Tahun 2010 Bidang Perkembangan Asia Tenggara Development of Agricultural Industry and Local Community Empowerment in Managing Sustainable Agricultural Resources in Southeast Asia : Case Study Thailand ISBN No. 978-979-799-697-0 Jakarta: LIPI PRESS, 2010 iii+ 159 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Mayasuri Presilla, Rucianawati Language: English
Rice an important commodity in Thailand as it brings economic and social influences to the country. it has to be admitted that Thailand has managed to increase rice production every year. Not only that, Thailand has also improved its rice quality. Hence, Thailand has succeeded in maintaining its position and its competitiveness in the international market. This amazing achievement brings Thailand as the number one rice exporter in the world. However, developing and sustaining rice production is not easy since there may be many difficulties, such as limited land, rapid population migration, amenities, pest, negative impacts of chemical pesticidies and and fertilizers, distribution and marketing system, and so forth. Yet, throught research, limitations and obstacles in rice development can be minimized. It is then very noteworthy to bring Thailand experiences to be discussed in this reserac report
Cham diaspora in Southeast Asia: Construction of identity and Transnational Network (Study Case of Cambodia) ISBN No. 978-979-799-660-4 Jakarta; LIPI Press, 2010 viii+ 159 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Yekti Maunati, Amorisa Wiratri, Arie Jayanti FA Language: English
Diasporic communities have been emerging along with the rapid transnational movements withnessed by the migrations in Southeast asia.Cham people who originally came from the Kingdom of Cham in Central Vietnam, have migrated to Cambodia in several stages. When defeated by Vietnam in 1693, Cham People moved to countries like Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Early th th migration to Cambodia took place from the end of the 16 to the early 17 centuries. After the fall of Pol pot, internal problems in Cambodia encouraged another movement of Cham people from Cambodia to Malaysia. From 1975 to 1988 around 10,722 refugees entered Malaysia.Historically, Cham people had close connections with people from in other countries of Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia. Transnational networks have been established and these seem to follow old patterns of relationships. The Islamic world indeed is an important channel for transnational networking. This in turn has equally influenced the contemporary construction of Cham identity.
Myth, Local wisdom, and Forest Management in Southeast Asia ISBN No. 978-979-799-713-7 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 iv+ 135 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Lamijo, Dundin Zaenuddin, Suribidari Language: English
The Philippines is one country that has a tropical rain forest and experiences the worst th deforestation in Southeast Asia. in the late 19 century, 70% of the total area ofthe Philippines was still covered by dense forest. However, it is now only about 20% remained. Deforestation's rate in the Philippines is estimated around 100,000 ha per year. Therefore, the Philippine Government needs to review the policy on environmental management, particularly forest areas by issuing BFM program or the Community Based Forest Management. This program not only aims to prevent deterioration of the forest damage occurred in the Philippine jungle, but also recognizes the existence of indigenous peoples living in the Philippines’ forest areas. One of the indigenous communities in the Philippines is lfugao in Cordillera region, Luzon. This community lives in the mountains and has a spiritual perception of the existence of the forest. Ifugao society has also developed a form of local knowledge in an effort to maintain and conserve forests and environment. Muyong and Payoh are two systems of forest management based on local wisdom in Ifugao community. Muyong is a local term meaning a collection of forest or wood. Meanwhile, the Payoh is a term that refers to arable land that can be irrigated by hydraulic or other techniques to prevent erosion. in addition, Muyong system can be viewed from different perspectives, both as a strategy for forest conservation, rehabilitation of water resource engineering, agricultural systems, as well as a form of natural regeneration improvement strategies.
Bidang Perkembangan Asia Pasifik
Industrial Relation Under the Employment Permit System (EPS) in South Korea ISBN No. 978-979-799-587-4 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 viii+ 150 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Cahyo Pamungkas, Upik Sarjiati, Ratih Pratiwi Anwar Language: English
South Korea has become a labour importing country to overcome its problems of labour shortages. The early programs to employ foreign workers, however, have an implication to foreign workers because of its natures that did not give foreign workers the same rights before the law as the native workers, leading foreign workers to frequently experienced discrimination and unjust treatment in Korea. The revised program — the Employment Permit System (EPS) was a result from the pressures of many parties that wished forequal rights and respect for the migrant workers. Nevertheless, the EPS itself has clauses that make it difficult for foreign workers to exercise their rights on industrial relations such as setting up trade unions, involving in collective bargaining and conducting strikes. The development of strong labour unions in South Korea during the past decades did not change much the industrial relation situations of migrant workers in South Korea. Almost all migrant labours are not unionized and have no organization that can represent them to defend their rights as workers. This book is based on the field research in South Korea in order to answer the question what are the role of the Korean government, employers, and the trade unions related to improve the industrial relation of migrant workers (including Indonesian migrant workers or Tenaga A Kerja Indonesia). This book assesses the dynamics of the labour movement in South Korea to understand the dynamics of the migrant worker movement, analyzes the role of the Korean government in industrial relations in the country and analyzes the impact of Employment Permit System (EPS) implementation to migrant workers’ industrial relations. The contents of this book are very useful for readers who have a concern to Indonesian migrant workers in South Korea or studying foreign workers employment policies.
