Lesson 11 Cuaca/ Hawa dan Iklim Weather and Climate
In this chapter, you will be introduced to the climate of Indonesia and the vocabulary one commonly uses in discussing the weather.
Cultural Notes The weather in Indonesia is often described by the word “enak,” which literally means “delicious.” Indonesians use the word enak to mean anything that is good. Because the Indonesian islands straddle the equator, the weather is always hot and humid. Consequently, there are only two seasons: the hot season and the wet season. The hot season lasts from May through October, while the wet season lasts from November through April. The temperature ranges from 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) to well above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), with extremely high humidity. Indonesia uses the Celsius scale for temperature readings.
Because of the almost constant heat and humidity, Indonesian people usually take a bath twice daily. Despite the heat, Indonesian women do not wear shorts and tank tops like their Western counterparts. Wearing scant clothing is not considered appropriate for females. Women clad in bikinis are a rare sight on the beaches in Indonesia. Males may wear shorts, but not on formal occasions. Umbrellas are used on both rainy days and on hot and sunny days. Most women use umbrellas to protect their skin from the sun. Rice is at the very center of the Indonesian culture, and the climate is ideal for rice cultivation. One can trace the cultivation of rice back 5,000 years to the nomadic Malay people. They began cultivating rice in the fertile ashes of burned forests as well as on the slopes of volcanoes. Rice is grown virtually everywhere around the country, especially in the province of Java.
1. Look at the pictures below and listen to the weather terms as they are spoken aloud. Repeat the words after the speaker.
hujan es
angin topan
badai salju
2. Familiarize yourself with the following weather terms. Rainy Sunny Cloudy Partly cloudy Freezing Clear Degree Hot Cold Warm
Berhujan Bermatahari Berawan Agak mendung Membekukan Cerah Derajat Panas Dingin Hangat
hujan angin ribut
Humid/Moist Dry Wet Cool Overcast Weather Weather forecast Weather report Windy Winter Spring Summer Fall/Autumn High Temperature Low Temperature Highs In the thirties Lows Upper Mid Lower Air To fall Leaves Tree To change color To begin/ To start To descend To increase To become Rainfall
Lembab Kering Basah Sejuk Cuaca mendung/ Berawan Cuaca/ Hawa Ramalan cuaca Laporan cuaca Berangin Musim dingin Musim semi Musim panas Musim gugur Suhu tinggi Suhu rendah Ketinggian Tiga puluhan Kerendahan Diatas Ditengah Dibawah Udara Jatuh Daun-daun Pohon Berubah warna Mulai Turun Bertambah Menjadi Turun hujan
Grammar Note The prefix ber can be added to nouns and verbs. When added to nouns, its function is to convert the noun into an adjective. matahari (sun) -- bermatahari (sunny) hujan (rain) -- berhujan (rainy) angin (wind) -- berangin (windy) awan (cloud) -- berawan (cloudy) The possessive pronoun nya (hers/his/ours/theirs/its) can also serve as the article “the” in English.
Cuacanya baik. Daerahnya berangin.
The weather is nice The region is windy.
3. In this exercise you will learn how to ask about the weather and give some typical responses to weather questions. Repeat the following questions and answers about the weather. How is the weather? Bagaimana cuaca?
It’s sunny/rainy/snowy. Cuaca bermatahari/ berangin/ bersalju.
How is the weather? Bagaimana udaranya?
It’s hot/warm/cold. Udaranya panas/ hangat/ dingin.
How is the weather? Bagaimana hawanya?
It’s clear/foggy/overcast. Itu cerah/ berkabut/ mendung.
4. Listen to the following short dialogues and match each to a picture below. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. Bagaimana cuacanya hari ini? Ini sedang hujan. Bagaimana besok? Mendung tapi tidak akan hujan. B. Berapa suhunya? Kira-kira 22 derajat Celcius. Hangat dan cerah. C. Bagaimana cuacanya diatas sana? Ini sedang turun salju. D. Apakah bermatahari? Tidak, berkabut dan dingin!
5. Read the descriptions below and match them with the seasons. Check your answers with the Answer Key. Cuaca di musim semi mungkin bermatahari atau berhujan. Suhunya lebih hangat.
Musim panas
Hawa di musim dingin adalah dingin dan bersalju. Suhunya sering dibawah membekukan.
Musim semi
Cuaca di musim panas adalah panas dan kering. Kadang ada hujan badai di siang hari.
Musim dingin
Udara di musim gugur adalah sejuk dan cerah. Daun-daun di pohon mulai berubah warna dan berjatuhan dari pohon.
