• Pasar modal (capital market) merupakan pasar untuk berbagai instrumen keuangan jangka panjang yang bisa diperjualbelikan, baik surat utang (obligasi), ekuiti (saham), reksa dana, instrumen derivatif maupun instrumen lainnya. •
Undang-Undang Pasar Modal No. 8 tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal mendefinisikan pasar modal sebagai “kegiatan yang bersangkutan dengan Penawaran Umum dan perdagangan Efek, Perusahaan Publik yang Berkaitan dengan Efek yang diterbitkannya, serta lembaga dan profesi yang berkaitan dengan Efek”.
Trading Rules In Stock Market 1. Pilih industri dan saham yang sesuai dengan fundamental analisis
2. Fokus kepada beberapa saham saja…. 3. Perhatikan gerakan saham tersebut secara teknikal harian, mingguan 4. Membuat trading plan : a. Buat Planning atau target harga untuk beli… b. Buat target untuk cut loss, dan target untuk profit taking c. Disiplin dengan aturan yang sudah dibuat. d. Lakukan evaluasi terus menerus.
5. Jangan Ikut-ikutan pasar untuk beli saham yang tidak jelas fundamentalnya 6. Jangan melawan trend, apabila trend berubah cepat lakukan cut loss…badai tidak mengenal orang baik dan orang jahat.
Bagaimana Memilih Saham & Waktu yang Tepat Memilih Saham yang berpotensi memberikan Capital Gain : Pendekatan Fundamental – Quantitative : - Low P/E, Low Price/BV, Low Price/Cash Flow, Strong Cash Flow -
Low Debt/ Equity, Low Capex, Working Capital Need relative to cash flow Strong and preferably accelerating earnings growth Strong and preferably accelerating cash flow growth Excellent management Insider buying or stock buybacks Strong competitive advantages
- Strong competitive position - Strong Management - Strong Share Holder Support - Strong acquisition path - Strong innovation
STOCK MARKET TIMING Untuk menjadi investor yang sukses, harus mengetahui siklus dari saham ataupun Indek
Stage One
: Saham baru selesai melewati fase down trend yang panjang, harga mulai bergerak sideways, pembeli dan penjual sama kuat.
Stage Two
: Harga saham break down trend channel mulai memasuki up trend : tetapi pada posisi ini banyak investor yang masih enggan membeli saham ini, karena fundamental masih buruk dan outlook negatif.
Stage Three : Harga saham sudah naik cukup lama, berita-berita positif mulai keluar dipasar, investor pemula banyak yang masuk, investor besar mulai melakukan penjualan, pergerakan saham mulai sideways. Stage Four : Pada fase ini tidak banyak investor yang percaya harga sudah memasuki fase turun, fundamental masih bagus, dan investor masih suka saham ini.
Stage 2 is an uptrend that is characterized by a series of higher highs (HH) and higher lows (HL). Stage 4 is a downtrend that is characterized by a series of lower highs (LH) and lower lows (LL).
This creates a series of peaks and troughs on the chart that you can trade quite successfully.
Tipe Trader Saham : Position Trader This type of trader is looking to hold stocks for long periods of time. They buy stocks that are first breaking out of basing patterns into a stage two uptrend. This is likely where you will see institutions buying stocks. This buying pressure is what starts the uptrend. They are hoping that the next two groups of buyers will push the stock higher. Momentum Trader This type of trader buys stocks that are, well, showing momentum! They buy stocks right after a major move in a stock and hold for a short period of time. They are hopping on a board a fast moving stock looking to capture short term gains quickly. Swing Trader This is where you come in! You are trading the swings within the trend. Here is a chart that may help you to better see how everything unfolds…
Traders Action Zone On the chart above you can also see the traders action zone which is the area in between the 10 sma and 30 ema. This is where you, as a swing trader look for reversals back to the upside when going long and reversals to the downside when shorting stocks. Buy On Weakness & Selling Strength Buying weakness and selling strength is the art of buying pullbacks. Stocks that are in up trends will pull back offering a low risk buying opportunity and stocks that are in downtrends will rally offering a low risk shorting opportunity.
How to Get a Good Entry on a Stock For a swing point low, the first candle makes a low, the second candle makes a lower low, and the third candle makes a higher low. This third candle tells us that the sellers have gotten weak and the stock will likely reverse.
For a swing point high, the first candle makes a high, the second candle makes a higher high, and the third candle makes a lower high. This third candle tells us that the buyers have gotten weak and the stock will likely reverse.
Grafik sektor agriculture
Grafik sektor Basic Industri
Grafik sektor Consumer Good
Grafik sektor Finance
Grafik sektor Infrastruktur
Grafik sektor Manufacture
Grafik sektor Mining
Grafik sektor Property
Sektor yang masih potensi naik : 1. IHSG 2. Basic Industries (INTP, SMGR, SMCB, CPIN, INKP, JPFA) 3. Consumer Good (MYOR, INDF, KLBF) 4. Finance (BBCA, BBNI, BBKP, BMRI ) 5. Manufacture