Képzők dis(a cselekvés ellentéte)
un(a cselekvés ellentéte)
de(a cselekvés ellentéte) igéből
mis(valamit rosszul csinál)
pre(valamit megelőzően csinál)
over(valamit túlzásba visz)
under(valamit nem csinál meg eléggé)
(valamit újra csinál)
főnévből. melléknévből
-ise / -ize -ify -ate
Szófajváltással (zéróképző)
PÉLDÁK like dislike (szeret nem szeret) obey disobey (szótfogad nem fogad szót) appear disappear (megjelenik eltűnik) do undo (csinál visszacsinál) pack unpack (becsomagol kicsomagol) lock unlock (bezár kinyit /kulccsal/) frost defrost (lefagyaszt kiereszt /fagyasztásból/) code decode (kódol dekódol) lead mislead (vezet félrevezet) inform misinform (informál félreinformál) calculate miscalculate (számol rosszul számol) cook precook (főz előfőz) judge prejudge (ítél előre ítél) cook overcook (főz túlfőz) charge overcharge (megterhel túlterhel) estimate overestimate (felbecsül túlbecsül) estimate underestimate (felbecsül alábecsül) cook undercook (főz nem főz meg eléggé) visit revisit (meglátogat újra meglátogat) build rebuild (épít újrépít) danger endanger (veszély veszélyeztet) large enlarge (hatalmas felnagyít) rich enrich (gazdag felékesít) power empower (hatalom felhatalmaz, hatalommal ruház fel)
bitter embitter (keserű elkeserít) strength strengthen (erő erősít) threat threaten (rémület megrémít) sad sadden (szomorú elszomorít, elszomorodik) white whiten (fehér /ki/fehérít, fehéredik) tight tighten (szoros megszorít) symbol symbolise (jelkép jelképez) liberal liberalize (szabad, szabadelvű felszabadít) stabil stabilise (stabil stabilizál) just justify (igazságos igazol) simple simplify (egyszerű egyszerűsít) different differentiate (különbözik megkülönböztet, különbséget tesz)
liquid liquidate (folyékony folyékonnyá tesz) brake brake (fék fékez) butter butter (vaj vajaz) group group (csoport csoportosít) bottle bottle (palack palackoz) empty empty (üres kiürít) dry dry (száraz szárít, szárad)
Igésítő igével Az angolban némelyik főnévnek nincs igévé képzett alakja. Ilyenkor kell elé tenni egy igét (ált. a have, play vagy do)
Tőhangváltással a kiejtésben
Tőhangváltással írásban is jelölve
-er / -or / -ar A cselekvést általában végző személyt vagy a foglalkozást jelöli (magyarban ált. –ó/ -ő)
-ant / -ent -ee igéből
(ált. foglalkozást jelöl)
piano play the piano (zongora zongorázik) breakfast have breakfast (reggeli reggelizik) sport do sports (sport sportol) shower have a shower (zuhany zuhanyozik) coffee have (a) coffee (kávé kávézik) use (ejtsd: júsz) use (ejtsd: júz) (haszon használ) house (ejtsd: hausz) house (ejtsd: hauz) (ház helyet ad, a házában elhelyez) advice (ejtsd: ödvájsz) advise (ejtsd: ödvájz) (tanács tanácsol) belief (ejtsd: bilíf) belive (ejtsd: bilív) (hit elhisz) half (ejtsd: half) halve (ejtsd: halv) (fél, fele vminek elfelez) life (ejtsd: lájf) live (ejtsd: liv) (élet él) proof prove (bizonyíték bizonyít) blood bleed (vér vérzik) safe save (biztonságos biztosít, megvéd, megtakarít)
write writer (ír író) read reader (olvas (rendszeresen) olvasó) send sender (felad feladó) act actor (színtjátszik színész) visit visitor (meglátogat látogató) edit editor (szerkeszt szerkesztő) lie liar (hazudik hazug, hazudozó) beg beggar (koldul koldus) football footballer (futball futballista) assist assistant (segít, asszisztál – asszisztens) study student (tanul tanuló, diák) employ employee (alkalmaz – alkalmazott)
(ált. vmilyen munkakörrel megbízott személy)
imitate imitation (utánoz utánzás) operate operation (működik, működtet; operál működés, működtetés; operáció)
-(a)tion / -sion (-ás/-és; -(á)ció – főképp fogalom jelölésére)
-ment (-ás/-és –főképp a cselekvés eredményének jelölésére)
-al (-ás/-és – ált. a cselekvés befejezettségét jelöli)
accommodate accommodation (elszállásol szállás) inform information (informál információ) prepare preparation (előkészít, elkészít előkészület, elkészítés)
expand expansion (kiterjeszt kiterjesztés) include inclusion (belefoglal belefoglalás) state statement (állít állítás) agree agreement (egyetért, megegyezik egyetértés, megegyezés)
develop development (fejleszt fejlesztés) punish punishment (megbüntet büntetés) arrive arrival (megérkezik megérkezés)
-ing (-ás/-és – ált. a folyamat jelölésére)
-ence / -ance (-ás/-és; -ság/-ség)
read reading (olvas olvasás) book booking (lefoglal lefoglalás) cross crossing (keresztez kereszteződés) save saving (megtakarít megtakarítás) refuse refusal (visszautasít visszautasítás) prefer preference (jobban kedvel előnyben részesítés) depend dependence (függ vmitől függés) accept acceptance (elfogad elfogadás) ignorant ignorance (figyelmetlen figyelmetlenség, butaság)
Szófajváltással (zéróképző)
-man -y /-ie (Kicsinyítő/Becéző képző)
-(er)y (ált. egy – er végű foglalkozás megnevezéséből a hely megnevezése)
-ist (valamilyen foglakozást, tevékenységet űző, elvet valló személy, a magyarban ált.: -ista)
laugh laugh (nevet nevetés) love love (szeret szeretet) swim swim (úszik úszás) walk walk (sétál séta) work work (dolgozik munka) fire fireman (tűz tűzoltó) post postman (posta postás) cave caveman (barlang barlanglakó, ősember) John Johnny aunt auntie (nagynéni nénike) dog doggie (kutya kutyuska) baker bakery (pék pékség) grocer grocery (fűszeres fűszerkereskedés) parfume parfumery (parfüm parfüméria) science scientist (tudomány tudós) novel novelist (regény regényíró) piano pianist (zongora zongorista) alcohol alcoholic (alkohol alkoholista)
(valamit megszállottan űző személy, -ista)
-ism (-izmus)
-ess (nő-)
dis(előképző – ellentétes értelmű főnevet fejez ki)
-ship (-ság/-ség - ált. vmilyen pozíció, helyzet)
alcohol alcoholism (alkohol alkoholizmus) Marx Marxism (Marx marxizmus) prince princess (herceg hercegnő) waiter waitress (pincér pincérnő) advantage disadvantage (előny hátrány) comfort discomfort (kényelem kényelmetlenség) friend friendship (barát barátság) leader leadership (vezető vezetőség) dictator dictatorship (diktátor önkényuralom)
-(i)ty (-ság,-ség)
-(a)cy (-ság,-ség)
-th (ált. tőhangváltással)
-able / -ible
-ant / -ent
-ive -(u)ous -ing (-ó, ő - folyamatos melléknévi igenév: a cselekvést éppen végző személy)
3. alak
stupid stupidity (buta butaság) convertible convertibility (átalakítható átalakíthatóság) curious curiosity (kíváncsi kíváncsiság) electric electricity (elektromos elektromosság, áram) able ability (képes képesség) responsible responsibility (felelős felelősség) similar similarity (hasonló hasonlóság) safe safety (biztonságos biztonság) accurate accuracy (pontos pontosság) private privacy (magán- magánélet, magány) frequent frequency (gyakori gyakoriság) strong strength (erős erő) long length (hosszú hossz) convert convertible (átalakít átalakítható) understand understandable (ért érthető) rely reliable (megbízik vkiben megbízható) response responsible (felel felelős) forget forgettable (elfelejt felejthető) believe believable (hisz hihető) ignore ignorant (elkerül, figyelmen kívül hagy figyelmetlen)
depend dependent (függ vmitől függő) differ different (különbözik különböző) talk talkative (beszélget beszédes) attract attractive (vonz vonzó) continue continous (folytat folyamatos) danger dangerous (veszély veszélyes) fame famous (hírnév híres) read reading (olvas (éppen) olvasó) The reading girl smiled.
