č. materiálu:
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Petr Kubík
3. r.
Datum vytvoření:
11. 1. 2014
Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyková výchova
Tematická oblast:
health and a healthy lifestyle
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně
Prezentaci lze využít při výkladu či procvičování maturitní otázky
metodické pokyny:
health & hygiene/healthy lifestyle. Student popíše průběh a sled událostí od objednání u lékaře, přes návštěvu v ordinaci, vyšetření až po vyzvednutí léků. Seznámí se se základními frázemi a konverzačními obraty na toto téma. Popíše zásady vedení
správného řivotního stylu a jeho zdravotní efekty.Vyslechne a porozumí audiovizuálnímu úkolu na téma: Health and ecology. Klíčová slova:
make an appointment, doctor, nurse, patient, surgery, pharmacy, treatment, advice, fitness centre, work-out
Druh učebního materiálu:
Pracovní list + textový dokument
At the doctor‘s Communication between a doctor/a nurse and a patient
I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr ... Rád/ráda bych se objednal/objednala k Dr.
Chtěl/chtěla bych vidět lékaře. I'd like to see a doctor.
Prosím, kde najdu lékaře? Please, where can I find a doctor?
Jaké jsou jeho ordinační hodiny prosím? What is his office hours please?
Do you have an appointment? Jste objednaný/objednaná?
Je to akutní? Is it urgent? What medical insurance company do you have? U které zdravot.pojišťovny jste pojištěn? Máte kartu evropského zdravotního pojištění? Have you got a European Health Insurance card? The doctor's ready to see you now Lékař vás nyní prohlédne
How can I help you?
What seems to be the problem? What are the symptoms?
How long has it been troubling you? going on?
How long have you been feeling like this?
Show me, where the pain is. Have you had this pain before?
Vás trápí? (Jaký máte problém?) What appears/seems to be a problem? Máte
teplotu? Do you have a temperature? Kde
Vás to bolí? Where does it hurt?
I have a look? Mohu se podívat? Where does it hurt? Kde to bolí? I'm going to take your blood pressure, temperature, pulse ... Změřím vám krevní tlak, teplotu, puls etc. Open your mouth, please. Otevřete ústa,prosím Cough, please. Zakašlete, prosím. Svlékněte se do půl pasu, prosím. Strip to your waist, please.
Máte nějakou alergii? Are you allergic? Do you have any allergies?
Berete nějaké léky?
Are you on any medication?
Do you take any other
Do you want/need a sick note? Chcete/potřebuji neschopenku?
sort of
need to take a ... = Musíme vzít ... urine sample vzorek moči blood sample vzorek krve
going to give you an injection. Dám vám injekci. You're
going to need a few stiches, a splint, a plaster cast etc. Budete potřebovat pár stehů, dlahu, sádru ...
Předepíši vám nějaká antibiotika, kapky, tablety, syrup, léčivý roztok, mast, ...
I‘ll give you prescription antibiotics, syrup, healing
a for some drops, solution
herbal ointment. Berte/užívejte/ aplikujte ho/je třikrát denně. You will take/use/apply it/them three times a day.
Léky si vyzvedněte v lékárně. Collect the medicine at any pharmacy or chemist‘s.
Jak často/dlouho How often/how use/apply it/them?
ho/ je mám užívat? lon long should I take/
Berte jednu pilulku
po osmi hodinách.
Take one pill each three times a day after a meal.
eight hours/
Měl byste dobrat celé balení. You should finish/use up the whole packaging.
Až léky doberete, přijdete na kontrolu. You will come for a check-up after finishing taking the medicine.
Pokud se váš stav nezlepší, přijdete na kontrolu za ...dní.
If you don‘t feel better, you will come for a check-up within ... days.
Chci, aby vás vyšetřil specialista. I want you to see a specialist.
hereditary affluence
chronic respiratory disorders degenerative injuries
circulation childhood
1. Where is the fitness centre? The city/state1.W 2. What‘s special about the work-out there? 3. What can you see on the screen during working out? 4. What device makes it possible? 5. What can the fitness gain in return? 6. What‘s needed to win the award?
The solution: 1. Montreal, Canada; 2. when you work out, you produce power; 3. the heartbeat, speed, distance, calorie burnt; 4. wireless communication system; 5. outfit and equipment, 6. a certain number of points
A healthy lifestyle
We should ....... breakfast and ....... regularly about five meals a ........ We should ......... a reasonable weight and be ... a well- ............. diet. = vi...........s (fruit – kiwi, oranges, lemons, vegetables), pro........s, (meat, soya, beans, lentils, cheese, milk, eggs, cheese, fish; mi.........s (mineral water, salt, fish, fruit, vegetables), carbo..............s (rice, pasta, water, fruit), including fibre (vegetables, dark bread, almonds, rice, rolled oats unsaturated vegetable f.....s + anti..................s (Fe, Se, Cr, Cu, Zn) + w............ a well-balanced
the key: have, eat, day, have/keep, on, balanced, vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, antioxidants, water
types of food: home-made, conventional, organic, GM (geneticallymodified) unhealthy = junk/fast food it’s fried, sweet, or processed – include burgers, fish&chips, take-away chicken, hot dogs, pizza, crisps, coke, soft drinks, sweets If you work late, you can eat it or take it away on your way home, if you don’t like cooking, for young people it’s a cheap and fast alternative if you need to provide a group of people with some meal, it’s an easy way to do it. stale, gone off, rotten, sell-by date, alcohol, spirits processed a)ready-to-cook/made, b) frozen, c) tinned, d) packaged, e)smoked
healthy/wholesome - fresh, organic, fruit (kiwi, apple, lemon) + vegetables (broccoli, onion, lettuce, garlic..) wholemeal cereals, pastry (bread, rolls, buns..) dairy products + eggs [milk, yoghurt cheese, ..), pasta (spaghetti, lazagnes..), herbal teas, 100=% juices, lean and white meat, meat: pork, beef, veal, lamb, poultry, venison, fish&seafood
We shouldn‘t only be on a well-balanced diet, but we also should regularly ... a doctor for a check-up. We should .......... a lot of sport & exercise, but we should also ...enough time ... sleep and relax. We should ...... positive and optimistic. We should ......... a personal hygiene, keep yourself and your living ........ clean and tidy. The key: see/visit; do/take; have/get, to, be, do, place.
Použité zdroje a literatura: obrázky staženy z www.google.cz https://www.google.cz/search? Q= https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuzlcSGEVYJqdr8X9KYKfm2cXWvd8Tjq_-kg3-
elSJLbW3E8tBaA http://medicalstaffverification.com/2012/06/01/birmingham-nurse-accused-of-affair-with-teenage-patient/ http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-doctor-giving-child-injection-doctor-s-office-image28851272 http://www.drugfree.org/join-together/alcohol/doctors-often-don%E2%80%99t-ask-teen-patients-about-drinking http://stethoscopesource.com/ jgkxf5j62Zu3zJLssDHJDzlILSfXSvTHYwCebe8p7Bo& http://littlebeetle.net/did-you-know/do-you-know-what-to-do-if-the-child-is-afraid-of-doctors.htm
8O3rXHb3agchHK8D3WqQl-lvxBhk1zHYqHRVUhq0b6M& http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/domaci/45929-leky-na-nachlazeni-s-pseudoefedrinem-by-mohly-byt-jen-narecept/ http://uconnwelcomemat.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/why-be-a-doctor/