Yogyakarta, Februari 2017
PERPUSTAKAAN Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
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1) mengakses jurnal 2) memilih data base 3) menyeleksi jurnal yang relevan dan menilai jurnal dari "rating" dan sitasi 4) mencari artikel sejenis dari artikel yang dianggap relevan 5) latihan memilih jurnal/artikel dalam jurnal
JURNAL Jurnal adalah terbitan berkala yang dipublikasikan, yang melalui proses telaah dan penilaian dari mitra bestari, yang menunjukkan kecendekiawanan pada disiplin ilmu tertentu. Jurnal merupakan forum untuk memperkenalkan dan mempresentasikan kajian mendalam atas penelitian baru dan kritis akan riset terdahulu. An academic or scholarly journal that is a peer-reviewed or refereed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research (Gary Blake; Robert W. Bly (1993). The Elements of Technical Writing. Macmillan Publishers. p. 113)
JURNAL E-journal: 1. Bisa diakses secara elektronik 2. Isi sama dengan edisi cetak 3. Melalui proses telaah. • Artikel dalam e-journal (dokumen) dalam bentuk koleksi digital teks penuh (full-text) dapat dicari berdasar subyek minat di antara ribuan koleksi dan penerbit yang berbeda dengan memanfaatkan search-engine yang tersedia.
Data base EBSCO adalah sebuah referensi online yang dapat diakses melalui Internet. EBSCO menawarkan variasi-variasi dari tulisan yang dapat dilihat secara full text maupun data-data yang disimpan oleh penyedia informasi proprietary (perangkat lunak berbayar)
Kredibilitas jurnal 1. Reputasi Journal 2. Visibilitas Jurnal dan Impact Factor title_list.xlsx - indeks scopus DemlHNHVVZWR1NjA/view?usp=sharing
INDEX SCOOPUS CiteScore : CiteScore mengukur kutipan rata yang diterima per dokumen yang dipublikasikan di serial. SCImago Journal Rank : langkah-langkah Ranking SCImago Journal tertimbang kutipan diterima oleh serial. Citation bobot tergantung pada bidang subjek dan prestise (SJR) dari serial mengutip. Source Normalized Impact per Paper : Sumber Dampak Normalisasi per tindakan Kertas kutipan yang sebenarnya diterima relatif terhadap kutipan diharapkan untuk bidang subjek serial ini.
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SMART Imagebase Basic Search Tutorial
Welcome to EBSCOhost’s SMART Imagebase Basic Search Tutorial. SMART Imagebase has a unique interface designed to help users easily access more than 20,000 full-color, quality health science images and animations for use in presentations, lectures, and more. In this tutorial, you will learn about using some of the features of the SMART Imagebase, including conducting basic searches and viewing and downloading images and animations.
We’ll begin by conducting a basic keyword search for images related to cancer. Type your keyword(s) into the Find field and click Search.
A Result List is displayed. Click an image to view it in detail. Note: By default, all types of available content will be included in your results. You may use the Type dropdown menu to limit your results to Medical Charts, Stock Illustrations, Animations, or Monographs.
Once you have selected an image, you may use the links on the screen to Share or Download the image. After logging in to your SMART Imagebase account, you may also Post a Comment about the image. Note: You can easily create a SMART Imagebase account by clicking the Create a personalized account link at the top of the home screen.
The More Like This panel displays images related to the one you are viewing. Click on an image to view it in detail. The Content Tools panel provides a brief description of the image and allows you to Magnify image, Cite this item, or Add to My Images. You may access your saved images at any time by clicking on the My Images link at the top right corner of the screen.
You can view an animation by clicking on a listing from the Results List. Just like images, you may use the displayed links to Download or Share these animations. Each image and animation has an unique Item ID. You can quickly find an image or animation by typing its ID number into the Find field and clicking Search.
You may also find images or animations by browsing through the SMART Imagebase collection. Browse through available content using the Search SMART Imagebase panel at the left of the screen. Select the Browse by Content, Body Systems/Regions, or Medical Specialties heading to display a list of subcategories you may navigate through. For example, you may choose to browse through a list of Animations by Title or content related to Pediatrics.
To download an image, click the Download link below the image . You may download images in three formats: JPEG, PDF or PDF with Custom Labels. These are all watermarked. Note: Due to copyright infringement rules, non-watermarked images, animations, or video files cannot be emailed. Digitally watermarked images may be emailed to friends, family, and associates. (
You may manage, Download, and Share all of your saved images by clicking on the MyImages link at the top right of the screen. Use the checkboxes next to the saved images to Share, Download, Move, or Delete multiple images at once.
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