SYLLABUS FOR BAHASA INDONESIA Level: Basic Standard Competence: Upon the completion of this course, the students are expected to be able to perform Bahasa Indonesia used in daily life in wide range of topics and situations and its culture. Basic Competences Meeting
Topics Indonesian Alphabets and Sounds
Core Materials
Student is able to recognize Indonesian alphabets and sounds.
Student is able to: spell alphabets of Indonesian language correctly, pronounce vowels and consonants in Indonesian language correctly.
Student is able to understand greeting and introduction expressions in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: use greeting in bahasa Indonesia: selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, introduce her/him/themselves by using simple sentence (name, original, place).
Greeting and Introduction
Media Indicators
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W ,X,Y,Z. Vowels and consonants in Indonesian language
Cue cards & hand out lentera hal xxixxvi
Selamat pagi, selamat siang, selamat sore, selamat malam, sampai jumpa, sampai besok, sampai bertemu lagi. Kenalkan, nama saya … Saya/kami berasal dari … Saya/kami orang Indonesia. Saya/kami tinggal di …
List of greeting, introduction expressions, name of country in bahasa Indonesia.
Assignment and References Spelling
Practice Modul Bahasa Indonesia 1 Bab 1
Introducing Others
Student is able to comprehend in introducing others in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: introduce others (third singular person: dia), ask about name, professions, country of origin of someone else.
Things around us
Student is able to comprehend how to mention things around him or her.
Student is able to: ask and answer the name of the things around him/her, ask and answer the characteristics of the things, identify color and shapes of the things, express the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.
Student is able to comprehend to mention position in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: recognize vocabularies in showing position of object, identify verbs related to position, mention and describe position of object.
Siapa nama Anda? Anda berasal dari mana? Anda/dia tinggal dimana? Personal pronoun: saya, kami, kita, Anda, dia, kalian, mereka. Ini buku. Itu penghapus. Ini lemari. Ini apa?/Apa ini? Itu apa?/Apa itu? Ada dua buku di atas meja. Tas itu merah. Jam itu kotak. Ini tas saya. Ini pulpen Dani.
Di depan, di atas, di luar, dll. Tas itu di atas meja. Duduk, berdiri, berbaring, tidur, dll. Mobil di luar rumah. Kucing di bawah tempat tidur.
Visit Cilacs Managements Modul Bahasa Indonesia 1 Bab 2
Modul Bahasa Indonesia Bab 3
Pictures of things and public places
Student is able to comprehend numbers in bahasa Indonesia.
Number, Calculations, Time
Student is able to comprehend numbers, calculations, and time in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: recognize numbers in bahasa Indonesia, spell numbers in bahasa Indonesia, calculate number of things or people, recognize questions berapa make sentences using the word berapa, mention and express phone, home, car number and the size of things
Student is able to: recognize fractions, recognize calculation in bahasa Indonesia, recognize ordinal numbers, recognize times in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to comprehend time in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: express time in bahasa Indonesia, mention the name of the day, month, date, and
Picture of things
Name of the days, months, adverb of time
Ada dua pensil di atas meja. Saya punya dua kucing. Saya punya tiga bendera. Berapa nomor telepon Anda? Nomor telepon saya 08187654967.
Seperempat, Setengah, Dua ditambah empat Pertama Kesembilan Pukul satu Pukul setengah satu Pukul dua kurang seperempat. Pukul dua lewat dua puluh menit Nama-nama hari dan bulan. Saya/dia lahir pada tanggal .... Saya/dia berulang
tahun pada ...
year, Daily activities
Student is able to comprehend expressions for telling daily activities.
Student is able to: describe their daily activities, recognize verbs using prefix me- and ber-
9 -
Price shopping
Food and Drink
Student is able to comprehend price and shopping in bahasa Indonesi a.
Student is able to comprehend the name of Indonesian food and drink.
Student is able to: mention the price of things in Indonesian language, mention names of place for shopping, bargain in traditional market.
Students is able to: recognize and mention the name of Indonesian food and drink, recognize the taste of food and drink, mention the instrument related to food and
Saya bangun pukul 6. Saya/dia mandi dan sarapan/makan pagi. Saya berangkat ke kantor/sekolah/kampus pukul 7. Pagi/siang/sore/malam Dia bekerja dari jam...sampai jam.... Dia bekerja selama...jam
Pictures, cards
Harga tas ini Rp 100.000. Berapa harga ....? Mahal, murah, harga pas, dll. Boleh/bisa kurang? Warung, pasar, supermarket, pedagang kaki lima, dll
Pictures, cards
Ini nasi goreng. Bagaimana rasa kopi? Rasanya manis, pahit, asam, Rasanya enak/asin/manis/asam/p edas/dll.
Role play and practice
In a hotel
Negative Expressions
14 15 16
Student is able to comprehend the expressions used in hotel and related to hote.
Student is able to comprehend negative expression in bahasa Indonesia.
drink. Recognize the expressions of like and dislike.
Student is able to: recognize vocabulary related to hotel, toilet set, and bed set, ask for information, give information, make a hotel reservation. Student is able to: recognize sentences using bukan and tidak, make sentences using bukan and tidak. recognize verbs me-, di, and ber-, recall expressions of like and dislike
hotel, losmen, motel, wisma, penginapan Masih ada kamar kosong, Pak? Kami mau menginap tiga hari.
