Information Directory Book Published by: ©HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Jl. Prawirotaman III No. 669A Brontokusuman, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta 55153 INDONESIA Telp.: +62(0)274 376107 +62(0)811 2505540 Cetakan ke-1
: Desember 2013
Reviewer and Proof reader : Winarta, SH, S.Sos. Layout Sampul : Aji Galarso Andoko Layout Isi : Redyantoro This document has been produced with financial assistance of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of Handicap International and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. Copyright 2013 Handicap International (HI) authorizes the reproduction and the use of this publication for educational and other non-commercial purposes, provided that HI and its donor are fully acknowledged. Printed By: PERCETAKAN POHON CAHAYA E-mail:
[email protected] Website:
PREFACE The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 15% of the world’s population are people with disabilities. According to the World Bank, there is an intricate link between disability and poverty and they estimate that people with disabilities represent the poorest of the world’s poor.1 Experiencing multiple vulnerabilities, people with disabilities are amongst one of the most marginalized groups in the world and tend to have poorer health, lower education and limited access to economic participation.2 Protecting and promoting the rights of people with disabilities is a global human rights issue. In Indonesia the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) has been ratified in 2011. This is an important step towards recognition and protection of the rights of people with disabilities but there is still a long way to go in ensuring that the UNCRPD is appropriately implemented and enforced. Gaps persist between commitments, reach, and impact at community level and the reality of practices and policies actually meeting the needs of individual persons with disabilities. Adequate legislation, policies and implementing regulations at national, provincial and district levels will be vital as will raising the awareness of authorities, decision makers and service providers for national commitments to result in real changes in the lives of people with disabilities. Inclusive development initiatives need to be undertaken; ensuring people with disabilities can realize their human rights and have access to a full range of services that enable them to participate in society on an equal basis with others. These services range from supportive services such as rehabilitation, to mainstream services including health, education and employment. The systematic inclusion of disability stakes by local stakeholders in their plans and programs, as part of a local cross-cutting and integrated disability policy, is fundamental to Inclusive development. This approach is based on the principles of effective consultation, the recognition of citizenship for all, the development of accessible social services, and a sense of local solidarity. Developing strategies to engage effectively people with disabilities in Inclusive Development processes implies working with Disabled People’s Organizations. Not only does this provide opportunities for people with disabilities within civil society to voice their needs but also to raise awareness and understanding about disability in society and to participate in processes and decisions which will affect their lives. Based on consultation work with local communities and local authorities, Inclusive Local Development (ILD) projects implemented with DPOs aim to encourage greater participation of people with disabilities in a given area, promote a comprehensive approach to the rights and requirements of people with disabilities and encourage the inclusion of a disability component in existing policies, projects, services and initiatives. Such projects ensure a cross-cutting approach to meeting the needs expressed by people with disabilities or their representatives and enforcing the rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 1. World Bank:,,contentMDK:20183395~menu PK:417335~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282699,00.html 2. World Health Organization, World Report on Disability, 2011:
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
In Indonesia, People with disabilities are a largely untapped yet vital resource for making these critical changes towards inclusive development. By building capacity in terms of organisational development so that DPOs are functioning institutionally and technically at national, provincial and district level; and by developing technical expertise in advocacy and planning and legislative processes, Handicap International works with DPOs so that they reach out at different levels and effectively advocate for change. One of the first steps to develop an effective strategy for ILD projects is to conduct a mapping of existing decision-makers and analyze their competences and capacities for action. Mobilizing decision-makers around disability issues and developing a sense of responsibility is essential for guaranteeing the assimilation and sustainability of ILD projects. By providing the list of DPOs, social service providers and local authorities in provinces of Aceh, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Nusa Tengarra Timur as well as information regarding local planning & budgeting processes and regulations, this service directory is built as a simple and straightforward resource for all DPOs, local authorities and service providers who aim to engage in Local Inclusive Development initiatives. It is our hope that the service directory will support DPOs to meet their potential as civil society actors by promoting disability as a human rights issue and working with other local stakeholders towards Inclusive Development, while encouraging decision-makers and service providers to engage consistently with DPOs. Yours sincerely,
Catherine Gillet Regional Program Director Handicap International Indonesia & Timor-Leste Program
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Table of Content 1.
The Scheme of Development Planning and Budgeting Process ..................................... 7
2. The Contact Address of Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, House of Representatives, BAPPENAS.......................................... 33 3. The Contact Address of Regional Secretariat, Regional Representative Council, BAPPEDA, Department of Social Services, Department of Health, Department of Education . ................................................................................................................. 3.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta....................................................................... 3.2 The Regencies/Municipality in Special Region of Yogyakarta.......................................... 3.3 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara.......................................................................................... 3.4 The Regencies/Municipalities of East Nusa Tenggara......................................................... 3.5 The Province of Aceh....................................................................................................................... 3.6 The Regencies/Municipalities of Aceh......................................................................................
33 33 35 38 38 44 45
4. Non-Governmental Organization/Social Organization/Organisasi of Persons with Disabilities.................................................................................................................................................. 54 4.1 Organisasi of Persons with Disablities in the National Level ........................................... 54 4.2 Some Organizations in Regional Level...................................................................................... 57 5. 6. 7. 8.
Service Providers..................................................................................................................................... Online Library........................................................................................................................................... Study Centers of Persons with Disabilities.................................................................................. Study Centers and Organizations which involve in peace building...............................
84 89 91 91
Hospitals ..................................................................................................................................................... 9.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta....................................................................... 9.2 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara ......................................................................................... 9.3 The Province of Aceh.......................................................................................................................
92 92 92 93
10. Special School (SLB)................................................................................................................................. 10.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta ...................................................................... 10.1.1 The Regency of Sleman................................................................................................... 10.1.2 The Municipality of Yogyakarta.................................................................................... 10.1.3 The Regency of Kulon Progo.......................................................................................... 10.1.4 The Regency of Gunung Kidul...................................................................................... 10.1.5 The Regency of Bantul.....................................................................................................
95 95 95 96 97 97 97
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10.2 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara ......................................................................................... 98 10.3 The Province of Aceh....................................................................................................................... 100 10.3.1 SLB/SMALB in Province of Aceh.................................................................................... 100 10.3.2 SLB/ SMPLB In Province Of Aceh.................................................................................. 100 10.3.3 SLB/ SDLB In Province Of Aceh...................................................................................... 101 11. Inclusion School.......................................................................................................................................... 102 11.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta....................................................................... 102 11.1.1 The regency of Gunung Kidul......................................................................................... 102 11.1.2 The Regency of Sleman ................................................................................................... 103 11.1.3 The Regency of Bantul...................................................................................................... 104 11.1.4 The Regency of Kulonprogo........................................................................................... 104 10.1.5 The Municipality of Yogyakarta...................................................................................... 105 11.2 The Province of Aceh...................................................................................................................... 107
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
1. The Scheme of Development Planning and Budgeting Process
On November 10, 2011 the government officially ratified United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) with the Law Number 19 of 2011. The Convention ratification will influence the law and policy enforcement associated with disability. Budget is important for the law and policy implementation and enforcement. Even, when a law covers the rights of persons with disabilities in certain matters, this kind of regulation cannot be run without the sufficient budget for the relevant agency/organization that is responsible to implement the program and ministry. A legal obligation without budgetary support means the rights of persons with disabilities will be officially recognized, but it is not realized and the persons with disabilities cannot effectively get their rights. The involvement of the persons with disabilities in the process of the budgeting is very important to ensure that the government budget allocation reflects the needs of the disabled, just like the other citizens and according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, who have the rights for the fair and reasonable budget allocation to ensure their basic needs are met. However, the planning and budgeting process at the national and regional level currently does not provide equal opportunity for persons with disabilities to take part in and influence the process. Persons with disabilities are faced with physical and communicative obstacles to access the plann ing and budgeting process. The obstacles include: 1. Lack of access to accurate and timely information since Disabled Persons Organizations are usually not invited by the Government at the Village, Regency/Municipality, and Province level or do not receive any information about the meeting; 2. The Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) is held at an inaccessible public space. 3. Hard-to-access location, first due to lack of accessible means of transportation for persons with mobility impairment. 4. Meetings are held without drawings/captioning or sign language interpreters. 5. The official documentation is not available in Braille or in electronic format. Decentralization, known as the delegation of authority from the Central Government to autonomous regions (Regencies/Municipalities) so that the regions will be able to manage their own affairs, open up the opportunity for persons with disabilities to urge Local Governments to give greater attention to the interest and needs of persons with disabilities. Law Number 32 of 2004 on Local Government states that the authority at an autonomous region should manage the governance based on public aspiration. Persons with disabilities, as members of the community, have equal rights to have their aspiration covered in the APBD allocation. Law Number 25 of 2004 on the National Development Planning System (SPPN) guarantees and seeks to optimize public participation, and accommodate their interest and needs in the planning and budgeting document and in the entire development planning process aspect.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
NATIONAL BUDGET (APBN) AND LOCAL BUDGET (APBD)1 The State Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBN) and Local Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBD) are drafted separately at each level of government (at the national, provincial, regency/municipality levels). The relationship between the local budget and national budget is that one of the sources of the local budget is the national budget. The source is called the Balancing Fund and allocated to the regions to fund the local needs in the decentralization proceedings. The amount of the revenue from the Central Government is decided at the national level. Nevertheless, Disabled Persons Organizations may exert a potential influence on how the revenue will be spent at the regional level. In this part, it should be noted that: the Balancing Fund or the General Allocation Fund (DAU) often makes up the largest share of income in the APBD. The DAU is allocated to the regions for ensuring the equal and balanced financial capacity of each region and for funding the local needs. Therefore, the Disabled Persons Organizations should try to collect data on the amount of revenue in their Regency/Municipality or Province. A part of the Regency/Municipality or Provincial APBD also comes from their own region. This portion refers to the Regionally Generated Revenue (PAD), including local tax revenues, toll fees and taxes, revenues from local resource management, and so on. Notwithstanding the funding that forms a part of the APBD, the Local Government also manages the fund from the Central Government known as the Deconcentration (Dana Dekonstrasi) and Co-administration (Tugas Pembantuan) Fund. Since this fund is spent according to the conditions from the Central Government and as determined in the national budget, there is no opportunity for Disabled People Organizations at the regional level to exert any influence on how this allocation at the regional level should be spent, though they have to stay involved in monitoring it. Therefore, it will be more productive if the advocacy by the Disabled Persons Organizations on the budget allocation is focused on how revenues from the other sources in the APBD is allocated and spent. At the same time, the government in the national level, that is responsible for the development planning, fair public service budgeting and delivery, e.g. in education or health security, should ensure that they have clear commitment towards the rights of persons with disabilities.
HOW IS THE BUDGET AT THE NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEVEL ALLOCATED? APBD and APBN allocation is determined from: • Long Term Development Plan • Medium Term Development Plan • Government Annual Development Plan • Government Work Plan • Program Priority
1. “Region” refers to several levels in the Government that is not at the National level. It may mean a province and/or a regency and/or a sub district and/or a village or kelurahan.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
The drafting, stipulation, and implementation of a budget plan, both at the Central Government and the Local Government, are carried out according to the standard procedure as stated in the Law Number 25 of 2004 on National Development Planning System and Government Regulation Number 58 of 2005 on Local Finance Management. Beside that, the Minister of Home Affairs determines the Regulation of Home Affairs Minister on The Guidance of Local Budget Drafting annually. The budget is drafted based on the previous prepared development policies and work plan. Therefore, the budgeting process and policy are inseparable from the development process and policy. There are three main parts of the budget: Revenues, Expenditures and Expenses. For budget advocacy purposes, the most important part is related to Expenditures, which includes both direct and indirect expenditures. Indirect expenditures consist of operating costs and routine costs such as salaries, benefits and special facilities for civil servants. Direct expenditures consist of public spending in education, health, infrastructure, social and community reinforcement, agriculture, and delivery of other basic services. In this context, it is important for persons with disabilities who mostly live at the village level to be aware of Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 on Village which regulates the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) composition. Article 68 paragraph 1C states that “Funds from the Regency/ Municipality shall be given directly to the Village to be managed by the village administration. 30% of it shall be used for operating costs and BPD, and 70% of it shall be applied for community empowerment costs”2. In reality, however, in researches on local budget allocation, the ratio of operating costs to community empowerment costs is often actually reversed, i.e. 70% for operating costs and 30% for community empowerment costs, or no more than 60% compared to 40%. This large and non-transparent budget allocation for civil servant funding and payroll has no significant impact to the provision of the basic needs of the people and makes it difficult to estimate the accurate allocation for the poor3. The Village Fund Allocation is the part of village finance from local tax revenue and the part from the central and local balancing fund which is received by the district levels. The goal of Village Fund Allocation is to escalate the village governance implementation, to increase the capacity of the community at the village level, the development equity and to reinforce the selfhelp mutual aid society.
2. For information on the Village Budget see: Alokasi Dana Desa untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat Desa 2006, pg 29. 3. Membedah ketimpangan Anggaran: Studi Kasus APBD Kota Tangerang, Kota Semarang dan Kota Surakarta 2005, page 157
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND BUDGETING PROCESS A simple diagram in the preparation and implementation process for the annual budget and work plan at the regional level is described below. This process identifies the main resulting documents and key stakeholders in the perspective of participation opportunities for Disabled Persons Organizations4 :
Integrated Planning and Budgeting for Budget Advocacy for Disabled Persons Organizations
Legend on the Shapes: 1. Process or
2. Document: 3. Implementation:
4. Ongoing process or activity: 4. Adapted from Kita Bisa Awasi APBD: Melibatkan Masyarakat dalam Kebijakan APBD, Pattiro. August 2007
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Colors: 1. Yellow is for the special processes and documents at the sectoral level 2. Blue is for documents related to budgeting 3. Blue and yellow are documents related to the budget in specific sectors Note on the local planning and budgeting and public participation (Based on the Decree of the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs No. 13 of 2006 on Guideline for Regional Financial Management as last amended with Decree of the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 21 of 2011 on The Second Change of the Decree of the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 13 of 2006 on Guideline for Regional Financial Management) Government Agency in Charge
No Phase
Held at the village level to agree on the work plan for the yearly budget on how to spend the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) and list of priority activities that should be proposed to the Sub districtlevel Musrenbang. In village level Musrenbang, there will also be a selection for the representatives from government and community who will attend the Sub-district level Musrenbang.
Neighbourhood/ Large Neighbourhood (RT/ RW)Chairperson; Village Cluster Head; Village Representatives (LPMK/ BPD); Customary Heads; women, youth, farmers, fishermen, persons with disabilities groups; private sector; School Committee; Village Administration; Sub district Government; Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Head; Headmaster; NGOs.
List of Kelurahan/ Village/ Village Level Priority Kelurahan Activities funded Government. by the Village Fund Allocation.
To collect priorities from the Kelurahan/ Village Musrenbang and to decide on the joint activities applied across villages (more than one village). This will increase the possibilities for these activities to be brought up to the next level.
Delegations from the Village/ Kelurahan Musrenbang, Civil Society Organizations at Sub district level, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda),
Sub district List of Sub district Priority Activities Government. proposed for funding by the Regional Annual Budget (APBD) through the Local Work Unit (SKPD) Forum and Regency Musrenbang.
Kelurahan/ Village evelopment Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang)
Sub district Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang)
The List of Priority Activities proposed to be funded by The Regional Annual Budget (APBD) through the Sub district Musrenbang. Appointment of five delegates to represent the Village at the Sub district Musrenbang.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Local Work Unit (SKPD) Forum
The result of the Sub district Musrenbang will be the main basis for Civil Society Organizations as input for the Local Work Unit (SKPD) Forum and as preparation for the participation of the Civil Society Organizations in the Local Work Unit (SKPD) Forum. To determine the representatives who will attend the district/Municipalty level Musrenbang.
Local Work Unit (SKPD) Representatives, Sub district Public Service UPT Head, The Local Parliament (DPRD) members and NGOs.
The selection of 5 delegates to represent the Sub district at the Regency/ Municipality Musrenbang and in the Local Work Unit (SKPD) Forum.
Each Local Work Unit (SKPD), such as transportation, public works, health, education discusses the priority activities in its internal forum. The Department Work Plan (Renja) reflects the sectoral functions and tasks of each Department and prepares based on the initial draft of the Government Work Plan from the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and uses the Local Work Unit (SKPD) Strategic Plan (Renstra) that is prepared from the five-year development planning process.
Sub district Delegation, Civil Society Organizations (including farmers, fishermen, laborers, Disabled Persons Organizations), The Local Work Unit (SKPD) Head, The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), The Local Parliament (DPRD) members, academics and experts.
SKPD Work Plan (Renja SKPD)
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the Local Work Unit (SKPD).
Multi Stakeholder Forum
In some regions, the rules allow each Department Work Plan (Renja) to be discussed in a MultiStakeholder Forum for a specific area. This is an open forum in which civil society organizations and community leaders can also express their views about the Work Plan (Renja) to the Department official. This MultiStakeholder Forum contains relevant Services, other agencies related to the sector, and civil society organizations that can be created and or associated with the policies related to the sector.
Civil Society Organizations, SKPD Head, DPRD, academics and experts and Bappeda.
Civil Society Organizations can draft a Position Paper (sea Part II Chapter V) or Working Paper that contains recommendations to SKPD.
District/ Municipalty Musrenbang
This stage synchronizes the Draft of the Annual Local Government Work Plan (RKPD) and SKPD Work Plan. This is the primary meeting for civil society organizations to give their input in the preparation of the Final RKPD and its budget. After this Musrenbang, there will be no further opportunity for Civil Society Organizations to give their input to the planning or budgeting process until the Draft of Regional Annual Budget (RAPBD) Discussion at DPRD.
Sub district Musrenbang Delegation, SKPD Forum delegation, SKPD, DPRD, NGOs working at the Regency/ Municipality level, Universities, Provincial Bappeda Representatives, the Annual Local Government Work Plan (RKPD) Drafting Team, SKPD Work Plan Drafting Team, Executive Budget Committee and DPRD.
The Municipality/ Bappeda. Regency level RKPD which contains of the local development policy direction, program direction, and the priority activities of SKPD along with the budget estimation, the macro economy frame and finance, priority program and the activities which proposed to be funded by the Regency/ Municipality Regional Annual Budget (APBD), Province APBD, and other resources,
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
regulation recommendati-on from the province and central government, and the budget allocation for Village Fund Allocation (ADD). 6
Provincial Musrenbang
There are two parts of the Provincial Musrenbang: 1. Provincial Work Plan (RKPD) (developing annual local government work plans) with participants consisting of SKPD Forum delegation and representatives from Regencies/ Municipalities. At this part, there is an opportunity for civil society organizations to participate. 2. Synchronization of Provincial RKPD Work Plan and Regency/ Municipality RKPD Work Plan; the participants are the government, representatives from Regencies/ Municipalities and the Province. There is no opportunity for involvement by civil society organizations in this part.
Delegation from the Regency/ Municipality SKPD Forum, Representatives from Regencies/ Municipalities, Regents/Mayors, Bappeda, representatives of the Central Government and Civil Society Organizations at the provincial level.
Provincial RKPD Work Plan
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Provincial Bappeda.
The Public Policy Budget/ Provisional Budget Priority and Ceiling (KUA/PPAS)
1. It is at this stage that the planning and budgeting processes are integrated.
Regional Head and DPRD.
Memorandum of Understanding on KUA/PPAS.
2. RKPD is the basis for the Local Government Budget Team (TAPD) to prepare the Public Policy Budget (KUA). KUA governs the policies on revenues, expenditures, funding and general forecast for one year. KUA is also the basis for TAPD to prepare the Provisional Budget Priority and Ceiling (PPAS). 3. KUA and PPAS are submitted by the Executive Head at each Region to DPRD for discussion. 4. Under Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 59 of 2007, DPRD is requested to conduct a public ever, some DPRD do not obey this requirement. Thus, Disabled Persons Organizations should request the DPRD to do so and remind it of the need to conduct a public hearing. 5. The Executive Head at regional level and DPRD reach an agreement on the KUA and then discuss PAS.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
6. This discussion consists of 3 stages as follows: Distinguishing between the mandatory and elective programs; Deciding each program orderly; Preparing the budget priority in each program. 7. The KUA and PPAS drafts are legalized after being negotiated between the Executive Head at regional level and DPRD during their preliminary discussion on the draft budget (RAPBD). 8
The Drafting of Budget Work Plan (RKA) SKPD by each SKPD; and incorporating them into a comprehensive RKA SKPD
The agreed KUA and PPAS becomes the basis for preparing a comprehensive Budget Work Plan (RKA) for all SKPD. RKA consists of a budget that includes civil servant salaries and costs that are itemized for each activity. This document is usually not open for public test. Nevertheless, this detailed stage is important for Civil Society Organizations to try to access the RKA SKPD of each SKPD or from TAPD members.
The SKPD Head to finalize the Budget Work Plan (RKA).
TAPD compiles a comprehensive RKA SKPD from each SKPD.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
SKPD Head TAPD Head (Local Secretary / Sekda)
The Draft of Regional Annual Budget (RAPBD) Preparation
KUA/PPAS and RKA SKPD are the basis for preparing the APBD draft. This process is closed, both for Civil Society Organizations and for SKPD members (not including TAPD). The decision on budget allocation is made at this stage. TAPD can also reject or accept an activity so as to ensure what they stipulate in the budget allocation at each SKPD and match them to other planning documents.
TAPD The Regional Head has a strong influence in this process.
The Draft of Regional Annual Budget (RAPBD) Discussion
1. The Executive Head at regional level submits the RAPBD to the Local Parliament (DPRD) and they discuss it together.
Local Government, Local Parliament (DPRD), Civil Society Organizations at Regency/ Municipality Level.
The Local Parliament (DPRD)
2. The Local Parliament (DPRD) is requested to conduct a public hearing during the discussion. However, not all Local Parliament (DPRD) does so. Therefore, Disabled Persons Organizations should request a public hearing to ensure that they will have the opportunity to give their input. 3. Civil society organizations have the right to give input in written or nonwritten form during the RAPBD discussion (Law No. 32 of 2004 and Law No. 12 of 2011 on Legislation Formation)
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
APBD Stipulation
Continuing the agreement between the Executive Head at regional level and DPRD, Regional Leaders and DPRD sign the Regional Regulations (Perda) on APBD.
Regional Head DPRD.
