CERUCUK Volume 1 No. 1 2017 (21-30)
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ABSTRAK Jl. Ahmad Yani km 40 diselidiki untuk menentukan tingkat pelayanan jalan, serta prediksi yang dibuat dalam rangka untuk menentukan tingkat layanan jalan dalam model future.Three lalu lintas melalui model pendekatan Greenshields, Greenberg dan Underwood yang dipilih untuk menjadi pedoman untuk mendapatkan Tingkat pelayanan pada ruas jalan. Persamaan model untuk aliran Banjarbaru- Martapurais Greenshield, volume maksimum sebesar 2480,8 smp / jam kecepatan dan jumlah 25,64 km / jam dan kepadatan 96,75 smp / km, sedangkan untuk Banjarbaru Martapura- saat ini diperoleh dengan model Underwood, yang volume maksimum sebesar 2634,4 smp / jam dengan kecepatan besar dari 26 344 km / jam dan kepadatan 100 smp / km. Berdasarkan dua model ini, tingkat layanan Banjarbaru-Martapura adalah C dan Martapura- Banjarbaru adalah C. Kemudian dihitung kondisi tingkat yang ada layanan F (DS> 1,00). Setelah selesai pengalihan lalu lintas untuk semua kendaraan berat dan kendaraan ringan sebagian sebagai pengobatan alternatif. Pemberian alternatif ini, tingkat indeks pelayanan berubah menjadi C (DS <0,8). Kata kunci: metode Greenshield, metode Greenberg, metode Underwood, Prediksi, dan Solusi. ABSTRACT Jl. Ahmad Yani km 40 investigated in order to determine the the level of service of the roads , as well as predictions made in order to determine the level of service of roads in the future.Three models of traffic through the model approach Greenshields, Greenberg and Underwood selected to serve as guidelines to get the Level of service on a road section. The model equations for the flow Banjarbaru- Martapurais Greenshield , maximum volume amounted to 2480.8 smp / clock speed and the amount of 25.64 km / hour and the density of 96.75 smp / km, while for the current Banjarbaru Martapura- obtained with models Underwood, the maximum volume amounted to 2634.4 smp / clock with massive speed of 26 344 km / hour and a density of 100 smp / Km. Based on these two models, the level of service of Banjarbaru-Martapura is C and Martapura- Banjarbaru is C. Then calculated the condition of the existing level of service is F (DS> 1.00). Once that is done traffic diversion for all heavy vehicles and light vehicles
CERUCUK,Volume 1 No. 1 2017
partly as an alternative treatment. Administering these alternatives, the index level of service changed to C (DS <0.8). Keywords :Greenshield methods, Greenberg methods, Underwood methods, Prediction, and Solutions.
1. INTRODUCTION The transport system is one component that is integral with other components such as social activities, economic, cultural, demographic and land-use patterns that make up the city sebgai system. Traffic density one of which is caused by the increased volume of vehicles each year that is not followed by the addition of a display roads and increase road capacity long. In this case, the necessary traffic management are planned and directed, so that the solution at one point of conflict would not cause a conflict on the other points. To perform traffic management in a comprehensive, integrated and well-planned, first need to know the behavior of traffic flow characteristics, such as karkteristik volume, speed and density, and also required the knowledge of how to model the relationship between the characteristics of the traffic flow. One approach to understanding these behaviors is to translate it in the form of mathematical relationships and graphics. The highway is considered necessary for analysis is the flow of traffic around the road A. Yani km 40, Martapura which is one of the main streets in the city Martapura which serves besides as an entrance-exit Martapura town, where the road was also one the activity center in Martapura that is the shopping, entertainment and recreation. The purpose of writing skipsi as for the purpose of this is to get the performance of roads with a model Greenshields, Greenberg and Underwood, predict the performance segment Jl. A. Yani km 40, Martapura, as well as alternatives to overcome the density Getting on the road section A Yani km. 40, Martapura.
Performance Analysis of Traffic … Cathleen Ariela
2. METHOD Time and Object Research The location is looked at is traffic flow on Jl. A. Yani km 40, Martapura, research location is not affected by the U-turn and deviation, this study discusses the analysis of traffic flowlitas which occurred on Jl. A. Yani km 40, the analysis carried out in 2016, the study represented only a one day 12 hours starting from 06.30 pm -18.30 pm, the analysis of the characteristics of data traffic based on the method MKJI 1997, and the mathematical model used to analyze the relationship model between the characteristics of the traffic is Model Greenshield, Greenberg and Underwood. Preliminary survey Preliminary survey (pilot survey) is on a small-scale survey conducted prior to the primary data collection, with a view to check the location of the survey, determine the point of the survey to be taken and determine when the implementation of the primary survey nantiya. From the field observations will obtain particulars in fact, both on a strategic place to survey the traffic volume along with the placement of the drawing point speed at a specified distance also about the number of vehicles loaded traffic and its composition, as well as the speed to distances have been determined on the road segments are reviewed. For secondary data obtained by the study of literature or the results of similar studies and ask for data on the agency or agencies concerned. This data provides an overview of its research areas, such as geographical data, road network map, population, and other information related to the completeness of the study. Data collection The primary data collection (primary survey) aims to obtain field data for further analysis. This survey was conducted to calculate the volume of straight all types of vehicles with hand counters and survey forms. Besides conducting a survey travel time is calculated by recording the travel time to the distance according to the distance of observation, then the surveyors noted that seen in stopwatch on survey forms. While the collection of secondary data include data collection geometric Jalan A. Yani KM. 40 Martapura and data Number of Owners of motor vehicles.
