SZUROMI SZABOLCS ANZELM DSc. O.Praem. Publikációs lista MTMT:
I. Adatok Összes megjelent nyomtatott publikáció: 470 Monográfiák és szakkönyvek: 23 Idegen nyelvű: 11 (ebből külföldön megjelent: 3) Magyar nyelvű: 12 Összes szakcikk: 243 Idegen nyelvű: 98 (ebből külföldön megjelent: 54) Magyar nyelvű: 147 Összes lexikoncikk: 82 Idegen nyelvű: 4 (ebből külföldön megjelent: 4) Magyar nyelvű: 78 Kötetszerkesztés: 6 Idegen nyelven: 6 Recenziók: 122 Idegen nyelvű: 30 (ebből külföldön megjelent: 8) Magyar nyelvű: 92 Elektronikus publikáció: 3 Idegen nyelvű: 1 Magyar nyelvű: 2 Kiadásra elfogadott (megjelenés alatt lévő) publikációk: 68 Monográfiák és szakkönyvek: 2 Idegen nyelvű: 1 (ebből külföldön megjelenő: 1) Magyar nyelvű: 1 Szakcikkek: 27 Idegen nyelvű: 16 (ebből külföldön megjelenő: 12) Magyar nyelvű: 11 Kiadásra elfogadott recenziók: 39 Idegen nyelvű: 16 Magyar nyelvű: 23
II. Kézikönyvek, monográfiák, gyűjteményes kötetek - A püspökökre vonatkozó egyházfegyelmi szabályok az Anselmi Collectio Canonumban (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae IV/1), Budapest 2000. - A temetésre vonatkozó egyházfegyelem a XII-XIII. században (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/4), Budapest 2002. - Egyházi intézménytörténet (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae I/4), Budapest 2003.
- Bevezetés a katolikus hit rendszerébe, Budapest 2004; 20072; 2008;3 2009;4 2010;5 2013.6 - Anselm of Lucca as a Canonist (A textual-critical overview on the ‘Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis’) [Adnotationes in Ius Canonicum], Frankfurt am Main 2006. - Parare viam Domino. Commemorative Studies on the occasion of Rt. Rev. Polikárp F. Zakar OCist.’s 75th Birthday (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/7), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2005. - Medieval Canon Law Collections and European ius commune (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/8), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2006. - A temetésre vonatkozó egyházfegyelem a XII-XIII. században, Budapest 2007. - Sacrae disciplinae leges. Commemorazione del 25° anniversario della promulgazione del nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/10), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2008. - Concordatary Law (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae I/6), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2008. - Törekvés a régi egyházi kánonok összegyűjtésére, mint a középkori egyetemes kánonjoggyűjtemények sajátossága (8-12. század) [Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/11], Budapest 2009. - Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Esztergom, 3 August – 8 August 2008 (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, C/14), edd. P. Erdő – Sz.A. Szuromi, Città del Vaticano 2010. - From a reading book to a structuralized canonical collection – The Textual Development of the Ivonian Work – (Aus Recht und Religion 14), Berlin 2010. - Medieval Canon Law – Sources and Theory – (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/12), Budapest 2009. - Szempontok a Katolikus Egyház jogrendjének működéséhez (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/13), Budapest 2010. - Egyházjogi metodológia (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae I/7), Budapest 2011. - Fejezetek az egyházi jogalkotás történetéből – források és intézmények – (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/15), Budapest 2011.