Pictures, cards, audio recording
Role play, listening to the dialog
Itu bukan kantor pos. Ini bukan buku saya. Saya tidak suka gudeg. Mereka tidak suka Matematika. Kata kerja me-, ber-, di-
Pictures of things and public places.
Review MID TEST Visit Pasar Beringharjo and traditional warung Location and Student is able to Student is able to: Transportation comprehend direction recognize vocabulary and location in related to direction and bahasa Indonesia. sign in bahasa Indonesia, ask direction or location of a place or public
timur, selatan, barat, utara, dll. di seberang, di pinggir, di dekat, dll. Dimana kantor pos? Kantor pos ada di seberang Bank BNI
place, give direction of a certain place or public place.
Student is able to comprehend expressions related to transportation.
Student is able to comprehend expressions used in telephoning.
Student is able to: recognize vocabulary related to transportation, reserve a taxi, ask about cost and price in public transportation, perform several conversations related to using public transportation. Student is able to: begin a call, check information, ask the caller to hold, ask the caller to leave a message, leave a message, end the call.
Di dekat toko ada mesin ATM Lampu merah, perempatan, jembatan, halte, jalur, dll lewat, lurus, jalan terus, belok kiri, dll dari kantor pos ke kantor kedutaan lewat mana? Dari kantor pos ke kedutaan lewat.... Selamat sore, mau kemana, Pak? Berapa ongkosnya? Berapa harga tiket pulang pergi dari Jakarta ke Perth?
Practice, role play
Practice, role play
Bisa pesan taksi? Saya mau beli tiket ke Solo.
Halo, bisa bicara dengan Andy? Selamat pagi dengan Cilacs UII ada yang bisa dibantu? Mohon tunggu sebentar. Ada pesan? Tolong sampaikan
Pictures, cards
20 Imperative Expressions
Student is able to comprehend imperative expressions in bahasa Indonesia.
Parts of Body
Student is able to comprehend parts of body in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to comprehend members of family in
bahwa Joni menelepon. Terimakasih, selamat siang.
Cultural activity Student is able to: Positive imperative (tolong, silakan, recognize words in verb+kan, mohon, imperative (positive & harap) and negative negative, (jangan, dilarang, tidak use imperative to ask boleh, dll) for someone to do Tolong ambilkan tisu! something, Tolong bawakan saya courtesy in Indonesia to roti! use imperative. Bukakan pintu itu! Silakan masuk! Harap tenang, ada tes Mohon datang tepat waktu! Dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan! Student is able to: Wajah, hidung, mulut, kaki, dll recognize the parts of body in bahasa Berambut keriting, Indonesia, bermata bulat, recognize the berbadan besar, dll. characteristics of body Kata kerja me-, di-, berby using adjectives, use the verbs me-, di-, and ber- in sentences. Student is able to: Ayah, ibu, nenek, adik, paman, sepupu, recognize vocabulary dll related to family
Modul Bahasa Indonesia 1 Bab 14
members in bahasa Indonesia, recognize and use conjunction (kata sambung) in bahasa Indonesia.
Ayah saya bermata bulat, berambut lurus, dan berhidung mancung.
Student is able to: recognize adjectives, synonym, and antonym in bahasa Indonesia, describe object, place, situation by using adjectives, express like and dislike by using adjectives.
tampan, cantik, indah, bagus, besar, kecil, besar >< kecil, tua >< muda, panjang >< pendek, Rumahnya besar dan bersih. Saya suka rumah ini karena besar dan bersih.
Student is able to: recognize the words to compare two or more objects, recognize degree of comparison, compare two or more objects by using adjectives.
A sama besar dengan B/ A sebesar B Borneo lebih luas daripada Jawa. Borneo lebih luas dibandingkan dengan Jawa. Borneo adalah pulau paling luas di Indonesia. Mahasiswa paling tinggi di kelas ini adalah Rudy.
bahasa Indonesia. -
Adjectives and Comparison
Student is able to comprehend basic adjectives in bahasa Indonesia.
Adjectives and Comparison
Student is able to comprehend adjectives and comparison in bahasa Indonesia.
Professions/job s and hobbies
Student is able comprehend
Student is able to: recognize the name of
Petani, penari, dokter, peneliti, guru,
Modul Bahasa Indonesia 1
professions, hobbies, and activities in bahasa Indonesia.
profession or job in bahasa Indonesia, describe activity related to job, recognize adverb of frequency, use adverb of frequency to describe hoby and activity.
Plan or future activities 27
Past events 28
Student is able to comprehend expressions of telling future activities in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: ask about plan and agenda, tell others about their future activities.
Student is able to comprehend expressions of telling past activities in bahasa Indonesia.
Student is able to: ask about past activities, tell others about their activities in the past.
konsultan, dll. Bertani, menari, memeriksa, meneliti, mengajar, dll Anda sedang apa? Dia sedang memeriksa pasien Jarang, kadang-kadang, sering, selalu Pernah, tidak pernah Apa hobi Anda? Hobi saya .... / Saya suka ... Saya selalu membaca buku selama tiga jam setiap hari Sedikit, banyak, kebanyakan Kebanyakan mahasiswa suka membaca buku. Apakah Anda punya acara/agenda pada sabtu malam? Saya akan pergi ke toko buku besok.
Apa yang Anda lakukan kemarin? Saya pergi ke Candi Borobudur kemarin.
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: Aspects
1. 2. 3. 4.
Kehadiran Tugas Mid test Final test
10% 25% 30% 35% Total
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