiorentinalagi PULANG
Wed Jun 08 12:19am @bonitawisnuw @nicolerichie gee, that's so me. 10:52am Woke up to samhut's idea of arbitrase. And I don't even study law. So my first wish today goes to @bonitawisnuw. 10:53am Ayo @bonitawisnuw kamu pasti bisa. Krn gue gk bisa ada disana buat nyemangatin, nih gue kasih emot cheeleader genit (�ˆ▿ˆ)� �(ˆ▿ˆ)� �(ˆ▿ˆ�) 10:54am You should say this to samhut @bonitawisnuw RT @sashlicious: I don't like being preached by someone who ... http:// tmi.me/bghS1 11:07am @bonitawisnuw Jangan patah semangat. You can revise your skripshit even if it kills you. Bonita Wisnu, S.H. → pasti kejadian 11:09am @bonitawisnuw dipikir2 S.H itu bisa jadi singkatan nya Samuel Hutabarat. Musti facing S.Hole biar bisa jd S.H 12:28pm EYD yang benar itu telefon atau telepon? Telfon atau telpon? Kalo ada yang ngerti please kasih tau gue. Thank you 12:51pm @tirtasumarsono gue dulu IPA bukan Bahasa. Klo gue dulu bahasa juga gue lebih jago drpd lo soal preposisi. Bweekk
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:02pm Ralph Barton’s suicide note (American artist) - “Everyone who has known me and who hears of this will have a... http://tumblr.com/ x5j2wfuqwt 05:25pm Temen gue artis korea. (Yg plg kiri) Cc: @steviegabriel http:// lockerz.com/s/108765935 06:03pm @Christichi Christie Mariana Renata boleh loh bbm gue dibales. ("ò_ó) 07:28pm @Christichi kok bisa rusak sih? Lo apain? 07:40pm Malam ini fat boy slim? Bercanda. 07:45pm RT @missnadyabenjay: I'm fine I'm fine,I'm really fine,oh and thank you 08:39pm @steviegabriel sama banget sama aku keinginannya. 08:48pm @steviegabriel iiih stevie pernah nyoba yaa di waterfall, di ocean, behind the tree. . . HAHAHA 09:09pm @steviegabriel bohong! Kamu mau tattoo apa? 09:20pm @steviegabriel nyebelin. 09:59pm @tieshadiona enak lg non pms. Itu satu2 nya waktu dimana kita cewek bisa berbuat apa aja, dan menyalahkan hormones. HAHA 10:02pm Haven't bought @GlamourMagUK june issue& now the july issue is out already. Sometimes it's real hard living in a rural place like indonesia 10:21pm Siapa pun yang beliin gue majalah Glamour (UK edition) edisi juni dan edisi juli, bakalan gue sayang seumur idup. *janji* 10:26pm Pasang weker, manja bgt sih, HAHA RT @steviegabriel: Siapa yang mau bangunin aku :3 nyawww *manja *manja 10:30pm @steviegabriel unyuuu. Besok mau bangun jam berapa sih? Biar aku PING sampe kamu bangun. :*
Titya Sumarsono
10:44pm @Christichi you are pretty, and I miss you, so please, I'm begging on twitter, please come home. And work here!!! 10:47pm The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. -Sylvia Plath
Thu Jun 09 11:04am Bapak gue pulang nanti malam. Ohmigod! Harus pake celana panjang lagi kan dirumah sendiri. ("ò_ó) 11:16am @tianhutauruk iya biasanya gitu. Enggak deng. Haha. Because he hasn't seen my ankle tattoo. makanya klo ada bapak aku hrs pk celana panjang 11:18am Y oh Y, kids always noisy in the restoran sih? Hormon apa sih yang bikin mereka jadi super aktif gitu? 11:57am I'm tired of the light topic. Can we play another game? you know, like, who's the bitch? And who's the bigger bitch? 12:05pm Ini kenapa orang-orang di timeline gue jd kayak berbalas pantun ? 12:07pm IHIY! Romantis banget sih bang epot. Canuck boys emang beda swag nya, :D RT @StaffJo: She's not a thing, she's everything... 12:16pm @StaffJo iyaa ada satu di ankle bagian belakang. Hihiii xp 01:35pm Topi gue jadi longgar banget, keseringan kena panas apa ya ? Jadi ngembang di tempat kepala nya. 02:07pm @tieshadiona kata siapa? Kalo gitu kita buronan dong non? (Re: tattoo kriminal) 02:11pm @tieshadiona iih diskriminasi bgt. Tattoo kita kan tattoo spiritual, *ngeles* maksudnya bukan asal gitu loh, ada artinya. Berita drmn sih?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:25pm @bonitawisnuw is he like extinct or something? Come to jogja, he's the one who built prambanan right. *just being an ice breaker here* 02:30pm Dia aja tattoo an di pantatnya, non. @tieshadiona http:// lockerz.com/s/109023337 02:35pm Lidah terpanjang di dunia. The world's longest tongue 12 cm. http://lockerz.com/s/109023979 02:39pm @tieshadiona gak tau lukisan apa, tp harganya 2o juta -.-' . Aku lg di musium2 aneh gitu di borobudur. Hahaha 03:14pm RT @animenur: RT @sarseh: be patient. one day you will get your engraved gift, and you'll be kissing your lucky star. ♥♥ 04:08pm RT @TravelJunkieID: Bali Arts Festival 2011 diadakan tanggal 11 Juni - 9 Juli 2011. #BaliIsMyCountry 04:09pm RT @animenur: RT @AdityaKP: http:// entertainment.kompas.com/read/2011/06/09/14562199/ Selamat.Datang.Kembali.Film.Hollywood 05:03pm @tirtasumarsono udah sampe mana cuy? Bbm gue di bales please 05:48pm @bonitawisnuw gue juga mau di baca in sama utheee!!! 06:51pm Labil dong? RT @disneywords: You know Pocahontas. She has her mother's spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her. –Kekata (Pocahontas) 06:52pm @dewindudut siapa? Aku yaa? Tenang... Besok kita ketemu kok, HAHA 06:59pm @bonitawisnuw bon sabar boon, emang kalo mau berhasil dan sukses itu susah. Tinggal enam hari lagi kok. Gue Yakin lo bisa. *BIGHUGS*
Titya Sumarsono
07:25pm @Christichi setuju. Tp saking cinta nya sama bapak gue, nyokap sampe suka lupa masakin makanan kesukaan anak satu2 nya. Dibaca: gue 07:37pm @tieshadiona loh? Dulu kan kamu artis cilik non. Masa lupa? Makanya buruan deh making a come back lg -.07:44pm Aslik. Ini Big Brother reality show di trans tv ini sebenernya tentang apa sih? Plis kasih tau. Kok gk ada brother nya,cuma ada suara2 doang 08:21pm Sahabat gue @bonitawisnuw sama @derrickjs emang paling bisa bikin hati sahabat nya gundah gulana. Ngajak hepi2 pas gue gk bisa T_T 08:44pm RT @VeHandojo: "I am Magnetto, because I'm magnetic." | "No! You are Cornetto. Because you're corny." 09:01pm Uuuh iyaa beb, gemeshh. Beb halo beb? Halo? *iklan axis* RT @bonitawisnuw: Beb gemeshh beb @derrickjs 11:46pm Ini #jkthorror kok makin lama makin serem ceritanya? Makin enggak bisa tidur gue yang ada ("ò_ó) 11:51pm Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep. Tossing and turning. The racing thoughts. . . It's just upsetting
Fri Jun 10 10:07am RT @iSpeakTruth_: Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others. 10:09am Mata melipir @_@ kepala nguing-nguing x_x 10:19am @Christichi chiiiiii, avatar lo gue kira udah bener, dari jauh cantik bgt, dari deket juga sih, tp kenapa harus di kumisin sih? :/
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:20am @Christichi dan berapa berat lo skrg? Jujur! You look waaaaaayy skinnier, gee. Gak lo enggak bonnie, gue doang yg bloating x_x 10:29am RT @Christichi: *drooling* RT @RAEindra: Stlh buka ini jd ngidam tiba2. (˘̩̩̩_˘̩̩̩) http://bit.ly/jfiBzD ada yg udah prnh pesen dr mrka blm? 10:39am I want a big bowl of Sundae, you know w chocolate syrup and everything, or i become nutty as fruitcake. 10:44am @Christichi ah, now you're being modest. 10:55am #dearyou Don't reveal your sequel to the lassie wacky. She's going to screw your tale. 12:36pm RT @VeldaAnabela: Uh fine! 12:53pm RT @bonitawisnuw: RT @j_limantauw: Sleep so late, wake up early, and don't feel any sleepiness. How cool is that huh 01:09pm The Hopeless - Words is all I read, And I speak through it. I know it’s absurd, But I lost without word, I... http://tumblr.com/ x5j2xgyabw 01:36pm @bonitawisnuw ha? Serius lo, ada cowok jadi mayor nya narsih salon? Serem sih 01:42pm @bonitawisnuw narsih don't do boys&kalo dia straight it's even scarier, krn ttp mau eksis di salon khusus cewek dgn nm dioboys, I mean, cmon 02:28pm @bonitawisnuw no bonnie no. Don't play another role. It's not worth the drama. 05:18pm Kak @findryany minta ditemenin doi. RT @iansomerhalder: Breakfast alone on a dreamy drizzly Barcelona morning- perfect. 05:33pm RT @infojakarta: 7 Hari Menuju JAKARTA GREAT SALE . 68 MALL DISC up to 70%. #jkt484 .. 121
Titya Sumarsono
05:45pm I'm 23. I'm old. I don't have time to decipher any meaning behind text, ok? I'm exhausted. #theglovesareoff 07:39pm RT @VeHandojo:RT @editor_in_chic: Aren't you the reprieve for a sore heart,the light at the end of a tunnel,o the stiff one.-An ode to vodka 08:24pm @tieshadiona *dadahbalik* *mantengin timeline juga* 09:09pm At least they have the Bali's Vibe. (@ Hani's Restaurant & Bakery) http://4sq.com/iRGKb9 09:18pm @CindyLubis I'm in jogja darling x_x . 11:25pm @Christichi I'm your effin best friend, and I haven't met you in ages, so you must BUY me H&M as many as you can afford, nyehehe
Sat Jun 11 12:17am @miamishine @bonitawisnuw di immigrant dan gak ngajak ngajak gueeeee???? Teganya teganya kaliaaan. . . *ngambekdipojokankamar* 12:19am @sashlicious russian tea bukanya pake cherry ya? *Menurut pengetahuan yang berdasarkan pd sex and the city ch. Aleksandr Petrovksy* 12:26am Maybe I'm wearing goggles, maybe this is real, either way I'm happy and I'm having so much fun. I'm in mania. 12:28am @RioDwikaP ngantri ya beb. @RobKardashian bang Rob, saya duluan ya pokoknya, hihii xp 12:59am @tieshadiona nona darling, jauh2 dari badberry deh mendingan kalo lagi di immi, x_x 01:02am I miss you like crazy. Even more than words can say. I miss you like crazy. Every minute of everyday. . . Lalala Lalalaa #nowlistening
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:06am @bonitawisnuw I know, right? Twit gue sblm nya kan buat kalian & bbrp tmn setia gue ky angsa abu2, patron, cosmo, *jrit* *pemabok amat gue* 02:13am @RADENRORO where can I buy radenroro collection in Indonesia? Any reseller boutique that sells them? Or is it available in NY only? 11:38am RT @iSpeakTruth_: Twitter isn't a just a site anymore. It's like school.There's drama, relationships,the "popular",the nobodies&the newbies. 11:47am RT @animenur: RT @Alkupra: Why mean girls always comes in three? 11:52am @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona Selamat Pagi nonaaaku dan bonniekuu. Apa kabaaar?? Did you guys have fun tonight? I bet you did. HAHAHA 12:00pm I don't believe in laughter is the best medicine until recently,when I heard a voicenote that @bonitawisnuw sent me last night. Super honest 12:01pm @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw oooh iyaaa, yaaa maklum lah non, nyawa masih bececeran tapi udh nge twit gk sabar pgn gosip. HAHA 12:09pm @steviegabriel @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw mine is not small and not the smallest. Mine is the same size cup as bonnie's. Meeehh 01:04pm There is no great genius without a mixture of madness. Aristotle 01:24pm #nowplaying Don't forsake me, Duffy 01:46pm Sejak kapan Johnny Depp lancar berbahasa indonesia dengan baik dan benar? *lagi nonton willy wonka di rcti*
Titya Sumarsono
01:57pm Baru kali ini lihat abang tukang sate ada yang cute, namanya Arya pula. #setelSCTV #nontonFTV 01:59pm @steviegabriel kamu harusnya liat muka abang sate nya pas ngisep darah nya acha. Muka nya semi porn abis -.04:25pm Sariawan di lidah ini benar-benar mengganggu jadwal gue untuk mencemil-cemil makanan. ("ò_ó) 04:26pm @Christichi lo ddimana siih? Kok ky nya tersiksa banget 06:30pm @bonitawisnuw ingeet laaah, tapi gue lebih inget lagi, yg liriknya tonight I'm fucking you, HAHAHA #2011 07:31pm RT @bonitawisnuw: Sungguh butuh martini amat sangat sangat amat. 07:43pm Telur bakar, ayam goreng, sayur asem, sate usus goreng, enggak heran kalo ada mas2 nutrilite herbalife nyuruh gue fitness ke gym seenaknya 08:08pm @Christichi eh gue abis tau makan sekarang. Gk dicuil2 doang. Lo kaget deh kalo ketemu gue nanti. 08:44pm @Christichi kalo enggak percaya, tanya org terakhir yg ketemu gue, @bonitawisnuw. Bon, Gue gendutan kan ya? 10:38pm OVJ Awards enggak ada yang bisa ngalahin emang. Daritadi enggak berhenti ketawa2. 10:39pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Nicole Kidman in Proenza Schouler: DO or DON’T? http://bit.ly/jTaGWR 11:15pm Ini daritadi ada orang2 ngetwit cuma mention nama gue + kasih link2 enggak jelas maksudnya apa sih? Apa hidup gue udah serandom itu ya?
Sun Jun 12
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:08am Romantic dates turn out to be not so romantic. Pfft.. 12:20am I know I've always thought myself rather foreign. 10:39am GOOD MOORNING!! Semalam gue mimpi aneh, yang ternyata kejadian di dunia nyata. Ada yang mimpi aneh juga semalam? 10:45am Happy birthday @annishayunaini !! Wish you all the very best sayang. xxx 10:47am Jam segini bon? Really? RT @bonitawisnuw: I'm at Starbucks (Margo City G-01, Jalan Margonda Raya No. 358, Depok) http://4sq.com/mialFk 01:06pm Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom. General George S. Patton → I bounce like Lamar dribble the ball. High. 01:07pm @tieshadiona masukin daun sirih ke idung yg mimisan. Serius. 03:29pm Tamu favorit gue udah pulang dan sekarang saat nya beres2 rumah, buat tamu homestay berikutnya. 03:34pm @bonitawisnuw semangat skripsi nya!! (�ˆ▿ˆ)� �(ˆ▿ˆ)� � (ˆ▿ˆ�) *\('-'*\) (/*'-')/* 04:03pm @VeldaAnabela iyaa veve, kalo ada temen2 gue mau ke Jogja, baru gue jadi houseparent slash tour guide. HAHAHA 04:12pm @VeldaAnabela masih di Jakarta kok veve, tapi juggling life between 2 cities. HAHAA 05:02pm Footspa & Creambath. Yayayayay, I deserve these treatments. :D (@ Martha tilaar salon day spa) http://4sq.com/iAbAIP 05:03pm RT @RioDwikaP: Motivasi buat yg lagi pada diet... http:// twitpic.com/5ahua9 08:35pm @findryany gak usah ngomong. Gue juga mau menikmati wisata ke british virgin island itu lagi (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) .
Titya Sumarsono
11:40pm RT @LoveScopes: Even the worst luck wont have a lasting effect on #Aries
Mon Jun 13 12:46am @tieshadiona nonaaa itu tulisannya bagus sekaliii. Lugas dan real. Aku sukaa. 12:51am You cannot lie to women. They know everything, well... At last they will. It's part of their nature. It's the way mother earth protect them. 10:57am @bonitawisnuw masih jerawatan gak istrinya bugi? 10:59am Uh-oh. Tiba-tiba tenggorokan seperti berpasir. Kenapa ini? 11:12am Pasir di tenggorokan ini pasti gara-gara kemarin minum lemon grass dingin. Harus nya kemarin minum jahe aja. 11:34am That waS the most hilarious story ever @bonitawisnuw. I should have been there to watch it all. Kapan lageeee? 04:01pm Feel Again, Taio Cruz #nowplaying 08:50pm Ugh! Sand in my throat. Mengganggu sekali.. Uhuk uhuk. Gak akan minum lemon grass lagi. 09:31pm @tieshadiona klo gue di pony tail bekas skin nya keliatan yg skrg udh panjang sering dikira bekas xtensionan. Enggak cute. Serem malah. T.T
Tue Jun 14 11:53am @findryany RT @infojakarta: @bagscity: Pantai Kuta, Lombok: Pasir putih, airnya jernih cocok utk destinasi liburan http:// yfrog.com/kfymhhj 12:00pm LET'S !! @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona @findryany
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:18pm @steviegabriel @tieshadiona mirip tau stev. Temennya adekku pernah nyium bau gas bocor dirumah,pdhl sbnrnnya itu bau duren.Agak aneh sih emg 07:11pm @bonitawisnuw RT @serunya: RT @jokoanwar: Kalo lagi nulis skrip, bikin target (misalnya sehari minimal 3 halaman), itu sangat membantu loh. 07:35pm Jakarta atau Bali? 07:42pm RT @disneywords: It starts with a dream of who I can be. Wherever it takes me, I can wait so I'm gonna hold on tight. –Sharpay Evans 07:45pm It's exactly 2 weeks ago, I couldn't stop yapping about how I love summer. But as much as I love summer, I'm longing for September. 08:13pm @Christichi YUKK!! Tinggal di Bali aja yukk 08:20pm RT @tieshadiona: RT @LydiaZein: JUAL TICKET PRESALE LINKIN PARK --->250k. (+6285659333901 BIMA) | via @gbimo 08:36pm Wanna lose 1-2 kilos a day? Try engaged to sore throat. Trust me, it works. 09:49pm Sakit & gak bisa ngapa2in selain tiduran di kamar. So, it's how met your mother time w my brother. Hello ted, marshall, lily, barney, robin! 10:12pm Lily, if one of the vancouver canucks walked in here, my panties would drop so hard, there'd be a hole in the floor halfway to china. -Robin
Wed Jun 15
Titya Sumarsono
11:05am A better resurrection - I have no wit, I have no words, no tears My heart within me like a stone Is numbed... http://tumblr.com/x5j308j61i 12:42pm Ada apa sih sama orang-orang yang suka nyolong parkiran orang sembarangan. Jam 1 siang, cuaca panas, bikin emosi! #theglovesareoff 01:20pm UHUK UHUK UHUK. . . Y can't I stop coughing?? This sick is literally killing my social activities. 01:57pm @serunya daftar workshop nya paling lambat kapan ya? Kalo belum pernah punya pengalaman jd penulis, boleh ikutan enggak? 04:01pm stop poking the future. 04:39pm RT @RioDwikaP: RT @JakartaKeras: Jangan cuma gara2 pacar jadi lupa sama temen2, giliran putus malah nyari temen2, sampah #JKBoss 05:50pm Final Test dan gue terlambat. GRRReaatt! 07:12pm @bonitawisnuw @Angelaelvinas @neshabukit http:// lockerz.com/s/110884084 aaww, the ow nine year. Miss those times Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ 07:14pm Beliin oleh2 buat tante dinarku sayang a.ka. Mama nya @bonitawisnuw. Mark up aaah harganya, nyehehehe 09:11pm Cieh! Jago nih yee 3D nya RT @Christichi: Sekarang liat film2 animasi yg dibayangin cara bikin, setting, dan render nya~ 09:28pm The western foods, the cosmos, the manhattans, the polluted city, the unhealthy life. . . I can't wait to see them. Detox is over. 09:47pm And to see my sexay bff @bonitawisnuw and my hot papaw bff @derrickjs. Can't wait to knock ourselves out. LOL. 09:59pm Bagaimana cara packing yang benar dan menutup koper? I will never know. http://lockerz.com/s/110923293
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Thu Jun 16 01:27am In western Asia, Australia and the Philippines, the lunar eclipse will be visible just before sunrise. 01:43am @egajaya iya iyaaa, ini udh ketutup seperempat. Hueheuhehehehe 01:44am Gerhana bulaaaaan.. Dina Lorenza nya mana ya ngomong2? 02:17am Buat yang masih pada bangun, liat gerhana bulan totalnya deeeh, bagus banget. Aslik. 02:19am Bintang2 nya jadi kayak bermunculan mendadak. Sumpah keren bgt, total lunar eclipse nya. 06:46am RT @CindyLubis: Removed. Deleted. Blocked. What else? 10:28am @bonitawisnuw http://lockerz.com/s/111089776 bim bim bab kali ah derr. @derrickjs . HAHA 10:30am Skrg otw pulang derr, ROAD TRIP beybeeeh. HAHA RT @derrickjs: tyasumarsono tyaaaa. Kapan datengggg 10:30am RT @LoveScopes: Its hard for #Aries to hide their feelings ~ What you see is usually pretty real 10:46am RT @sofifii: Whenever someone compliments my personality, I can't help think "wait, they don't think I'm a model?" 11:00am Pengen belajar Sastra Inggris. Aslik. 03:28pm Siapa yang ciptain jalur pantai selatan yang berliku-liku sih? Sumpah mabok nya lebih parah daripada minum tekila dua galon loh +_ + 07:12pm Di Jakarta, naik marilyn monroe, ngeliat lampu2 kota, metro mini. . . bener-bener kerasa deh liburan summer nya.
Titya Sumarsono
10:44pm OBAT ANTI PILEK PALING AMPUH APA YA? #EMOSI deh malam2 mau tidur, tapi hidung malah mampet. Dua-duanya loh. Monyeng.
Fri Jun 17 09:48am Influenza is like a mass destroyer weapon to a girl's shopping spirit. And today is Jakarta Great Sale. Dang you Flu! ("ò_ó) 09:59am & there's no polite way to blow your nose except simply excuse yourself from your crowd & go to the nearest rest room then blow it there. 10:01am & the painful headache that comes with it, the ability to hardly breath, gee, influenza is the worst. 10:37am I am, literally, sick. 11:06am @steviegabriel makasih sayangku, sini tak cium, mwaaahhh :* 11:37am And truth be told I MISS YOU. And truth be told I'M LYING. HAHA HAHA HAHAAA !!! 11:47am I told you once, i told you twice and now my shoulders cold, like a block of ice, you playin games like you rollin dice 12:21pm Dear Rhinos, words on the street say you're the best. So please, cure me. Kick that influenza out of my system. Sincerely, moi. xx 02:29pm Even Rhinos can't cure me. Hukhuk 03:51pm Oke, tweet ini memang gak patut ditiru, tapi mobil yg berhenti mendadak & gk berani ngelanggar lampu merah brg sedetik aja itu ngeselin loh 04:25pm CR-V B 1415 JW kalo gk bisa nyetir di Jakarta, ndekem di rumah aja deh mendingan. #EMOSI
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:55pm Efek obat flu nya baru kerasa sekarang deh. Ngantuk. Tidur dulu kali ya. *Groookk* 05:13pm Andiamo a Milano !!! @steviegabriel http://lockerz.com/ s/111460482 05:28pm You mean, you Lived? RT @Christichi: I live in karawaci RT @steviegabriel: Anyone around Karawaci?! #matik 07:19pm @dewindudut enggak sygg, aku kan lg di jakarta. Have fun yaaa!!! Salam buat semuanya. xoxo 09:45pm Cheers and Beers!!! Happy anniv bonderr!!! Love you guys. xo (@ JayaPub) http://4sq.com/jnVhfF 10:23pm Semua orang ajaaa eniversari. Happy one month @embunvictoria kenneth!! xoxo (@ JayaPub) http://4sq.com/iEeIH7 10:24pm @CindyLubis chim chim apa nih cindy? *wink wink* 11:09pm H.A.P.P.Y :D 11:17pm Oh pretty baby, don't let me down I pray...
Sat Jun 18 12:13am Ditemenin makan ayam pop saking kelaperannya sama kenneth, embun, bonie. Baiknya mereka. ƪ(‾.‾“)ʃ 10:16am Woke up to bizarre world. By bizarre world I mean listened to @bonitawisnuw rapping 'super bass' by Nicki Minaj. Yes, she just rapped. 12:14pm Thank God you blew it. Thank God I dodged the bullet. 03:35pm I'm so hungry I could eat. . . I don't know, anything. . ? 04:16pm Semoga paket telor rendang gue seenak fotonya. Kalo enggak, bisa gue tebalikin ini meja nya. 05:29pm Recharge
Titya Sumarsono
06:50pm LMAO w @bonitawisnuw and @embunvictoria . Dan jakarta terlihat sangat sepi dari lantai 23. 10:08pm DINNER!!!! Gnom gnom gnom *sluuuurrpp* (@ Zenbu, House Of Mozaru w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/k8Jnec
Sun Jun 19 01:24am Oh gee! I love schizo! If he's schizo then I'm bipolar 01:37am You gotta show me love. Dot. 01:48am Suddenly it was summer 2010 all over again. So yes, maybe I do live in the past 02:13am I lovew bonei derrick dtvie embuin kennteh more ane more !!! And you well...m 02:57am cluth gue hampir ilang. Untung @embunvictoria ne$muin. Hihihiii. Love you bitcvh? Maaf ya ken, derr, bobn embh ngerepitin hihii. Maklum lkah 12:14pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw @derrickjs lunch di? My body is so capek. Buat walking2 aja pegel banget T_T 01:46pm aslik. Jalanan sepi banget. 02:03pm Oke. Cuma butuh 5 track Nicki Minaj buat nyampe Menteng. 04:49pm RT @neshabukit: Pegel-pegel kurang tidur pengen pijetan.. ⌣̴̴͡͡͡͡⌣̲د 04:56pm Gosh! Ada Marks & Spencer food hall baru buka di Gading!!! Aslik, makin mirip London. 05:06pm @bonitawisnuw mayaaaaan. HAHA. Eh tapi beneran deh, I've been waiting for really long time, hoping someday bakalan ada m&s foodhall di indo 05:09pm @Prischatze iyaa, di gading 3 yang ground floor nya
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:26pm Haaa, ternyata markspencer foodhall nya gak heboh2 bgt, cuma jual kue2 kering doang -.07:24pm @tianhutauruk Y Y Y? Living with parents so fun. Mum will always cook you food, and daddy will be there if you need money. #manja #pemalay
Mon Jun 20 12:08pm Because all babies are adorable? RT @bonitawisnuw: Why do people like putting some ugly babies pict on their bbm? #nyinyir 01:48pm Has the word mademoiselle lost somewhere between the millenium and replaced by madam? ("ò_ó) 01:51pm I don't like it when bank assure you that it is your memory that need to be upgraded and not their stupid system. 01:59pm Gee, I am literally broke. What was on my mind when I signed to 5 years agreement? 06:02pm BUTUH UANG (Cepat) tapi halal. Ada ide? 06:24pm @salmannn siyaaaall. HAHA 06:39pm @Christichi kalo lo baik sih, lo transfer in gaji lo bulan lalu ke rekening gue. Kan instan tuh, HAHAHA
Tue Jun 21 12:12pm RT @sofifii: How soon is too soon to make someone your emergency contact? 12:50pm such a heavy burden placed upon me, but when you go hard your nay's become yay's, Yankee Stadium with Jay's and Kanye's 01:18pm It's OK. . . To buy a new album purely for two songs, which you repeat over and over (and over) again 133
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01:44pm @bonitawisnuw jauh2 amat dah, ke pi aja deh mendingan 01:51pm Barang2 yang dipajang di etalase mol ini kenapa terlihat jauh lebih bagus ya kalo lagi gak punya duit? ("ò_ó) 02:02pm RT @VeHandojo: #thetrendingdenial RT @notaslimboy: satu lagi: "Gua gak peduli mau difollow atau diunfollow gara-gara twit gua" 06:52pm RT @iTwitQuotes_: Friendship isn't about being inseparable, but about being separated and knowing nothing will change. 06:58pm Ngerjain skripsi biar kamis bisa pergi RT @bonitawisnuw: Joss Stone - Tell me what we're gonna do now 07:13pm How to vanish summer fat into the air before september sih? I really wanna know loh 07:46pm There's some things inside of me that i needed to show so i just deaded you, left you in all black but dear old nicki, please call back 09:29pm #nowwatching How I met your mother season 6 episode 21. One word: Hilarious! 10:48pm Jst cried a little over last episode of how I met your mother s.6. 11:16pm @embunvictoria tuh kan! Tuh kan! Tuh kan! Bener kan feeling gue ngajak nya hari jumat ini. Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ada schizo!!!