- Il quindicesimo anniversario dell’Istituto di Diritto Canonico “ad instar facultatis” dell Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter, a cura di Sz. Anzelm Szuromi, OPraem, Budapest 2011. - Az imádság (Pázmány Könyvek), Budapest 2014 [megjelenés alatt]. - Egy működő szakrális jogrend (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/16), Budapest 2013. - A tudományos módszer (Pázmány Könyvek 9), Budapest 2013. - * – FERENCZY R., Kérdések az állami egyházjog köréből (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/17), Budapest 2014. - The Testimony of Medieval Canonical Collections – Texts, Manuscripts, Institutions – (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/18), Budapest 2014. - ERDŐ P. - *, Egyházjog (Szent István Kézikönyvek 7), Budapest 2014.5 - Pre-Gratian Medieval Canonical Collections – Texts, Manuscripts, Concepts – (Aus Recht und Religion), Berlin 2014 (megjelenés alatt). III. Cikk 1. Idegen nyelven - Les trois premiers synodes de Esztergom et la discipline ecclesiastique en Hongrie au XIIe siècle, in Folia Theologica 12 (2001) 57-64. - Some observations concernig whether or not BAV Vat. lat. 1361 is a text from the Collection of Anselm of Lucca, in Ius Ecclesiae 13 (2001) 693-715. - Some Observations regarding the Sources of "Collectio Anselmi Lucensis, in Rivista Internazionale di diritto comune 10 (1999) 335-340. - The Character of Juridical Personality of Monastery as a Community of Persons up to the 13th Century, in Folia Theologica 11 (2000) 101-110. - The Rules concerning Bishops in the 'Anselmi Collectio Canonum' -Source and Discipline-, in Folia Canonica 3 (2000) 173-183. - La discipline concernant le lieu d'inhumation et la territorialité (XIIe-XIIIe siècles), in ERDŐ, P.-SZABÓ, P. (ed.), Territorialità e personalità nel diritto canonico ed ecclesiastico. Il diritto canonico di fronte al terzo millennio. Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Canonico e del XV Congresso Internazionale della Sicietà per il Diritto delle Chiese Orientali, Budapest, 2-7 settembre 2001, Budapest 2002. 813-817. - Some observations on the developing of the different versions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis (A Comparative Analysation of Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana S. Marco 499 with other manuscripts of Anselm's Collection), in Ius Ecclesiae 14 (2002) 425-449.
- On Preparation for Death in the 12th and 13th Centuries in Light of Contemporaneous Ecclesiastical Discipline, in Folia Theologica 13 (2002) 103-109. - Roman Law texts in the 'A', 'B', 'C' recensions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis and in BAV Vat. lat. 1361 (A Comparative overview on the influence of the roman law on different canon law collections up to the Decretum Gratiani), in DE LEÓN, E.-ÁLVAREZ DE LAS ASTURIAS, N. (ed.), La cultura giuridico-canonica medioevale premesse per un dialogo ecumenico, Milano 2003. 437-467. - Die patristische Wurzel der bischöflichen Kirchendisziplin in der “Collectio Anselmi Lucensis, in Rivista Internazionale di diritto comune 12 (2001) 249-264. - La discipline d'inhumation du XIIe et XIIIe siècle, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 13 (2002) 211-228. - The Development of the Clerical Orders prior to the Discipline of Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua (5th Century), in Folia Canonica 5 (2002) 95-105. - Some
observations on BAV Reg. lat. 325 as a witness of Anselm of Lucca's Collection, in Ius Ecclesiae 15 (2003) 799-810. - Comments to the Changes of Modern Era Relation of Church and State in Europe, in RAFFAI, K. (ed.), Placet experiri. Ünnepi tanulmányok Bánrévy Gábor 75. születésnapjára, Budapest 2004. 295-305. - The Rules concerning Bishops in the 74-title digest, in CONDORELLI, O. (ed.), „Panta rei” Studi dedicati a Manlio Bellomo, Roma 2004. 325-332. - A Turning Point in the History of the General Councils of the West in the 13th Century: A Critical Summary on the Importance of the Constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) According to its Theological, Canonical, and Historical Aspects, in Folia Theologica 14 (2003) 161-178. - Patristic texts in the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis (recension 'A') and their correspondence with the Decretum Gratiani, in Folia Canonica 7 (2004) 71-108. -The Rules concerning Bishops in an Early Gregorian Canonical Collection (Diuersorum patrum sententie siue Collectio in LXXIV titulos digesta), in Folia Theologica 16 (2005) 143152. - The Rules concerning Bishops in the 'Anselmi Collectio Canonum', in BELLOMO, M.CONDORELLI, O. (ed.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Catania, 30 July – 6 August 2000 (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, C/12), Città del Vaticano 2006. 519-528. - ‘Work in progress’ – The transformation of the cathedral teaching to the university instruction of the canon law at the end of the 11th Century, in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung Kanonistische Abteilung 91 (2005) 758-766.
