Kreativní myšlení
řízení inovací
Interaktivní seminář
Roman Šiser,
[email protected] Pavla Žížalová,
[email protected]
Listopad 2012 0
O čem to dnes bude?
Jak podpořit kreativní myšlení?
Jak přijít na nové nápady? Jak vyhodnotit / ocenit svůj nápad?
Classified - Internal use
Dnešní pouť
Creative Behaviors:
Curiosity Is about being nosey and asking ‘why?’…having a genuine interest in the world around us, exploring and trying to find out the meaning of things.
3 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Freshness Freshness is all about seeking new experiences and perspectives. New perspectives help us make new creative connections. This can be done in two ways. Ongoing Freshness is a personal behavior that you can model in everything you do; listening to different radio stations, reading random magazines, seeking new physical experiences, etc. In so doing you will ‘top up’ your subconscious brain with lots of stimulus which one day may help you approach problems from a different perspective. Deliberate Freshness is what’s needed in ideas sessions to help you get out of your river of thinking and help to have new ideas (see 4 R’s). 4 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Example of Ongoing Freshness List:
5 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Bravery Innovation by its very definition is risky. It’s a courageous thing to put your idea out there and risk it being judged and laughed at. Often we feel that it’s not just our idea that is being judged, but our personality too, and everything we stand for! Divorce yourself from ideas that pop into your head and get them out there – they may act as stimulus for other people to build on. You could also inspire others to be Braver with their ideas through demonstration. People who we admire the most are often those who put their ideas out there and not worry about the response. Acting Brave will really kick-start other members of your staff and gets projects in motion. 6 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Realness Get ideas off the desk and bring them to life. Draw them, model them, act them - walk through them, experience them, even make a video about the process you are solving. Realness helps people to understand your idea so they ‘get it’ emotionally as well as cerebrally. Realness also improves your idea. Remember: there is no such thing as failure, just prototypes.
“If a picture says a thousand words, a prototype says a million.” —Trevor Baylis, inventor of the Clockwork (windup) radio
7 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Momentum People who are passionate about an Idea get it going. In fact, you can spot a team with Momentum easily as they are the ones with energy around a project. Too often our busy, ‘to do list’-filled, stop-start days prevents us from getting into a project.
To create Momentum, Hot-house: take people away from the office with the resources and time in order to solve the problem. They will do it!
Focus on one project at one time as too many will spread the team’s energy too thinly. Finally, create a sense of ‘crises. A deadline really focuses people’s energy around the problem…but beware – don’t use it too often! 8 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Intuition Where do you feel it, in your heart or gut? It’s your subconscious letting you know something before your rational brain has kicked in.
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Creative Behaviors:
Playfulness The most creative people we know are children. Being childlike opens up access to our subconscious and allows more creative connections to be made, thus boosting our insightfulness.
10 Classified—Internal Use Only
Creative Behaviors:
Greenhousing Greenhousing is all about nurturing ideas - building them and allowing them to grow. When ideas are first presented, they are not fully formed and need help and input from others before they can be judged and assessed. Too often in business we stamp on ideas through the language we use, or wait for an opportunity to present our ideas instead. Greenhousing is the behavior that allows ideas to get better. Use “yes, and…” instead of “yes, but”…
Putting energy into seeing how something could work, rather than forming judgments. 11 Classified—Internal Use Only
Zadání Jaká má/může být role banky ve 21. století Kontext
Proč chcete něco měnit a proč právě teď?
Co chcete měnit?
Proč je to důležité? Co dělá konkurence?
Cílový stav
Co můžeme a co ne?
Jaký to bude mít dopad?
Kterým směrem se nechcete ubírat?
Jaké jsou kritéria ůspěchu? Jaký je ideální výsledek?
12 Classified—Internal Use Only
Definice zadání Jaká má/může být role banky ve 21. století Kontext
Jaké služby by podnikatelé od banky
Jak využít klíčové kompetence banky
udržení bankovního tajemství,
Jakými službami by podnikatelé mohli
systém banky obohatit (virtuální / fyzické)?
důvěra pro rozšíření poskytovaných služeb.
Cílový stav
Vyhnout se tradičnímu pojetí banky jenom
Vše pod jedním „heslem“ = Informačně
jako zdroj peněz.
finanční instituce 21. století -> centrum správy byrokratických agend pro zjednodušení byrokracie a přehlednost podnikatelských aktivit
13 Classified—Internal Use Only
Insight Phase at a Glance
Clues What have I seen, heard, read? Absolute fact. Include context. A5 (small) paper
Hunches Why might they be doing that? Interpretations or possible reasons why this might be going on. A4 (medium) paper
Themes Clusters of Hunches that emerge as Themes. A3 (large) paper
Opportunity Platforms How can we use this? Themes that have been turned into Opportunities – something you can use to have Ideas.
14 Classified—Internal Use Only
Pátraní po bance 21.stoleti
Skupina c. 1:
Skupina c. 2
Co potřebujete od banky?
Co Vám banka momentálně poskytuje a co Vám chybí?
Skupina c. 3
Skupina c. 4
Co potřebujete v podnikáni?
Popište ideální banku
TÉMA - název Popis (How to…so that…) Jak / Co kdyby …. … aby ….
Příklad příležitosti
Jak využít informační systém banky,
aby se mi zjednodušila byrokracie v podnikáni.
Lateral Thinking Techniky pro stimulací nápadů:
4R 18 Classified—Internal Use Only
Revolution (Revoluce)
19 Classified—Internal Use Only
Related Worlds (Příbuzné světy)
Classified—Internal Use Only
Re-Expression (Alternativní vyjádření)
Classified—Internal Use Only
Random Links (Náhodné souvislosti)
Classified—Internal Use Only
NÁPAD - jméno Pro koho je určen Popis Jaké přináší výhody
Ideation stimuli
Skupina c. 1:
Skupina c. 2
Related worlds
- Jak by asi vypadala banka, kdyby byla
- Jak by jste zadání vysvětlili dětem
Skupina c. 3
Skupina c. 4
Random link
- Jak by vypadala banka, kdyby
- Najděte spojitost náhodného objektu s
nespravovala peníze
Proces rekapitulace Definition