Kontributor : dr. Danik Agustin dr. Dian Hasanah dr. Habiba Aurora dr. Ihda Dian K dr .Indriati Dwi R dr. Nurul Hidayati dr. Rahmat Sarwo bekti dr. Rita Rosita
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya 2012
1. Umay, berumur 10 tahun, terjatuh saat naik sepeda di jalan yang berpasir. Umay mengalami luka babras hingga berdarah di tempat sebagaimana gambar berikut :
Umay pun meringis kesakitan. Dengan tertatih, Umay berjalan pulang sejauh 500 meter dengan menuntun sepedanya. Sesampai di rumah, perdarahan sudah mulai berhenti. Kemudian oleh Ibu Umay, lukalukanya dibersihkan dan diberi cairan antiseptik. Luka di daerah sulit dibersihkan dengan baik karena lukanya lebih dalam. Malam harinya Umay mengeluh seluruh badannya terasa nyeri, dan ketika diraba oleh Ibunya, suhu tubuhnya ternyata sedikit meningkat. Selain itu daerah di sekitar luka nampak memerah dan bengkak. Bahkan Umay terasa sulit dan nyeri saat bergerak. Keluhan tersebut mulai mereda pada hari kedua, kecuali luka yang berada di kedua lututnya.
Modul Task : 1.
Sebutkan area tempat luka babras secara anatomis (dalam bahasa Latin, BUKAN bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris)
Sebutkan jaringan yang mengalami kerusakan akibat luka, dari superficial ke profundus.
Berasal dari manakah perdarahan yang terjadi?
Sebutkan struktur tulang yang paling menonjol pada daerah luka tersebut
Jelaskan mekanisme terhentinya perdarahan pada Umay!
Sebutkan 5 (LIMA) tanda radang yang dialami Umay.
Jelaskan mekanisme terjadinya masing-masing tanda radang tersebut!
Jelaskan mekanisme penyembuhan luka pada Umay
Jelaskan faktor-faktor yang menghambat proses penyembuhan luka pada lutut Umay.
2. Yuma, kakak laki-laki Umay, 17 tahun, ingin menjadi penyanyi dangdut berbadan atletis seperti idolanya Agung Hercules. Setiap hari, Yuma berlatih di pusat kebugaran untuk membuat tubuhnya tampak kekar dan berotot. Pada tahap awal, Kakak Umay ingin membesarkan otot di daerah extremitas superior dan thorax saja. Untuk itu, ia rajin melakukan latihan angkat beban, sit up dan push up. Setelah 4 bulan berlatih, tubuh Yuma sudah mulai tampak atletis seperti Agung Hercules :
Namun, Yuma merasa khawatir karena di sisi dalam bagian lengan atas nya tampak benjolan sebesar telur puyuh yang teraba padat kenyal, bisa digerakkan, berbatas jelas, tetapi tidak terasa nyeri. Lalu Yuma memeriksakan diri ke dokter spesialis bedah, didiagnosa lipoma dan diputuskan dilakukan operasi pada benjolan tersebut.
Modul task Dan untuk selanjutnya, ia ingin memiliki badan yang kekar sempurna bak binaragawan di bawah ini.
1. Isilah titik-titik pada gambar di atas. 2. Struktur apa sajakah yang menjadi target untuk memenuhi keinginan Yuma? (otot2 yang disebut di atas) 3. Di antara gerakan latihan angkat beban, sit up dan push up yang dilakukan Kakak Umay, latihan apakah yang sebenarnya tidak perlu dilakukan bila ia hanya ingin membesarkan otot extremitas superior dan thorax? Mengapa? 4. Jelaskan mekanisme kontraksi otot secara singkat dan jelas! 5. Jelaskan tipe sel adaptasi yang terjadi pada bagian tubuh Yuma yang ditunjuk (sesuai no 2)! 6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan tipe sel adaptasi yang lain!
Kontributor : dr. Danik Agustin dr. Dian Hasanah dr. Habiba Aurora dr. Ihda Dian K dr .Indriati Dwi R dr. Nurul Hidayati dr. Rahmat Sarwo bekti dr. Rita Rosita
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya 2012
1. A 10-year old Umay got a bike accident that he felt down on a sandy road. He got chafed injuries with little bleeding placed on such locations below:
Walking home with staggered feet, Umay walked 500 meters with a grimacing face due to the pain. When he got home, the bleeding had stopped. Then, his mother cleaned up his wounds using an antiseptic solution. However, the wounds at his knees could not be cleaned properly because the wounds were deeper. On night, Umay cried for feeling so much pain on whole body. His mother came to know that he got mild fever. His mother also noticed that the wound appears red and swollen. When she asked her son to move it, Umay screamed for the pain and inability to do it. Fortunately, his suffer began to subside on the second day, unless the injury located on his both knees.
Module tasks : 1. Mention the wound area locations on Umay case using anatomy terminology! 2. Mention, in a subsequent manner from superficial to profundus direction, the tissues damaged by the injury 3. Where does the bleeding come from? 4. What is the most prominent bone structures on the injured areas? 5. Explain the underlying mechanism for bleeding cessation! 6. Mention 5 signs of inflammatory process experienced by Umay ! 7. Explain the underlying mechanism leading to each above sign of inflammation! 8. Explain basic mechanism of wound healing! 9. Can you find any factors inhibit wound healing process on Umay case ?
2. Yuma, Umay’s big brother, a 17-year old boy wished to be a dangdut singer and to improve his performance, he is struggling to have an athletic body similar to his idol, Agung Hercules. He did such exercises everyday in a famous gym to build his body looked stocky and muscular. For this purpose, he started by exercising some muscles located on thorax area and his both arms. Hence, he practiced weight training, sit up training and push-up training. After 4 months of practicing, his dream came true that his body performance resemble to Agung Hercules; an athelitic body. Unfortunately, Yuma was worried having noticed that inside of his right upper arm, he found a quail egg-sized lump with solid palpable, movable, clear boundary, but not painful. Then Yuma went to the surgeon. His lump was diagnosed as lipoma; thus, his doctor decided to do a surgery.
Modul task After downloading the picture of Agung Hercules from internet, Yuma wish to train some muscles showing on the picture below :
1. Please help Yuma to identify the name of each structure showing on the picture. 2. If you want to guide Yuma in doing his exercise, please tell him all the name of muscles to be his target for the muscle training? 3. If Yuma only concern to build up his muscles on thorax and his arm, among all kind of exercise Yuma wish to do such as weight training, sit up training and push-up training, is there any training that Yuma can ignore so that he can pay attention to only necessary training? Do you have any reason for it ? 4. Explain to Yuma about the basic mechanism of muscle contraction in a brief and clear description ! 5. Explain kind of adaptation cell occurring in Yuma body according the pointed arrows on picture (no.2)! 6. Mention and give brief explanation to other kind of adaptation cell !