- Rules concerning bishops in the Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae, especially the regulation of death of bishops, in Folia Theologica 15 (2004) 145-156. - The transformation of the cathedral teaching to the university instruction of the canon law in the 11th and 12th century, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Washington D.C., 2-7 August 2004 (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, C/13), Città del Vaticano 2008. 145-159. - Appunti sulla capacità giuridico di acquisto e di possesso dei membri degli IVCR, in Commentarium pro Religiosis et Missionariis 85 (2004) 299-307. - The Changes of Modern Era Relation of Church and State in Europe, in Folia Canonica 8 (2005) 65-77. - The Constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) according to its Theological, Canonical and Historical Aspects, in Rivista Internazionale di diritto comune 15 (2004) 185199. - Some observations on BAV Pal. lat. 587 compared with other textual-witness of Ivo’s works, in Szuromi, Sz.A. (ed.), Parare viam Domino. Commemorative Studies on the occasion of Rt. Rev. Polikárp F. Zakar OCist.’s 75th Birthday (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/7), Budapest 2005. 179203. - The Rules Concerning Bishops and Sacred Power in an Early Gregorian Canonical Collection (Diuersorum patrum sententie siue Collectio in LXXIV titulos digesta), in Folia Theologica 16 (2005) 143-152. - A 12th century pastoral pocket book (Some impressions on National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Adv. Ms. 18. 8. 6, as compared with Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royal MS 1817), in Medieval Canonical Sources and Collections up to the Decretum Gratiani (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/8), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2006. 65-96. - Anselm of Lucca as a Canonist. Critical Summary on Importance of the Collectio Anselmi Lucensis, in Medieval Canonical Sources and Collections up to the Decretum Gratiani (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/8), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2006. 47-64. - Les Synodes d'Esztergom et les collectiones canonique en Hongrie au XIIe siècle, in Medieval Canonical Sources and Collections up to the Decretum Gratiani (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/8), ed. Sz.A. Szuromi, Budapest 2006. 32-46. - The importance of the councils of Toledo of the 6th – 8th centuries in the Spanish and in the universal canonical discipline of the Church, in Folia Theologica 17 (2006) 227-237. - A snapshot from the process of the textual – development of Ivo’s works (Comparative analysis of Angers, Bibliothèque Municipal, Ms. 369 with BAV Reg. lat. 973 and other textual witnesses), in Ius Ecclesiae 18 (2006) 217-238.
- Anselm of Lucca as a Canonist. Critical summary on importance of the Collectio Anselmi Lucensis, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 16 (2005) 225-239. - Ivonian intention to collect the «ancient canons» together with new decretal materials, in The Jurist 67 (2007) 285-310. - Europe as a cultural concept, in “The ideological foundations of Europe: unity in diversity” http://www.ppke.hu/nonfkb/pdf - The Epoch of Crisis of the Classical Categories, in VIZI, E.S. – KUCSERA, T.G. (ed.), Europe in a World in Transformation (Conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 14th-16th December 2006), Budapest 2008. 