The Development of Foreign Workers Policies on SocioCultural Dynamics of Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea ISBN No. 978-979-799-695-6 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 vi+ 172 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Devi Riskianingrum, Upik Sarjiati, Ratih Pratiwi Anwar Language: English
international migration is a global phenomenon, resulted from the growing interdepen dency between the continental, the progress of communication technology, and internationalization of capital and labor. South Korea is one of destinations for migrant workers although historically it is not an immigrant country. The rapid economic growth of this country impacted on its socio-cultural condition. On one hand. export-based economic development provokes the increasing demand for labor. On the other hand, its labor markets experienced a nearly full employment and the reduction in labor supply due to population aging, a high education level, and femlnizatlon. These conditions forced the South Korean Government to open its door for the coming of migrant workers from various countries, mainly South East Asian countries. This raises a challenge for the Koreans, especially in terms of social and cultural atmospheres since migrant workers bring their cultural values and norms into Korea. The Development of Foreign Workers Policies on Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea offers detailed soclo-cultural aspects of Indonesian Migrant workers in South Korea. Applying qualitative method and interpretative approach, the book examines the development of migrant workers policies both in sending and receiving countries toward migrants, the history of their arrival, the characteristics of Indonesian migrant workers in Korea, a strategy developed by Indonesian migrant workers in order to survive in the socio-cultural Korean society, a form that appears on their survival strategy.
Rasionalitas Sains, jaringan Pengetahuan, dan Penaganan Bencana: studi tentang Praktek Kultural dalam Antisipasi dan Mitigasi Gempa ISBN No. 978-979-799-708-3 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 viii+ 115 hlm.; 21 cm LIPI Press, Jakarta Authors: Fadjar I Thufail, Devi Riskianingrum, Suribidari, Lamijo Language: English
Fokus buku ini adalah ruang sosial yang merupakan persinggungan antara aspek ketidakpastian dalam diskursus sains dan pengetahuan “tradisional” tentang gempa bumi dengan aspek tuntutan kepastian dalam diskurus penanganan atau mitigasi bencana. Dengan fokus tersebut, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami sejauh mana singgungan (friction) tersebut dapat memunculkan sebuah pengetahuan tentang antisipasi, jaringan sosial, dan penanganan bencana gempa yang mengatasi perdebatan antara rasionalitas sains dan partikularitas pengetahuan lokal. Studi dilakukan di Sumatera Barat dan Yogyakarta dengan pertimbangan pertama bahwa daerah tersebut adalah wilayah rawan gempa. Pertimbangan kedua adalah di dua lokasi tersebut dapat dilakukan studi komparatif tentang aspek sosial dalam pengetahuan sains tentang gempa. Buku ini bersifat kualitatif dan menggunakan metode wawancara dan kajian arsip. Hasil dari tulisan ini diharapkan dapat dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan aspek sosial budaya dalam kebijakan penanganan bencana alam gempa.
Disaster Management in China ISBN No. 978-979-799-586-7 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 ix+ 171 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Paulus Rudolf Y., Saiful Hakam, Ulil Amri Language: English
China is among the countries that are most seriously affected by natural disasters of many types: floods, droughts and meteorological, seismic, geological, mari- time and ecological disasters, as well as forest and grassland fires. As noted by National Disaster Reduction Council, due to its geographical location and meteorological conditions, more than 70 per cent of cities and 50 per cent of the population are located in areas that are often afflicted with major meteorological, geological, and maritime disasters. This book discusses and answers question about how the history Chinese disaster management and Chinese institutional networks in both natural disasters and social (man-made) disaster. By using a qualitative approach, study on disaster management in China at least found three important things; first, Chinese society still believes and uses old traditional perspective that natural disasters in China are regarded Act of God, strongly related to theory of Mandate of Heaven; second, although China faces variety complexof disasters, the government and society have institutional and capacity building in disaster management which covers disaster preparedness, field responses forrescue, mitigation and relief actions, and disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction; third, in China, Governmnet are the top leader and decision-makers for any disaster incident. Any decisions must be taken by Central Government and followed by local governmnet and the entire community. if there are any NGOs involved in disaster relief, they must have secured license from the central government. Book of the Disaster Management in China isa research report carried out by Asia Pacific Division, Research Center for Regional Resources, lndonesian Institute of Science, PSDR-LIPI 2010. This book describes the history of disaster management in China and also the current emergency preparedness practices and institutional networking on disaster management with
earthquake and flood emergency response as an example in China. It is good to be read for practitioneror academia.
Bidang Perkembangan Eropa The Environmental Movement is The Czech Republic ISBN No. 978-979-799-604-8 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 iv+ 124 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Kurnia Novianti, Siswanto, Ayu Nova Lissandhi Language: English
The Velvet Revolution occured in the late 1989 has given fundamental changes politically, economically, and socio-culturally to the Czech Republic. The communist regime which had been ruling since World War ll was terminated and replaced by a democratic political system. This period was highlighted by mass demonstration which prosecuted the government to give more attention on environmental aspects in the development of the country. Based on some research, it was found that since 1980s, environmental condition in the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia before) was very horrendous and due to this, the Czech Republic became one of the high polluted countries in Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to save the environment was hindered by communist regime which did not allow people to express their aspirations.Nevertheless, environmental movement in the Czech Republic has been emerging since the communist regime were in power. By using qualitative approach and indepth interview to collect primary data and literature study as secondary data, this research is conducted to understand the process and the development of independent organizations (NGOs) which concern with environmental problems since the post Velvet revolution period until today. This research also try to identify the role of NGOs and their problems in facing negotiation with the government and strategy of the Czech government in dealing with the European Union challenges.