APBD Regional Regulations (Perda)
The Supreme Advisory Council (DPA)-SKPD Preparation
After signing the Perda, the Head of each SKPD prepares a DPA-SKPD for each sector. DPA-SKPD is a comprehensive document containing the budget details for the programs and activities of each SKPD. Later, the RKA SKPD is legalized by the Regional Financial Management Board/ Service and redistributed to each SKPD for implementation. At this point, Disabled Persons Organizations should attempt to obtain this document from each SKPD.
SKPD Head DPA SKPD Regional Financial Management Board/ Service.
SKPD Head; Head of the Regional Financial Management Board/ Service (names depending on each region) legalizes the final version of DPA SKPD and authorizes the spending to be implemented.
Monitoring the Iplemen-tation
Civil Society Organizations explore the public budget such as the goods and service procurement process; government institutions have an internal process for monitoring and evaluation.
Civil Society Organizations, Medias, Government Institutions, Program Executors.
SKPD Head, Regional Secretary, Civil Society Organizations.
Internal and external Monitoring and Documents Evaluation.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Regional Head DPRD
Preparation of APBD Implementation Accountability Report
This report outlines budget expenditures for the previous fiscal year and evaluates the performance of all government offices including departmental offices (dinas).
SKPD, Local Government, DPRD, Civil Society Organizations.
APBD Implementation Accountability Report.
Regional Head
This process involves meetings at DPRD not more than 6 months after the end of the previous fiscal year. Civil Society Organizations can monitor the preparation of this report and uses the media or DPRD to highlight any (budget) discrepancy. Civil Society Organizations should participate at the Meeting in DPRD especially at the Plenary Meeting to make sure that their evaluation report is heard by the Government (executive). This is crucial because DPRD no longer has the power to hold the Government (executive) accountable for the non-fulfillment of APBD objectives.
Under Government Regulation No. 58 of 2005 on Regional Financial Management, article 81 on budget amendment, and a higher rule is stated in Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance, article 28(3), a region may amend APBD/APBN in the ongoing program even when it is already signed as a Law, if: a. There has been an unexpected change at the macroeconomic level. b. There has been a change in the social and political situation or a natural disaster. c. There was an inaccuracy in the cost estimate and requiring an expansion and reduction of the activity volume and fund use.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
This possibility of change is an opportunity for Civil Society Organizations to sharpen and increase the scope of the budget objectives such as increasing the allocation for their activities or beneficiaries. Unless it is for emergencies, the Local Government may not add to the program. According to the Decree of Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs which is appointed each year on Guidelines for the preparation of APBD (as the Decree of Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 37 of 2012) the APBD modification should be done after the appointment of local regulation on accountability of the APBD in the current year and the first semester report of the APBD implementation of the current year. The agreement between the local government and DPRD towards the local regulation draft on the APBD Modification of the current year is appointed at least the end of September, with the stages of preparation and schedule below. NO
The delivery of Draft Changes of KUA and PPAS to DPRD
The first week of _ August
The agreement of the Changes of KUA and PPAS between the Executive Head at the regional level and DPRD The Guidelines of the Framing of RKA-SKPD of the APBD Changes The delivery of the Raperda APBD along with the attachment to DPRD
The second week of August
7 days
The third week of August The second week of September 3 months before the end of the fiscal year 3 work days
15 work days
7 work days
The third week of October
3. 4.
6. 7.
The understanding of the agreement with DPRD and the regional head towards the Raperda of APBD Changes The delivery to the Minister of Home Affairs/ Governor to be evaluated The Decision of the Minister of Home Affairs/ Governor about the evaluation result of Province, Regency/Municipality PAPBD, fiscal year of 2013 The legalization of Perda PAPBD which has been evaluated and considered to be appropriate with the provision The improvement of perda according to the evaluation result if it is considered to be contradictive with the public interests and the higher regulation The cancellation of Perda PAPBD if it is not improved
The end of September -
7 work days The fourth after the week of announcement October to improve according to the evaluation result
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
The Revocation of Raperda P-APBD
7 work days
The first week of November The announcement to deliver the changed draft of 3 work days after The third DPA-SKPD the validation of week of P-APBD October
MUSRENBANG AND SKPD5 From the Convention “States shall …. Takes into account the protection and promotion of the human rights of persons with disabilities in all policies and programmes …. “ In the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities, States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations.” - Article 4, General Obligations …. “States shall …. Promotes actively an environment in which persons with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in the conduct of public affairs, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.” - Article 29, Participation in Political and Public Life
The Development Planning Deliberation or commonly referred to Musrenbang as a forum for public consultation held as part of the national development planning process. This consultation is the main way in which civil society actors can influence the development planning process and the budget allocation process. Musrenbang is held every year from the Village level to the national level. At the regional level, it is held by Bappeda. All Musrenbang should be completed by April.
5. Detailed information on participation in Musrenbang and the development planning process is contained in the Good Governance brief appendix, and the following websites:;; &id=71;
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Before Musrenbang: What Are the Expected Preparations by Disabled Persons Organizations?
The Role of Government Structure:
From the village level to the national level, government officials will form a team that will hold the Musrenbang based on the directions published in the Joint Ministerial Circular (SEB) between the Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Minister of Home Affairs and the Technical Direction of Musrenbang by the Regent/Mayor. Each Village Chief, Sub district Chief, Mayor, Regent and Governor has the obligation to elect team members.
Team Tasks: 1. Preparing the Musrenbang schedule and agenda. 2. Announcing the meeting, inviting all participants including resource persons 7 days before the meetings so that the participants will be able to make their preparations. 3. Preparing the necessary materials for the meeting. 4. Compiling the list of the activities emerging from Musrenbang starting from the previous level. 5. Preparing the SKPD Forum depending on the hierarchy.
How Disabled Persons Organizations should prepare to get involved: 1. The Disabled Persons Organizations should first make the internal preparations: a. If they are parts of a network, they should hold an internal meeting with the members and the board from the lowest level to the branch level board to inform them of the APBD, raise awareness to get involved and propose their needs and interest. They should plan how to distribute their advocacy efforts over different levels and assign the person in charge at each level to ensure sustainability. b. Deciding and dividing, which priority issues are both common and ordinary in nature and are generally faced by non-persons with disabilities and which issues are specifically faced by persons with disabilities.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
c. Deciding who among their staff will participate and ensuring that women with disabilities are represented among their delegations. This will increase the likelihood for women with disabilities to be elected as a representative at Musrenbang at a higher level. 2. Start from the beginning: The Disabled Persons Organizations should make a real effort to get involved in the Musrenbang from the Village/ Kelurahan and Sub district level. This will place them in the position to participate effectively in the SKPD forum since those forums apply the planning document produced in the Musrenbang of the previous level as a basis. At the village level, it is very likely for persons with disabilities to participate in their capacity as individuals even though they are not a part of Disabled Persons Organizations, by requesting an invitation from the Village Musrenbang Committee. 3. Introduce their organizations especially activities related to the challenges and needs of persons with disabilities, through an approach with the following institutions: a. Bappeda (Regional Development Planning Agency) at the Regency/ Municipality and at Provincial level. b. Sub district Office. c. Kelurahan/Village Office. 4. Make the Bappeda to be more aware to the fact that persons with disabilities have the same rights as other people to participate and use the Musrenbang as a platform to voice their concern; and that this participation may demand some adjustments in the meeting proceedings to accommodate the special needs required by the persons with disabilities who wish to attend. Sometimes, the Bappeda asks what basic they will use to include persons with disabilities issues in the APBD discussion. If the Disabled Persons Organizations find this, it is better to be presented on Law Number 19 of 2011 on the Ratification of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Letters from Minister of Coordination on Social Welfare, the Minister of Home Affairs, and the Minister of Social Affairs who instructed that Convention implementation (see the attachment). 5. Find information from Bappeda about the Musrenbang, when the Musrenbang is going to be held, the registration procedure and the resource persons who will attend. 6. Analyze the economic development in their region, as well as the objective and target of the development policies and programs: i. Have they got any sensitiveness towards persons with disabilities? ii. What is the root of the problem that causes the rights of the persons with disabilities are still ignored/neglected? 7. Identify and make a priority of the problems faced by persons with disabilities in their region and neighboring areas. Decide on the priorities through a discussion among the Disabled Persons Organizations at different levels so that Disabled Persons Organizations will attain a joint position across regional levels on common issues. Formulate a statement. 8. Initiate a discussion with at least one resource person before the Musrenbang implementations since they will be able to direct the priority activity preparation process during the Musrenbang. The Disabled Persons Organizations should convince that the resource persons understand the priority scale and challenges of the persons with Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
disabilities, not only in specific issues that they concern about but also in the efforts by the Disabled Persons Organizations when participating in the policy making process. If it is required, the Disabled Persons Organizations should attend the preparation meeting with the resource person and equipped with comprehensive and accurate data about the persons with disabilities in the region to support their argument. 9. Make the organizing committee to be more aware on how to prepare the material and meeting room that are accessible for the persons with disabilities. Disabled Persons Organizations should prepare a simple guide on accessibility to the team. They should offer to do “checking” for the accessibility of the meeting area. The committee should provide an attendance list so that they will know the presence of the representatives from Disabled Persons Organizations with their types of disability. 10.Women with disabilities should join the group for women’s rights that demand a gendersensitive budget. Such groups have a greater visibility and experience in the policy making and budgeting process. This will also be an opportunity to emphasize the needs of persons with disabilities in general in accessing government programs.
2. During the Musrenbang: What should be done by Disabled Persons Organizations? • Meet the participants: resource persons, independent experts and academics, government representatives, member of SKPD and Bappeda, private sector actors or members of civil society groups, such as representatives of women, youth, farmers, and fishermen groups. For the DPRD representative, the Musrenbang at the Sub district level is useful for obtaining the aspirations of the communities who come from their respective regions. At the provincial level, the participants also include members of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). The participants come from different regions but they can participate both in their capacity as individuals or as groups. • Exchange information and share experience with participants who work on other issues, such as pertaining to women, farmers and fishermen, the poor, laborers. Declare that persons with disabilities are a part of all sectors in society, including the sector that they concern. Disabled Persons Organizations should help the group members to understand the importance of integrating the disability issue in their work, and bringing up disability as a cross-cutting issue. • Prepare an argument to support their position. Persons with disabilities are often given the stigma as a minority and disability as a human rights issue is often not understood properly by many participants. The Disabled Persons Organizations should distribute their statement to all participants. • Display and elaborate on the data to support the argument. For example, the cost of accessibility related to the adjustments to public buildings that will give more benefit not only to persons with disabilities but also to pregnant women and a greater public interest. • Raise the issue of accessibility and the obstacles faced by Disabled Persons Organizations in participating in this process, and the changes that can be implemented so that more Disabled Persons Organizations will be able to participate.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
• Decide the recommendation for the Local Government on which activities should be prioritized, and which budget should be allocated to the activities, to develop a more disability sensitive development plan.
3. After the Musrenbang: How Should Disabled Persons Organizations Take Follow-up Action? Every Musrenbang will produce a list of the delegates who will take part in the Musrenbang at the next level. This means that Disabled Persons Organizations at any regional level, by participating at the Musrenbang, will have the chance to participate more or less equally at the next level. Disabled Persons Organizations should make the effort to have women with disabilities as selected delegates to represent the organization at the next level. If a Disabled Persons Organization cannot participate at the next Musrenbang level, they should communicate with other Disabled Persons Organizations which may be able to participate, to make sure that their issue will be followed up and continued to be addressed at the next level. Every Musrenbang will also produce a document that will have an impact on the planning and budgeting process at the next level. Sometimes is not easy to access the document, but it is important to have it, in order to be able to measure the scope of the priority issues for persons with disabilities that have been reflected in the development planning. For example, if the Disabled Persons Organizations participates at a Village-level Musrenbang but are then unable to represent their village at the Sub district-level Musrenbang, they should meet their colleagues at the sub district level and share information on the result of the Villagelevel Musrenbang that they attended as well as the emerging issues and the priority issues. This will guarantee a consistent position among the Disabled Persons Organizations interest group across regions. Therefore, there will be a greater likelihood that the priorities of the Disabled Persons Organizations will be reflected as a priority in all Work Plans at the regional level and in the final resulting document from the regional development planning process – APBD draft.
SKPD Forum How is the relationship between Musrenbang and SKPD Forum?
SKPD (Local Apparatus Work Unit) is a government agency/board/service at the Regency/ Municipality and Province level that deals with a specific sector such as Social Affairs, Education, Health, and Manpower which is responsible for proposing and undertaking the programs and activities. The agencies also function as a sectoral internal forum, which is responsible for clarifying the reason for accepting or rejecting any activity recommendation list that arises from Musrenbang at the Sub district level, based on the basis as followed below: a. The draft sector-specific work plan (Renja) that emerged from the first of annual local government work plan (RKPD) at the District/Municipality level. b. The stipulated budget for SKPD from Bappeda. The SKPD Forum is a part of the Musrenbang process in the entire regional levels. Five delegates will be selected from each sub district level Musrenbangcam to participate in the
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
SKPD Forum. The SKPD Forum is an opportunity for civil society organization that specializes in relevant SKPD themes to influence the drafting of SKPD Renja. Therefore, Disabled Persons Organizations should attempt to participate in the SKPD Forum related to Education, Health, Transportation, Manpower, Small Business and Public Works. Each SKPD Chairman will announce the SKPD Forum to all organizations registered at the SKPD. The SKPD Forum works with Bappeda to reorganize the activity recommendation list at each SKPD. Therefore, each SKPD will prepare a final Renja in keeping with the function of each sector. In this regard the SKPD Forum plays an important intermediary role that connects the Musrenbang outcome at the lower level to the work obligation and budget availability of the governance task implementing institution at the level above it. In the synchronization process, some of the activities proposed from Musrenbangcam will be deleted.
What Is the Difference between Musrenbang and the SKPD Forum? The SKPD Forum is nonetheless the main Forum for decision making, not consultation. Based on the final draft of the Local Government Work Plan (RKPD) from Bappeda, SKPD will estimate the cost of each activity for one year and prepare a Budget General Policy (KUA). Therefore, the SKPD Forum influences the budgeting process. Musrenbang does not only focus on budget allocation, but it is also simply a consultative mechanism. Musrenbang has a predetermined and generic agenda. The SKPD Forum, on the other hand, always involves a specific sector, and is directly based on the Work Plan for each sector. Musrenbang is a regional area-based special meeting held by the Local Government. The SKPD Forum is held in each SKPD. The SKPD Forum is only carried out at the Regency/Municipality and Province level. Musrenbang is carried out in all regions and at the national level.
What Is the Role of Disabled Persons Organizations in Their Relationship with the SKPD Forum and Multi-Stakeholder SKPD Forum? The list of activities, as the result of the outcome of each Musrenbang, is intended to be applied into the Local Government Work Plan and has been decreasing progressively at each regional level as the list goes through the process from Musrenbang to SKPD or to Musrenbang at the next level. Therefore, it is important for Disabled Persons Organizations to join the process in order to make sure that their activity priorities will not be removed from the agenda. Due to the main responsibility of the SKPD Forum, in some regions, members of the civil society have attempted to broaden the consideration in the SKPD to be more open in receiving the input from the public. In these regions, this forum has led to the establishment of a “Multi-Stakeholder SKPD Forum” in which the civil society has a greater impact on the generated document - Renja SKPD and RAPBD.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Disabled Persons Organizations should capitalize on the opportunity from the forums to lobby the government officials, to develop a coalition with other civil society members who specialize in the relevant issue, and to gain more experience. The participants are the resource persons from DPRD who represent the Commission that has the partnership with SKPD, Bappeda or even Civil Society Organizations and independent experts. A multi-stakeholder forum in education, for example, will involve a representative from the SKPD Forum in Education and the Education Council, education service provider, parents of students, Teachers’ Association, School Committee, Headmaster Task Force. A multi-stakeholder forum in health will involve representatives from the SKPD Forum in health such as Association of Public Hospitals, the Association of Indonesian Doctors and the Association of Indonesian Midwives. Eventhough the SKPD forum is a special-sector, it will be better if the Disabled Persons Organizations that focus on that particular sector also participate in the Multi-Stakeholder SKPD Forum. Likewise, it will be better if the Disabled Persons Organizations that participate in Musrenbang also participate in the Multi-Stakeholder SKPD Forum. The Disabled Persons Organizations should make the effort to attend, and participate in both types of forum and apply their equal right to influence these processes. The Disabled Persons Organizations should seek an audience with the SKPD Chairman during the time scheduled for the SKPD Forum. It is true that the meetings are generally not open for the public; however, if the SKPD Chairman is aware of the Disabled Persons Organizations and considers them important, the SKPD Chairman may allow the Disabled Persons Organizations to attend the SKPD Forum. Under these circumstances, there will be plenty of opportunities for the Disabled Persons Organizations to give input into the process of making a rough estimation for the overall budget.
THE OBSTACLES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FORUM AND HOW THE DISABLED PERSONS ORGANIZATIONS DEAL WITH THEM The development planning process is not designed to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities, or the marginalized people in general. As explained in Chapter I, access to timesensitive information and meeting place are the important things, but persons with disabilities at each regional level and in all forums are faced with physical and communication barriers. In addition, there is a lack of understanding among persons with disabilities about the complexity of the procedure that regulates the policy making process. Eventually, everything will depend on the attitude of persons with disabilities themselves towards the whole process, and the need to be more proactive. The solution to deal with the participatory barriers partly lies with the Disabled Persons Organizations themselves: • Disabled Persons Organizations should educate themselves on the basic of the planning and policy making process that have a direct impact on their communities. • Disabled Persons Organizations should educate themselves on budget analysis. • Future planning, greater achievement and creativity are the key points if Disabled Persons Organizations are to find a way to access this process. The Disabled Persons Organizations needs to make the preparations earlier rather than simply waiting for the government newsletter to be published and circulated.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
• The Disabled Persons Organizations need to approach, to learn, and to work with civil society organizations that have more experience – this will increase the Disabled Persons Organizations access to the relevant information sources with more timely information. • The Disabled Persons Organizations should get themselves involved and stay involved. Learning from experience is a key for the Disabled Persons Organizations. It is important to have a clear understanding so they will not simply give up in the process because they are facing a number of challenges. • Finally, the Disabled Persons Organizations should continually call for positive and progressive action from the Government representative, including: - Make the Government understand that this process is not a mere formality. - Remind the Government that they have the obligation to involve all stakeholders (see the note in the box on this page about Ministerial Decree No. 59 of 20076) and the need to perform a comprehensive analysis of the stakeholders - Highlight the Government’s obligation to build accessible public buildings7. - Provide special directions and information on how the document and the meeting can be accessible to deaf and blind participants. - Be convinced that the agenda has been announced and widely distributed, so that marginal groups will be able to access and be aware of it. Requiring such positive change is a valuable opportunity for persons with disabilities to educate the policy makers on the importance of adapting to the surroundings of the policy making process. Through direct participation in the Musrenbang and SKPD Forum or MultiStakeholder Forum, persons with disabilities can demonstrate to the government the simple ways in which the government can improve the accessibility Keep in Mind: of the location and documents of these meetings, thus enabling the persons with disabilities to share their concern towards the conditions of society.
STAYING INVOLVED 1. When the draft Budget General Policy (KUA) is submitted to the DPRD, Disabled Persons Organizations should meet the policy makers in charge to make them aware of Disabled Persons Organizations opinion about the budget. 2. Over the course of the discussion of Draft APBD at DPRD, a public hearing is usually held. The Disabled Persons Organizations should be alert to the announcement of this hearing, attend it and involve actively in it. Disabled Persons Organizations can also request the DPRD to conduct this hearing. In addition to public hearing and public consultation, the Disabled Persons Organizations can also be presented at the DPRD Commission D meeting, and have a discussion with the DPRD Budget Committee and also each faction to propose their priority list.
The best way to learn the planning and budgeting process is by actually doing it. Building experience in this regard is time consuming but will however produce optimum result. Once a Disabled Persons Organization participates for the first time, even at the Village Musrenbang level, they will receive valuable recognition from fellow organizations beyond the Disabled Persons Organizations community. It will also gain valuable experience and find it easier to participate in the forum over the next years.
6. From Good Governance Brief, English version, part 10. LGSP 7. See National Legal Compilation appendix no. 14 and 16
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
3. Together with the SKPD, the Disabled Persons Organizations take follow-up action in the implementation of the activities stated in the APBD, such as suggesting that persons with disabilities who are qualified to receive scholarships. Going through the expenditures budget and observing its implementation to determine, for example, whether a certain budget amount has been spent and if it reaches the right beneficiaries. 4. To receive an annual report on the fulfillment of obligations, namely the APBD Accountability Report issued by the Regional Head (Regency/Municipality and Province). Analyzing the accountability report before the DPRD discusses it and deciding whether it is acceptable, to answer the following questions: a) Has the Government considered persons with disabilities’ representations in activities implementation? b) Are the beneficiaries in line with the planned targets? c) Would persons with disabilities be excluded as equal beneficiaries from the activities? d) Does the prepared report reflect the persons with disabilities data collected on site? e) Is the impact of the activity measurable to show the concrete progress for the welfare of persons with disabilities? If there is any discrepancy, the persons with disabilities should get involved in the advocacy effort to request amendment in the report. 5. To determine whether the expenditures for the activities that give attention to persons with disabilities reflect the allocation as stated in the APBD for the activity. If there is any discrepancy between the implementation of the activity and the money allocated for the activity, the Disabled Persons Organizations may take the following action: a) If it involves corruption, they should inform the District Attorney’s Office and High Prosecutor’s Office, Police and KPK (Corruption Eradication Comission, the independent agency at national level to eradicate corruption, reporting directly to the President). b) If it involves a violation of administrative procedures and poor productivity, the Disabled Persons Organizations should file a complaint to the Regional Supervisory Board / Bawasda (or Regional Inspectorate). c) If it involves a violation of a financial procedure, the Disabled Persons Organizations should file a complaint to the Finance and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) or the State Audit Agency (BPK). d) A proof of the discrepancy can be a basis for the advocacy effort targeting the Local Government during the General Election in the following year and working with the mass media to publicize the issue.