165-171. - Some observations on the textual-development of the Tripartita (A Comparative Analysis of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 3858 with other Ivonian manuscripts, in Ius Ecclesiae 19 (2007) 369-384. - The BAV Pal. lat. 587 as a textual witness of the canonical work of Ivo of Chartres, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 17 (2006) 343-358. - Canon Law Handbook by Ivo of Chartres, in Folia Canonica 9 (2006) 93-116. - An ecclesiastical source which aims at promoting the Latin culture of the clergy in the early 11th century, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 18 (2007) 303-311. - Peculiarities of the conception of ’sacred power’ and its exercise between 1073 and 1303, in Folia Theologica 17 (2007) 261-270. - Development of the Clerical Duties and Rights Based on the 11th -12th centuries Canonical Collections, in Folia Canonica 10 (2007) 137-150. - The clarification of the different degrees of Holy Orders up to the 5th Century, in RAAD. E. (dir.), Systeme juridique canonique et rapports entre les ordonnancements juridique (XII Congrès International de Droit Canonique, 20-25 septembre 2004, Adma [Liban]), Beyrouth 2008. 711-725. - Concordats in the Middle Ages (between 1098 and 1418), in SZUROMI, SZ.A. (ed.), Concordatary Law (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae I/6), Budapest 2008. 27-40. - La riforma della vita dei canonici (La configurazione del diritto proprio dell’Ordine Premostratense e il nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico), in Angelicum 85 (2008) 1089-1099. - Some 12th century textual-witnesses of the family of the Ivonian Panormia (A Comparative Analysis of St. Petersburg, Rossiyskaya Nationalnaya Biblioteka Ermit. lat. 25 with BAV Barb. lat. 502 and other Ivonian manuscripts), in Ius Ecclesiae 20 (2008) 369-387. - Remarques concernant la nécessité de la promulgation de la loi ecclésiastique, in SZUROMI, SZ.A. (a cura di), Sacrae disciplinae leges. Commemorazione del 25° anniversario della
promulgazione del nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/10), Budapest 2008. 11-21. - La riforma della vita dei canonici (La configurazione del diritto proprio dell’Ordine Premostratense e il nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico), in SZUROMI, SZ.A. (a cura di), Sacrae disciplinae leges. Commemorazione del 25° anniversario della promulgazione del nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/10), Budapest 2008. 53-70. - The Canones apostolici as a common disciplinary source for the Eastern and Western Church, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 19 (2008) 269-279. - Anselm of Lucca as a Canonist. Critical summary on importance of the Collectio Anselmi Lucensis, in PINTO, V.E. (ed.), Iudex et Magister. Miscelánea en honor al Pbro. Nelson C. Dellaferrera, I. Buenos Aires 2008. 57-70. - Remarques concernant la nécessité de la promulgation de la loi ecclésiastique, in Periodica 98 (2009) 565-580. - Fulbert et Bonipert – Les relations entre deux évêques au XIe siècle, in ROUCHE, M. (dir.), Fulbert de Chartres. Précurseur de l’Europe médiévale? (Cultures et civilisations médiévales 43), Paris 2008. 55-62. - Authority and sacramentality in the Catholic Church (A Canonical-Theological Schema), in Folia Canonica 11 (2008) 77-95. - Outlines of the Medieval Concordatary Law between 1122 and 1418, in Folia Theologica 18 (2008) 303-314. - An important canonical bond in the ecumenical endeavor between the Eastern and Latin churches: the Canones apostolici, in Archiv für katolisches Kirchenrecht (2008) 3-14. - Some new observations on the textual development of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis, in Iustum Aequum Salutare V/2 (2009) 141-148. - Il passaggio da un’istituto ad un altro istituto di vita consacrata, in Commentarium pro religiosis et missionaris 90 (2009) 335-341. sources in the Medieval Canonical Collections (9th -12th centuries), in Angelicum 86 (2009) 921-929. - Biblical
- From a reading book to a crystallized canonical collection (Notes to the development of Ivo’s work based on Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipal Ms 222 [194] and Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 393 [455]), in Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado 20 (2009) 1-19. - Authority and sacramentality in the Catholic Church (A Canonical-Theological Schema), in ARRIETA, J.I. (a cura di), Jus divinum (XIII Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Canonico, 1721 settembre 2008, Venezia), Venezia 2010. 1143-1163.
