C*Hiry's SuHix*&ni rt SdfFeferp,lHeckfum fu Clsrg
rl& Herna$$dlts ir &frny Eugin*tu,
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$rbitsdhhdidlhlffikr t* t*o Rqniroelt for&c &rrt +f $*riam Srhn
I{rilA gTpT+r{r 06
sAcrttTy or tgITEns - usGtIS* D$p$rrs{gnT AFID*TTS UI{IYEN$ITY PAD*T{G
ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang pertukaran kepribadian tokoh utama dalam novel yang ditulis oleh Jefrey Eugynides yang berjudul Mtddlesex. Pembahan karakter tersebut berlangsung dengan melewati beberapa tahapan kepribadian. Akhirnya tokoh utama mendapat kepribadian sebagaimana yang diharapkan sesuai dengan keinginannya dalam kondisi hermaphrodzte. Sehubungan dengan analisa karakter, maka skripsi ini tepat sekali dibahas melalui analisa psikologi. Di dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis mengunakan teori "human psychic zone" (teori Kepribadian Manusia) dengan konsep analisa berkaitan dengan ketidaksadaran. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan salah satunya teori self defense mechanism yaitu sublimasi. Kedua teori tersebut disampaikan oleh Sigmund Freud. Dalam menganalisa novel ini, penulis menggunakan metode kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan data, selanjutnya penulis menganalisa data tersebut dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil akhir dari kedua metode di atas dijabarkan dengan metode deskriptif.
Setelah menganalisa novel ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dalam mendapatkan perubahan kepribadiannya, karakter utama harus melewati beberapa tahapan. Dalam setiap tahapan tersebut, aspek-aspek kepribadian yang terdiri dari id (keinginan instingtual), superego (norma sosial) dan juga ego (interaksi dengan lingkungannya) memainkan peranan penting. Selanjutnya pertahanan diri juga dilakukan tokoh utama sebagai perwujudan dari ego dalam menghadapi konflik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa di akhir cerita, tokoh utama berhasil melewati tahapan perubahan sehingga dia akhimya memilih kepribadian sesuai dengan keinginannya dalam h erm aphro d i t e.
Nana Stevani
1.1 The Background of the Research
is work that is
in words reflecting in daily life.
Abrams in his book the Mirror and the Lamp stated that literature is one of human
art. (10) It records human experiences, dreams and thoughts of human being. It also shows the psychological aspect of the human being in the story. As we know,
all human beings on this earth have their own habits. Moreover, in this life human being cannot face his life by his own ways. They need the other to fulfiII the needs
of his life. Relationship with each other will take an important part in this life. By the communication with the others, a human being can show their own habits and
personality. The bad communication from this people can make a bad impact to the human relationship.
The psychological conflict in the entire human being often reflected in the
other form of human creativities. Some of psychologicai aspect is reflected into
literary works. Through writing a literary work, an author can indicated all events
of social life, or people life and shows the experience or imagination of human life. Furtherrnore, literary work presents the reflection of human being in their
daily life. Some of psychological aspect is reflected in the literary works. Sometimes, the psychological conflict reflects in the form of novels, plays, and poets.
Nana Stevani 2
as popular
literary work also gets the impact. Today, novel becomes
the guide to understand the history and the author's community. Novel tells the readers about the history or an even that happened
in the past. It can be
historical event or reflection from the author life or his community. Even, author's experiences and all the psychological conflicts have been showing in his novel.
The author's conflict that reflects in novel becomes the main theme and the main data of the psychological developments from the characters. Mostly the character
in a novel is a representation from the author's life, experience or his community. Nevertheless, sometimes the author takes the social life in his community as the
main idea of his novel.
As a writer, Jeffrey Eugenides has done the same thing. He explains the I i
novel based on somebody's life experience in his community. The entire event in
his life
becomes the basic data
for his novel. Jeffrey Eugenides puts
psychological issues as the main theme for his novel especially Mrddlesex (2002).
Middlesex is a novel about the psychological conflict that happen in its main character, Calliope Stephanides. This novel is telling about hermaphrodite life, Calliope Stephanides from
baby girl becomes a young boy.
Middlesex tells about the life of a hermaphrodite, so the writer thinks that
psychological approach can help us to see the psychological problem
character in this novel. Psychological approach is one of the theories that can be used
analyze a literary work. Generally, psychology deals with behavior and
metal processes which are found in every human. In Critical Theory Today, Tyson
(11) stated that
psychoanalysis can help us better understanding about human
Nanu Stevani 3
behavior; and then
it must certainly be able to help us understand literary
which are about human behavior. (2006). Psychological approach established by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). The object of psychoanalysis actually can be the psychoanalysis of the author or a particular interesting character. In this research,
the writer analyzes one of the characters in the novel Middlesex, namely Calliope Stephanides. Because after reading
this novel, the writer assumes that
psychological problems is plays important role. Then, the writer uses one of self defense- mechanism theory that is sublimation for brings the attitudes to positive
way eventually. The writer also finds that this novel has never been analyzes by the former student of English Department. Based on the explanation above, the writer analyzes the novel by using the
psychological approach
Sigmund Freud and explains about
unconsciousness and the mechanism of the id, ego and superego. Then, use one
self defense-mechanism theory that is sublimation that working in the character
Calliope Stephanides. The writer also wants to explain about hermaphrodite that happened in Calliope's life because of the imbalance between Calliope's id, ego
and superego until have sublimation eventually. Therefore, the research title is
Calliope's Sublimation;
A Self Defense-Mechanism in Coping
Hermaphrodite in Jeffrey Euginides' M idd
1.2 Identification of the Problem
The research focuses on the analysis of sublimation: a self
mechanism behavior as a hermaphrodite that is reflected tn Middlesex by Jeffrey
Nana Stevuni 45
analyzing calliope's sublimation
Euginides' Middlesex; I
conclude that this novel described about psychological conflict
of the main
character, Calliope Stephanides. The important issue in this novel is about the self defense mechanism that is presented by Jeffrey Eugenides.
I get a full description
of sublimation; a self defense mechanism that is presented by Jeffrey Eugenides in
his novel Middlesex. There are several phase of Calliope's which employed by character who has unconscious conflict between id, ego and superego, Made
Calliope's character got a psychological problem in himself since he diagnosed
a hermaphrodite.
Firstly, she was born as a baby girl until she entered adolescence.
reaLized something weird happened within her body. She was diagnosed as a
Nana Stevani 46
hermaphrodite. Cal wanted himself to be a man but her superego, in this case was
her family insisted her to keep her identity as a girl. In fact, she still insisted herself to be a man. Secondly is the negotiation between Cal's id and superego in realizing his
clinic to get solution his problem as a
there, the doctor checks again her body; calliope
hermaphrodite that has two genders. For that, Cal follows therapy in order to get
information about solution for her condition. Then, the doctor gave injection hormone testosterone to Cal. But unconsciously, he wanted to be a man. Cal,s id
won against superego because
wanted to be a man but unconsciously he tried
to find Obscure Object that still has desire to her.
Thirdly is the full realization of Cal desire. When Cal runs away from his house, he meets a girl who gives him passionate. Cal tends to get nervous sees the
girl. Cal always tried to fulfill his desire to her. He wanted to accomplish his id. It means that, Cal wanted to be a man. The imbalance
of id and superego can be
observed when Cal finally won her id. She changed into. a man and decided to be a
writer. That phase was concluded as sublimation. Finally her family accepts him as his new
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