Wed Jun 22 10:56am GOOD MORNING! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JAKARTA, my favorite city in the whole one world, even Tokyo and New York can't outshine you! xx 11:22am Sekalian aja bawang merah bawang putih RT @Ramalan_Kita: Aries - Aroma Keberuntungan: Lada Hitam,Cengkeh, Ketumbar, Kemtumbar, Kemenyan,Jahe
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:10pm Boom Boom Bang, Ke$ha #nowplaying 02:19pm DON'T think you know everything there is to know about romantic affairs. 06:14pm @bonitawisnuw Bagaimana gue bisa sampai di Loewy dalam jangka waktu satu setengah jam padahal skrg aja baru bangun? Teganya kau bonita 09:45pm @RebeccaBillina plis twitpic. Pengen liat *ibuanimalprint* 11:32pm Standing on four inch stiletto for one hour, I should get some standing ovation, right?
Thu Jun 23 12:23am Bumped into @moammaremka . Nice to see you again mas emka :D 12:32am @moammaremka mau nya juga gitu, tapi failed project, badanku kalah gede sama bouncer2 nya fabregas. Hahaha 12:33am @bonitawisnuw @findryany tenang saudari-saudari ku sebangsa&setanah air, kegagalan adalah sukses yang tertunda *apasik?* *mencobamenghibur* 12:59am Udah lah drpd masih miris hati mikirin fabregas, gue mendingan cuci baju malam2. Ini pasti ada hubungannya sama fengshui #rumahberantakan 08:24pm Yes, pasti sih baru bangun jam segini, mau cari makan, juga udah tutup semua restorannya 09:46pm @bonitawisnuw gak lama-lama kok. Janji. Cuma mau cek2 ombak doang. HAHA. Eh btw gue ky nya nyasar deh ini T.T
Titya Sumarsono
10:01pm @helenahawkqueen klo mau tattoo paling bagus di Durga Tattoo, di jalan cikini. Tptnya lbh steril dr rumah sakit. Coba buka durgatattoo.com 10:03pm Thank God masih ada restoran yg buka jam segini (@ Convivium) http://4sq.com/jAfMke 10:04pm RT @sofifii: I heard that if someone doesn't text you back within 2 mins you have the right to burn down their house. So coolz 10:38pm RT @sofifii: I love when angry drivers act like they're going to hit ur car,like u do know your gets hit too,right?Jokes on you crazy pants! 11:30pm RT @bonitawisnuw: Roof with @tieshadiona tyasumarsono and kak ubaaank @SubhanAksa LOL 11:39pm I feel like in Balzac
Fri Jun 24 12:34am RT @sofifii: I've been smiling all morning! What the hell is wrong with me? 12:42am @sinonce cieeeeeeee!!! 01:11am Dance the night away. . . 03:09pm Pernah enggak sih, gue terjebak di dalam kemacetan dalam kondisi perut kenyang? Jawabannya tidak pernah. 03:46pm Lunch with @bonitawisnuw and @janesimanjuntak . Gnom gnom gnom. . . :D (@ Chung Gi Wa) http://4sq.com/iXLE3g 04:49pm There's always the 1st time for everything,so I dare myself to try yangnyom galbi. And it taste BETTER than beef. Kemana aja gue selama ini? 05:50pm Ngomongin Kak Ubank sama Bonnie. Emang beda ya kalo cowok yang bermanner sama yang enggak. Gentleman is still exist ladies..
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:42pm TGIF!!! (@ The Jaya Pub w/ @itistiancoy) http://4sq.com/ lHIm8o
Sat Jun 25 12:52am @tianhutauruk oh em gee. . . Gue juga sih bakalan gitu kalo di kulkas gue ada makanan 02:00pm Test 04:28pm @embunvictoria si @pringgodigdo kenal sma morgan kok 05:00pm It's beeeeen a looooooong loooooong timeeee (@ Yoshinoya Restaurant (吉野家) w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/ipv4Uu 09:00pm @Christichi nars orgasm gue jangan lupaaaaaaaaaaaaa plis. Sama kado gue yaaa. HAHAHA. Thank you pretty Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ xx 09:59pm Eh buset belom selesai ngomong udah disconnected loh #ouch 10:03pm Cieee @bonitawisnuw RT @RadioGalauFM: Pacaran cuma malem Minggu tuh udah kuno. Hari laen kan juga bisa. 10:37pm Laughter is the cheapest medicine. 10:49pm RT @sofifii: I feel like I'm constantly being annoyed about not being invited somewhere that I wouldn't want to go anyway. 11:43pm @LinggomPerdana to the basement. Hell's basement. LOL
Sun Jun 26 12:00am Where u at @tieshadiona 02:29am Plasa Indonesia mati lampu!!!! Parkiran jadi di gratisin. HAHAHA 11:03am Jakarta is about attending. Attending: birthday party, farewell party, launching something party, grand opening something party. . . 137
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11:03am but the one that need the guts the most is attending wedding party. 11:17am @diondelli hahaa, iya sih, yang penting makan makan nya. 12:56pm Doing what I do best in wedding party: Makan. 03:04pm Dilemma is when you have to chose between beauty or comfort. Choosing under garment can be difficult. 03:40pm Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa? Gue enggak pernah jodoh sama sepatu yang gue suka sih? Dasar kaki liliput T.T 04:30pm Kedinginan! 04:43pm @beQii di bali lagi ujan terus emang? 06:06pm @Christichi orgasm nya enggak ada???? Alaaamaaaaaaakkk!! How do I live without orgasm? *lebay* 06:24pm @Christichi T.T tapi kado gue tetep ada kaaaaan? Sama coklat yang banyak. *tetep* 06:28pm @Christichi kado guuuwwweeeeee. Red Lipstick. Ih parah banget lupa (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 06:54pm Di layar blackberry gue tiba2 ada ky minyak bentuk nya awan gitu, apa gara2 gue pasang foto cupcakes sebagai wallpaper ? 06:56pm Aslik. Makin hari makin aneh aja ini blekberi. 07:52pm Kakak gue kenapa gak mau beli mesin cuci buat di apartemen nya siiiiiih? Pinggul gue kan jadi encok mendadak gara-gara cuci baju manual 08:12pm Rearranging closet & ngeliat tumpukan baju yang udh lama gk kepake gue rasa udah saatnya bikin garage sale, biar fengshuinya bagus. -.09:07pm Bapak gue tiba2 sms cuma buat kasih tau Richard Gere lg ada di Borobudur selama 2 hari. Plis deh, Richard Gere itu udah oom2 Yah.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:28pm There's NOTHING glamour for being Domestic GODDESS. . . 10:00pm But u can buy the best hand cream u can afford as an excuse to prevent your skin from cracking due to doing dishes & manual laundry. 10:27pm #nowplaying simply red - say you love me
Mon Jun 27 10:42am I blame the sweet dream and the super pewe bedroom for waking up so late, & within 1 hour I must face monday reality, the fuss & the muss. 12:31pm @bonitawisnuw gee, darling, when it comes to my babeberry, even hilary clinton can't reach me. → yaiyalah, punya pin bb nya juga enggak 12:35pm @steviegabriel yaudah yuuuk cabs ke inggris langsung. HAHA 12:40pm @Christichi @bonitawisnuw namanya: the girls who always want to be in their own reailty show 12:52pm menurut horoskop, bulan juni gue bakalan dapat uang kaget, tp udh mau akhir bulan gue belum nemu jutawan yg mau hibahin deposito nya ke gue 12:58pm Due to my belief, today should be a GREAT day for me. 12:58pm but if your car got hit by motorcycle when you try to start your day, will you still consider yourself lucky? 01:01pm The island of Jakarta is a cozy village, populated by more than 8 million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the street. 01:10pm @dickysudibyo HAHA, aduh dicky, seandainya di jakarta ada jual lotre beneran mungkin gue udah jd pecandu lotre, HAHA 01:26pm @dickysudibyo taun ini gue graduate, akhirnya, hahahaaha
Titya Sumarsono
01:34pm RT @infojakarta: Jakartans must see: MUSIKAL LASKAR PELANGI is back. 1- 11 july 2011 @ teater Jakarta TIM. more info-> @Musikal_LP #jktevent 01:59pm @sashlicious how did the interview go? Gee, I'm so full of envy right now. I wish I could see some bloomberg guy 02:12pm @sashlicious the fact that you got interviewed by bloomberg is effing cool. Gee, gue juga mau dong di wawancara atau ngopi2 brg bloombergguy 03:26pm Kak lapar kak lapar kak lapar kak lapar kak lapar kak, belum makan dari sd 11:22pm Jakarta... Ini kan summer, kenapa ujan? But who are we kidding here? jakarta cuma punya dua musim. Hujan dan kering kerontang. 11:34pm YAY!! Welcome to my timeline @steffitjandra
Tue Jun 28 12:40am Me and @sashlicious would absolutely agree RT @steviegabriel: In my opinion, Japanese face looks like PornStar most of them #justsaying -_-" 12:56am @bonitawisnuw cieee kurang brain nya ya tadi di twit sebelumnya, HAHA 01:04am Abis pergi sm @bonitawisnuw, beresin rumah, ngitung2 pengeluaran sampe belom mandi, emg gue wanita sibuk. Sibuk nangis ngeliatin bon. 01:08am Fengshui gue harus di operasi bypass ini kayaknya. 01:08am RT @sofifii: Day 1 of a new diet is the worst. All you can think is can't we just get to the "after pictures" yet.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:55am I'm at Soekarno hatta airport terminal 2 (Soekarno hatta international airport, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/joiJiT 08:56am Udah keluar rumah, lupa bawa laundry-an. -.11:09am RT @bonitawisnuw: @tyasumarsono sih cantik banget sih emang sih... 11:13am @bonitawisnuw monyeeeeeenggg!!! T.T 11:28am RT @sofifii: Is there anything cuter than jealousy? I mean maybe obsession. 05:50pm You got that boom boom thing that makes my body bang, gimme boom boom bang, watch your boom boom base, were runnin' through my veins 06:29pm Mumpung masih #capslockday : FOTO BBM GUE KENAPA ENGGAK BERUBAH2 SIH? UDAH SEMINGGU LEBIH NIH, STUCK SAMA @steviegabriel 06:36pm @embunvictoria ADOOHH!! MAU DOOONG JUS SAYUR!! GUE SUKA BANGEEETT. 10:23pm Aslik, ini foto bbm gue kenapa enggak berubah2 sih? Pengen ganti lohh, suwer. T_T 10:34pm dd ft moi <3 (@ SHY Rooftop Papilion) http://4sq.com/ mLshg7 10:38pm Y DO I ALWAYS DUCK AND DIVE MYSELF? 10:41pm So there's a man sitting next to me, alone, and order one bottle of vodka. ONE BOTTLE for himself. Talking about drowning in sorrow, eh? 10:55pm Have a GREAT NIGHT everyone, love you, xx 11:26pm RT @VeldaAnabela: I might have some trust issues... Damn it! 11:28pm @diondelli cie gaul. HAHAHA
Titya Sumarsono
11:34pm Plis plis foto bbm gue berubah. Sumpah. Bitchberreey ini freak bgt. 11:36pm @diondelli tau darimana gue di rooftop? :/ 11:44pm Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us, you and I. xx
Wed Jun 29 12:03am I saidd it because I care 12:09am Baby baby why do you wanna hurt me so baaaaad?? Whhhhyyyyy? Whyyyyy? 12:15am Isinya: oraaaaaang semua. I feel like in Dingo's 12:55am @RAEindra iyaaaa!!! Kamu dimananya 01:19am Gotta bailed our early. See u soon . xxx @RAEindra 02:09am Everything's in disorder, but I'm talking in a good way, of course. 02:11am @infojakarta anak jakarta enggak akan pernah tidur, apalagi kalo besok hari libur :D 11:10am RT @lenadunham: If you are a male and I have ever emailed or texted you, would you kindly delete it? This isn't the work I want preserved. 11:15am Morning(GOOD)news: my best friend @sashlicious has just passed BLOOMBERG's interview. Isn't she brainy? I'm so PROUD of her. 01:24pm @missnadyabenjay liburaaaaaaaaaan. Ke Bora-Bora naik G6 01:26pm Brooklyn Romeo Omega Kenya Ego 06:34pm ddftmoi
tyasumarsono's Twournal
06:50pm I'm at Birdcage (Jl. WIjaya 9/23, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/iV5iRS 07:44pm RT @bonitawisnuw: Birdcage with @derrickjs tyasumarsono @derriekleefstra @pringgodigdo @embunvictoria & Kenneth 09:03pm IKA MENTAI http://lockerz.com/s/115299974 10:59pm No more sex & city rerun, no more reading nicolerichie's Priceless or CandaceBushnell's Trading UP, tonight is about revise the manuscript.
Thu Jun 30 01:25am KECOAAAAAAAAA!! Dan gak ada baygon. Oh my nose! 01:31am I can't believe I just had a huge fight with my brother over useless disgusting creature God ever created known as cockroach. 01:34am And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a really bad dream tonight. Damn you KECOA! 01:13pm Kelapa Gading langsung berubah jadi danau tiap ujan. T.T 01:37pm Kenapa yg cuma ada cicilan mobil, tapi enggak ada cicilan helikopter, biar jalanan di jakarta gk macet. Cicilannya tapi seumur idup 7turunan 01:44pm @steffitjandra iya steff, lama-lama gue nyewa gondola juga deh, sekalian pemain biola nya, biar romantisan dikit kalo ujan2 gini -.01:53pm RT @VeHandojo: Orang yang ngaku ngga ngerti, biasanya banyak mau tau. Orang yang ngaku udah tau, biasanya gak mau ngerti. 03:57pm at Monologue with the girls. And torn between stay in w them or going thru the rain to attend inStyle event, alone. 07:07pm Draco Romeo Omega Papa!
Titya Sumarsono
07:19pm @LinggomPerdana harusnya sih, Pake apa dong yaa tapi naikinnya? Masih weekdays nih nggom. Hahahaha 07:59pm S.T.R.O.N.G = Stress Tak Tertolong 08:43pm @Christichi then come home soon!!! xx 11:22pm RT @RubyKarp: Dear Ursala, It was because I was a ginger, wasn't it? Sincerely, Ariel.
Fri Jul 01 12:44am Stress is a useless emotion human kind ever developed. 12:50am Seandainya NZT yang di Limitless beneran ada, tanpa efek samping, dan dijual bebas tanpa resep dokter di apotek Kimia Farma terdekat -.11:32am RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Aries Weaknesses: Impatience, silly arguments,and allowing fear to limit their choices. 11:33am Nyari Margonda Residence benar benar bagaikan mencari jarum di antara tumpukan jerami. 11:53am RT @sofifii: A real friend let's you borrow her lip gloss a bad friend just has std's. 11:59am Ngeprint seratus lima puluh empat halaman ditambah jilid spiral cuma Rp 37.500. Ternyata masih ada tempat murah di Jakarta. *terharu* 12:05pm Mau keluar depok malah nyasar masuk UI, kejebak iring2an nya prime minister of France, monsieur Fillon pula. T.T 12:32pm Harapan supaya GPS blekberi bekerja layaknya GPS normal supaya gue enggak keputer2 di daerah Jagakarsa ternyata sia-sia belaka T.T
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:56pm I just unlocked the "Ten Hundred" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/itzGi8 12:56pm This place is so intimidating, I feel like Alien landed on earth. (@ Redaksi GagasMedia) http://4sq.com/mkRZO2 01:09pm Alice in the Wordsland! 02:33pm CRUSHED! 02:35pm You know what, I think I should do what I can do best, you know like, RUNAWAY! 04:19pm If the price of airfare isn't the biggest problem, I'd rather sleep on your futon tonight @sashlicious T.T 04:31pm Mimpi buruk bukanlah sebuah mimpi buruk sampai mimpi tersebut menjadi kenyataan. 04:36pm @geamargarani makasih sayang. Avatar mu sendiri sexy. xx 06:25pm @Christichi BACA BBM!
Sat Jul 02 07:38am Is it my clumsiness or the crowded airport, that made me said sorry one too many times this morning? and it's not even 8 o'clock. 09:01am Pesawat Garudanya kali ini benar-benar on time. Paling enggak, jam nya sesuai jam tangan gue 01:28pm RT @blogdokter: depresi dapat membuat seseorang selalu ingin tidur. #tidur 01:31pm RT @blogdokter: Walau kebanyakan orang yg depresi akan sulit tidur, namun ada 15% yg sebaliknya alias selalu ingin tidur. #tidur 02:08pm @sashlicious if I know what bloomberg is w out reading ur katakana, is that make me smarter than the rest of your japanese friends? :D
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02:16pm Baru tidur siang setengah jam aja kenapa gue bisa mimpi ketemu berang-berang yang bisa bicara, gimana kalo tidur lima jam? 02:43pm @RAEindra LOL. Kayaknya sih, and meeting the ice queen as well. 02:47pm @tirtasumarsono @titisekarwigati mau kucing item nyaaaa pliiiiisssss. Yang masih baru lahir tapi Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ 03:02pm @tianhutauruk Y APPLE HASN'T LAUNCHED iPHONE 5 and iPAD 3? 03:09pm @tianhutauruk but I want them noooww, nooww, NOW!!, dang you steve jacobs, doesn't he know that I'm too impatience to wait? 03:16pm @tianhutauruk monyeeengg!! Abis gue sebel sama sistem marketing nya apple, padahal gue org nya gak sabaran T.T 03:20pm @tirtasumarsono mau mau mau, pokoknya kalo ke jogja plis bawain Midnight Fox yang super lucu. See, gue bahkan udh punya nama 04:28pm @dickysudibyo menurut @blogdokter sih gitu 11:44pm @tianhutauruk @findryany cieeeh gaool nih, ada berbakrie an enggak disana? 11:47pm @tianhutauruk kok mean sih sama gue? T_T
Sun Jul 03 09:05am @findryany gue semalam udah tidur. JIYEEEEEEEEEE!!! Cerita yg lengkap di bbm skrg plis. 09:34am RT @StaffJo: Still dreaming... 10:28am @StaffJo @CindyLubis ada sugarparents enggak? Mau dong kalo ada, biar sekalian lengkap -.-
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:29am RT @ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries, Although your family sees you as independent, you actually need a lot of attention ... http://tmi.me/ cuzXB 10:57am @Christichi plis bikinin gue desain gambar clover of fortune sama horseshoe. 11:36am @Christichi iyaa, kalo bisa sih clover nya di sebelah kiri horseshoe nya di kanan, atau dikaitin aja langsung (digabung) 11:38am RT @ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries,You’re an awesome listener, and with your natural fighting spirit, you’re the world’s most protective sibling. 11:39am Kakak gue adalah kakak laki-laki paling baik sedunia, karena dia baru aja setuju buat bikinin gue website gratis, dan beliin lensa kamera 12:11pm @tieshadiona dimana studio tattoo yg bisa desainin bagus gitu? Durga udh pasti gk mau klo gk indonesia, brisik kurang cocok sm desainnya T.T 12:13pm @Christichi si @diondelli sibuk banget, desain yg dulu gue minta bikin aja belom jadi-jadi T_T 12:38pm @Christichi @diondelli gue gak punya cambuk sayangnya, gimana dong? -.02:29pm Lagu Dangdut Mengalun di Paris Fashion Week http://de.tk/ SBpMB (via @bonitawisnuw) 02:37pm Kapan-kapan. *minta diselepet* RT @bonitawisnuw: RT @tieshadiona: kapan gw bisa pergi liburan? kapan? KAPAN? 02:50pm "Show me your luggage and I will tell who you are!" http:// lockerz.com/s/116560070 02:54pm DIMANA? DI SINGAPORE? ADA MAYAT? RT @Christichi: OMAIGAT ADA MAYAT NGAMBANG!!! 147
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02:57pm I really really want to go to India. Bulan paling baik pergi ke India bulan apa ya? mengingat iklimnya semi tropik 03:08pm Via @Christichi : ada mayat ngambang di Vivocity, Singapore. 03:10pm Sejak kapan deh di Singapore bisa ada dead body ngambang di kali? Kok kayak di Jakarta aja. -.03:16pm Beli majalah TravelXpose niatnya buat hiburan, tp tiap slesai baca selalu depresi, krn lsg inget keinginan buat keliling dunia sblm umur 25 03:20pm @embunvictoria aku pengen ke afrika mbak em. Udah selesai belom sih perang nya? Pengen ke afrika, india, palestina, israel, mongol, dll T.T 03:26pm Tidur sore ah, semoga gue mimpi: lg jalan-jalan di afrika naik jerapah liat piramida terus kulakan berlian murah. -.03:31pm @Christichi gone mad. Terlalu uptight sih jadi kota, makanya sampe ada yg mutilasi diri sendiri. It's so boring they want to commit a crime 06:14pm @bonitawisnuw apaaaa? Ada apaaaa di Glamour? Gue baru melek lagi nih, mueheiuehehee 06:35pm RT @newsplatter: Gak nyampe sebulan udah mau bulan puasa lagi. Kok waktu berasa cepet banget... 06:39pm Sarah Jessica Parker dated Robert Downey jr for 7 years before SJP ended it in 1991, because Robert's hardcore partying ways. 06:42pm Even @GlamourMagUK says it's okay to not be a phone person. Text and email were invented for a reason, you know. Cc: @bonitawisnuw 06:52pm I'll try it, and if I fail, I fail. But I don't think I will.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:26pm @steviegabriel @bonitawisnuw RT @rennow: My gurl KARLIE KLOSS http://twitpic.com/5kb767 → how could you do this to me No? T.T *lebay* 07:49pm Minggu malam enaknya ngapain ya?? Masak fusili mushroom bumbu rempah enak kayaknya. *nanya sendiri, jawab sendiri* 07:59pm @bonitawisnuw enggak bisa tuuuh... HAHAHA 08:05pm If once again I caught myself sit on the sofa, eating pasta & watch Sex and The City rerun, I seriously will call 911 for DVD abuse problem
Mon Jul 04 12:12pm HAAPPY BIRTHDAY @RioDwikaP !!! Wish you all the very best, wish all your dreams do come true, and enjoy your day!! xx 12:28pm RT @sofifii: Woke up and realized I didn't have plans with one person today. This is what dreams are made of. 02:54pm Finished reading @CandaceBushnell 's Trading Up, and boy, does she know everything about New York city dating games, money, power, and Men. 02:58pm Since I didn't have any plans with anyone today, I've been busy thinking, should I take a bath now, or wait for another two hours? 05:18pm Gimana kalo gue alih profesi jadi pengarang dongeng anak untuk remaja? Begini contohnya: dahulu kala di sebuah kerajaan yang sangat makmur.. 05:19pm Hiduplah seorang raja bertubuh tambun, dengan putri nya yang cantik jelita. Walaupun begitu raja sedih dengan perilaku putri nya..
Titya Sumarsono
05:20pm Sejak meninggalnya Permaisuri dua puluh tahun yang lalu, sang putri tidak memiliki figur seorang ibu, maka tumbuhlah ia menjadi anak manja.. 05:23pm Segala keinginannya harus dipenuhi. Raja semakin sedih ketika putri nya tumbuh dewasa. Setiap hari sang putri selalu pergi pesta di klub.. 05:26pm Dan pulang ketika pagi menjelang dalam keadaan mabuk. Raja bisa mencium bau opium dari tubuh sang putri. Raja sungguh sedih.. 05:29pm Begitulah kira-kira preview dongeng anak untuk dewasa, judulnya: "Putri Raja yang kecanduan opium." 05:38pm @steviegabriel dude, ini tuh dongeng anak untuk dewasa. -.05:42pm @bonitawisnuw dude, this is my life, seriously dude, have we met? I feel like you don't know me anymore -.10:53pm Reading @nicolerichie 's PRICELESS, and am I shallow if I say I like Scarsford? He's just like Charlotte's personal bodyguard. He's good.
