MSc in Mechanical Engineering Modelling, 2N-MW0 Thermal Engineering Specialization elective subject gépészmérnöki mesterszak, 2N-MG0 hőerőgépek és berendezések szakirány választható tantárgy
SUBJECT DATA SHEET AND REQUIREMENTS last modified: 5th December 2013
Semester Nr. or fall/spring
Contact hours/week (lect.+semin.+lab.)
Requirements p/e/s
2. Subject’s responsible: Name: Title: Dr. Balázs Czél Assistant Professor
Affiliation (Department): Dept. of Energy Engineering
3. Lecturer: Name: Dr. Balázs Czél
Affiliation (Department): Dept. of Energy Engineering
Title: Assistant Professor
4. Thematic background of the subject: The subject is based on the knowledge and skills of the undergraduate level Mathematics and Heat Transfer subjects. 5. Compulsory / suggested prerequisites: Compulsory: none Suggested: Heat Transfer (BMEGEENAEHK) 6. Main aims and objectives, learning outcomes of the subject: The aim of the subject is to provide a deeper understanding of heat conduction processes. The labs provide tools for solving complicated heat conduction problems by numerical methods.
7. Method of education: There are 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of computer laboratory every week. One homework assignment has to be completed by the end of the term-period. 8. Detailed thematic description of the subject (by topic, min. 800 character): Physical backgrounds, mechanism and models of heat conduction in solids; measurement of thermophysical properties; steady state and transient methods; numerical modeling of 1D and 2D heat conduction problems, inverse heat conduction problem. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Heat conduction review (heat diffusion equation, boundary conditions) What are thermophysical properties? Different heat conduction models Finite difference and control volume method for the solution of heat conduction problems 5. Measurement of the thermal conductivity 6. Measurement of the thermal diffusivity 7. Measurement of the specific heat capacity; direct determination of the temperature dependency of the properties 8. Inverse heat conduction problems 9. 2D steady-state heat conduction with contact boundary condition 10. Transient heat conduction with different boundary conditions (modeling the laser flash method) 11. Transient heat conduction with contact boundary condition 12. Transient heat conduction with temperature dependent thermophysical properties (modeling the BICOND method) 13. Homework consultation 14. Homework consultation 9. Requirements and grading a) in term-period - One homework has to be submitted by the end of the term-period graded above 50%. - Two tests, each graded above 50%. - The final score (FS) is calculated as the average of the percentage values of the homework and the two tests. The final grade is determined using the final score applying the following limits: 85% ≤ FS A (excellent) 72% ≤ FS < 85% B (good) 65% ≤ FS < 72% C (satisfactory) 50% ≤ FS < 65% D (pass) FS < 50% F (fail) b) in examination period. – none c) Disciplinary Measures Against the Application of Unauthorized Means at Mid-Terms, TermEnd Exams and Homework Supplement to 1/2013. (I. 30.) Dean’s Order (Codicil): The following students are subject to disciplinary measures. (a) Those students who apply unauthorized means (book, lecture notes, etc.), different from those listed in the course requirements and/or adopted by the lecturer in charge of the course assessment, in the written mid-term exams taken, and/or invite/accept any assistance of fellow students, with the exception of borrowing authorized means, will be disqualified from taking further mid-term exams in the very semester as a consequence of their action. Further to this, all of their results gained in the very semester will be void, can get no term-end signatures, and will have no access to Late Submission option. Final term-end results in courses with practical mark will automatically become Fail (1), the ones with exam requirements will be labelled Refused Admission to Exams.
(b) Those students whose homework verifiably proves to be of foreign extraction, or alternatively, evident results or work of a third party, are referred to as their own, will be disqualified from taking further assessment sessions in the very semester as a consequence of their action. Further to this, all of their results gained in the very semester will be void, can get no term-end signatures, and will have no access to Late Submission options. Final term-end results in courses with practical mark will automatically become Fail (1), ones with exam requirements will be labelled Refused Admission to Exams. (c) Those students who apply unauthorized means (books, lecture notes, etc.), different from those listed in the course requirements and/or adopted by the lecturer in charge of the course assessment, in the written term-end exams taken, and/or invite/accept any assistance of fellow students, with the exception of borrowing authorized means, will immediately be disqualified from taking the term-end exam any further as a consequence of their action, and will be inhibited with an automatic Fail (1) in the exam. No further options to sit for the same exam can be accessed in the very same exam period. (d) Those students who alter, or make an attempt to alter the already corrected, evaluated, and distributed test or exercise/problem, i.) as a consequence of their action, will be disqualified from further assessments in the respective semester. Further to this, all of their results gained in the very semester will be void, can get no term-end signatures, and will have no access to Late Submission options. Final termend results in courses with practical mark will automatically become Fail (1), the ones with exam requirements will be labelled Refused Admission to Exams; ii.) and will immediately be inhibited with an automatic Fail (1) in the exam. No further options to sit for the same exam can be accessed in the very same exam period.