write writing (ír (éppen) író) write written (ír – írott) He sent me a written document.
(-t,-tt – befejezett melléknévi igenév)
Tőhangváltással a kiejtésben -less (- talan, -telen)
lazy laziness (lusta lustaság) dark darkness (sötét sötétség)
-ful 1 (- os,- es, vmivel teli)
-ful 2 ('egy ...-nyi' (űrmérték))
live (ejtsd: liv) live (ejtsd: lájv) (él élő) care careless (törődés, gondoskodás, óvatosság óvatlan, nemtörődöm)
use useless (haszon hasztalan) hope hopeless (remény reménytelen) care careful (törődés, gondoskodás, óvatosság óvatos) use useful (haszon hasznos) success successful (siker sikeres) hope hopeful (remény reményteljes) mouth mouthful (száj falatnyi) spoon spoonful (kanál kanálnyi)
-ar -al -ly -ish -like (valamilyen szerű, valamire hasonlító)
-y (-s)
-ic (-s)
Jelzős főnév + -ed
circle circular (kör köralakú) muscle muscular (izom izmos) pole polar (sark – sarki) centre central (központ központi) profession professional (szakma szakmai) nation national (nemzet nemzeti, országos) man manly (férfi férfias) friend friendly (barát barátságos) month monthly (hónap havi / havonta) day daily (nap napi / naponta) child childish (gyermek gyermeki, gyermeteg, gyerekes) girl girlish (lány lányos) child childlike (gyermek gyerekes) woman womanlike (nő nőies) wind windy (szél szeles) snow snowy (hó havas) silk silky (selyem selymes) alcohol alcoholic (alkohol alkoholos) economy economic (gazdaság gazdasági) fair hair fair-haired (világos haj világos hajú) blue eye blue eyed (kék szem kék szemű)
(-ú, -ű)
Szófajváltással (zéróképző) (a magyarban ált. -i )
city city (város városi) city life = városi élet evening evening (este esti) an evening paper = esti újság paper paper (papír /anyag/ papír/ból készült/) a paper bag = papírzacskó
red reddish (piros pirosas)
(-es, -as)
unimdisir(r-rel kezdődő melléknevek előtt)
il(l-lel kezdődő melléknevek előtt)
happy unhappy (boldog boldogtalan) lucky unlucky (szerencsés szerencsétlen, balszerencsés) believable unbelievable (hihető hihetetlen) forgettable unforgettable (felejthető felejthetetlen) polite impolite (udvarias udvariatlan) patient impatient (türelmes türelmetlen) interested disinterested (érdeklődő nem érdeklődő) honest dishonest (becsületes – becstelen) rational irrational (ésszerű ésszerűtlen) responsible irresponsible (felelős nem felelős) legal illegal (törvényes törvénytelen) logical illogical (logikus logikátlan) capable incapable (képes képtelen) experienced inexperienced (tapasztalt tapasztalatlan) tolerant intolerant (türelmes türelmetlen)
(-va, ve – ha éppen folyt a cselekvés)
-ly melléknévből
(-an, - en)
Szófajváltással (zéróképző)
cry crying (sír sírva) She stepped in crying. slow slowly (lassú lassan) happy happily (boldog boldogan) hard hard (kemény, szorgalmas keményen, szorgalmasan) fast fast (gyors gyorsan)
SZÓJELENTÉS MEGVÁLTOZÁSA HANGSÚLYVÁLTÁSSAL Néhány két szótagú szóban az igét csupán az különbözteti meg a főnévtől, hogy az igének a "végén", míg a főnévnek az "elején" van a hangsúlya. pl.: CONflict = konfliktus CONvict = elítélt, rab INsult = sértés OBject = tárgy PERmit = engedély PREsent = ajándék PROduce = termény PROgress = haladás PROtest = tiltakozás REbel = lázadó REcord = lemez; feljegyzés SUSpect = gyanúsított TRANSfer = átvitel TRANSport = szállítás
conFLICT = ellentmond conVICT = elítél inSULT = megsért obJECT = tiltakozik perMIT = megenged preSENT = átad proDUCE = gyárt proGRESS = halad proTEST = tiltakozik reBEL = lázad reCORD = felvesz, feljegyez susPECT = gyanúsít transFER = átvisz transPORT = szállít
1) Fill each blank with the correct form. Give their Hungarian equivalent. If no word exists, there is a (---) in the table. VERB
1. …………………….
advisable inadvisable advisory
adviser / advisor ……………………
2. analyse
……………………. …………………….
3. ---
4. approve disapprove
……………………. dis…………………….
5. assist
believe disbelieve
……………………. un…………………….
……………………. dis……………………. ……………………. assistance believer non-believer ……………………. dis……………………. ……………………. …………………….