Tue Jul 05 11:22am SELAMAT SARJANA @findryany . I'm SO PROUD of you!!! BURUAN PESEN TIKET & HOTEL KE LOMBOK 11:48am @tieshadiona @findryany yuk mareeh, nanti keburu basi nih, rencana-rencana doang jadinya T.T 01:08pm @steffitjandra di rawamangun kan masih ada steff kantor pos, deretannya kantor sekjen partai demokrat 03:14pm The Ward itu jadinya intinya ttg multiple personality toh? Kok resensi nya mengecoh sih? Dibilang nya mau dibunuh sama hantu.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:57pm Gue enggak mungkin sesibuk itu kan sampe bisa lupa sama resolusi soul-searching gue buat melakukan holistic yoga? 04:06pm RT @infojakarta: SMA Labschool Rawamangun raih 3 medali di International Iskele Municipality Folk Dance Festival - Cyprus Utara. SELAMAT. . 04:13pm MOLTO BUONO beeybeeehh!! I'm smart at learning something new. http://lockerz.com/s/117243740 04:45pm How could you call yourself full cover concealer, if you can't even conceal my inked skin? I am doomed. 05:54pm @bonitawisnuw what do you mean by call? You're not getting into some 'other something call something girl call' right? *kidding* GOOD LUCK!! 05:58pm I think I've lost my mojo somewhere. 06:02pm And I think my hair will turn into purple in the next 20 minutes.The hair dresser isn't some bad witch&hate me for no apparent reason right? 07:49pm Must finish reading this before october. http://lockerz.com/ s/117277174 07:53pm Due to Lonely Planet - Indonesia → a smile goes a very long way in indonesia. It's said Indonesians have a smile for every emotion 07:58pm And keeping one on your face even in a difficult situation helps to avoid giving offence. 08:00pm Now I'm pretty sure Lonely Planet's never lived in Jakarta for more than a week. No one smiles in Jakarta, and it is located in Indonesia. 08:38pm #nowplaying Lady Gaga - Vanity. 09:59pm It's hard to find people who'll love you no matter what, I was lucky enough to find three of them. -Carrie Bradshaw 151
Titya Sumarsono
11:45pm RT @embunvictoria: Percuma loe mention -_- mknya jgn di protect :p" @bonitawisnuw: LOL RT @AnggerDimas: Ya Allah ini tugas apa nasi tumpeng?
Wed Jul 06 12:11am @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw @steviegabriel tau nih stevie, bikin dimas nya drop aja kan.. Dimaaaas... Berasa kenal guee -.12:27am @tieshadiona twit yang mana non, yang manaaaa? Ritwit boleeeeh enggak?? Hihihik 12:32am RT Some peoples relationship status should be "In a relationship with ___ while cheating with ___ and at the same time talking to ___ 12:27pm Happy birthday @derriekleefstra . Wish you all the very best !! 12:33pm I bet those Arabian princesses slash oil heiresses never have to daydream every time they finish reading Vogue. 03:26pm @bonitawisnuw and yet you manage to tweet. Duh. -.06:26pm @embunvictoria parah ih bbm gue dianggurin T.T @bonitawisnuw pick up you phone please 07:11pm My intention to be mistaken as a tourist went to trash immediately as soon as I opened my laptop and can't stop staring at it. 07:18pm Ngeliatin turis yang lalu lalang dihadapan gue ini bener-bener bikin gue semakin pengen liburan loh *yeah right, duit aja gak punya* 08:28pm I just ousted @kalakhirki as the mayor of Hani's Restaurant & Bakery on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ePmBXx 08:28pm I'm at Hani's Restaurant & Bakery (Jl. Prawirotaman 14, Yogyakarta) http://4sq.com/nBzJxo
tyasumarsono's Twournal
08:35pm @sashlicious cerita dongeng ngasal nya udah gue kirim yaa, feel free to judge, HAHA
Thu Jul 07 12:12am @bonitawisnuw boniiiiieee katanya mau kirim in gue imelll manaaaaaa?? Malah nonton the hills. Pereus niiih T.T 12:13am Judulnya malam ini tidur di sofa. 12:53am Kasian robot nya di marah-marahin sama Will Smith. Mana kayak pengen nangis gitu lagi robotnya. #nowwatching RCTI 11:13am Seven days in sunny JULY, got enough to bloom.... Okay, I push my luck, the rhymes doesn't match with the original tune. 02:12pm Knp pas adek gue komentar kalo rahang gue kayaknya miring sebelah, tiba2 langsung keputer lagunya Radiohead yg I'm a creep I'm a weirdo? 02:37pm @tieshadiona parfum, pakaian, sepatu, dompet, trip to salon and spa? 02:56pm RT @VeHandojo: My favorite activity is to enter a "posh" restaurant in Jakarta, dressing very casual, and see how they treat me. Then tweet. 02:57pm @sashlicious gimanaaaaa??? Test bloomberg nyaaa??? Pasti bisa kaaaan?? You've read the Economist last night for fuck's sake 03:04pm @sashlicious *BIGHUGS* *tepoktepokkepala* 03:08pm Baru sadar, temen gue di fb beda jauh sama jumlah temen nya @bonitawisnuw untuk sejenak gue merasa minder berteman dengannya. 03:15pm @sashlicious intimidating as in you feel like the shallowest girl who walked into the building? Oh please give it a rest,
Titya Sumarsono
03:16pm @sashlicious even the bloomberg people care about what they wear, they wear designers, if that isn't shallow, then I don't know what that is 04:39pm Sasha: tya kamu pinter, the real life version of rebecca bloomwood. Gue: *bentar koprol guling-guling dulu di atas meja* 04:52pm RT @QuoteGenius: Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless. -de Balzac #QuoteGenius 05:09pm @Christichi cie naik gaji. Eh bales dm gue boleh loh 05:11pm Udah ganti bulan baru, tapi foto bbm gue masih belum berubah-berubah juga T_T 05:20pm I'm at Easy Going Restaurant & Cafe (Jl Prawirotaman No. 12, Yogyakarta) http://4sq.com/nRC5JS 05:29pm @Christichi ada kok, coba di cek baik2 deh dm nya, soal arsitektur rumah, selain gaya victoria ada apa lagi gaya2 rumah? 06:05pm RT @Prischatze: http://bit.ly/ntBhW5 @ladygaga BORN THIS WAY tour akan KONSER di Indonesia 2012!!!!! 06:27pm Why does everybody seem to hate Rebecca Black? I mean, what did she ever do wrong? 06:50pm @tianhutauruk @animenur friday..friday.. Gotta get down on friday..HAHA Tp kok somehow ngingetin gue akan justin bieber di awal dia tenar ya 06:52pm Okay, now I know why everybody hates Rebecca Black, even I, hate myself for watching her Friday video clip over and over again. 06:56pm Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs, Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal, yesterday was thursday, today is friday, → seriously Rebecca??
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:03pm @animenur @tianhutauruk gak tau juga, efek dari penyanyi baru yang dicela cela kali yaa, hahaha 08:18pm @nicolerichie RT @TRIBUNnews1: TRIBUNnews.com Mau Tinggi Badan Bertambah? Olahraga Aja: Ada beberapa faktor yg... http://bit.ly/pAiHmL 08:30pm @bonitawisnuw tadinya gue mau mention nama gue sendiri juga, tapi dipikir-pikir kok kayak orang gila, mention nama sendiri di twitter,. 08:38pm My dad always say, stop playing start working RT @disneywords: My daddy always says, what doesn’t kill u jst makes u stronger –Miley Stewart
Fri Jul 08 11:14am RT @sofifii: I'm constantly trying to figure out how to love the wrong people less. 12:15pm RT @tieshadiona: apakah cewe yang punya banyak tattoo masih dibilang 'cheap'? #seriusnanya 12:18pm RT @sofifii: Remember when I was really sensitive about everything in life? Still got that sensitive swag guys! 12:19pm @tieshadiona masa sih? Nicole richie punya banyak tattoo tapi gak cheap. 12:20pm @SchaBby gee! Finaaaaaalllyy... Wish you all the very best darling!! xxx 12:54pm Tirta: pk baju apa konser laddy gaga. Tya: dress merah yg dia pake. Tirta:gue mau pke baju dari botol bekas. Tya:lo mau konser atau bersih2?
Titya Sumarsono
03:00pm My new italian teacher is too uptight & he kept punishing me throughout during the course bcse I was 30mnts late & he sit TOO close to me. 03:54pm If I could write about travel, that would be the greatest pleasure Universe ever grant me. 05:53pm I'm sure there is a silver lining here, and sometimes I can see it. Other times, I'm just tired of looking. 07:44pm Baru tau klo Richard Gere kmrn itu dtg buat survey film 'Borobudur' ttg ditemukannya candi Borobudur o/ Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles thn 1814 07:47pm Baru tau juga kalo Bonnie Wright (Giny Weasly di Harry Potter) mau shooting film 'The Philosopher' di Jakarta, Gunung Bromo, candi Prambanan 07:49pm Daaaan ternyata Cinta Laura ikutan main di The Philosopher, daaaan itu film Hollywood lohh, daaan gue super salut sama Cinta Laura. 07:50pm Columbia University and Hollywood??? Way to go Cinta Laura. 07:55pm @RioDwikaP serius film india, tak kira itu box office, aku abis nonton Hot Spot, trus kaget bgt Cinta laura goes hollywood, mknya lsg twit 08:38pm Gue yakin dia cuma emosi sesaat aja #tweetbaruputus 08:39pm RT @tieshadiona: silet brapaan sih harganya? #TwitBaruPutus 08:45pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Robert Pattinson cuts off all his hair! http://t.co/5Ke2kxW What do you think of his new look? 09:20pm RT @iheartheels: Kate Middleton wore *these* @JBrandJeans *three* times - too cute http://t.co/HUNrX1M
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:35pm RT @VeHandojo: Gedung paling tinggi di Jakarta apa ya? #TwitBaruPutus
Sat Jul 09 01:55pm Dari tadi mau download lagunya lady gaga gagal terus deh ("ò_ó) 02:03pm @IsnaQueen dari aimini.net 02:31pm @serunya yang #WorkshopEkslusifFilmBioskop tgl 22 okt itu pendaftarannya udh dibuka belum? Paling lambat daftar nya kapan? 02:36pm @IsnaQueen di 4shared gk lengkap lagunya, jd gk nemu 02:55pm Setiap minum yang aneh-aneh dikit, kenapa sih tenggorokan langsung radang, badan meriang? 06:34pm RT @desianwar: Ignorance is not an excuse... 06:40pm Bandel atau bodoh itu beti, beda tipis, contoh: gue, 2x dlm 1bln kena radang tenggorokan gara2 minum minuman aneh sprti lemon grass&gatorade 06:48pm Siklus radang tenggorokan biasanya melingkupi, tenggorokan gatel + badan meriang → hidung pilek sebelah → batuk2 ala orang TBC. 06:54pm Bener-bener pengen pelihara ikan piranha dan harimau putih. Tapi enggak tau beli dimana. Ada yang tau? 07:06pm @ctambunan siapa itu faizal homo ? Twitpic dong tinn, kok orangnya kayak neurotic gitu? 07:13pm @audreyjiwajenie oh yaa ada? Asik, thank you drey infonya. :D 07:19pm Dinner w Mother, Father & baby brother. Y this family always left my older brother out? Or was it his choice? http://4sq.com/oVuVOS
Titya Sumarsono
07:29pm Anak2 cowok Jerman di sebrang meja gue ini lucu2 banget loh, pengen gue culik rasanya. Kalo udah gede nanti mereka pasti jadi heart breaker. 07:35pm SUP TOM YUM NYA TERNYATA PANAS DAN PEDAS SAUDARA-SAUDARA! 08:02pm Sate seafood yg terdiri dr king prawn, cumi, scallop, ikan, dan udang ini nya ini make my tongue dancing, bener2 God Speak To Us Thru Foods. 08:06pm RT @Sonduck: Knp semua org senang skali ngeping berkali2 08:15pm @Christichi harga nya udah bisa buat beli tiket pulang chi. *lebay* 08:17pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Ryan Gosling looking pretty good in his new film, Crazy, Stupid Love: http://bit.ly/poF9mn 08:23pm I wish I had sister to share my 'Banana Fritter Jamaican Rum' with. This is so yummy, I could not eat it alone.
Sun Jul 10 09:32am the old man who sells newspaper has successfully made me smile, and I never smile before 10 am. 10:15am @sashlicious RT @infojakarta: Jakarta Little Tokyo Ennichisai 2011.Japanese Food & Art Fest. 09-10 juli. Rundown acara-> http:// ow.ly/5zzS3 11:22am I'm in hell. Cold freezing hell. 11:34am I'm 39°. Jealous much ? RT @bonitawisnuw: 38.75° meh. 07:36pm I start to think sneezing and blow my nose is part of my religion now. I do it more than 5 times a day.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:47pm @tianhutauruk ha? Nama penyanyi nya Beyonce suasana summer ? 07:53pm @tianhutauruk aduh beb, udh tau disini gue gak ada internet, plis dong burn in gue cd yang isinya lagu-lagu terkini. Plissss 07:56pm @tianhutauruk beb, tya beb itu udh beruntung banget kalo bitchberry nya bisa dibuat bbm an/twitteran, jd gk ngarep bs buat donlod T.T 07:59pm @titisekarwigati dekor buat apa sih? Kok dari kemarin kayaknya sibuk bgt 08:13pm Baru beli cd nya lady gaga yg born this way, pas dibuka, langsung copot dari engsel nya. Prett banget deh ini packaging nya. 09:23pm From all those celebrities who try2be an author&write a novel, @nicolerichie is the BEST! Love her PRICELESS.Hope she'll write another book.
Mon Jul 11 11:15am RT @diondelli: RT @bonitawisnuw: Masih sakit :s 11:33am I was about making a call to reschedule my interview when the editor in chief himself called me & suddenly his voice no longer warm and nice 11:46am I'm so in love w my bed, but that doesn't mean I want to sleep on it day n night,I want to be able to do something else, you know, like eat. 01:51pm RT @tieshadiona: timeline gw penuh peju. 08:04pm Telat gitu gue tau victoria beckham ngelahirin anak cewek, and I call myself her huge fan... Eniwei, doa gue ada yg terkabul juga berarti.
Titya Sumarsono
08:11pm @Christichi sister gue lahiran anak cewek juga. Gue undang lo buat dateng tumpengan di Beckingham palace. Ps:enggak perlu bawa undangan 08:18pm @steviegabriel see, told ya I'm her biggest fan. 08:43pm Gee, I can hardly blow my nose. . . 08:47pm @victoriabeckham Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. Wish the proud parents. xx 08:48pm 127 hours In My Pants #ImproveFilmTitlesByAddingInMyPants 08:54pm RT @RadioGalauFM: Jatuh cinta itu mudah. Melupakan bahwa kita pernah jatuh cinta itu yang susah.
Tue Jul 12 04:10pm Sometimes we are less unhappy in being deceived by those we love, than in being undeceived by them -Francois La Rochefoucauld, Maxims
Wed Jul 13 01:03pm A little pop to start the day #nowplaying Government Hooker - Lady Gaga 01:38pm Anyone using tumblr? if you do, please reply this tweet, because I'd like to follow your tumblr guys (: 02:51pm RT @tweetdetik: Wow! 7 Miliar Penduduk Jejali Bumi: Mencengangkan. Menurut perhitungan PBB, jumlah penduduk di bumi . http://bit.ly/pYre43
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:12pm Overheard: the new italian teacher - ZK : do you like your new teacher ? Me : not really. . . ZK : why ? Me... http://tumblr.com/ x5j3h5f2pp 03:30pm Photo: Home Sweet Home http://tumblr.com/x5j3h5kylr 03:34pm RT @MauTau_gak: ► Petani Inggris Membuat "York Maze" Gambar Wajah Harry Potter di Ladang Jagung http://bit.ly/n36LSz 03:34pm RT @MauTau_gak: → Jakarta Masuk 100 Besar Kota Berbiaya Hidup Termahal di Dunia http://bit.ly/oE9q9w 03:35pm RT @MauTau_gak: → Kereta Api Buatan Indonesia di Luar Negeri http://bit.ly/npBLwB 03:47pm @LinggomPerdana ASIIIIIIIIKKKKK!!! Ikutaaaan yaaa nggom, HAHAHAHA 03:49pm Itu dimana mbak dewi? Kereeenn view nyaa. @iAmDewiUtari http://lockerz.com/s/119708500 04:23pm Tujuan jalan jalan sore hari ini : keliling pet shop buat beli mini pomeranian. 04:49pm Pilih anjing pomeranian atau kucing warna hitam itu sama susahnya kayak pilih es krim conello atau es krim cornetto. 05:04pm To buy dog or to buy cat, that's the question. 05:43pm Mbak Inung dr Lancome dr kmrn gk berhenti sms, ngundang ke grand openingnya Lancome. Marketing terselubung, nyampe sana pasti dipaksa beli. 06:16pm RT @animenur: Teman2 yg bawa mobil ke kampus.Jgn khawatir sm org yg nyindir kalian manja, yeyek. Paling ujung2nya dia minta tebengan juga :D 06:41pm Lagu wajib buat nemenin mandi #nowplaying lady gaga vanity
Titya Sumarsono
07:18pm RT @tieshadiona: @gabyclara happy bday gaby! have a fab one, Gbu! xx 08:02pm Wanting to dye my hair RED where I know the color wouldn't go with my skin tone, can be considered as a major dilema, right? 08:06pm Bagus gak dilemparin gudeg mercon RT @detikcom: Lewati Jalan Malioboro, Presiden SBY Diteriaki 'Penetapan' http://de.tk/mxHJ1 08:09pm @nandarossa I miss you even more!!! Minggudepan gue ke jakarta. Ketemu plisss!! Aslik kangen. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 08:11pm Mencoba ngemil maicih level 3 buat mengetes daya tahan perut. semoga sukses. *nyam* 08:30pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Ryan Reynolds and Charlize Theron dating! http://bit.ly/qWae4f 08:41pm Acara insomnia di trans tv ini, gimana sih caranya kalo mau ikutan? hadiahnya 100 juta, pertanyaannya gampang2 lagi *ngerasapinter* 08:47pm Photo: shebeen: http://tumblr.com/x5j3h8d3n0 10:47pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley poses nude! http://t.co/TkJ0lPv
Thu Jul 14 12:35am Film Final Destination itu emang enggak disarankan buat ditonton sama orang-orang necrophobia kayak gue. 02:13pm Sitting uncomfortably in classe, siccome il mio inseganante sit and standing T00 close to me. Gimme some space, teacher. 02:26pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Kate Moss and Jamie Hince take the kids out http://bit.ly/oohnSx (PHOTOS)
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:42pm @ahanindya les di cilacs nama tempatnya, di jogja, nggit, jauuh yaaa? HAHA, abis di jakarta gak tau mau les bhs itali dimana 02:53pm Gara2 bangun kesiangan sampe gk sempat mandi, mungkin itu yg menjelaskan knp gue masih pk kaos yang gue buat tidur semalam buat pergi les. 03:02pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to marry! http://bit.ly/r2igjA 03:04pm The only silver lining when you've been in a relationship with influenza for 7 days is you can fit into your trustworthy jeans again. 03:11pm But now that I'm getting better and healthier, I guess I must embrace every second I have with my trustworthy jeans. 03:19pm Today, French people all over the world mark Bastille Day Thursday as a celebration of the uprising of the modern French "nation". 03:21pm Whilst I mark July 14th as celebration of my older brother getting 1 yr older & hopefully wiser. Too bad I can't see him,on his special day. 03:42pm @RAEindra I dreamed about you and olla, three nights in a row!!! How edgy was my dreams. HAHAHA 04:04pm Oke, gue setelat-telat nya orang yg baru tau ada cewek indonesia, namanya Tiara Lestari, ternyata pernah jadi model majalah Playboy Spanyol. 04:18pm This guy is so persistent. I am numero uno signore. Creme de la creme. Non seconde. 04:19pm @findryany siapa authornya? Twitpic in covernya dooong 04:34pm Okee. Mau coba cari ah di periplus nanti. @findryany http:// lockerz.com/s/120007433 04:36pm @bonitawisnuw HAHA. Enggak perlu laah, I can live with it, seriously. *apasihgue?!* 163
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04:54pm Orang pinter Minum tolak angin. *iklan* RT @LinggomPerdana: Masuk angin.... (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗--̩̩̩͡ ) 05:08pm #nowreading @InStyleIND july issue. Dan bertanya2 @RebeccaBillina kok gak ada di instyle yg rubrik DIY nya lagi? :/ 05:54pm I swear to God my heart skipped a few beats when I read the price of 'Cle de Peau Beaute La Creme' moisturiser → Rp 5,7 jt !!! Effing crazy! 06:01pm & I'm known as beauty pro among my friend & I thought La Mer & Chanel moisturiser are the highest of them all, but no.. Cle de Peau it is.. 06:05pm Clearly I've underestimated Cle de Peau the whole time. I know they're the most expensive, but I never thot they are THAT expensive, you kno 06:07pm @RebeccaBillina kenapa gk lanjut freelance nya? Sygg bgt,. Yg bulan kemarin masih ada rubrik diy nya tp yg skrg udah gak ada lg :/ 06:08pm Okay, enough tweeting bout Cle de Peau. They're not gonna send me the freebies by tweeting about them anyway.Let's continue reading the mag. 06:51pm Ohmigod! Fahrani jadi model iklannya The Kooples? Keren ajaah 08:20pm I wanted to tweet from web : FINALLY, connection to the real world. But I couldn't do that now, since twitter doesn't work on my safari. 09:20pm Ini airasia gimana sih maksudnya? Nawar2in tiket murah, tapi dibilangnya tanggal enggak available. 09:26pm Photo: i’m in love with this view ! http://tumblr.com/ x5j3hx0pgm 09:28pm @steffitjandra SETUJU! 3
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:48pm RT @animenur: RT @BreakingNews: U.N. General Assembly admits South Sudan as 193rd member of United Nations http://bit.ly/ rhvwaY 10:11pm @embunvictoria 10:23pm @bonitawisnuw aduh, gue enggak bisa bahasa denmark. 10:40pm I think I'm in love w @hellogiggles b/c that's the first site I read when I wake up&the last site I read be4 I go to sleep. I read it a lot. 10:51pm Maksudnya Trans TV tiba2 nayangin Harry Potter 5 itu biar ngurangin sakit hati fans yg gk bisa nonton film terakhirnya Harry Potter ya? 10:58pm smoga bsk pagi ada orang buang duit sekarung di depan pintu rumah, supaya bs beli tiket ke london. *doayanggakakanterkabulsampekapanpunjuga* 11:09pm @tianhutauruk yaaa sepuluh ribu poundsterling aja cukup kok daddy. Gimana? Atau malah mau kasih lebih? HAHA 11:22pm Ini pas Harry balik ke Hogwartsambil bawa jasad nya Cedric sedih banget loh. Aslik. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Fri Jul 15 12:16am @Edhandr nonton dimana itu destination truth nyaa? 01:31am RT @victoriabeckham: Baby Harper is the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen, I have fallen in love all over again!!! 11:33am @animenur @InjusticeFacts we, students, have inquisitive nature, teacher. HAHA
Titya Sumarsono
11:40am Gue mulai berpikir klo Produser acara Intens itu, fans berat nya Syahrini. Seminggu bisa 3x ngeliput syahrini lg ngapain aja,ky reality show 11:45am RT @detikcom: Harry Potter 7 Kemungkinan Baru Tayang 2 Minggu Lagi http://de.tk/V9Nkw 02:08pm In the past 3days I learned about passato prossimo, pronomi diretti & indiretti w my perfectionist teacher. Not that I'm complaining guys. 02:38pm Guru bahasa italy gue ini sebenernya orang atau Mussolini sih? Kejam nya gak kira-kira. 03:38pm Gara-gara @RAEindra dua hari ini gue dengerin lagu nya Olla terus. -.03:39pm Semua aja kekayaan alam di eksploitasi. RT @detikcom: Raja Ampat Terancam Tambang Nikel, Kementerian ESDM Cuek http:// de.tk/2Rdve 03:44pm What will happen when stranger meet stranger? Disastrously in love? Or opposite disattract? 04:25pm RT @detikcom: IHSG Raih Rekor Baru di 4023 http:// de.tk/0Amb2 04:26pm @SchaBby @RAEindra enak kok beb, lagunya, kata rae bentar lagi keluar v clip nya, gak sabar pengen liat -.05:35pm Di Jakarta ada seleksi pemain bola buat main di ARSENAL? Mau dong ikutan, biar bisa ke inggris gratis. 05:52pm Gee! Baru tau ada girl band baru namanya D'Mantans... Benar2 dunia permusikan Indonesia semakin maju. Salut. Banget. Gue. Deh. Ah. 06:48pm @davidpsinaga ah yang bener lo, ada D'Gebetans? Sakjiw sih kalo beneran ada -.166
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:16pm @Christichi KAPAN NYAMPE?! HARUS KETEMU SAMA GUE MINGGU DEPAN! MAU GUE PELUK SAMPE PENYET!! xx 07:21pm Do you know what happen when you eat while you're sleepy? I know. I fell asleep for few sec during chewing. Can't say that I'm proud, guys. 07:24pm @sashlicious is it okay to say I miss you? Because I really do. 10:02pm There's something about Gary Oldman that make... Anyway, he's perfect playing Sirius Black. 10:24pm Iklan Joni blak blak an ini emg lucu banget. Lucu-lucu goblog. 11:17pm Ini gue yang lemah nonton harry potter, atau emang mulai dari harry potter 4, adegan akhir film nya sedih2 sampe bikin nangis sih?
