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TestLine - SCJP sample Minta feladatsor Dátum: 2017.01.10 19:39:22 Kérdések száma: 30 kérdés Kitöltési idő: 1:08:47 Nehézség: Összetett Pont egység: +6 -2 Értékelés: Nagyon pozitív szemléletű értékelés Típus: Mindig van legalább egy jó válasz (N/1..N) Source: http://scjptest.com
Thread 2:12
1. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class Hotel { private static void book() { System.out.print("book"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(1); book(); } } [source] A B C D
"book" is printed Compilation fails. The code executes normally, but nothing is printed. An exception is thrown at runtime. Csak tipp
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Map 3:02
[source:java] import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; public class StringToInteger { HashMap hm = new HashMap(); public void add(String a, Integer b) { hm.put(a, b); } public Set getKeys() { return hm.keySet(); } public [..PLACE..] getValues() { return hm.values(); } public Set getEntries() { return hm.entrySet(); } public static void main(String args[]) { StringToInteger si = new StringToInteger(); si.add("one", 1); si.add("two", 2); System.out.println(si.getKeys()); System.out.println(si.getValues()); System.out.println(si.getEntries()); } } [source]
[source:java] Collection [source] A [source:java] Set [source] B [source:java] Collection [source] C [source:java] Set [source] D Csak tipp
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Inner class 2:14
3. Which code, inserted inserted at line labeled "//some code goes her", allows the class Test to be compiled? [source:java] class Util { public enum State{ACTIVE, DELETED, INACTIVE} } public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { //some code goes here } } [source] A B C D
State state = Util.INACTIVE; State state = State.INACTIVE; State state = INACTIVE; Util.State state = Util.State.INACTIVE; Csak tipp
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Biztosan jó String 2:07
4. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public static void main(String args[]) { Object myObj = new String[]{"one", "two", "three"} { for (String s : (String[])myObj) System.out.print(s + "."); } } [source] A B C D
An exception is thrown at runtime. Compilation fails because of an error at line 2 one.two.three. Compilation fails because of an error at line 3 Csak tipp
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Collection 2:38
Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class TryMe { public static void main(String args[]) { List list = new LinkedList(); list.add("one"); list.add("two"); list.add("three"); Collections.reverse(list); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); for (Object o : iter) { System.out.print(o + " "); } } } [source]
"three two one " is printed Nothing is printed "one two three " is printed Compilation fails An exception is thrown at runtime Csak tipp
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Boolean 2:14
6. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class TryMe { public static void printB(String str) { System.out.print(Boolean.valueOf(str) ? "true" : "false"); } public static void main(String args[]) { printB("tRuE"); printB("false"); } } [source] A B C D E
"falsefalse" is written. Compilation fails. "truefalse" is written. An exception is thrown at runtime. "truetrue" is written. Csak tipp
7. A B C D E
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Which is true? (select two)
Biztosan jó Import 1:48
import static java.lang.Math.abs; static import java.lang.Math; import static java.lang.Math; import static java.lang.Math.*; static import java.lang.Math.*; Csak tipp
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String 1:39
8. Given the code. What is the output? [source:java] public static void main(String args[]) { Object myObj = new String[]{"one", "two", "three"};{ for (String s : (String[])myObj) System.out.print(s + "."); } } [source] A B C D
An exception is thrown at runtime. one.two.three. Compilation fails because of an error at line 3 Compilation fails because of an error at line 2 Csak tipp
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Overload 2:30
9. Given the exhibit. What is the result? [source:java] public class Hotel { public static void book(short a) { System.out.print("short "); } public static void book(Short a) { System.out.print("SHORT "); } public static void book(Long a) { System.out.print("LONG "); } public static void main(String[] args) { short shortRoom = 1; int intRoom = 2; book(shortRoom); book(intRoom); } } [source] A B C D
Compilation fails short LONG An exception is thrown at runtime SHORT LONG Csak tipp
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Parameter 2:22
10. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class SomeClass { private int value = 1; public int getValue() { return value; } public void changeVal(int value) { value = value; } public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 2; SomeClass c = new SomeClass(); c.changeVal(a); System.out.print(c.getValue()); } } [source] A B C D