The Competitiveness and Its Employment Prospecsof Indonesian Skilled Workers ISBN No. 978-979-799-704-5 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 x+ 188 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Gusnelly, Amin Mudzakkir, NurAisyahKotarumalos Language: English
Nowadays, more and more firms in the so-called New Economy complain about their shortage of adequately skilled workers that led many developed countries to admit more skilled migrant workers and set up new initiatives. These new initiatives change an outstanding immigration policy from ‘zero-immigration’ policy since the first oil-price crises in the early 1970s to welcome immigration particularly in the European countries. The initiatives focus on the information technology and health industries that made possible for the non—EU citizens come and work in the European Union. This book will explain the characteristics of Indonesian workers and also will discuss how the competitiveness of Indonesian workers and its prospect to work in the Netherlands. This book suggests there are great opportunities for Indonesian people to be able to work in the Netherlands but also a great role for Indonesian expatriates to contribute to the development of Indonesia however this has been used. ‘
In House Training
Memahami China: Perkembangan Cina Pasca era Keterbukaan ISBN No. 978-979-799-602-4 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 vii+ 144 hlm.; 21 cm LIPI Press, Jakarta Authors: Paulus Rudolf, Rita Pawestri, Erlita Tantri, Devi Riskianingrum,Upik Sarjiati Language: Indonesia
Dalam memahami Cine, Tim Peneliti deri Kejien Cina divisi Asie Pesifik Penelitien Sumber Daya Regionai (PSDR) LIPI mengkaji Cina melaiui berbagai aspek, salah satunya industri pariwisata di Cina. Pembangunan kepariwisataan menjadi isu yeng sengat menarik dan menjadi pusat perhatian baik pemerintah, akademisi, dan sekaligus para penikmat wisata Cina terutama pada kurun waktu satu decade terakhir ini. Industri Pariwisata Cinna dalam perkembangannya kemudian tidak hanya menjadi subyek pembangunan yang dapat menyerap tenaga kerja lebih banyak namun dari itu pariwisata Cina menjadi industry yang memperkenalkan ide budaya dan pembangunan Cina ke seluruh dunia. Membicarakan Cina tidak terlepas dari kejabian perekonomiannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam buku ini pun membahas mengenai investasi di Cina. Investor saat ini sedang menanti-nanti pengumuman resmi pemerintah Cina tentang rencana pembangunan lima tahunanya ke-12 (2011- 2015) yang akan didiskusikan kepada dewan pusat partai komunis yang dijadwalkan Oktober 2010 ini. Rencana pembangunan lima tahunan ini akan menentukan arah kebijakan pengembangan investasi langsung asing dalam lima tahun ke depan. Artikel dalam buku ini membahas mengenai trend perkembangan investasi langsung asing di Cina dalam apaparan pembangunan lima tahunan.
Modal social, Hubungan Etnis, dan Dinamika Perekonomian di asia Tenggara ISBN No. 978-979-799-600-0 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 viii+ 226 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Dundin Zaenuddin, Dkk Language: Indonesia
Modal social dapat mengikat dan memperlancar hubungan social seperti jaringansosial berdasarkan kesamaan keluarga atau nenek moyang tidak hanya berfungsi dalam level individu, tetapi juga dalam level kelompok, organisasi, maupun ruang lingkup antar Negara. Berdasarkan pada persfektif tersebut, tulisan dalam buku ini akan mengulastemuan empiris menyangkut relasi komunitas transnasional yang memiliki kesamaan etnik di salah satu wilayah perbatasan di asia Tenggara yaitu Perbatasan Kalimantan Timur (Indonesia) dengan Serawak dan sabah (Malaysia).Lebih lanjut, dengan melihat berbagai macam etnis yang memiliki latar belakang sejarah, budaya, agama, bahasa serta aktivitas ekonomi yang berbeda yang tinggal disekitar DAS Mekong di Kamboja, Maka salah satu makalah dalam buku ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan bagauimana aktivitas perdagangan antar- etnis di DAS Mekong di Kamboja. Dengan melihat dari berbagai sudut pembahasan, terutama modal social, etnisitas dan perdagangan di asia Tenggara, buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan pengetahuandan ilmu secara garis besar ataupun secara seksama bagi para pembaca yang juga memiliki minat ataupun kajian pada perkembangan wilayah asia Tenggara.
Perkembangan Wacana Multikulturalisme di Eropa ISBN No. 978-979-799-664-2 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 v+ 126 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Gusnelly, Nur Aisyah Kutarumalos, Ayu Nova L., Siswanto Language: Indonesia
Signifikansi dari tulisan dalam buku ini adalah pertama membicarakan tentang studi kewilayahan yang menjadi ‘landasan dasar dari pendirian Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Regional, bidang perkembangan Eropa. Studi kewilayahan Eropa sebagai perspektif untuk membantu memahami persoalan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya di Eropa dengan memanfaatkan alat bantu analisis dari berbegai disiplin ilmu atau interdisipliner. Salah satu kajian sosial yang telah dilakukan oleh bidang Perkembangan Eropa PSDR yaitu isu tentang yang menjadi isu atau trendsetter di benua Eropa. Pemilihan topik tentang migrasi internasional terdorong oleh keinginan untuk memahami bagaimana masyarakat Eropa menyikapi persoalan yang terkait dengan imigran. Migrasi internasional bagaimanapun juga merupakan salah satu akibat dari Iahirnya era globalisasi. Arus mobilitas yang terjadi sebagai bentuk dari migrasi internasional merupakan dampak dari aktifitas pembangunan ekonomi global. Beberapa partai-partai pnlitik di negara Eropa menjadikan isu anti migran sebagai salah satu plafon partainya. Namun demikian, pada dasarnya mengamati masalah migrasi akan berhubungan dengan migran (pendatang) dan akhirnya akan terkait dengan masalah pluralisme, integrasi dan multikulturalisme. Oleh karena itu, maka tulisan dalam buku ini menjadi sebuah refleksi dari studi kewilayahan Eropa yang telah dilakukan oleh PSDR-LIPI. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan pengetahuan dan ilmu secara garis besar ataupun seksama bagi para pembaca yang juga memiliki minat ataupun kajian pada perkembangan wilayah Eropa.