9. communicate 10. conclude 11. confirm
……………………. un……………………. communicable ……………………. in……………………. ……………………. un…………………….
……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….
12. contradict
13. contribute
……………………. un……………………. ……………………. un……………………. deaf ……………………. demonstrable ……………………. ……………………. un…………………….
……………………. co-operation critic …………………….
19. …………………….
20. …………………….
……………………. indestructible
21. fail
22. …………………….
23. …………………….
24. …………………….
25. …………………….
26. insist
27. integrate
……………………. integral
28. instruct
……………………. …………………….
29. …………………….
14. co-operate 15.
17. demonstrate 18. deny
deafness ……………………. ……………………. …………………….
flier/flyer ……………………. ……………………. grower …………………….
lengthy optimist ……………………. performer ……………………. ……………………. pessimism
30. ---
31. …………………….
32. ---
33. please displease
……………………. un……………………. ……………………. …………………….
……………………. dis …………………….
34. predict
……………………. un…………………….
……………………. predictability unpredictability
35. refuse
36. …………………….
relieved unrelieved
37. …………………….
……………………. un…………………….
38. …………………….
reliability unreliability reliance ……………………. ……………………. shortness
39. …………………….
40. …………………….
……………………. un…………………….
41. survive
suitability unsuitability ……………………. survival
42. …………………….
43. …………………….
44. …………………….
45. …………………….
46. illustrate
47. imagine
48. impress
49. live 50. propose
defined undefined indefinable definitve ……………………. in ……………………. ……………………. un……………………. economical uneconomical ……………………. un……………………. identifiable unidentifiable ……………………. ……………………. illustrative imaginable unimaginable ……………………. unimaginative unimaginative impressed unimpressed ……………………. un……………………. ……………………. live ……………………. living …………………….
……………………. ……………………. …………………….
identity ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….
impression ……………………. living livelihood proposer …………………….
proposition 51. ---
52. …………………….
real un……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. in…………………….
……………………. realist realism ……………………. variation variability
2) Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. Be careful because in some cases you will need a negative form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
There was ____________________ all over the floor after he cut himself shaving. (bleed) She became more and more ____________________ as time went by. (anxiety) She looked at him in ____________________ when he told her the terrible news. (believe) We have still received no ____________________ of our booking. (confirm) He seemed very reluctant to take my ____________________ . (advise) We can only catch criminals if we have the full ____________________ of the general public. (cooperate) 7. She gave me a very ____________________ look when she saw that I wasn‟t wearing the correct uniform. (approve) 8. In ____________________ I would like to thank everybody who has helped to make the show such a success. (conclude) 9. She has made an invaluable ____________________ to our efforts. (contribute) 10. The shop ____________________ seemed to spend most of the time talking rather than attending to customers. (assist) 11. They keep making ____________________ statements so we don‟t really know what they‟re going to do. (contradict) 12. He‟s normally very ____________________ so you‟ll be lucky if you get any information out of him. (communicate) 13. He left me with no ____________________ but to disqualify him. (choose) 14. With her ____________________ mind she was able to work out the best way to get everybody to the meeting on time. (analyse) 15. How dare she ____________________ us when she sits around doing nothing all day! (critic) 16. The mystery ____________________ as yet another body was discovered. (deep) 17. Everywhere you could see evidence of the ____________________ force of the enemy bombs. (destroy) 18. He was most ____________________ that we should bring warm clothes. (insist) 19. Because of her ____________________ eyesight she‟s unable to paint any more pictures. (fail) 20. That is supposed to be the ____________________ price but you always seem to end up paying extra for something. (include) 21. We hope to see more ____________________ schools where children of different races can get used to working together. (integrate) 22. Two of the ____________________ showed us how to do a hip throw. (instruct) 23. The ____________________ in population has led to problems in providing services such as housing and hospitals. (grow) 24. I can‟t stand ____________________ so I didn‟t go to the top of the tower with the others. (high) 25. Our ____________________ was delayed due to technical problems. (fly) 26. Every evening you hear the ____________________ noise of motor-cycles revving up in the town square. (deaf) 27. One of the ____________________ sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move. (demonstrate)
28. It is an ____________________ fact that children watch too much TV. (deny) 29. It was an extremely ____________________ experience, which I never want to go through again. (please) 30. The table is two metres in ____________________ . (long) 31. The weather is so ____________________ that I don‟t know if I should take an umbrella or sun-tan lotion. (predict) 32. What a ____________________ it is to be able to put your feet up! (relieve) 33. The telephone service was very ____________________ and we spent hours trying to make a single call. (rely) 34. The sea defences need to be ____________________ before the winter to reduce the risk of flooding. (strong) 35. There‟s a ____________________ of highly skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the work done. (short) 36. She‟s not really ____________________ for this job as she hasn‟t had the right sort of training. (suit) 37. As her only ____________________ relative, he expects to inherit all her money. (survive) 38. If they ____________________ the road, that will mean more traffic and maybe more pedestrians being knocked over. (wide) 39. His ____________________ to sponsor the event came as a great shock. (refuse) 40. I wish I shared his ____________________, but I really don‟t think this will work. (optimist) 41. I could only get tickets for the afternoon ____________________ (perform) 42. They‟re very ___________________ about our chances of success. (pessimism) 43. Some of the ____________________ in this dictionary are more difficult to understand than the word they‟re explaining. (define) 44. He‟ll be away for an ____________________ period. (define) 45. We have to ____________________ on electricity so make sure you switch off all the lights when you leave. (economy) 46. All the leading ____________________ say that this country is heading for a recession. (economy) 47. We‟re ____________________ twins so people have great difficulty telling us appart. (identity) 48. You‟ll need some form of ____________________ if you want to draw money out of your account. (identify) 49. This is just an ____________________ of the kind of thing that could happen if you don‟t wear a seatbelt. (illustrate) 50. The judges were especially impressed by the ____________________ use of light and shade in the painting. (imagine) 51. I was not very ____________________ by his so-called comedy act. (impress) 52. She is at a very ____________________ age so we must make sure that she goes around with the right sort of people. (impress) 53. It was supposed to be a ____________________ performance but you could see she was miming. (life) 54. I consider him to be one of our greatest ____________________ poets. (life) 55. This is a site of the ____________________ extension to the motorway. (propose) 56. After my holiday I had to get back to the ____________________ of the daily office routine. (real) 57. Amber is a ____________________ girl. (rely) 58. Maria has ____________________ in understanding the topic. (difficult) 59. This chair is so ____________________. I‟ll buy a new chair. (comfort) 60. Melissa looks ____________________. I think she has problems. (happy) 61. I need to ____________________ this story. (read) 62. Mrs. Kaila is an ____________________ (engine). She is very ____________________ (success). 63. All the people are afraid of ____________________ disasters. (nature)