TO UTILIZE THE RAPERDA EVALUATION TIME ON APBD AS THE EFFORT TO FIX THE APBD PLANNING The Disabled Persons Organizations which have been involved in the development planning process and budget allocation whether through the Musrenbang forum or other forums might face the reality that the development plan and the regional government budget allocation have not included the needs of the persons with disabilities. If that case happens, it is not the end of our struggle to influence the government policy to pay attention to the needs of the persons with disabilities. There are other ways to change the development plan and the budget allocation.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
In the discussion process of Local Budget Plan (RAPBD) the agreement between the Regional Head and the Head of DPRD towards the Local Regulation Plan (Raperda) about APBD that becomes the Local Regulation of APBD does not mean that the activities and budget allocation which are stated in the APBD cannot be corrected. The correction of the APBD document contents still has a chance to be applied. The same thing also can be applied when the Regional Head and the DPRD Head agree that the Raperda of APBD Change becomes Perda of APBD Change after seven months of the APBD of the current fiscal year.
Legal Basis The chance of correction of the Raperda document of APBD above exists because of the evaluation period after the Raperda about APBD gets the approval from the Regional Head (executive head) and DPRD Head. This evaluation period is a kind of supervision which is done by the central government to the provincial government and the supervision of provincial government to the regency/municipality government. Those are regulated in: 1. Government Regulation Number 79 of 2005 on the Guidelines of Mentoring and Supervision of the Regional Government Implementation. 2. The Decree of Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 13 of 2006 on the Guidelines of Regional Finance Management which was changed by the Decree of Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 21 of 2011 on the Second Change of the Decree of Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Number 13 of 2006 on the Guidelines of the Regional Finance Management. Article 39 of Government Regulation Number 79 of 2005 states that the Minister of Home Affairs does the evaluation toward the Raperda on Province APBD, while the Governor does the evaluation toward the Raperda on Regency/Municipality APBD.
Definition of Evaluation and the Result of the Evaluation toward Raperda of APBD This evaluation is an action taken by the Minister of Home Affairs and the Governor to observe the Raperda on APBD, including the development plan material and budget allocation in the APBD document. There are two aspects which are observed in evaluating the APBD document, they are (1) Does APBD contradict with the public interest? And (2) Does APBD contradict with the law regulation? If APBD contradicts with the public interest and law regulation, the Minister of Home Affairs or the Governor can ask the Regional Head and DPRD to do the improvement and adaptation of APBD according to the evaluation result. If the Regional Head and DPRD do not make an improvement and adaptation as the follow up of the evaluation, the Minister of Home Affairs can cancel the Raperda on Province APBD and the Governor cancels the Raperda on Regency/ Municipality APBD.
The Steps of Evaluation Implementation Evaluation which is done by the Minister of Home Affairs and the Governor should pass these stages:
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
No Activities
The Governor delivers Raperda on Province APBD which has been approved by the Regional Head (executive) and Head of DPRD to the Minister of Home Affairs The Regent/Mayor delivers the Raperda on Regency/ Municipality APBD which has been approved by the Regional Head and Head of DPRD to the Governor.
At the latest 3 (three) days since the Raperda on Province APBD has been approved by the Regional Head and Head of DPRD.
The Minister of Home Affairs evaluates Raperda on Province APBD.
Within a period of 15 days since the Raperda document is received by the Minister of Home Affairs.
The Governor evaluates the Raperda on Regency/ Municipality APBD.
Within a period of 15 days since the Raperda document is received by the Governor.
The Minister of Home Affairs delivers the evaluation result of Raperda on Province APBD to the Governor.
Within a period of 15 days since the Raperda document is received by the Minister of Home Affairs.
The Governor delivers the evaluation result of Raperda on Regency/Municipality APBD to the Regent/Mayor. The Governor and DPRD follow up by improving and adapting Raperda on Province APBD according to the evaluation result of the Minister of Home Affairs. The Regent/Mayor and DPRD follow up by improving and adapting the Raperda on Regency/Municipality APBD according to the evaluation result of the Governor. The Minister of Home Affairs cancels the Raperda on Province APBD if the Governor and DPRD do not follow up the evaluation result. The Governor cancels the Raperda on Regency/ Municipality APBD if the Regent/Mayor and DPRD do not follow up the evaluation result.
Within a period of 15 days since the Raperda document is received by the Governor.
At the latest 3 (three) days since the Raperda on Regency/Municipality APBD has been approved by the Regional Head and Head of DPRD.
Within a period of 7 (seven) days since the evaluation result is received. Within a period of 7 (seven) dyas since the evaluation result is received.
After the period of 7 (seven) days is over, the Governor and DPRD do not follow up the evaluation result. After the period of 7 (seven) days is over, the Regent/Mayor and DPRD do not follow up the evaluation result.
How to Use the Evaluation Period The most important thing that we have to do is to formulate the existed problems in the APBD document that there are public interests and law regulation which are violated by the Regional Head and DPRD when APBD does not include the needs of the persons with disabilities in their activities plan and budget allocation. We can deliver the appropriate reasons. For example, the activities which are planned by the government are inadequate compared with the compulsory which they should do (mention the activities and the budget made in the APBD and compare with the problems which are faced by the persons with disabilities). We can put forward that Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
the regional government’s activities plan is out of sync with the priority program of the central government. The existence of Law Number 19 of 2011 on the Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities expressly gives the responsibility to the government to fulfill the needs of the persons with disabilities. To strengthen the reasons, remind them of the Letters from Ministry of Coordination on Social Welfare, the Minister of Home Affairs, and the Minister of Social Affairs which command the regions (governor/regent/mayor) to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. If APBD does not include the needs of the persons with disabilities fairly and progressively, APBD is contradictive with the public interest and law regulation. Do not forget to give concrete input for the improvement of APBD. The Disabled Persons Organizations should give input to the Minister of Home Affairs (Province APBD) or the Governor (Regency/Municipality APBD) at the latest 3 days after the Regional Head and DPRD make the Raperda on APBD agreement, so that it can be noted and the Minister of Home Affairs and the Governor have enough time. If possible, make a hearing with the authorities who evaluate so they can understand more of the problems which we deliver. (Winarta).
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
The Contact Address of Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, House of Representatives, BAPPENAS
No Agency
Kementerian Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Kementrian Jl. Salemba Raya Sosial RI No. 28 Jakarta 10430
Telp: (021) 5715330, 5715334, 5715424, 5715335 Fax : (021) 5736971 Telp: 021-390 5650 Faks: 021-334 779
Gedung DPR RI Nusantara III, Lantai 4, Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270 Jl. Taman Suropati No. 2 Jakarta 10310
Kementrian Kesehatan RI
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Telp: 021-3103591 Fax: 021-3103783 Jl H.R.Rasuna Telp: Said Blok X.5 Kav. (62-21) 5201587, 4-9 5201591, 5201590 Fax: (62-21) 5201591 Jalan Jenderal Informasi dan Sudirman pengaduan seputar Senayan Jakarta pendidikan 10270. Call center : 177 Telepon alternatif : 021 5703303 SMS : 0811976929
Email : pengaduan@ Twitter : @Kemdikbud_RI Facebook : www.facebook. com/Kemdikbud.RI
Alamat kontak Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, DPRD, BAPPEDA tingkat propinsi
3.1 Propinsi DI Yogyakarta No Instansi
Kompleks Kepatihan, Danurejan, Yogyakarta 55213.
(0274) 512655
Sekretariat Daerah
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Komplek Kepatihan Danurejan Yogyakarta 55213
Telp: (0274)586712, 562811 (Psw 209219) Fax: (0274) 586712
E-mail : bappeda_diy@plasa. com http://bapeda.jogjaprov.
DPRD Propinsi DIY
Jl. Malioboro 54 Yogyakarta DIY
(0274) 51288, 565622, 560293
Dinas Sosial Propinsi DIY
Jl. Janti Banguntapan Yogyakarta
(0274) 563 510 / 514 932
Dinas Kesehatan DIY
Jl. Tompeyan TR III/201 Yogyakarta 55244
Telp: (0274) 563153, Email:
[email protected]. Fax: (0274) 512368,, Website : http://dinkes.
Dinas Kantor : Pendidikan DIY Jl.Cendana 9 Yogyakarta Kode Pos : 55166
Telepon : (0274) 550330 Fax : (0274) 513132
Email : dikpora@jogjaprov. http://www.pendidikan-diy.
3.2 Regency/Municipality in Special Region of Yogyakarta Regional Secretariat No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman 2 Kulon Progo
Gunung Kidul
Jl Perwakilan No. 1 Wates Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 1 Wonosari Jl. Robert Wolter Monginsidi Telp. 0274367771
Telp. (0274)7730101131, 773074 (0274) 391040 ,
[email protected] (0274) 391006 psw 102
[email protected]
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Bappeda No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman
Kulon Progo
Gunung Kidul
Jl Parasamya No 1, Beran, Tridadi, Sleman 55511 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jl Perwakilan No. 1 Wates
Telpon (0274) 868405 pesawat 1171, Fax (0274) 868800, TELP (0274) 773010-1202, 773247 No. Telp/Fax : +62274391761/ +62274391701
http://bappeda.slemankab. e-mail : bappeda@slemankab.
Telp. 0274-367533
Jl. Satria No. 3 Wonosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta 55812 Jl. Robert Wolter Monginsidi Jl. Kenari No 56 Yogyakarta
http://bappeda. bappeda_gunungkidul@
Tlp 0274-515865, 515866
Regional Representative Council
No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman
Jl. Parasamya Beran, Tridadi, Sleman 55511
Kulon Progo
Jl . Sugiman Wates, Kulon Progo
Telp. (0274) 868 531, 868 dprdsleman@dprd. 405 psw 1101 Fax: (0274) 868 413 Telp. (0274) 773271
Gunung Kidul
Jl Brigjend Katamso No 12 Wonosari, Telp (0274) 391030 Jl. Jendral Sudirman 85 Bantul Telp. 0274367417
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Telp./Fax. 0274540650, 540651
[email protected]
Department of Social Services No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman
Kulon Progo
Gunung Kidul
Jl Parasamya Beran Tridadi Sleman, Yogyakarta 55511 Jl Sugiman No. 3 Wates Jl KH Agus Salim No 125 Wonosari, Telp (0274) 391450 Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 91, Bantul Telp. 367 509 ext 429
Phone: (0274) http://nakersos.slemankab. 868429 , Fax: (0274) 868945
[email protected]
TELP (0274) 773026 http://sosnakertrans. nakertrans@gunungkidulkab.
[email protected]
Department of Health No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman
JL. Ipda Tut Harsono 43 Yogyakarta - 55165, INDONESIA Kotak Pos 5000 YK
Kulon Progo
Jl Roro Jonggrang Beran Tridadi Sleman, Yogyakarta 55511 Jalan Suparman No. 1 Wates, Kulon Progo, Kode Pos: 55611,
Phone: (0274) 868409 , Fax: (0274) 868945
Website : http://dinkes. Email: dinkes@slemankab.
Telp.: 0274-773011, http://www.dinkes. 0274-773251, 0274- 773268
[email protected] Fax: 0274-774783,
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Gunung Kidul
Jl Kol Sugiyono No 17 Wonosari,
Telp (0274) 391322
Telp. 0274-367533 0274-367531
Kompleks II Kantor Pemda. Bantul, Manding, Sabdodadi Bantul Jl. Prof. Dr.Sardjito No.5 Yogyakarta
http://www.dinkes. dinkes@gunungkidulkab. dinkeskabbantul@bantulkab.
( 0274) 515868, 515869
[email protected]
Jl Parasamya Beran Tridadi Sleman, Yogyakarta 55511 Jl Ki Jolosuto Wates
Phone: (0274) 868512 , Fax: (0274) 868512
[email protected]
Telp (0274) 391191
Department of Education No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sleman
Kulon Progo
Gunung Kidul
Jl Ki Hajar Dewantoro N0 32,
Bantul Dinas Pendidikan Menengah dan Non Formal
Kompleks II Kantor Pemda. Bantul, Manding, Sabdodadi Bantul
Dinas Pendidikan Dasar
Kompleks II Kantor Pemda. Bantul, Manding, Sabdodadi Bantul Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 11 Yogyakarta 55212
Telp : (0274) 774535 email : pendidikan@ Fax : (0274) 773916 Website : pendidikan. pendidikan@ http://www. Telp. (0274) 368621
[email protected]
telp. (0274) 367 171, 367 327
[email protected] http://dikmen.bantulkab.
(0274) 512956, 563078, 544521
[email protected] http://pendidikan.jogjakota.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
3.3 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara No Agency
Sekretariat Daerah BAPPEDA Propinsi NTT DPRD Propinsi NTT Dinas Sosial Propinsi NTT
Jl. Raya El Tari No. 52 Kupang. Jl. Polisi Militer No. 2 Kupang. Jl. Raya El Tari No. 54 Kupang Jl. Jend. Soeharto No. 73 Kupang
(0380) 833114
Dinas Kesehatan NTT Dinas Pendidikan NTT
Jl. Palapa No. 22 (0380) 833086 Kupang. Jl. Jend. Soeharto (0380) 833064 No. 37 Kupang.
2 3 4
5 6
(0380) 831712 (0380) 821804 (0380) 833034
3.4 Regency/Municipality in East Nusa Tenggara Regional Secretariat No Regency/ Municipality 1 Kota Kupang
Kabupaten Kupang
Timor Tengah Selatan Timor Tengah Utara
Flores Timur
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kupang Kompleks Perkantoran Kab Kupang, Jl. Timor Raya KM -38 Oelmasi Jl. Basuki Rachmat SoE Jl. Basuki Rachmat Kefamenanu Jl. El Tari Atambua Jl. El Tari No. 10 Kalabahi Jl. Basuki Rachmat Larantuka
(0380) 833106
0380) 821927
(0388) 21037
0388) 31002
(0389) 21018
(0386) 21055
(0383) 21096
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Jl. Jend. A. Yani Maumere Jl. El Tari Ende Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bajawa
9 Ende 10 Ngada 11 Nagekeo 12 Manggarai 13 Manggarai Barat 14 Manggarai Timur 15 Sumba Timur
16 Sumba Barat
17 18 19 20
Jl. Motang Rua No. 1 Ruteng Jl. Waekelambu
(0382) 21004
(0381) 21021 (0384) 21012
(0385) 21010
(0385) 41485
Jl. Soeharto (0387) 62785 Waingapu No 42 NTT, 87112 Jl. Basuki (0387) 22203 Rachmat Waikabubak
Sumba Tengah Sabu Raijua Rote Ndao Jl. Gereja Ba,a (0380) 872066 Lembata Jl. Trans Lembata (0383) 41039
Regional Representative Council No Regency/ Municipality 1 Kota Kupang 2
Kabupaten Kupang
Timor Tengah Selatan
Timor Tengah Utara
Jl. Raya El Tari II (0380) 820015 Kupang Kompleks (0380) 833016 Perkantoran Kab Kupang, Jl. Timor Raya KM -38 Oelmasi Jl. Basuki (0388) 21036 Rachmat SoE
Jl. Basuki (0388) 31268 Rachmat Kefamenanu Jl. El Tari (0389) 21194 Atambua Jl. Padang (0386) 21605 Tekukur Kalabahi
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Flores Timur
9 Ende 10 Ngada 11 Nagekeo 12 Manggarai 13 Manggarai Barat 14 Manggarai Timur 15 Sumba Timur
16 Sumba Barat
17 Rote Ndao 18 Lembata
(0383) 21023
Jl. Motang Rua No. 1 Ruteng Jl. Waekelambu
(0385) 21097
Jl. Soeharto Waingapu No 42 NTT, 87112 Jl. Basuki Rachmat Waikabubak Jl. Gereja Ba,a Jl. Trans Lembata
(0387) 61005
(0382) 21008 (0381) 22126 (0384) 21003
(0385) 41508 -
(0387) 21096
(0380) 872066 (0383) 41039
Bappeda No Regency/ Municipality 1 Kota Kupang
Kabupaten Kupang
Timor Tengah Selatan Timor Tengah Utara Belu
Jl. B. I. de Rosari Larantuka Jl. Jend. A. Yani Maumere Jl. El Tari Ende Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bajawa
Jl. Perintis (0380) 826302 Kemerdekaan Kupang Kompleks (0380) 821413 Perkantoran Kab Kupang, Jl. Timor Raya KM -38 Oelmasi Jl. Basuki (0388) 21088 / Rachmat SoE 22862 (0388) 31114 Jl. El Tari Atambua Jl. El Tari No. 10 Kalabahi
(0389) 22049 / 22430 (0386) 21378
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Flores Timur
9 Ende 10 Ngada 11 Manggarai 12 Manggarai Barat 13 Sumba Timur
14 Sumba Barat
15 Rote Ndao 16 Lembata
Jl. Basuki Rachmat Larantuka Jl. Jend. A. Yani Maumere Jl. El Tari Ende Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bajawa Jl. Motang Rua No. 1 Ruteng Jl. Waekelambu
(0383) 21625 / 21056
Jl. Soeharto Waingapu No 42 NTT, 87112 Jl. Basuki Rachmat Waikabubak Jl. Gereja Ba,a Jl. Trans Lembata
(0387) 61304
(0382) 21696 / 21885 (0381) 22103 (0384) 21035 (0385) 21400 (0385) 42492
(0387) 21013
(0380) 871179 (0383)41279 / 41038
Department of Social Services No Regency/Municipality
Kota Kupang
Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan No 2 Kupang
( 0380 ) 833106
Kab. Kupang
Jl Timor Raya Km 38 Oelmasi
Jl Dewi Sartika No 4 - Soe
(0388) 21013 - 21848
Jl. Eltari Km 3 - Kefamenanu
Kab Timor Tengah Selatan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Kab Belu
Jl Mohamad Yamin - Atambua
Telp. (0388) 31087 – 31692 (0389) 21104
Kab Alor
Jl Eltari No 11 - Kalabahi
(0386) 21335 - 21121
Kab Lembata
Jl Trans Lembata - Lewoleba
(0383) 41484
Kab Flores Timur
Jl TMP Lapak Tanah - Larntuka
Kabupaten Sikka
Jl Mawar No 28 - Maumere
(0382) 21092,
10 Kab Ende
Jl Melati No 62 - Ende
(0381) 21007
11 Kab Ngada
Jl Soekarno - Hatta - Bajawa
(0384) 21124 - 21147
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
12 Kab Nagekeo
Jl Simpang Danga - Marpokot, Mbay
(0411) 402150
13 Kab Manggarai
Jl Renya Rosari No 33 - Ruteng
(0385) 21157
14 Kab Manggarai Barat
Jl Labuan Bajo
(0385) 41627
15 Kab Manggarai Timur
16 Kab Sumba Barat
Jl Teratai No 12 - Waikabubak
(0387) 21255
17 Kab Sumba Timur
Jl Adam Malik No 26 - Waingapu
(0387) 61337 - 62868
18 Kab Sumba Barat Daya
Jl Tambolaka
19 Kab Sumba Tengah
20 Kab Rote Ndao
Jl. Kompleks Perkantoran Bumi Ti’i Langga Permai – Rote Jl Trans Seba - Seba
21 Kab Sabu Raijua
Department of Education No Regency/Municipality
Kota Kupang Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kupang
Kota Kupang Dinas Pendidikan
Kota Kupang Dinas Pendidikan
Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 4 Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 5 Dinas Pendidikan Atambua Kab. Belu 6 Dinas Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Kab. Alor 7 Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Flores Timur 8 Dinas Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Kab. Sikka 9 Dinas Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Kab. Ende 10 Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda & Olah Raga Kab. Ngada 11 Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Manggarai
Jl. Soekarno No. 39, SoE (85511)
(0388) 21866,21039
Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Kefamenanu
(0388) 31040
Jl. Soekarno No. 26, (85711)
(0389) 21038
Jl. Soekarno-Hatta, Male-Kalabahi-Alor
(0386) 21103
Jl. Jend. A.Yani - Batuwata, Larantuka
Jl. Mawar No. 12 Maumere - Sikka (86112) Jl. Melati - Ende - Flores
(0382) 21190
Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Bajawa (86415)
(0384) 21423,21776
Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 15, Ruteng Manggarai
(0385) 21514,21863
2 3
Jl.Timor Raya No 38,Oelmasi Kupang
(0381) 21021,21275
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
12 Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Sumba Timur 13 Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Kab. Sumba Barat Dinas 14 Kab. Lembata Dinas Pendidikan 15 Kab. Rote Ndao Dinas Pendidikan 0380 16 Kab. Manggarai Barat Dinas Pendidikan
Jl. Jend. Soeharto No. 42, Waingapu
(0387)61213 0387 0
Jl. Adyaksa No. 46, Waikabubak (87211) (0387) 21468,21467
Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Lewolebo, Nubatukan,Lembata Jl. Lekunik, Nusaklain, Ba’a - Rote Ndao871212 Jl. Sernaru No. 3 Labuan Bajo Manggarai Barat
(0383) 41092 0380 871073,871022 (0385) 41510.41086,41668
Department of Health No Regency/Municipality
Phone / Fax.
Kota Kupang
(0380) 825796
Kab. Kupang
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kec. Kelapa Lima 85111 Jl. Timor Raya no 38 Oelmasi
Kab Ende
Jalan Melati Ende. Kabupaten Ende Flores NTT
Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan
Jl. Kartini No.1 Soe - NTT 85511
(0381)22239 fax(0381)22231, 21650 email :
[email protected] (0388) 21024 -21441(0388) 21441
Kab. Timor TengahUtara Jl. Basuki Rachmat - Kefamenanu
Kab. Belu
Jl. Eltari No.9 - Atambua 85711
Kab. Alor
Jl. Prof. DR. WZ. Johanes - Kalabahi
Kab. Lembata
Jl. Trans Lembata - Lewolwba
Kab. Flores Timur
Jl.Ahmad Yani No 205 - Larantuka
10 Kab. Sikka
Jl. El Tari - Maumere , 86113
11 Kab. Ngada
Jl. Gajah Mada No.2 86411
12 Kab Nagekeo
Jln Raya Danga - Marpokot, Mbay
(0388) 31851 (0388) 31085 (0389) 21542 (0389) 22763 (0386) 21052 (0386) 21400 (0383) 41422 (0383) 21200 (0383) 21120 (0382) 21266 (0384) 21884,(0384) 21065
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
13 Kab Manggarai
Jl Ahmad Yani - Ruteng
14 Kab Manggarai Timur 15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 16 Kab Sumba Barat Daya
Jl. Prof. DR. WZ. Johanes No.1 Labuan Bajo Jl Kadul - Tambolaka
17 Kab Sumba Tengah
18 Kab Sumba Barat
Jl. Weekarou – Waikabubak 87200
(0387) 22167
19 Kab Sumba Timur
Jl R. Suprapto No 22
( 0387) 61050
20 Kab. Rote Ndao
Jl. Kompleks Perkantoran Bumi Ti’i Langga Permai - Rote Jl Trans Seba - Bolow Km 07
(0380) 871078 / 085253171669
21 Kab Sabu Raijua
(0385) 41114
3.5 The Province of Aceh
No Agency
Sekretariat Daerah
Telp. (0651) 51377 Faks. (0651) 32386
Website :
BAPPEDA Provinsi Aceh
Telepon: (0651) 21440 Fax: (0651) 33654 Email: Bappeda[at]acehprov.
