Pemrograman Web Lanjut Session 02 – JSF Tags (c) 2016 Niko Ibrahim, S.Kom, MIT Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Tujuan Perkuliahan Mahasiswa semakin memahami penggunaan berbagai JSF Tags Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan mekanisme validasi dan konversi data pada form JSF
Materi Hari Ini JSF Tag Library JSF Core Tags JSF HTML Tags Some Examples:
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Selection Messages Panel Command link dll.
Referensi: Core JSF 3rd Edition - Ebook DZone JSF Reference Card Exadel JavaServer Faces HTML Tags Reference
JSF 2.0 memiliki 6 library, terdiri atas sekitar100 tags Berikut ini library JSF:
1. An Overview of the JSF Core Tags
The core library contains the tags that are independent of HTML rendering.
Core tags represent objects
Most of the core tags represent objects you add to components, such as the following: ◦ Attributes ◦ Parameters ◦ Facets
◦ Listeners ◦ Converters ◦ Validators ◦ Selection items
2. An Overview of the JSF HTML Tags We can group these tags in the following categories: Inputs (input...) Outputs (output..., graphicImage) Commands (commandButton and commandLink) GET Requests (button, link, outputLink) Selections (checkbox, listbox, menu, radio) HTML pages (head, body, form, outputStylesheet, outputScript) Layouts (panelGrid, panelGroup) Data table (dataTable and column) Errors and messages (message, messages) The JSF HTML tags share common attributes, HTML passthrough attributes, and attributes that support dynamic HTML.
2a. JSF HTML Selection Tag
Attribut untuk JSF HTML Selection Tag
Contoh selectBooleanCheckbox
Managed Bean:
private boolean wantsEmailUpdates; public void setWantsEmailUpdates(boolean newValue) { wantEmailUpdates = newValue; } public boolean getWantsEmailUpdates() { return wantsEmailUpdates; }
Contoh selectManyCheckboxlist
Managed Bean: private String[ ] car; private SelectItem[ ] carList = { Managed Bean: new SelectItem(“Hond Accord"), new SelectItem(“Toyota 4Runner"), new SelectItem(“Nisan Z350"), }; Cont..
public String[ ] getCar() { return car; } public void setCar(String[ ] car) { = car; } public SelectItem[ ] getCarList() { return carList } public void setCarList (SelectItem[ ] carList) { this. carList = carList; }
Contoh selectManyMenu
Contoh selectManyListbox
Note: Managed Bean sama dengan di contoh selectManyCheckboxlist
Contoh selectOneRadio
Managed Bean: private String currentCar; private SelectItem[ ] carList = { new SelectItem(“Hond Accord"), new SelectItem(“Toyota 4Runner"), new SelectItem(“Nisan Z350"), }; Cont..
public String getCurrentCar() { return currentCar; } public void setCurrentCar(String currentCar) { this. currentCar = currentCar; } public SelectItem[ ] getCarList() { return carList; } public void setCarList (SelectItem[ ] carList) { this. carList = carList; }
Contoh selectOneMenu
Contoh selectOneListbox
Note: Managed Bean sama dengan di contoh selectOneRadio
javax.faces.model.SelectItem Ada 4 constructors dari SelectItem yang dapat kita gunakan sesuai kebutuhan program: 1. SelectItem(Object value) Creates a SelectItem with a value. The item label is obtained by applying toString() to the value. 2. SelectItem(Object value, String label) Creates a SelectItem with a value and a label. 3. SelectItem(Object value, String label, String description) Creates a SelectItem with a value, label, and description. 4. SelectItem(Object value, String label, String description, boolean disabled) Creates a SelectItem with a value, label, description, and disabled state.
Atribut “value” pada SelectItems Atribut value pada SelectItems dapat berupa: A single SelectItem instance A collection of SelectItem instances An array of SelectItem instances A map whose entries represent SelectItem labels and values
2b. JSF Panel Grid dan Group Fungsi panelGrid:
Untuk men-generate HTML Table Fungsi paneGroup:
Untuk mengelompokan dua atau lebih komponen sehingga akan dianggap sebagai satu komponen
Contoh panelGrid dan panelGroup 4 kolom
2c. JSF Message
Komponen JSF dapat memiliki message yang berhubungan dengan proses validasi dan konversi data. Message dapat dibagi menjadi 4 jenis: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Information Warning Error Fatal
Attribute Message
Contoh Penggunaan Message
Attribut “for” harus berisikan “id” dari komponen yang akan mengeluarkan pesan
Komponen standard lain outputLink commandLink graphicImage dataTable (akan dipelajari di pertemuan yad) column
h:outputLink generates an HTML anchor element. But unlike h:commandLink, h:outputLink does not generate JavaScript to make the link act like a submit button. Example: private String welcomeURL = "/outputLinks/faces/welcome.jsp"; public String getWelcomeURL() { return welcomeURL; } private String welcomeLinkText = "go to welcome page"; public String getWelcomeLinkText() { return welcomeLinkText; }
Introduction ...
Conclusion ...
Table of Contents ...
dataTable & Column
Akan dijelaskan di pertemuan yad.