Sat Jul 16 01:29am E gila, twitter malam2 rame banget pada nyinyirin fauzibaadilla. 01:33am RT @gdhiah: @fauzibaadilla Dulu kenapa mau main di Cokelat-Strawberry? Bukannya di situ jadi gay? 01:33am RT @jokoanwar: *speechless. This is hate. RT @fauzibaadilla: GAY-LESBIAN : if you tolerate this,then your children will be NEXT 02:14am @nimasayukinasih dia punya opini soal gay & lesbi gt, tapi jadinya malah kontroversi di twitter. Liat mention an nya deh, rame bgt. 12:49pm @sinonce ke lombok plis! 01:07pm @sinonce aaaaaaaaahhh!! Asiknyaaa, sama siapa ke sana? 01:08pm @tianhutauruk dia kan ceritanya disitu jadi lesbian 01:12pm @sinonce serius??? Jgn gue juga deh non,. Eh Tapi bener sih, setiap cewek harus nyoba pergi ke bali sendiri paling enggak sekali dlm idupnya
Titya Sumarsono
01:15pm @tianhutauruk ih cemburu deh! Katanya yang hot and dangerous cuma tya babe aja ("ò_ó) 01:20pm @sinonce haaaa, bener dugaan gue, pasti gak cuma sendiri. HAHAHA. Asiknya liburaaan, oleh2 kaos bir bintang doong *udh minta oleh2 aja* 01:23pm On repeating mode #nowplaying Lady GAGA - You and I . This song is EPIC!! 01:27pm RT @ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries,You have drive and ambition to accomplish tasks the other signs might laugh off. 02:33pm Dapatkan di indomaret-indomaret terdekat di kota kesayangan anda. RT @nimasayukinasih: Dimanakah bisa kutemukan M&M? :( 02:54pm @nimasayukinasih ha? Masa sih? Perasaan dulu sering beli deh. Biasa kan dijual di meja kasirnya itu. Mimpi buruk ini namanya ): 06:14pm Ada yang bisa jelasin ke gue gk, malam nisfu syaban itu apa? Kok drtd gue terima bbm bertubi2 soal itu? Bknnya puasa masih 2 minggu lagi ya? 06:50pm I desperately need a connection to the real world. I was talking about internet of course. 06:53pm @tianhutauruk ASIIIIIIKKKKKK!!!! Salvatore nya dong sekalian Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ 07:13pm *tertawa* RT @infojakarta: Karena sering Delay, LION AIR dipangkas jadwal terbangnya oleh kementrian perhubungan. http:// ow.ly/5FUnJ .. 07:15pm RT @disneywords: We are braver than a bee, and a longer than a tree, and taller than a moose, or is it a goose? –Pooh #poohwords 07:16pm Akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidak buang-buang waktu lagi menikmati pijatan refleksi seluruh badan dari mbak2 Kakiku.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:27pm RT @CelebtwityNews: Emma Watson’s “Deathly Hallows Part 2″ Cinema Night: Prepared to encounter the “Harry Potter… http:// goo.gl/fb/Bf99o 07:28pm Ini gue keseringan nge gosip di twitter apa ya? Sampe di follow sama twitter-twitter acc. khusus gosip gini? -.07:30pm RT @hellogiggles: Avoiding Awkward Situations: When Ordering Food, Hold the Awkward by @ElizaHurwitz on... http://j.mp/ oRBBgo 07:40pm me & @sashlicious able 2talk about everything. we're now talking about X-MEN. Yeah, hate to break this to you guys,but we're XMEN nerd. 08:05pm @sashlicious you take them, I don't care. You take gambit, I jadiin lo kue leker. Taylor Kitsch is miiiiiiiineeeeee. HAHA 08:25pm @sashlicious totally & you know what more awesome is? The fact that we talk about XMEN on saturday night! Cool, huh? It's like 23 going 13. 08:43pm Kynya gue br aja denger, tengkorak kepala gue bunyi 'krek2' pas mbak2 nya mijit kepala gue. Klo smp retak,gue rasa dia puas mijitnya sukses.
Sun Jul 17 10:51am Cc: @sashlicious RT @sofifii: The strongest power we have as humans is the ability to not return someones text message. 11:10am RT @iladavina: (⌣̴͡͡)̴͡͡⌣̲د 12:13pm RT @AlecBaldwin: Some days you're the kid with the stick, some days you're the piñata.
Titya Sumarsono
12:15pm RT @ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries,If u're doing nothing "new" or have no challenges, no mountains to scale, then u could get very bored w life. 12:55pm @tianhutauruk makanya gimana gak gue pengen ke italy 01:48pm Ini mas travel nya aslik nyolot tingkat dewa. Emirsyah Satar aja klo ngomong santai. Berasa yg punya Garuda lo. #EMOSI 04:28pm Gak tau kenapa gue gak suka bgt sama bapak2 samping gue. Apa karena kaki nya dia naik2 meja ya? Dikira di beranda rumahnya kalee 04:55pm RT @victoriabeckham: Daddy's little girl! X VB X http:// yfrog.com/klghuxj 05:03pm I think I'm a little bit control freak. Paling gk suka gk pegang kendali, apalagi dalam kondisi kayak skrg. 05:05pm I need to buy in charge guys! | Then buy yourself some private jet, says Garuda airlines. 05:08pm I meant to write be, so how come I wrote buy? Even my blackberry stressing out 05:23pm if she had enough money, trust me, she would buy herself a private jet - once upon a time… in a dreary land,... http://tumblr.com/ x5j3joeg8j 05:31pm Ternyata penumpang waiting list enggak cuma gue doang. Ini berita buruk saudara-saudara, saya ulangi, berita buruk. 05:34pm Ada 3 wait list passenger selain gue. Dan ada ibu2 bilang 'saya daftar wait list dr kmrn'. So? Gue dari tadi siang, mau apa lo? 05:56pm Bapak2: gmn mbak dpt? Gue:enggak, sy pergi nya bsk aja jdnya Bapak2:knp? Malam ini aja. Gue:kan gk dpt waitlistnya ... (1) 05:59pm Bapak2:kata siapa gk dpt? Gue:kata mbak2 konter cek in nya bapak2: bohong dia gue:haha,mari saya duluan pak ... (2) 170
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06:01pm Bapak2: buru2 bgt. Gue:iya ayah sy udh jemput di lobby bapak2: tunggu aja disini, temenin sy sekalian, bete sy nunggu waiting list. Gue: ?? 06:07pm My DADDY is MY HERO if not MY WIZARD. He called the editor in chief, explained my situation and voila.. The meeting is reschedule...again. 06:09pm And just like that my cold war that has been going on for 2 weeks with my dad, has just ended. I LOVE MY DAD!!! 06:14pm My dad worked his magic again. And now I'm haunted with question, what if I will never meet a man who will spoil me like my dad? 06:19pm @VeldaAnabela that's us! Aries women. HAHA 06:43pm @fiorentinalagi besok siang jam 1 dr rumah 06:48pm @steffitjandra ini udah gak punya tenaga buat break dance steff, hahaha, mau tidur aja lah gue sekarang -.09:38pm RT @blogdokter: Orgasm is whatever you decide it is. #quotes 11:02pm @sashlicious I know, right? We're just gettin cooler& cooler. Vampires are cool&talking bout them make us cooler than rest,no? *geektalking*
Mon Jul 18 12:19pm I want this job! I want this job! But I don't know why I want this job. Can somebody tell me why I want it without knowing why I want it? 12:24pm Maybe the reason why I want it, without knowing why I want it is because, I want it but also not wanting it. Confusing, huh? 12:28pm @LinggomPerdana nonton True Blood deh. You will think that the coolest creature from downworld is Vampire. The children of the night. HAHA
Titya Sumarsono
12:37pm Bandara Adisutjipto ternya enggak kalah sama Bandara Selaparang. Ada wifi nya, gratis. Cc: @findryany 12:40pm wetheurban: http://tumblr.com/x5j3k7wl50 12:45pm somewhere between traveling and dreamland - I think… I’m in delusional state. My friend who is a psycologist... http://tumblr.com/ x5j3k7zspp 12:50pm Photo: they’re so cute! i want them as my pet. moderndayeyre: http://tumblr.com/x5j3k82oti 12:51pm RT @TRIBUNnews1: TRIBUNnews.com Dian Sastro Lahirkan Bayi Laki-laki: Pemain film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, Dian S... http://bit.ly/q0Td59 12:56pm Boarding pass gue hampir hilang. Kalo sampe hilang beneran, bisa gila beneran gue. 02:36pm @sinonce iya sygg, aku ke jakarta. Please dong ketemu kalo enggak sibuk, kenjeen loh kenjen :D 02:48pm Please, kalo ada yg tau letak persisnya jl. Soeroso no. 30, gedung taluson, menteng dimana, please kasih tau gue ancer2nya. Urgent. Thx 03:32pm Bray, kenapa lo tegang, perut selalu mules ya bray? 04:04pm @CindyLubis @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria terimakasih teuman teuman ku cantik 04:17pm I don't like it when the interviewer asking you about salary. If you want me, then we'll talk about it, if you don't, then we shouldn't. 04:19pm Urgently wanted: Sarjana Akuntasi yang mengerti pajak. Diutamakan yg sudah pernah magang/kerja. Please RT. Thx 04:36pm Eh gue serius lohh, ini org yg mau hire, bener2 butuh sarjana akun yg pernah ngerjain pajak, jadi nego gaji nya pasti enak. 04:39pm Hmm... What should I write about Tokyo? Any idea? 172
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04:50pm @sinonce besok dong besok dong besok dong ketemu dong besok dong 05:15pm @sinonce sore sore gitu. Yuks! 05:17pm Aslik. Seharian cuma makan roti keju dari Garuda yang rasanya anyep. 05:20pm RT @InStyleIND: InStyle present Fabulous Night with @MarcellSiahaan 28 July 2011 at Immigrant, 7pm. RSVP: 39837420 05:23pm Mari kita kembali menyetir di Jakarta, dimana hukum yang berlaku adalah hukum rimba. *pasang muka sok galak* 06:08pm Paling enggak suka deh, kalo orang tua mau ngejodoh-jodohin gue sama seorang pemuda yg gue bahkan belum pernah ketemu x_x 06:11pm Orang tua bermaksud menjodohkan itu cuma berarti satu hal: gue harus jadi cewek jawa ala putri keraton dan dikasih jam malam. I'm 23, Dad. 06:16pm @Christichi begitulah kira kira T.T 06:27pm @anyeez iyaa tapi kan enggak romantis. Lagian gue mau nikah kalo udah umur 30 06:28pm @VeldaAnabela nah itu dia. Orang yang mau nikah kan kita bukan mereka, iya kan? Iya kan? Hahahahaha :_D 06:32pm Wagyu cheese roooollll, I deserve youuuu!!!! (@ Zenbu, House Of Mozaru w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/nEiNNQ 06:35pm Sbntr lagi ktmu sm @findryany dan @RAEindra . Kangen bgt iih. Lama deeeh kaliaaannn *padahal gue gt yang telat datang* 06:42pm @anyeez apa tuh maksudnya, pengejar? Agresif gitu? Iya gitu? Iya? *sok marah* emg nih hormon gue harus dikendalikan ky nya, HAHAHA 06:54pm @anyeez hahahahaaha!!! Betul sekali, lo emg sahabat gue paling jempol deh aaahh :* :* 173
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07:25pm @sinonce @bonitawisnuw @tianhutauruk @steviegabriel jam sore aja, jam 2 jam 3 gt 09:00pm @bonitawisnuw STARK. Jealous much? HAHAHA http:// lockerz.com/s/121401004 09:04pm w @RaeIndra @findryany . Laughing Out Loud. (@ Cork & Screw) http://4sq.com/qZ8A3r 09:54pm @tianhutauruk gak usah nonton, sini gue ceritain aja. Jadi gini ceritanya...... 09:54pm RT @jokefisien: Kalau kamu tidak bangga dengan pacarmu, berarti itu bukan cinta sejati. Sejati emang bikin bangga... 11:13pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are wedding crashers! http://bit.ly/okl2cK 11:14pm RT @GlamourMagUK: J-Lo and Marc Anthony aren't the only ones to have gone through a shocking split. http://bit.ly/oM9e0u 11:23pm RT @VeHandojo: Yes, you actually can love two hearts at the same time equally. Equally bad. 11:28pm It's been a long time since I came around, been a long time but I'm back in town, This time I'm not leaving without you. 11:30pm RT @sofifii: The only Friends with Benefits situation I'm capable of is the kind of friendship that has the benefit of no "small talk."
Tue Jul 19 12:20am Dress gue ilang 2 biji. Pasti masih di laundry dan pasti bokap lupa ngambil deh. Ck ck ck. *sebenernya yg lady of the house nya siapa sih?*
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:31am Daaaan.. Celana jeans kesayangan pun enggak kebawa. Daaaan... Bokap lagi dirumah. Dobeltrabel. Pake apaan gue seminggu kedepan? T.T 12:32am It's one thing to be a fashion repeater if you love the outfit, i.e your favorite top/jeans/skirt you name it... 12:32am ...but it's whole different thing if you have to wear the same outfit for the next 7 days because you forgot to bring your trustworthy jeans 12:34am Yeah, sometimes, I'm That perfectionist. 10:55am Gak cuma lupa bawa jeans, ternyata gue juga lupa bawa shampoo. Siap-siap jadi rambut singa lah ini udah, kalo sembarang pake sampo. 12:19pm Hidup di kota besar seperti di Jakarta itu harus siap makan junk food seperti KFC, demi menekan biaya hidup *ketawa getir* 12:21pm Congratulation @steviegabriel ! Bachelor of Communication. Wish proud bachelor! xx 12:25pm @robybone tapi di kelapa gading enggak ada nemu warteg masalahnya, hukhuk. Padahal kalo makan warteg, porsinya aslik nampol bgt 12:38pm @diondelli serius? Emang masih ada ya di jakarta yg jual indomie telor sambal cuma 5 ribu? 12:43pm To hell with the world, I'll have it my way, Sir! *mantra buat cewek yg nyetir sendirian di jakarta* 12:46pm Kayaknya gue daftar buat jadi reporter deh, bukan personal assistant *sigh* 01:02pm Self-denial nya kuat nih citybank → RT @detikcom: Citibank Mengaku Bisnisnya Tak Terpengaruh Sanksi Berat BI http://de.tk/yG2Gp 01:08pm Give me one damn good reason why I shouldn't despise you. 175
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01:15pm Bukannya bangga, tapi kayaknya gue termasuk deh di 15% itu deh RT @detikcom: 15% Remaja Hidup dgn Gangguan Kecemasan http://de.tk/RjOvM 01:43pm Is it just my emo side or I just don't like people I encounter today? I guess I still have my sensitive SWAG guys 02:14pm It's not even 3 pm, and why do I feel both emotionally and physically exhausted eh? 02:42pm @tianhutauruk okay, now that's explained. 02:43pm @bonitawisnuw my baby hasn't been born yet, because my baby's daddy hasn't even born. What a twisted world I'm living huh? 02:45pm RT @detikcom: Rebecca Black Merilis Single Baru http:// de.tk/0qeV4 via @rollingstoneINA cc: @animenur @tianhutauruk 02:50pm @alvinyus nginep di intercontinental paling enak. Kemanamana deket, di tengah kota soalnya. Breakfastnya di rooftop lagi. :D (re:bangkok) 03:01pm @bonitawisnuw I'm not saying I'm cougar. I'm not even sure I'll encounter with a man so called my husband *heavytopic* 03:11pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY @geamargarani !! Wish you all the very best! Wish all your dreams do come true, darling. xx 04:07pm Semacam pengen ngetuit yang berguna. 05:04pm Akhirnya ketemu Gendis :D (@ Portico) http://4sq.com/ox1Igj 06:53pm Dylan Dog with Bonnie Odi Nicky. (@ Premiere Senayan City) http://4sq.com/qYHtD1 11:40pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Lady Gaga goes wild in NYC http://bit.ly/ oCTG7o (PHOTOS)
Wed Jul 20
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:11am Percakapan bangun tidur sm bonie. Gue: Rihanna pacaran sama Drake ya? B:masa? Gue:iya mrk mau tinggal bareng, lucu ya. B: cute bgt 12:51pm Ditraktir @bonitawisnuw di Sushi Tei. All you can eat beeeybeeehh!!! *ceritanya pamer* 02:17pm Buon Giorno, Alessandro !! (@ Instituto Italiano di Cultura) http://4sq.com/nwH6mO 08:10pm I can't finish my meal. This is God speak to us thru food but this too much. (@ Smoking Joe's BBQ & Lounge) http://4sq.com/qu84eZ 08:16pm GIVE ME ENDLESS SUMMER 08:27pm HE DESERVES THAT!Cc: @sashlicious RT @CELEBUZZ: Alexander Skarsgard Receives Honorary Degree From University of Handsome http://t.co/VLs9TKk 08:30pm RT @detikcom: Menggoda, Apakah Bisa Disebut Berselingkuh? http://de.tk/ngIX5 via @wolipop 09:08pm Love, Sex, Career, Money. . . Jakarta is about numbers, goals, and achievements. Dream is a strange word and something absurd in this city. 09:14pm @embunvictoria tadi ketemu moci. Lucuuuu 10:03pm London - New York (back&forth) RT @LinggomPerdana: If u got a chance to live everywhere in this world for free, where do u want to live? 10:05pm @Sonduck maldini emang masih main bola rocky? 10:10pm @Sonduck boong, kapan? Maaauuu doooong ketemu maldini!!!!!! *histeris* Ih gila, gue cinta dia dr jaman smp taauu, HAHAHA 10:11pm @tieshadiona akhirnya pipis dimana?
Titya Sumarsono
10:40pm RT @CELEBUZZ: Robert Pattinson takes his dog Bear for a walk http://bit.ly/q2Er5f (PHOTOS) @bonitawisnuw
Thu Jul 21 08:14am I don't how Jakartans could get up at 5 in the morning, go to work and go home at 9 pm. Really guys, I Salute you. 08:40am how did I manage myself to woke up at uncivilized hour, driving my car, face traffic, w/out going insane, I will never know. 08:54am Menurut gue para warga Jakarta itu punya pertahanan diri yg sgt kuat, krn mereka berusaha enggak melanggar hukum sprti masuk ke jalur busway 08:55am Bangun pagi, kena macet, kerja lembur, pulang telat, gaji dibuat nyicil rumah/mobil, gue heran belom ada yang gila di Jakarta. 09:02am Good Luck @bonitawisnuw !! Tell Victor, I'm gonna BITE his head kalo sampe dia bikin gue percuma nyetir pagi-pagi buta gini. ("ò_ó) 09:03am Now I get why Vampires chose to be Vampires. So they don't have to deal with : waking up to the sun, and dealing with goddamn traffic. 09:08am And I'm waiting for the beauty company to invent some beauty elixir that makes face and eyes glow as if I got enough 24hr of beauty sleep. 09:10am And I think those cosmetics companies should create that beauty elixir I've just mentioned real soon&sell it to Jakarta. It's gonna be Huge! 09:13am It's 9am and I think I've been thinking too much, and have too many opinions already. I'd shut up, I don't want my brain to age prematurely.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:23am Cappuccino + monologue breakfast. (@ Monolog Coffee) http://4sq.com/ohLHVf 10:25am not a breakfast person, but seeing bread, fried potatoe garlic, 2sunny sides up, sauted mushroom, grilled sausage and bacon makes me hungry 10:35am @tianhutauruk kesini doong ah makanya. Ini bisa buat kasih makan negara kecil porsinya. 10:48am Sedang memikirkan cara gimana bisa tidur dikursi panjangnya monologue tanpa ketahuan orang-orang 12:30pm Support my story and vote: the old house on the hill #Wattpad http://tinyurl.com/3v9fk29 12:30pm Posted a new story - the old house on the hill - Support my story by voting on Wattpad! http://tumblr.com/x5j3m8t9fa 12:34pm I just posted my first chapter 'the old house on the hill' on Wattpad! http://t.co/rzw1ady . feel free to judge. thank you. 01:37pm So Proud of @pringgodigdo . Campaign ad for Ichwan Thoha. http://lockerz.com/s/122175266 03:40pm AKHIRNYA!! Cc: @findryany RT @GlamourMagUK: James Franco has confirmed that he is single... http://t.co/GxnNkWa 04:24pm @sashlicious udah dengerin mark ronson nya belom???? 06:09pm YA ALLAH! PENGEN PIPIS INI YA ALLAH! TAPI KEJEBAK MACET! :_____D 06:49pm RT @VeHandojo: #everybodyhasthat1follower who follows for courtesy's sake. 11:49pm Hari ini judulnya makan makanan jepang seharian. Enak sih, tapi, harga nya sama kayak klo makan pake yen. *sedih* *ngitung duit di dompet*
Titya Sumarsono
11:49pm RT @CELEBUZZ: David Beckham takes his shirt off... http:// bit.ly/pSshjQ (PHOTOS) Yummmm
Fri Jul 22 12:01am As sweet as my birthday. 11:15am Waktu terasa berjalan sangat cepat ketika kita, berguling-guling di atas kasur doing nothing. 12:33pm RT @desianwar: RT @TIME: Hillary Clinton's trip to Bali won't have much to do with Eating, Praying, or Loving | http://ti.me/ qGUOKp 12:37pm @embunvictoria gue gk jd balik hari ini dan besok mendadak solo. 01:03pm Kayaknya baru beli aqua di jalan beberapa menit yg lalu dan belom keluar mobil, kok tiba tiba menghilang aqua nya? 01:07pm #nowplaying onrepeatingmode: LADY GAGA - HAIR . 01:24pm #FF for funny, smart tweets @tieshadiona @sashlicious 01:53pm #FF @tieshadiona & @sashlicious both are Libra, mixed between arab&chinese, they're smart and funny, they're like sista from anotha motha. 02:00pm Salmon, cheese, and eggs. Heaven on hot plate. Enjoy your lunch guys! (@ Pepper Lunch w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/r4CzZQ 02:24pm I want my very own Stanford Blatch! 02:27pm http://t.co/h0B9Cnx 02:31pm @RioDwikaP ketemu ajaa terakhir kali pas di rooftop dulu T_T 02:34pm Tiap abis makan pepper lunch, lidah kayak berdiri gitu deh.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:37pm RT @animenur: Ayo para pencari kerja! RT @InfoBALI_: Siap-siap, Google akan buka kantor di Indonesia http://bit.ly/pukMOY 02:43pm Sanctuary (@ Kinokuniya) http://4sq.com/nFgR31 03:47pm Akhirnya ketemu juga! *terharu* http://lockerz.com/ s/122497134 03:52pm Keluar PS kok mendadak mendung, dan jalanan udah basah aja. Sejak kapan Jakarta hujan? Jangan bilang summer's over? *berasa di amerika* 03:53pm Seandainya dulu gue kuliah sastra, gue kan bisa peureus2 in bokap buat minta jatah duit beli novel-novel kuno. Emang nasi udah jadi bakso. 03:55pm @tianhutauruk mungkin pikir mereka, daripada matik dirumah, mending gue demo aja -.- pgn punya iPad *random* 03:56pm RT @TracyTrinita: I saw Ipad 2 everywhereeeeee... But deep down I want I pad 3. :p 04:06pm Sinjing! Nih emang yang demo! Mendingan ikut demo masak aja lo semua, biar guna dikit. Daripada bikin macet! 04:16pm Bunderan senayan mendung nya kayak apa, buneran hi cerahnya kayak apa. Bipolar nih cuaca jakarta. 04:20pm Akibat demo, macet sudah merambat sampe jl.imam bonjol menteng → jl. Diponegoro → bunderan hi arah semanggi (macet total) 04:25pm Info Cuaca : jkrta pusat - jakarta utara (sudirman, thamrin smp kelapa gading) cerah terang benderang. Jakarta selatan mendung gelap gulita 04:26pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Find out why Leonardo DiCaprio dumped Blake Lively... http://t.co/4TefD54 04:27pm RT @hellogiggles: 10 Tips For Looking Great Despite The Hellish Heat by Sarah Howard on @hellogiggles http://j.mp/n4FHnN 181
Titya Sumarsono
04:44pm Misteri menghilangnya botol Aqua di dalam mobil, masih belum terpecahkan nih. 04:52pm Gue & sejuta pengendara mobil di jakarta yg lg kena macet pasti pgn lsg ngelempar kaca mobil org yg numpang lewat dgn jasa PM, pk buah jambu 04:58pm PM naik motor dgn megafon : mbak, dimohon mobilnya menepi ke kiri, mbak. Gue : (berpikir keras knp dia bisa smp tau yg nyetir mobil ini cw) 05:01pm Don't you try to catch me. I'm living on the edge of the Law. 05:04pm @tianhutauruk yeah, I've been thinking a lot about making a new one. In fact that is my childhood dream. I'll name it Foren-Foren. -.05:12pm @tianhutauruk I was a wild child, and loved to scare people before I met you *ngerayu serem* 05:20pm BMW launching Mini Cooper pertama di Indonesia http:// bit.ly/oRQQOr (via @TRIBUNnews1 ) 06:07pm Ke PS sendiri,makan pepper lunch sendiri,heboh di kinokuniya sendiri,nonton Something Borrowed juga sendiri.Sendiri sama mandiri beda tipis. 06:09pm RT @twittersuggests: @LABILnih New suggestions for you: tyasumarsono. More at http://twitter.com/#!/who_to_follow → selabil itukah gue? 06:24pm Okeee, baru menit2 pertama something borrowed kenapa mata gue berkaca2 sih? Bahkan lagi gak pake mascara. 08:39pm RT @sinonce: Don't force them to stay. People have choices. Be yourself. If they stick with you, you're with the right one.
Sat Jul 23
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:20am RT @sofifii: If people don't believe in you it's probably a good thing, since those people are probably terrorists. 07:45am Kenapa gue selalu merasa kayak terintimidasi ya tiap ketemu segerombol pramugari garuda di bandara? 07:48am I secretly think my mum is a shrink. She always listen and comfort me without solving my problem. 07:49am RT @animenur: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. That is also another lesson in counter-terrorism. 07:52am @tianhutauruk tian babe lg mau plesir kemana sih tian babe? Ky ny seru bgt smp dengerin lagunya wali. Kok tya babe enggak diajak? T.T 07:55am Laptop gue kenapa mendadak cuma blank wolpeper doang deh? Enggak ada tulisannya sama sekali? Idup gue di leptop semua nih T.T 07:57am Jangan bilang leptop gue crash mendadak. *muka datar saking shock nya* 10:56am Sumpah! Bandara Adi Sumarmo-Solo bagus bgt. Bandara plg mewah sepulau jawa,gk depressing, ky di luar negeri ih aslik. Cengkareng sih lewat. 11:04am @fiorentinalagi terimakasih atas perhatiannya, asisten bu sri. Tolong rumah jogja Tya nya dipersiapkan, ceritanya guest house. 11:18am RT @sofifii: I'm happy you have a boyfriend but heads up, legally you are only allowed to mention him once an hour. 01:36pm RT @sofifii: I have no problem threatening to call your parents at a moments notice. 01:49pm Sbg manusia kita itu harus produktif, contoh: gue sedang memikirkan cemilan apa yg hrs dibeli di kerfur buat temen nonton DVD 7hari kedepan. 183
Titya Sumarsono
01:51pm Bukan berarti 7 hari 7 malam gue cuma akan nonton dvd doang loh tapi. Gila, itu sih no life banget judulnya. 01:52pm #itsalwaystheuglypeople who think they can win people over their personality. 01:56pm #itsalwaystheuglypeople who believes in Swan Lake tales. 02:05pm @bonitawisnuw how many times must i tell you that you are my prettiest, huh? 02:11pm @steffitjandra HAHA. Kayaknya sih gt steff, abis awal bulan bsk udh mulai kerja, jd dipuasin dulu leha-leha nya. :p 02:14pm I'm always late. Like a-l-w-a-y-s. So maybe I shouldn't have bothered wearing watch. Even better, maybe I must stop wearing it instead. 02:28pm @robybone itu acara apa roby??? Kok seru sih berenang sama hiu?? Mauuu dooong. *kalo enggak langsung disantap* 05:09pm RT @animenur: I despise guys who insist on flirting with a girl, even after he had seen her rejection and knew that she's taken. Major 'ew'. 05:25pm According to @sashlicious James Franco look like he smells bad. How racist is that? 05:26pm @embunvictoria http://lockerz.com/s/122854678 emg keren bgt candi boko. Gue mau resepsi nikah disitu. -.05:31pm @ahanindya http://lockerz.com/s/122856525 baguuuuus bgt nggit. Selamat yaaaa!! Semoga sukses selalu. xx 05:39pm @sashlicious you make me want 2meet him even more, to prove that your unexplainable theory is false. Gonna smell him like a cat smell fish.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:49pm Been friends since westlife still a boyband, I guess my relationship w @sashlicious coming to an end, b/c she keeps mocking james franco. 06:00pm Okay. I was kidding. I've never loved @sashlicious like this before. Even after she called me gay, when I sent her virtual kisses. 07:53pm Sometimes it just takes a lil girl drama 2 find out who your friends are, and once you have that, you can survive almost anything. 08:01pm Yang lagi dirumah sendirian nonton dvd, krn ditinggal bapak ibunya kondangan mana suaranyaaaa?????