64. Sarah is must be very ____________________ (luck). She is very ____________________ despite the accident. (health) 65. This man is doing something ____________________. (legal) 66. I feel something ____________________. Could it be real? (visible) 67. Please wear something ____________________ (fashion). These clothes are so old. 68. “Black mamba” is the most ____________________ (poison) snake in the world. It‟s ____________________. (hazard) 69. Playing with toys is ____________________ for kids. (enjoy) I won‟t go on this ____________________. (argue) EXERCISES OF PREVIOUS FINAL EXAMS 3) Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps. There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. A. THE TWO TOP SUNTAN MYTHS Everything about the sun is bad for you We hear so much about how (0) __________ (danger) UV rays are that you‟d be forgiven for thinking that (1) ________ (stay) indoors all summer was good for you! But there are plenty of (2) __________ (use) things about being out in the sunshine too. A 15-minute (3) __________ (day) stroll in the sun will provide enough vitamin D to build strong bones. This vitamin also boosts the immune system, preventing infections such as colds. (4) __________ (sun) days also help increase the level of a brain chemical called serotonin, which puts you in a good mood. If you are (5) __________ (careful) enough (avoiding the hottest times of the day and using the appropriate sunscreen), the sun can actually help you get rid of some skin problems as well. One bottle of sunscreen will be enough for the two of you on a 10-day holiday Not if you apply the amount used during testing in laboratories to achieve the level of (6) __________ (protect) stated on the bottle. Experts say you should take one 400ml bottle of sunscreen per person for every 10 days of your holiday. Sunscreen should be applied 15 minutes before going out in the sun and then reapplied (7) __________ (frequent) and always after swimming. If you are using a spray, your skin should be completely (8) __________ (cover) before you rub it in. And don‟t forget the (9) ________ (hide) places such as the soles of your feet and behind your ears. 0).............dangerous............ 1).......................................... 2).......................................... 3).......................................... 4)..........................................
5).......................................... 6).......................................... 7).......................................... 8).......................................... 9)...........................................
B. THE MONA LISA The Mona Lisa was one of Leonardo's (0) __________ (favour) paintings, and he carried it with him until his (1) __________ (die). Today, it is regarded as the most (2) __________ (fame) painting in the world, and is (3) __________ (visit) by many thousands of people every year. Whose is this (4) __________ (please) face? Throughout the centuries many (5) __________ (suggest) have been made, but the most likely candidate is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant. Another more unlikely - but popular - theory is that the painting was a self portrait. There are (6) __________ (certain) similarities between the (7) __________ (express) of the Mona Lisa and that of the artist's self portrait painted many years later. Could this be why Leonardo gave the subject such a mysterious smile? Today, the Mona Lisa looks rather dull, in dark shades of brown and yellow. (8) __________ (probable) this is due to a special layer covering the paint, which has yellowed over the years. It is possible that the painting was once brighter and more (9) __________ (colour) than it is now. The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911. The thief was caught by the police two years later, and the painting was safely returned. 0)...................favourite........... 5)............................................. 1)............................................. 6)............................................. 2)............................................. 7)............................................. 3)............................................. 8)............................................. 4)............................................. 9).............................................
C. PARROT KEPT INDOORS It is proving to be a social (0) __________ (embarrass) for the Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary in Nuneaton that one of their parrots has a rather (1) __________ (colour) vocabulary. Barney, a five-year-old macaw parrot, has no respect for authority. He has used dirty words in front of respectable people such as the Mayor and the vicar. He has also told several charity (2) __________ (work) what he thought of them. Sanctuary volunteer Stacey Clark said Barney once belonged to a lorry (3) __________ (drive). "We tend to keep him indoors, away from the public. But everybody seems to accept his behaviour with a (4) __________ (smile)," she said. "He has got a lot of character and he does say thank you when he gets a treat so he can be polite. He is (5) __________ (cheer) and very friendly, too." Some of the sayings he likes to repeat include "hello big boys" and "where have you been?" But his (6) __________ (favour) words are mainly unrepeatable. Geoff Green, the (7) __________ (own) of Wildlife Sanctuary, said he had one rude word which he especially liked to say over and over again. He added he had seen neighbours and passers-by duck and look around (8) __________ (surprise) when they passed the window and heard the swearing from within. "He only seems to swear when you don't want him to," he added. "We usually keep him inside, away from any (9) __________ (visit). He seems to know which people he shouldn't swear in front of and so he goes and does so." Barney was given to the sanctuary a year ago. 0)............... embarrassment................ 1)......................................................... 2)......................................................... 3)......................................................... 4).........................................................
5)......................................................... 6)......................................................... 7)......................................................... 8)......................................................... 9).........................................................
D. OLDEST WRITING IN THE NEW WORLD Items men, women, and children left behind when they died – everything from clothing to jewellery and tools – tell (0) __________ (anthropology) a lot. And sometimes even their words survive. Experts believe that a (1) __________ (discover) in Mexico is the oldest example of writing ever found in the Americas. The people who created it (2) __________ (probable) lived 3,000 years ago, long before Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World. Digging in a stone mine, (3) __________ (work) noticed a stone block with marks carved onto its surface. They found the large piece of stone in Cascajal, Mexico, near the capital city of an ancient people called the Olmec. "There are signs on the block that seem to show (4) __________ (religion) objects they used. For example, there is a sign that looks like a throne," an expert says. "It is (5) __________ (excite) because it makes it clear that the Olmec could read and write." But experts don‟t know (6) __________ (exact) what the writing says. If you have ever tried to figure out a message (7) __________ (write) in code, you have a pretty good idea of the hard work ahead. Finding other examples of Olmec writing could help crack the code. 0)............anthropologists........... 1) ............................................... 2) ............................................... 3) ...............................................
4) ............................................... 5) ............................................... 6) ............................................... 7) ...............................................
E. FACTS ABOUT PRESIDENTS Did you know that Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, was a peanut (0) __________ (farm) before he was President? Or that one of George Washington's (1) __________ (favor) foods was ice cream? These are just two of the (2) __________ (interest) facts about past U.S. Presidents National Geographic Kids has collected. Many Presidents had (3) _________ (usual) careers before entering the White House. Andrew Johnson, the 17th President, was a tailor. Ronald Reagan, the 40th President, was a movie (4) __________ (act). Harry Truman bought and sold men's clothing and accessories, particularly hats. Once in the White House, each President made his mark in (5) __________ (vary) ways. In fact, before Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President, came to office, the White House wasn't even called the White House! People called the (6) __________ (build) the President's Palace, President's House, and the Executive Mansion. Roosevelt (7) __________ (official) named it the White House in 1901.