- Some 12th century textual witnesses of the family of the Ivonian «Panormia», in ERDŐ, P. – SZUROMI, SZ.A. (ed.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Esztergom, 3 August – 8 August 2008 (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, C/14), Città del Vaticano 2010. 273-287. - Le particolarità dell’indagine previa nel processo penale canonico, in KOWAL, J. – LLOBELL, J. (a cura di), Iustitia et iudicium. Studi di diritto matrimoniale e processuale canonico in onore di Antonio Stankiewicz, Città del Vaticano 2010. 2135-2143. - Some 12th century textual witnesses of Ivo’s canonical work, in Studia Canonica 42 (2008) 347-365. - Rules concerning Bishops in the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 20 (2009). - Les sources et l’effet des deux premiers Synodes d’Esztergom (1100-1112), in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 21 (2010) 93-104. - An Outline of the History of Canonical Prescriptions Regarding Marriage in the Church, in Folia Theologica 20 (2009) 215-228. - La parrocchia e gli Istituti di vita consacrata e le Società di vita apostolica, nonché la presenza di alcuni movimenti spirituali, in Angelicum 89 (2012) 517-526. - Legal regulation of the religious sphere – Notes on the development of Church and State relations in Central and Eastern Europe, mirrored by the recent two decades, in Iustum Aequum Salutare VI (2010) 211-218. - Development of Church and State relations in Central and Eastern Europe, mirrored by the recent two decades, in Anuario de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado XXVII (2011) 601-610. - Some witnesses of the gradual crystallization process of the Ivonian textual families, in Ius Canonicum 50 (2010) 201-219. - Medieval canonical collections of the Norbertine Abbey of Weissenau in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg, in Analecta Premonstratensia 2011/1-4. 225-239. - Medieval Canon Law heritage of the Norbertine Abbey of Weissenau in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg, in Folia Canonica 12 (2009) 119-137. - The Parish and its possible relation to the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, as well as to the communities of Spiritual Movements, in Folia Canonica 1314 (2010-2011) 215-225. - An Outline of the Ecclesiastical Administration of Justice and Judicial Organization in the High Middle Ages, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 22 (2011) 279-292. - Le esequie ecclesiastiche a servizio della salvezza delle anime: annotazioni circa la disciplina delle esequie ecclesiatiche cattoliche, in Periodica 102 (2013) 55-65.
- Il diritto e i doveri propri del Capitolo dei canonici. Annotazioni sul cambiamento dei compiti in un istituzione antica della Chiesa, in Folia Theologica 20 (2010) 113-124. - Some Canonical Manuscripts in the Collection of the National Library of St. Petersburg, in Archiv für katolisches Kirchenrecht 179 (2010) 20-26. - Medieval Canonical Sources and Categories of Singular Administrative Acts, in WROCEŃSKI, J – STOKŁOSA, H. (ed.), La funzione amministrativa nell’ordinamento canonico. Administrative Function in Canon Law. Administacja w prawie kanonicznym (XIV Congresso internazionale di Diritto Canonico, Varsavia, 14-18 settembre 2011), Warszava 2012. 309324. - Legislazione civile – legislazione Canonica, in Il quindicesimo anniversario dell'Istituto di Diritto Canonico “ad instar facultatis” dell'Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter, a cura di Sz. A. Szuromi, Budapest 2011. 303-312. - Il quindicesimo anniversario dell'Istituto di Diritto Canonico “ad instar facultatis” dell'Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter, in Il quindicesimo anniversario dell'Istituto di Diritto Canonico “ad instar facultatis” dell'Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter, a cura di Sz. A. Szuromi, Budapest 2011. 5-7. - Medieval Canonical Sources and Categories of Singular Administrative Acts, in Folia Theologica 22 (2011) 109-127. - Il quindicesimo anniversario dell'Istituto di Diritto Canonico “ad instar facultatis” dell'Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter, in Folia Theologica 22 (2011) 177-181. - Legislazione civile – legislazione Canonica, in BERKVENS, L. – HALLEBEEK, J. – MARTYN, G. – NÈVE, P. (ed.), Recto ordine procedit magister. Liber amicorum E.C. Coppens (Iuris Scripta Historica XXVIII; Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium), Brussel 2012. 303-312. - The paleo-Christian characteristics of the Catholic priesthood and their effect on Medieval (9th-12th century) structures of priestly formation, in Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 467-478. - Some notes on the Councils of Toledo and the Church in “Hispania” (6th – 8th centuries), in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 23 (2012). - Medieval Canon Law Manuscripts in the National Library of St. Petersburg, I, in Archiv für katolisches Kirchenrecht 181 (2012) 91-106. - Some Notes on the Biblical Sources of the 11th – 12th centuries Medieval Canonical Collections, in Isteni bölcsesség – emberi tapasztalat (Szegedi Nemzetközi Biblikus Konferencia, 2011. szeptember 8-10), Szeged 2012. 321-331. - Biblical Texts and Medieval Ecclesiastical Discipline up to the Decretum Gratiani, in Folia Theologica et Canonica I (23/15) [2012] 139-149. - Saint Augustine – Charles Darwin – Gregor Mendel and the Modern Methodologies of Genetics (Jedlik Laboratories Research Report 1/2013), Budapest 2013.