Sun Jul 24 10:45am Woke up to the saddest news ever. RIP Amy Winehouse. ): 10:51am What's with number 27 ? It's the second intense number after number 23, yes? 11:29am not a die hard fans of amy winehouse, but I literally wanted to cry when I first heard the news about her death. Yeah, I'm that sensitive. 11:40am I guess with her to hell with the world I'll have it my way kinda attitude, Amy winehouse had touched us in a way that words can't express. 12:42pm Call me super childish, I don't care. But I tend to get into super cranky mode when I don't get my daily dose of chocolate. 12:55pm Amy winehouse dead, my Kitkats gone. I'm going insane. Even watching @simonpegg 's Paul movie can't help. I'm in the deepest grief. 02:23pm I have only one thought after watched PAUL. How awesome yet nerdy you are if you have alien as your best friend? 02:25pm And I never knew that alien can be so cute until I watched @simonpegg 's latest movie : PAUL. Seriously guys, you MUST watch it.
Titya Sumarsono
02:36pm Tersangka teror Norwegia mengakui melakukan serangan. http://bbc.in/rb0Rba (via : @BBCIndonesia ) 02:39pm RT @steffitjandra: RT @mimi_rue: Sometimes, things that didn't happened turn out to be blessing in disguise. 03:26pm If only I can see the future. Just the tiniest bit of it. 03:30pm @sashlicious RT @detikcom: 750 finalis program Aku Cinta Indonesia sudah terpilih. 60 di antaranya akan diajak Keliling Indonesia, gratis! 03:52pm A burst of impatience has become a prey on my mind. The continuance of waiting is surreal. Keep running like a hamster on its wheel. 03:57pm The blurry sight of the cage. Running on dead end. Projecting image of the finish line; Engage; in physical existence. 04:02pm @animenur uwaaaaaa! Kereeen banget doong dibilang kayak bukan org indo. It's like highest compliment, no? 05:47pm The countless time @JoelMadden had come to Indonesia & I've never seen Good Charlotte perform. So much for calling myself a die hard fan. ): 05:48pm DIMANA?????RT @RioDwikaP: Spotted: Nicole Richie???
Mon Jul 25 11:24am Ohmigod! Setelah seminggu kemarin idup tenang, hari ini gue bakalan ketemu benito mussolini lagi... Meeehh 11:33am Some people drink their cappuccino to start their monday, and some aren't as lucky as @sashlicious who start her monday w a date. So unfair.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:38am @bonitawisnuw MUAHAUAHAHAHAHAHAHA OM WISNUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Parah bgt ih ditinggalin keluarganya. -.11:41am Efek samping dari ngegosip pagi2 itu, biasanya jadi penasaran sendiri, kepo sendiri, stres sendiri, makin stres klo dirumah gk ada internet 02:51pm Misteri menghilangnya cd lady gaga di mobil terpecahkan sudah, ternyata nyelip di bawah jok. 03:07pm @SchaBby iyaa sha, semoga enggak wacana ajaa, 03:08pm The 60 minutes I spent deciding whether too pee or not to pee is surely the worst moment of my life. 03:16pm Ini drama di garuda airlines ini bener2 ngalah2in reality show bgt deh. Kenapa juga sih sampe harus hire pilot2 asing? 03:18pm Kalo bapak gue pilot garuda, pasti gue ikut2an mogok juga deh. *lah apa kepentingannya?* *kayak ada yg peduli aja gue mau ngapain* 03:43pm Franceeescoooo~ RT @sinonce: alejandrooo~ robeeerrrtooooo~ 04:09pm Godaan paling terkutuk itu pas bank tau gue blom kerja tp bolak balik bilang gue calon eligible buat apply kartu kredit. 04:18pm Untung self restraint gue tinggi. Jadi enggak termakan kata2 eligible. Mulutmu memang manis Hsbc. 05:01pm Kenapa sih, Elena harus putus sama Stefan cuma gara gara Katherine si vampir idiot tukang cemburu? 06:32pm Dipikir-pikir Damon Salvatore ini miris juga idupnya, jamannya jd manusia, ngejer2 katherine tp katherine malah suka sama adeknya, si Stefan
Titya Sumarsono
06:36pm Pas udh jadi vampir, selama 145 thn Damon ttp masih ngejer2 Katherine, tanpa sadar kalo dia sebenrnya suka sama Elena, doppelganger nya Kate 06:37pm Dan ternyata Elena suka nya sama Stefan. Bener2 deh kesian bgt si damon. Padahal dia the tall dark bad handsome one. Gee... 06:54pm I will always look out for myself. 07:49pm @sashlicious how was it? How? How? I desperately want to know. Consider this tweet as my 100th voicemail. xxx 07:54pm Okay, my dad had just told me the story about his friend who told his daughter to save herself until marriage. Plain weird, no? 07:56pm My condolence to my dad's friend's daughter who must always go to ob/gyn 2 check herself up aboutt her virginity. Parents can be so cruel. 08:20pm @bonitawisnuw T: I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR B: for fuck's sake... T: okay... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR 09:14pm My life is about technical problem. If only I had some super power to bend it. 10:23pm When the rule breaker meet her first match.
Tue Jul 26 11:25am Every time my alarm clock start ringing, I hope it's making a mistake. 12:09pm RT @ZodiacFacts: As an #Aries,u are governed by a certain egotism, which makes u think that ur schemes are perfect & thoroughly practicable. 12:16pm I become one of those people who suffers from mysterious allergy. I feel like a late bloomer mutan from X-men.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:38pm A mum's job is 2be a mother for her children, right? But I'm not fond of the idea when my mum decide to be a mother. It'll ruin all the fun. 01:17pm I don't need everyone to love me, I'm not selfish you know, I just need everyone to be obsessed with me. 02:26pm Like it! Vampire ebook the old house on the hill #Wattpad http://tinyurl.com/3v9fk29 02:26pm the old house on the hill - I like this Vampire ebook. Have you read it? http://tumblr.com/x5j3pllifs 02:54pm @tieshadiona terima kasih nona cantik. xxx 03:00pm Enggak pernah ngerti deh bedanya blog title sama blog address. Ada yang tau? 03:04pm "Love thy Enemy." So am I being sarcastic if I wish them only for the best? Or am I being a saint? 03:50pm Virgos are smart with catchy words. From @nicolerichie to @bonitawisnuw. Their ideas of inventing cool words are original. 04:38pm Duh! Creating a blog is much HARDER than solving math. It's like I have some dyslexia issue with internet language. Shite! 06:20pm First post on blabberlipstick.blogspot.com :: Pictures speak a thousand words 07:21pm @tianhutauruk gaaaaoooooooollll bangettt siih, breakfast di monolog, after hour di monolog, ck ck ck, living the jakartan life bgt sih, HAHA 07:26pm 6 Sikap yang Buat Wanita Tak Bahagia Saat Bercinta http:// de.tk/qzEa9 (via @wolipop)
Wed Jul 27
Titya Sumarsono
10:56am Are you in love with material possessions? Then you might be really lonely. http://ti.me/oeJPPc (Via @TIMEMoneyland ) 11:22am -.- RT @Christichi: This project is such a burden to put on my little teeny tiny shoulder *sok kecil* 11:29am I said. . . I'm gonna relax about my love life if Jennifer Aniston relaxes about hers. 11:38am @bonitawisnuw oh em gee! Kalo lo mau pipis gimana ceritanya? Masihs satu stgh jam lagi gitu.. #harrypotterandthedeathlyholdyourpee 11:39am Buat hari ini yang lagi antri tiket Harry Potter 7b, semangat ya, tahan aja klo mau pipis. #HarryPotterAndTheDeathlyHoldYourPee 01:47pm Anger become rage. Sad become despair. All emotions are magnified. No, I'm not talking about me being a vampire, I'm talking about me in PMS 02:26pm Aslik! Pengen ngelempar bangku-bangku ini deh rasanya. GAAAAAAHHH 02:51pm @steviegabriel thank you stevie baby, hukhuk. xxx 02:54pm @robybone thank you darling, xxx 04:36pm RT @tieshadiona: ada yang mau jadi sukarelawan buat gw tabok? anyone? LOL 04:45pm I'm at The House of Balcony (JL Adisucipto, JL Adisucipto, Yogyakarta) http://4sq.com/nTaKox 04:46pm @sashlicious took the survey and I felt like someone or something trying to examine what is wrong with my brain. 04:50pm Something is definitely wrong with my facebook. 04:59pm Sinetron apaan sih ini di indosiar? Kok ada bawa-bawa nama tirta dan vita segala? ("ò_ó)
tyasumarsono's Twournal
05:02pm Eh nanya deh, adegan 2 cewek lagi di drumah sakit terus berantem tarik-tarikan rambut itu sebenernya beneran ada gk sih di kehidupan nyata? 05:10pm @sinonce ada apa siih? Aslik! Kalo mau ngajak orang berantem gue ikutan, daritadi kesel tp gk tau mau ngelimpahin ke siapa -.05:30pm Practicing 'you're dead2me' look is HARD. u don't want ppl whom u hate think there's something wrong w your eyes when u give them that look. 05:41pm Support my story and vote: when strangers meet stranger #Wattpad http://tinyurl.com/3wxdq4n 05:46pm Emotions (un)leashed: http://t.co/pZaREzr 05:50pm @steviegabriel ini udah cabut juga kok dari restorannya, nyehehe 05:56pm New Post on www.blabberlipstick.blogspot.com :: Emotions (un)leashed: http://t.co/pZaREzr :: 06:19pm Harry Potter and the deathly ho...w low can you go? *iklan rokok* 06:20pm Harry Potter and the deathly hallo dgn pizza hut senayan city selamat malam ada yang bisa dibantu? 06:20pm Harry Potter and the deathly hello... Is it me you're looking for? 06:29pm Harry Potter and the deathly ho...ka hoka bento *mulai maksa* 06:41pm Harry Potter and the deathly ho bereng bereng ao *edisi batak* 06:42pm Harry Potter and the deathly horny Hermione *edisi dewasa* 06:47pm Harry Potter and the deathly h... om minta duit om, belom makan dari sd *edisi kelaperan* 06:50pm Harry Potter and the deathly... halah lo lagi lo lagi bosen gue. 06:51pm Harry Potter and the deathly hole in one *edisi tiger wood* 191
Titya Sumarsono
06:53pm Harry Potter and the deathly ho...me alone 2 → yg jadi voldemort nya Macauly Culkin 06:55pm Harry Potter and the deathly hooooaaaahmmm ngantuk deh ngantri tiket nya 06:57pm Harry Potter and the deathly.... Udah ah capek mainan kayak gini. Kayak orang gk punya kerjaan aja. *padahal emang enggak ada* 07:09pm RT @detikcom: 4 Sektor Ekonomi RI Rentan Kena Imbas Krisis AS & Eropa http://de.tk/3IkCR 07:40pm Forgive me Father for I have sinned. . . Enggak sabar nunggu X-men ada di bioskop jadinya skrg lagi nonton dvd bajakannya. 08:55pm Magneto ai loph yu pul dah. Aslik. 09:01pm Peace weren't ever an option. 10:16pm Alexander Skarsgard and Kate Bosworth split! http://bit.ly/ oe3UVF (via @CELEBUZZ ) cc: @sashlicious a new day has come. LOL 11:07pm @sofwansweet http://lockerz.com/s/124131960 that's the MOST absolutely hot-sexy-awesome-fabulous-edgy-breathtaking student id I've ever seen
Thu Jul 28 09:01am Pake bekingan aja bayar tagihan masih nunggak T.T RT @detikcom: Duh! Masih Banyak Peserta Tender PLN Pakai Bekingan http://de.tk/nDaRg 09:07am Gimana ceritanya orang-orang bisa bangun pagi sih? Aslik. Ini masih ngantuk bgt loh. #latihanbangunpagiharikeempatgagal 09:27am @bonitawisnuw @tieshadiona ew... Are you guys like together as in 'together' now? *bilang aja sirik gk bisa ikutan*
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:36am @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw di travelXpose magazine, hihik :D 09:40am HAPPY BIRTHDAY @davidpsinaga . Wish you all the very best, vid. Sukses selalu!! xx 10:18am Pak Pilot Garuda kalo mau mogok jangan bulan ini, atau bulan depan, atau bulan depannya lagi dong, tahun depan aja yaa pliss. 10:22am @tianhutauruk lagi dimana sih? Kok kayaknya lagi di tpt eksotis ala ala mesir gitu sih? 10:26am I personally can't remember when was the last time I woke up early, but apparently my eyes can. 10:27am Si Tae lagi kayang di tiang. RT @bonitawisnuw: OHHH TAEYANG!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ 10:44am Finally, a male birth control pill http://ti.me/pyQ3qR (via @TIMEHealthland) 10:45am Kalo baru kerja sebulan itu, dapet THR juga kan ya? *yes pasti sih* *ngarep aja lu* 11:07am By the angel, where are you sashiii ??? Don't you even dare to ignore me. @sashlicious 11:51am Somebody pick the wrong day and the wrong girl to mess with. By somebody I mean everybody. This is hormones talking tho. 12:03pm @nsambowo HAAAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY!!! Traktir! Traktir! Traktir! *sambil gebrak gebrak meja* 01:50pm Baru kali ini makan sup buntut pake sambal tapi yang ngerasa pedes tenggorokan gue, bukan lidah. fuuuuuu 02:37pm And the sexiest. Pramugay nya buat gue dong. Buat jd stanford blatch gue RT @sashlicious: Hey I'm the prettiest! http://instagr.am/p/ IslnE/
Titya Sumarsono
03:13pm Duh! Seriously guys, whoever told you to fish a compliment is a complete moron. 03:24pm I was once convinced that the owl which bring me an acceptance letter from Hogwarts got killed by a hunter. Sometimes my mind surprises me. 03:28pm If being a truly feminist is wrong, no wonder Goddess Lilith divorce Adam and let him to marry Eve. 04:11pm RT @TIME: The U.S. military is at a breaking point. Today. Right now | http://ti.me/o8cAAp 04:12pm RT @desianwar: Education is not just passing tests and producing engineers: you need creativity and entrepreneurship 04:29pm What yours is mine, and what mine isn't yours. -the notorious bully: Giant. 04:33pm I never write down of what teacher said, I make a mental note. -The Smart Ass : Dekisugi. 04:41pm How to describe Shizuka? Hmm, the girl with 2pony tails in her head, know that she'll married Nobita, but secretly hoping that she wouldn't. 04:53pm @RAEindra nope. But I miss doraemon badly, hukhuk. 05:16pm RT @Fearnecotton: #nationalbradleycooperday 07:05pm I miss him too darling RT @tianhutauruk: Can't wait to start working out again!! I miss myself circa 2007. 07:07pm RT @GreatestQuotes: "As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death." - Leonardo da Vinci 07:08pm @tianhutauruk *pompomdance kasih semangat* 07:17pm Entah kenapa kali ini gak semangat nonton timnas. Mantenginnya lewat twitter aja deh. Tolong di update ya info pertandingannya. :D 194
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:28pm Photo: Getting married on the beach. http://tumblr.com/ x5j3r3s15i 07:37pm @animenur oke! *langsung duduk manis depan tv* 08:39pm YAY!!! 4 - 1 . Sekarang gue udah boleh nonton fairly legal beloooom? 08:44pm Ryan Gosling goes super blond for his new film: The Place Beyond The Pines. (Via @CELEBUZZ) http://lockerz.com/s/124389325 08:47pm @odiharj http://lockerz.com/s/124388979 asik banget nonton langsung, seru enggak? 08:52pm APAAAA 4 - 3 ????? Unfuckinbelievable! 11:03pm Desperately want to go to @Comic_Con . 11:10pm Guys, let me break it to you, just because you always brag, doesn't mean you got swag. And no, you don't have to say thank you for my advice 11:15pm And remember, money isn't the most important thing in the world. Yes, it can buy you Chanel, but it can't buy you class.
Fri Jul 29 12:11am Can our dreams ever blur the intransigent lines which draw the shape that shuts us in? -tale of a tub, sylvia plath09:35am Blake Lively is dating Leo di Caprio and Kate Bosworth is single (again). What kind of twisted world I'm in now? 01:30pm Final Destination 5. Coming Soon on August!!! (Via @RioDwikaP) 02:29pm Yang nyiptain skype itu siapa sih? Mr. Skype bukan namanya? 02:50pm Omg! Guys, I'm so excited right now,I wish I could share it with you in twitter,but I simply couldn't. Duh, I wish I had tiny hidden camera.
Titya Sumarsono
02:57pm RT @alvinyus: RT @cleo_ind: 22. ALVIN YUS, 23, THN ATLET RENANG / SWIMMING COACH #CleoBachelors @alvinyus http://twitpic.com/5xjwwy 05:57pm RT @detikcom: Belanja Ramadan Cermat dan Hemat http:// de.tk/uzlR8 via @detikfood cc: @fiorentinalagi 06:03pm LOL RT @RAEindra: @Christichi @tieshadiona ya gpp lah ci Itung2 @juniorliem knows u're exist in this world, drpd jd secret admirer doang. :) 06:05pm Suami-Istri Jual Anak Agar Bisa Bermain Game di Warnet http://bit.ly/ovVGXQ (via @TRIBUNnews1 ) 09:07pm RT @GlamourMagUK: Have you seen SJP, Zac Efron, Lea Michele, Jessica Biel and Ashton Kutcher's new movie? http://bit.ly/ pD3XQd 09:08pm RT @TIME: Socializing sober - is it possible? | http://ti.me/ qqrQXT cc: @RAEindra @findryany @tianhutauruk
Sat Jul 30 11:34am Mandi dulu ah, sebelum di marahin mama. 11:40am "Dal centro della mia vita venne una grande fontana". From the center of my life, there came a great fountain. 12:12pm @SchaBby @Christichi @findryany @bonitawisnuw pengeeeeenn. Mana dari kemarin dengerinnya lg westlife terus -.12:13pm Omg! God must loves me so much! Orgasm gue ketemuuuuuu. YAAAYY!!! 12:18pm @nsambowo lama banget baru hari rabu? Kirain hari ini pulang.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:21pm RT @detikcom: FOTO-FOTO : Waria Show di Pattaya http:// de.tk/eNoyu 12:28pm @nsambowo iya kangen. Posisi di jogja skrg, tapi, besok ke jakarta. 12:30pm RT @sofifii: If someone doesn't text you back it just means they died. 01:21pm Di Iklan Cusson baby, balita cewek yg pake dress putih trus rambut nya jabrik dan merah-merah ala rihanna bikin gemes gak ketulungan deh. 01:26pm Jessica Iskandar pacaran sama Olga? Beneran? Masa sih? 01:35pm *pompom dance buat apple* RT @detikcom: Apple & Samsung Salip Nokia di Pasar Smartphone http://de.tk/rdjCu via @detikinet 02:19pm Aaaaaaaaahhh blekberi ketinggalan di rumah. T.T 02:28pm @tianhutauruk betul! Paling enggak beli majalah autocar, robek halamannya, pajang di dinding kamar biar jd penyemangat. 02:29pm @sashlicious saaashaaa saaashaaa ai mis yuuuuuuu. *kode untuk hal lain* HAHAHA 02:42pm @tianhutauruk baby @pringgodigdo udh gk pake clk. Padahal belom sempet nyoba T.T 04:15pm Old people are funny&my grand parents are the funniest elderly couple. I joke they laugh, they joke I laugh. It's like they're my soulmate. 04:37pm Baca twitter di mobil bikin kepala pusing @_@ 05:10pm "Aku Sarah Sechan, aku anak SGM." Saya Tya, anak Prenagen, Chil-Mil, Boneto, semua susu pernah saya coba, but I'm still 5feet2". 05:23pm Keinginan buat punya kredit kard sendiri itu sama mustahil nya kayak keinginan gue buat tambah tinggi 20 cm lagi. 197
Titya Sumarsono
05:27pm @findryany plis donk, plis donk, bujuk pak khumaedy supaya boleh asos an lagi. 06:12pm Omg! This is my last weekend to sit back and relax, before I participate in slavery world known as work life. It's hard to say goodbye. 06:32pm I read your tumblr about airplanes & hotel, and I swear to God, that's EXACTLY what I feel too! mine mostly about the airport tho @animenur. 06:51pm RT @beQii: RT @idillionaire: We never lose friends. We just figure out who our real ones are. 07:37pm How could I ever left my family behind, I will never know. O wait, I guess that was when I was young and careless. 07:45pm And I'm thanking universe or God for that matter, for giving me such a life and blessing me with imperfectly perfect family. 07:51pm Sebenernya gue baru kesambet apaan sih? 2twit gue sblm nya ky aneh? pasti efek perut lapar terus tiba-tiba kemasukan makanan deh. 07:56pm I'm gonna dance dance with my hands hands above my head like Jesus said. See when you're gone I'll still be bloody Mary. -lady gaga08:14pm @RAEindra yes it is darling. Don't forget to take your incidal tho. As many as your body need it. 08:25pm @RAEindra besok ke jakarta, you can buy me a bottle of stark anytime, darling. Enjoy your night and have fuunn!!! xxx 08:26pm @sinonce NONAAAAAAAAA!! Malam malam nyinyirin sapose seeeeh? Ngakak gue baca nya. 08:29pm Sekali lagi whatsapp, watsap in gue bilang ada new version available gue gedik juga nih. Udah sepuluh kali loh ini. 08:39pm Waah, beneran minta di gedik ini whatsapp gue. Barusan kirim lg 'new version available' nya. *nyari gedikan* 08:43pm #nowplaying Natalia Kills - Wonderland 198
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:12pm @findryany http://lockerz.com/s/125031699 uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! DIMANA ITU?????? Aslik!! Bisa gila gue dibuatnya. T_T 10:14pm Pantes gue beser terus RT @blogdokter: 66% dari tubuh manusia terdiri dari air. #tubuh 10:23pm @findryany http://lockerz.com/s/125031699 tanya mas2nya dong sofanya beli dimana? Pliiiisssssss T_T 11:11pm Do we get bitter as we get older? Or get bitter as we get wiser? 11:16pm @RAEindra thus we need some sugars to spice up. And by sugar I mean martini. 11:44pm Duh, beneran butuh internet deh.