Musim gugur
6. Listen to the following weather report and answer the questions below. Pause or replay the audio if needed. Check your answers with the Answer Key. Play Audio A. For what city is this weather report? _______________________________ B. For what date is this weather report? _______________________________ C. What will be the high and low temperatures for the day? _______________________________ D. Is rain expected? _______________________________ E. Is wind speed mentioned? _______________________________
End-of-Lesson Tasks
1. Listen to the following weather report for some cities in Indonesia. Fill in the weather and temperature (in English) for each city in the chart below. See the Answer Key for the written version of this weather report.
Vocabulary Air Clear Cloudy Cold Cool Dry Fall/Autumn Freezing High temperature Highs Hot Humid/Moist In the thirties Leaves Low temperature Lower Lows Mid Overcast Partly cloudy Rainfall Rainy Spring Summer Sunny Temperature Temperature: To become To begin/ To start To change color To descend To fall To increase Tree Upper Warm Weather Weather forecast Weather report Wet Windy Winter
Udara Cerah Berawan Dingin Sejuk Kering Musim gugur Membekukan Suhu tinggi Ketinggian Panas Lembab Tiga puluhan Daun-daun Suhu rendah Dibawah Kerendahan Ditengah Cuaca mendung/ Berawan Agak mendung Turun hujan Berhujan Musim semi Musim panas Bermatahari Suhu Derajat Menjadi Mulai Berubah warna Turun Jatuh Bertambah Pohon Diatas Hangat Cuaca/ Hawa Ramalan cuaca Laporan cuaca Basah Berangin Musim dingin
Answer Key Exercise 4 A. How is the weather today? It is raining. What about tomorrow? Overcast, but it is not going to rain! A. Bagaimana cuacanya hari ini? Ini sedang hujan. Bagaimana besok? Mendung tapi tidak akan hujan B. What is the temperature? It is about 22 degrees Celsius! It is very warm and clear. B. Berapa suhunya? Kira-kira 22 derajat Celcius. Hangat dan cerah. C. How’s the weather up there? It’s snowing! (lit., the snow is falling) C. Bagaimana cuacanya diatas sana? Ini sedang turun salju. D. Is it sunny? No, it’s foggy and cold! D. Apakah bermatahari? Tidak, berkabut dan dingin! Exercise 5 The weather in winter is cold and snowy. Temperatures are often below freezing.
The weather in spring may be sunny or rainy. The temperatures are warmer.
The weather in summer is hot and dry. Sometimes there are thunderstorms in the afternoon.
The weather in autumn is cool and clear. The leaves on the trees begin to change color and fall off the trees. Cuaca di musim semi mungkin bermatahari atau berhujan. Suhunya lebih hangat.
Autumn Musim panas
Hawa di musim dingin adalah dingin dan bersalju. Suhunya sering dibawah membekukan.
Musim semi
Cuaca di musim panas adalah panas dan kering. Kadang ada hujan badai di siang hari.
Musim dingin
Udara di musim gugur adalah sejuk dan cerah. Daun-daun di pohon mulai berubah warna dan berjatuhan dari pohon.
Musim gugur
Exerscise 6 Ini adalah ramalan cuaca untuk kota Jakarta pada tanggal 31 bulan kedelapan. Pada pagi hari turun hujan dan suhu sekitar 25 derajat celcius. Udara lembab dan hangat. Sore hari akan bermatahari dan cuaca cerah. Suhu akan menjadi sekitar 30 derajat celcius dan udara akan bertambah lembab. Malam hari akan mendung lagi tetapi tidak akan turun hujan. This is the weather report for Jakarta on August the 31st. Rain in the morning and the temperature will be about 25 degree C. The air is humid and warm. This afternoon will be sunny and clear. The temperature will be about 30 degree C and the humidity will increase. Tonight it will be cloudy. A. For what city is this weather report? Jakarta. B. For what date is this weather report? August 31. C. What will be the high and low temperatures for the day? The high will be in the 30s, and the low will be in the mid 20s (Celsius). D. Is rain expected? No. E. Is wind speed mentioned? No. End-of-Lesson Task 1 a. Kota Bandung akan turun hujan di malam hari dengan suhu sekitar dua puluh lima derajat Celcius. b. Di kota Ambon akan ada badai angin ribut dan suhu akan turun menjadi sekitar dua puluhan derajat Celcius. c. Minggu ini, kota Jakarta akan bermatahari dan cuaca menjadi tambah panas, suhu diatas tiga puluhan derajat Celcius. d. Di puncak gunung Trikora, di kota Jaya Pura, Irian Jaya, akan ada badai salju dengan suhu akan turun menjadi sekitar sepuluhan derajat Celcius. a. It will rain in Bandung with the temperature about 25 degree C. b. Ambon will have some storm and the temperature will go down to about 20 degree C. c. This week, Jakarta will have some sun and the weather will be very hot and will reach about 30 degree C. d. On the top of Mt. Trikora, in Jaya Pura, Irian Jaya, there will be some snow blizzards with the temperature in the low 10 degree C.