Kompetitif LIPI Remitansi Buruh Migran Indonesia: Melalui optimalisasi potensi social ekonomi daerah ISBN No. 978-979-799-694-9 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 xviii+ 169 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Paulus Rudolf Y, Siswanto, Gusnelly, Kurnia Novianti Language: Indonesia
penempatan Buruh Migran lndonesIa ke luar negeri merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah mengurangi tingkat pengangguran dan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Dalam perkembangannya, BMI berperan penting mendatangkan devisa dan mengurangi tingkat kemisknan melalul uang ataupun barang yang mereka kirimkan ke daerah asal (remittances). Remitansi mempunyiai nilai soslal ekonomi yang signifikan tidak hanya bagi mereka yang menerima namun penting juga bagi upaya pemerataan.pembangunan suatu daerah. Suatu yang kami lakukan di propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Pulau Lombok) yaitu kabupaten Lombok Timur, menemukan beberapa hasil poin penting dari studi ini antara lain: Pertama, rumah tangga pekerja migrant sebagian besar mempunyai beban tanggungan yang cukup besar dan mempunyai tingkat pendapatan yang rendah. Kedua, pola pemanfataan remitans cenderung bersifat konsumtif, sedangkan pemanfaatan dalam bentuk investasi yang memberikan tambahan pendapatan porsinya relative rendah. Ketiga, dampak remitans terhadap pembangunan daerah cenderung terjadi pada skala kecil yang terakumulasi dalam rumah tangga pekerja, hasil studi menunjukan bahwa remitans dan taraf hidup serta status social rumah tangga. Keempat, dampak dari remitans yang seharusnya dapat dirasakan omasyarakat seperti peningkatan peluang usaha dan alternative pekerjaan serta peningkatan peluang kerja baru masih relative rendah.
Etnisitas, Pengembangan sumberdaya Lokal dan potensi Perdagangan Internasional ISBN No. 978-979-799-709-0 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010 xvi+ 373 hlm.; 21 cm LIPI Press, Jakarta Authors: Yekti Maunati, I Ketut Ardhana, Dundin Zaenuddin, Mayasuri P. Language: Indonesia
Di masa lalu, pembangunan di Pulau Nunukan dan Pulau Sebatik ini dapat dikatakan masih terabaikan dan jauh dari sentuhan proses modernisasi dan globalisasi. Tertinggalnya kawasan yang termasuk wilayah perbatasan itu menyebabkan terjadinya kerawanan berupa munculnya berbagai kasus yang merugikan negara. seperti tebang liar. pertambangan ilegal. ekspor perikanan ilegal, dan berbagai penyelundupan. Akan tetapi. dewasa ini perhatian pemerintah. pengusaha. dan masyarakat Iokal telah menunjukkan peningkatan terutama dengan munculnya kesadaran akan pentingnya kawasan Pulau Nunukan dan Pulau Sebatik itu. Dinamika sosial. ekonomi. budaya. dan politik mewarnai kehidupan masyarakat di sana Menjulangnya nama Pulau Nunukan dan Pulau Sebatik. Penelitian yang dilakukan di kawasan ini lelah berlangsung selama tiga tahun Pada tahun pertama. pembahasan difokuskan pada masalah etnisitas dan perannya dalam pembangunan wilayah perbatasan. Penelitian tahun kedua menganalisis persoalan intensitas perdagangan internasional/lintas batas (border trade) yang merupakan sarana utama untuk peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat di wilayah perbatasan. Penelitian lahun ketiga mengelaborasi aspek_modal sosial masyarakat. kalangan pengusaha. dan aparatur pemerintah dalam kaitannya dengan upaya untuk mensinergikan langkah-langkah guna peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di wilayah perbatasan. Melalui penelitian tentang masyarakat perbalasan dari sisi etnisitas. pengembangan sumber daya lokal. serta potensi perdagangan internasional ini digali berbagai persoalan yang muncul akibat kontak-kontak yang terjadi antara masyarakat di Pulau Nunukan dan Pulau Sebatik di Kalimantan Timur-Indonesia dengan masyarakat di negara tetangga di wilayah Tawau, Sabah—Malaysia. Oleh karena itu, sangatlah tepat apabila visi Kabupaten Nunukan mengedepankan pentingya peran Kabupaten ini sebagai kawasan atau wilayah perdagangan internasional sehingga nantinya dapat diwujudkan perkembangan kawasan ini sebagai salah satu pusat perdagangan internasional di Asia Tenggara.