Sun Jul 31 12:11am Monster kecoak jelek di men in black 1 ini jijiknya enggak ketulungan. Kayak enggak pernah kena baygon satu tahun. 12:15am @RAEindra looking forward to it sweetie. Better yet, every time you sip, you tweet. xx 12:46am Malam-malam gini mandi, biar judulnya pake air panas juga tetep aja menggigil kedinginan. :| 12:48am @tianhutauruk @steviegabriel gak usah sok minder deh, lo kan yang megang domain 10:17am Photo: Kate Moss (something blue) http://tumblr.com/ x5j3szbou4 10:28am @nsambowo kenapa enggak di mute user aja? 10:28am -___- RT @oddybass: Makan siang terakhir..sedihhh!! Hahahha..sampai bertemu 1 bulan lagii yah...hehehehehe
Titya Sumarsono
10:38am @nsambowo klo mute user itu, dia ttp follow, tp kamu gk akan baca timeline dia. Makanya namanya mute. 10:47am Ya Allah, besok udah puasa ajaa gitu. . . 10:49am @fiorentinalagi apaan susu paling enak se jogja? Bukanya milo itu susu coklat paling enak? 10:50am Malam ini udah mulai solat taraweh, padahal solat wajib aja masih bolong-bolong. . . 11:21am @tianhutauruk kirain diskon 6 juta. HAHA 11:28am Baca timeline nya ibox indonesia, bilang iPad 2 persedian terbatas. Bah, bilang aja udah abis stok nya, gak tau lg kapan datang barangnya. 11:33am RT @TRIBUNnews1: Berpuasa Bisa Memperlambat Penuaan: Puasa, selain kewajiban bagi umat Islam, ... http://bit.ly/nBmBHV 01:12pm Whatever floats my boat. 01:49pm Kate Middleton and Kate Moss tied the knot: http://t.co/ J20OwoZ 02:02pm @LavieLoveChanel thank you love. xx 02:02pm RT @RAEindra: @SchaBby :: I miss you badly! 02:03pm HelloGiggles – Single Girls Guide Part 9. when it comes to sex we just aim to please? http://t.co/eN10534 02:29pm Blekberi gue ketumpahan kecap. Kok bisaaaaaaaa??? 02:32pm Rumah lagi di renovasi, sampe harus ngungsi ke dixie, blekberi kena kecap, satu-satu yg beres cuma koneksi internet. 02:40pm Gak ada internet bingung, ada internet juga bingung. Bingung mau buka website apaan lagi. -.02:44pm Support my story and vote: the old house on the hill #Wattpad http://tinyurl.com/3lguwkb
tyasumarsono's Twournal
02:44pm Posted a new story - the old house on the hill - Support my story by voting on Wattpad! http://tumblr.com/x5j3t4euuv 02:45pm Ini wattpad gue bisa enggak sih enggak ke sinkron sama twitter? Berasa kena spam 03:15pm If Pitt seriously gonna marry Jolie, then what's left for Aniston? If she couldn't find a husband, then the end of the world is near. 03:22pm 5 Tanda Pria Tidak Akan Menikahi Anda http://de.tk/Zw3mR via @wolipop 03:25pm Wow, Ada Museum Patah Hati di Inggris http://de.tk/h6jJy via @wolipop 03:56pm RT @tieshadiona: mau packing aja rasanya setengah jiwaaaa malesnya~ 04:13pm RT @tweetdetik: Enrique Iglesias: Penisku Terkecil di Dunia http://bit.ly/pFZV3f 05:09pm @sashlicious skype lo apah? 05:22pm Boarding pass gue ilang. KYAAAAAA! 05:28pm Eh gak jadi ilang deng boarding pass nya, ternyata ada di tas merah. 05:32pm Stupid angkasa pura wifi. 05:40pm Left daddy to be with mummy. *sigh* 05:40pm Puasa pertama gak bisa bareng-bareng utuh sekeluarga. *sigh* 07:37pm pramugari garuda itu paling doyan ngebangunin penumpangnya yg lg napping. Apa krn mereka gk bisa napping during the flight jd ny nyari temen 07:39pm Banyak kotak bakpia berjalan di atas konveyor belt. Emang paling khas deh kalo abis terbang dari gunung kidul. 07:50pm Koper datang nya lama banget, pilot nya udah keburu pergi duluan. -.201
Titya Sumarsono
07:55pm gue pengen afdol puasanya, jd harus minta maaf kesana kemari. Jadi buat semuanya tolong maafin semua kesalahan gue ya. Thank you. :D 07:57pm Buat yang menunaikan ibadah puasa, minal aidin ya, semoga puasa nya diterima. Sampai ketemu di hari lebaran. Jgn lupa solat taraweh. :D xxx 08:08pm Rude is when you're in my car and talking on the phone for over 45 seconds. Usually you're done to me. 08:13pm But if I'm in my brother's car, and he's on the phone, is he being rude? Duh, I hate the girl who called him. I'm possessif. 08:15pm And I can hear clearly si cewek yg tlf kakak gue ketawa-ketawa ala anak remaja. 08:18pm What a tempting advice, HAHA RT @RAEindra: tyasumarsono :: grab the phone & shout, "he's mine, bitch!" And then hung up the phone.. LOL 08:38pm Tadi di jalan ngeliat spanduk gede bgt tulisannya : APAKAH INI AKAN MENJADI RAMADHAN TERAKHIR MU?. Hati gue lsg kebat-kebit bacanya. Horor. 08:48pm @tianhutauruk Ada pelangi setelah hujan, semangat gan! *kurang alay apa coba gue?* 09:23pm RT @odiharj: Make a sacrifice this Ramadan, And god will listen to your prayers with utmost attention...!!! 09:46pm @tianhutauruk ada pelangi setelah atma, putar balik di bawah semanggi, kalo abang mau buka puasa, berbukalah dengan martini. 10:22pm Doa sebelum tidur: Semoga di Rise of the Planet of the Apes, James Franco nya bukan jadi monyet-monyet manusia wanna be. 10:23pm Selamat tidur, sampai ketemu di waktu sahur. (:
tyasumarsono's Twournal
Mon Aug 01 03:51am Sahur is important. But so is sleeping. 04:14am Jakarta pagi ini dingin sekali, saat nya tidur kembali. *tarik selimut* 06:32am No more snoozing alarm. Saatnya mandi. *yawn* 08:04am Hari pertama puasa, berusaha sebisa mungkin buat enggak memaki-maki jalanan jakarta. 08:09am @embunvictoria gue takut dianggep anak bawang -.08:19am @embunvictoria hari ini gk bisa mbun, puasa hari pertama mau buka dirumah, besok besok aja yaa,. 08:22am Kayaknya jalanan bersekongkol banget bikin gue telat kerja hari pertama, gak usah mimpi dapet gaji aja lah kalo gini ceritanya T.T 08:25am Eh, never thought gue bakal nge-tweet kata 'kerja' di twitter. Guess there is always a first time. 08:41am @Christichi thank you. Dan gue gk jadi terlambat, krn editor gue masih lebih telat drpd gue. HAHAHA 09:11am I'm at TravelXpose Office (Jl. R.P Soeroso No. 30, Menteng, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/qlFTIq 09:21am first day at work and all they asked me to do is reading the magazines. Life's good. 09:38am it's been 1 hour in the work world & I'm still alive, don't forget to congratulate me later guys. 09:55am @geamargarani di majalah TravelXpose ge, thank you love, xx 09:56am Yang sekarang lagi puasa, tapi jam segini udah kelaperan mana suaraaanyaaaaa??? 09:57am Yang sekarang lagi puasa tapi jam segini pengen minum teh botol mana suaaraaanyaaa???
Titya Sumarsono
09:57am *bersuara sendiri* 09:59am I'm sleepy and I'm hungry. And reading all these articles about food and hotels don't help. 10:04am Absinth - Absinth adalah minuman khas Hungaria yang sudah langka saat ini. Minuman ini tidak... http://tumblr.com/x5j3to4pdz 10:32am @sinonce hati hati nanti lost in space tampon nya. 10:43am Demi Tuhan, lapar nya enggak ketulungan. Padahal tadi sahurnya nasi+sop buntut nya Garuda. Kurang hardcore apa coba? 10:47am @tieshadiona rasanya keras2 gitu sih, soalnya ngambil dari pajangan burung garuda pancasila, tapi enak klo pake kuahnya. -.11:05am RT @iamtitya: Mama saya lapar mau mamam. 11:09am Did I just Retweet my shadow account? Ini pasti saking kadar gula dalam darah gue super rendah. 11:18am RT @NickyHilton: Mercury goes retrograde this week till the 26th and stays that way for most of August. Oh joy :/ 11:19am I hate when mercury goes retrograde. 11:35am I'm so tempted to use office phone to call one of besties and chat about my first day at work. 11:59am Ada airasia lg promo ke tokyo pp harganya 1.8. Pengen kakaaaak. Ada yg mau beliin? 12:19pm berasa shallow mau buka buka situs fashion dari komputer kantor. 12:21pm Sorry guys, I think for the next few days, you're gonna see 'kantor' word on your time line. I'm too psyched. 12:35pm @animenur pasti itu godaan setan. 01:08pm @Tal_on_ it's like whatever you do, it won't give you much impact/result as you expected. that's what astrology says tho.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:12pm I'm not trusting myself right now. I could go to nearest warung and buy all the Teh Botol they have. #puasaharipertama 01:26pm @Tal_on_ I'm great Kate, thank you. I know, last time we saw each other was at starbucks ): How's modeling life btw? 01:27pm RT @animenur: Baru puasa setengah hari badan rasanya udah enteng lho! 01:30pm *ngelirik jam* 01:32pm Oh masih empat setengah jam lagi toh buka puasanya. 02:10pm Masya alloh, cantiknya Oscar!!! http://lockerz.com/s/125595373 03:09pm Setiap dengerin sontrek nya pirates caribbean merinding loh. 03:43pm Kabur ke hatiku RT @detikcom: Vokalis 'Kabur', Kings of Leon Akui Sedang Retak http://de.tk/pqUk5 03:51pm @ctambunan banget itin, parah kerennya!! Pengen jd si Frost gak sih? 04:05pm @tieshadiona @bonitawisnuw Whenever I'm dressed cool my parents put up a fight, I scream,"Mom and dad, why can't I be who I wanna be,to be?" 04:43pm Barusan perut bunyi keras banget, untung enggak ada yang sadar. *tengok kanan tengok kiri* *ngelirik jam di tangan* 05:02pm RT @blogdokter: Ingin hidup lama? Saat anda minum minuman beralkohol, biarkanlah orang lain yang mengemudikan kendaraan. #hidup 05:05pm Satu jam lagi. . . Satu jam lagi saudara-saudara. . . Suara bedug magrib nanti pasti lebih indah dibanding suaranya Beyonce. 05:19pm PUJI TUHAN! AKHIRNYA GUE PULANG JUGA! 05:28pm Bayar parkir dari jam stgh 9 pagi sampe stgh 6 sore cuma 5rb. Ternyata masih ada sisi lain dari Jakarta yang manusiawi. (:
Titya Sumarsono
07:53pm Kalo badan lagi pegel, mandi di bawah pancuran air anget itu gak ada yang ngalahin. Badan langsung fresh seketika. Err.. Gk lsg fresh jg sih 07:56pm @bonitawisnuw gue tau nya beef stew. -.07:57pm Eh eh nanya deh, udah ada yang pernah denger lagunya The Fire Theft yang judulnya Heaven belom? 08:06pm The Fire Theft - Heaven → buat yg lg jatuh cinta banget2 sm pacar/istri orang/mantan tunangan/sepupu sendiri, coba deh dengerin. Rekomen. 08:11pm PR bukan, dikasih CD gratis juga enggak... Gak peduli deh, pokoknya coba donlod trus dengerin lagunya The Fire Theft yg Heaven ya. 08:13pm The Fire Theft - Heaven → cocok banget buat yang lagi jatuh cinta. Sama siapapun itu objek nya. Dengarkan dan anda tidak akan menyesal. 08:19pm *teriak teriak di megafon twitter* buat yang lagi jatuh cinta dipersilahkan mendengarkan lagunya The Fire Theft yg judulnya Heaven. 08:29pm @bonitawisnuw iya ini lagi pake mukena kok. >.< 09:00pm Lebaran kapan sih? 09:08pm @bonitawisnuw gue udah pernah lebaran kuda, kucing juga, tikus juga udah pernah.. Lebaran sapi aja kali yaa,. 09:10pm Tadi ninggalin leptop pas dalam keadaan standby, balik-balik lg slide show @bonitawisnuw pake topeng wayang. Kaget loh, gak boong. 09:11pm GAAAAK ADAAAA TUUHH.. COBA TANYA RADEN AJAAA, SIAPAA TAU BERUNTUNG~~ RT @bonitawisnuw: ADA YG JUAL PULSA GAAAAAAAAK?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:02pm @bonitawisnuw @sashlicious is getting a pervert stare from a guy who hold his crotch the new trend? 10:05pm @sashlicious @bonitawisnuw and what is this? I'm so left behind. 10:09pm 2 of my besties have 2 unpleasant experiences in common. Are their experiences is the new trend and I'm the only one who's left behind? 10:16pm @embunvictoria darling trust me, it's unpleasant things, only weirdo like me who wanna get some. 10:18pm @bonitawisnuw @marko5586 what? Are you guys calling me? I'm trying to get some sleep here, please call me tomorrow. -.-
Tue Aug 02 07:48am Biasanya kalo lupa bawa parfum, di mobil selalu ada cadangannya. Tapi di mobil skrg gk ada, jd skrg cuma bekal wangi ala sabun mandi aja T.T 07:58am @sofwansweet @rennow jangan bilang kalian kenal satu sama lain?? 08:00am Will you marry me? → James Franco: Saya Siap untuk Menikah http://de.tk/pX0lp via @wolipop 08:00am RT @CELEBUZZ: LiLo's ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson arrested! http://bit.ly/peiXCS 08:12am Hari kedua udah enggak puasa ajaa ~~ 08:17am @sofwansweet @rennow gee, this world is smaller than small, hahaha 08:48am Si ganteng dan si pintar → http://bit.ly/pIC9ox 08:58am @animenur iya terus eselon satu, terus pas kena macet minta buka in jalan sama polisi patroli. Meeh.
Titya Sumarsono
09:09am I just became the mayor of TravelXpose Office on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/nIvjOb 09:09am I'm at TravelXpose Office (Jl. R.P Soeroso No. 30, Menteng, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/r91Wcx 09:12am Editor belom datang, jadi belom punya kerja, jadi ngapain dong kita sekarang? 09:34am blabberlipstick: new girl in the office http://t.co/hES080W 09:46am daritadi mau log in ke hotmail sama live.com kok dibilang nya password incorrect sih? T_T 09:59am kenapa password dari semua acc. email yg gue punya dibilangnya incorrect sih? HELP! 10:27am Yay! Got my first assignment. 11:02am @pringgodigdo emang lagi error atau gimana sih? (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ .̮ -̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) dua2 akun imel gue salah password semua. 11:14am Titi DJ udah cerai lagi? Ya Tuhan. 11:16am YAAYYY!! TRUE BLOOD season 4 nya berhasil di download. Total 5 episode. Sekarang gimana caranya mindahin dari komputer kantor ke leptop? :/ 11:18am @titisekarwigati harus nonton. Itu bagus bgt. Menurut aku sih tapi, soalnya aku bolak balik nangis nonton itu. 11:35am RT @sinonce: “@iQuoteComedy: Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to irritate you” 11:53am @tianhutauruk gue donlod dari kemarin loh, baru kelar hari ini. HAHA, eh bawel ini gue lagi kerja, lunch bareng yuk. 12:04pm Wound upon wound. 01:10pm I'm having my lunch, alone in 7Eleven and I'm proud! (@ 7Eleven w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/pRnWO2 208
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:19pm @alvinyus abis yang lain pada puasa. 01:27pm Kenapa semua orang kantor kaget pas tau gue makan siang di 7Eleven? 02:37pm Enggak sengaja ketemu @NickyWibisono (@ The Goods Dept.) http://4sq.com/rrPrVL 02:41pm Ngomong2 good dept, kaos proklamasi gue ngilang kemana ya :/ 02:49pm @SchaBby puuuuuhleeeeaseeeeeeee.... Yang ada aku yg minta jajanin sama ei ti em kamu, LOL 03:49pm @cumaiann jualan apa emang? Bilang dong: saya udah punya semua barangnya mas, makasih 05:33pm Duh, sister gue ini loh sometimes2, abis nikah juga.. -.- RT @detikcom: Kate Moss Topless di Iklan Jeans http://de.tk/XYew6 06:01pm RT @infojakarta: Saatnya Berbuka Puasa Untuk Jakarta dan Sekitarnya. Selamat berbuka puasa bagi yg menunaikan ibadah puasa. 06:02pm Buka bareng temen kantor. Seruuu :D 06:10pm @embunvictoria iyaaa.. Lucu dengernya, mau denger lebih lucu lagi? Habis ini gue rapat. Can you imagine? This is me mau rapat. HAHA 06:17pm @titisekarwigati iya sygg, aku skrg kerja di majalah travelxpose, makasih cantik, kamu selamat berbuka jugaa yaaa :* 06:41pm Meeting pertama :D 07:31pm Ada 2 tian. Dobel personaliti → @bonitawisnuw: Dinner with @tianhutauruk (@ PIZZA e BIRRA w/ @itistiancoy) http://4sq.com/ qBte3q 08:02pm In a minutee!!! (@ PIZZA e BIRRA w/ @tianhutauruk) http://4sq.com/r7oYF6
Titya Sumarsono
09:35pm @bonitawisnuw @tianhutauruk to jobs that pay the rent!!! *cheers* 10:08pm @findryany sapa deh, daripada kebawa mimpi
Wed Aug 03 08:03am RT @cutblog: Pippa Middleton’s tan arbitrarily named ‘royal mocha’ and the ‘most desirable’ of all tan shades http://nym.ag/nudBjJ 09:02am Judul hari ini: salah minum. Air yg gue minum ternyata bukan aqua, tapi air keran buat ngisi radiator mobil. 09:05am Kronologis ceritanya gini... Jadi tadi pagi bangun2 kan gue haus banget, dan gue ngira aqua dispenser itu belom diganti yang baru... 09:06am Dan di dapur gue ngeliat beberapa botol aqua berjejer. Semuanya kosong, kecuali satu, nah gue minum air yg ada di botol aqua itu... 09:07am Selesai minum, gue baru ngeh, kok rasanya aneh2 gitu, rasa belerang, pas gue perhatiin airnya, warna nya kok keruh. Aqua kan warnanya bening 09:08am Gue tanya nyokap: mum, ini air aqua kan? Mum: itu air udah lama bgt, kamu minum itu tadi? Gue: iya. Perasaan gue udah gak enak. 09:10am Pas ontheway kantor nyokap sms : Tya, itu tadi yg kamu minum, air buat mobil mas Tommy. Sekarang gue pasrah, berharap gak sakit perut. 09:57am RT @cutblog: Best & worst of June and July fashion mags: how 2wear hot yellow,taking a bath with Karl Lagerfeld & more http:// nym.ag/ottddG 10:29am Did you know? The Megaria Building was listed for sale on 8 March 2007 for a price of US$ 16.5oo.ooo (Rp
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:11am Somewhere exotic is where I want to be. Where sun shines brightly, waves crash gently, me in bikini lie on white sand, working on my tan. 11:56am @NatGeoTraveler any internship possibilities at NatGeo? 01:10pm I'm at Jajanan Gereja Theresia (Jl. Haji Agus Salim, Jakarta) http://4sq.com/nmheF2 02:40pm @audreyjiwajenie dreeyy, tolong dm in pin bb doong, thank you. (: 04:05pm RT @DVF: Focus on who you want to be and be it ! Love Diane 04:06pm +1 MILYAR RT @tieshadiona: orang kalo udah nabrak ajeee alesannya puasa -.- puasa kok dijadiin alesan. gila. 04:06pm Ini pasti maksudnya buat gue sama mbak Mona, HAHAHA RT @sub4ru: Huuffff.. Naga lagi.. Naga lagiii.... 04:14pm RT @Broslife: What superpower would you rather have: x-ray vision or super strength? 05:17pm RT @travelxposemagz: Menjelajahi gunung dengan sepeda http://t.co/iOk4JIQ 05:27pm RT @travelxposemagz: Menyusuri Merapi dengan bersepeda http://t.co/iOk4JIQ 05:53pm Ayah: salam buat embun, bonie, jgn pulang malam2. Gue: enggak kok, besok kan aku kerja. My ears still getting used to the word 'kerja'. 05:57pm @tianhutauruk bilang 'wani piro?' 06:22pm Kebelet pipis di saat macet? Sama dong, saya juga. 06:26pm Kalo kejebak macet di depannya Gran Melia itu entah kenapa bawaannya pengen nyoba main prosotan di atap hotelnya.
Titya Sumarsono
06:29pm Kalo gue bawa tank sekarang, udah manjat jalur busway deh, aslik macetnya lebay nih kuningan 06:53pm Din with my loves. :D (@ Loewy) http://4sq.com/ncHffs 07:59pm RT @VeHandojo: Before you engage yourself in a twitwar, remember this: People will be laughing at you in BBm convo, and twitups. 08:57pm Hahahaha → RT @AdviceToWriters: I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork. PETER DE VRIES #amwriting #writing #writetip 09:02pm RT @infojakarta: Twitter akan Luncurkan Edisi Bahasa Indonesia http://ow.ly/5TYhW -peoplemeetme.com . 09:03pm Ngantuuuukk..tuk..tuk.. 10:06pm RT @findryany: I had always believed that every woman wanted to be the most attractive in any group. 11:04pm Chatting with Sashi is like having my very own shrink. Come home soon please, I terribly miss you @sashlicious T_T 11:19pm RT @jo_elvin: We're giving you the chance to attend & review a Milan fashion show for us. See September Glamour for details, out August 11. 11:35pm @sashlicious I love vampires. It's my thing. Let it go. Don't judge me, accept me.
Thu Aug 04 06:52am Sel..amat Pa...gi... *ngucek ngucek mata* 08:31am How could someone be so self-absorbed I will never know. 10:30am @sashlicious feel like I'm your shrink. Only listen and ask, how do you feel about it? Except, I ask 'who kissed first?'
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:15am @sashlicious @bonitawisnuw bahkan gue belom tanda tangan kontrak loh. Gaji darimanaaaaaa?? T.T 11:24am Blackberry gue baru aja kehilangan salah satu pembatas keypad nya. Jadi sekarang keypad gue bolong. Blekberi idiot. 11:49am Ada break ada kitkat *ngerobek bungkusnya* 12:00pm "Do me! And you won't be sorry." said the unwritten articles to me. 12:19pm RT @travelxposemagz: FIND OUT! 50 museum di Indonesia yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Hanya di Majalah TravelXpose volume 12. 01:40pm @steffitjandra by saying : we're thru, I wish you well, goodbye. ? 01:40pm @steffitjandra eh bener gak? Salah ya? HAHAHA 01:50pm @steffitjandra HAHAHAHAHA. 03:30pm It's a whirlwind situation. 03:32pm Draco Dormien Nunquam Titilandus. 03:43pm Before Immigrants take control hobos. 04:02pm RT @travelxposemagz: Did you know?Ketika masa kolonial Belanda,harga tanah di Manhattan dihargai lebih murah dibanding harga tanah di Maluku 05:02pm Dari Menteng ke PS macet gak sih jalanan? Ada yang punya info? 05:29pm @sub4ru tapi kan skrg udh mau jam buka puasa, masih macet juga kah? 05:34pm @sub4ru nah, tolong ya dipantau, ditunggu laporannya, thank you. :D 05:46pm @sub4ru oh em gee. Kok serem ya dengernyaa T.T
Titya Sumarsono
06:04pm @sashlicious 911. Skypedate malam ini. Harus! Check your watsap puhlease 11:22pm you just have to believe that the best is yet to come. Sweet dreams everyone. xxx 11:33pm @pandiPadan @sinonce protek deh. Biar enak nyinyirnya. Padahal yg baca akun kedua gue cuma kalian2 juga sih. HAHA 11:36pm RT @LoveScopes: #Aries tend to have a single-minded drive toward career goals ~It can put a damper on their love live #LoveScopes ♥
Fri Aug 05 08:00am Thank God it's Friday. Dan besok udah libur, jadi bisa sepuasnya tidur, semoga hari ini enggak lembur. 08:13am @pandiPadan ngewer apa sik? 08:28am Gila ya, ini macet nya jadah banget, mobil motor, kopaja, metromini, sampe bajay tumplek jadi satu. 08:32am Paling compatible mother, ya sagitarius, salah tuuu → RT @ZodiacFacts: The most compatible Mother for an #Aries kid is an Aries /Pisces. 08:56am @audreyjiwajenie drey, nanti jadi kan? Jam 11 gitu yaa, di starbucks thamrin. Can't wait to see you! xxx 09:28am RT @travelxposemagz: Ngurbloat beach (Pantai Panjang), Maluku. The Softest white sand in the world. http://twitpic.com/61291z 09:37am #FF @sofifii @hellogiggles @travelxposemagz @animenur @sashlicious @tieshadiona 10:20am RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Aries gives new meaning to the old tune, 'I did it my way!'
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:29am @tianhutauruk @pandiPadan follow akun gue dong @iamtitya jd kita nyinyirnya lewat sekon akun aja. 10:30am @pandiPadan @sinonce @iamtitya siap beraksi nyinyir sehari penuh. Yang belom bikin alter ego nya segera bikin deh. HAHAHA 11:02am RT @travelxposemagz: Crystal clear blue sea, Raja Ampat. http://twitpic.com/613k5j 11:06am A bite of Take It keep the hunger away...for a while. 11:15am RT @iansomerhalder: Happy belated by 11 minutes, Mr.President 12:37pm NEW POST. You can't always rely on your blackberry http:// t.co/uxUh7eP 12:38pm dasar twitter bodoh! 12:42pm Hotel review of Riad Enija, Marrakech, from Condé Nast Traveller (Condé Nast Traveller) http://t.co/6auDmCe 12:48pm World's best diving destinations and dive sites, Photo 1 of 7 (Condé Nast Traveller) http://t.co/B6vNA77 via @cntraveller 12:57pm kantor dinginnya naujubilahminjalik deh, jadi gak sabar pengen makan pangsit goreng nya GM. 01:03pm Semakin tua semakin galau → RT @blogdokter: Semakin bertambah umur tdk hny akan mengubah penampilan tapi juga tingkat kebahagiaan seseorang. 01:21pm @Paramithamurti titaaaa sayangg, ini titaa adeknya mbak sasha bukan? 04:25pm @bonitawisnuw uuuuuuww tatuuuutt 04:26pm @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria err.. You just did? Laughed? 04:31pm @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria douche dous dous dus dush dush dush dush *niru suara diskotek* 05:10pm @bonitawisnuw ............. 215
Titya Sumarsono
05:12pm Aslik, pake windows repot nya naujubilah bgt mindahin foto2 dari imel ke document. Enakan pake Mac. Atau gue aja yg gaptek? 05:20pm Salah satu contoh tuit minta dikepoin/ditanya → gak usah muka dua. Dasar anak bandel baru kemarin sore aja, bangga banget. 05:21pm Contoh lain tuit minta dikepoin/ditanyain → eh, mas, mbak, lo tajir melintir juga duit bapak emak lo aja kan? Gak usah sombong deh. 05:23pm Uuuuwoooww Drake is soo gonna be my man who's gonna teach me how to trust again. Keep on dreaming tya RT @bonitawisnuw: Drake - Trust Issues 05:26pm Mari kita lanjutkan ngabuburit ini, dengan belajar membuat tweet2 yang akan berhasil membuat para followers kalian kepo luar biasa. 05:34pm Oke ini contohnya : eh, kalo mau ngomongin gue tuh jangan di belakang, tapi sini kalo berani ketemu langsung. 05:36pm Tuit yg barusan biasanya di pake sama anak2 umur 13-18 tahun, Atau anak kuliah yg masih labil, yang diomongin sama temen2nya sendiri. 05:37pm @bonitawisnuw @indhysamosir bang indhy.. Hallo bang,. *sambil dada dada* sebentar lg saya jadi saudara abang nih, klo kt nya bonie. 05:51pm Asal lo tau aja ya, sex lo enggak ada hebat2nya sama sekali → contoh tuit minta di kepoin, biasa dipake sm mantan pacar, yg baru aja putus, 06:15pm Apa? Gue matre? Emangnya gue pernah minta lo bayain manicure gue di tukang cukur beringin depan DPR? Atau nginep di Bvlgari? 06:17pm Contoh tuit terakhir itu biasa dipake sama cewek-cewek yang merasa dirinya diomongin matre sama temen2nya sendiri. 216
tyasumarsono's Twournal
06:18pm Sekian dulu kuliah ngabuburitnya ttg bgmn caranya membuat tuit2 yang bisa bikin kepo para follower kalian. Udah buka jg kan. Slamat berbuka. 06:29pm @zerrynoliva HAHAHA. Makasih sayangg, iya nih, lumayan sambil ngabuburit tadi iseng ;p 08:28pm Shrink? Why bother going to shrink, if I could pour everything to my friends w\out them asking 'how do you feel about it?' 09:07pm Menu jalanan hari ini: sudirman macet, bensin sekarat, kebelet pipis banget. Total bill nya: pasrah. 09:17pm Couldn't the owner think a better name for his license? B 838 BAU ? Dude, it's alphard lohh.. http://lockerz.com/s/126794395 10:00pm @fiorentinalagi kaan lupa deh pasti tadi diminta tolongin apa sama mbak nya 10:04pm sinyal blekberi yg 3G BB tapi kelakuan kayak SOS sudah cukup untuk membuat seseorang mengalami trust issue. @INDOSAT 10:05pm RT @AmericanExpress: Reminder to sync your Amex card w/ @foursquare! Exclusive specials at 200+ NYC restaurants & more! http://aexp.co/H1C 10:33pm Cuci dosa nih yee → RT @detikcom: Mulan Jameela Buka Puasa Bareng Anak Yatim http://de.tk/HKjYW 10:48pm Jangan bilang charger blekberi gue ketinggalan di kantor... 11:04pm AQUA Reflections edisi perdana hasil kolaborasi dgn Sebastian Gunawan, untuk pasar premium http://lockerz.com/ s/126820686
Sat Aug 06
Titya Sumarsono
08:53am Libra, Virgo, Capricorn RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Aries Women Friends (SAME SEX) : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces 08:53am Sagitarius RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Aries Women FRIENDS (OPPOSITE SEX) : Aries, Leo, Libra 08:54am @sashlicious don't forget our skypedate. Jam 4 waktu indonesia bagian barat yaa, pliiss 09:08am @sashlicious lo mau catokan dulu ya emangnya? 09:19am @sashlicious err, I was being serious btw. Ooh..jadi lebih pilih fotografer prewed dibandingkan skypedet sama gue? -.09:22am @sashlicious That, I was being a nagging best friend. Oke deh. Jam 8 yaa, jadi gue bisa pijet2 luluran ke martha tilaar dulu, jealous gak? 09:25am Deja Vu. 10:42am RT @AdviceToWriters: The first thing that distinguishes a writer is that he is most alive when alone. MARTIN AMIS 11:03am To you I shall say, as I have often said before, 'do not be in a hurry, the right man will come at last." -jane austen 05:15pm RT @blogdokter: Kebahagiaan akan berkurang jika seseorang menganggap alkohol, narkoba, makanan atau bahkan belanja akan membawa kebahagiaan. 05:15pm RT @ZodiacFacts: #Aries live in the moment and have a hard time waiting for things to happen. Life is a series of emergencies for them. 05:19pm RT @sofifii: Actresses you can't be writer/director/producer/ singer/actress/vegan/glutenfree. You have to choose just 3. SORRY 05:37pm RT @CindyLubis: If you don't like me, remember its mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter. ~Dr.Seuss 06:23pm Sahabat-sahabat gue ini emang little demons. Tawaran ke bali nya bener2 menggoda. 218
tyasumarsono's Twournal
07:03pm @bonitawisnuw @AnggerDimas @findryany @tianhutauruk @miamishine emg lg di Jakarta? Klo iya, ayo ayo aja sih gue. 07:57pm My horoscope today : Talking to someone you trust is a good place to start. → it's exactly what I'm gonna do. Talk to sashi. 08:06pm Buat yang mau malam mingguannya mau clubbing/duduk2 cantik minum cocktails ber liter-liter, gue bakal kasih satu tip yg semoga bisa berguna 08:11pm Jgn lupa siapin 1gelas air putih di samping tempat tidur. kalian akan merasa pintar udah nyiapin segelas mineral water,pas besok lg hangover 08:26pm RT @cntraveller: Planning your #honeymoon? Here are some helpful tips: http://bit.ly/rkUSNM 10:13pm RT @GlamourMagUK: We can't wait to see Jane Eyre! Here's an exclusive clip to keep you going till it's released: http://bit.ly/q4C5JR 10:24pm Things I don't like about airplane [part 1] http://t.co/rEkox2j
Sun Aug 07 08:03am RT @animenur: Stop trying to please everyone. Look at me now; faux and well-crafted. So that I didn't hurt anyone's feeling. 08:13am @sinonce MAAAAUUUU DOOOONG POTO SAMA CEF JUNA!!! KYAAAAAAA 09:38am #nowplaying For once in my life - michael buble 10:04am Kok ngikutin gue sik? *berasa angelina jolie* → RT @detikcom: Nikita Willy Ingin Adopsi Anak http://de.tk/AWs59 12:59pm Pengen ke Gramed deh, beli Cosmopolitan sama InStyle. → tuit minta dikomentarin sama followersnya di dalam hati: penting bgt sih tweet lo.