Theodore Roosevelt wasn't the only President to invent a new (8) __________ (express). Martin Van Buren, the (9) __________ (eight) President, probably created the word "OK." He was from Kinderhook, New York. During his campaign, Old Kinderhook (O.K.) clubs formed to give him (10) __________ (support). Later, "OK" or "okay," came to mean "all right." 0)............. farmer............. 1)....................................... 2)....................................... 3)....................................... 4)....................................... 5).......................................
6)....................................... 7)....................................... 8)....................................... 9)....................................... 10) ………………………
F. OH DEER! A cow called Yvonne, who has been on the run in Germany for nearly 10 months, has now found a home with a herd of deer. Dozens of (0) ________ (witness) have reported sightings and say the cow now (1) ________ (clear) thinks she‟s a deer. Yvonne‟s fight for (2) ________ (independent) began when she escaped from a Bavarian sausage maker almost 10 months ago. Soon afterwards, the (3) ________ (local) press picked up the story and reported that (4) ________ (hunt) had been given permission to shoot the cow. Animal rights campaigners in Germany are protesting against the (5) ________ (decide) and have since organised a widespread search, which started at the weekend. (6) ________ (hundred) of people travelled to Bavaria to help with the search and even brought (7) ________ (other) cow and its calf with them to help trick Yvonne into leaving the woods. (8) ________ (fortunately), they had no luck and the cow still remains on the run. Michael Aufhauser, an Austrian multimillionaire and animal (9) ________ (love), has agreed to buy the smart animal from the sausage maker as soon as the cow is captured, but it seems Yvonne really enjoys life with the deer. 0)............... witnesses.......................... 1)......................................................... 2)......................................................... 3)......................................................... 4).........................................................
5)......................................................... 6)......................................................... 7)......................................................... 8)......................................................... 9).........................................................
G. SUPERSTITIONS: FRIDAY THE 13TH – UNLUCKY FOR YOU? Do you believe in good luck and bad luck? Are you (0) __________ (superstition)? And, if so, how do you go about avoiding bad luck? And what do you do to (1) __________ (sure) good luck? One person in four in Britain is, (2) __________ (apparent), superstitious, and they‟ll do everything from hanging horseshoes over their fireplace to (3) ________ (cross) their fingers, touching wood and (4) __________ (absolute) never walking under a ladder. And they are (5) __________ (care) about cats. Black cats are supposed to be (6) __________ (relate) of witches or warlocks, so if one is following you, it‟s (7) __________ (definite) bad luck! On the other hand if one crosses your path and continues then it‟s good luck because it hasn‟t noticed you. However, in some places the (8) __________ (believe) are different – so it pays to know where your black cat comes from. Superstitions are also a subject for research by Dr. Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire. He believes that some people actually want to be (9) __________ (lucky), because it helps them to avoid taking (10) __________ (responsible) for their own failings. It‟s easier to say „I failed the exam because I had bad luck again‟ than to admit that you didn‟t work (11) __________ (hard) enough. „It‟s a way of copping out‟, he said. 0)............. superstitious............. 1)................................................ 2)................................................ 3)................................................ 4)................................................ 5)................................................
6)................................................ 7)................................................ 8)................................................ 9)................................................ 10) ……………………………. 11) …………………………….
H. "GREEN" BUILDINGS MAY HELP SAVE ENVIRONMENT These days a green building means more than just the color of the paint. “Green” building can also refer to (0) __________ (environment) friendly houses, factories, and offices. Green building means reducing the impact of the building on the land. Green buildings can reduce energy and water use. Also, the buildings are often located near public (1) __________ (transport) such as buses and subways, so that people can drive their cars less. That could be good for the environment, because cars use lots of (2) __________ (nature) resources, such as gasoline, and cause (3) __________ (pollute). Green buildings are often built on (4) __________ (previous) developed land, so that the buildings don't destroy forests or other wild habitats. The first green (5) __________ (resident) high-rise building in the U.S. is called the Solaire. Its project (6) __________ (manage) says: "We've reduced our energy (7) __________ (consume) by one-third and our water by 50 percent." The Solaire cuts energy in part by using solar power. On the face of the building there are panels. They absorb the sun's energy and convert it to (8) __________ (electric). The Solaire also has lights that (9) __________ (automatic) turn off when people leave the room. Plus, the building has lots of windows. This allows people to use the sun for light instead of lamps during the day. 0)............... environmentally............ 1)...................................................... 2)...................................................... 3)...................................................... 4)......................................................
5)...................................................... 6)...................................................... 7)...................................................... 8)...................................................... 9)......................................................
I. WHY WE’VE ALL TURNED OFF BIG BROTHER As a student of body language I usually enjoy Big Brother because it is free of the artificiality of acted, (0) __________ (script) roles. These are real people, not particularly (1) __________ (talent), brought in off the street to represent our culture. This year, however, I have found it (2) __________ (hard) to watch. The people (3) __________ (select) appear to have been carefully chosen for their unpleasantness, vanity and exhibitionism. The idea, (4) __________ (obvious), was that if a group of appalling and aggressive people were brought together, there would be fireworks – and that has indeed been the case. Analysing more deeply why I (5) __________ (like) this year‟s Big Brother so much, I came to the (6) __________ (conclude) that it was not, after all, primarily the coarseness, ignorance and immorality of the (7) __________ (participate) that upset me, but rather their lack of (8) __________ (warm) and kindness. In the past, we have all watched and enjoyed comedies in which the characters are at times rude or ignorant, but we forgive them because somewhere just beneath the surface the scriptwriters have endowed them with (9) __________ (generous) of spirit and kindheartedness. By (10) __________ (compare), some of this year‟s housemates were downright disgusting. 0)................... scripted….......... 1)................................................ 2)................................................ 3)................................................ 4)................................................ 5)................................................
6)................................................ 7)................................................ 8)................................................ 9)................................................ 10) …………………………….