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Data analysis At this stage of modeling the relationship between traffic characteristics include Model Greenshield, Greenberg and Underwood by using software microscof excel along with correlation and similarities occur, then the evaluation of alternatives best model is based on the value of the correlation coefficient (r) of each model can then be obtained value The maximum volume, maximum density and maximum speed.
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Model Analysis of Inter relations Traffic Characteristics Relationships Model F - S - D Based on the analysis through modeling approaches Greenshield, models Greenberg and models Underwood using Microsoft Excel software, the obtained models the relationship between the characteristics of volume (F), the speed (S) and the density (D) traffic as presented in the following table: Table 1. Directions Banjarbaru-Martapura Hubungan
Model Persamaan
S = 51,28-(51,28/193,509).D
Q = 51,28.D-(52,28/193,509).D2
Q = 193,509.S-(193,509/51,28).S2
Table 2. Directions Martapura-Banjarbaru
Hubungan S-D Q-D Q-S
Model Persamaan Vs= 71.13exp(-D/100) Q= 71.13 .D exp(-D/100) Q= Dj.Vs. Ln(71.13/Vs)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Performance Analysis of Traffic … Cathleen Ariela
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0
D (smp/km)
Q (smp/jam)
3000 2500
2000 1500 1000 500 0 0
D (smp/km)
Figure 1 . Greenshield graph the relationship between the volume, speed and density to flow Banjarbaru- Martapura
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2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
D (Smp/km)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0
S (km/Jam)
80 60 40 20 0 0
Figure 2. Underwood graph the relationship between the volume, speed and density to flow toward Banjarbaru Martapura
Performance Analysis of Traffic … Cathleen Ariela
Evaluation of Traffic Characteristics Model Relationships
Characteristic Values Traffic From the charts above can be seen that some of the value of the volume of traffic (F) reaches a maximum at a certain condition. Further explanation of the situation can be seen in Table 3 as follows: Table 3. Characteristic Values Traffic
Arah Banjarbaru Martapura Martapura Banjarbaru
Model Greenshield Underwood
Qmax 2480.79smp/j am 2634.3smp/ja m
Smax 25.64 km/jam
Dmax 96.75 smp/km
26.344 km/jam
100 smp/km
Prediction To predict the level of service, required secondary data such as the number of vehicle ownership from 2010-2015. After the prediction, then get value the level of service for three years to come. After getting the value level of service for three years to come, be giving alternative treatment such as parking prohibited signs, giving an alternative pathway for heavy vehicles and light vehicles, vehicle owners should have only a maximum of two vehicles with the specified requirements, and so forth. A calculated results can be seen in table 4 below;
Table 4. Predicted
ITP (untuk 3 tahun mendatang)
ITP (setelah Pemberian solusi)
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Model relationships obtained are: Martapura-Banjarbaru Underwood-71.13e = y = 0.01x and the R value of 0687 Banjarbaru-Martapura, Model Greenshield, y = -0.265x + 51.28 and the R value of 0.7071.
Density Martapura-Banjarbaru Underwood models 100 smp / h while BanjarbaruMartapura models greenshield 96 755 smp / hour.
Maximum Volume Roads in Martapura-Banjarbaru is 2634.4 smp / h, while the Banjarbaru-Martapura, is 2480.8 SMP / hour.
Obtained Level of service: Martapura-Banjarbaru ITP obtained with an average of C (model underwood), and for Banjarbaru-Martapura obtained ITP C (model greenshield).
In the third year for the Service Level Jl.A. Yani Km 40, Martapura are at level F.
Solution trying to do provide an alternative pathway for light and heavy vehicles.
Suggestion 1. Specificity of stakeholders such as municipalities and transportation agencies to be traffic on roads A. Yani Km 40 to be stable and not be distracted from activities beside the road 2. Adding traffic signs so that motorists not to park their vehicles haphazardly. 3. Providing personal vehicle purchase restrictions permit for a maximum of 2 per person except for the effort.
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Performance Analysis of Traffic … Cathleen Ariela
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