Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)
Aktivitas Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR) selama tahun 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities during the year 2016
Bank senantiasa melanjutkan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sebagai bagian dari komitmen Bank untuk membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia.
The Bank continuously carries out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs as part of the Bank’s commitment to help the fulfillment of the needs of the Indonesian people.
Berikut adalah rincian dari aktivitas selama tahun 2016:
The following are details of activities carried out during the year 2016:
Donor Darah: i. Diadakan dua kali pada tahun 2016 tepatnya pada tanggal 7 Maret dan 5 Oktober. ii. Acara berlangsung atas kerjasama dengan Palang Merah Indonesia. iii. Dilaksanakan di salah satu ruang rapat Bank. iv. Diikuti oleh karyawan Bank termasuk Direksi.
Green Future Starts with Me
Blood Donor i. Conducted twice in the year 2016, precisely on March 7th and October 5th. ii. The event was held in collaboration with Palang Merah Indonesia (the Indonesian Red Cross). iii. It was held in one of the Bank’s meeting rooms. iv. The participants were the Bank’s employees including members of the Board of Directors.
Green Future Starts with Me
i. Dilaksanakan dalam rangka keikutsertaan Bank dalam kegiatan tahunan pemegang saham pengendali, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. yaitu Mizuho Volunteer Day.
i. Conducted as participation in Mizuho Volunteer Day, an annual event of the controlling shareholder, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
ii. Diselenggarakan pada hari Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016 di Pantai Lagoon, Ancol, Jakarta Utara sebagai hasil kerjasama dengan yayasan nirlaba Keanekaragaman Hayati (”KEHATI”) yang menaungi komunitas pemuda Teens Go Green Indonesia (“TGGI”) sebagai pelaksana umum dari kegiatan tersebut.
ii. Implemented on Saturday, October 22nd 2016 at Lagoon Beach, Ancol, North Jakarta in collaboration with a non-profit organization named Keanekaragaman Hayati (“KEHATI”) which supervises the Teens Go Green Indonesia Teenagers (“TGGI”), a youth community that acted as the executor of the activity.
iii. TGGI adalah komunitas mandiri di bawah naungan KEHATI yang merupakan organisasi pemuda di Indonesia dalam pengembangan minat, pengetahuan dan aksi cinta lingkungan dengan konsep edutainment dan sukarela.
iii. TGGI, an independent community under the supervision of KEHATI, is a youth organization in Indonesia in the areas of developing interests, knowledge and care for environmental action with an edutainment and voluntary concept.
iv. Diikuti oleh sedikitnya 150 sukarelawan yang terdiri dari Direksi, karyawan dan keluarga karyawan Bank dan anggota TGGI.
iv. Participated by at least 150 volunteers consisting of members of the Board of Directors, employees and families as well as members of the TGGI.
v. Acara dibuka dengan sambutan dari perwakilan TGGI, KEHATI dan Presiden Direktur Bank diikuti penyerahan papan edukasi berisikan gaya hidup sehat yang akan digunakan oleh TGGI dalam kegiatan kampanyenya.
v. The program started by opening speeches from representatives of the TGGI, KEHATI and BMI’s President Director, followed by the handing over of education board on healthy life style that will be utilized by the TGGI in their campaign activities.
vi. Aktifitas dalam kegiatan tersebut mencakup penjelasan akan bahaya Styrofoam bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan, bersih pantai dan berbagai kegiatan edutainment terkait pemilahan sampah.
vi. Activities in the event covered explanation on the danger of Styrofoam to health and the environment, beach clean-up and a variety of edutainment activities relating to garbage selection.
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) DONOR DARAH / BLOOD DONOR
Donor darah pada tanggal 7 Maret 2016 Blood Donor on March 7th, 2016
Donor darah pada tanggal 05 Oktober 2016 Blood Donor on October 5th, 2016
Green Future Starts with Me / Green Future Starts with Me
Seluruh peserta dari Bank All participants were from the Bank
Presiden Direktur, Mr. Mitsunobu Hasegawa secara simbolis menyerahkan papan berisi gaya hidup sehat kepada NGO untuk digunakan pada saat kampanye-kampanye NGO tersebut President Director, Mr. Mitsunobu Hasegawa symbolically presented a board on healthy life style to the NGO to be used in their campaigns
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)
Anggota Direksi dalam kegiatan bersih sampah di pantai Members of Board of Directors during the beach clean-up activity
Peserta berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan edutainment terkait pemilahan sampah Participants took part in edutainment activities relating to garbage selection