J. ONCE UPON A TIME Ever wanted to tell an amazing story, but didn‟t know where to start? Or have you already started writing (0) __________ (imagine) and original stories that you now want to set free? It doesn‟t matter whether you‟re at the top of your class at English or not – we‟re (1) __________ (interest) in stories with a spark, whether they‟re funny or sad, set in a (2) __________ (fantasy) universe or based on real-life events. There are plenty of chances to shine, as we‟ll choose ten winners (3) __________ (separate) into three age groups: under-8s, 9-11, and those aged 12 and over. The winners will help (4) __________ (transform) their words into exciting radio at BBC studios, and the stories will be (5) __________ (broadcast) on a BBC 7 radio show. Want a bit of (6) __________ (inspire)? BBC 7‟s (7) __________ (interact) show has a story every day which could help spark an idea. If you wish to enter, you can send your story (8) __________ (prefer)
typed or printed, along with an entry form. Stories will be judged on the basis of their originality of plot and characterisation. 0).................. imaginative…........ 1)................................................... 2)................................................... 3)................................................... 4)...................................................
5)................................................... 6)................................................... 7)................................................... 8)...................................................
K. ENORMOUS TELEPHONE BILL A Malaysian man received a telephone bill for $218 trillion (0) __________ (recent) for a telephone line he had disconnected in January. The bill, which was sent from Telekom Malaysia to Yahaya Wahib, included a request for (1) __________ (pay) within 10 days for the large amount. Wahib was also threatened with (2) __________ (prosecute) if he failed to pay the bill within the period given. According to reports, Wahib, who lives in the (3) __________ (north) part of Malaysia, had his father's phone disconnected after his (4) __________ (die) in January. At that time he paid the outstanding bill. In April he received a further bill from the telephone company telling him he owed $218 trillion for (5) __________ (call) made from his father‟s phone. Wahib is quoted as saying he (6) __________ (near) fainted when he saw the charge against him. It is (7) __________ (clear) whether the bill was a mistake or whether the phone had been (8) _________ (illegal) used over the period. Telekom Malaysia, the country's largest telecommunications company, is said to be looking into the case. Wahib, on the other hand, is ready to face legal action if necessary. 0).................recently………........ 1)................................................... 2)................................................... 3)................................................... 4)...................................................
5)................................................... 6)................................................... 7)................................................... 8)...................................................
L. A REAL MONSTER OF THE DEEP Sea monsters living in the (0) __________ (deep) of the ocean may not be the stuff of fantasy after all. (1) __________ (mystery) sounds have been detected in the ocean that (2) __________ (science) believe could be evidence of large, unidentified sea (3) __________ (create). The sounds were first picked up in 1997 by underwater listening stations set up by the US Navy to monitor Russian submarines. A single noise registered on sensors 3,000 miles apart, making it far louder than any other (4) __________ (know) animal noise, including the calls made by whales. In the past, strange sounds picked up by the system have been attributed to ocean currents, volcanic (5) __________ (active) or earthquakes under the seabed. But researchers believe that this particular sound is made by a living (6) __________ (organ) because its acoustic “signature” bears all the hallmarks of a marine animal‟s call. One (7) __________ (possible) is that it could belong to a giant squid - like the (8) __________ (legend) Kraken - which is known to live at extreme depths but has never been observed alive. “We don‟t have any clue whether the giant squid makes any noise or not,” Christopher Fox, director of the Acoustic Monitoring Project, told us, “but if it does, that may explain the sound.” 0 .................. depths.............. 1)............................................. 2)............................................. 3)............................................. 4).............................................
5)............................................. 6)............................................. 7)............................................. 8).............................................
M. HE MISSES MUM’S MAGIC LAUNDRY BASKET „When Lydia and I bought our house, we were really excited. It wasn‟t until we moved in that I (0) __________ (real) that little jobs, like laundry, were a big part of (1) __________(life) together, too. At home, I‟d stick my dirty clothes in a magic basket and they‟d reappear clean. But, even though my mum did most of the housework, I always knew Lydia and I would share. „We both have (2) __________ (strong) and weaknesses. I deal with the bills because I‟m a financial (3) __________ (advise). I like (4)__________ (iron), and I also tidy up most evenings because I get home from work first. Admittedly, I leave towels lying around, but she eats raisins out of the cereal box and drops them on the floor!
„Decorating has been the main source of (5) __________(disagree). Lydia was so determined to paint the bedroom and lounge pink, I buckled under the (6)__________ (press). We normally compromise, but I‟ve developed a tactic for getting what I want: I‟ll suggest something and, if she (7)__________ (agree), I sigh and go quiet for weeks. (8)__________ (event), she‟ll come round to my way of thinking, but she‟ll present it as her idea so she feels more in control. „That‟s what happened when she wanted a fancy mirror in the lounge and I wanted a fan. After three weeks of me (9)__________ (ignore) the issue, she suggested a fan. I did the same with the bathroom. I wanted mosaics, she wanted flowery tiles. (10)__________ (lucky), I won. I think the pink bedroom is enough of a compromise.‟ 0) ……………realised……………. 6)...................................................... 1)...................................................... 7)...................................................... 2)...................................................... 8)...................................................... 3)...................................................... 9)...................................................... 4)...................................................... 10) ………………………………… 5)......................................................
1. advise - tanácsol
advisable - tanácsos, ajánlatos inadvisable - nem tanácsos advisory - tanácsadó
2. analyse - elemez
analytic - analitikus, elemző
3. --4.