Tahun 2011 BidangPerkembangan Asia Tenggara
The Development of Agricultural Sector in Southeast Asia ISBN No. 978-979—3484-02-0 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2011 xv+ 189 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Mayasuri Presilla, Rucianawati Language: English
Thailand is a country with glorious achievements in the agricultural sector. This is evidenced by the increase in agricultural products, especially rice commodities. Development of the agricultural sector in Thailand does not stop at rice farming, but also other commodities such as fruits and vegetables. Taking research sites in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, this study aims to determine the susttainable agriculture policy in Thailand. Issues focused on the strategy taken bythe Thai government and the role of other stakeholders in the implementation of sustainable agriculture. With the study of literature and interviews as the method of data collection this study obtains as comprehensive picture of the developmentof the agricultural sector in Thailand. Thus, the results of this study will be a matter of learning to Indonesian developing the agricultural sector.
Diaspora Bugis di Sabah, Malaysia Timur ISBN No. 978-979—799-710-6 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2011 xi+ 180 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Dundin Zaenuddin, Yekti Maunari, Rucianawati, Amorisa Wiratri Language: Indonesia
Proses migrasi orang-orang Bugis dari Sulawesi Selatan ke wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Timur dan Sabah, berjalan dalam tiga gelombang: abad ke-17, tahun 1965an, dan 1980an hingga sekarang. Jika di wilayah perbatasan yang berada di Sabah. orang-orang Bugis memiliki identitas yang bervariasi, diantaranya Bugis Melayu, Bugis Sabah dan Bugis Indonesia, di wilayah perbatasan bagian Indonesia orang-orang Bugis memiliki identitas yang mengacu pada sub-etnik seperti Bone, Pinrang, dan Iain-Iain, selain juga sebagai Bugis, keluarga Sulawesi Selatan dan warga Indonesia. Penelitian tahun 2010 tentang diaspora Bugis di Sabah ini merupakan penelitian Ianjutan tentang kontestasi identitas diaspora Bugis di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Timur dan Sabah yang dimulai pada tahun 2009. Beberapa isu dilakukan pendalaman padapen kedua ini yakni tentang sejarah proses migrasi yang berlangsung sejak abad ke 17 dan kaitannya dengan migrasi kontemporer yang berlangsung belakangan ini. Apakah memang pionirpionir bugis menjadi daya tarik bagi orang-orang bugis untuk datang belakangan ini; bagaimana diaspora jaringan bugis ini baik yang berada di daerah asal, maupun di wilayah lain seperti sabah; bagaimana proses integrasi orang-orang bugis dalam rangka ke Malaysian serta peran Diasporan Bugis pada Indonesia sebagai Negara asal; bagaimana proses penggalian, pemilihan dan pemeliharaan, tradisi dan budaya bugis dalam kerangka formasi identitas budayanya.
Tahun 2012 Bidang Perkembangan Asia Tenggara
Cham Diaspora In Southeast Asia: History of Migration And Construction of Identity (The Case Study of Malaysia) ISBN 978-602-221-195-2 Jakarta: Gading Inti Prima, 2012 viii+ 142 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Yekti Maunati, Betti Rosita Sari, M. Azzam Manan Language: English
Diasporas, along with new and changed essential factors in aspects of people's lives appear as a result of different influences in transnational relations. This corresponds to an ethnic migration process which has played a decisive role in the establishment of a socio cultural entity in the communities in the Southeast Asian region. The Champa Kingdom was defeated by Vietnam in 1693 resulting in its people then spreading out to Southeast Asian countries, especially Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand,and Indonesia. The migration to Cambodia itselftook place over a long period of time, starting from the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries. Between the years 1975 and 1988 10,722 Charn refugees entered Malaysia. How Cham people, as a group of a diaspora, integrated themselves into new lands serves as an important means to L understanding the problems commonly found in other diaspora communities in the Southeast Asian region. Thus, there is a necessity to study comprehensively the history of cham migration to Malaysia and their identity establishment.
Myth, Local Wisdom, and Forest Management In Southeast Asia: A Case Study In Thailand ISBN No. 978-602-221-199-0 Jakarta: Gading Inti Prima, 2012 vi+ 139 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Dundin Zaenuddin, Lamijo, Anang Hidayat Language: English
Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia that has fairly extensive tropical forests as part of a belt of tropical forests in Southeast Asia. However, Thailand experienced severe deforestation over the past three decades, especially during the last half century. The most severe forest damage occurred in three decades, from the years 1961- 1991, and was still continuing when the Thai government introduced a policy of export-oriented. Thus, it is not surprising that the forests in Thailand decreased dramatically from 60% in 1960 to just 30% in 2006. These conditions encourage the government of Thailand to issue anumber of policies to prevent more severe damage to forests. One of the policies is logging ban on natural forests (the logging ban policy) issued in 1989. Since then the Thai forest products changed from natural forest to Planted forests as an effort to run the program Reforestation of degraded forests. But efiort seems to be less successful because of on going forest destruction; The research is conducted in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, there are dwell; managed forests by ethnic minorities, such as the Karen and Hmong, which has been there and live in harmony with the forest since ofyearsyago, The combination of indigenous knowledge with, social Community Forest Management (CFM) programs is a to manage forests sustainably. From this developed whether the values of local knowledge and efiective to manage the forest. This study uses on the dept interviews with stakeholders northern Thailand, in an effort to learn more of life of ethnic minorities in managing and conserving forests. In Addition, the interview also includes practitioners and academicians who have done similar studies to provide input on research.