Compilation fails An exception is thrown at runtime "1" is printed "2" is printed Csak tipp
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Hotel 2:00
11. Give the code. What is the result? [source:java] class Hotel { public int bookings; public void book() { bookings++; } } public class SuperHotel extends Hotel { public void book() { bookings--; } public void book(int size) { book(); super.book(); bookings += size; } public static void main(String args[]) { SuperHotel hotel = new SuperHotel(); hotel.book(2); System.out.print(hotel.bookings); } } [source] A B C D E F
0 1 2 An exception is thrown at runtime. -1 Compilation fails. Csak tipp
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Parameter 2:02
12. Given the code. What is the output? [source:java] public class Test { int a = 10; public void doStuff(int a) { a += 1; System.out.println(a++); } public static void main(String args[]) { Test t = new Test(); t.doStuff(3); } } [source] A B C D
12 5 4 11 Csak tipp
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Override 2:30
13. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] class Hotel { public int bookings; public void book() { bookings++; } } public class SuperHotel extends Hotel { public void book() { bookings--; } public void book(int size) { book(); super.book(); bookings += size; } public static void main(String args[]) { Hotel hotel = new SuperHotel(); hotel.book(2); System.out.print(hotel.bookings); } } [source] A B C D E F
An exception is thrown at runtime. Compilation fails. 2 1 0 -1 Csak tipp
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Theory 2:23
14. Given the code. Which statements are true? (Select two) [source:java] public class Hotel { public static void book() { //some code goes here } public void cancelBooking() { //some code goes here } } [source] A B C D
Hotel.cancelBooking() is a valid invocation of cancelBooking() Method book() can directly call method cancelBooking() Method cancelBooking() can directly call method book() Hotel.book() is a valid invocation of book() Csak tipp
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Biztosan jó Theory 2:23
15. Given the code. What is true? [source:java] public class Room { public int roomNr; private Date beginDtm; private Date endDttm; public void book(int roomNr, Date beginDttm, Date endDttm) { this.roomNr = roomNr; this.beginDtm = beginDttm; this.endDttm = endDttm; } } [source] A B C D E
The method book breaks encapsulation. The class is fully encapsulated. The variable roomNr breaks encapsulation. The code demonstrates polymorphism. Variables beginDttm and endDttm break polymorphism. Csak tipp
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Theory 2:54
16. Given the code. What is the output? [source:java] public class Hotel { private int roomNr; public Hotel(int roomNr) { this.roomNr = roomNr; } public int getRoomNr() { return this.roomNr; } static Hotel doStuff(Hotel hotel) { hotel = new Hotel(1); return hotel; } public static void main(String args[]) { Hotel h1 = new Hotel(100); System.out.print(h1.getRoomNr() + " "); Hotel h2 = doStuff(h1); System.out.print(h1.getRoomNr() + " "); System.out.print(h2.getRoomNr() + " "); h1 = doStuff(h2); System.out.print(h1.getRoomNr() + " "); System.out.print(h2.getRoomNr() + " "); } } [source] A B C D E
100 100 100 1 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 1 100 1 1 1 1 Csak tipp
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Generic 2:58
Given the code. Select correct calls of methods. (Select all that apply) [source:java] import java.util.*; class Empty { } class Extended extends Empty { } public class TryMe { public static void doStuff1(List list) { // some code } public static void doStuff2(List list) { // some code } public static void doStuff3(List
doStuff2(list2); doStuff2(list1); doStuff1(list2); doStuff1(list1); doStuff3(list1); doStuff3(list2); Csak tipp
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Queue 2:13
Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] import java.util.*; public class TryMe { public static void main(String args[]) { Queue q = new PriorityQueue(); q.add("3"); q.add("1"); q.add("2"); System.out.print(q.poll() + " "); System.out.print(q.peek() + " "); System.out.print(q.peek()); } } [source]
112 122 311 321 233 123 Csak tipp
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Thread 2:14
19. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class Cruiser implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.print("go"); } public static void main(String arg[]) { Thread t = new Thread(new Cruiser()); t.run(); t.run(); t.start(); } } [source] A B C D E
"gogo" is printed Compilation fails. "go" is printed "gogogo" is printed An exception is thrown at runtime. Csak tipp
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Thread 2:22
20. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class Cruiser implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread a = new Thread(new Cruiser()); a.start(); System.out.print("Begin"); a.join(); System.out.print("End"); } public void run() { System.out.print("Run"); } } [source] A B C D E
"BeginEnd" is printed. "BeginEndRun" is printed. An exception is thrown at runtime. "BeginRunEnd" is printed. Compilation fails. Csak tipp
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Biztosan jó String 2:07
21. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public static void main(String args[]) { String str = null; if (str == null) { System.out.print("1"); } else (str.length() == 0) { System.out.print("2"); } else { System.out.print("3"); } } [source] A B C D E
"1" is printed. Compilation fails. "2" is printed. "3" is printed. An exception is thrown at runtime. Csak tipp
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Hash 2:43
Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] import java.util.HashSet; public class HashTest { private String str; public HashTest(String str) { this.str = str; } public static void main(String args[]) { HashTest h1 = new HashTest("1"); HashTest h2 = new HashTest("1"); String s1 = new String("2"); String s2 = new String("2"); HashSet hs = new HashSet(); hs.add(h1); hs.add(h2); hs.add(s1); hs.add(s2); System.out.print(hs.size()); } } [source]
An exception is thrown at runtime. Compilation fails. "2" is printed. "3" is printed. "4" is printed. Csak tipp
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Parameter 2:12
23. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class SomeClass { private int value = 1; public void printVal(int value) { System.out.print(value); } public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 2; SomeClass c = new SomeClass(); c.printVal(a); } } [source] A B C D
"2" is printed An exception is thrown at runtime "1" is printed Compilation fails Csak tipp
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Generic 2:23
Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class TrickyNum { private X x; public TrickyNum(X x) { this.x = x; } private double getDouble() { return x.doubleValue(); } public static void main(String args[]) { TrickyNum a = new TrickyNum(new Integer(1)); System.out.print(a.getDouble()); } } [source]
Compilation fails. An exception is thrown at runtime. "1" is printed. "1.0" is printed. Csak tipp
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String 2:07
25. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public static void main(String args[]) { String str = null; if (str.length() == 0) { System.out.print("1"); } else if (str == null) { System.out.print("2"); } else { System.out.print("3"); } } [source] A B C D E
"2" is printed. An exception is thrown at runtime. "1" is printed. "3" is printed. Compilation fails. Csak tipp
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Generic 2:24
Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class TrickyNum { private X x; public TrickyNum(X x) { this.x = x; } private double getDouble() { return ((Double) x).doubleValue(); } public static void main(String args[]) { TrickyNum a = new TrickyNum(new Integer(1)); System.out.print(a.getDouble()); } } [source]
"1.0" is printed. An exception is thrown at runtime. Compilation fails. "1" is printed. Csak tipp
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Serialization 2:43
27. Which piece of code will allow this class to be correctly serialzed and desirialized? [source:java] import java.io.*; public class Car implements Serializable { public int speeds; public int wheels; private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.writeInt(speeds); oos.writeInt(wheels); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException { [Place here] } } [source] A B C D
this = ois.defaultReadObject(); wheels = ois.readInt(); speeds = ois.readInt(); speeds = ois.readInt(); wheels = ois.readInt(); ois.defaultReadObject(); Csak tipp
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Biztosan jó Cycle 1:46
28. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] int i = 10; while (++i
12 Line 5 will be never reached. 10 11 Csak tipp
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When comparing java.io.BufferedWriter to java.io.FileWriter, which capability exist as a method in only one of the two?
29. A B C D E
Stream 1:55
flushing the stream Closing the stream writing to the stream writing a line separator to the stream marking a location in the stream Csak tipp
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Biztosan jó Thread 1:42
30. Given the code. What is the result? [source:java] public class Hotel { private static void book() { System.out.print("book"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(1); book(); } } [source] A B C D
The code executes normally, but nothing is printed. Compilation fails. An exception is thrown at runtime. "book" is printed Csak tipp
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