DPRA Provinsi Aceh
Telp. (0651) 2625032138. Fax. (0651) 21638
Dinas Sosial Provinsi Aceh
Telp. (o651) 44326, Fax. 44325.
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Aceh
0651-26253 Fax. 0651-26253
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Aceh
Jl. T. Nyak Arif No.219 Banda Aceh Jl. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Beureueh No.26 Banda Aceh kodepos 23121 JL. Tgk.H.M.Daud Beureueh, Email: dpra. dpr_aceh@ Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 49 Kota Banda Aceh Jln. Syeh Mudawali No. 6-Banda Aceh Telp. Jl. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Beureueh No. 22Banda Aceh
Telp. 0651-21011, 22121 Fax. 065132386, 31991
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Bina Marga dan Cipta Karya
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 1 Banda Aceh
Telp. 0651-47009
3.6 Regency/Municipality in Province of Aceh Sekda/Sekdako No Regency
Phone/ website
Banda Aceh
(0651) 22744
Aceh Besar
Jl. Tengku Abu Lam U No. 7, Banda Aceh Jl. TB. P. Polem Jantho, Aceh Besar -
Jl. Prof. A. Madjid Ibrahim, Pidie
Telp : 0653-21005
Jl. Laksamana Malahayati. No. 1
Aceh Utara
7 8
Aceh Timur Aceh Tamiang
Telp. (0644) 324312. Fax (0644) 324313 Jln. Balaikota No.1, Kota Lhokseumawe. TELP : (0645)43955 FAX : (0645) 43030 Jl. Ir. Juanda, No.69. Karang Baru. Telp. (0641) 332899
Aceh Tengah
Jl. Yos Sudarso, Takengon
10 Aceh Tenggara
Jl. Sultan Iskandar No. 4
11 Aceh Singkil
Jl. Jend. A. Yani. No.20. Singkil
12 Gayo Lues
Jl Kong Bur kompleks Perkantoran Pemda Kabupaten Gayo Lues Alur Batin, Blangkejeren Jl. Gajah Mada, Meulaboh -
13 Aceh Barat
14 Aceh Selatan
15 Nagan Raya 16 Aceh Barat Daya 17 Simeulue
Telp. (0652) 92128
Telp. (0642) 21014, Fax. 21170 Telp. (0629) 21349 Fax. 21029 Telp. (0658) 21019, 21121 Telp. (0642) 21399, Fax. (0642) 21388
Telp. (0555) 21001, 21418, 21020 Fax. (0555) 23041 Jl. T. Ben Mahmud No. 11A TAPAKTUAN Telpon : (0656) 21513, 21008 Ext : 217; 218; 219 Fax : (0656) 21677 Jl.Nasional No.17. Suka Makmue. Nagan Raya Jl. Irian, No.35. Blangpidie. Aceh Barat Daya Jl. Teuku Diujung. Sinabang. Simeulue
Telp. (0650) 21403, 21404. Fax. (0650) 21102
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
18 Aceh Jaya
Jl. Pertiwi No 03, Calang - Aceh Jaya
Telp : 0542.594706 , Fax : 0542.594706
19 Bener Meriah
20 Kota Langsa
Jl. Masjid Raya Babussalam, Simpang Tiga Redelong. Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Jl. Ahmad Yani. Langsa
21 Kota Lhokseumawe 22 Sabang
Jl. Merdeka I NO 02 - Lhokseumawe Jl. Diponegoro, Sabang
Telp. (0645) 630036 Telp. (0652) 21018, 21016, 21121 Fax. (0652) 21034
No Regency/ Municipality Office Address
Contact Number
Banda Aceh
(0651) 22744
3 4
Sabang Aceh Besar
6 7
Bireuen Aceh Utara
Aceh Timur
9 Aceh Tamiang 10 Aceh Tengah 11 Aceh Tenggara 12 Aceh Singkil 13 Gayo Lues 14 Aceh Barat 15 Aceh Selatan 16 Nagan Raya 17 Aceh Barat Daya 18 Simeulue
Telp. (0641) 21839
Jl. Tengku Abu Lam U No. 7, Banda Aceh Jl. Yos Sudarso, Kota Sabang Jl. Bupati T.Bachtiar Panglima Polem, SH Kota Jantho 23911 Jl. Tgk. Cik Di Tiro No.30, Sigli, Pidie 24112 Jl. Malahayati, Bireuen Jl. N.A. Kamil No.1 Lhokseumawe, Aceh Utara 24112 Jl. Cut Nyak Din No.3, Langsa, Aceh Timur Jl. Yos Sudarso, Sakengon, Aceh Tengah Jl. Kutacane Blang Kejereu No.8, Aceh Tenggara Jl. A. Yani, Aceh Singkil Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No.1, Meulaboh Aceh Barat Jl. Syech A. Rauf No.29 Tapaktuan, Aceh Selatan Jl. Teuku Ben No.02, Suka Makmue Jl. Tengku DiUjung Kab. Simeulue, Tinabang 23691
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
19 Aceh Jaya 20 Bener Meriah
Jl. Pelabuhan Calang, Aceh Jaya Jl. Serule Kayu, Komp. Perkantoran Diredelong
No Regency/Municipality
Office Address
Telephone Number
Banda Aceh
Jl. Nyak Adam kamil No. 19 A, b. Aceh
Jl. Yos Sudarso, No. 45 Sabang
Aceh Besar
Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim, Kota Jantho
Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim, Sigli
Jl. Malikussaleh No. 37B, Bireuen
Aceh Utara
Jl. Samudra No. 53, Lhokseumawe
Aceh Timur
Jl. Jendral A. Yani No. 9 Langsa
Aceh Tamiang
Jl. Letjen Suprapto no. 6B, Gedung Veteran, Kuala Simpang Jl. Pahlawan No. 737, Takengon
(0651) 31398, 28833, 32398. Fax. (0651) 32397 (0652) 22922, Fax. (0652) 21184, 21084 (0651) 92135, Fax. (0651) 92241 (0653) 21069, Fax. (0653) 21869, 23739 (0644) 324314, Fax. (0644) 324716 (0645) 43827, 45200, 630950, Fax. (0645) 43574 (0641) 22265, 21767, Fax. (0641) 21607 (0641) 31897, Fax. (0641) 332487 (0643) 21153, Fax. (0643) 21479, 21300 (0629) 21302, Fax. (0629) 21302 (0658) 21321, Fax. (0658) 21322 (0642) 21599, Fax. (0642) 21599 (0655) 21530, 7006016, Fax. (0655) 22430, 7551162, 7551432 (0656) 21478, Fax. (0656) 21479, 21272 (0659) 92978, Fax. (0659) 92961
10 Aceh Tengah 11 Aceh Tenggara 12 Aceh Singkil 13 Gayo Lues
Jl. Bedussamad No. 1 Mandala, Kutacane Jl. A. Yani No. 27
14 Aceh Barat
Jl. Kejaksaan No. 44A, Tangsi, Kp. Jawa, Blangkejeren Jl. Gajah Mada, Meulaboh
15 Aceh Selatan
Jl. T. Ben Mahmud, Sukamakmu
16 Nagan Raya 17 Aceh Barat Daya
Jl. Pendidikan No. 2, Blang Pidie
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
18 Simeulue
Jl. T Ujung, Simeulu
19 Aceh Jaya
Jl. Pertiwi, Calang
20 Bener Meriah 21 Kota Langsa
Jl. Chik Ditiro No. 51 Pb. Tunong
22 Kota Lhokseumawe
Jl. Balai Kota No. 1 Lhokseumawe, 24351
Dinas Sosial
No Regency/ Municipality 1 Banda Aceh
(0650) 21540, Fax. (0650) 21250 (0654) 2210075, Fax. (0654) 2210076, (0641) 21767, Fax. (0641) 21061, 23896 (0645) 630253, 630835, Fax. (0645) 630253
Aceh Besar
Aceh Utara
Office Name
Office Address
Telephone Number
Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Banda Aceh Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Sabang Kantor Kependudukan dan Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Aceh Besar Dinas Kependudukan, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Pidie Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Mobilitas Penduduk Kabupaten Bireuen Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Mobilitas Penududuk, Kabupaten Aceh Utara
Jl. Residen Danubroto, Banda Aceh Jl. Yos Sudarso, Kota Sabang
(0651) 7425210, 48853, Fax (0651) 28295
Jl. Transmigrasi No.2, Jantho
(0651) 92676, Fax (0651) 92676
Jl. Prof.A.Majid Ibrahim, Sigli
(0653) 21168-21738, Fax (0653) 21263-21557
Jl. Malikussaleh Bireuen
(0644) 323550, Fax (0644) 21738
Jl. Mayjen T. Hamzah Bendahara, Lhokseumawe. Kode Pos 24351
(0645) 43591, Fax (0645) 43591
(0652) 22582, Fax. (0652) 22805
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Aceh Timur
Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Aceh Timur Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Aceh Timur 8 Aceh Tamiang Kantor Tenaga Kerja, Capil dan Keluarga Sejahtera Aceh Tamiang 9 Aceh Tengah Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Aceh Tengah 10 Aceh Tenggara Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara 11 Aceh Singkil Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Aceh Singkil 12 Gayo Lues Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Gayo Lues 13 Aceh Barat Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Aceh Barat 14 Aceh Selatan Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Kependudukan dan Capil Kabupaten Aceh Selatan
Jl. Prof.A.Majid Ibrahim No.125, Langsa
(0641) 21004, Fax. (0641) 21739
Jl. Peutua Husein No. 1 Idi
Jl. Panglima Polem No.49, Kuala Simpang
(0641) 333297, Fax (0643) 21277
Jl. Time Ruang Kemile No. 89 Takengon
(0643) 21277
Jl. T. Bedussamad No. 1, Kuta Cane
(0629) 21123, Fax. (0629) 21029
Jl. Singkil-Rimo Km 20, Padang Lawas, Singkil Utara
(0658) 21227, Fax. (0658) 21227
Jl. Panti Asuhan Budi Baik Blang Kejeren
(0642) 21774
Jl. Ujung Beurasok Desa Lapang, Meulaboh
(0655) 21668, Fax (0655) 7551385
Jl.T.R Angkasah No.25,Tapak Tuan. Kode Pos. 23715
(0656) 21279, Fax (0656) 21297
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
15 Nagan Raya
16 Aceh Barat Daya
17 Simeulue
18 Aceh Jaya
19 Bener Meriah
20 Kota Langsa
21 Kota Lhokseumawe
22 Subulussalam
23 Pidie Jaya
Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Nagan Raya Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Simeulu Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Mobilitas Penduduk Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bener Meriah Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Mobilitas Penduduk Kota Langsa Dinas Sosial danTenaga Kerja Kota Lhokseumawe Dinas Kependudukan, Catatan Sipil, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kota Subulussalam Dinas Kependudukan, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Pidie Jaya
Jl. Nasional Komp. (0655) 41460-42438, Perkantoran Fax (0655) 75511778 Sukamakmur. Kode Pos. 23671 Jl. Irian No. 9, Blang (0659) 93016, Fax (0659) Pidie 93330
Jl. Baru Desa Ameria Bahagia, Sinabang
Hp. 081360822282
Jln. Kejaksaan No.4 Calang
(0654) 22052
BLK Pante Raya Jln. Bireun Takengon
Hp. 085260923850
Jl. Prof. Majid Ibrahim Kp. Lhok Gani Langsa
(0641) 21794
Jl. Panglateh no. 35 D Lhokseumawe
(0645) 48256, Fax (0645) 48256
Jln.T.Umar, No. 63 Fax. (0627) 31276 Subulussalam Utara
Jln. PLN Meureudu
HP. 085277456333
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Dinas Pendidikan No Regency/ Municipality 1 Banda Aceh
Aceh Besar
Aceh Utara
Aceh Timur
Aceh Tamiang
Aceh Tengah
Office Name
Office Address
Telephone Number
Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Tgk. P. Nyak Pemuda & Olah Makam No.23, Kota Raga Baru-Banda Aceh (23125) Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Haji Agus Salim, Ii-Meulee-Sabang (235521)
Telp. 0651-53598, Faks 0651-53598, 51689
Dinas Pendidikan Jl. T. Bakhtiar No.10 Panglima Polim SHKota Jantho Telp. 065192156,92547,92191 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Tgk. Chik Ditiro & Kebudayaan No. 8, Blang Asan, Siglie (24112) Telp. 0653-21576 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Mayjen & Kebudayaan T Hamzah Bendahara, Bireuen (24211), Telp. 064421024 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Mayjen Nyak Adam Kamil No.7 Lhoksumawe (24313)Telp. 0645-43660, 43423,40173 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Jenderal A.Yani & Pengajaran – Langsa – Aceh Timur Telp. 0641-21042 Dinas Pendidikan JL. Ir. H. Juanda No. 71 Karang Baru (24476) -Aceh Tamiang Telp.0641-31286 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Lukup Badak – & Kebudayaan Takengon – Aceh Tengah (24515) Telp. 0643-21852
Faksimili 0651-92156
Telp. 0652-21015 Faksimili 0652-21015
Faksimili 0653-24786,24382
Fax. 0644-324210,324313
Faksimili 0645-45310, 43423
Faksimili 0641-424514
Faksimili 0641-333000
Faksimili 0643-21015
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10 Aceh Tenggara Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Leuser No. 237 Kab. Aceh Mangga Dua Tenggara Kutacane Aceh Tenggara Telp : 0629-532359 11 Aceh Singkil Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Utama No. 10 Singkil Telp. 0658-21162 12 Gayo Lues Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Kuta Panjang Pengajaran No.5 Blangkejeren (24653) -Gayo Lues Telp. 0642-21051 13 Aceh Barat Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Manek Roo No.111-Meulaboh (23617) 0655-7012919 14 Aceh Selatan Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien No.14 -14A – Tapaktuan (23711) Telp : 0656-21011322124 15 Nagan Raya Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Arraniri Suka Kebudayaan Makmue- JeuramNagan Raya Telp. 0655 25518,41447 16 Aceh Barat Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Nasional No. 115 Daya Pemuda & Olah Desa Padang, Blang Raga Pidie-Aceh Barat Daya Telp. 0659-92982 17 Simeulue Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Baru No. 08 Sinabung – Simeulue Telp. 0650-21061 18 Aceh Jaya Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Pertiwi No. 5 Calang-Aceh Jaya Telp. 0654-594706 19 Bener Meriah Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Mesjid dan Kebudayaan Babussalam, Simpang Tiga Redelong – Bener Meriah
Faksimile : 0629-532253
faksimili 0658-21162
Faksimili 0642-21051,21199, 21310
Faksimili 0655-7551071
Faksimile : 0656-322124
Faksimili 0655-41449
faksimili 0659-91050
Faksimili 0650-21061
Faksimili 0654-594706
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
20 Kota Langsa
21 Kota Lhokseumawe
22 Subulussalam
23 Pidie Jaya
Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Haji Agus Salim & Pengajaran 10 Langsa Telp. 064121174/20855 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Mayjen T & Kebudayaan Hamzah Bintara, Lhokseumawe Telp. 064543660,43423, 40173,45234,42335 Dinas Pendidikan Jln Siti Ambia No. 1 Kebudayaan Subulussalam Telp. Pemuda dan (0627) 31336 Kode Olah Raga Pos : 24782 Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Iskandar Muda, Pemuda dan Meureudu, Olah Raga
Faksimili 0641-20855,23709
Faksimili. 064545310,43423,45234
Hp. 08126987375
Hp. 085275739847
Dinas Kesehatan
No Regency/ Municipality Office Address
Telephone Number
Banda Aceh
Jl. Kulu II Sukaramai Blower, Kota Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Jl. Bay Pas, Cot Ba’u, kode pos 23511
Aceh Besar
Jl. Bupati T. Bachtiar P.Polem, Jantho, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Indonesia
telp: (0651) 41 806 fax; (0651) 47458 kadiskes@ Telp. (0652) 22245 (0652) 22245 Telp. (0651) 92186, (0651) 92186
Aceh Utara
Aceh Timur
Aceh Tamiang
Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim Km. 114 Tijue – Sigli 24151 Jl. Medan-banda Aceh, Km 216, Blang Cot Tunong, Jeumpa, Bireuen Jl. Medan – Band Aceh, Desa Alue Mudem, Lhuksukon, Aceh Utara Jl. Banda Aceh - Medan Km 377 (Desa Titi Baro), Idi - Aceh Timur, Indonesia 24454, Indonesia Jl Kesehatan Karang Baru 24476
Aceh Tengah
10 Aceh Tenggara
Jln. Abd. Wahab No. 151 Kab. Aceh Tengah Jl Jend A Yani No 11 Kutacane
Telp. (0653) 21529 (0653) 24565
Telp: (0641) 333271 Fax: (0641) 31209 Telp. (0643) 21286 – 21803 Telp: (0629) 21473 Fax: (0629) 21473
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
11 Aceh Singkil
Jl Merdeka No 10 Singkil 23785
12 Gayo Lues
Jl Kutapanjang No 9 Blangkejeran 24653
13 Aceh Barat
Jl Iman Bonjol No 101 Meulaboh 23617 Telp: (0655) 21384 - 22016 Fax: (0655) 22016 Jl Teungku Raja Angkasah Tapaktuan Telp: (0655) 21829 23715
14 Aceh Selatan
Telp: (0658) 21202 Fax: (0658) 21302 Telp: (0642) 21524 Fax: (0642) 21524
15 Nagan Raya
Jl Kesehatan No 2 Suka Makmue 23671 Telp: (0655)41160 Fax: (0655) 41160
16 Aceh Barat Daya
Jl Kesehatan No 93 Blangpidie 23764
17 Simeulue
Jl Pahlawan No 27 Sinabang 23891
18 Aceh Jaya
Jl Pendidikan No 3 Desa Sentosa Calang 23654
19 Bener Meriah
Jln. Sp. Teritit – Pondok Baru Kompleks Perkantoran Pemda Redelolong Kab. Bener Meriah Jl Prof A Majid Ibrahim GP Sungai Pauh Telp: (0641) 21912 Langsa 24413 Fax: (0641) 21012 Jl. Samudra, Kota Lhokseumawe
20 Kota Langsa 21 Kota Lhokseumawe 22 Subulussalam 23 Pidie Jaya
Jl. Malikul Saleh No. 50 A, Subulussalam Jl. Banda Aceh – Medan, Km 158, Meureudu, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya
Telp: (0659) 91498 Fax: (0659) 91263 Telp: (0650) 21466 Fax: (0650) 21744 Telp: (0654) 21409 Fax: (0654) 21409
Telp. (0627) 31300. Fax (0627) 31903
4. Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Social Organization / Organization of Persons with Disabilities 4.1 Organization of Persons with Disabilities in National Level No Organization 1
F K P C T I—Federasi Jl. Cempaka Putih Raya No. 1, Jakarta Kesejahteraan Pusat 10510 Penyandang Cacat Tubuh Indonesia (The Indonesia Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Federation)
Phone/Fax. (021) 42887187
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
F NKDI—Federasi Nasional Kesejahteraan Disabilitas Intelektual (Intellectual Disabilities Welfare National Federation) F N K T R I—Federasi Nasional Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia (Indonesia Persons with Deaf Welfare National Federation) FKTI (Federasi Kesejahteraan Tunanetra Indonesia) GERKATIN PUSAT (Gerakan Tunarungu Indonesia)
GPDLI (Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas dan Lepra Indoenesia)
H I P S D I (Himpunan Pelaku Seni Diferensia Indonesia) HWDI (Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia)
ISDI (Ikatan Sindroma Down Indonesia)
10 ITMI (Ikatan Tunanetra Muslim Indonesia)
11 K C V R I (Korps Cacat Veteran Republik Indonesia)
Gedung Cawang, Kencana Lt. V Jl. Let. Jend Sutoyo Kav. 22 Cililitan, Jakarta 13630
(021) 8002591
[email protected]
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas (021) 4897535; Hp : Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun – Jakarta 0816951485 Timur
Jl. Kosar No. 147, Pasir Endah, Cijambe, Ujung Berung, Bandung 40619
022 7812490 081321737345, 08156005551 Jl. Rancho Indah Dalam No. 47 Tanjung 021-844 3906; Hp Barat Jakarta Selatan : 08129662533; iawd1981@yahoo. com nuahptarigan@ gpdli@ www. Jl. Tambak No. 11 A Jakarta 10320 ( 021 ) 3904026; Hp : 0818876944 Apartment & Office Menteng Square 2nd Floor, Tower A Block AK-12, JL. Matraman Raya No. 30E Menteng – Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. Cipaku I No. 13, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170
Perumnas Cijerah II Blok I KSB. 10, Jl. Melong Raya gang Suka Asih, Kel. Cijerah Kec. Cimahi Selatan Kota Cimahi 40534 Jl. Tambak No. 11 A Jakarta 10320
[email protected],
[email protected], tania.pmg@gmail. com
[email protected]
(021) 3904028
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
12 Kartunet (Karya Tuna Netra)
Jalan Pepaya V No.60 RT/RW 03/05 Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12620
13 LAPPCI (Lembaga Advokasi dan Perlindungan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia) 14 LPTKP (Lembaga Pemberdayaan Tenaga Kerja Penyandang Cacat) 15 Mimi Institute
Jl. Tambak No. 11 A Jakarta 10320
16 NPC National Paralympic Committee Indonesia 17 NSRI (National Secretary Rehabilition International)
Jl. Ir. Sutami 86, Solo Jurug, Surakarta 57125 Jl. Hang Jebat II / 2, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12120
18 P O R T U R I N (Persatuan Olahraga Tunarungu Indonesia) 19 PERPARI
Jl. Gebang Sari No. 37, Bambu Apus Jakarta 13890
20 PERTUNI (Persatuan Tuna Netra Indonesia )
21 Portupencanak (Persatuan Orang tua Penyandang Cacat Anak) 22 PPDI (Persatuan Penyadang Disabilitas Indonesia)
contact@kartunet. Twitter: @Kartunet Telplp: (021) 7271387 mobile: 08988257217 ( 021 ) 3904027 Hp : 0818165708
Gd. Wirapurusa LVRI DKI Jakarta Lt 2 Jl Raden Inten II / 2 Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur 13440
( 021 ) 3904026; Hp : 08521426406
Komp.Taman Harapan Indah Jl. Hanoman X Blok I no.14 Jelambar,Jakarta Barat
www.mimiinstitute. com info@ 021-56980294/081380001712 (027 ) 636486; Hp : 0817447401 (021) 7254357 – (021) 72510710; Rmh : 7260563; Fax : 7247366 (021) 8450662; Hp : 081385194952
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 25 A, Cilandak
7513247, 7502383 Fax. 7510706 Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 19, Ruko Blok Q No. (021) 8005480, Fax. 13 L, Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur 13510 8013402 http:// pertuni.idp-europe. org/ Jl. Patra Kuningan XI Ujung Jakarta ( 021 ) 8299735; Selatan Fax : 8631929 portupencanak@ Jl. Rawamangun Muka Barat Blok D No. Telp./fax. +62 21 17, Pulogadung – Jakarta Timur 13220 4788 4718 Email:
[email protected]
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
23 SOIna (Special Olympics gd. DNIKS Lt.3 Jl. Tanah Abang Timur Indonesia) No.15 Jakarta Pusat 24 Tranformasi Lepra Pasar Modern Mutiara Karawaci Jl. Mutiara, Ruko Blok A52 (Arah Perumnas, Sebelah Kompleks sekNeg), Tangerang, Banten I N D O N E S I A 25 YPAC Pusat (Yayasan Jl. Hang Jebat II / 2,Kebayoran Baru Pembinaan Anak Cacat) Jakarta Selatan 12120(021) 7254357; Fax : 7247366; Hp : 0818142105 Telp: 62 81 210 181039 www. transformasilepra. org
Partly taken from PPDI’s website:
4.2 Organization of Persons with Disabilities /Non Govermental Organization /Other Organization in Some Regions No Organization Address & Contact 1 Gerkatin Jl. Apel 3 No.27 (Gerakan Jajar Solo (Belakang untuk SAMSAT Solo) Kesejahteraan (alamat surat: Tunarungu Jln. Trisula 3 No.6 Indonesia) Kauman; Solo; Jawa Solo Tengah; 57112, Indonesia) Mohammad Ismail: 0856 3725214 (sms only) trezola@yahoo. com, HYPERLINK
Information Gerkatin Branch of Solo was established on February 28, 1982. The activities of Gerkatin Solo: 1. Education • Sign language education for the society, public service institutions, and school-age children. • Inclusion school for the disabled persons of hearing impaired and speech. • Productive business skill education for the hearing impaired ans speech persons. • Difability and sign language become a curriculum/extracurricularin the education of public school and pre-post training 2. Accessibility Accessibility of the public facilities 3. Economy • Productive economy and entrepreneurship for the hearing impaired and speech persons. • Formal job access for the hearing impaired and speech persons. • The Civil servant access for the the hearing impaired and speech persons
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
4. Law & Women and Children • Socialization of the treatment toward the hearing impaired and speech persons. • Legal protection for the hearing impaired and speech persons whether they are the victims or they who are dealing with law. • The mentoring for the victim after the legal process.