Titya Sumarsono
01:23pm Di Gramedia itu sengaja enggak dijual produk2 nya MRA grup semacam cosmo atau esquire gitu ya? 03:04pm All will be clear. Everything. And your life will changes in ways you can't imagine. 05:10pm Lion Air sejak kena larangan terbang gara2 delay, jadi lebay gini, 1/2 jam sblm take off udah naik pesawat, sampe kena tegur sm mas2 cek in 08:02pm Dinner with mummy and daddy, I'm grateful but I really wish my brotherS were here. 08:46pm YAY!!! Adam yang menang masterchef australia!!! 08:55pm Padahal gak ngerti juga Adam masterchef australia itu yang mana, nonton juga gak pernah, pengen ikut heboh aja. #krik 09:32pm Mandi sambil dengerin Moon River ny Frank Sinatra itu maksudnya biar relax, tapi pas ikutan nyanyi, jadi gk rileks. Suara beda jauh soalnya.
Mon Aug 08 08:17am Dan gara-gara ngelamun pom bensin shell nya kelewatan aja gituu... ~~ 08:31am Asik! Di kantor nanti ada anak baru, namanya bonnie. Gak sabar deh ketemu, modelannya ky gimana ya kira2? 08:44am This is what I've learned: For if everything is offered to you on a silver platter, then you won't taste the sweet of acceptance. 10:38am Reading @CNTraveler make me wanna travel around the world more and more. 10:53am Wow! Lady GaGa Jadi Cowok! - http://t.co/TjTH51s via @msn_indonesia
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:54am YAY! You and I nya Lady Gaga bakal ada video klip nya. 10:58am HITS!!! RT @pandiPadan: babik!! gara2 ga ada OB disuruh nyapu!! jepang tahik!! 11:01am Summer Accessories for Women 2011 -Top 30 Ideas (Glamour.com UK) http://t.co/j2DmqJA via @glamourmaguk 11:15am Summer Workwear for Women 2011 -Top 40 Ideas http:// t.co/5EWaGJv via @glamourmaguk 11:26am Round Sunglasses from K-Subi http://t.co/4nnLC4k 11:37am HAPPY BIRTHDAY buat @Paramithamurti . semoga makin jager ya di lab school. Please don't grow up so fast, love you titha. xxx 11:54am Marilyn Monroe http://t.co/fVOw3NA 12:03pm udah adzan dzuhur nih, buat yang puasa nya cuma setengah hari selamat berbuka. 12:31pm LUNCH TIME!!! (@ Jajanan Bellarminus) http://4sq.com/ osQYqm 01:11pm @SchaBby hahahahahaha, enggak sygg, ini kebetulan lagi gk puasa,. 01:23pm Kerja di majalah travel dgn wallpaper komputer Bora-Bora. Mayan siang-siang ngayal http://lockerz.com/s/127697164 01:54pm ME WANT SOME! Y U NO GImMe Some?? RT @sashlicious: This chocolate is da shit!!!!!! #chocolatehigh http://t.co/ VsUndde 01:56pm HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. 02:04pm Check out this upcoming concert: Empire of the Sun @ Potato Head Beachclub. http://t.co/tCQrL95 02:13pm Virgin Beach "The Hidden Beach in Bali" - http:// t.co/3FK3DWx (via @justinbali)
Titya Sumarsono
02:33pm Since long before Gilbert, Ubud has catered to women seeking spiritual harmony. 02:42pm OHMIGOD! THIS IS SUCH A HAPPY DAY FOR ME! I'm HAPPY FOR YOU @SchaBby !!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!! MY LOVE FOR WILLY. XXX 03:21pm Becoming a published writer is sort of like trying to find cheap apartment in New York City: it's impossible. -Elizabeth Gilbert03:23pm Like a miner buried under a fallen roof. -Balzac 03:28pm @GlamourMagUK Rested. 05:05pm RT @detikcom: Gaston Belum Gajian, Julia Perez Bantu Bayar Kontrakan http://de.tk/RRgSN 05:05pm RT @beQii: RT @worldprayr: God is with you in all that you do. - Genesis 21:22 07:56pm Gue kira dulu 'Thesaurus' itu salah satu jenis dinosaurus. 07:57pm Dan pas temen gue ada yang bilang "coba liat aja di thesaurus" gue manggut2 pura2 ngerti. Gue ngiranya disuruh ke museum 08:07pm @sashlicious jadi skype an gak? 09:15pm Jadah banget ini olala lounge internet nya.
Tue Aug 09 08:52am I'm at Kantor Polisi Kelapa Gading http://4sq.com/q47Wlr 09:02am seriously mr. Timur Pradopo, can't you give these super nice police officers some good printers? 09:07am Kalo diantara kalian ada yang punya waktu senggang coba deh main2 ke kantor polisi kelapa gading, dijamin bakalan sedih. 09:08am Sedih soalnya printer nya ngadat2, daritadi mau nge print surat ilang aja satu jam sendiri.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:09am Kalo ada yang mau nyumbang printer atau tinta printer boleh kok. Gue belom nanya sih, tapi kayaknya mereka gk nolak juga 09:11am Maaf ya mbak lama, printernya jelek soalnya|kenapa gk beli yg bagus?|polisinya gk punya duit soalnya.|gak punya duit? Bercanda nih bapaknya 09:12am @audreyjiwajenie hahahaha, tapi ini parah drey, gue hampir sejam sendiri, printernya. Krit krit krit gitu bunyinya, aslik vintage abis. 09:14am @bonitawisnuw soombooongg, yang bisa beli miu miu sombooong, gue mui mui aja deh secara tinggal di moi #ngekngok 09:15am Segitu banyak nya polisi di sini, kok gak yang kayak will smith ala ala film bad boys gitu ya? *celingak celinguk nyari* 09:34am Polisi di Indonesia itu, gk ada yg bisa bikin cewek2 screaming : PLEASE HANDCUFF ME OFFICER. I was thinking about Colin Farrell, of course. 09:39am Berkali-kali ke bank mandiri tapi enggak pernah ngeliat wujud pemiliknya, siapa sih yang punya? Bukan SBY kan? 09:41am It's hard for me to wake up so early at uncivilized hour, I'm definitely a hard-worker, a good employee indeed. 09:47am Wait list at Union,wait in line in a bank,waiting for my soulmate to come.. I'm a waitlist girl and I'm proud. Should put that on a tshirt. 09:50am Berhubung gue lagi di bank Mandiri, gue mau kasih info ttg nilai kurs valuta asing, siapa tau ada yg mau liburan ke luar bumi. 09:52am Kurs USD, beli 8.550 jual 8.580. Kurs AUD, beli 8.559 jual 8.618. Kurs SGD, beli 6.968 jual 7.016. Kurs Euro, beli 12.106 jual 12.183. 09:54am Di MANDIRI gak jual Poundsterling? PAYAH... Bukan berarti pengen beli juga sih, tapi enak aja complain pagi-pagi.
Titya Sumarsono
09:59am @steffitjandra oooohh, hahahaha, steffi sabar banget sih ngeladenin tuit2 gue soal perbankan pagi-pagi, makin suka deh sama Virgo. :D 10:00am Udahan dulu ah nge-tuit nya, capek pagi-pagi udah berisik di twitter. 10:05am Sebenernya belom capek sih, tapi gk tau mau nge-tuit apaan lagi, semacam pengen nge-tuit yang berguna gitu padahal. 10:06am RT @ZodiacFacts: #Aries Greatest vulnerability: Being gullible 10:12am Harga poundsterling ternyata tiga belas ribu tujuh ratus rupiah. Ratu Elizabeth segitu enggak pengennya gue ke inggris atau gimana? 10:17am @pandiPadan @bonitawisnuw kalo dibayarin gue mau. Atm gue ilang nih. Monyeng. 10:20am Gee, tell me about it. RT @TIME: 4 reasons a prepaid debit card can cost you big | http://ti.me/n2v9u8 (via @TIMEMoneyland) 10:21am @pandiPadan udah dari semalam. 10:36am RT @sinonce: widi vierra ini termasuk orang yang gigih. nyanyinya antara hidup dan mati bray 10:36am RT @sinonce: kayanya udah les nyanyi juga tuh sampe keliatan ati2 banget pas ngambil napas hahahahahahahaha 10:47am For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me, Not like it's hurt me before.. Uwooo uwooo *karaoke an sendiri pake hape di dlm mobil* 11:04am Tips gak stress di tempat kerja: pasang wallpaper menenangkan seperti David Beckham lagi skinny dipping di Raja Ampat. 11:06am HORE! di follow sama @zarryhendrik . *ceritanya pamer* 11:07am @bonitawisnuw pilihin gue foto buat dibikin id press dong, gue udah dibawah loh btw. gak penting ya infonya.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
11:15am disuruh bikin artikel tentang LOMBOK. *pengen lompat lompat di atas kursi kantor ala Tom Cruise* 11:19am disuruh bikin artikel tentang lombok itu rasanya pengen pesen tiket garuda paling murah,ngepak koper, pake bikini trus ke soekarno hatta deh 11:23am LOMBOK HERE I COME!!! *ngunyah cabe banyak-banyak* 11:32am I've been planning to go to Lombok this September, and now my editor ask me to cover story about Lombok. I'm beyond ecstatic guys. 11:34am My deepest condolences → @detikcom: Boedi Sampoerna Meninggal Karena Kanker Mulut http://de.tk/fSHHp 11:35am @Prischatze you're right! Thank you darling. xxx 11:41am Cerita dapat dibaca di majalah TravelXpose edisi 14. LOL RT @LinggomPerdana: tyasumarsono send me the story ya. #Lombok 11:53am barusan bokap ngirimin bbm soal kerusuhan di London yang makin meluas. warga London disuruh tinggal di rumah. 11:55am 1700 polisi dikerahin buat jaga-jaga. warga di Clapham Junction, London Selatan disuruh niggalin rumah mereka, krn kebakaran meluas. 11:56am 300-500 demonstran ngumpul di sekitar kantor polisi Tottenham sambil ngelemparin bom molotov ke polisi, dan berusaha nyerbu ke kantor polisi 11:59am I've never been to UK let alone London, but the riot that happens in London right now, make my world black and blue. 11:59am wish the Londoners all the best. 12:04pm London's riot has successfully put me in despair, I don't think I'm able to do anything today, especially work.
Titya Sumarsono
12:06pm i blame bush for everything that happens in london right now. he and his stupid invasion, stupid mortgage crisis that dragged us all to hell 12:24pm I'm good at crying, especially when something bad happens, you know.. like London's riots 12:29pm @steviegabriel kerja kok, tapi belom maksi, dan sedih denger soal kerusuhan di London, jadi gak konsen. 12:51pm RT @Broslife: If a woman has more than 3 cats, stay away. Stay very far away. 12:58pm @sinonce kalo ky di cerita2 hollywood gt artinya dia siap tinggal sendiri, tanpa cowok, unmarried,old maid, jd ky freak gt. 01:09pm RT @BBCIndonesia: Kerusuhan telah meluas ke berbagai wilayah di London pada hari ketiga, kebakaran terjad... http://bbc.in/ phbsst 02:15pm Kerusuhan London telah meluas ke kota-kota Inggris lainnya seperti Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, dan Manchester. #prayforLondon 02:16pm London's riots have spread to other UK cities like Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, and Manchester #prayforLondon 02:34pm @sinonce ceritanya kan berita luar negeri. HAHAHAK 02:58pm LOMBOK.. Apa yg bisa gue tulis ttg lombok selain rasanya yang pedas tapi bikin nagih? 03:23pm @ahanindya ttg Lombok pulau nggit sebenernya, hahahak, cuma tadi gue bingung nulis apaan, jd isengg nya gitu. Ahahahak 03:29pm YUK MAREEH RT @sinonce: pindah ke bali aja apa gw? 03:39pm @findryany culture apaan nya kak? Culture inggris nya? Terakhir kesana gak ada indo-indo nya, macam british virgin island aja. 03:41pm @SchaBby SEtUju bgt soal hidden paradise nya. Super tenang. 226
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03:53pm @SchaBby kontrak kerjaku 3 bulan sha, mungkin setelah itu? doakan saja, hahahahaha 05:25pm Semacam pengen nonton transformers dan harry potter 05:32pm RT @docshayhoo: #prayforlondon http://lockerz.com/ s/128005845 05:45pm @sub4ru gue udah balik yeee, jadi gk bisa cerita deehh,. 05:56pm Tiga menit lagi buka puasa loh jangan lupa buka baju juga yaa... Siap-siap mandi yang bersih terus solat magrib gitu maksudnya. 05:59pm Berbukalah dengan yang manis.. *ngemut gula pasir* 06:01pm Yang mau lewat sudirman silahkan. Hari ini enggak ada 3in1. *serius* 08:53pm I think @tianhutauruk has proved his loyalty to me. He accompanied me tour de senayan city. He's a loyal and caring best friend. 10:50pm Some people have one certain feeling in their life, mine is: I know I'm gonna miss my bed and pillow at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Wed Aug 10 07:06am Selamat pagiiii!! Jakarta pagi ini dingin sekali, sedingin perlakuan mu padaku. #cih 08:10am RT @ActuallyNPH: Back at work on HIMYM's season 7! I must say, the premiere episode will definitely be groovy. 08:31am There will come a day when you're gonna need me, and I'm the only one who can help. #justsaying 09:04am This girl has grown up so fast she now participate in slavery world. I'm so proud of myself. http://lockerz.com/s/128201219 09:11am I'm very busy today. I'm busy looking at my newly business card. That's the kind of mood I'm in.
Titya Sumarsono
09:28am RT @travelxposemagz: Lombok in September is much different than Bali in any months.if u haven't been to Lombok,u should go there next month. 09:33am How do you type with your eyes closed? I seriously wanna know. 09:49am @audreyjiwajenie bulan apa kesananya? Pas gue kesana turis lokal nya sama sekali gk ada, satu gili cuma gue doang. Aslik. 10:12am @audreyjiwajenie pulau komodo? HAHAAHHA. Duh jd pengen liat komodo kan jadinya -.10:48am @bonitawisnuw wish you all the best bon!!! xxx 02:42pm Darling, darling, little darling, let me tell you one thing..with me you'll never know. My advice: don't let your insecurity ruins you. 02:50pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw aduh, mood gue lagi pengen bunuh orang nih, semoga 3 jam kedepan sudah membaik, dan siap menjemput. 02:57pm I'm smiling but I'm in a rage guys, how am I doing that? Guess that's the kind of gift I'm given. 03:37pm Rihanna Quote http://t.co/w3rQ65w via @sickspace 03:40pm @embunvictoria @bonitawisnuw udah udah gk usah tatoan, cukup gue aja sama nona. Dengerin kata pacar kalian. 03:43pm @bonitawisnuw how I love my job!!! No, I'm not lucky I'm blessed. *mulai nge-rap* 04:00pm @nimasayukinasih ayuu, kamu di pertamina yaa skrg? Tadi bonnie cerita, kok keren siih??? 04:01pm Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the baddest of them all? 04:53pm RT @tieshadiona: jadi mending kalo mau punya tattoo jangan punya pacar dulu. ntar abis tattooan baru pacaran lagi.. HAHAHAHAHA >:D 228
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04:59pm RT @travelxposemagz: Gili Trawangan - Don't rush a holiday on this island, as you won't want to leave http://t.co/J3zvSnZ 05:01pm Ketika anda berada di Gili Trawangan, 1 hal yg harus anda lakukan adalah minta diterawang sama penduduk lokal ciiyyynn. 05:02pm Saya sering sekali, secara yaa saya desperado gitu eeyyym. 05:05pm 2 tweet barusan adalah artikel tentang gili trawangan yg akan terbit kalo sampe @bonitawisnuw berhasil membajak leptop gue. 07:13pm I'm at Luna Negra w/ @pandipadan http://4sq.com/pccpuO 07:39pm Nonaaa kangeeeen!! Buruan pulang ke jakartaaa!! Jangan kelamaan matik di bali. xxx @tieshadiona 08:36pm @geamargarani itu cara gue bangettt. HAHAHA 08:44pm @geamargarani udah, alhamdulillah gak sampe diusir dari rumah, hihiik 09:49pm @nsambowo @fiorentinalagi @djibehere @agus_dagu cieee main foursquare, hihihii
Thu Aug 11 06:54am Pagi-pagi dapet bbm, ceritanya bakal ditraktir makan sate padang, sepertinya hari ini akan jadi hari yg menyenangkan saudara2. 12:59pm RT @RebeccaBillina: Sleeping time is fucked. 01:01pm If you find yourself bumping into what seems like a brick wall in your pursuit of a goal, use your creativity to move beyond it. 01:22pm @tianhutauruk makanya pake indoslut dong. 01:25pm Siapa..? Siapa nanya?? HAHAHA *stress*RT @detikcom: Usai Bulan Madu, Laura Basuki Akan Pindah ke Apartemen Mewah http://de.tk/rpeZ0 01:37pm @tieshadiona @detikcom lama-lama kata haram juga haram.
Titya Sumarsono
01:57pm Adam Levine in 'Moves like Jagger' is sooo.. God.. Even words can't describe.. But I can feel my body's tingling.. 01:58pm @embunvictoria pak bos, embun boong pak, dia tadi abis dari narsih tuh pak, coba-coba dicek kaki sama keteknya pasti ada cap narsihnya 01:59pm RT @sofifii: The only way to really tell how close girl friends are is if their periods sync. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! 02:04pm @embunvictoria lah? Gue emg gak ke kampus kali. Gue ke Dharmais. Nyehehehehe 02:10pm @tieshadiona mainan baru apalagi ituh? Mau coba dong, 02:11pm Couldn't agree more mbak. RT @iAmDewiUtari: I think BMW cars are the most SENSUAL car of all.. 02:16pm @embunvictoria saking pervertnya, gue harap lo kena karma nya bonie buat dengerin gue nanti. HAHAHAHAHA. Biar kita impas semuanya. LOL 02:21pm @tieshadiona bisa diganti-ganti lagi gk nanti username nya? 02:37pm @tieshadiona oh iyaa!! 02:49pm @tieshadiona gak mau diubah namanya. Gk ngerti juga ngubahnya dimana -.02:54pm You say heello and I say goodbye. 02:55pm heello me at hotbrunette. 02:56pm Bedanya heello sama twitter apa ya, selain update nya yang bisa lebih panjang? 02:57pm Di mobil duduk, di restoran duduk, di kantor duduk, gak heran sekarang pantat gue kejang-kejang. 03:09pm Even my chair doesn't want me to sit. Can I take that as a cue to leave office early?
tyasumarsono's Twournal
03:15pm RT @Broslife: If Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster fought, my money's on Nessie. I got a bookie in Brooklyn who takes such bets. 03:16pm Guys, if you're a big fan of How I Met Your Mother you should follow @Broslife . It's the official twitter of Barney Stinson. 03:21pm *melirik jam* *ternyata belom ada jam stgh 4* *mata melipir ngantuk* 03:29pm Batre kamera abis. GRRRRReattttttshite! 03:34pm @CindyLubis iyaa yg nph nya, aku juga follow, tp klo yg broslife itu seolah2 barney nya pny twitter. Lucu, ada dua gitu jadinya. 03:46pm @CindyLubis Lols, I miss you even more sweetie. Kapan balik ke jakarta lagi? :/ 03:57pm Anybody do Heello ? 04:37pm To keep my sanity alive, I need to ... 04:41pm @sashlicious darling.. Let me tell you one thing, journalist equals written words, not oral. 04:53pm @sashlicious I prefer 'body language'. Much easier, my skin will glow, everybody happy. Au naturale. HAHAHA. 05:02pm I think guys must not use "iSee" in any form of conversation. It must be banned eternally. It gives girls some discomfort. 06:03pm @sofwansweet gue lagi sama @rennow lohh, lagi nge-beer2, jealous much?? Sbnrnya gue sih yg bakalan jealous sm kalian nanti di SF. >.<
Fri Aug 12 07:25am Judulnya hari ini kesiangan sih namanya. Pake banget lagi. 09:26am If you accidentally wear too much blush on cream, you could always say 'I know, I'm trying the new fall/winter looks about rosy cheek'
Titya Sumarsono
09:34am I had this very weird dreams, where I became this new vampire character in Vampire Diaries season 3. I bet it won't evolve to reality. 10:00am Pengen makan Coto Makassar di daerah Menteng ada yang tau gak yang enak dimana? 10:05am Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. Pengen ke Ubud. 10:06am @bonitawisnuw ciyn mending ye telfonin qunci villa sama the lodge. 10:39am RT @VeHandojo: Banyak orang sakit jiwa di Twitter. Contoh kasus: http://t.co/fxNYdkH 12:09pm RT @steffitjandra: hari ini tai banget sih kejar2an sama waktu gini dan kerjaan numpuk lagi. teteteteteeee... 12:50pm RT @JoelMadden: RT @EIKNARF: a person who is nice to you but is not nice to a waiter is not a nice person. 12:51pm RT @detikcom: 7 Tanda Anda Harus Segera Mengambil Cuti Kerja http://de.tk/QCQaf via @wolipop 04:18pm ADA YANG PERNAH KE RAJA AMPAT GAK? 04:18pm ATAU BANGKA BELITUNG GITU? 04:25pm @audreyjiwajenie maaaaauuuuu, kalo enggak sibuk aja tapi narasumber nya :D 04:32pm Senangnya dikelilingi orang-orang baik yang siap membantu ketika deadline menjelang. You know who you are. xxx 04:42pm Alis gue udah mulai rontok satu per satu ini kayaknya dari tadi nyureng-nyureng di depan laptop nunggu inspirasi datang. 04:44pm @sashlicious ohmigod! Gue iri bgt lo bisa fish spa gitu... I'm meeting my first deadline, and I hate it already.
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:51pm @sashlicious sejak kapan ada sungai deket rumah? Lo berkhayal deh nih pasti. *yg punya rumah siapa yg sewot siapa* 05:43pm Paling enak krimbat kerastase, apa daya gak punya uang seratus ribuan tumbuh liar di depan teras. 05:50pm Time flies so fast, I wasn't aware that today is actually Friday until couple hours ago. That explained why I wore jeans to the office. 05:56pm RT @cntraveller: Happy Friday everyone! How are we all today?What are we dreaming about? A beach? A spa? A city? RT us with #TodayImDreaming 06:00pm Pas lagi mikirin detlen, pas bgt di mobil xtina lg nyanyi I'm bound to you. 06:01pm I'm terrified to love for the first time, I'm booound to yoouu, I'm boouund to yoouuu, uwoooo... *nyanyi buat deadline* 06:06pm @cntraveller #TodayImDreaming about vacation in Lombok and see pink beach in Komodo Island. 06:09pm Selamat berbuka puasa. Buat yang masih emosi karena kejebak macet dijalan coba liat bulannya deh. Bagus, siapa tau jadi gk emosi. 07:04pm Udah sampe dirumah, saatnya makan, mandi, terus tidur sampai hari senin baru bangun lagi. *lebaynya mulai* 07:07pm Proceeding carefully.