approve - elfogad, jóváhagy, helyesel disapprove - helytelenít
5. assist - segít, támogat
anxious - aggódó, szorongó approving - helyeslő, jóváhagyó, elfogadó disapproving - helytelenítő, rosszalló ---
believe - hisz disbelieve - nem hisz
believable - hihető unbelievable - hihetetlen
bleed - vérzik
bloody - véres
choose - választ
choosy - válogatós
9. communicate - közöl, kommunikál 10. conclude - következtet; befejez 11. confirm - megerősít, igazol, bizonyít
communicative - beszédes, kommunikatív, közlékeny uncommunicative - zárkózott communicable - közölhető; fertőző conclusive - meggyőző, bizonyító erejű; végső inconclusive - nem meggyőző; hatástalan confirmed - megrögzött, meggyőződéses unconfirmed - meg nem erősített; határozatlan contradictory - ellentmondó, ellentétes, ellenkező
NOUN adviser / advisor - tanácsadó (személy) advice - tanács analysis - elemzés analyst - elemző (személy) anxiety - szorongás, aggodalom approval - helyeslés, jóváhagyás disapproval - helytelenítés, rosszallás assistant - asszisztens, segítő assistance - segítség, támogatás believer - hívő (személy) non-believer - hitetlen (személy) belief - hit disbelief - hitetlenség blood - vér bleeding - vérzés choice - választás, választék communication - közlés, kommunikáció conclusion - befejezés, végeredmény; következtetés confirmation - megerősítés, alátámasztás; jóváhagyás; konfirmáció
contradiction - ellentmondás, ellentét, cáfolat 13. contribute - hozzájárul, contribution - hozzájárulás, contributive - hozzájáruló, elősegítő hozzáad, közreműködik, elősegít közreműködés, hozzászólás co-operator - együttműködő co-operative - együttműködő; 14. co-operate (személy) egyesült, egyesített együttműködik, szövetkezik co-operation - együttműködés, uncooperative - nem együttműködő szövetkezés critic(al) - kritikus, bíráló, kritizáló; critic - műbíráló, kritikus (személy) 15. criticise/ize - kritizál, bírál válságos criticism - bírálat, kritika uncritical - kritikátlan, nem kritikus 16. deafen - megsüketít, deaf - süket deafness - süketség megsüketül; hangszigetel deafening - süketítő demonstrable - kimutatható, demonstration - szemléltetés, 17. demonstrate - bemutat, bizonyítható bemutatás, kimutatás; tüntetés demonstrál, szemléltet; tüntet demonstrative - szemléltető, demonstrator - magyarázó kifejező, meggyőző; tüntető (személy); tüntető (személy) deniable - tagadható, cáfolhaó denial - tagadás, kétségbevonás, 18. deny - tagad, cáfol undeniable - tagadhatatlan, cáfolat vitathatatlan 12. contradict - ellentmond
19. deepen - mélyít, mélyül
deep - mély
depth - mélység
20. destruct - megsemmisít, elpusztít, lerombol
destructible - elpusztítható, lerombolható indestructible - elpusztíthatatlan
destruction - megsemmisítés, elpusztítás, (le)rombolás
21. fail - elbukik, megbukik,
failing - gyengülő
failure - elbukás, sikertelenség
nem sikerül 22. fly - repül
flying - repülő
23. grow - nő, termel
growing - növekedő
24. heighten - magasít
high - magas
25. include - tartalmaz, belevesz, belefoglal
inclusive - átfogó, beleszámított, beleértett insistent - ragaszkodó, állhatatos, kitartó integrating - integráló, egyesítő integral - elválaszthatatlan, szerves, lényeges instructive - tanulságos, oktató jellegű
26. insist - ragaszkodik, kitart 27. integrate - integrál, egyesít 28. instruct - utasít, oktat
flier/flyer - szórólap flight - repülőjárat fly - légy grower - termelő, kertész growth - növekedés height(s) - magasság inclusion – beleértés, belefoglalás, insistence - ragaszkodás, kitartás integration – integráció, egyesítés instruction - instrukció, utasítás instructor - oktató
29. lengthen - meghosszabbít, megnyújt, hosszabbodik, megnyúlik
long - hosszú lengthy - hosszadalmas, terjedelmes
30. ---
optimistic - optimista, derűlátó
31. perform - előad
performing - előadó
32. ---
pessimistic - pesszimista, borúlátó
34. please - örömöt szerez, tetszik vkinek displease - bosszant, nem tetszik vkinek
pleasant – kellemes unpleasant - kellemetlen pleasing - kellemes, tetszetős, tetsző pleased - elégedett
pleasure – öröm, élvezet displeasure – nemtetszés, neheztelés
34. predict - megjósol, előre megmond
predictable - megjósolható, kiszámítható, előre látható unpredictable - kiszámíthatatlan, előreláthatatlan, megjósolhatatlan
prediction - előrejelzés, jóslás, jövendölés predictability - előreláthatóság, kiszámíthatóság unpredictability kiszámíthatatlanság
35. refuse – visszautasít, elutasít, megtagad
length - hosszúság optimist - optimista (személy) optimism - optimizmus, derűlátás performer - előadó (személy) performance - előadás pessimist - pesszimista (személy) pessimism - pesszimizmus, borúlátás
refusal – visszautasítás, elutasítás
36. relieve - enyhít, könnyít
relieved - megkönnyebbült unrelieved – nem megkönnyebbült
37. rely - számít, támaszkodik vkire, megbízik vkiben
reliable - megbízható unreliable - megbízhatatlan
38. shorten - (meg)rövidít, (meg)rövidül
short - rövid; alacsony
39. strengthen - (meg)erősít, (meg)erősödik
strong - erős
srtrength - erő
40. suit - illeszt, illeszkedik, alkalmazkodik
suitable - megfelelő, alkalmas, illő unsuitable - nem megfelelő, alkalmatlan
suitability - alkalmasság, rátermettség unsuitability - alkalmatlanság survivor - túlélő (személy) survival - túlélés, életben maradás
41. survive - túlél, életben marad 42. widen - szélesít, tágít, szélesedik, tágul 43. define - meghatároz, definiál
surviving - túlélő
relief - megkönnyebbülés reliability - megbízhatóság unreliability - megbízhatatlanság reliance - bizalom, vkire támaszkodás, hagyatkozás shorts - rövidnadrág shortage - hiány shortness - rövidség, hiány, elégtelenség
wide – széles, tág
width - szélesség
defined - meghatározott undefined - meghatározatlan indefinable - meghatározhatatlan definitve - végleges, döntő definite - (meg)határozott, egyértelmű
definition - definíció, meghatározás
indefinite - (meg)határozatlan, korlátlan, bizonytalan economic - (köz)gazdasági uneconomic - nem gazdasági, 44. economize gazdasági törvényekkel ellenkező; takarékoskodik, spórol; nem jövedelmező gazdálkodik economical - gazdaságos, takarékos uneconomical - gazdaságtalan, nem kifizetődő, nem takarékos identified - azonosított, meghatározott 45. identify - azonosít, unidentified - azonosítatlan felismer identifiable - azonosítható unidentifiable - azonosíthatatlan identical - azonos, egyforma illustrated - illusztrált, ábrázolt, 46. illustrate - ábrázol, szemléltetett szemléltet, illusztrál illustrative - szemléltető, illusztratív imaginable - elképzelhető unimaginable - elképzelhetetlen imaginative - ötletes, fantáziadús, 47. imagine - (el)képzel képzeletgazdag unimaginative - fantáziátlan, ötlettelen impressed - lenyűgözött, meghatott unimpressed - nem meghatott, hatás nélkül maradt impressive - hatásos, lenyűgöző, 48. impress - hat, hatással van, megkapó, jó benyomást keltő lenyűgöz, jó benyomást kelt unimpressive - érdektelen, hatástalan impressionable - befoloyásolható, érzékeny live - élő, valóságos 49. live - él lively - élénk, eleven, lendületes living - élő, eleven 50. propose - javasol, ajánl, indítványoz; megkéri vki kezét
51. ---
52. vary - változik, változtat, módosít
2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
proposed - javasolt, ajánlott real - valódi, valóságos, igazi unreal - valótlan, valószerűtlen, irreális realistic - realisztikus, valószerű, élethű, gyakorlatias various – számos, különféle, több varied – változatos, sokféle variable - változékony, variálható, változtatható invariable - megváltoztathatatlan, változatlan, állandó