Bidang Perkembangan Asia Pasifik Disaster Management of Sichuan Earthquake State Control, Museum, and Role of Army ISBN No. 978-602-221-192-1 Jakarta: GadingInti Prima, 2012 x+ 144 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: ErlitaTantri, Paulus Rudolf Yuniarto, Devi riskianingrum Language: English
Disaster in the conception of nature (the environment) and humans (social) as a unified whole, can be viewed as a ‘disturbance’ of the condition of society, which arises as a result of the inability of society itself to overcome the disruption/ disaster events. Phenomena such as a disaster of course have a negative impact on the lives and welfare of human beings. In common, disasters are unpredictable and powerful threats that affect generally all ofthose touched by them. As a threat to life and property disasters can cause substantial life changes. Furthermore, disaster has many dimensions to be review, represented, or managed. Disaster research, which has focused historically on emergency response and recovery, is incomplete without the simultaneous reading of the social impact hazards and risks associated with disasters, which includes data on the picture of vulnerability of people who are facing disaster experience. In practice, disaster event and representation of disaster have evolved in parallel, with the first focusing primarily on disaster event, then on disaster response and recovery. The three part; event, response and recovery, and representation of disaster is intersecting most directly with common concerns about disaster preparedness. It is important; however, that social science and disaster research interchangeably and view the above three core topics of disaster research within a single overarching framework. Such integration idea also provides the foundation for increased collaborative work by social study in disaster. The book titled The representation of Sichuan Earthquake Eventis a research report conducted by Asia Pacific division of Research Center for Regional Resources Indonesian Institute of Science that concern on disaster studies in China. Posing questions on kinds of representation existed in Sichuan earthquake; and the meaning of representation of the earthquake occurred, the research aimed to describe at process of earthquake representation and meaning in building knowledge about earthquake. Besides, the book shows how the experience and knowledge of society, especially in Sichuan, to earthquake, even in aspects of history, belief, metaphor, or legend. Hopefully, this knowledge builds local wisdom to maintain nature and society to face other
Bidang Perkembangan Eropa Migration And Mixed Marriage: A Case Study on Migration of Indonesian Women In The Netherlands ISBN No. 978-602-221-196-9 Jakarta: GadingInti Prima, 2012 vi+102 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Gusnelly, Amin Mudzakkir, NurAisyahKotarumalos Language: English
This book analyze on migration and marriage of Indonesian women in the Netherlands. Mixesd marriage have become an integral part of the globalization process. They are interesting topic to observe because include the additional aspect of migration and citizenship and the position role of women themselves. Marriage migration and transnationalism shape unavoidably affect the livelihood of nonmigrants in the origin community. Marriage is an old tradition in almost all cultures, but mixed marriages were followed by the process of moving the state of contemporary society is a phenomenon that involves more complex aspect.
Renewable Energy Development In The Czech Republic: Dimension of Social and Humanities ISBN No. 978-602-221-200-3 Jakarta: GadingInti Prima, 2012 Viii+ 142 Hlm; 21 Cm Authors: Kurnia Novianti, Siswanto, Fahmi Taftazani, Ayu Nova Lissandhi Language: English
Renewable energy supplyin Czech is increasing from time to time. Renewable energy supply in 2005 is 3.8 % from gross consumption of electricity. In 2010 it became 8 % from gross consumption of electricity, even in 2020 target of the renewable energy supply about 13 % from gross consumption of electricity. In Czech increasing of energy supply from gross consumption of electricity is significant, it's a fact that renewable energy development in Czech is success. Consequently, the increasing and the development on renewable energy is important to be understood and be studied because it will be inspiration and useful experience and information for other countries, especially Indonesia, which has a planning on renewable development. Czech success on renewable energy development cannot be separated from role of some institution and people participation. EU give support the development by EU directive No. 2009/28 EC concerning implementation of The National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPS), state give support the development by producing Act.No. 180/2005 about promotion of electricity from renewable energy, and people support by critic and alternative policy on renewable energy. To understand the supports on the renewable energy development, this book based on Political Economy perspective. Several countries turn its ideological polity to democracy, such as Czech in 1998 which led to a new era of economy and political order. Referring to Political Economy, this condition spares a space between state's power and market mechanism. On the other hand, socialism is still adopted in social, economy and politics discourse in these countries. As noted Isaak (1995, 175) how Eastern European countries manage to develop competitiveness and economic independence after 1998's Revolution, in particular Czech. It seems that the combination of political legacy in previous era and democracy based on market mechanism in the current situation, would lead to a new era ofdevelopment and modernization.
Tahun 2013 Bidang Perkembangan Asia Tenggara Myth, Local Wisdom and Forest Management In Southeast Asia: A Case Study In Malaysia ISBN No. 978-602-7797-51-2 PINTAL , Jakarta 2015 ix+ 130 hal.; 23 cm Authors: Dundin Zaenuddin, Amorisa Wiratri, Anang Hidayat, Syafina Mahya Nadila Language: English
Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia thatlhas fairly extensive tropical forests as part of a belt of tropical forests in the area. However, Malaysia experienced severe deforestation over the past decades, especially during the last half century when the most severe forest damage occurred in the three decades, from 1961-1991, and was still continuing until now. Thus, it is not, surprising that the forests in Malaysia decreased dramatically from 60% in 1960 to just 30% in 2006. These conditions encouraged the government of Malaysia to issue a number of policies to prevent more severe damage to forests. The research was conducted in Malaysia, where there are wel| managed forests by ethnic minorities, such as the Kadazandusun and Murut, who have lived in harmony with the forests’ for hundreds of years. The combination of indigenous knowledge with social capital and Community Forest Management (CFM) programs is a community-based eort to manage forests sustainably. This study used qualitative methods with emphasis on in depth interviews with stakeholders and eld observations in Malaysia, to learn more of the life of ethnic minorities in managing and conserving forests.