Sat Aug 13 02:39pm One of my besties told me I loose focus, and the other one told me to watch a new series, 'Switched at Birth'. And now I'm confused. 03:12pm I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all of humanity in friendly embrace. -M.Gandhi
Titya Sumarsono
03:15pm "I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing as I do in the theory of..." http://t.co/70yASi8
Sun Aug 14 07:53am Ohmigod! Ada KE.CO.A mati berserakan di kamar mandi. Merinding kejang ini ngeliatnya. 08:27am @pandiPadan you're moving out? 08:32am #tipshariminggu buat yg belom dandan ala syahrini, tp udh harus keluar rumah, jgn lupa pake kacamata item super gede ala kacamata kuda 08:37am @pandiPadan wtf?! Tapi 350 rb sebulan???? Gilak sih murahnya kelewatan 10:24am @pandiPadan welcome to the jungle of jakarta real estate. 10:55am @Christichi apa itu ghost month? 11:19am @rennow udah di SF lagi yaa? 12:15pm RT @egajaya: Ya kali Koas pake kaos "v-neck" dan jas lab. FTV ini sangat menyesatkan. 12:39pm RT @iansomerhalder: Moon full tonight:) Full moons should be like mistletoe great time to make out... 04:17pm @titisekarwigati apa itu shell eco marathon? Mau dong ikutan? *semoga gak pingsan* 07:51pm Mario teguh : orang yang bilang cinta itu tidak harus memiliki itu namanya frustasi → Statement nya lumayan Hits!
Mon Aug 15
tyasumarsono's Twournal
09:15am §elamat pagi!! Selamat beraktifitas di hari senin. Buat yang gak kuat puasa, kuat-kuatin deh mendingan, malu kalo cuma stgh hari puasanya 09:25am Kalo lagi puasa itu boleh bilang gini gk sih: duh, baru jam segini kok udah laper ya?. 09:32am Come check out @Heello, a new fun way to share your social life! http://t.co/p0qFqqm 11:12am OMG! → RT @ctambunan: Detik News : Nazaruddin sediakan miliaran rupiah untuk habisi Chandra Hamzah http://t.co/Qy7DVSV 11:42am @lonelyplanet guide to London please? Where to go, where to stay, things to do? 12:16pm *mata melirik jam* udah jam 12 lewat 15 menit ternyata. Udah boleh ngeluh lapar belom ? 01:19pm RT @sashlicious: Gula Merah Pudding. Yum. @ SuraBaya (ス ラバヤ) 調布店 http://t.co/FRx0xoj 01:45pm RT @travelxposemagz: In the mood for love ? 7 tempat yang bisa mengobati rasa sakit hati atau bad mood. Hanya di TravelXpose vol. 13 out now 02:41pm As an eternal optimist, I'd say my besties are mia because they are so busy, it's hard to reach them. Not because they're avoiding me. 03:09pm @SchaBby kok bisa dapet Lion murah?? Aku dr jogja-jakarta aja biasa tiga/empat ratus. Iih seru banget dpt tiket murah. 04:23pm RT @travelxposemagz: The Rock Bar, Ayana Resort & Villa, Bali. Tempat anda bisa menikmati pemandangan laut lepas dari atas karang. 04:24pm Pengen buka puasa pake es buah, dimana yaa beli nya? Selain di pasar benhil.
Titya Sumarsono
05:43pm Barusan kalap di Hero, beli teh kotak sampe tiga kotak. *ceritanya bangga bisa puasa sehari penuh* 05:52pm Yang bilang setan dikurung pas bulan puasa itu coba pergi ke jalanan di Jakarta di jam setengah 6 sore deh. Neraka jahanam sih lewat. 05:59pm Seteguk kenikmatan TEH KOTAK itu benar-benar bisa menghapus dahaga orang puasa. #tweet(promosi)tak berbayar. 06:01pm Wiiiih, jeep Mazda CX 8 manjat jalur busway. Sesuai plat nya banget lah B (nomor disamarkan) BOS 06:07pm Tujuan buru2 nyampe rumah skrg bukan krn mau buka bareng nyokap, tapi karena pempek. 06:10pm Di cempaka putih sampe 8 lapis loh jalurnya saking macet banget. Kasian kue lapis, ada yang ngalahin. 06:19pm RT @cntraveller: The sun is out today - we propose a gelato to celebrate: here are the best gelaterias in #London http://t.co/Yuc3Oud 06:20pm @sinonce pulaaaang wooo pulaaangg. Kangen taauuukk 06:29pm HAHAHA RT @findryany: @sinonce non peawat lo delay apa nunggu nyokap lo jemput naik mobil dr jakarta sih? Perasaan gk terbang" 06:38pm RM. Marannu itu emang restoran favorit sepanjang masa. Enggak akan ada yang bisa ngalahin, kecuali pemiliknya...nikah. 06:45pm Dear Me, get a grip. 06:47pm @tieshadiona dari tadi pagi masih belum naik pesawat juga??? Telfon pilot nya deh mendingan. 07:28pm @Sonduck abisss, parrah enaknya. Hahahaha 07:45pm Watching True Blood religiously makes me want to master southern accent. 07:52pm No matter who we are, it is what we do that really matter. #Positweet 08:04pm How can you not to take yourself special? 236
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08:21pm As numb as I've become, I'm so tired, I wish I was the moon tonight. 11:12pm Argh! Kenapa di setiap akhir episode True Blood selalu bikin penasaran sih? Bakalan susah tidur ini, yakin.
Tue Aug 16 08:09am RT @cutblog: Christian Louboutin to appeal the judge’s decision in the YSL red sole case http://t.co/wkuIq8S 09:26am It's the simple things that are so hard to grasp. 09:38am Di Bahama ada Lodge namanya Stafford Creek Flyfishing Lodge. Punya nya @StaffJo bukan yaa? ^.^ 10:00am @bonitawisnuw gk ngantor ya? 10:16am While other girls/women love Twilight and worship Edward Cullen. I watch True Blood and adore Eric Northman. Now I know why no one gets me. 10:21am RT @TIME: Tattoo infections may be linked to tap water. Yikes | http://t.co/wcjrDLR (via @TIMEHealthland) 10:24am Beach writing article overdose. 10:34am @animenur I like Voldemort too, but I love Prof. Snape. <3 I'm a hopeless geek. xp 10:40am @animenur haha, true. I'm geek inside. harusnya kita bikin book club tau gak? Dari dulu nyari book club di jakarta gk pernah nemu -.11:11am RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts In #Aries mind, what they want is so powerful that it becomes an absolute need. 11:31am RT @Broslife: Stuffing your pants with a roll of pennies is lame and pathetic. That's why I always use a roll of quarters.
Titya Sumarsono
02:22pm Jatahnya org puasa itu boleh pake lift walopun cuma turun satu lantai aja. 02:52pm RT @travelxposemagz: DOMESTIC: UBUD, Bali adlh salah 1 tempat yg sempurna u/ berkontemplasi, menenangkan diri, atau sekedar melepas penat. 02:59pm RT @bonitawisnuw: Follow @travelxposemagz for news and infos about travel and leisure. Cause your destination is treasure. 03:18pm Kerjaan selesai sebelum deadline, besok libur, dan ijin pulang cepet hari ini dikabulkan. Saking senangnya sampe gk bisa berkata-kata. 03:41pm Waaah Waaah Waaah... cuma mobil Audi A6 dgn plat CD 25 10 yg bisa manjat ke jalur busway Rasuna Said. 03:47pm @steviegabriel plat nya bukan CD, gak berani. Nanti kalo ditilang gimana dong? :/ 04:27pm @bonitawisnuw HAHAHA! Gak pernah ngerti sama orang yang selalu nilai apa2 dari uang. Blinded by brands. So pathetic. 06:29pm Sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh juga. Sesering-seringnya lolos 3in1 akhirnya ketangkap juga. 07:02pm I can't be mad, I can't be angry. I'm all about serenity and peace today. Something is definitely wrong with me. 07:34pm RT @AlilaHotels: We're very excited about the new Alila Bangalore in India's Garden City. Has anyone checked it out yet? http:// t.co/oGTahjw 07:40pm Ketilang polisi + beli bukaan puasa + beli @CosmoIndonesia yg bln september = duit yg dikasih mama @bonitawisnuw kmrn lsg abis. T.T 08:51pm Awkward moment is when your Mum looking at half naked couple on Cosmo's sex article & then asking you: why aren't they wearing any clothes? 238
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08:54pm And then you have to explain why those models posing like they're about to have sex, as if that's not enough.. 08:55pm Your mother ask another question that is very hard to answer like : Do young women actually have sex before they are married? 09:08pm @animenur ohmigod! Iyaa jugaa yaa ternyata, baru nyadar.. Hahahaha 10:10pm I don't know where you are, but please read my bbm @bonitawisnuw.
Wed Aug 17 08:55am RT @JoelMadden: Happy Birthday Indonesia #joelmaddensaidmerdeka lets see if we can get it trending :) MERDEKA!!! 08:59am Happy Birthday Indonesia. Semoga bisa tetep jadi macan asia. #merdeka #17an 09:03am Libur dan bisa bangun siang sampe jam sembilan itu namanya #merdeka 11:56am In the spirit of independence day, me and my Mum pretending to be independent women → going to the Mall without our man (read: my daddy) 12:11pm Kapan nih dunia vampire jadi kenyataan ayo dong! RT @diondelli: Kapan nih dunia zombie jadi kenyataan ayo dong! 12:18pm I'm sensitive and my hair now is so sensitive I'm facing hair fall condition & I'm sensitive about it, so don't talk to me about hair fall 12:19pm @diondelli boong. Tau darimana? Lagian kan vampir beda sm satanic church. Zombie makannya apa sih ngomong2? cacing2 gitu bukan?
Titya Sumarsono
12:28pm Feeling all warm and gooey inside, I wonder when I'm gonna see him again. 01:00pm @renateparlene kalo itu enggak apa-apa deh, hahahaha 01:03pm @renateparlene iyaa mungkin, soalnya biasa gk pernah rontok, tau2 ini rontok gt jd kaget. 01:04pm Jika tahun 1945 sudah ada Twitter. http://t.co/g8ZBsnH /via @TravelJunkieID 01:22pm To splurge on something you really need doesn't count as splurge. It's called loving yourself. #wisdomkemerdekaan 06:21pm Di MetroTV baru aja nayangin video2 ttg semua presiden Indonesia. Semua nya dipilih pas lg pidato, kecuali SBY yg lagi karaoke an. 06:40pm @sashlicious → RT @TravelJunkieID: Paradise! Gili trawangan #Nusantara http://t.co/KzREt2V via @albertordonez 06:48pm Akhirnya gk buka di jalan lagiiiiiii. Bener-bener surga deh bisa buka puasa bareng bokap nyokap. Yang kurang cuma kakak adek gue aja. Fuuuh. 08:00pm Aaaaaarrrgggggggghhh!! Don't you just LOVE it when some beauty company decided to DISCONTINUE your favorite lipstick? *Histeria* 08:31pm for a girl who loves nothing more than no-makeup makeup look, the discontinue of Revlon Neutral Pink is breaking my heart. 08:41pm @crashpadderbot thank you so much for your information about place to stay in London (:
Thu Aug 18 07:09am RT @JoelMadden: Man i love Kaskade
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:37pm @SchaBby @bonitawisnuw @RAEindra WILL DO!! Xxx 03:12pm Jam enam masih lama ya? *celingak celinguk* 03:41pm @tianhutauruk BACA SMS! 03:53pm @tianhutauruk buka crashpadder.com sekarang! 04:00pm @tianhutauruk gue gila ngeliat harga2 yang di london. Ada yang new york juga loh. Liat dong yg di manhattan island. 04:28pm @bonitawisnuw @findryanyhttp://t.co/XljLsBG itu apaan??? Mauuu dooong mintaaa 04:40pm @bebitobonnow AH-ZEK! Ketik reg spasi other woman kirim ke .. 04:43pm Lama banget deh buka nya. Lama-lama buka baju aja deh. 04:52pm @bonitawisnuw @bebitobonnow @tieshadiona @steviegabriel udah baca kok gue. HAHAHA 05:20pm NEW POST on blabberlipstick: 5 things I usually do in my office. http://t.co/ODFqXVH 05:30pm Ini badan rasa nya udah ringan banget, ibarat kertas melayanglayang ketiup angin topan anak jalanan. 05:47pm Allohuakbar Allohhhhuuuakbarrr..... Dug dug dug *bikin azan bedug magrib sendiri* 05:53pm Overheard → @bonitawisnuw to our boss : kan enggak semuanya outsource pak. Berasa pinter denger istilah outsource. 06:13pm @Christichi sama gue juga. Tapi klo gue kejadiannya biasa pas lg mandi. Lagu di bb tiba2 ke play yg keras dan gk pas buat mandi 06:50pm @tianhutauruk @Christichi @steviegabriel -__06:52pm → RT @bonitawisnuw: ciyeee yang eksis niyeee, ciyeee ciyeeeee. Tapi di situ doank. LOL 06:55pm Makan SUPAA-ZOUP dong RT @steviegabriel: I'm SUPAAHUNGREH 241
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06:59pm Sampai rumah juga sodara-sodara. Fyuuh.. 07:36pm → RT @detikcom: Penyebab Sensasi Kesemutan di Payudara http://de.tk/mozmY via @detikhealth 07:39pm Duh, gue juga cuma basa-basi aja kaleee
Fri Aug 19 08:55am RT @mmmargherita: "@thefashionbomb: Absolutely <3 this turban!!! @Mmmargherita http://t.co/VYSQGqz" 09:30am I must master southern accent. I must be able to mimic the way Sookie Stackhouse talks. I'm very determined person. 09:49am Website yang dikasih lihat sama bonie tadi bener-bener fantasies do come true buat cowok-cowok. Cc: @bonitawisnuw @Christichi 09:55am OMG! IHSG melemah . 11:24am Kenapa Kuningan macetnya gak sopan nih? 11:39am Pak Mentri yg gk mau antri macet di Jalan Rasuna Said ini bener-bener nge-tes kesabaran bgt deh. Emang dia doang apa yg mau cepet? Gaaaah 11:42am 11 hari menuju jakarta sepi. 11:43am SELALU → RT @detikcom: Polisi Lalu Lintas SERING "CIPTAKAN" Kemacetan ? http://de.tk/i0AZy via @blogdetik 11:59am RT @whitneyEVEport: I think I want to start talkin in a southern accent permanently! Can't it be a hobby? 12:52pm Gak Ngaruh → RT @detikcom: Bibir Kering Saat Puasa Cegah Dengan Konsumsi Vitamin C http://de.tk/bdfYJ via @detikramadan 12:55pm I am a little confused as to why any nationality should be treated differently from any other..
tyasumarsono's Twournal
12:56pm so no there is no complimentary gift for being Indonesian. → balesan dari owner hotel yg ngakunya Irish, namanya Wayne. What a racist. 01:19pm @Christichi I Wish someone in my office, preferably the one with full of authority, knows that I'm fasting. *sigh* 01:31pm I'm at Kantor Lurah Pela Mampang (Jl Bangka X Ujung) http://t.co/ZALaNPN 02:44pm @steviegabriel or maaybeee.. On second thought.. you should be faithful and stay black. xp 02:53pm Jakarta itu udah panas.. Macet.. Becek enggak ada ojek... 03:05pm #kipas2pakekoran RT @egajaya: This isn't Friday, its FRYDAY!!! #lapkeringet 03:10pm Kantor-kemang-kantor butuh empat jam. Sakit jiwa. 03:15pm So, if you got incoming friend request for someone who names himself as 'Tengok E-Ganteng Aja' would you approve? I daresay you wouldn't. 03:29pm Iiih ini gue nyari nya Central London kenapa nyasarnya sampe ke Burlington Beach Canada? *kesalahan bukan terdapat pada otak anda* 03:42pm RT @AlilaHotels: In Bali? Why not head to the opening of Leticia Balacek's exhibition at Alila Ubud tonight http://t.co/nlxH7Nv 04:02pm @pandiPadan @NDRFS @bonitawisnuw @findryany ndrfs itu sapose siiihh? Dari kemarin gue gak ngeh -.04:12pm AirAsia murah banget, jakarta bali cuma 295.000 ajaah getoo lo guwe end 04:17pm @nsambowo tadi cek nya bulan desember besok, trus sama bulan januari juga sama harganya.
Titya Sumarsono
04:21pm Enggak sabar temu kangen sama si salmon, si keju, si telor nya pepper lunch. Buruan dong beduk magribnya jgn sampe eke bedukin sendiri nih 04:23pm @sinonce tadi sih ngeceknya buat bulan desember sama januari,. 04:35pm I wish someone in my office acknowledge that I'm fasting and had done my work before dead line long time ago, and allow me to go home early 04:46pm @SchaBby huh, aku iri luar biaaasaaaaaaa. :_D 04:59pm Besok gue mau ngelamar jadi muadzin, biar azan nya cepet. 05:22pm tiap mau nyabut chargeran leptop di kantor klo enggak kepala kena meja pasti pantat nabrak tong sampah. 05:24pm @RioDwikaP SELAMAT SAYANG!! I'm SO PROUD!! Who runs the world? You! 05:25pm Jadi tadi biar gk kejeduk atas bawah, nyabut chargeran laptop nya pake jempol kaki. Ternyata berhasil. *bangga* 05:32pm I swear to god if I have to wait much longer to taste my salmon telor keju I'm gonna sue someone 05:38pm @sub4ru someone being bonie td maksudnya bweeekk xp 08:31pm @tieshadiona RT @Roomorama: Love #cupcakes ? Here's a list of places you HAVE to visit for the best cupcakes! http://t.co/ TxLoIvO 08:39pm @Christichi http://t.co/2tR0Ggl I DO!!! BELIIIIIIIIIINNNN :____________(( 10:11pm RT @disneywords: Everybody thinks I’m weird. –Melody (The Little Mermaid II) #disneywords
Sat Aug 20 244
tyasumarsono's Twournal
01:16pm Hahaha, kamu di delete siapa titha? Berani2nya delete my sister >:o RT @Paramithamurti: Cuma bercanda aja sampe nge delete contact bbm!>:O 01:18pm @embunvictoria dimaafkan kok.hahaha. Kan klo katanya Lady Gaga "if you're strong female you don't need permission" 01:20pm @steviegabriel @pandiPadan tian yaaa, katanya janji mau take a break dulu. Nakal yaa, nanti tya laporin ke tante yang semalam loh 01:22pm RAMADHAN SURPRISE! Dptkan hrg special. JKT-DPS mulai Rp.961,600 (PP) via online booking www.garuda-indonesia.com dr jam 8pm-4am 14-22 Aug'11 01:38pm @pandiPadan @findryany asked me what MILF is, so I answered it for her: Mother I Like 2 Fuck, don't you dare put a coma between Mother and I 01:44pm Try to put a coma between Mother and I on mango india london fiji, and you'll get a whole different meaning. 01:57pm The Body Shop PROMO Hari Raya Idul Fitri, BELI 2 DAPAT 3, s/d 4 Sept'11. Berlaku untuk produk tertentu. Syarat & Ketentuan berlaku. 02:01pm @egajaya pssst... I spelled milf because this is twitter, and I don't want my lil sister ask me what milf is. Hahaha 02:30pm I've always a big fan of Steve Jobs' work, so I guess it's only fair if he give me some freebies like Macbook Air, iPad 3, and iPhone 5. 02:52pm The Amazing Race US yang mengambil setting di Borobudur dlm edisi terbaru mereka, akan mulai tayang September 2011 /via @wal_lie 03:33pm @Christichi bb mu kenapa nak? 05:22pm It's perfectly OK to sing out loud in your car, even dance a little as long as you got dark tinted car window, right? You're not Beyonce yet 245
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05:44pm Entah kenapa, tiap kali ngeliat aktor/artis iklan obat anti diare yg ada di pikiran gue adalah mereka selalu diare dan terlalu lancar bab. 06:35pm Emangnya Darius, dari lahir udah ganteng | ah cuma pake vaseline aja kok. 06:36pm Emangnya Darius, dari lahir udah ganteng | ah, cuma totok aura aja kok ini. 06:37pm Emangnya Darius, dari lahir udah ganteng | ah, cuma facial kolagen aja kok 06:39pm Emangnya Darius, dari lahir udah ganteng | ah, ini cuma rajin pake masker ketimun aja kok, tapi harus rutin seminggu 2x jangan lupa 06:42pm @NDRFS inspired by RaeIndra & OllaRamlan. HAHAHA 06:44pm Emangnya Darius, dari lahir udah ganteng | ah, cuma pake Rejoice aja kok, hasilnya persis kayak di krimbat #salahiklan 06:55pm RT @missciccone: Saatnya untuk tidak terlalu peduli pada orang yang tidak peduli-peduli amat sama saya. Sakit hati itu perih, Jendral! 07:52pm Been spending my saturday night reading @lonelyplanet 's book about Indonesia. So far, I want to go to Derawan Island, Baliem, & Morotai. 09:31pm Berdasar iklan: sabun muka nya darius: vaseline. shampoo nya darius: head & shoulders. Tinggal merk sabun colek nya aja yg belom.
Sun Aug 21 01:06pm Dari jam 9pagi perut gak berhenti bunyi, gak akan gue bolos sahur lagi. *janji yang udah 2kali gue ucapkan*
tyasumarsono's Twournal
04:39pm Just saw a couple of honeymooners did PDA in the middle of airport. Guys, it's Ramadhan and I haven't breakfasting yet. #feelingleftout 04:51pm I never get the idea of wearing heels in airport. I'm in pain just to see these girls (who wear heals) running around in pain in airport. 05:50pm Cukup buka pake teh kotak sama seperempat pie apel udh kenyang. Tapi klo ada yang nawarin lobster bakar saus padang gak nolak sih. 05:58pm How to look calm in the airport? I seriously wanna know. Every time I try that look, I always end up like someone who eat certain herbs. 05:59pm @SchaBby aaaarghh, mauuu!! Gak sabar ke baliii. xxx 06:06pm @steviegabriel harus stev. Soalnya aku udah weight loss ini selama puasa >.< 08:00pm Lebih terdengar wajar yang yg mana: kaget bgt deh, taxi gue baru aja di balep sama volvo. Atau: kaget bgt deh volvo gue dibalep sama taxi ? 08:02pm → RT @TIME: Meet the rabbi that marries gay men to lesbians. Yep, you read that correctly | http://t.co/fMnvoPY
Mon Aug 22 08:34am RT @anyeez: RT @Christichi: Friday, come faster! :) 08:39am Love thy enemy, so let us say : Thank God It's Monday, yes? 09:50am RT @iansomerhalder: Blue August! 12:17pm I'm hot. Seriously guys, I'm so hot, I can feel myself ready to faint because this city is overheat.
Titya Sumarsono
12:54pm AC mobil mati itu artinya harus siap di godain sama semua org yg ada di jalan sepanjang cilandak smp menteng.Untung ditemenin @bonitawisnuw 03:56pm Anything for Leo whose look like a Di Caprio @sashlicious. 04:26pm take this quiz to find out HOW NARCISSIST ARE YOU? http://t.co/vwumj1r 04:28pm take this quiz 2 find out HOW NARCISSIST ARE YOU? http://t.co/vwumj1r cc: @bonitawisnuw @embunvictoria @tieshadiona @findryany @tianhutauruk 05:20pm Kiwi semir sepatu dan hello kitty yang entah mengapa ada di atas meja kantornya @sub4ru http://t.co/qqQtsy1 07:26pm I'm sweating. And this is not a happy sweat. This is the kind of sweat when your car's air con stop working for no reason. 08:54pm Oleh oleh from my editor, @wal_lie . ♥ it! http://t.co/gyfq46j 08:59pm And the best things come to? → @beQii @idillionaire: Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it!
Tue Aug 23 08:39am Judulnya kesiangan. 08:49am Keajaiban dunia nomer sekian : jalanan pramuka dan salemba gak macet. Udah pada mudik ya orang2? 09:18am Jalanan sepi, tapi banyak yang telat datang ke kantor, termasuk gue. Apa jgn2 jalan sepi krn banyak yg telat? 09:32am @NDRFS @tianhutauruk mauuu doooong partaaayy sama trust fund bloke! Ahahahahay
tyasumarsono's Twournal
10:04am RT @travelxposemagz: DID YOU KNOW?Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, dulunya adalah tempat peristirahatan bagi orang2 Belanda yg bekerja di Batavia. 10:14am RT @travelxposemagz: Reed Flute Cave. Buluh alang2 hijau yg brkmbang disekitar gua ini dijadikan bahan membuat seruling. http:// t.co/RSN2RqM 10:36am RT @travelxposemagz: Kota Bawah Tanah Cappadocia, Turki, dulunya dibangun sbg tempat persembunyian komunitas Kris http://t.co/ ZQFUOa5 10:49am RT @travelxposemagz: Declared World Heritage by the UNESCO,are a vivid testimony of the Society of Jesus’ fruitful work. http://t.co/e7qw6Gt 12:38pm My thoughts, they never betray me. I shouldn't have said YES. 01:13pm RT @blogdokter: Jika anda merokok dan saat ini anda hamil, segeralah berhenti. Kalau memungkinkan, suami juga hrs berhenti merokok. #hamil 01:15pm Kalo kata @audreyjiwajenie di pm bb nya: live your life with no regret. 01:17pm A certain article di @malesbanget ini pas banget loh buat suasana hati disiang hari yang super sensi. Aslik bikin ketawa. 01:18pm Nyinyir dalam hati itu termasuk dosa enggak sih? #seriusnanya 01:36pm Empat tipe party pooper -> http://t.co/uLlNIRt 01:51pm HelloGiggles http://t.co/ojQzdzb 01:55pm I don't know how to separate myself from the people I care about because I don't know how to say I'm unavailable. 03:07pm How I Miss My Daddy. 6more days until I can see him ): 03:12pm A lot can happen in a day. Good, bad, or both. dreams that come true, or dreams that crashed. 249
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03:13pm But don't frown, cause that only give you fine lines. 03:13pm Smile because universe won't slam the door without opening a new one and give you sweet cookies. Because everything happens for a reason. 03:16pm Just made a book out of my tweets at http://t.co/tZAz4hV 04:53pm Do you have a certain dream that you wouldn't dare to admit even to yourself? 05:09pm NEW POST on blabberlipstick: JAKARTANS, DO YOU LOVE YOUR CITY? http://t.co/AOfE4gQ 05:12pm @RioDwikaP nah itu berani admit. xp 05:13pm YAY! Udah jam segini. Dan tumben seharian belum ngeluh2 kelaperan di twitter. 05:15pm @Christichi @LargerThanWords if I don't care about people, I'm allowed to complain, yes? 05:26pm @RioDwikaP §ekarang udah season berapa sih emang? Udah kelewatan banyak banget deh. 05:45pm @Christichi as long those people aren't my friend, I couldn't careless. hmm...
tyasumarsono's Twournal