- Canonical Manuscripts in the Collection of the National Library of St. Petersburg – An Overview through the Example of Erm. lat. 11, in GOERING, J. (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. Toronto, 5 August – 11 August 2012 (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, C/15), Città del Vaticano [megjelenés alatt]. - The BAV Reg. lat. 325 and the textual development of the ‘Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis’, in Annaeus 5 (2008) [megjelenés alatt]. - Exemplars of the Ecclesiastical Libraries at the dawn of the High Middle Ages in Europe – their Goals, Sources and Peculiarities, in FRÖLICH, I. (ed.), Libraries and Cultural Memories, Budapest [megjelenés alatt]. - Gradual Promotion as a Specific Form of Provision of Ecclesiastical Office, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II (24/16) [2013] 251-261. - The Tripartita as compared with “Tripartita”. Notes on the Firenze, Bibliotheca MediceaLaurentiana, Ashburnham 53 and St. Petersburg, Nationalnaya Biblioteka O. v. II. 4, in Archiv für katolisches Kirchenrecht 182 (2013) 6-25. - Two Exemplars from the instruction process of the Decretum Gratiani (Comparative observations on St. Petersburg F. v. II. 23 and Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College Ms. 283 [676]), in Studia Canonica 49 (2014) [megjelenés alatt]. - Canon Law Historical Background of Categories of the Canonical Singular Administrative Acts, in Studia Canonica (Festschrift in honor of Father Roland Jacques, OMI) 48 [2013] (megjelenés alatt). - Overview on the Canon Law Manuscripts of the Reconstructed Library of Saint Germaindes-Prés, in Archiv für katolisches Kirchenrecht 183 (2014) [megjelenés alatt]. - Obblighi e diritti dei membri degli istituti di vita consacrata e le società di vita apostolica, in Angelicum 90 (2013) 447-460. - Council of Vienne (1311-1312) and its effect on the disciplinary texts of the Medieval Canon Law Collections, in Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 25 (2014) [megjelenés alatt]. - Modifiche storiche e giuridiche della Chiesa nelle prescrizioni canoniche circa l’amministrazione del battesimo nel rito latino e la loro applicabilità nella nuova evangelizzazione, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II (24/16) [2013] 177-190. - Ecclesiastical concept on interest and usury in the canon law sources and literature up to the 13th century, in Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado (2014) [megjelenés alatt]. - La fondazione delle università nel medioevo e le particolarità dell’insegnamento universitario, in Folia Theologica et Canonica III (25/17) [2014] [megjelenés alatt]. - Peculiarities of the Decretum Burchardi Wormatiensis especially regarding the Discipline about Bishops and their Duties, in Revista Española de Derecho Canónico 71 (2014) 493506.