5. Health • Procurement of ABD • Socialization of the risk of excessive drug use which lead to the deafness. • The ear, nose, and throat health check which is available and accessible for the persons with hearing disabilities. • Toddler check up toward the tendency of deaf. • The formulation of the physically and mentally healthy. • The program of health insurance which can be accessed by the persons with the disabilities The Posko Interaksi, The mission of the Association of SCI Association of Margorejo RT9/ • The Association of SCI fights for its members Spinal Cord RW6 Canan Wedi to get the optimal health insurance and Injury (SCI) of Klaten. Belakang service from the health organization. Earthquake Argo Buana • The Association of SCI tries to have micro Victims in business so that (the members) of SCI can Klaten Supriyadi: be economically independent. 85727856389, • The Association of SCI becomes a good jepangsupriyadi@ organization, so it can build a network and cooperation with the government or other institutions. • The Association of SCI fights for its members so that they get the support from their families, environment, and society. Paguyuban LBK Sukoharjo, Difable Assocation of Sehati Sukoharjo is Difabel Sehati Jl. Serang 11b, continuously realizing the activities to shape the Sukoharjo/ Larangan RW 03/01 characters of the persons with the disabilities Difable Gayam Sukoharjo who have self-confidence and self-esteem in the Association Regency of Sukoharjo. Sehati Edy Supriyanto HP Sukoharjo 081548743140
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
The Activities are: 1. Difable Cooperation of “SEHATI” which have its legal basis Number 184/BH/KDK.11.27 VII/1999 2. The formation of Shared Business Groups (KUBE) in all sub-districts. 3. Policy Advocacy for the program of Social protection toward the persons with disabilities. 4. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR which cooperates with the NGO or the society. 5. Monthly meeting. 6. Doing the inclusion social. 7. The mentoring for the serious disabled persons. 8. Awarness and the campaigns of the rights of the persons with disabilities. 9. Networking. CIQAL Brajan Rt 05/RW 14, CIQAL is an organization which focuses on the Center for Tamantirto, Kasihan economical reinforcement, welfare, and the Improving Bantul Yogyakarta independence of the persons with disabilities. Qualified 0274 7483185 / Activity in Live 798573 of people with disabilities Nuning Suryatiningsih 0812 275 6973 email: ciqal2003@ http://ciqal. Dria Gang Lurik Kingkin The Program of Dria Manunggal: Manunggal No 1 RT 08 Jl. Wates 1. Advocacy Km 2,5 Yogyakarta 2. Research DI Yogyakarta 3. Education and Training 55182 4. Information and Communication Technology 5. Society Development Setia Adi Purwanta 0274-389840 08121558159 E-mail : office@ / dria_manunggal@ www.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
FOSDIS Foundation For SelfReliance of Disabled People Lestari Widodo
Banturejo Rt 07 Rw 04,Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Muji : 0812 2716 7111 Email : fosdis2005@ Karangmojo II, Karangmojo, Karangmojo Gunungkidul Contact person: Bpk Giyatno 0813 2824 7884 www.les_wid@
PPRBM Prof Dr Soeharso(CBR Centre)
SAPDA Central Advocacy Difable for Women and Child
JL Adisucipto Km. 7,Colomadu, Karanganyar Solo 57176 Contact Person: Maman 0813 2920 3898 Kompleks BNI No. 25 Patangpuluhan Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta Nurul Saadah Andriani 0856 2914 654, info_sapda@yahoo. com; sapda2005@ http://www.
The kinds of trainings which they hold are: 1. The training of assertiveness, motivation 2. The training of personality and self-confidence development 3. The training of entrepreneurship
Social Organization of Lestari Widodo was established by the Society Social Workers. The Activities: 1. Advocacy/ PMKS mentoring 2. The reinforcement of the vulnerable families trough KUBE 3. The implementation of Social Welfare Insurance (ASKESOS) 4. Increasing the Understanding and Awareness to Actively Involve toward the Social Problems The Programs and Activities: 1. Training, Research, and Development 2. CBR Grassroots Program (Laboratory Lapangan RBM) 3. The clinic for children with special needs 4. Networking SAPDA involves in policy advocacy in the regional level, Education, Mentor, and Reinforcement for Women, Disabled Persons and Children. Especially in public policy advocacy (health, education, women sectors). Currently, SAPDA still focuses on some activities, they are: 1. Empowerment and reinforcement of women with disabilities in area of the regencies in Indonesia. 2. The mentoring for disabled persons and organization empowerment in local level. 3. Do the study of knowledge and research on disabilities and the related rights 4. Policy advocacy on disabilities ( heath, education, and women). 5. Health mentoring to the disabed persons in the Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta 6. Mentoring and counseling for women with disabilities and violence victims
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10 Association of Jongkang no.67F, Ohana RT 08 RW 36 Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia Risna Utami ohanaindonesia@ risnautami@gmail. com 62 274 4361380 62 821 372 93816 http:// ohanaindonesia.
11 SIGAB Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Diffable (Arena of Integration and Advocacy of the Persons with Disabilities)
Contact Person: M Joni Yulianto S.Pd M.A Perum Sawit Sari Block I/3 Condongcatur Sleman Yogyakarta Joni Yulianto Mobile: +6285878469692 Phone: +622743034581 E-mail: joni. yulianto@gmail. com jonisibuta@
Association of Ohana was established by the alumni of the International Fellowship Program Alumnae who have been involved actively in the social justice and community mentoring for marginal population in Indonesia. Their main activities: 1. Legal drafter for the designing of PERDA (Peraturan Daerah) and PERGUB (Peraturan Gubernur) 2. Developing the policy advocacy which relates with the rights of the persons with disabilities 3. The Program of capcity building through training and workshop 4. The development of policy studies which relate with the rights of the persons with disabilities and social policy 5. Developing the module and handbook for the rights advocacy of the persons with disabilities 6. Publication on the rights of the persons with disabilities, policy advocacy and reinforcement issues and community empowerment 7. Empowering programs and rights advocacy of the persons with disabilities especially the women with disablities and the government and stake holders in Indonesia. SIGAB ia a local organization in Yogyakarta which has big dream for the realization of inclusive society in Indonesia. Inclusive society means a society which honor the justice, equality, and rights for the persons with disabilities, so the persons with disabilities can fully participate in their social lives.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
12 KARINAKAS Yogyakarta
13 Elsam Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy
Jl Affandi (gejayan) no 16 B Yogyakarta office@karinakas. org +62 274 552126 +62 274 552126 http://www. ews @ElsamLibrary perkumpulanelsam
14 ASB Indonesia Jln Kaliurang Km 10 Nglaban RT 04/ RW 15 Sinduharjo Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta 55581 Tel +62 274 4532104 Fax +62 274 4532103 http:asbindonesia. org 15 BISA PO BOX 7758 BDSP Foundation Bandung 40122-B, (Blind Jawa Barat Inspiring INDONESIA Smart ph.ctr. +62-22and Active 61043124 / +62-22Foundation) 61042828 BBM ctr. 2A4DB7B2 / 30A8347C sms ctr. +6285720365039
KARINAKAS was established in June 12, 2006. In 2009, KARINAKAS moved from the earthquake theme in Yogyakarta in 2006. Participatively, the strategic plan of KARINAKASI was formulated from 2009-2013. Their focused programs are: 1. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) 2. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 3. Independent Community Empowerment (ICE) The main activities of Elsam: 1. Policy and law research which impact the human rights; 2. Human rights advocacy in all forms; 3. Human rights education and training; and 4. The publishing and information propagation of human rights. Except the emergency and rehabilitation, the programs of ASB includes the livelihood and development micro business; disaster risk reduction (DRR) with special focus on giving the scalable solution and cooperating with the vulnerable group, and inclusive education. Beside the direct implementation, our work in Indonesia focuses on the technical support provision to the regional government for increasing the development services for the villagers. BISA Foundation facilitates many services for the persons with visual disability (blind) and public community through: 1. The conceling on blindness, 2. Education on eye health and blindness, 3. Advocacy for the persons with visual disability, 4. The training of Adaptive Living Skills, 5. The training of mobility orientation, 6. The mentoring of the persons with visual disability (sighted guide, readers, etc.)
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
16 Article 33 Indonesia
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam 1M No. 10 Jakarta Selatan 12820, Indonesia Tel/Fax: +62.21.83787963 E-mail: sekretariat@
Article 33 Indonesia (was Pattiro Institute) is a research based advocacy organization which was established in 2009. The name of Article 33 Indonesia arose from the urge to uphold the lofty ideals in the Chapter 33 of UUD 1945, especially clause number 3: “The earth and water and the natural resources in it are managed by the country and used in maximum for the citizen’s welfare.” We think that those lofty ideals are the representatives of our organization’s vision and mission, they are: VISION: The integrity of governance and public financial managing in Indonesia which support the continuous and inclusive development; MISSION: To encourage the increasing quality of governance and public finance management which relates to the basic services, extractive resources, and adaptation and mitigation to the climate changing in Indonesia.
17 PERTUNI Jl. Angrek Perhimpunan No 19 - Oepura Tuna Netra) Kupang NTT/Persons 081339042187 with visual disability association
Focus: 1. Climate Changing 2. Extractive Sector Governance 3. Social Policy PERTUNI NTT was officially established on December 1999, and is an organization of province level under the coordiantion of National PERTUNI. Vision: To fight for the realization of inclusive community where persons with visual disability can participate based on equality. Mission: 1. To seek for the educational opportunities for the persons with visual disability in any levels including in the public organization in the inclusive setting 2. To seek for the accessibility of physical environment so that the persons with visual disability can use the public services independently and safely.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
18 PERMATA Perkumpulan Mandiri Kusta NTT/The Association of Independent Leprosy
Jl. Advokat No 15 Naikoten 1 ang082144027226 - email: manekpaulus@
3. To seek for the accessibility of information and communication so that the persons with visual disability get the opportunity to access the information and communication through various formats including braille, audio, big letters (for the persons with low vision) and computer technology. 4. To seek for the expansion of job opportunities for the persons with visual disability in all fields through special track, quota system, or open labor market. 5. To advocate to ensure that the persons with visual disability get their rights as the citizen and to prevent the discriminative legislation toward them. 6. To develop and grow the awareness of the community, government, and related parties of the rights of the persons with the visual disability as citizen and participating in their rights. 7. To develop PERTUNI as a democratic and powerful organization in terms of human resources, fund, facilitation or infrastructure.The activities of PERTUNI NTT are in education and advocacy fields to develop the knowledge and skills of their members. The organization of PerMaTa INDONESIA is the abbreviation of PERHIMPUNAN MANDIRI KUSTA INDONESIA (Association of Independent Leprosy) which was established on February 15, 2007. It has a legal entities with validation on May 27, 2010. SK. MENKEH and HAM RI No. 08 with notaral deed: Rudi Setia Wibisono, SH. No. C-117.HT.03.01. of 2002. Vision: Free from stigma and discrimination toward the decent quality of life Mission: Emphasizing the values of equality, transparency, accountability, and responsibility. The organization of PerMaTa engaged in the policy advocacy in the central and regional level, public campaign, education (scholarship), special assistance in health (Self-Care Group) and economic empowerment of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), the writing of inspirational book.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
- Currently, the organization of PerMaTa still focuses on some activities, they are: - Counseling and public campaign about leprosy to change the society perspective about it in East Nusa Tenggara, East Java, and South Sulawesi by doing the counseling about leprosy, spreading the leaflet, publishing the magazine and books about leprosy - Policy advocacy of basic rights is developed in the national or central level - The health assistance to the persons with disabilities through self-care group in South Sulawesi and East Java - Organization and capacity building of the members in the level of local in East Nusa Tenggara (Kupang, TTU, Belu, and East Flores) - Distribution of the scholarship in all areas (East Nusa Tenggara, East Java, and South Sulawesi) - Data collection members for East Nusa Tenggara, East Java, and South Sulawesi - Economic empowerment group mentoring in East Java and South Sulawesi 19 PERSANI Jl. Jend Soeharto PERSANI NTT is an organization of disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara Province which engaged in Perhimpunan No 92 Oepura Tuna Daksa ang082145272095 - the welfare of the persons with disabilities in their Kristiani) NTT/ email : persanintt@ lives in various aspects. The goal is to diminish the stigma and discrimination to the disabled persons Association especiallu women. We want to point that women of Christian with disabilities can be independent like any other Persons with normal people. Physicall PERSANI NTT was established on April 21, 2009, Disabilities and was officially registered as an organization of persons with disabilities in Social Department of East Nusa Tenggara Province through SK: Dinsos/51/ BPKKS.2/NTT/IV/2011. Vision: Free from stigma and discrimination toward the decent quality of life. Mission: Escalating the self-confidence and independence and participation of the persons with physical disabilities in the society. The Organization’s Strategic Plan: 1. Encouraging the participation of the members in escalating the decent quality of life 2. Emerging the awareness of the members and society about the existence of the persons with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara
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3. Fighting for the rights of the persons with disabilities and diminishing the discrimination toward them in East Nusa Tenggara. PERSANI NTT engaged in the community development especially in the economic development of persons with physical disabilities who are in the area of Kupang and surrounding. Persani NTT along with the other organizations of disabled persons keep on fighting for the basic rights advocacy of the persons with disabilities in various sectors. Currently, Persani NTT still focuses on some internal activities of the organization, they are: - Mentoring and strengthening of the organization in the level of local, in the Regency of Kupang (Province of East Nusa Tenggara) - Doing the organizational routine activities in the form of regular social gathering as a way to unite the member. - Facilitating the capacity building of the members to escalate their skils and expertise, working with Socia Departmnet of Province of East Nusa Tenggara 20 FKKADK (Forum Komunikasi Keluarga dengan Anak Kecacatan) NTT/ mmunication Forum of Families with Disabled Children
Jl Jend Soeharto No 73 Oepura ang085253801107 -email: jahangbenny@
The organization of FKKADK is the abbreviation of Forum Komunikasi Keluarga Dengan Kecacatan (Communication Froum of Families with Disabled Children), which was established on July 2004, and has been recognized by the government of Province of East Nusa Tenggara which is reinforced by SK of the Head of Social Department of East Nusa Tenggara Province number: NTT/UP/13/ II/2011. The validation date was February 2, 2011. The Vision of FK-KADK : The institution of social welfare for children with disabilities which aims to seek the fulfillment of the basic needs and accessibility of social services for children with disabilities and to escalate the role and responsibility of the parents in parenting and nursing the children with disabilities. The Vision of FK-KADK : The institution of social welfare for children with disabilities which aims to seek the fulfillment of the basic needs and accessibility of social services for children with disabilities and to escalate the
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role and responsibility of the parents in parenting and nursing the children with disabilities. The Mission of FK-KADK: 1. Helping the government of East Nusa Tenggara Province in services and social rehabilitation of disabilities. 2. Coordinating the activity of Communication Forum for Families with Disabled Children in the regencies/municipalities. 3. Implementing the service activities and social rehabilitation of the families with the children with disabilities. 4. Giving the information and social protection of the disabled children so they can implement their social function naturally. 5. Helping to advocate, encouraging the creation of physical and non physical accessibility according to the applicable laws. The Expereinces and Activities of the Organization The FKKADK all this time cooperates with: - Social Departmentof NTT and Education tment of Province of NTT for the trainings and workshops for the parents of the children with the special needs in 2004 - Seminar on the handling of autism in NTT 2006 - Discussion on the parent’s role in handling the disabilities in integrated elementary school of Batuplat 2009 - Independence training for the persons with diabilities in Regency of Ende 2007 - Advocacy toward the rights of the persons with disabilities is the form of the distribution of 1,000 flowers by the disabled persons to the citizen of East Nusa Tenggara in 2009 - Free medical treatment to 350 disabled children along with their parents in Kupang. - Involving in the activities which are facilitated by \Handicap International Federation – Kupang (Advocacy Seminar, Advocacy Training, Counseling Training, Peer to Peer Training and Organizational Management Training
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21 GKTE (Gabungan Kristiani Tuna Netra Ebenhaezer) NTT/ Association of Christian People with Visual Disability of Ebenhaezer
Jl Venus No 15 Penfui - Kupang 081237686361
Gabungan Kristiani Tuna Netra Ebenhaizer (GKTE ) NTT/ Association of Christian People with Visual Disability of Ebenhaezer was established on June 12, 2009 . KGTE NTT is local board in the province level which is located in Kupang under coordinate of central board of central GKTE which is located in Bandung – West Java The Vision, Mission of GKTE, and strategic plan of 2011-2012 Goals/vision of the organization: The realization of Christian belief in Indonesia and the existence of the same opportunity in all life aspects to reach the decent social and economic welfare level as the community members and citizen. The Mission of the organization: Restoring the self-confidence of the Christian persons with the visual disability, diminishing the blind impact, church life as the God’s people, escalating the talent potential, opening and distributing the job opportunities through spiritual ministry, protection training education and encouraging the realization of the chance similarity through the equality of the treatment. Organizational Experiences Local board of GKTE NTT was established more or less 2 years ago in East Nusa Tenggara and has been attended the national activities such as: - The meeting of management board of GKTE nationally in Lembang (Bandung, West Java) - Attending the training of developing the partnership with Ikatan Tunanetra Muslim Indonesia (The Association of Indonesia Moslem Persons with Visual Disability) - Attending the training about basic rights of the disabled persons by the Indonesia human rights commision. - Conductiong the speaking computer training for the persons with visual disability in all East Nusa Tenggara - Attending the advocacy training, peer to peer, and counseling which was facilitated by Handicap International NTT
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22 KKTNK (Komunitas Kolping Tuna Netra Kupang) NTT/The Community of Kupang Visual Disability Kolping 23 Increase (Institute of Cross-Timor Economic and Social develoment)
24 Bengkel APPEK NTT
- Attending the training of organizational development and organization finance project managementin Yayasan Satu Nama Yogyakarta Belakang Gereja St. Komunitas Kolping Tuna Netra Kupang ( KKTNK) was Mithias Rasul - Tofa established on April 27, 2007. - ang082266444171 Vision: work effort Mission: Kolping Spirituality Organizational Activities: Empowerment and development of family economy.