10. Retake and repeat There is a retake for both tests in the examination period. Late submission of the homework is possible applying the general rules. 11. Consulting opportunities: Consultation hours: the general consultation hours of the lecturer are posted at at the beginning of each semester. 12. Reference literature (compulsory, recommended): Books recommended: - Maglic, K. D., Cezairliyan, A., Petelsky, V. E.: Compendium of Thermophysical Property Measurement Methods, Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. - Özisik, M. N.: Finite Difference Methods in Heat Transfer, CRC Press, 1994. Downloadable materials: or 13. Home study required to pass the subject: Contact hours
Home study for the courses
Home study for the mid-semester checks
Preparation of mid-semester homework
Home study of the allotted written notes
Home study for the exam
Totally: =30×3credits h/semester 14. The data sheet and the requirements are prepared by: Name: Dr. Balázs Czél
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation (Department): Dept. of Energy Engineering
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Gépészmérnöki Kar
gépészeti modellezés mesterszak, 2N-MW0 thermal engineering szakirány kötelezően választható tantárgy
Hőfizika Thermal Physics 1.
Tantárgy kódja GEENMWTP
Szemeszter 4
Követelmény 2+0+1 / f
Kredit 3
Nyelv angol
Tárgyfélév tavaszi
2. A tantárgy felelőse (személy és tanszék): Név: Dr. Czél Balázs
Beosztás: adjunktus
Tanszék: Energetikai Gépek és Rendsz.
Beosztás: adjunktus
Tanszék: Energetikai Gépek és Rendsz.
3. A tantárgy előadója: Név: Dr. Czél Balázs
4. A tantárgy az alábbi témakörök ismeretére épít: Az alapképzés során elsajátított ismeretek hőtani, továbbá matematikai (differenciálegyenletek) ismeretek. 5. Kötelező/ajánlott előtanulmányi rend: Kötelező előtanulmány: nincs Ajánlott előtanulmány: Műszaki hőtan II. (Heat transfer) (BMEGEENAEHK) 6. A tantárgy célkitűzése: A tárgy célja, hogy magasabb szintű ismereteket nyújtson az anyagok termikus viselkedésének megismerésével kapcsolatos tudományterületen. 7. A tantárgy részletes tematikája: Physical backgrounds, mechanism and models of heat conduction in solids; measurement of thermophysical properties; steady state and transient methods; numerical modeling of 1D and 2D heat conduction problems, inverse heat conduction problem. 1. Heat conduction review (heat diffusion equation, boundary conditions) 2. What are thermophysical properties? 3. Different heat conduction models 4. Finite difference and control volume method for the solution of heat conduction problems 5. Measurement of the thermal conductivity 6. Measurement of the thermal diffusivity 7. Measurement of the specific heat capacity; direct determination of the temperature dependency of the properties 8. Inverse heat conduction problems 9. 2D steady-state heat conduction with contact boundary condition 10. Transient heat conduction with different boundary conditions (modeling the laser flash method) 11. Transient heat conduction with contact boundary condition 12. Transient heat conduction with temperature dependent thermophysical properties (modeling the BICOND method) 13. Homework consultation 14. Homework consultation
8. A tantárgy oktatásának módja: Előadás és számítógépes laboratóriumi gyakorlat. 9. Követelmények a) A szorgalmi időszakban: 1. egy házi feladat elfogadható szinten (legalább 50%) és határidőre (szorgalmi időszak utolsó nap 12:00 óra) történő beadása; 2. két zárthelyi egyenkénti eredményes (legalább 50%-os) teljesítése. A félévközi érdemjegy a három számonkérés eredményének számtani átlaga alapján kerül meghatározásra, a következő ponthatárok szerint: 50% alatt: elégtelen(1); 50..65%: elégséges(2); 65..72,5%: közepes(3); 72,5..85%: jó(5); 85% felett: jeles(5) b) A vizsgaidőszakban: --c) Tantárgyi követelményeket tiltott eszközzel teljesíteni szándékozó hallgatók szankcionálása: A tantárgyi követelményeket tiltott eszközzel teljesíteni szándékozó hallgatókkal szemben az 1/2013. (I. 30.) dékáni utasítás rendelkezésinek értelemszerű alkalmazásával kell eljárni. 10. Pótlási lehetőségek A TVSZ előírásai szerint. 11. Konzultációs lehetőségek Előzetesen egyeztetett időpontban a gyakorlatvezetőnél és az előadónál. 12. Jegyzet, tankönyv, felhasználható irodalom: Környey T.: Termodinamika. Egyetemi jegyzet. Műegyetemi Kiadó Környey T.: Hőátvitel. Egyetemi jegyzet. Műegyetemi Kiadó Zeigler, Phillip: Theory of modelling and simulation, Academic Press, 2000. Maglic, K. D., Cezairliyan, A., Petelsky, V. E.: Compendium of Thermophysical Property Measurement Methods, Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. Özisik, M. N.: Finite Difference Methods in Heat Transfer, CRC Press, 1994. 13. A tantárgy elvégzéséhez szükséges tanulmányi munka: A tantárgyhoz tartozó tanulmányi munkaidő felosztása a tanórák, továbbá a házi feladatok és a zárthelyik között (a felkészülésre, ill. a kidolgozásra fordítandó/elvárható idő). kontakt óra
félévközi készülés az órákra
felkészülés zárthelyire
házi feladat elkészítése
kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása
14. A tantárgy tematikáját kidolgozta: Név: Dr. Czél Balázs
Beosztás: adjunktus
Tanszék: Energetikai Gépek és Rendsz.