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- Magyar Katolikus Lexikon (főszerk. Diós I.), Budapest, XV (2010): - vezeklés; - világi hívők kötelességei és jogai; - világi intézmény; - visszaélés; - zsolozsma (5 szócikk) Idegen nyelven:
- Diccionario General de Derecho Canónico (ed. J. OTADUY – A. VIANA – J. SEDANO), Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona 2012: - Anselmo de Lucca (I 402-404); - Damasus Hungarus (II 879-880); - decisiones (II 894); - Collectio Herovalliana (IV 301-302) [4 szócikk]. V. Recenziók Magyar nyelven: - ANDRÉS, D., Szerzetesjog, Budapest 1999. in Teológia 33 (1999) 76-78. - ANDRÉS, D., Szerzetesjog, Budapest 1999. in Jogtudományi Közlöny 54 (1999) 277-278. - ANDRÉS, D., Szerzetesjog, Budapest 1999. in Kánonjog 1 (1999) 121-124. - ANDRÉS, D., Szerzetesjog, Budapest 1999. in Távlatok 44 (1999) 313-315. - ANDRÉS, D., Szerzetesjog, Budapest 1999. in Vigilia 10 (1999) 800. - BALOGH, E., Középkori bajor egyházi bíráskodás, Budapest 2000. in Kánonjog 2 (2000) 142-144. - BÓNIS, Gy., Szentszéki regeszták. Iratok az egyházi bíráskodás történetéhez a középkori Magyarországon, Budapest 1997. in Kánonjog 1 (1998) 124-125. - ERDŐ P., Az egyházjog forrásai, Budapest 1998. in Teológia 32 (1998) 74-76. - ERDŐ P., Az egyházjog forrásai, Budapest 1998. in Jogtudományi Közlöny 53 (1998) 216217. - ERDŐ P., Egyházjog a középkori Magyarországon, Budapest 2001. in Teológia 35 (2001) 88-90. - ERDÖ, P., Storia della scienza del diritto canonico, Roma 1999. in Teológia 34 (2000) 188189. - ERDÖ, P., Storia della scienza del diritto canonico, Roma 1999. in Kánonjog 2 (2000) 132134. - FERENCZY, R.-KÁLLAY, M., Egyházjogi alapismeretek, Budapest 2000. in Kánonjog 2 (2000) 140-142. - FÜLÖP, T.-RIHMER, Z., Magyar katolikus egyházjogi bibliográfia 1917-1998, Budapest 2000. in Teológia 34 (2000) 185-186. - GROCHOLEWSKI, Z., Tanulmányok az egyházi házasság- és perjogról, Budapest 2000. in Teológia 34 (2000) 186-187. - GROCHOLEWSKI, Z., Tanulmányok az egyházi házasság- és perjogról, Budapest 2000. in Kánonjog 2 (2000) 135-138. - JÁNOSI, M., Törvényalkotás a korai Árpád-korban, Szeged 1996. in Teológia 31 (1997) 7879. - KRÁNITZ, M.-SZOPKÓ, M., Teológiai kulcsfogalmak szótára, Budapest 2001. in Teológia 35 (2001) 94-95. - SCHANDA, B., Magyar állami egyházjog, Budapest 2000. in Kánonjog 2 (2000) 138-140. - SOLYMOSI, L., A veszprémi egyház 1515. évi zsinati határozatai, Budapest 1997. in Teológia 32 (1998) 78-79. TÖRÖK J., A tizenegyedik század magyar egyháztörténete, Budapest 2002. in Teológia 36 (2002) 227-228. - KRÁNITZ M., A II. Vatikáni Zsinat negyven év távlatából, Budapest 2002. Teológia 37 (2003) 73-74. - ERDŐ, P., Die Quellen des Kirchenrechts. Eine geschichtliche Einführung (Adnotationes in ius canonicum 23), Frankfurt am Main 2002. in Kánonjog 5 (2003) 114-116. - ERDŐ, P., Die Quellen des Kirchenrechts. Eine geschichtliche Einführung (Adnotationes in ius canonicum 23), Frankfurt am Main 2002. in Jogtörténet szemle 2 (2004) 66-67. - ERDŐ P., Hivatalok és közfunkciók az egyházban, Budapest 2003. in Kánonjog 5 (2003) 116117.
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- FRANKÓ T., A szent tudományok oktatására és kutatására szolgáló intézménytípusok, Budapest 2013, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul]. - ARTNER P., A kánoni büntetéseket megelőző fegyelmi intézkedések, Budapest 2013, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul]. - JUHÁSZ G., A krisztushívők egyenlősége és egyenlőtlensége filozófiai és jogteológiai szempontból, Budapest 2014, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul]. - SZOTYORY-NAGY Á., Házassági akadályok a bizánci akatolikus egyházak jogrendjében és alkalmazásuk a katolikus gyakorlatban, Budapest 2014, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul]. - KUMINETZ G., Egy tomista jog- és állambölcselet vázlata, Budapest 2013, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul]. - Quod iustum est aequum. Scritti in onore del Cardinale Zenon Grocholewski per il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio, Poznan 2013, in Folia Theologica et Canonica II 24/16 (2013) [angolul].