economy - gazdaság economist - közgazdász economics - közgazdaságtan, gazdaságtudomány identity - azonosság, személyazonosság; egyformaság, megegyezőség identification - azonosítás, meghatározás illustration - illusztráció, szemléltetés, ábrázolás illustrator - illusztrátor imagination - képzelet, képzelőerő, fantázia
impression - benyomás, hatás
life - élet living - életmód, életforma livelihood - megélhetés proposer - ajánló, javaslattevő proposal - javaslat, ajánlat, indítvány; lánykérés proposition - javaslat, ajánlat; állítás, tétel reality - valóság realist - realista, gyakorlatias ember realism - realizmus variant - változat, variáns variation - eltérés, módosítás, variáció variability - változékonyság, változtathatóság
There was blood all over the floor after he cut himself shaving. She became more and more anxious as time went by. She looked at him in disbelief when he told her the terrible news. We have still received no confirmation of our booking. He seemed very reluctant to take my advice . We can only catch criminals if we have the full cooperation of the general public. She gave me a very disapproving look when she saw that I wasn‟t wearing the correct uniform. In conclusion I would like to thank everybody who has helped to make the show such a success. She has made an invaluable contribution to our efforts. The shop assistant(s) seemed to spend most of the time talking rather than attending to customers.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
They keep making contradictory statements so we don‟t really know what they‟re going to do. He‟s normally very uncommunicative so you‟ll be lucky if you get any information out of him. He left me with no choice but to disqualify him. With her analytic mind she was able to work out the best way to get everybody to the meeting on time. How dare she criticise us when she sits around doing nothing all day! The mystery deepened as yet another body was discovered. Everywhere you could see evidence of the destroying force of the enemy bombs. He was most insistent that we should bring warm clothes. Because of her failing eyesight she‟s unable to paint any more pictures. That is supposed to be the inclusive price but you always seem to end up paying extra for something. We hope to see more integrated schools where children of different races can get used to working together. Two of the instructors showed us how to do a hip throw. The groth in population has led to problems in providing services such as housing and hospitals. I can‟t stand heights so I didn‟t go to the top of the tower with the others. Our flight was delayed due to technical problems. Every evening you hear the deafening noise of motor-cycles revving up in the town square. One of the demonstrators sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move. It is an undeniable fact that children watch too much TV. It was an extremely unpleasant experience, which I never want to go through again. The table is two metres in length. The weather is so unpredictable that I don‟t know if I should take an umbrella or sun-tan lotion. What a relief it is to be able to put your feet up! The telephone service was very unreliable and we spent hours trying to make a single call. The sea defences need to be stregnthen before the winter to reduce the risk of flooding. There‟s a shortness of highly skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the work done. She‟s not really suitable for this job as she hasn‟t had the right sort of training. As her only surviving relative, he expects to inherit all her money. If they widen the road, that will mean more traffic and maybe more pedestrians being knocked over. His refusal to sponsor the event came as a great shock. I wish I shared his optimism, but I really don‟t think this will work. I could only get tickets for the afternoon performance. They‟re very pessimistic about our chances of success. Some of the definitions in this dictionary are more difficult to understand than the word they‟re explaining. He‟ll be away for an indefinite period. We have to economize on electricity so make sure you switch off all the lights when you leave. All the leading economists say that this country is heading for a recession. We‟re identical twins so people have great difficulty telling us appart. You‟ll need some form of identification if you want to draw money out of your account. This is just an illustration of the kind of thing that could happen if you don‟t wear a seatbelt. The judges were especially impressed by the imaginative use of light and shade in the painting. I was not very impressed by his so-called comedy act. She is at a very impressionable age so we must make sure that she goes around with the right sort of people. It was supposed to be a live performance but you could see she was miming. (life) I consider him to be one of our greatest living poets. (life) This is a site of the proposed extension to the motorway. (propose) After my holiday I had to get back to the reality of the daily office routine. (real) Amber is a reliable girl. Maria has difficulties in understanding the topic. This chair is so uncomfortable. I‟ll buy a new chair. Melissa looks unhappy. I think she has problems. I need to reread this story. Mrs. Kaila is an engineer. She is very successful. All the people are afraid of natural disasters. Sarah is must be very lucky. She is very healthy despite the accident. This man is doing something illegal. I feel something invisible. Could it be real? Please wear something fashionable. These clothes are so old. “Black mamba” is the most poisonous snake in the world. It‟s hazardous. Playing with toys is enjoyable for kids. I won‟t go on this argument.
EXERCISES OF PREVIOUS FINAL EXAMS 3) A 1) staying 2) useful 3) daily
4) sunny 5) careful 6) protection
7) frequently 8) covered 9) hidden
B 1) death 2) famous 3) visited
4) pleasant/pleasing 5) suggestions 6) certain
7) expression 8) probably 9) colourful
C 1) colourful 2) workers 3) driver
4) smile 5) cheerful 6) favourite
7) owner 8) surprised 9) visitors
D 1) discovery 2) probably
3) workers 4) religious
5) exciting 6) exactly
7) written
E 1) favourite 2) interesting 3) unusual
4) actor 5) various 6) building
7) officially 8) expression 9) eighth
10) support
F 1) clearly 2) independence 3) local
4) hunters 5) decision 6) hundreds
7) another 8) unfortunately 9) lover
G 1) ensure 2) apparently 3) crossing
4) absolutely 5) careful 6) relatives
7) definitely 8) beliefs 9) unlucky
H 1) transport(ation) 2) unnatural 3) polution
4) previously 5) residential 6) manager
7) consumption 8) electricity 9) automaticaly
I 1) talented 2) hard 3) selection
4) obviously 5) disliked 6) conclusion
7) participants 8) warmth 9) generousity
10) comparision
J 1) interested 2) fantastic
3) separated 4) transform
5) broadcast 6) inspiration
7) interactive 8) preferably
K 1) payment 2) prosecution
3) northern 4) death
5) calls 6) nearly
7) unclear 8) illegally
L 1) mysterious 2) scientists
3) creatures 4) known
5) activities 6) organism
7) possibility 8) legendary
M 1) living 2) strengths 3) advisor 4) ironing
5) disagreement 6) pressure 7) disagrees 8) eventually
9) ignoring 10) luckily
10) responsibility 11) hard