Jl. Asoka No.20 RT 20/09 Oetona Kelurahan BakunaseKupang Nusa Tenggara Timur03808094610 Fax: 03808094610E-mail: increasetimor@ yahoo.comWeb:
Jl Shoping Centre, Pertigaan Kantor Lurah Fatululi, Kec. Oebobo – Kupang (0380) 8554842, bengekel.appek@
INCREASE is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which focuses on the Participatively Study and Training. This institution is declared with Community Based Volunterisme which is oriented to the effort to strengthen of the civil society position. That strengthening effort is done through the participatively critical study and capacity building toward the process and development policy which impact the marginal community. There are three big topics which become the critical focus of InCrEaSe. First, the issue of why do we (outsider) go to the society, second, the issue of facilitator role as the outsider in the society empowerment, third, the issue of how to do the issue analysis along with the society. Vision: The realization of the participative and accountable critical awareness of the local community and local public policy. Mission: 1. Mentoring, strengthening the civil society through critical awaring about the people rights in the politic, economy, health, education, law, children, and environment. 2. Mentoring and developing the people welfare through productive economy and educatio for the poor and marginal groups including the women. 3. Capacity building of Bengkel Appek Activity sectors: Social (settlement) Environment, Advocacy
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25 LPKP-NTT (Lembaga Pengawasan Kebijakan Publik - Nusa Tenggara Timur)/The Association of Public Policy Supervision
Jl. Bhakto Karang Depan Gereja Karmel-Fatululi, Oebobo Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur 0821-45751515 E-mail: lpkpntt@ Web: www.lpkpprop-ntt.blogspot. com
26 PIAR (Perkumpulan Pengembangan Inisiatif dan Advokasi Rakyat)/The Association of Initiative Society Advocacy Development
Jl. Lalamentik no.75 Kel. Fatululi, OeboboKupang 85227 Nusa Tenggara Timur (0380)
Corporation: Foundation Kind of Activity: Advocacy Activity Sectors: Social (the issue of good governance) 1. Implementing the Supervision, delivering and preventing the Maladministration in Public Service Implementation. 2. Encouraging the State Officials and the Government to be more effective, honest, open, clean, and free from collusion, corruption, nepotism 3. increasing the National Legal Culture, the Society Awareness of Legal, and Legal Suremacy which is cored from the Services, Truth, and Justice. Vision: The realization of democracy, law supremacy, and the fulfillment of human rights and the fair and everlasting natural resources management by facilitating the changes of structure, policy content, and repressive, exploitatve, and suppressive culture of a country for the realization of the democracy, law supremacy, and the fulfillment of the human rights and environment. Corporation: Foundation Activities: Advocacy, Research, Information spreader Activities Sector: Social (Education, Civilian Reinforcement, pluralism, promotion of human rights) Other Information: Activity area: Reg. Kupang, TTS Cooperation/Information network: Rumah Perempuan, CIS GAMKI/GMKI, Ford Foundation, CRS Kupang, WWF cab. Kupang
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27 PIKUL (Perkumpulan Penguatan Institusi dan Kapasitas Lokal)/The Association of Institution einforcement and Local Capacity
Jl. Wolter Wonginsidi II No.2 Kel. Pasir Panjang Kupang 85227 Nusa Tenggara Timur 0380-830218 Fax: 0380-822434 E-mail: pikul@pikul.; Web: www.pikul.
Vision: The prople is sovereign for the fair and democratic protection, honor, and fulfillment of the basic rights. Mission: 1. To escalate the capacity of the civilian organization to fight for the honor, protection, and the fulfillment of the basic rights of the people; 2. To escalate the capacity of the mass organization to ensure the insurance of the rights and the ability to manage the resources for the honor, protection, and the fulfillment of the rights; 3. Along with the civilian organization and mass organization do the policy intervention which related with the honor, protection, and fulfillment of the basic rights. Corporation: Foundation Kind of Activities: Community Development, Advocacy, Research, Workshop Activity Sectors Social (Education, Women’s Health and Human Rights, Gender, poverty) Environment Fields of activity: 1. Water, 2. Food, 3. Energy, 4. Health, 5. Disaster readiness Other information Activity area: East Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, and Papua
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28 PMPB (Perkumpulan Masyarakat anggulangan Bencana) NTT/The Community of Disaster Management
Jl Badak No 7 Bakunase Kec. Kota Raja Kupang NTT 85116 0380 833656 ail:pmpbbencana@
As an organization which was established to bridge the members interests to develop the concept of Disaster Management into the member program implementation in each area, it still has some weakness in administration or organization, so in the member meeting on August 2005, FKPB “beautify” itself by changing its name into Perkumpulan Masyarakat Penanganan Bencana (PMPB)/The Community of Disaster Management. PMPB is hopefully able to bridge the members interest whether from the disaster management concept or in the concept implementation in the field. Vision: The people are free from the disaster and discrimination Mission: 1. To encourage the people independence in managing the disaster risk 2. To facilitate the fulfillment of the basic rights of the marginal people in common and especially the victims of the disaster 3. To do the policy critical study–policy which is related with the disaster management 4. To develop the synergy society movement to be free from the disaster Organizational Activities: 1. Oxfam Australia through Pikul Foundation (1998 - 2007) • The Spread of East Indonesia Perspective • Food Monitoring • Emergency Response 2. Oxfam GB (2007 - 2011) The Reinforcement of the Community, Government, and Local NGO in Disaster Risk Reduction, Emergency Response 3. Handicap Internasional (2012 – 2013) The Capacity Building of the Vulnerable Group in DRR 4. Plan Indonesia Unit Soe (2012) The Promotion of the importance of Disaster Education for the Schools and Society in Disaster Risk Reduction
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29 VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas)
Jl. Tukad Ayung 36 Renon Denpasar.
Implementing Partner (Government Partner): BAPPEDA of the Regencies
Heny Prabaningrum / Disability Program Manager Email : heny. prabningrum@ ; Hp : +62(0)813 3726 255
Implementing Partner (non Government) : NGO, Schools/Universities/Puskopdit Supporting Sector Focus: Valunteers in various fields who cooperate with the partner organization to help the partner ability in developing the natural resources management including the food production, governmental institution services, and increasing the income security and livelihoods. Program’s Name/Activity: Disability and Continuous Livelihood Program Duration (Implementation Period), and total budget: -
30 Rumah Perempuan/ Home for Women
Jl. Pegangsaan I No 17 Kelurahan Kelapa Lima Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur 0380-823 117 Fax: 0380-823 117 wcc@ rumahperempuan. com Web: www. rumahperempuan. com
Location: Regency of Manggarai, Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende, and Sikka The existence of Rumah Perempuan (Home for Women) in Kupang is the concern of some women activist toward the violenve cases to the women in the Municipality of Kupang and Regency of Kupang. Through some its programs, Rumah Perempuan focuses on some strategic issues below: Gender based violence toward the women (Kekerasan terhadap perempuan berbasis gender—KTPBG) Vioenve toward the children (Kekerasan terhadap anak—KTA) Human Trafficking (Perdagangan Manusia— Women and Children) Migrant Workers of Indonesia (Buruh Migran Indonesia—BMI) Children in conflict with law (Anak Bermasalah dengan Hukum—ABH) Children’s Rights Economy Women, Poor Women, and Women as the Victims of Violence The Health of Mothers and Children
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31 FIRD (Flores Institute for Regional evelopment)
32 World Vision Regio NTT
Jl. Gator Subroto Km.03 Ende Nusa Tenggara Timur 0381-240003 E-mail: ronyso@fird. Jln. HR Koroh No. 95, Sikumana, Kupang Telp. +62380-828062 / Fax: +60-380-827698 ; Email: erwin_ simangunsong@
Implementing Partner (government partner): Governmental working unit in regencies are: Bappeda, Education Department, Youth, and Sport, Health Department, Empowerment Institution, Women and Family Planning, Population Department and Civil Registration, Health Department, Labor and Transmigration Department, BPMD, Social Department, Livestock Department, Industry and Trading Department, Agriculture and Food Crops, BKP3 - Badan ketahanan Pangan dan Penyuluh Pertanian. Implementing Partner (non government): Culture and Custom Concern Communication Forum, Credit Union, PKK, Churches (GKS, GMIT, Catholic), BK3D, Puskopdit, Bahtera, AIPMNH, Satu Visi, Gabungan Kelompok Tani, LPA, Lakmas - Lembaga Advocacy Masyarakat Cendana Wangi, Yabikku Yayasan Bifel Abik Kuan, YMTM - Yayasan Mitra Tani Mandiri, Plan, Care. Supporting Sector Focus: Clean Water and Healthy Environment, Natural Disaster Readiness, Education, Economy Development, Survival and Child Development, Children Protection and Participation, Registration of Birth Certificate.
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33 ACF (Action Contre La Faim)
Jl. Eltari 2 Bundaran PU No.01. Kupang NTT Telp: +62 380 826409 ; Fax: + 62 380 826409
Supporting Sector Focus: Drinking water and Healthy Environment (Bidang Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan—AMPL) The Name of Program /Activities: 1. The increasing of water and sanitation institution: the distribution of training curriculum and related brochures, training performance, the development of ram pump system, facilitation of Pokja AMPL, the input for technic design for the facilitation of water supply, and the water supply facilitation monitoring. 2. Fixing the water access into the potable water for the vulnerable society: Completing the villages valuation and participative situation analysis; proposal writing and palnning facilitation in the society level; the development or rehabilitation of water spots (well or spring); development or rehabilitaion of water pipe system (GFS atau RPS); the establishment, training, and debriefing of UPS/KPS and water comittee; and following up the evaluation of water spots which were built during the 1, 2, and 3 phases. 3. Fixing the healthy practices for the vulnerable society: Application of CHAST methodology in schools, lavatory rehabilitation, building the washing places in villages, training for health staffs and cadre, and health education and hygiene session for mothers.
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34 Save the Children NTT
Jl. Hati Mulya V, no 06 - Oebobo. Kupang; Telp/fax : 0380 830712 HP : 081138 13890, 081339003245
Save The Children (as a member of Consortium: CARE, Save the Children, and UNICEF) in the Program /Project of WISE (WASH in School Empowerment) in Regency of Belu-NTT and the programmatic activity in two other provinces: South Sulawesi and West Papua. Program Duration: 28 months (April 2010 - Juli 2013) Main Activity: Useful Technology Training about sanitation facilities and its maintenance; the building of sanitation facilities in schools (toilet, washbasin); Training for elementary school teachers on health promotion; Training of Small Physician; Health Promotion Media; Helath Promotion in schools and society; Integrating the hygienity message in the curriculum/learning, School Health Unit and Mentoring. Location: The total schools which will be internvented by project WISE in the Regency of Belu are 85 schools, but this intervention will be done in 2 phases. First phase, they will intervent 40 schools. The Name of Program: AusAID NGO Cooperation Program /ANCP in the Regency of Belu-NTT Activity: Enhancement of PAUD infrastructure and learning surrounding; the provision of learning tools; Enhancement of teacher and facilitators capacities; Procurement of material/ books; Promotion of society support and children participation in the education; training for the headmasters, school committee, and supervisor about the School Development Plan Capacity building of the children participation, advocacy, media development and documentation and research about PAUD and the children Calistung competence in the early class.
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35 Child Fund International
Jl. Sam Ratulangi III No. 20, Kel. Oesapa Barat-Kelapa Lima Walikota - Kupang, NTT 85111 Phone: +62 380 820202 ; Fax: +62 380 820202
Implementing Partner (government partner): the Social Department of the Province and Regency/ Municipality, Health Department of Province and Regency/Municipality (Puskesmas/Midwife/ Cadre), Education Department of Province and Regency/Municipality (including the teachers and School Committees), PLS Department of Province and Regency/Municipality (including the Tutors), Agriculture Department of Province and Regency/ Municipality (including PPL), Livestock Department of Regency (including PPL), PKK of Regency, the heads of the disctricts and village leaders, police and security in the regency, district, and village level. Implementing Partner (non government): in implementing the program in the society, ChildFund makes partner with Community Based Organisation (CBO): (1). Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Madani (LPMM) Kupang (2) Lembaga Pengembangan dan Perlindungan Anak (LPPA) Belu, (3) Konsorsium Lembaga Pengembangan Anak dan Masyarakat (KLPAM) Flores, (4) Sumba Integrated Development (SID) Sumba, (5) Sanggar Suara Perempuan (SSP) So’E, as the partner who handle the Program of REACH-Reaching for Equity and Access for Child Health –Reaching for the Justice and Affordability for the Health of Indonesian Children, which is funded by UNICEF. Supporting Sector Focus: “To help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents and leaders who brings lasting and positive change in their communities” and to “promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting and advancing the worth and rights of children”.
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36. Care International Indonesia
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 12 Kupang. Telp/Fax 0380 -832287
37 PLAN International Indonesia
Jln. Hati Mulia No. 17 Kupang Telp.0380.824573
38 POTA (Persatuan Tuna Netra Aceh)
Jl. Perdamaian No. 9 Lampaseh Kota, B. Aceh Sardi, Hp. 08126967857
39 Al – Ikhlas Foundation
Jl. Hasan Saleh, Lr. Setia, Neusu, B. Aceh Sahrial Marhaban, Hp. 081360022621
The Name of Program/Activity: 1. LnL/Linking and Learning to strengthen the Society Capacity in PRB (Consortium Project). 2. PfR/Partner for Relience (Concortium Project). 3. Prima Bina (Giving the Food Supplement to the Babies and Children). 4. SESAMA (Sustanaible Settlement with Economic Security of Aprooted people and their host Community through Strengthened and Adequate Meditation Approach in Indonesia). 5. KOTA II (Keep On Improving Urban Sanitation) Location: Municipality of Kupang: Alak (Kel. Namosain) and Kelapa Lima (Kel. Oesapa, Lasiana). 6. WISE (WASH In School Empowerment) Education, Viability and Children Development, Children Protection and Participation, Registration of Birth Certificate, Enhancement of Elementary Education Quality through MBS, Healthy Environment, Natural Disaster Readiness) POTA which was established on January 9, 2008 is an organization which concentrates in the sports especially for the persons with visual disability, and their vision and mission are: 1. the emergence of association of sport for the persons with visual disability to local and national contribution. 2. doing the sport mentoring and developing for the persons with visual disability for the early ages and teenagers continuously Al-Ikhlas is an organization or foundation which focuses on the skilld and empowerment of the persons with disabilities with various kinds of disability. Since the establishment on May 11, 1990, Al-Ikhlas has been done some activities which are oriented to the empowerment of the persons with disabilities, for example the the deepening of the basic massage skill for the persons with visual disability, scrubs and reflexology massage training, and journalism training for the persons with visual and physicall disability.
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40 ITMI (Ikatan Tuna Netra Muslim Indonesia)/ Indonesia Moslem Persons with Visual Disability Association 41 PORTI (Persatuan Olahraga Tuna netra Indonesia)/ Association of Indonesian Visual Disability Sport
Darussalam, B. aceh ITMI is an social organization which compiles the Muslim, Hp. moslem persons with visual disability and people 085277357779 who care to their struggling in Indonesia. The movement of ITMI is especially in the religious and open, proactive, and independent Islam. ITMI was established on May 11, 1999
Jl. Hasan Saleh, Lr. Setia, Neusu, B. Aceh Safwan, Hp. 081360112352
PORTI is an organization which was established on May 29, 2003, and its movement is in the sport for the persons with visual disability who have mission and vision: 1. Gathering the unity among the visual disability sport observers of Indonesia 2. Investigating and developing the kinds of sport which are appropriate with their potential 3. Developing the achievement of the persons with visual disability in Indonesia
Giving the protection to the members and athletes with visual disability. 42 SOINA Jl. B. Aceh-Medan Soina is a special sport organization for the persons (Special Km. 4,5 Desa with mental disability in Indonesia to develop Olympic Santan, Ingin Jaya, their health or achievement by its vision: to make Indonesia) Aceh Besar Ketua: the mentally disabled persons as the useful and Drs. Bachtiar Nitura, productive, accepted, recognized, appreciated MM citizen as part of the society. It has mission: to HP. 081362874268 develop the physical fitness, to do the sport Sekretaris: exercise and contest for the mentally disabled Syafrudin, S.Pd, MM persons, to develop the quantity and quality and Hp. 085260571007 to develop the understanding and family role. Email: soinaceh@ 43 BUKESRA Jl. Kebun Raja No. BUKESRA is an organization which moves in the (Badan Usaha 7 - Ulee Kareng, education for the disabled persons which was Kesejahteraan Banda Aceh established in 1982. Its goal is to escalate the para Cacat) Armanisa, SE., Hp. welafre of the persons with disabilities through 08126939840 education. beside the education in schools, they also receive vocational training to escalate the capacity of the members, like sewing, cooking, and so on.
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44 PPCI (PERSATUAN ENYANDANG CACAT INDONESIA)/ The Association of Persons with Disabilities of Indonesia 45 Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia (HWPCI)/The Association of Women with the Disabilities in Indonesia 46 YPAC (Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat)/ Development of the Children with Disabilities Foundation 47 PERTAPI (Persatuan Ahli Pijat Tuna Netra Indonesia)/ The Association of Blind Masseur in Indonesia
Jl.Wedana, Mibo, Banda Aceh Ifwan Sahara (085277700026)
PPCI was established in January 9, 2006 and is an organization which becomes the head of other organizations of disabled persons dan. PPCI has a goal, that is to advocate the rights fulfillment of the persons with disabilities in justice, rights equality, opportunities in all life aspects and they also can participate in the national development. Their activities are communication and meeting with the government, meeting in a form of workshop with the policy maker and trainings to develop the member’s capacity. Jln .patimura, No.45 HWPCI is a social non profit organization in the Blower/disamping national level from, by, and for women with Raja Pos disabilities which covers the visual, physical, Aflinda, S.pd mental, hearing and speaking disabilities. HWPCI (081360285097) was established on September 9, 1997. They have special training to empower the women in economy, like the trainings to make soya bean cake, flower, brooch, veil, and so on and the training to add insight in health, education, and organization. Jl. B. Aceh-Medan Km. 4,5 Desa Santan, Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar Drs. Bachtiar Nitura, MM HP. 081362874268
Jl. Hasan Saleh, Lr. Setia, Neusu, B. Aceh M. Nur (081263755435)
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48 PERTUNI (Persatuan Tuna Netra Indonesia)
Jl. Hasan Saleh, Lr. Setia, Neusu, B. Aceh Zudi AR (08126908815)
49 YPPC (Yayasan Penyantunan Para Cacat)
Labuy, Banda Aceh Dra. Chairiah (085270963436)
50 NPCI (National Paralympic Committee Indonesia) formerly namely BPOC 51 Lempesta
Jl. Mesjud Shadaqah No. 33 Lamlagang, Neusu, B. Aceh Hamdanil H (081360665994)
52 Young Voive Group (YVG)
53 FORSIS (Forum Silahturahmi Stroke)
Pertuni was established on January 26, 1966, and was registered on July 15, 1993. Pertuni goal is to develop the condusive situation for the persons with visual disability without any different and discrimination. The activities of Pertuni is the capacity building in the form or training, training in the economic aspect, massage training, advocacy for the persons with the visual disability YPPC engaged in the formal education for the children with special needs which are consisted on TKLB until SMALB which are handling 6 types of disabilities, they are visual, hearing, mental, physical disabilities, autism, and double disabilities. Beside the formal education subjects, YPPC also handle vocational education which is appropriate with the student’s talent and interest. YPPC was established in 1993 under the social and education department. NPCI ia an organization which engaged in the sports for the disabled persons with various types of disability.
Jl. Alaidinsyah, Neusu, B. Aceh Sarifudin (081360255024)
Lempesta is an organization of the disabled persons which its members are the disabled persons and focuses on the capacity building and strengthening of the members. Their activities are trainings whether vocational or management. Lamtemen Timur, B. YVG is a project which is funded by Leonard Aceh Cheshire Disability, and was established on Erlina Marlinda Febryary 25, 2012 with focus on the advocacy (085260403638) through the campaign and using the electronic media. Its members are the young generation from 16 years old until 26 years old with various disabilities. Jl. Muhammad Forsis is a social organization which is engaged Jam, Banda in physical rehabilitation/physiotherapy for the Aceh M.Ridha public and members. The focus of the activity is (085260351674) advocacy about the availability of physiotherapy services in the society level. Their activities which are done along with the local hospitals (RSUZAZainal Abidin Local Hospital) are stroke gym and lobbying the government or legislative.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
54 FKPCTI (Federasi Kesejahteraan Penyandang Cacat Tubuh Indonesia)/ Physical Disability Welfare Indonesian Federation 55 RTK
Lamtemen Timur, B. Aceh T.Yusri Husin (085280100111)
Lam Ara, Banda Aceh Ade, Hp. 085260536046 56 YKGC Jl. Takengon(Yayasan Bireuen Km. 80, Karya Kp. Fajara Harapan, Gemasih Ni Kec. Timang Gajah, Cut) Kab. Bener Meriah 57 Gerkatin Sp. 7 Ulee Kareng, (Gerakan B. Aceh untuk Irwan, Hp. Kesejahteraan 085277517076 Tunarungu Indonesia) 58 FKKADK Jl. Sekolah No. (Forum 6 Labui Kec. Komunikasi Baiturrahman Keluarga Banda Aceh, Hp. dengan Anak 085270963436 Kecacatan) Propinsi Aceh
An organization which is engaged in the economy empowerment of the poor and disabled persons. Their activities are the trainings of skill enhancement for the persons with disabilities. Gerkatin is a special organization for the persons with hearing disability which is engaged in advocacy, economy empowerment for the welfare of its members
A forum of the association of the parents and children with special needs which comes from the activity in the children with disabilites social welfare program from the social ministry. The activities are counseling in education and how to handle the children with special needs to the parents, physiotherapy for the children and direct assistance to the parents in the daily needs goodies.