Bidang Perkembangan Asia Tenggara The Cham Diaspora in Southeast Asia ISBN No. 978-979—799-754-0 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2013 xv+ 189 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Yekti Maunari, Betti Rosita Sari Language: English
The Cham people particularly following the depeat of the Champa Kingdom by Vietnam in 1693, dispersed into countries like Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand, to mention just a few; Therefore, to study their identity is most important as by this we can perhaps understand how minority people struggle to maintain their distinct culture againist the mainstream. As a matter of fact, diasporic communities have been; egmerging along with the rapid transnational movements witnessed by migration in Southeast Asia. Cham th people migrated to Cambodia in several stages beginning from the end of the 16 to the th early 17 centuries. After the fall of Pol Pot, internal problems in Cambodia encouraged a kind of reverse movement of Cham people from Cambodia to Malaysia since historically, Cham people have had close connection with people in other countries of Southeast Asia; especially Malaysia and Southern Thailand. Recently, the Arab world hass started to be important to the Cham people, especially in relation with religious matters. Transnational networks have been established and these seem to follow old patterns of relationships. The Islamic world, an important channel for transnational networking, has in turn infliuenced the contemporary construction of Cham identity. However, being Cham is not a single identity but fluid and contested. In this, the second year of fieldwork in Cambodia, we came across the so-called Cham Jahed which has a unique practice of Islam. Unlike other Cham who pray five times a day, Cham Jahed pray once a week, on Fridays, and have a different ritual for the wedding ceremony which they regard as the authentic tradition of the Cham because this group considers itself as pure descendants of the Cham in Vietnam, retaining Cham traditions.
Bidang Perkembangan Eropa Urban Forest Management as Part of Sustainable City’s Concept Prague & Jakarta ISBN No. 602-258-321-9 Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2015 xviii+ 159 hal.; 21 cm Authors: Kurnia Novianti, Fahmi Taftazani, Ayu Nova Lissandhi, Siswanto Language: English
A common platform in urban forest management has been initiated in the Czech Republic in order to integrate the policy of natural environment and the framework of cultural landscapes within European initiatives. Prior to political and social contestation among its stakeholders at the national level, the platform accomodates different parties to create a sustainable action and a decentralized management in environmental matter. The aim of this research furthermore is to analyse roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. City munieipals, scholars, Non Governmental Organizations and the individual community surrounding are indeed part of the intertwined relationships in managing natural resources and its relation to urban forest. The relationship among stakeholders has not only resulted conflicts, but it also creates cooperation and negotiation in order to achieve common objectives. This research also focuses the case study of urban forest injakarta for comparison. This research employs qualitative method to investigate the problem and to explore the issues by conducting field research. A semi structured interviews and participant observer had been provided to gather data in order to to elaborate the roles of stakeholders (actors) and their responsibilities Within the sustainable framework of urban forest management. This research emphasises the Czech’s experiences in managing naturalresources and urban planning by mapping multiple benefits of urban forestry in Prague. Finally, the Urban Forest is not merely associated with environmental matters, but it also creates social and cultural benefits for city inhabitants.
Tahun 2014 Bidang Perkembangan Asia Pasifik Disaster Management In China: Policy, Institution and Aid In Coping With Disaster Jakarta: P2SDR LIPI, 2014 vi+97 hlm.; 25 cm Authors: Erlita Tantri, Rita Pawestry Setyaningsih, Devi Riskianingrum, Wabilia Husnah Language: English
China is famous as the land or the disaster. More than 70% of China's total is in disasterprone areas, so it is not surprising that the country is becoming one of the in the world that often hit by disasters, particularly natural disasters. Among the various types of disasters occurred in China, the earthquake is one of the most vicious and most Feared by the people. The history reveals that there has been approximately 3000 times earthquake during the last 3000 years, which means that, at least the country was rocked by an earthquake one time in a year. The book discuss China's model of disaster management, how policies implemented by the Chinese Government, as well as the pattern ofinteragency coordination of disaster management in China. Based on qualitative and explanatory research, this book explains the disaster management in China, the dynamics of policies initiated and applied by the government, institutions network and the issue of aid. The aims of this book are to explore the model of Chinese disaster relief and the relation among institutions and actors in disaster management, and Further to examine the coordination and implementation of policy and strategy in various disaster institutions in China.
Bidang PerkembanganE ropa
Redefining Sustainable Development :Study of Environmental Policies In The Czech Republic Jakarta: PSDR LIPI, 2014 iii+ 114 hlm.; 27 cm Authors: Ayu Nova Lissandhi, Kurnia Novianti, Muzzar Kresna Language: English
Our previous studies, we found that as the post-socialist countries, the Czech Republic is still in the process of transformation of EU policy. Some of the basic things that come to our attention that on environmental management in the Czech Republic that originated from digestive environmental problems of water and air quality. Post velvet revolution, the issue of environmental pollution contributing to the opening of the decision-making process in the Czech Republic.Konteks used is when they do implement sustainable development as a principle takes us on a policy discourse as a political tool in constructing the knowledge society. In this study we focused on the dynamics of sustainable development policy that is closely related to a country's socio-political context. This paper also describes the phenomenon of global environmental governance (global environmental governance) related relationships formed between the Czech Republic to the European Union. This study is a combination of literature study with field trips to collect empirical data during field research. This study was conducted to obtain stock of lmowledge through narrative concept of a policy within sustainable development agenda.
The Mobility of Unskilled And Undocumented Migrants: Indonesian Workers In The Netherlands ISBN No. 978-979-799-781-6 Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014 xiv hlm+ 107 hlm.; 21 cm LIPI Press, Jakarta Authors: Amin Mudzakkir, Gusnelly, Nur Aisyah Kutarumalos Language: English
This study analizes the Indonesian workers in the Netherlands. Focused on unskilled and undocumented workers, this study also describes the migration and citizenship policies in the Netherlands. Mix between agency and structural condition at the domestic, regional, and international levels constitute the narrative of Indonesian workers in the Netherlands. the Netherlands that seeks to obtain the appropriate place in the legal and political structures. The Indonesian government should look at this phenomenon by increasing its role as a protector of Indonesian citizens abroad.
In House Training Studi Dinamika Identitas Di Asia dan Eropa ISBN No. 978-602-258-254-0 Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2014 xi+ 174 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Gusnelly, Devi Riskianingrum, Prima Nurahmi M., Betti Rosita Sari, Rucianawati Language: Indonesia
Identitas merupakan hal lazim yang dimiliki setiap manusia. Secara harfiah, identitas adalah cirri-ciri, tanda-tanda, atau jati diri yang melekat pada sesuatu atau seseorang yang membedakannya dengan yang lain, baik secara fisik maupun non-fisik. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, identitas menjadi penting artinya sebagai penanda dan pembeda antara satu individu dengan individu lainnya. Penerbitan buku ini dilakukan melalui skema penerbitan In House Training (IHT) PSDR LIPI yang merupakan wadah bagi peneliti untuk mendiseminasikan hasil penelitiannya. lebih lanjut, melalui penerbitan ini diharapkan hasil-hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Penelitian sumberdaya Regional dapat termanfaatkan dengan baik menjadi bahan masukan bagi pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia. Semoga.
Migrasi Internasional di Asia dan Eropa ISBN No.978-602-258-252-6 Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2014 xiii+138 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Devi Riskianingrum, Gusnelly, Prima Nurahmi M., Betti Rosita Sari Language: Indonesia
internasional dikatalisasi oleh permintaan Negara-negara maju yang
membutuhkan pekerja-pekerja untuk dapat dibayar murah guna memenuhi kebutuhan pasar tenaga kerja di Negara-negara maju. Negara-negara Amerika Utara, eropa Barat, Australia, Timur Tengah, dan Asia Timur menjadi Negara-negara penerima migran dikarenakan perekonomian mereka yang telah stabil dan merupakan kelompok Negara-negara kaya dengan pendapatan per kapita yang besar. Pusat penelitian Sumberdaya Regional LIPI merupakan pusat penelitian yang bergerak di bidang kajian kewilayahan dan telah banyak melakukan studi mengenai migrasi sebagai salah satu tema penelitian. Penerbitan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk diseminasi yang dilakukan para peneliti-peneliti yunior guna memberikan kontribusi pengetahuan dalam pengembangan studi migrasi internasional di Indonesia.
Pembangunan dalam pusaran Globalisasi ISBN No.978-602-258-252-6 Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2014 viii+144 hlm.; 21 cm Authors: Suribidari, Choerunisa N.S, Erlita Tantri, Mayasuri P., Siswanto Language: Indonesia
Globalisasi adalah sebuah frenomena dunia tanpa batas. secara harfiah, globalisasi adalah proses mendunia. Kehadiran globalisasi yang telah mengintegrasikan semua Negara di dunia ini membuat masyarakat dunia dapat berinteraksi dengan komunitas local. begitu juga sebaliknya. dengan demikian, globalisasi menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari tatanan kehidupan manusia masa kini. Kumpulan tulisan dalam buku ini memotret kasus pembangunan di Srandakan Kalimantan Utara, Kota Barcelona, Cina, Vietnam, dan Ceko dengan segala dampaknya yang ditimbulkannya. di tengah gencar-gencarnya kampanye pertumbuhan ekonomi, buku ini penting untuk disimak, agar dampak negatif dari pembangunan (ekonomi) bisa diminimalisir.
Tahun 2015 Perkembangan asia Pasifik Air Pollution in China: The response of Government NGOs, and Communities ISBN No. 978-6 02-7797-56-7 Yogyakarta: PINTAL, 2015 viii+ 108 hal.; 23 cm Authors: Devi Riskianingrum Saiful Hakam,Erlita Tantri,Rita Pawestri Setyaningsih Language: English
Chinese economic development that started in 1978 had brought not only economic growth but also environmental problems. One of the significant environmental problems is air pollution; The pollution in China mostly comes from coal combustion. The increasing of industrial activities and population number has given significant energy demand. particularly the need of power plants that causes the decreasing of air quality. Nowadays. China is faced with various pollution problems and the most serious are water and air pollution caused by the use of coalas an energy source. Air pollution is generally caused by particles that are released by vehicle emissions and coal combustion. In regard to air pollution problems. China has been under pressure to remedy these. not only internally but also from the international community. The pollution is also travelling around the country. to other areas and even across the country that generates a risk for other regions. In connection with this. the book Air Pollution in China: The Responses of Government. NGOS. and Communities discuss about four interesting topic correlated with the tissues‘ of air pollution. namely the dynamic of environmental NGQS in China. people protest -on air pollution. health issues. and environmental insurances in China. The publication is expected to beiamedia for disseminating ideas and results of research conducted by the Research Center for Regional Resources which meantas an input for various stakeholders in Indonesia.