Jl. Gunung Paro, Gpg Sukadamai, Kec. Baiturrahman, Hp 081377235546
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
(PKBI) Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia Aceh/The Association of Indonesia Family Planning of Aceh 61 Qatar Charity
62 YRDPI (Yayasan Rehabilitasi Difable dan ngembangan Inklusif )/ Foundation of Difable Rehabilitation and Inclusive Development 63 PKPU (Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat)
64 Helen Keller International
65 RPuK (Relawan Perempuan untuk Kemanusiaan)
Banda Aceh pkbiaceh.nad@ M. Yunus Ilyas, SE: 0811684089
NGO which is engaged in the reproducation health and population
Hp. 81360295521, Qatar Charity is an organization which is engaged in the economy empowerment of the poors and was established in 1992. Jln. Soekarno Hatta, YRDPI is a nonprofit organization which Lrg. Tgk. Meunara independent/nonpartisan, which was established VIII No. 8 Gampong to participate and to dedicate themselves in the Garot, Kec. Darul social work, to support the effort of the improved Imarah, Kab. Aceh quality life for the persons with disabilities, Besar Provinsi Aceh, especially the children. It was established on INDONESIA November 6, 2010 and focuses in the health, Telp/ Fax :+62 651 economy, empowerment, and advocacy. 45792 E-mail : yrdpi.aceh@gmail. com | yrdpi.aceh@ Jl. Sukarno hatta PKPU is an organization which is engaged in the No.45 Desa Geuceu humanity and focuses in fund rasing and social Menara, Kecamatan assistance, rescue mission, humanity rehabilitation Jaya Baru Kota in health, education, worship, and economy and Banda Aceh, economy empowerment. Telp. 0651-43460 Dinas Pendidikan HKI is a non govermental organization which is Aceh Gedung B, Jl. engaged in disability issues and focuses on the H. Dimurtala No. inclusive education. 10, B. Aceh Hp. 081315564104 Jl. Rukun Damai RPuK is an organization which is engaged in the Utama no.9 humanity and focuses on the advocacy especially Telp/ Fax. +62 for the women. (0)651-755 1659 Mobile phone. +62 (0) 852 6098 3331 tim_rpuk@yahoo.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
67 IDEA Yogyakarta
Jl. Kaliurang Km 5 Gg Tejomoyo CT III/3 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia Telp. / fax +62-274583900 E-mail : idea[et] Web : http://www. Facebook : Idea Yogyakarta
IDEA was established as the part of the efforts to support the political mechanism institutionalization and public policy which honor the human rights, especially the rights or economy, social, and culture. IDEA focuses its energy to the popular education and budget policy advocacy in the central and local level. Vision The realization of the popular sovereignty in the public space which is marked by the fulfillment of the civilian rights and politic, and the rights of economy, social and culture. Mission Encouraging the democratic politic processes to fulfill the rights of EKOSOB of the citizen through the policy changing, strengthening the base, and increasing of the public awareness
5. Service Providers: No Nama
Alamat & Kontak
Alamat: Jln. Kaliurang Km 13,5 Besi,Yogyakarta Phone : +62 274 895 386 Fax : +62 274 895 181 Email : support@ www.rehabilitasi-yakkum. DR. Fonali Lahagu, M.Sc (Direktur) Dr. Maria Widagdo, Ph.D (Wakil Direktur) Jl RS Fatmawati, Cipete Selatan, Jakarta 12410 Telp : +62 21 769 4741, +62 21 75818101 Fax : +62 21 766 3709 Email : info @ santirama. http://www.santirama.
The Rehabilitation Center of YAKKUM is a Christian non governmental social organization which offers the rehabilitation services to the physical disability in Indonesia. The goal of the Rehabilitation Center of YAKKUM is to help the rehabilitation to the children or teenagers wih physical disability so that they can be independent, work, and earn their own living so they can fund themselves or their families and be able to socialize in the society. YAYASAN SANTI RAMA holds many (re) habilitation activities for the children with hearing disability.
YAKKUM YOGYAKARTA Yayasan Kristen Untuk Kesehatan Umum
Yayasan Santi Rama
THE ACTIVITIES OF (RE)HABILITASI SANTI RAMA • Extraordinary education services • The assessment services/examination: observation unit • Information services • Research and development • Supporting services/specific guidance
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
BBRVBD Cibinong
Jl. SKB No.5 Karadenan Cibinong - Bogor 16913 (0251) 8654705 Fax. (0251) 8654701
[email protected]
Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Vokasional Bina Daksa (BBRVBD) Cibinong is one of Technical Implementing Unit in vocational rehabilitation for the persons with physical disability in the Social Ministry of RI which is under and responsible directly to the General Director of Social Rehabilitation. BBRVBD has task to do the advanced level of the vocational rehabilitation, training, study, and development of vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities from the institution which handle the social rehabilitation with the disabilities.
Yayasan Mira Netra
BPBI Abiyoso (Balai Penerbitan Braille Indonesia)
Jl. Gunung Balong II No. 58 Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan 12440 Indonesia Telp: (021) 7651386 Fax: (021) 7655264
[email protected] humas_ymn@mitranetra.
[email protected] Jl. Kherkof No. 21 Leuwigajah Cimahi Selatan Kota Cimahi 40532 email: bpbiabiyoso@ 022-6674516 Fax: 022-6674516 http://bpbiabiyoso.
Along with the develpoment of BBRVBD as the vocational rehabilitation, it has the final goal to make the persons with the disability level as the skillful and professional labors and are ready to compete in the working world. To support that goal, the diabled persons should meet the requirements as the potential labors who are determined by the company. Their service programs are: 1. Library 2. Rehabilitation 3. Mentoring 4. Talking Computer Course 5. Abacus Course 6. Labors
Producation and distribution of the Braille books and talking books (Digital Talking Book)
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Badan Sosial Mardiwuto
YPAC Pusat (Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat)
UPTD PRS – Seksi Rehabilitasi Sosial Tuna Netra HitBia Kupang
Jl. Cik Ditiro Bo. 5A, Yogyakarta – 55223 0274549216 content/view/35/1/
The goal of social organization of Mardi Wuto is helping the government in improving the condition of the persons with visual disability. Their efforts are: 1. Library of cassettes and braille books 2. Recording of the knowledge books dor the blind students, and according to they who order the books. 3. Massage center (open for public) 4. English subject 5. Arts, sports for the visual disabled persons 6. The mentoring to live independently 7. Expanding the education opportunities for the persons with visual disability 8. Skill education 9. Visually disabled labors distribution. Products and services: Education Rehabilitation Social/Dormitory Skill Panti Tuna Netra Hitbia Kupang is a rehabilitation center for persons with visual disability. Hitbia is owned by the Province Government of East Nusa Tenggara under the coordination of Social Department of Province of East Nusa Tenggara. All budget are charged to the Local Government of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara through the Local Budget. Their facilitations are: Operational Office, Meeting Hall, Dormitory with the capacity of 75 people, mess for the teachers, warehouse and hall for the skill training. Panti Rehabilitasi Hitbia gives the rehabilitation services in: 1. Mentoring: to shape the mentality of the members to have the selfconfidence, social interacted well with the people or society, to develop the social relation, the behaviour and attitude in the social life.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
2. Education: to give the formal education and writing the Braille, to cooperate with LSB in Kupang for the formal education for the members in school ages (Elementary SchoolHigh School) 3. Skill: to facilitate the members to have skill/expertise in making: rug, siatzu massage, sewing, making matrass, and music. 7 8
12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Yayasan Asuhan Kasih Panti Anak Cacat Bhakti Luhur – Komunitas A Panti Anak Cacat Bhakti Luhur – Komunitas B Panti Sosial Bina Rungu Wicara Efata PR Kusta Bunda Pembantu Abadi Yayasan Gabriel Manek Yayasan Brayat Pinuji Panti Asuhan Hadinan Haklaran Panti Anak Cacat Bhakti Luhur Atambua Panti Anak Cacat Sikem Panti Anak Cacat Pater Damian PA Karya Kasih KK II Cabang Wajula PAC. St.Aloysius Susteran ALMA PAC Cipta Lestari PAC St. Maria Paudodo PPC. St.Dympna
Jl.Pendidikan II Kota Baru Kupang(0380) 85228 Susteran ALMA Jl. Soeverdi–Oebufu Kpg. (0380) 839477 Jl. HR Koroh, Gg. Oebolifo 2(0380) 8030663 Jl. Tim - Tim Km. 36 Naibonat Desa Naob, Kec.Noemuti
Jl. Sisingamangaraja – Kefamenanu Tenukiik, Desa Tenukbot, Kec. Kota Atambua Kel.Tuamala Kota Atambua Habeleng, Kel. Barat, Kec. Teluk Mutiara Weri, Larantuka Kec. Wulanggitang – Larantuka Jl.Golkar No.1 Wairklau, Kota Uneng – Kec.Alok Waioti Kecamatan Alok Jl.Paudodo – nita Lalati Kec.Nita Jl.Litbang – Napunglangir – Wairklau – Maumere
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
22 PA Pati Jie Pamapawe 23 Yayasan Bethel 24 Panti Cacat Bhakti Luhur 25 Panti Asuhan Bhakti Luhur – Waikabubak 26 Panti Asuhan Bhakti Luhur 27 Panti Anak Cacat ALMA Bajawa 28 Panti Anak Cacat Citra 29 Panti Anak Cacat ALMA Boanio 30 Panti Anak Cacat ALMA Mundemi 31 Panti Anak Cacat ALMA Boawae 33 PRKC St.Damian – Cancar 34 PPC Karya Murni 35 Panti Anak Cacat SLBN Tenda 36 Panti Paca Kusta Beato Damian 37 Panti Cacat St. Damian Binongko 38 Asrama SDLB Lobalain 39 YP3CA (Yayasan Pusat Pemberdayaan Penyandang Cacat Aceh) 40 DOMPET DHUAFA
Jl.Adisucipto Gg. UPBA IPPI – Ende Kel.Metawai, Kec. Kota Waingapu Jl.Tanalandu Km.4 Desa Kambajawa Jl.Kihadjar Dewantara No.20 Waikabubak Tlp. (0387) 21488 Kel. Weekarou Loli Jl.Taman Wisata Mengerunda Kel.Lebijaga Tlp.(0384) 21546 Jl.Yos Sudarso, Kel.Trikora Kec. Ngada Bawah Tlp. (0384) 21610 Desa Oalia – Kec. Aisesa Mundemi, Ladolima, Keo Tengah – Nangaroro Jl.Ebulodo , Paulewa, Blok D – Boawae Kotak Pos 1 Cancar – Ruteng Tlp.(0385) 86551 Jl.Pelita No.2 Ruteng Tlp. (0385) 21425 Kel. Tenda, Kec. Langke Rembong Lewoleba - Lembata Binongko - Manggarai Barat Desa Lobalain – Rote Jl. Mujahir No. 20 Lamprit, Provides services on protheses and B. Aceh orthesis, wheel chairs, livelihood Sanusi Maha, Hp. 081284301185 Jl. T. Nyak Arif 238, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh Hp. 085260945745, Telp. 0651-7552617
Provides services on health services, emergency responses and livelihood
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
41 Rumah Zakat Indonesia
Jl. T. Imum Lueng Bata, Kelurahan Lamseupeung 5/16, Simpang Surabaya, Banda Aceh Telp. 0651-7429692
42 Forum Bangun Aceh
Jl. Tgk Abdurahman Meunasah Meucap No 50 Emperom Banda Aceh 23237. Phone: +62 651 45204 Komplek Keistimewaan Aceh, Jl. T. Nyak Arief
43 Baitul mal
44 Rumah Yatim
Provides services in free ambulance, distributing zakat (alms), scarifies and other social activities such as free medical check ups, free circumcision, free medical care, assistance for poor families, and assistance to natural disaster. Livelihood assistance to poor families and persons with disabilities Empowering community (livelihood for the general public, including persons with disabilities)
Collecting and distributing zakat, infaq and Sadaqah. The distribution is in the form of houses for the poor, scholarships,small business enterprises, Telp/Fax : 0651) 7555595 etc. / (0651) 7555596 E-mail : baitulmal.aceh@ Website : www. Jl. Residen danubroto Parenting and fostering orphan no.13 lamlagang banda children in Aceh aceh telp 0651 48453
6. Online Library No Library 1 Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Pemerintah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2 Bagian Perpustakaan, Dokumentasi dan Arsip, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
Address Jl. Tentara Rakyat Mataram No. 29 Yogyakarta 55231 Telp. 0274-513969 Jl. Taman Surapati 2, Jakarta Pusat 10310 021) 3157234 (021) 3157239 perpustakaan@
Kinds of Collection Public Library
Website http://
Social science, political science, statistics, law, economics, finance, management, banking, business
http://www. perpustakaan.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Jogja Library
Perpustakaan ELSAM (Lembaga Studi & Advokasi Masyarakat)
Badan Perpustakaan Public Library Daerah Propinsi DIY Jln. Tentara Rakyat Mataram No. 29 Yogyakarta 55231, DI Yogyakarta 0274-513969, 563367 Jl. Siaga II No.31 Pejaten Barat Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12510, DKI Jakarta 021-7972662, 79192564 021-79192519
[email protected]; ana_
[email protected] 0274-511314 perpus_jogja@yahoo.
Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Daerah. Jalan Suroto no. 9 Yogyakarta 6 Perpustakaan Jl. Salemba Raya 28 A Public LibraryNasional RI Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta National level 021-3154863, 3154864, 3154870, 3922669, 3922749, 3922855, 3923116, 3923867
[email protected] 7 Pustaka bersama Perpustakaan Freedom, Jl. Proklamasi 41 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. 021-3100349 021-31909227 8 Badan Arsip dan Jl. T. Nyak Arif No. 5 Perpustakaan Lamnyong, Banda Aceh Propinsi aceh Telp. (0651) 7551953, 19 Pustaka Jl. Mayjend. T. Hamzah digital DINAS Bendahara No. 52 PERHUBUNGAN Kota Banda Aceh, KOMUNIKASI, Provinsi Aceh INFORMASI & Telp. +62(0651)22110 TELEMATIKA ACEH Fax. +62(0651)22106 10 Pustaka Induk
Jl. T. Nyak Arif, Lingkungan Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
http://jogjalib. jogjakarta.
http:// perpustakaan. jogjakota.
http://www. stakabersama. net/
bap-nad.pnri. Email: hubkomintel@
11 Perpustakaan IAIN Ar-Raniry 12 Perpustakaan Unimal 13 Pustaka Bappeda Aceh
Jl. Kampus IAIN, Darussalam, Banda Aceh Telp. (0651) 7552312 Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh, Reuleut, Aceh Utara, Jl. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Beureu-eh No.26 Banda Aceh kodepos 23121
www.library. bappeda.
7. Study Center of Persons with Disabilities No Name
1 2
PSLD Universitas Brawijaya Study Center of Disabilities of UI
3 4
PSLD UIN Sunan Kalijaga Study Center of Individuals with Special Needs PSIBK Universitas Sanata Dharma
Selo Soemardjan Research Center (SSRC) Gedung H Lt.6, Cubicle E FISIPUI Kampus UI Depok 16424 Telp : 021.78849720 / Fax: 021.7872820 Email :
[email protected],
[email protected]
8. Study Centers and Organizations which involve in peace building No Name 1
PSKP UGM Pusat Studi Keamanan dan Perdamaian Study Center of Security and Peace of Sekip K-9 Universitas Gadjah Mada Gadjah Mada University Yo g y a k a r t a 5 5 2 8 1 Telp./Fax. 62 274 520733 Email:
[email protected] Study Center and Peace Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 5 – 25 Yogyakarta 55224 Development Telp: 0274 – 563929 pswt 517 Fax: 0274 – 513235
[email protected] Voluntary Association of CIS Timor Jl. KB Lestari No.11 Kotabaru Kelapa Lima Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur (0380) -8554842 Fax: 0380-8554842 cistimor@
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
PKPRK Unwira (Study Center of Peace Kampus Fisip Unika Widya Mandiri Jl.Biara San and Conflict Resolution of Unwira) Juan No.1 Penfui Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur 0561-7940147; 081345124075 Fax: 05617940147 E-mail:
[email protected] An-Nisaa’ Centre Jalan Prada Utama Komplek Ruko Baru No.5 Lamnyong Banda Aceh Telp: 0651-7552062 Kontak Person: Yusmawati Khazan (0812 69 34359 : 0852 77 923128)
9. Hospitals 9.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta No Hospital
RSUD Sleman
Jl Bayangkara No. 48
(0274-7495625 0274-868437
RSUD Wonosari
Jl Taman Bakti No. 6 Wonosari
RSD Panembahan Senopati
Jl Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Bantul
RSD Wates
Jl Tentara Pelajar KM 5 Wates
5 6
RS Dr Sardjito RS PKU Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta
0274-587333 0274-512653
7 8
RS Bethesda Yogyakarta RS Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
Jl Kesehatan 1 Yogyakarta Jl KH Akhmad Dahlan 20 Yogyakarta 0274-370262 Jl Jend Sudirman 70 Yogyakarta Jl Teuku Cik Ditiro 30 RT 033/07
0274-562246 0274-514845
9.2 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara No Hospital
Jl. Moh. Hatta No. 19 Kupang
Jl. Moh. Hatta No. 9 Kupang Jl. Nangka No. 84 Kupang Jl. Ba’a Basalangga Jl. Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes SoE Jl. Letjen Suprapto Kefamenanu
(0380) 822132 - 821131 (0380) 821273 (0380) 871078 ( 0388) 21005 ( 0388 ) 31149
2 3 4 5 6
RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang RSU Wirasakti Kupang RSU Bhayangkari Kupang RSU Ba’a RSU SoE RSU Kefamenanu
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
RSU Atambua RSU Kalabahi RS Bukit Lewoleba RSU Larantuka RSU Dr. TC Hillers Maumere RSU Ende RSU Bajawa RSU Ruteng RSU Umbu Rara Meha Waingapu RS Lindimara
17 RSU Waikabubak 18 RS Lende Moripa
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 2 Atambua Jl. Dr. Soetomo Kalabahi Lewoleba Jl. Wairklau Larantuka Jl. Kesehatan Maumere
(0389) 21016 ( 0386 ) 21666 ( 0383 ) 41026 ( 0383) 21617 ( 0382) 21289
Jl. Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Ende Jl. Diponegoro No. 5 Bajawa Nerang Ruteng Jl. Adam Malik Hambala Waingapu Jl. Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes No. 6 Waingapu Jl. Adiyaksa Km. 2 Waikabubak Jl. El Tari No. 2 Waikabubak
(0381) 21031 (0384) 21881 (0385) 21389 ( 0387 ) 61302 ( 0387 )61019 (0386) 21021 (0386) 21085
9.3 The Province of Aceh No Hospital
1 2 3
RSUD Simeulu RSUD Aceh Singkil RSIA Kota Subulussalam
Pemkab Pemkab Pemkot
RSU Dr. H. Yulidin Away
5 6 10 13 14 15
RSU Kutacane RSU Langsa RSUD Idi Rayeuk RSU Datu Beru Takengon RSU Cut Nyak Dhien RSU Kota Jantho
Pemkab Pemkot Pemkab Pemkab Pemkab Pemkab
Kab Simeulu Jl. Rimo Km. 8, Singkil Jl. Subulussalam-Runding Km. 5, Dusun Rahmah, Kota Subulussalam Jl. T. Ben Mahmud No. 86, Meulaboh Jl. Blang Kejeren, Kutacane Jl. A. Yani No. 1 Langsa Kab. Aceh Timur Jl. Rumah Sakit, Takengon Jl. Gajah Mada, Meulaboh Jl. Transmigrasi I Kota Jantho Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim, Sigli Jl. Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 125 Kota MiniBeureunuen Jl. Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 6 Buket Rata Lhokseumawe Jl. RSU No. 13 Bireuen
16 RSUD Sigli
17 RSIA Beureunuen
18 RSU Cut Mutia Lhokseumawe
23 RSU Dr. Fauziah Bireuen
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
25 RSUD Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 26 RSU Lapangan
27 RSUD Tamiang
28 RSUD Nagan Raya
29 RSUD Kab. Aceh Jaya
30 RS Bergerak Kab. Bener Meriah 31 RSUD Pidie Jaya
32 RSUD Bener Meriah
33 RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin
34 Rumkit Tk III Banda Aceh 35 RS Jiwa Banda Aceh
TNI AD Pemprop
36 RS Malahayati
Organisasi Sosial
37 RSIA Harapan Bunda
Organisasi Sosial
38 RS Teuku Fakinah
Organisasi Sosial
39 RSU Meuraxa
40 RSIA Prop.
41 RS Permata Hati
Organisasi Sosial
42 Rumkit Bhayangkara Polri Banda Aceh 43 RSU Sabang Pemkot 44 Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak
Blang Pidie Aceh Barat Daya Jl. Sp. Tritit, Pondok Baru, Blang Sentang, Redelong Jl. Kesehatan, Kab. Aceh Tamiang Jl. Nasional Km. 28,5 Ujung Fatihah Jl. Ali Gunong, Lr. PMI No. 1, Desa Ketapang, Kec. Krueng Sabe Jl. Sp. Tritit, Pondok Baru, Blang Sentang, Redelong Jl. Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 185, Meureudu Simpang Empat Kute Kering Kec. Bukit Kab. Bener Meriah Jl. Tgk Daud Beureueh, B. Aceh Jl. Kesehatan, Banda Aceh Jl. Syarief Thayeb, Banda Aceh Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien No. 4, Banda Aceh Jl. Teuku Umar 181, Banda Aceh Jl. Jendral Sudirman 27-29, Banda Aceh Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Mibo, Banda Aceh Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim I, Banda Aceh Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 217, Banda Aceh Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien No. 1, Lamtemen, Banda Aceh Jl. Teuku Umar Sabang Jl. Prof. A. Majid IbrahimBanda Aceh, rsia.acehprov.
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
45 Rumah Sakit Jiwa
Jl. Dr. T. Syarief Thayeb No. 25, Kode Pos. 23126Banda Aceh Telp. 065132010, 32020 Fax. 065125857, Jl. Tgk Daud Beureuh No. 108-Banda Aceh Telp. 0651- 22616 Fax. 065123068, rsudza.acehprov.
46 Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin
10. Extraordinary School (SLB) 10.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta 10.1.1 Sleman No School
1 2
SLB N 1 Sleman SLB/C Panti Asih Pakem
SLB Dharma Rena Ring Putra I SLB/B Wiyata Dharma I Tempel SLB/C Wiyata Dharma II Tempel SLB/B-C Wiyata Dharma III Ngaglik SLB/B-C Wiyata Dharma IV Godean SLB Rela Bakti I Gamping
SLB ABCD Minggir
4 5 6 7
10 SLB Tunas Sejahtera 11 SLB ABCD Tunas Kasih Donoharjo 12 SLB/B-C YAPENAS 13 SLB PGRI Sumbersari 14 SLB Bhakti Kencana Berbah 15 SLB Bakti Siwi Tridadi
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 18, Pakem Jl. Kaliurang Km. 21, Hargobinangun, Pakem Jl. Sengon 178, Rt 4 Rw 2, Janti, Catur Tunggal, Depok Jl. Magelang Km. 17, Margorejo, Tempel Plumbon, Mororejo, Tempel
Phone (0274) 7478794 08121588398 (0274) 868773
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 9, Komplek Balai Desa Minomartani Senuko, Sidoagung, Godean Cokrowijayan, Banyuraden, Gamping Loji Serut, Minggir, Sleman/ Nyangkringan, Minggir Gendengan, Margodadi, Seyegan Balong, Donoharjo, Ngaglik
(0274) 7879133 (0274) 74728651 0828 2751 338
(0274) 896965
Jl. Sepak Bola Nglaren, (0274) 486146 CondongCatur, Depok Gesikan, Sumbersari, Moyudan 08562865153 Krikilan, Tegaltirto, Berbah 0274- 7489147 Pangukan, Tridadi, Sleman
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
16 SLB Bakti Pertiwi, Prambanan 17 SLB Damayanti Ngaglik 18 SLB Marganingsih 19 SLB Fajar Nugraha (Autis) 20 SLB Daya Ananda (Ganda) 21 SLB Dian Amanah (Autis) 22 SLB Karmamanohara (Tuna Rungu) 23 SLB Fredofius (Autis) 24 SLB Citra Mulia Mandiri (Autis) 25 SLB Tunas Kasih II 26 SLB Tegal Harapan
Jl. Boko Km. 3, Bokoharjo, Prambanan Jl. Besi, Jangkang, Karanglo, Ngaglik, Pokoh, Widomartani, Ngemplak Jl. Seturan II 81 Catur Tunggal Kadirejo, Purwamartani, Kalasan Perum Lempongsari Blok B-11, Sariharjo, Ngaglik Jl. Pandean 2, Gandok, CondongCatur Jl. Perumnas Gg. Indragiri Catursari/Condongsari Jl. Anggrek 89, Sambilegi Baru, Maguwoharjo Turi Jl. Magelang Km. 8, Sendangdadi, Mlati
(0274) 498164
(0274) 485582 (0274) 497845 (0274) 882088 (0274) 7471326 (0274) 7492480 0274-7189078
10.1.2 Municipality of Yogyakarta No Scholl 1
SLB Negeri Pembina
SLB Negeri 1
SLB Negeri 2
SLB Samara Bunda (Autis) SLB YAKATUNIS (Tuna Netra) SLB Prayuwana
5 6 7 8
SLB Dharma Rena Ring Putra II SLB Hellen Keller
Jl. Pramuka 224, Giwangan, Umbulharjo Bintaran Tengah No. 3 Yogyakarta
(0274) 371243
Jl. P.Senopati, Prawirodirjan Gondomanan Sidat UHG 297/B Nitikan, Sorosutan, Kotagede Jl. Parangtritis, Danunegaran, Mantrijeron
(0274) 7182784 (0274) 377430
Jl. Ngadisuryan 2 Alun-alun Selatan, Kraton (Barat Alun-Alun Kidul)
Jl. Kusuma Negara No. 105 B, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo RE Martadinata 88A, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan
(0274) 564869 (0274) 618089
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10.1.3 The Regency of Kulon Progo No Scholl
Jl. Samigaluh Km. 2, Kalibawang Jatisarono, Nanggulan Kalibondol, Sentolo Pengasih Ngrandu, Triharjo, Wates Tegallembut, Giripeni, Wates Jl. Bantengan, Brosot, Galur
2 3 4 5 6 7
SLB/A-B-C-D Muhamadiyah Dekso SLB PGRI Nanggulan SLB PGRI Sentolo SLB Negeri Pengasih SLB/C Rela Bhakti II SLB Bhakti Wiyata Wates SLB Kasih Ibu Galur
10.1.4 Gunung Kidul No Scholl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SLB Krida Mulia SLB Purwoharjo SLB Suharjo Putro SLB Suta Wijaya SLB N Bogor SLB Bakti Putra SLB Darma Putra SLB Yumna Putra
Rongkop Giritirto, Purwosari Sepat, Ngoro-oro, Patuk Tancep, Tancep, Ngawen Bogor, Playen Ngawis, Karangmojo Semin, Krancaan Rejosari, Baleharjo, Wonosari
0274 7101091 0274 7488029 0274 7493939
10.1.5 The Regency of Bantul No Scholl
1 2 3 4
SLB Krida Mulia SLB N 3 SLB Pamardi Putra SLB Marsudi Putra 1
SLB PGRI Trimulyo
SLB Bangun Putra
SLB Mardi Mulyo
SLB Bina Siwi
SLB Marsudi Putra II
Rongkop Jl. Wates Km. 3, Gedongkuning, Banguntapan Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Trirenggo, Bantul Imogiri Timur Km. 13 Trimulyo, Jetis Ngentak, Bangunjiwo Kasihan Samas Km. 21 Karen Tirtomulyo, Kretek Pajangan, Sendangsari Pajangan Kauman, Wijirejo, Pandak
(0274) 749083 08157928203 (0274) 4342352
(0274) 7169031 (0274) 7100262
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10 SLB Tunas Bhakti 11 SLB Widya Mulia 12 SLB Marsudi Putra III 13 SLB Tunas Kasih Sedayu
Gunungkelir RT 10 Pleret, Pleret Ds. Baran, Srihardono Pundong Ketalo, Gadingsari Sanden Argosari, Sedayu
(0274) 7116968
10.2 The Province of East Nusa Tenggara The Municipality of KUPANG SLB Negeri Pembina Kupang
Jl. Adisucipto Penfui Kupang
SLB Asuhan Kasih
Jl. Pendidikan II Kota Baru
SLB Negeri Kota Kupang
Jl. Timor Raya No. 17-18 Kelapa Lima
(0380) 881109/ 081 339 399 429 (0380) 881109/ 081 339 399 429 081239496471
KAB KUPANG SLB Negeri Oelmasi Kab TTS
Jl. Timor Raya Km. 39 Oelmasi 081 239 442 611
SLB Negeri Nunumeu Soe
Jl. Kakatua. No. 52 So’E
(0388) 2700049/ 085 239 893 726
Kab. TTU SLB Negeri Benpasi
Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Kefamenanu
Kab. Belu SLB Negeri Tenubot
Jl. Adisucipto No. 59 Tenubot
(0389) 2325108/081 353 032 220
Kec.Mebung Tengah Utara, Alor
081 337 812 596
Kab. Alor SLB Negeri Mebung Alor Kab. Flores Timur SLB Negeri Weri Larantuka
Kec. Weri Larantuka
Kab. Lembata SLB Negeri Lewoleba
Jl. Transwaijarang Lewoleba
(0383) 41218/ 085 241 556 910
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
Kab. Rote Ndao SLB Negeri Lobalain
Jl. Sanggaoen, Ba’a
085 239 075 150
SLB Negeri Beru Maumere
Jl. Teka Iku Maumere
SLB/C Bhakti Luhur
Jl. Wairklau Maumere
(0382) 21879/ 081 339 335 962 081 333 176 194
Kab. Sikka
Kab. Ende SLB Negeri Ende
Jl. Adisucipto Gg.UPBA Ipi Ende
085 253 875 240
Jl. Diponegoro, Kel. Trikora No. 10
(0384)21351/ 081 339 456 420
Kab. Ngada SLB Negeri Bajawa Kab. Manggarai SDLB Negeri Tenda Ruteng SLB/A Karya Murni Ruteng
Tenda, Kec. Langke Rembong 085 239 114 024 Ruteng Jl. Pelita Kotak Pos 801 (0385) 21495
SLB/B Karya Murni Ruteng
Jl. Pelita Kotak Pos 801
(0385) 21495
Peot Kel. Rana Loba Kec. Borong
081 390 034 307
Jl. Londalima Desa Kuta Kec. Katikutana
081 382 112 884
Jl. Weekarau Kec. Loli Waikabubak Jl. Weekarau Kec. Loli Waikabubak
(0387) 22180/ 081 339 328 876 085 239 827 864
Kab. Manggarai Timur SLB Negeri Borong Kab. Sumba Timur SLB Negeri Kanatang Kab. Sumba Barat SLB A, B, D, E Negeri Waikabubak SLB Negeri C Waikabubak Kab. Sumba Tengah SLB Negeri Waibakul
Jl. Taman Mas, Kec.Katikutana Selatan
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
10.3 The Province of Aceh 10.3.1 SLB/SMALB in Province of Aceh No Regency/ Municipality 1 Banda Aceh
School Name
Address Jl. Sekolah No. 6 Labui Kec. Baiturrahman Banda Aceh Jl. PATI NO. 4 KEL. KP. KEURAMAT BANDA ACEH
Jl. Kebon Raja No. 07 Desa Doy Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh Jalan Jend. A. Yani No. 1 Kota Jantho
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Aceh Besar
Aceh Tamiang
Bener Meriah
SMALB Pondok Gajah
Jl. Pondok Baru - Simpang Tiga Redelong Desa Pondok Gajah Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah
Bener Meriah
SMALB Restu Permata Bunda
Lampahan Barat
SMALB 14 Takengon
10 Aceh Tengah
Jl. B. Aceh-Medan, Km. 4, 5 Santan
10.3.2 SLB/ SMPLB IN PROVINCE OF ACEH No Regency/ Municipality 1 Banda Aceh 2 Banda Aceh 3 4
Banda Aceh Banda Aceh
Aceh Besar
6 7
PIDIE Bireuen
School Name
Jl. Sekolah No. 4 Labui Jl. PATI No. 4 KEL.KP. KEURAMAT BANDA ACEH Jl. B.Aceh-Medan, Km. 4, 5 Santan Jalan Kebun Raja No. 7 Doy Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh Jalan Jend. A. Yani No. 1 Kota Jantho Bambi Jl. Krueng Tingkeum
100 Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
8 9
Langsa Aceh Tamiang
10 Bener Meriah
11 Bener Meriah 12 Bener Meriah 13 A. Tenggara 14 A. Tenggara 15 Gayo Lues
Jl. Perumnas Gp. PB. Seulemak Kec. Langsa Baro Jl. KOTA LINTANG (LAP.T.DJALIL) KUALASIMPANG KEC. RANTAU Jl. Pondok Baru - Simpang Tiga Redelong Desa Pondok Gajah Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Lampahan Barat Jl. Abd Wahab Semadam Leme
10.3.3 SLB/ SDLB IN PROVINCE OF ACEH No Regency/ Municipality 1 Sabang 2 Banda Aceh 3 Aceh Besar 4 5 6 7
Pidie Bireuen Langsa Aceh Tamiang
School Name
SDLB Negeri Sabang SDLB Negeri Labui SDLB NEGERI KOTA JANTHO SDLB Bambi Pidie SDLB Neg Bireuen SDLB Negeri Kota Langsa SDLB NEGERI PEMBINA ACEH TAMIANG SDLB Pondok gajah
Jl. Haji Agussalim Jl. Sekolah No 6 Labui Jalan Jend. A. Yani No. 1 Kota Jantho
Bambi Jl.B.Aceh - Medan Gp. Teungoh Jl. KOTA LINTANG (LAP.T.DJALIL) KUALASIMPANG KEC. RANTAU 8 Bener meriah Jl. Pondok Baru - Simpang Tiga Redelong Desa Pondok Gajah Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah 9 Aceh Tengah SDLB N Kebayakan Jl. Abd Wahab 10 Aceh Tengah SDLB N Pegasing Desa Kayu Kul Kec Pegasing 11 Aceh Tenggara SDLB N Simpang Empat Simpang Empat 12 Aceh Barat SDLB Negeri Meulaboh Jl.Bakti Pemuda 13 Abdya SDLB Negeri Susoh Jl.Provinsi Desa Pawoh Kecamatan Susoh kode Pos.23765 14 Banda Aceh SLB.B YPAC I BANDA ACEH Jl. PATI NO. KEL KP. KEURAMAT BANDA ACEH 15 Banda Aceh SLB CD YPAC II Jl. B.Aceh-Medan, Km. 4, 5 Santan 16 Banda Aceh SLB-AB BUKESRA Jl.Kebun Raja No. 7 Doy Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh 17 Bireuen SLB AL-IKHLAS JULI Jl. Gayo Km. 3, 5 Juli Tambo Tanjong
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
18 Bireuen 19 Aceh Utara
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Jl. Krueng Tingkeum Jl. Medan-Banda Aceh Desa Uteun Geulinggang Kecamatan Dewantara Kabupaten Aceh Utara Bener meriah SLB Pante Raya Bener Meriah SLB Restu Permata Bunda Lampahan Barat Aceh Tengah SLB SILIH NARA JALAN TAKENGON - ANGKUP, DESA BIUS UTAMA KECAMATAN SILIH NARA Gayo Lues SLB Kemala Dharna Gayo Lues SLB Pembina Blangkejeren Jl. Rsud No. 61 Gayo Lues SDLB Mutiara Louser Desa Leme Aceh Tenggara SLB N Semadam Semadam
11. Inclusion School 11.1 The Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta 11.1.1 The Regency of Gunung Kidul No School 1 2
SDN Karangmojo III SDN Gedangan I
SDN Gedangan
SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo SDN Karangmojo II SD Karangmojo 3 SDN Terpadu Karangwetan SDN Prebutan SD Pangkah Karangmojo SDN Sawahan SD Siyono 1 SD Semin 4 SDN Klampok SDN Candi 3 SD Muh. Widoro
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Address Plumbungan, Gunung Kidul Banjardowo, Gedang rejo, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul Gedangrejo, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul 55891 Karangmojo, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul 55891 Karangmojo1, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul Plumbungan, Gedangrejo, Karangmojo Gedangrejo, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul 55891 Perebutan, Kemejing, Semin, Gunung Kidul Warung, Gedangrejo, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul Sawahan 1 Bleberan, Playen Glidak Logandeng Playen Jirak Semin Klampok, Kaligetuk, semin Prebutan Katongan Ngipar
Phone 081392537725 (0274) 392593 HP.: 081328345929
(0274) 391233 (081) 21565506
Hp.: 0813283363855 08170435453 085643685685 081578166147 08179462415
102 Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
SD Petoyan 2 SD Banyubening 1 SD Bleberan SD Ngleri SD Bulurejo 1 SD Tancep 1 SD Tancep 2 SMPN 4 Ngawen SMP Eka Kapti
Kulwo, Bejiharjo, Karangmojo Tanjung, Bleberan, Playen Ngleri, Playen Semin Karangpoh Ngawen Ngawen Jono Tancep Ngawen Ngawis Karangmojo
08282756963 0813992408820
(0274) 392565
11.1.2 The Regency of Sleman No School 1
SDN Gejayan
SDN Pojok
3 4 5
SD Sendangadi 2 SDN Mustokorejo SD Negeri Puren
SD Muhammadiyah Gondanglegi SD Sumbersari SD Bendungan SD Muh. Gondanglegi SD Muh. Gendol V SD Muh. Gendol III SD Semarangan 5 SD Sempu SD Plaosan 1 SD Demak Ijo SDN Sukomulyo MAN Maguwoharjo SMP Negeri 1 Sleman SMP Negeri 3 Ngaglik
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Jl. Anggajaya I, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman Pojok Sinduadi, Melati, Sleman
(0274) 7482342
Mlati Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman Jl. Tantular No. 93, Pringwulung, Condongcatur, Sleman Gondanglegi, Sleman
(0274) 540886
Moyudan Sleman Tirtomartani Kalasan Tempel
Ngemplak Gamping
Jl. Bhayangkara 17 Medan, Caturharjo, Sleman Candi, Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
11.1 .3 The Regency of Bantul No School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
TK Aisyah Sutopadan SD Petir II (SD Kembangsari) SDN Watu SDN Jolosutro SD Sedayu III SD Gunung Mulyo SDN 2 Kretek SDN Kepanjen SDN Peni Palbapang SDN Tarubayan SDN Wijirejo 2 SDN 1 Timbulharjo SDN Suko Seloharjo SD Tirtihargo 1 SDN 1 Gadungan SDN Bandut SD Sendangsari SD 3 Bantul SD Panjangrejo 2
20 21 22 23
SMP 2 Sewon SMP PGRI Kasihan SMP Muh 1 SMA N 1
Sutopadan, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan Bantul 618658 Jatimulyo, Sri Martani, Kemlangsari, Piyung, Bantul Watu, Panajngrejo, Pundgong, Bantul Piyungan, Bantul Ngentak, Argorejo Sedayu, Bantul Sengon Karang, Argomulyo Sedayu, Bantul Greges, Donoutro, Kretek, Bantul Jambitan, Banguntapan, Bantul
Gesikan Kepuhan Sewon Bantul Kretek Canden Sedayu Dlingo Dukuh, Bejen, Bantul Pundong, Krapyak Panjangrejo Pundong Bantul Sewon, Bantul Jl. PGRI 1/05, Kasihan, Bantul Pundong Sewon
6993578 6565920
11.1.4 The Regency of Kulonprogo No School 1
SD Giripurwo II
2 3 4 5
SDN Tanjungharjo SD Kalimenur SD Giripurwo I SD Gadingan Wates
Address Karanganyar, Giripurwo, Girimulyo, Kulonprogo Nanggulan
104 Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
11.1.5 The Municipality of Yogyakarta No School
1 2 3 4
SDN Tamansari Im SD Giwangan SD Muhammadiyah Pakel SD Nitikam 1
5 6 7
SD Sang Timur I SD Sang Timur II SMA Pembangunan
SD Tumbuh
Jl., Kapten P. Tendean No. 43, yogyakarta Jl. Tegalturi No. 45, Yogyakarta Jl. Pakel Baru No. 40, Yogyakerta Jl. Tegalturi No. 45, Ginangan, Umbulharjo, Yogayakarta Jl. Batikan No. 7, Yogyakarta Jl. Batikan No. 7, Yogyakarta Jl. Madumurti 28 Bugisan Wirobrajan Yogyakarta Jl. AM Sangaji No. 1 Yogyakarta
Phone (0274) 378421 (0274) 415377 (0274) 378421
THE DATA OF INCLUSION SCHOOL IN EAST NUSA TENGGARA MUNICIPALITY OF KUPANG SDI Perumnas 3 SDI Bello SDN Batuplat 2 SDI Oeleta SDN Palsatu Manutapen TK/SD St. Maria Assumpta SDI Btk. Oepura 4 SDI Bakunase I SDN Naikoten II SD GMIT Manulai II SMPN 15 Kupang SMP St. Maria Assumpta
Reg. KUPANG SD GMIT Manumuti
Jl. Ainiba 1 No. 1 Kec. Kelapa Lima Kel. Nefonaek Jl.H.R Koroh Kec. Maulafa Kel. Bello Jl. Air Sagu Kec. Alak Kel. Batuplat Jl. Pankase Alak Jl.Trikora Kec. Alak Kel. Manutapen Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kec. Oebobo Kel. Oebufu Jl. Fetor Funay BTN Kolhua Jl. Badak Bakunase Kupang Kupang Kupang Jl. TH. Penun Limau No. 1 Manulai II Kec. Alak Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kec. Oebobo Kel. Oebufu
SDI Naibonat SDI Lili
Jl. Timor Raya Tarus-Manumuti, Kupang Tengah Jl. Timor Raya Naibonat Jl. Timor Raya Km. 42 Camplong
SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah
Jl. Timor Raya Km. 18, 2 Oebelo
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
SMPN 1 Kupang Timur
Jl. Jurusan Oekabiti Oesao
SMAN 1 Kupang Timur
Jl. Jurusan Oekabiti Oesao
SMAN 1 Fatuleu Barat
Jl. Translok Bisolo Desa Tuakau Kec. Fatuleu Barat
Reg. TTS SMPN 1 Soe KAB BELU SDI Tenukiik SDI Tulamalae SDI Haliulun
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantoro No. 18 Soe Jl. R.W Monginsidi Tenukiik Jl. Putri Sion Tulamalae Jl. Haliulun Fatubenao Atambua
SMPK St. Petrus Lahurus
Lahurus Desa Fatulotu Kec. Lasiolat
SMK Kusuma Atambua
Jl. Imakulata No. 01 Kab. Belu
KAB FLORES TIMUR SDI Weri SMPK Plus St. Yusuf Larantuka Reg. LEMBATA SDI Loang 2 SDI Lewoleba I
Weri Kec. Larantuka Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kel. Weri Kec. Larantuka
SDK Lodoblolong Kab. Lembata SDK Karangora - Atadei SDN Wulandoni SDK Baopukang
Desa Loang Kecamatan Nagawutung Jl. Kota Baru Lewoleba Tengah (0383) 41163 Telpon Lodoblolong - Lembata Kec. Atadei Kec Wulandoni - Lembata Kec. Ile Ape Timur
SDI Balauring SDI Panama Kab. Lembata SDI Rumang Kab. Lembata SDN El Tari Kab. Lembata
Kec Omesuri - Lembata Kec Buyasuri - Lembata Kec. Buyasuri - Lembata Kec. Ile Ape
Reg. SIKKA SMPN 1 Maumere SMPN 1 Bajawa Reg. NAGEKEO SMPN 1 Mauponggo KAB MANGGARAI SMPN 2 Ruteng
Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 27 KAB NGADA Bajawa
Mauponggo Jl. Pelita Waepalo Ruteng
106 Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
SMAK Setia Bakti Ruteng SMAK St. Fransiskus Saverius
Jl. Pelita No. 3 Ruteng Jl. Pelita Tromol Pos 801 Ruteng
Reg. SUMBA BARAT SDI Taboludara
Kel. Weekarou Kec. Loli Waikabubak
11.2 The Province of Aceh No School Name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Hilmiyati, S.Ag Dra. Rosmawati, M.Si Yusfaini
MIN Lhong Raya SDN 1 Kuta Raja SDN 22 SDN 25 Lamprit SDN 3 Peuniti SDN 32 Beurawe SDN 53 Lueng Bata SDN 54 Tahija SDN 57 Syiah Kuala SDN Sibreh SDN Lamkunyet MIN Lamjampok SDN 1 Peukan Bada SDN Garot MIN Lamrabo MIN Bukit Baro MIN Keutapang 2 SDN Neuheun SDN Lam Ujong SDN Leupung 26 SDN Bukit Baro SDN Dham Ceukok SDN Gle Bruek I SDN Gle Bruek II SDN Kulu SDN Krueng Kala SMUN Lhong
Dra. Siti Fachriah Hanum Drs. Tarimin Drs. Nazaruddin Hj. Nina Aryani, S.Pd Drs. Nazaruddin Yulidar Ar, S.Pd T. Nawawi T Said M. Nasir Hj. Zulfinar Anita, S.Pd Iskandar Nurhalina Bapak Agus Drs. Mardiana Drs. Nurhaidah Marzuki Harsuni, S. Pd Hj. Mutia, S.Pd Syamsyiah Jam’an Uji Warni Rosma Ys Yusmizar
Cellphone Number 0813 6280 6974 0812 6923 381 0813 6012 8875 0819 7391 9344 0813 6000 8759 081360221269 0819 7391 1352 0852 7771 2716 0812 6916 716 085260272858 0852 6030 8080 0852 7791 3064 081269791414 081269006073 085373330603 0812 692 7260 085297420216 081360693636 0812 6900 768 0812 6930 382 085260300518 08126253753 081362742239 085260606399 085260229020
Address Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Banda Aceh Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar Aceh Besar
Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development
108 Local Planning and Budgeting Processes: Promoting Increased Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Local Development